Article from Curriculum Perspective magazine. Basic principles of "Perspective" for elementary grades

Parents of future first-graders think about the education of their children long before the first and most memorable Knowledge Day. Looking for the right one educational program Many people’s heads are spinning: how to choose one that will help develop the child’s personality and at the same time meet all the requirements of state elementary school standards? According to reviews, the “Perspective” program is what is needed for the comprehensive and comprehensive development of the student.

Creators of the complex

Perhaps we should start with the fact that this educational project relates to traditional system teaching primary school children. The complex was developed in 2006. By educational materials and the initiator of the creation was a teacher with many years of experience, doctor pedagogical sciences Lyudmila Peterson. Together with the Prosveshchenie publishing house and young scientists, she managed to create a unique school program.

Reviews about “Perspective” for elementary school are not always rosy, but, as you know, any project always has its critics and admirers. It is no coincidence that the authors of the program had to face difficulties in obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For this reason, certain materials had to be replaced and modified in 2014, after which all stages of approval of the curriculum for the Perspective primary school were completed. Feedback from those parents whose children have already studied using the updated educational and methodological complex deserves attention.

How do parents rate Perspective?

In general, the project has more positive than negative feedback. The most important thing that students’ parents note primary classes- their children are interested in learning. In contrast to this opinion are dissatisfied mothers and fathers who believe that any experiments with educational forms are doomed to fail. Next, we will take a closer look at the features of the school program for the “Perspective” primary school. Reviews 2016 or more early period really helps to get an idea of ​​it training course V general outline, but you can objectively understand whether it is worth sending your child to study in this program only by delving into its content and principles.

What disciplines are included in the program

Like any other traditional projects, Perspective has the necessary theoretical and practical basis. Primary school students are trained in the areas of philology, mathematics, social studies, art and modern technologies. Textbooks from the following authors help them with this:

  • “ABC” for 1st grade and the course “Russian language” by L. Klemanova.
  • “Mathematics” by G. Dorofeev.
  • “Literary reading” by V. Goretsky.
  • “Informatics” T. Rudnichenko.
  • « The world» A. Pleshakova.
  • “Technology” by N. Rogovtseva.
  • “Physical Education” by A. Matveev or I. Viner (teacher’s choice).
  • “Fine art” by T. Shpikalova.
  • “Music” by E. Kritskaya.
  • "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics» A. Shemshurina.

All teaching aids are written in an accessible manner and are easily understood by children, judging by the reviews of parents.

The “Perspective” program for primary schools in 2017 offers the study of several foreign languages ​​at once:

  • English - in standard or advanced courses in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as in the textbooks “In Focus” by Yu. Vaulina and “Star” by K. Komissarov;
  • French - based on the project by N. Kasatkina “In Perspective” or A. Kuligina “Your Friend the French Language”;
  • Spanish and German according to classical programs.

All textbooks and manuals that are included in the school program “Perspective” for elementary school, according to teachers’ reviews, are designed for children with different levels of training. The educational materials have undergone the certification procedure for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the National Educational Institution, having received the appropriate reviews from the Ministry of Education.

Basic principles of "Perspective" for elementary grades

The goal pursued by the creators of the program is to provide the teacher with the opportunity to fully develop children and their individual abilities. At the same time, Perspective has its own principles of conducting educational process in junior school. These include the following provisions:

  • continuity of learning;
  • accounting personal qualities students;
  • formation of a child’s worldview, complete picture what is happening;
  • the presence of a worthy visual example for schoolchildren;
  • maintaining physical and mental state students.

It is interesting that Lyudmila Peterson based her educational project on the system of activity approach she had previously developed. By the way, in 2002, the President of the Russian Federation awarded Peterson the State Prize in the field of education.

To give the child universal skills and abilities, to develop his ability to set goals for himself the right goals, solve problems and be responsible for results - this is the essence of the “Perspective” program for elementary schools. Reviews from teachers indicate that introducing the complex into the educational process is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to teach your child to study and discover new knowledge on his own, and not to provide him with ready-made information. The basis for this activity-based methodology of the school curriculum are several areas. Let's devote a few words to each of them.

I want to learn!

