Razumovsky Institute of Technology and Management. Moscow State University of Technology and Management

MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) was founded in 1953 as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry. The decision to create a university was dictated by the needs of the development of sectors of the national economy - to secure professional personnel in the regions and at enterprises. That is why it was necessary to train young people on the job.

In 1991, a full-time (full-time) department was opened at the institute.

In 1999, the university was renamed the Moscow State Technological Academy, and in 2003 - the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Today, the university has the status of a leading Russian university that trains specialists for food and processing industry enterprises of various forms of ownership. In addition, the university was included in the ranking of the best food universities in the world.

At the origins of the university’s scientific schools were scientists such as Professor Georgy Gerasimovich Agabalyants, who developed the technology for the industrial production of “Soviet champagne”, Professor Natalya Petrovna Kozmina, who laid the foundations of the biochemistry of bread, Professor Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko, the creator of the scientific school of analytical chemistry. The departments of our university are named after these outstanding scientists.

Currently, the university trains specialists for a wide variety of sectors of the food and processing industry, because it is this industry that is developing at a rapid pace today, and income from the export of agricultural products is almost equal to that of oil and gas. Therefore, against the backdrop of a shortage of qualified personnel, technologists-graduates of our departments successfully find interesting, well-paid jobs and are always in demand by large enterprises.

The university provides students with a full range of in-depth knowledge, new ideas and successful technologies are mastered in close cooperation with reputable Russian research institutes and centers. Practice shows that university graduates not only quickly adapt to a market economy and work in a dynamically changing environment, but are also able to take part in the formation of new, efficient, high-tech economic clusters.

Over the years of the university's existence, the area of ​​buildings under the operational management of the university has been expanded 4 times. A sports and recreation complex was built. It was possible to significantly modernize the international activities of the university. Cooperation is developing with universities in China, India, Norway and Iceland.

Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of a major project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. That is why the university was named after Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky, a Cossack from Little Russia, the first Russian president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. New traditions have also emerged at the university. Each discipline includes a so-called Cossack component - that is, additional sections, topics and special courses within the framework of the federal educational standard.

In 2014, the university was renamed in accordance with its specifics: “First Cossack University” was added to the previous name.

In the field of Cossack education, to improve its quality, the system of continuous Cossack education has received significant development, and clusters of continuous Cossack education are being formed.

Clusters of continuous Cossack education are network educational partnerships organized by military Cossack societies, schools with Cossack cadet classes, colleges and the First Cossack University. The clusters implement a unified content of Cossack education according to levels of education and patriotic education based on the historical and cultural traditions of the Cossacks.

Focusing on regional problems of personnel training for food and processing industry enterprises, the university, within the framework of the continuous Cossack education cluster, opened training in secondary vocational education programs and gathered specialized colleges and technical schools around regional branches.

Thus, over the course of its history, the university has gone through a number of stages of formation and development, while one thing has been and remains unchanged - education of the highest quality for the success of the country.

Rector of MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky
(First Cossack University) Valentina Ivanova

General information:


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Company details:

Checkpoint: 770901001

OKPO: 02068812

OGRN: 1027700200494

OKFS: 12 - Federal property

OKOGU: 1322600 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75103 - Federal state budgetary institutions

OKTMO: 45381000000

OKATO:- Moscow, Administrative districts of Moscow, Central, Districts of the Central administrative district, Tagansky


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She is or was in the past a founder of the following organizations:

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 087102084420

Registration date: 28.09.2011

Name of the PFR body: State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 10 Directorate No. 2 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Tagansky municipal district of Moscow

URG entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 6117747910296


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 771400389277251

Registration date: 01.09.2018

Name of the FSS body: Branch No. 25 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

URG entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 6187749778639

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 04.10.2018

According to rkn.gov.ru dated April 26, 2019, according to the TIN, the company is in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 21.08.2018

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 200

Operator location address: 109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2010

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar region, Lipetsk region, Moscow, Moscow region, Omsk region, Penza region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Rostov region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Ulyanovsk region

Purpose of processing personal data: In order to assist in the optimal selection and implementation of educational programs, ensuring compliance with the rules of admission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the university, transparency and openness of the activities of the admissions committee. And also in order to ensure the fulfillment of labor relations between the employee and the university, the preparation of reports in accordance with current legislation.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: A Regulation has been developed on the protection of personal data of employees and students of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)". A policy statement regarding the processing of personal data has been developed. Employees of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Technical University named after. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)”, those directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, the requirements for the protection of personal data. Personal data is available to a strictly defined circle of employees, security and fire alarms are installed in the building, information on paper is stored in safes or locked metal cabinets, places for storing personal data are determined, physical security of the information system (hardware and storage media), providing for access control into the premises of the information system of unauthorized persons, the presence of reliable obstacles to unauthorized entry into the premises of the information system and the storage of storage media, accounting for all protected storage media using their markings and entering credentials in the accounting log with a note about their issuance (reception).

