Intelligence and stupidity. Quotes and aphorisms

I am a humanistically inclined person, so I am sure that stupidity is a temporary state of mind, something like infantile immaturity. However, I am unlikely to be mistaken if I assume that, due to their own stupidity, many people do not live as fun as they would like. And even more so to their loved ones.

But let's figure out what exactly stupidity is and how it can prevent not only those who deal with such a person from enjoying life, but also himself.

1. A fool talks only about himself

Any communication involves dialogue, and a mature person usually understands that this is a way of exchanging information. Exchange, not planting. It happens, of course, that a person needs to speak out when something has happened - it happens to everyone. But if we are talking about a pathological solo, when the interlocutor does not have the opportunity to get a word in, much less say anything, we are dealing with a fool.

And don't talk to me about the narcissistic personality. All that matters in this case is that the person did not understand that listening is an important resource in the process of gaining life experience. In addition, this quality is very valuable in friendly communication. And if I’m the only one listening, why not someone more interesting? There are a lot of smart lecturers now.

2. There are a lot of people, they are loud

Let me make a reservation right away: there are cases of special, loud charisma - but in such cases questions do not arise like “Or maybe he’s just a fool?” I'm not talking about them, but about those stupid people who often substitute intensity for the lack of depth and meaning.

Imagine: a restaurant, dim lights, people talking, someone working on a laptop, someone having a quiet romantic meeting. Here and there the sound increases slightly: they laugh, greet those who have come... And suddenly, among this cozy noise, there is the annoying voice of a lady who tells her interlocutor the details of her personal life. And no one present can stand aside.

The rules of etiquette, like the instructions for using a kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in yourself

We don’t want to listen, especially since it’s not interesting, stupid, flat... But this is how our brain works: we are forced to pay attention to sharp sounds, because life may depend on it. And now the entire restaurant is dedicated to the details of the divorce...

The lucky ones with a laptop are lucky - they have headphones and, glancing sideways at the violator of the sound mode, they rush to untangle the wiring. The couple quickly pays and runs away: everything is just beginning for them, and other people’s divorces are an extremely inappropriate topic. The lady orders more wine and gets even louder. And those who sit on the street terrace have already heard about her stupidity...

The rules of etiquette involuntarily come to mind. They, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in oneself.

3. A fool ignores the other person's needs.

Is he interested? Isn't he tired? Maybe he needs to step away, but he just can’t find a suitable break? In one breath, such a person fills the entire space. It can be especially difficult for sensitive people who are afraid of offending or being inappropriate.

The lack of need for feedback indicates an infantile confidence in oneself being right. Such interlocutors are like a child not yet endowed with empathy who cannot understand that his mother is tired of dragging him on a sled for the eighteenth kilometer. So, on the one hand, they seem to make it clear: “If you don’t like something, just say it.” On the other hand, yeah, try it, tell me. Paying the bill for your grievances - thank you, not today.

4. A stupid person is afraid of everything

I won’t go there - that’s where it is. I won’t go here - it’s there. However, the constant search for a zone of safety and comfort interferes with evolution. Any living mind of this evolution is hungry and finds ways to either independently come to terms with its own fears or seek help. It's stupid to let fears control your life.

There is also the other side of the coin - when a person rushes into battle without weighing the risks and without comparing them with his own strengths. How many stupid things have been committed on this courage! But this second type of “headless horsemen” is still closer to me than the waiters who fear everything.

By performing some action, a person gains experience, even a negative one, and some wisdom. And what experience and wisdom does a person have who stays within four walls and, out of boredom, experiments only with finding the best TV channel?..

5. A fool does not doubt his own attitudes.

In my opinion, this is the height of stupidity. Look at any field of science to see how ideas have changed over time. Something was considered true, undeniable, and then one discovery overturned the entire system of knowledge and past beliefs turned into dense delusions in one day.

