How to change language in photoshop cs6. Online school of digital arts

It is impossible not to know about Photoshop in the 21st century. At least once in a lifetime young users social networks resorted to editing their photos in a program from Adobe. This powerful graphics editor has an amazing set of features and tools. But if this is not enough for the user, the program can be diversified with additional tools downloaded from the network. But it will be difficult to use them if your interface is in English!

Just as a person’s imagination has no limits, the variety of plugins for the application is quite wide. But in order to fully work in the program, it will be useful for many to know how to change the language to Russian in Photoshop CS6, so as not to use a dictionary every time! For example, the ability to add fonts and additional plugins to the program is an indispensable feature, but it visually complicates the understanding of the program interface.

But everything is not as scary as it seems! Once you start to figure out how everything will fall into place. Of course, an important obstacle to realizing yourself as a Photoshop master will be the language in which the program is released. Not all photo editing enthusiasts are English speakers, so let's get down to business!

Changing the language in Photoshop CS6 and CS5

Not knowing English creates a problem. In addition, when installing Photoshop from the official website, it is impossible to change the language to your native one. This causes confusion and a desire to quit what you started. But if a person is determined to work, then any task becomes feasible. Translating every word of the interface is a long task. Therefore, trying to change the language is the best option.

Changing the language interface of Photoshop

If you follow the instructions, changing the language of the photo editing program is very simple:

  • First you need to launch the application.
  • On the right top corner Above the toolbar, click on the Edit section.
  • Next, select the Preferences section, which will appear in last line the context menu that appears.
  • After hovering over Preferences, another dialog box will appear on the right; in it, click on the Interface section.
  • In the window that opens, find the Text section in it; from the UI Language pop-up menu, click on required language, click OK.
  • Restart the program, after which the language in it will be changed.

Photoshop in Russian will make it easier to learn how to work in the editor. You can learn from video tutorials first principles work with this program.

But if the user's goal is to receive high level professionalism in working with Photoshop, then English language still have to learn. After all best recommendations, as well as video courses filmed and written specifically on this foreign language.

Benefits of learning English for Photoshop

It is worth noting that there is a lot of information to study the editor. AND a large number of Articles with videos are published in Russian. But the problem is that even these Russian lessons often use instructions and screenshots with an interface in English. Sections of the program in a foreign language voiced in the video will not only be partially disorienting, but also cause general difficulties in learning. The quality of training lessons in Russian is also important. More often than not, it leaves much to be desired. Possible reason This is due to the incompetence of our compatriots.

The decision to change the language depends on the student's goal. If it is only important to familiarize yourself with Photoshop and study the basic principles of editing, then you can safely change the language according to the instructions provided and look for suitable lessons that use the Russian interface as an example. But if you plan not just familiarization, but in-depth study and growth in the knowledge of graphic design, it is better to leave the program in its original position.

The desire to improve your English will appear if you have a great desire to study Photoshop, the possibilities of which are limited only by human imagination and skills. Moreover, the user will not have to learn English ideally. Suitable for Photoshop First level knowledge of the language.


And, by the way, if, after all, the choice fell on changing the interface language, but your version of the program is not CS6, but, for example, CS5 or CS4, then changing it is just as easy. Cardinal difference latest version from the older one no. The addition of a few new features and a darker program window are all that set them apart. Photoshop developers have come to the conclusion that a dark background is more pleasing to the eye, compared to light backgrounds in previous versions.

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Many people have heard about the photo processing program Photoshop CS6. This tool offers simply enormous opportunities for both professionals and amateurs. But if a person who has known this program for a long time can easily work with the English interface language, then a beginner, even despite the possible good knowledge English, it will be difficult to understand all this. We bring to your attention a simple and effective method, how to change the interface language in Photoshop CS6 from English to Russian.

Step by step guide

    1. Download the archive with the crack at this link.
    2. Unzip the contents of the archive to any location on your hard drive.
    3. Open the contents of the unzipped folder and run the file AddLang_for_Photoshop_CS6.exe.
    4. During installation, the installer will prompt you to select languages ​​for installation. Check the boxes next to the ones you want to install. Click Next.

    1. Once the language pack installation is complete, launch Photoshop CS6. Press and hold the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+K , select from the list on the left Interface, then below in the section Text in field UI Language change the language to the desired one.

Ready. Now the Photoshop CS6 you are using will change the interface language to the one you selected.

Users who often deal with images are wondering about changing the language in Photoshop to Russian or English.
Of course, without that, with one of the best and professional editors working with images is not so easy, because here you need to take into account various functions, which in Russian may sound somehow different, but in a foreign language may be completely incomprehensible, which leads to additional inconvenience.

We'll look at how to change the program language below.

1. Determine the version of Photoshop

To find out the version installed on your PC, do the following:
- launch the application and wait for it to fully launch before the main window;
- find the item “ Reference", or " Help" Most often it can be found on the right side of the main panel;
- Next you need to find the item “system information”;

-in this window it will be highlighted special field with information about the program assembly. The first line tells about the basic data of the program, its version number and individual assembly identifier. This data can be copied and pasted into a search engine to find out more information about the installed version of Photoshop.

Once the version of Photoshop has been found, you can begin changing the language.

2. Changing the language in Photoshop - all versions

Below are instructions for changing the language of all versions of Photoshop.

Photoshop CS1/CS2
Older versions of the image editor have a harder time changing the language than others. After all, the program's control panel does not include any tabs for controlling the interface language. At the stage of purchasing the program, the user had to indicate which assembly he needed, that is, with which language.