The teacher must maintain and constantly stir up the child’s interest in everything unknown, develop it cognitive abilities exciting tasks, instill the ability to plan your actions and achieve your goals, objectively evaluate results and correct mistakes.

A healthy body means a healthy mind!

During the educational process, it is extremely important to simultaneously teach the child to take care of himself and observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions. In addition, in their reviews of the school program “Perspective” for primary schools, teachers note that it is important to lay in the child’s perception the foundation of moral values, manifested in the ability to empathize, care about others and protect nature.

I am at peace, peace is within me!

This principle helps the child build his own “I”, including getting to know himself through the prism of moral principles in society, improving communication skills (freely dialogue, be able to listen to others, identify suitable sources of information, work with a book, etc.) .

What teachers say about this complex

Teachers are of the same mind in their conclusions about Perspective: teaching under this program can hardly be called difficult. If a child not only studies at school, but also devotes enough time to self-education, no difficulties will arise in mastering the material. Despite the fact that all children adapt completely differently to junior classes, as evidenced by reviews from parents, the “Perspective” program in elementary schools is universal. It allows the teacher to find individual educational approach to every child. To some extent, everything depends on the teacher rather than on the type of curriculum.

Judging by the reviews, few people criticize the Perspective curriculum for elementary schools. Of course, there are also shortcomings in it, or rather, shortcomings - apparently, the authors of the project got something wrong with the manuals and materials. Teachers and parents include the following imperfections:

  • Preparation of copybooks for first-graders. Students adapt to the proposed notebooks with difficulty, so capital and capital letters They write almost the same size.
  • Sequence of topics in the Mathematics course. Studying the multiplication table, according to the textbook, is planned earlier than familiarization with numbers up to 100.
  • Presence of grammatical errors in ABC.
  • Exercises and assignments in books do not always correspond to the topics being studied.

At the same time, in their reviews of the “Perspective” program for primary schools, teachers note that, for example, the course “The World Around us” is compiled in an unusual way, and children read the textbook itself with great interest. True, when doing homework on this subject, students rarely do without the help of their parents. Teachers did not ignore Mathematics, which is designed for children with different levels knowledge and degree of preparation. Any of the topics involves solving several problems in the lesson (from 4 to 6), and at the end of the paragraph there are olympiad-type tasks.

What skills does the child acquire?

The Perspective program for elementary schools, according to reviews from its creators, was developed according to three fundamental principles:

  • independence;
  • instrumentality;
  • integration.

The first presupposes the child’s ability in the learning process to use the proposed sources of information (textbook, reference book, dictionary, workbook etc.) to solve the assigned problems. Basic skills also help with this. business communication, which are acquired by children as part of mastering the material, role-playing games, pair work, joint tasks, and discussions. It is important that the teacher, revealing new topic, presented several possible solutions to the problem - this gives children the ability to continue to look at the same situation from different angles.

The principle of instrumentality implies the introduction of specially designed mechanisms into the curriculum that facilitate easier perception and mastery of the material. According to the authors, higher value What matters is not how much information the child has comprehended, but whether he is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. For this purpose, for example, each textbook has heroes, thanks to whom, from the first to the last topic of the course, the material is studied in a playful way.

The Perspective program is designed in such a way that every elementary school student can get a general and comprehensive picture of the world. The most striking example is the integrated course “The World Around us”. During lessons and doing homework, each child receives knowledge in geography, social studies, natural science, astronomy, and life safety.

Benefits of the program

The teaching aids of the Perspective complex, as teachers admit, have become real helpers for them. Each course has detailed classroom lesson plans. According to parents’ reviews, the “Perspective” program for primary schools in 2016 and 2017 pleased with the increase in educational materials: now each course, in addition to textbooks, is accompanied by a reader, notebooks for independent, test and verification work. It is also convenient that the annual process of studying any subject is conventionally divided into two parts - theoretical and practical.

What goals did the authors pursue when creating the “Perspective” program for elementary schools? According to feedback from teachers, the likely goal was to include in the project everything that would help the child in later life. After all, starting from elementary school, schoolchildren must learn to analyze their actions, comprehend their correctness and draw appropriate conclusions. Most existing educational programs are aimed at personal development. The creators of Perspective did not deviate from the main concept either. In the understanding of the creators of this project, students should develop creatively by regularly completing relevant tasks and participating in various thematic competitions.