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, nationality, health status, For a University employee: 1. Employment information and general length of service 2. information about family composition 3. transport data 4. information about military registration 5. position held 6. criminal record 7. home telephone number, email address 8. place of work or study of family members and relatives 9. nature of relationships in family 10. content of the employment contract 11. composition of the declared information on the presence of material assets 12. content of declarations submitted to the tax office 13. copies and originals of orders on personal matters 14. personal files and work books of employees 15. grounds for orders on personnel 16 .files containing materials on advanced training and recertification of employees, their certification, internal investigations 17.copies of reports sent to statistical authorities 18.results of medical examinations 19.photos for personal files, employee IDs 20.recommendations and characteristics 21.administration and control Internet traffic 22.results of visiting the scientific and technical library of the university For a University applicant: 1.Medical certificate (086u) 2.Information about the results of the Unified State Exam 3.information about benefits 4.photos for personal file For a student (students of all forms of study) of the University: 1 .information about military registration 2.information about TIN, insurance certificates of state pension insurance and health insurance 3.photo of personal file, student card and record book 4.form of study, specialty, group number 5.data on academic performance and implementation of the curriculum 6. data on the contract for receiving educational services 7. data on issued documents on education received at the university 8. data on employment 9. information on incentives and imposed disciplinary sanctions 10. email address and identifier for access to the university computer network 11. results of medical examinations 12.administration and control of Internet traffic 13.results of visiting the university scientific library

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: Students and their parents (other legal representatives), Persons who are and have been in labor relations with the University, Individuals in connection with their conclusion of civil contracts, Other persons applying to the University.

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal basis for processing personal data: Guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2012 No. 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data when processing of personal data in information systems”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2008 No. 512 “ On approval of requirements for material media of biometric personal data and technologies for storing personal data systems.”

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

According to rkn.gov.ru dated April 29, 2019, according to TIN, he is the founder (co-founder) of 7 media outlets:

dateRegistration numberNameForm
14.08.2009 Economics and technology of food industry and aquacultureprint media magazine

MSUTU im. Razumovsky - The First Cossack University - opened in 1953. Over the course of half a century, the names of the university have changed. It was VZIPP - the correspondence institute of the food industry, then from the All-Union it turned into the Moscow State University - MGZIPP, then it became a technological academy - MGTA, and finally, in 2004, it received the name of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management.

Moscow knows MSUTU as a strong university with great potential for development. Highly qualified specialists in technological, economic, biological, mechanical and humanitarian fields are growing here in order to fully support the food and processing industry, fisheries and mass catering enterprises of our country.


MSUTU im. Razumovsky has a glorious history. In the fifties of the twentieth century, life itself dictated the decision to open a correspondence institute, because the need for specialists in the rapidly developing food industry at regional enterprises was very great. Moreover, professional personnel were needed immediately, and correspondence training was good for securing personnel in the field. This is how the main direction of MSUTU’s work was formed. Reviews from correspondence graduates confirm the correctness of the decision.

The twenty-first century, however, set other challenges for the university. The competition is very high, and the team began searching for a new model of software. The number of directions and specialties increased significantly, the number of full-time students increased, and the institute was reorganized into a university.

Now MSUTU receives feedback from enterprises grateful for the high quality of knowledge of graduates of this university. Today it is one of the largest universities - forty-five thousand students, star teachers. Academic traditions are being revived, and technology and management (MSTU) has always distinguished itself favorably from other higher educational institutions.


The scientific schools of the university were founded and raised by real scientists: Professor G. G. Agabalyants, who developed the technology of Soviet champagne for industrial production, Professor N. P. Kozmina, who was at the origins of the development of the biochemistry of bread, Professor Yu. A. Klyachko, who created the scientific school analytical chemistry. The departments of MSUTU are named after these legendary scientists. Feedback on the work of teachers and gratitude from graduates and students prevail over other topics.