The first and second versions of Photoshop themselves reset these settings, which is a bug, but relevant to this day, since the developers called the assembly not relevant. Because of this, the program language from time to time becomes “English,” that is, the default language. To fix this bug, you need to find “photoshop” in the root folder.
Find the “Application Data/Adobe” directory and find the special .lng format files - by the way, they are responsible for the language and encoding this application. Find all the "en.lng" files and simply delete them from the folder; You should leave the “ru.lng” files, that is, those that relate to the Russian language.
It is best not to delete them forever, but temporarily, or simply move them to another location.

The actions described above must be performed while the program is in a disabled state. After the files have been deleted/moved, restart your computer and run Photoshop CS 2/1 again. Now, instead of English, the native Russian language should be automatically installed.

Photoshop CS3
Strange, but the easiest way to change the language included CS 3 - just uninstall and install Photoshop again. While the installation of Photoshop will take place anew, just turn the item to the language, select the one you need and install.
In order to change the language without reinstalling the program, you can find a crack for photoshop cs3 and install it, but this method can entail a lot various problems, Russifiers are not good, experienced users say.
Since such patches are not a product of an official manufacturer, no one is responsible for them. Often, Russifiers come into conflict with the antivirus, which means that in the future Photoshop will occasionally produce errors, “crash”, work poorly and, as a result, will not start.
But if you decide to install a crack patch, do it in regular folder photoshop programs Required. Afterwards you need to wait for the installation to complete and restart the computer.

Photoshop CS 4/CS 5
Already in CS 4 Photoshop, the language can be changed through the interface.
This is easy to do, find the tab “ Edit", after " Preferences", Further " Interface"And in the "Language" tab, that is, the language, select Russian.

It happens that the settings do not take effect immediately; you should restart the program to update the program interface.

Photoshop CS 6
The newest and most popular modern program Photoshop CS 6.
In it, the problems of CS 1/2 have returned, and now, there is a possibility that after the new launch of the program, it will become English-language.

It may happen that the character encoding is broken and will be displayed incorrectly, or not displayed at all. And that is why it is necessary to change the language, so that the system updates the encoding and fixes its bugs. You need to act in the same way as in the paragraph above.
- Launch the program and wait until it is completely open;
- Find the tab " Edit»;
- Drag the cursor to the item " Preferences", and wait for the list to pop up;
- you are taking " Interface».

- In the window that appears, find the required field, which is responsible for displaying the text, and then configure the interface language, as shown below.

- Restart the program.

Photoshop CS 2014/2015
Language settings in CS 2014/2015 programs can also be changed as in the previous version. All language settings can be changed through the "Interface". To change the text display, restart the program.

If the language has been changed, but nothing has changed, try doing it again.

Login to " Task Manager", and then find it in Photoshop processes and complete it. Now try to run the program again, and most likely it will be in Russian.

3. Changing the language in Photoshop online

There are not many popular services on the World Wide Web that distribute Photoshop online, these services are: and They are completely free, and you can perform actions on them without being registered.

The site itself can determine the browser language and, by referring to the language, it will change the interface in the program. But if this does not happen, you will have to change the language yourself. To do this, go to the “Edit” item, and then go to the “Language” tab, where you select the desired option.

On another site, Online Photoshop, use the same “Language” tab.

Today, probably, only the lazy do not know what it is Adobe Photoshop, or didn't try something in this graphic editor create or edit.

Users who have installed the editor for the first time are wondering whether How to set the Russian language in Photoshop CS6. This is a truly powerful editor for creating both raster and vector graphics. It has a huge range of different tools - both standard and separately installed. These are various plugins, brushes - just a huge number of different brushes that can be downloaded on the Internet. Or you can create them yourself right here and save them for later work. It all depends only on the user’s imagination.

How to set the Russian language in Photoshop CS6 after installation

Photoshop has the ability to load different fonts, gradients, and more. At first glance, the Photoshop interface, or more precisely, the variety of menu items, tool settings and buttons, can be intimidating. But everything is not as scary as it might seem at first. Initially, when installing Photoshop, there is no option to set the Russian language, which causes some difficulties for users who are unfamiliar with the English language.

Step-by-step instructions for changing the language of the Photoshop interface

So how to set the Russian language in Photoshop CS6?

  • It's very simple - launch the application.
  • In the upper right corner of the program interface, click on the Edit button.
  • In the dialog box that opens, look at the very last line - Preferences.
  • We point the mouse at it - the following context menu will open, in which we click on Interface.
  • We look at the center of the window that opens. In the Text column, select UI Language - switch to Russian, reload Adobe Photoshop. After the reboot, the interface will be completely Russified.

Now you know how to turn on the Russian language in Photoshop CS6, but if you decide to seriously engage in editing or design, then knowledge of English will be a must. Since the most best courses and video lessons are filmed in English.

It's better to learn Photoshop in English

There are, of course, a lot of lessons online - both text and video - in Russian, but even these Russian-language lessons very often use Photoshop with an English interface. Therefore, if you translate “Photoshop” into Russian, then during training you may have some difficulties with perceiving the names of tools and menu items that will become familiar to you in Russian, and during training you will pronounce their English names. But also the quality of these same lessons often leaves much to be desired. If you are worried about how to set the Russian language in Photoshop CS6, then it is better not to do this. Firstly, there will be an additional incentive to improve or study English. Secondly, unfamiliar names of buttons and tools will be easier to perceive. Which, by the way, you will very soon get used to as you study various material about “Photoshop” from the Internet.

For Adobe versions Photoshop CS6 how to make Russian language clear. And if you have an older version, CS5, for example, then there is nothing complicated here, the interface is not fundamentally different. Several added to CS6 additional functions and the style of the window itself was changed to dark gray. According to the developers, this dark style is more pleasant and does not strain the eyes, unlike the light interface that was CS5.