And yet, if there are any significant differences between this educational complex from the rest, they lie in unprincipled nuances. The primary task of teachers working under this program is not so much the conduct of the educational process, but the ability to guide and motivate the child to in-depth study each item independently.

It is important that from the first grade children understand which of the human values above all. This concept includes instilling a sense of patriotism - for every schoolchild with early years hard work, respect for the rights and freedoms of other people, showing love and care for others, nature, family, and the state should be instilled. An equally significant role is played by the integration of the educational and cultural process. Moreover, it is important that the child knows not only about his national traditions, customs, but also remained tolerant of representatives of other cultures. Thus, a simple conclusion arises: the “Perspective” program teaches children to live in society and keep up with the modern world, but at the same time be fair, be able to protect and defend their position.


As you know, parents have the right to independently choose an educational institution for their child. Do you want your children to study in elementary school using the Perspective educational program? Reviews about this project often serve as a significant argument for most parents, despite the ambiguity of opinions. All training and metodology complex is a huge system of subroutines that are interdependent on each other. At the same time, each of the items - separate direction, an indispensable link in the educational activities of students. The program does not differ fundamentally from traditional projects that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. “Perspective” from the first grade helps the student to become more independent, but this does not mean that the child will not need parental help throughout the entire period of education.


The main feature of the complex is that work on its creation was carried out in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES), the requirements of which found their theoretical and practical embodiment in UMK textbooks"Perspective".

The educational and methodological complex “Perspective” (series “Academic School Textbook”) was created on conceptual basis, reflecting modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions classical school Russian education. The educational complex was developed within the walls of the Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The institute is headed by the head of the Department of Personality Psychology at Moscow State University, Academician A.G. Asmolov, under whose leadership theoretical and teaching materials, which are system-forming components of the Federal State Educational Standard and focused on the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions.

Methodological basis the new complex is system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows the learning process to be built as a two-way one:

§ learning as a means formation of universal educational actions and personal qualities junior schoolchildren;

§ learning as a goal - obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The educational complex ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, comprehensive development the personality of a junior schoolchild, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to formation of spiritual and moral values , getting acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting our homeland. The textbooks include tasks for independent, paired and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

It is used in teaching materials one system navigation for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan the student’s activities in the lesson, organize homework, develop the skill of independent work.

Educational and methodological set “Teaching literacy”. 1 class. A second: L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva. The literacy course is distinguished by its communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is active formation all kinds speech activity: skills to write, read, listen and speak, development of verbal thinking of first-graders, ability to communicate and understand themselves and others. Efficiency new system is provided with educational material selected in accordance with the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests, play and entertaining exercises, structurally figurative models of words that are inscribed in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented differently, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form. On the pages of the teaching and learning complex “Literacy Education” all conditions have been created differentiated approach for students with different levels of school preparation.

Educational and methodological set “Russian language”. A second: L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva (1st grade), L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina (grades 2-4). In the educational complex "Perspective" the system of teaching the Russian language is organically connected with teaching literacy and has something in common with it communicative-speech, cognitive and spiritual-moral direction. Features of the course - holistic view of language , which provides the study of the language system (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.

In this regard, language is considered as the most important means communication, cognition and influence, as a special sign system, where the sign is not a sound or a letter, but a word in the unity of its meaning and sound. The study of words and sentences as two-way units of language is carried out on structural-figurative models, in communicative speech situations and texts of various stylistic orientations, which significantly increases interest in language and speech, and promotes the conscious study of grammar and spelling. A new comprehensive approach to language learning develops functional literacy students, increases the level of their general culture and creative activity, teaches children to communicate and understand each other better.