In addition, rigid thinking, when a person does not know how to be flexible and take into account new knowledge, is a direct path to Alzheimer's. This is what modern research says. But who knows, maybe they'll change their minds...

6. A stupid person divides things into black and white.

Categorical attitudes, especially coupled with stubbornness, are another sign of stupidity. If you missed a turn, you have topographic cretinism. And that’s it, you will remain like this for the rest of your life. Failure to recognize undertones, peculiarities of context and situation is certainly not characteristic of smart people.

This text is an example of such a division. Dividing people into fools and smart ones is very stupid. After all, each person has his own story and experience, which led to the fact that at this stage of life a person speaks only about himself, does not check with the interlocutor, or is captured by fears.

Each of us can sometimes behave stupidly, so the best thing we can do is to pay attention to our inner life and give maximum goodwill to the world around us.

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A little psychological game and an opportunity to test your character traits. Before us is a picture completely divorced from reality. We don’t know why the people depicted on it do what they do, we can’t predict how it will end, we don’t even have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions. But this does not prevent us from forming a subjective opinion about what is happening. So the question is from website: Which of these four behaves the most stupidly, from your point of view?

Character #1

Most likely, you do not like to argue, “bust your ass” for the sake of some goals and conflict, even if the situation requires it. Such a peace-loving person, to the point of disgrace - you understand that sometimes you act weak-willed, but you still do it. But you are always honest and you have no enemies!

Character #2

Was there a time when you had to immediately regret what you had done? Was! You cut from the shoulder, are not afraid of difficulties, and do not notice them at all. But you also rarely think about the consequences, preferring to act rather than reason. And sometimes this leads to ugly actions.

Character #3

Surely your strong character trait is ingenuity. There are no hopeless situations, there are poorly analyzed ones, and if you work, then at full strength! And behind this surge of enthusiasm, important details that could influence your decisions are often overlooked.

Character #4

No one will ever be able to force their opinion on you, you simply won’t allow it. You may even make certain sacrifices in order to preserve your individuality and not follow the lead of others. Mainstream is a dirty word for you, and the prospect of making trouble in confrontation with society only provokes you.

Have you already understood the algorithm of this test? Yes, as an outside observer, we clearly understand the absurdity of what is happening in the picture. But we appoint a person of our own character to the role of the “main sufferer” - he acts as he is used to, but in this situation it is a mistake. And that’s why it immediately catches your eye, because you personally would most likely be in his place.

Incredible facts

Recently, another controversy broke out among Internet users, the source of which was a simple picture.

The task is simple: P look at the picture and tell me which of these four is the stupidest?

Your choices can reveal a lot about your personality.

Test: Choose the stupidest person in the picture

If you chose 1.

Unfortunately, you are one of the people who often give up. You believe that you cannot influence the situation and agree to the conditions that are offered to you. You never argue and generally prefer to behave quietly and peacefully, as quarrels and scandals upset you. You are a very kind and honest person.

If you chose 2.

You are one of the people who tend to make hasty decisions. You don't give yourself enough time to analyze the situation, so you make mistakes that could have been avoided. However, many people consider you to be quite stubborn.

If you chose 3.

You are an impulsive person who always goes to the end. You never give up and always fight for your rights to the last. You can become a great businessman as strategizing is one of your favorite pastimes. This is an area where you can really excel.

If you chose 4.

You are a real rebel. Sometimes you are ready to fight even against yourself, just to prove something. However, all these games prevent you from thinking rationally. You are a born revolutionary.