Since 2010, the university began implementing a major project - targeted training of professionals in this profile from the Cossacks. Now more than two thousand Cossacks are studying here. It was due to this enormous work that the university was named after K. G. Razumovsky, a Little Russian Cossack and the first Russian president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Rector of MSUTU - V. N. Ivanova, laureate in the field of education, member of the General Council of the United Russia party, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor and confidant of V. V. Putin.

The science

The university has a very high level of scientific research, which helped in the development of the Technological Platform "Storage and Processing - 2030", where business and the Research Institute of Russian Academy of Agriculture are consolidated in order to create, in principle, new technologies for processing and storing agricultural raw materials, using environmentally friendly and

Another scientific core of the university, the International Business School of Energy Efficiency in the Food Industry (MSUTU - Schneider Electric), is entrusted with teaching the use of the latest scientific achievements in the energy sector, improving and expanding the knowledge base in the field of automation. There is hardly a university more worthy to find a solution to such a grandiose task than MSUTU.


The university has more than twenty branches, all of them support the main goal set by the team: change and improvement in line with the process of modernization of the country's industries and global changes in the entire HE system. Branches are spread out quite densely throughout the European part of the country - these are Unecha, Bryansk region, Ulyanovsk, Temryuk, Tver, Smolensk, Serpukhov, Svetly Yar, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Penza, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Meleuz , Lipetsk, Konakovo, Kaliningrad, Dimitrovgrad, Vyazma, Volokolamsk.

The branch of the Cossack University in the Rostov region, for example, is considered one of the leading universities in the region, where they train high-class specialists for the local industry - food and processing. It is here that they are especially needed - in the country's breadbasket: it is not for nothing that the local black soils are considered perhaps the best in the world, there is something to process and store. In the same branch, local personnel are forged for technical, technological, and economic areas in order to support the agro-industrial complex of the North Caucasus.

For applicants

Addressing the applicants, the rector of MSUTU V. N. Ivanova first of all thanks them for choosing this wonderful and beloved university, which in everything follows the motto of the K. G. Razumovsky family: “Increase glory through deeds.” And now those who are lucky enough to enter MSUTU will have to work on this path (the budget scores here are very high and are still growing, despite the fact that there are many budget places - 350, not counting beneficiaries). And luck smiles most often on those who have worked a lot beforehand.

Recently, the largest university, the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Light Industry, joined MSUTU. This happened both because the country is experiencing a demographic decline and because the economy is structurally changing. This enlargement suggests that MSUTU is now an educational institution of gigantic proportions, with many branches and literally an army of students - more than sixty thousand people.

Material base

No more than a dozen universities in Moscow can boast of a physical education complex that includes a swimming pool, and MSUTU is one of them. The university has excellent dormitories with all the necessary amenities structures.

Studying at this educational institution is accompanied by truly comfortable conditions, since the technical and material base of the university is being improved, prestige and authority are increasing. And of course, the level of technical conditions most of all influences the development of science, which MSUTU tirelessly takes care of.

The research abilities of young people must develop, open up new worlds of scientific conferences, Olympiads, and congresses, in order to join the scientific and professional elite of the world community over time.


To facilitate admission to MSUTU, training courses at the institute annually recruit groups of future applicants. The training lasts eight months, full-time, and is paid. Classes are held in the following subjects: chemistry, social studies, Russian language, literature, mathematics, drawing, computer science.

Test work is carried out systematically, which allows students to psychologically prepare for passing exams. Future applicants are taught by knowledgeable teachers who have extensive experience in both teaching and scientific activities, and authors of books and teaching aids. At preparatory courses, high school students receive the first skills of self-preparation, they are instilled with such qualities as determination and composure.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

Among the goals facing future scientists, first of all, is preparing a dissertation and obtaining a positive conclusion at the discussions of the department meeting. Then you have to defend it at the Dissertation Defense Council in order to receive the academic degree of candidate or doctor of science. Candidate's exams are intermediate certification of scientific personnel in graduate school of the university. MSUTU has three dissertation defense councils.

The doctoral program at MSUTU prepares highly qualified specialists in science and pedagogy for innovative and industrial activities. Doctoral students mainly study in the economic and technical fields of science. Acceptance both with budgetary funds and under contract. Doctoral studies at MSUTU were created to improve the qualifications of professors and teachers and conduct scientific research. Doctoral students' scientific advisors are leading university scientists. Enrollment is carried out by decision of the Academic Council of MSUTU.