Educational complex "Literary reading". A second: L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky. The main task of the educational complex “Literary Reading” is formation of the personality of a junior school student , acquaintance with cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. For this purpose, the textbook uses highly artistic texts and folklore works of different nations. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of culture verbal communication, development creativity students, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic standards, develops figurative and logical thinking of students and forms an interest in art among younger schoolchildren

work as the art of words. Categories « Independent reading», « Family reading", "Let's go to the library", "Our theatre", "Reader - educational", "Little and big secrets of the country of Literature", "My favorite writers" offer various shapes work with literary work, systematize knowledge and enrich the child’s practical experience; they present a system of working with the book both in class and during extracurricular activities. Children's education is built on a communicative and activity basis.

UMK "Mathematics". A second: G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova. “Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics” is the leading idea of ​​the teaching and learning instruction in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child’s personality. In this regard, the content of the material is focused on developing in younger schoolchildren the skills to observe, compare, generalize, and find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops divergent thinking, how essential component mental activity, speech culture and allows you to expand your understanding of the world around you using mathematics. Important is devoted to the development of students' numerical literacy, the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action. The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and operations with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing imaginative and logical thinking, spatial perception, imagination, intuition. Suggested by the authors practical tasks contribute to the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills, allowing students to apply them in various life situations and form a holistic picture of the world. Textbooks contain tasks different levels complexity, which allows the teacher to differentiate the educational process.

Educational and training complex "The world around us". A second: A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.

The guiding idea of ​​the course is the idea of ​​unity of the natural world and the world of culture . The surrounding world is considered as a natural-cultural whole, man is considered as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product. The course reveals the structure of the concept of “the world around us” in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, people. These three components are consistently considered at different sociocultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, Mother country etc.), thanks to which the main pedagogical approaches to master the subject: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented. The content of the course “The World Around You” contributes to the effective construction extracurricular activities younger schoolchildren, including project work, work with family. In this regard, at the end of each topic in the program there is a “Block of extracurricular, extracurricular work” with an approximate topic that any teacher can transform, taking into account the regional and local conditions in which a particular school is located.

UMK "Technology". A second: N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova. The main objective of the subject “Technology” is to create conditions for students to gain experience in design activities from concept to presentation of the product. Junior schoolchildren master techniques for working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, designer, study properties various materials and rules for working with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational actions in younger schoolchildren, allows the formation of specific personal qualities (accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), abilities to work with information and master basic computer techniques. The material in the textbooks is structured in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activities in different areas: Man and Earth, Man and water, Man and air, Man and information space. The textbook “Technology” has introduced a symbolic system for assessing the quality and complexity of a product, which allows for the formation of motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.

The teaching aids of the set are developed in accordance with the requirements of the standard of general education of the second generation and are aimed at creating a holistic picture of the world in the child, the harmonious development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs.
The set textbooks contain tasks varying degrees complexity, which gives the teacher a tool to implement a differentiated approach to each student. All Perspectives publications use an intuitive navigation system that helps the child navigate the educational material and creates conditions for parents to be included in the learning process.
All textbooks in the set have passed the examination of the Russian Academy of Education and are included in the federal list of textbooks approved for use in educational institutions.

Teachers working on this teaching and learning system made the following conclusions:

1. Methodological support “Technological maps” has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective”, which are published on the publishing house’s website. They clearly show how interdisciplinary connections are realized and meta-subject skills are formed.

2. UMK textbooks form children’s interest in the history of their family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, cultural heritage, labor activity etc. Included in textbooks theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks, which allow you to intensify the child’s activity, allow you to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, create conditions for the realization of the student’s creative potential.

3. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and imaginative thinking, imagination, intuition of the child, the formation of a value worldview and moral position of the individual.

4. Training using the “Perspective” set will allow each student to maintain self-esteem and interest in learning and discovering new things. The student's cognitive activity and initiative are encouraged. In textbooks, tasks are presented in such a form as to enliven cognitive activity, curiosity and cognitive interest child. The new system directs the child’s activity into the sphere of culture and free creativity.

Another advantage of the educational complex “Perspective” is that, while studying according to this program, the student discovers future topics of study in each lesson. Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form problematic situation, precedes their detailed study.