The university has more than fifty successfully functioning departments. All of them are worthy of a detailed story about working with students, about scientific research, but this is impossible within the scope of the article, so we will focus on a few, chosen completely at random for greater objectivity.

Bioecology and ichthyology is the oldest of the departments of the university, which came here right in the year of its formation from the Moscow Fisheries University, which was transferred to Kaliningrad. Now it is the base department of MSUTU on the basis of the Institute of Fisheries.

Here, near the Kakhovskaya metro station, the most titled professors and teachers, with world renown names and vast practical production experience, work. The department has numerous awards of various, even the highest levels. Special disciplines and practices are given to students on the basis of specialized laboratories in the main areas.

Refrigeration systems

At the Department of Refrigeration Systems and Technologies of MSUTU, students receive specialties in many profiles and are employed in companies that are responsible for the development, design, and manufacture of refrigeration equipment of a wide variety of systems, as well as installation, operation and service of refrigeration equipment for both commercial and domestic spheres, systems conditioning.

Graduates of this department occupy positions of managers and engineers of refrigeration production. The country's food industry constantly requires such a plan of highly qualified specialists and MSUTU receives reviews with gratitude from everywhere. It should be noted that this department alone supplied the country with more than four and a half thousand highly qualified specialists.

Air conditioning and ventilation

In 2010, a new department spun off from the above-described department - air conditioning and ventilation. It was lucky to be founded not from scratch, but under the auspices of the Department of Refrigeration Technologies, and now it will train masters and bachelors in modern air conditioning, ventilation, as well as those technologies that use computer control of production processes, computer science and technological management.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the departments - “Technology of products from plant raw materials and perfumery and cosmetic products” and “Business technologies of meat and dairy products”, as well as to all the wonderful teachers who love their students and put a lot of effort into the educational process! Many of the pairings and labs were really very interesting and memorable!

I really like studying at this university, excellent teachers, especially I like the teacher Irina Petrovna Mitrofanova (Department of Quality and Innovation Management). Apply and get a great foundation!

How much how much?!) Hello. I want to tell you about the story of how an educational institution turned into an educational business. I studied at college for less than a month and lost 30 (!) thousand rubles. I decided to leave for good and healthy reasons. Those who study part-time and pay money, I’ll tell you, you are fucked in every way, this institute has a free correspondence course. Teachers directly state that you need to pay for extras in order to pass the exam. Some, for example, fall (I'm not kidding). Don't think...

At the end of June I was interviewed for a job as a teacher. I talked with Zh.N. Dibrova and some young man. The conclusions are as follows: they are looking for teachers at the university who would: a) engage in science and give concrete results; b) collaborated with enterprises in terms of organizing student internships and their subsequent employment; c) took part in advanced training of managers of various commercial structures and divisions. Comments for thought for those conducting...

What good can be said about the leadership of the university? Never mind! Ordinary employees of the sports and recreation center at the university are periodically and permanently delayed in their salaries! The rector is much more interested in installing a personal sauna than how employees will feed their families.

I graduated from this institute a long time ago, I thought I wouldn’t finish my studies. Constant pumping of money! You apply at a cost of one amount, and then it grows exponentially. Knowledge, for such money leaves much to be desired! After this university I entered a commercial institute, I really pay for KNOWLEDGE! Immediately, the objects are transferred, and then these objects are caught up (you have to finish reading according to the plan) without any explanation of the material. Some teachers themselves said to write positive reviews about this...

Thank you very much for the opportunity to study at the retraining center, specializing in personnel management. The learning process is organized according to a modular system, which is very convenient. It is possible to select the optimal training time. Excellent teaching staff. Special thanks to teacher Svetlana Leonidovna Talalaeva. We received a huge positive charge of knowledge that can be applied in practice. Very constructive, clear, informative and presented in large volume...

I am a 1st year student of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and TM, majoring 03/19/02 (Wine). I would like to say thank you to the teachers in inorganic chemistry for their interesting and informative lectures and laboratory work! More classes like this! Special thanks to the dean’s office for helping students!

I am a 3rd year student, CCI and TM. I would like to express my respect to the teachers of the Department of Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Because they invest in us not only knowledge, but also show that it was not in vain that they came to study here, that it was not in vain that they chose their direction! Artamonova Maria Petrovna puts her soul into us, Guchek Zhanna Leonidovna finds her own approach to each student (she will not leave anyone unattended), Bukhteeva Yulia Mikhailovna inspires colossal love for our further activities, Ganina Vera Ivanovna gives her last strength to our...

Thank you very much to all the teachers of the Department of Animal Origin: Artamonova Marina Petrovna, Guchek Zhanna Leonidovna, Ganina Vera Ivanovna, Bukhteevv Yulia Mikhailovna. They are very valuable, highly qualified employees, they treat all mistakes and shortcomings with understanding and help disciplined students.

I study at MSUTU and I really like it. The teachers are very good. Special thanks to Artamonova M.P., Bukhteeva Yu.M., Ganina V.I. and Guchok Zh.N.

I would like to draw attention to the quality work and care of managers for clients. For example, my case: due to illness, I missed the last 3 classes on CDP, it was very pleasant when, after a week and a half, the manager called me and invited me to come to the topics that I missed. I accepted this offer with great pleasure. During absences from classes, I was sent material based on the absences. I was also pleased with this bonus. Thank you. As for the courses themselves, all topics are learned very well. Liked...

Hello! I am a student of this educational institution, studying for a master's degree in the 2nd year of the Institute of Chamber of Commerce and Industry and TM on a correspondence basis. The session recently ended and I want to say a huge thank you to the teachers for the work they do, for the most interesting lectures and laboratory classes, for their attitude towards students (there has never been a refusal to help any of the guys from my group). Thanks to Olga Stanislavovna Voskanyan! Thanks to Anatoly Anatolyevich Slavyansky! Thanks to Svetlana Viktorovna Zhukovskaya! Thank you...

I studied at this university for 4 years. I would like to thank all the teaching staff from Shabolovka, who supported our course in every possible way. My review is not about this, but about what disgusting employees work in other buildings. I entered the master's program, at the exam in the direction they immediately asked if we had paid for training, I asked if it was too early, because we don’t know whether we will pass the exam or not, but everyone laughed (the teachers), and so I did, now the question is about at the beginning of the session, on the site, where so...

Good day to everyone reading. I would like to draw your attention to the work carried out by Marina Vladimirovna Dmitrieva: an exceptionally attentive approach to everyone! I attended her classes on 1C Enterprise 8.3 and was shocked by how many functions there are that we don’t know about and don’t know how to apply in life! I am infinitely grateful to a person like Marina. Her experience and warmth help you master the program in a short time. Good luck to you all!)

Irresponsible, incompetent employees of this educational institution. Irresponsible, incompetent employees of this educational institution will not even be able to provide you with your documents, let alone study. In the dean's office in the field of economics, management and law, there are irresponsible and incompetent employees, in particular, Anastasia Olegovna Kuzmina and Dmitry Vasilievich Trofimov, a methodologist. Who for some reason cannot or do not want to do their job. The staff of this...

Finally, I graduated from this terrible university and can write my own word! 4 years ago, I chose this university based on reviews. However, unfortunately, a lot has changed during this time. So, everything in order: 1. When in the 1st year we arrived at the university on Taganskaya metro station, we were given sheets of paper with the session schedule (on the first day of school) and were told that now in an hour we had classes in another building. And the whole crowd of us went to that building. Imagine our surprise when the building turned out to be one of the entrances of an ordinary...

Organization at the lowest level! They introduced “additional education”, the payment of which implies payment for tests/exams. Every single day there are huge queues at the terminal, students pay for “their knowledge.” There are a lot of subjects that don’t even relate to your specialty at all! From the 3rd year we studied in the evenings, and no one cared that they paid for full-time education. Regarding the increase in tuition fees, this is stability. In many other universities, this is not the case, despite inflation. Concerning...

If you study here, then expect that you will have to pay for any work, and if they give you knowledge, it won’t be very much.

Dear applicants and future employees, do not under any circumstances try to link your destiny with this OFFICE! There is complete chaos going on there! The management, in the person of V.N. Ivanova, N.S. Vinogradova, Zh.N. Dibrova and about 10 more people can safely be written, treat employees and students disgustingly. The educational process is completely disorganized, they want to pay salaries, they want not! Over the past 2 years, almost 60% of qualified teachers and staff have left!