5. An important condition the success of the implementation of the Perspective program is individual approach to every student. Textbooks contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, providing the opportunity to vary tasks taking into account the student’s level of preparedness. The choice of tasks that lie in the child’s zone of proximal development (i.e., tasks that require joint work with the teacher and at the same time require the mobilization of one’s own efforts, allowing the student to experience a sense of success and pride in his achievements) makes learning truly developmental. Training in the zone of proximal development forms such personal qualities as determination, perseverance, self-confidence, and readiness to overcome difficulties.

6. Federal educational standard primary education does not involve evaluation personal results child development. Under personal development refers to the creation of conditions for self-knowledge, moral and ethical development, self-esteem. In the textbooks of the educational educational complex “Perspective”, much attention is paid to the moral and ethical formation of personality. In textbooks literary reading includes works that allow you to comprehend spiritually moral values, the content of the textbooks “The World Around us” includes materials of a cultural nature; this approach allows students to acquaint themselves with the concepts of tradition, values, national characteristics. tolerance. As part of the subject "Technology", which is built on the basis of project activities, students get acquainted with folk crafts, professions and crafts, production cycles, which forms positive attitude to work and “working people”.

(The “Perspective” textbook system successfully passed the federal examination for compliance with the 2009 Federal State Educational Standard, and received positive reviews from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Russian Academy of Education (RAO).

All textbooks of the “Perspective” system are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general education institutions for the 2013/2014 academic year.)

The educational complex of the “Perspective” program was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education in Russia. When creating the educational complex, not only the modern requirements of society were taken into account, but also the cultural and historical perspective of its development. The Perspective program ensures accessibility of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of material, comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. The educational and methodological complex of textbooks “Perspective” was created by a team of scientists and teachers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Federal Institute for Educational Development in close cooperation with the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”.

The uniqueness of the Perspective primary school kit is that it was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The first textbooks and teaching aids of the Perspective set began to be published in 2006. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences, methodologists and teachers are taking part in the work on the “Perspective” kit together with the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. The fundamental principles of the set are: humanistic, the principle of historicism, communicative and the principle of creative activity. This principled approach makes it possible to organize the learning process, on the one hand, for the purpose of obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the new standard, on the other hand, as a means of developing universal educational skills and personal qualities, i.e. child development and upbringing.

Ideological basis textbook system "Perspective" is“The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia”, aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, self-development, morality as the basis for a student’s successful self-realization in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

The didactic basis of the Perspective textbook system is didactic system of the activity method (L.G. Peterson), synthesizing, on the basis of the methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developmental education from the standpoint of continuity of scientific views with the traditional school (Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education dated July 14, 2006, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in field of education for 2002).

The methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is system-activity approach. It is the system-activity approach, which forms the basis of the “Perspective” set, that makes it possible to orient the teacher towards achieving personal and meta-subject learning outcomes for younger schoolchildren.

The achievement of these results is facilitated by the thematic unity of all subject lines of the set, expressed in the following theses:

- “I am in the world and the world is in me”: It is important that training contributes to the construction of the image of “I”, which includes self-knowledge, self-development and self-esteem, the formation of a person’s civil identity, the acceptance and understanding of moral and cultural values, and the rules of interaction with the outside world.

- "I want to learn!": the child often asks the question “why?”, he is interested in knowing everything and about everything. Our task is to maintain this interest and at the same time teach the child to independently find answers, plan his activities and bring them to completion, evaluate the result, correct mistakes and set new goals.

- “I communicate, which means I learn”: the learning process is impossible without communication. It seems to us extremely important to build the learning process as the improvement of subject-subject and subject-object communication, that is, firstly, to teach the child to freely conduct a constructive dialogue, to listen and hear the interlocutor, and secondly, to form an information culture - to find the necessary sources of knowledge learn to obtain information from various sources, analyze it, and, of course, work with a book.

- "In a healthy body healthy mind!": It is important here to preserve the health of students during the learning process, and to teach children to take care of their health themselves, understanding that health is not only a physical, but also a spiritual value. In this regard, the concept of health includes not only the rules of hygiene and the rules of safe behavior, but also certain value systems: the ability to empathize, sympathize, take care of oneself, about nature, about the people around them, to protect and honor what they have created.

The authors of the “Perspective” set reveal their stated theses through thematic areas: “My family is my world”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “Nature and culture - the environment of our life”, “My planet - Earth”, which integrate educational material from different objects and allow the child to more effectively form a holistic picture of the world.

Another advantage of learning using the Perspective educational complex is that the system for constructing educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a form that the child’s cognitive activity, cognitive interest and curiosity develop into the need to learn new things and learn independently. At each lesson, the student, as it were, reveals for himself the content of future topics. Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their subsequent detailed study. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking of the child, his imagination, and intuition. The textbooks systematically build theoretical material, to which are offered practical, research and creative tasks that allow you to intensify the child’s activity, apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student’s creative potential.

The next feature of the educational complex “Perspective” in the context of its compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is its great opportunities for solving educational problems. The implementation of the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the educational complex is aimed at the formation of a value worldview, education and formation of the moral position of the personality of a junior schoolchild. The teacher solves these problems in the process of discussing a system of issues, problematic and practical situations, texts aimed at nurturing the kindest feelings, love and interest in his family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples living in Russia, their cultural and historical heritage.

The basis of the information and educational environment for primary schools is the completed subject lines of the “Perspective” textbook system. Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, reading books, methodological recommendations for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD videos; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity-based teaching method; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; software for interactive whiteboards, etc.), Internet support and other resources for all subject areas of the Federal State Educational Standards curriculum (Federal State Educational Standards, section III, clause 19.3.). All this makes it possible to organize various types of student activities and effectively use modern methods and technologies for organizing educational work.

Another distinctive feature of the “Perspective” textbook system, which provides it with the status of the core of the information and educational environment for primary schools, is the developed special navigation system that allows the student to navigate both within the educational complex and to go beyond it in search of other sources of information. Thus, the “Perspective” textbook system is integrated into a single ideological, didactic and methodological system that helps the teacher meet the requirements of the modern educational process, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

A new methodological support has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective” - “Technological maps”, which help the teacher to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process. “Technological maps” are a new methodological toolkit that provides the teacher with high-quality teaching of a new educational course by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of a topic. The “Technological Maps” define tasks, planned results (personal and meta-subject), indicate possible interdisciplinary connections, propose an algorithm for completing the topic and diagnostic work (interim and final) to determine the level of mastery of the topic by students. The maps are posted on the Prosveshcheniye publishing house website in the “Perspective for Teachers” section. In addition, additional online resources have been developed for teachers and parents, including lesson plans, articles and comments, advisory support for teachers and parents (questions from parents and teachers are answered by psychologists, teachers, and authors).

In order to ensure the effectiveness of using the “Perspective” textbook system in the practical activities of teachers, a multi-level system of advanced training for teachers of different categories (primary and high school, teachers of preschool educational institutions, head teachers, directors, methodologists, teachers of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities, psychologists, etc.), creating conditions for their gradual development of pedagogical tools of activity-based learning both at the federal level (at the Center for System-Active Pedagogy "School 2000..." AIC and PPRO), and in the regions based on the principle of network interaction.

The created mechanisms for improving the quality of work of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on unified ideological, didactic and methodological grounds opens up prospects for a real transition of the school to the implementation of the new goals and values ​​of education and the construction of a unified educational space for teaching, upbringing and preserving the health of schoolchildren.

Every parent wants their child to receive a good education. Teachers make a big contribution to learning, but the choice of principal is still important. school program. Today, the “Perspective” program is becoming increasingly popular, with reviews written by many secondary education institutions.

"Full Assembly"

UMK, that is, an educational and methodological complex, is the name of the “Perspective” program. Feedback from teachers and researchers suggests that the training period includes everything latest developments in the field of pedagogy and psychology. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on preserving the old, one might say, Soviet traditions educations that have been recognized as the best of their kind. Teaching and learning is a combination of classics and new teaching trends.

Please note that “Perspective” is a school program (reviews of which are interesting to every parent), which combines the modern requirements of society, which are tacitly imposed on the child along with the cultural and historical development of society.

Thanks to the introduction of new methodological complex Every child will be able to understand the material. Over time, the load in educational institutions increases. In light of the fact that children have different mental abilities, new forms of education will make educational material accessible to any child. As a result, concise and clear presentation theoretical knowledge will help to significantly increase the level of education in small groups - classes, which will lead to mass interest in continuing education.

To others positive thing is that not only the formation of theory is influenced by the Perspective program ( Primary School). Reviews from teachers who have experience in implementing a training complex indicate that the system is aimed at developing the child’s personal qualities. The training complex takes it into account age characteristics, interests and needs corresponding to a given period.

The presence of a set of textbooks is implied by the Perspective program. Reviews from parents indicate that they are somewhat more expensive than others, but are fully justified. Development of each educational publication was carried out by a team of scientists pedagogical field. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences were involved; Federal Institute development of education, as well as the Russian Academy of Education. Of course, the Prosveshchenie publishing house is a direct participant in the creation of textbooks. The set of literature meets all the criteria for second generation education.

The need to create

What is the reason that gave rise to the need to create a new educational complex second generation? First of all, the primary factor is social needs that arose during the transition of society from industrial to post-industrial. Here it is necessary to mention the formation of the information type of life of humanity, where the emphasis is on scientific potential. Thus, the program at the Perspective school, the reviews of which we are considering, is aimed at innovative knowledge that in the future will give new inventions to humanity.

Another factor is surprisingly high tempo technical progress. note that Cell Phones appeared only at the beginning of the 2000s, but after a couple of years they were already transformed into powerful minicomputers. Historical experience shows that scientific discoveries separated by years, decades, but now the situation has changed radically. Information development applies to absolutely all areas public life. Any type of production can boast of patented technologies that are constantly being improved.

The age of rapid implementation of any idea has come. As a consequence of such progress, there is a need for continuous updating of theoretical knowledge. Accordingly, the education system provides not only an educational foundation, but also allows the individual to adapt to constant flow updated information. The “Perspective” curriculum, reviews of which were left by both developers and scientists in the pedagogical field, will give each schoolchild the skill “ fast learning» in any situation and any industry.

The essence of the new requirements

The “Perspective” program is presented for children with a difficult complex of knowledge. Reviews from many parents indicate that textbooks contain a lot of information that, in their opinion, their child does not need. And the essence of such high requirements The second generation training complex is as follows.

Firstly, as mentioned earlier, theoretical knowledge must be constantly improved and updated, while creating a strong foundation. The modern world dictates harsh conditions. It is quite possible that former schoolchildren You will need specific knowledge in the field of psychology, social life, and professional field. The learning complex teaches children independent search necessary knowledge. Thus, the individual will be prepared for various changes, including unfavorable ones, for example, dismissal and search new job, which man has never encountered. You may ask, why does a child need this? The answer is simple! It is during childhood that all the most important life skills are formed. Thus, from a very early age, a child prepares to think productively and reveal his talented personality to the world.

The Perspective program opens up new personality factors. Reviews about the training complex indicate a change in the meaning of the training system as a whole. A few decades earlier, the emphasis was placed exclusively on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Now this position shares a pedestal with the development of creative and mental abilities. There is now a vibrant paradigm of transition from theory to personality development. The goal of a qualitatively new education system is to activate socially significant skills and qualities along with the acquisition of knowledge and social experience. It is important not just to teach, it is important to be able to learn!

Objectives of the new teaching and learning complex (educational and methodological complex)

Like any training complex, the Perspective school program contains a number of fundamental tasks. Reviews from parents, as mentioned earlier, indicate an emphasis on the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual. In the process of mastering subjects, the spiritual, aesthetic, and moral principles of the student develop. As for specifics, the main tasks of the educational complex are:

  1. General development. This task is to form an image of the world. In the process of implementing this stage, each student learns the basic postulates of modern society, learns communication, and pays attention to certain patterns, for example, of actions and their consequences. In addition, the learner develops artistic image perception of things.
  2. Personal development. This task is very extensive and allows us to formulate unique qualities in a student - a citizen of Russia. Thus, the student learns that he is indispensable, gains self-confidence, tries to use those skills that are not so clearly expressed in other students, and develop talents. Personality education also includes a focus on creating civil society. This means that from childhood, the concepts and values ​​that are inherent in the child are formed. this type society. During the implementation of the task, the student gradually learns to make his own and independent choice and also bear responsibility for it. The skills of mutual respect for other people are formed, the ability to successfully adapt in a team, and also to be tolerant as one’s own. negative qualities, and to other people.
  3. Cognition. It is always interesting to study “life subjects”, the teaching of which is based on real situations. This is exactly what the “Perspective” program (1st grade) is focused on. Reviews from teachers, scientists, and parents indicate that children develop an interest in life, in knowledge, and in everything new. This task allows you to effectively connect the experience of life situations that children have already received in such early age, with theoretical knowledge of the textbook. The development of cognition allows us to develop creative potential child, artistic thinking, as well as forms of behavior in non-standard situations.
  4. Educational activities. Of course, along with personal development, no one canceled the acquisition of the required basic theoretical knowledge. So, in parallel with creativity the ability (namely the ability!) to obtain and assimilate knowledge is formed, turning it into skills. The ability for constant self-improvement also develops here.
  5. Communication. No communication in modern world don't build a career, don't get good position. The “communication” task involves developing the skill of self-organization and building interpersonal communication.


A theory is useless if its application is not found in practice. The Perspective program (initial) helps to develop certain skills. Feedback and reviews from developers allow us to identify a number of skills that will be used by students in the future:

  • Communication.

This skill is aimed at the formation and production of one’s own speech. Agree, if you cannot competently and clearly formulate your own thoughts, then a company with a vacant position is unlikely to be interested in you. In the process of developing a skill, the student learns to understand the speech of a friend, as well as control his own statements. Moreover, each child is taught to form phrases, depending on the situation and assigned tasks, as well as to perceive from the general flow of information that which he really needs.

  • Modeling.

Making plans and models of behavior will help not only organize activities, but also achieve high results both in the learning process and at work in the future.

  • Logics.

Building correct, competent behavior is possible subject to certain experience. Here students learn to compare situations, extract useful experience for themselves, and choose the decision that will most favorably affect the future.

As you noticed, the “Perspective” program, reviews of which are gradually filling the education system, creates universal skills that will be useful not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in student life, as well as in the process of work.

Where without principles: humanism

A number of principles include "Perspective" - ​​a program for elementary schools. Scientific reviews from teachers make it possible to formulate the basic postulates on which the educational complex is based.

The humanistic principle implies the comprehensive development of the individual in order to ensure a favorable future for the child. Along with this data, the principle implies the creation favorable conditions for learning and personality formation. Each student is guaranteed protection of his rights, recognition of the value of his personality, and respect for his dignity. is implemented regardless of the financial security of the family, as well as the social status of the child, his nationality and race.

The essence of the principle of historicism

The principle under consideration involves the study of subjects in the light of the cultural and historical development of society. The content of each discipline is built on basic principles that have successfully proven themselves over several centuries. A striking example is the structure of the presentation of the material, taking into account the laws of logic. In addition, historicism implies linking theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The teacher should help visualize the material in the child’s mind.

Communication principle

An important element of teaching and learning is communication, which includes the “Perspective” program (primary school). Feedback from parents allows us to judge the child’s improvement after several months of training in the program in question.

The communicative principle is considered in several aspects. Firstly, it acts as a subject of special study. IN in this case the emphasis is on oral and written speech, communication, the ability to listen and understand a partner. Communication also involves skillful resolution conflict situations. Secondly, in the process of communication between the student and the teacher, the emphasis is on fostering a culture of communication.

Creative activity

What direction of personal development is complete without a creative component? First of all, this principle encourages creativity and non-standard solution tasks. This kind of activity involves active participation in groups, productions, interaction with the team in the process of solving a creative problem: creating a scene, staging a number, and so on.

The “Perspective” (initial) curriculum has, as we found out, mostly positive reviews. The above principles and objectives are implemented by each teacher educational institution, who is responsible for educating the younger generation.

All features of training are revealed in additional materials: appendices and explanatory notes that are advisory in nature. First generation of guys junior school I have already completed training in the teaching and learning methods and, it is worth noting, have given the first fruits. Children successfully pass transfer exams and have also decided on future profession, began to better navigate difficult life situations. Considering that every child in the future needs to pass dozens of exams, not only educational, but also in life, “Perspective” is focused on raising a smart generation.