A fool who realizes that he is a fool is no longer a fool (F.M. Dostoevsky)

The most invincible person is the one who is not afraid to be stupid (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

A fool thinks that he is really smart, but a wise man knows that he is stupid (W. Shakespeare)

There are no more intolerable fools than those who are not completely devoid of intelligence (F. La Rochefoucauld)

There has never been a single great mind without an admixture of madness (Aristotle)

Thinking is the most difficult of jobs. Apparently that's why so few people do it (Henry Ford)

A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach (A.P. Chekhov)

It is much easier to become smart than to stop being a fool (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

Life is the most pleasant for people who think nothing about it (Sophocles)

As soon as a fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid to us (F. La Rochefoucauld)

There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else (F. La Rochefoucauld)

The brain is the organ with which we think we think (Bierce Ambrose)

By common sense, everyone understands only his own (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

Next to a fool there is always a rogue (Honoré de Balzac)

When we manage to outwit others, they rarely seem to us such fools as we seem to ourselves when others manage to outwit us (F. La Rochefoucauld)

The madman complains that people do not know him, the sage complains that he does not know people (Confucius)

Before God, everyone is equally wise - or equally foolish (A. Einstein)

Some people think that you just have to call everyone a fool in order to be considered smart (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

Ignorance is not an argument (B. Spinoza)

Flexibility of mind can replace beauty (Stendhal)

One of the misfortunes of a high mind is that it inevitably understands everything - both vices and virtues (O. de Balzac)

Nails are not made from good iron - a smart person will not serve as a soldier (Confucius)

Stupidity is one of the forms of manifestation of reason (Voltaire)

When a person speaks little, he seems smarter (M. Gorky)

He must be an ignorant man because he answers all the questions that are asked of him (Voltaire)

Not being surprised by anything is, of course, a sign of stupidity, not intelligence (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Superstition is dangerous. To allow its existence is even a certain cowardice. To be tolerant of it - doesn't this mean forever reconciling with ignorance, reviving the darkness of the Middle Ages? Superstition weakens, dulls (E. Zola)

Of two quarrels, the one who is smarter is guilty (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

There is no doubt that learning, just like travel and any other auxiliary means of education, perfecting a person with healthy mental abilities makes the fool ten thousand times more intolerable since it supplies his stupidity with a variety of material and gives him the opportunity to show his bad taste (Thomas Elva Edison)

Wit often borders on complete stupidity (E. Zola)

Maturity is often stupider than youth and even more often extremely unfair to it (Thomas Alva Edison)

Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupidity if you isolate yourself in your specialty and unfoundedness if you leave it (J.V. Goethe)

Only fools or charlatans know and understand everything (A.P. Chekhov)

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, but he who is too pleased with himself is stupid (Guy de Maupassant)

People of small minds are sensitive to small insults: people of great minds notice everything and are not offended by anything (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues)

Praise is good for the smart, but harmful for the stupid (Francesco Petrarca)

A fool is the man who always remains the same (Voltaire)

Only idiots and dead people do not change their beliefs. We are reasonable people and we change them (Benito Mussolini)

A fool has a great advantage over an educated man: He is always pleased with himself (Napoleno Bonaparte)

The fools are more stupid, the blind are more blind

Those who did not raise children (Sebastian Brandt)

Wise people ponder their thoughts, fools proclaim them (H. Heine)

Stupidity and vanity always go hand in hand (Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais)

Usually those who lack understanding think that they know more, and those who are completely devoid of intelligence think that they know everything (Giordano Philippe Bruno)

You cannot become a specialist without becoming, in the strict sense, a blockhead (George Bernard Shaw)

When a woman is angry, do not look for common sense in her speeches (Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais)

That power is in honor and strength,

Where common sense and law rule,

Where is the fool in power?

There is grief and misfortune for people there (Sebastian Brandt)

We often meet people whose learning serves as an instrument for their ignorance - people who the more they read, the less they know (Herkely Thomas Buckle)

Ignorance is the mother of all crimes. Crime is primarily unreason (Honoré de Balzac)

Among the young, only he avoids love,

Who has cowardice and stupidity in his blood (Muhamed ibn Ali As-Samarkandi)

Keep advice from the wise to avoid stupidity and so that your actions do not go astray from the right path (Muhamed ibn Ali-Samarkandi)

The difference between an educated and an uneducated person is the same as between the living and the dead (Aristotle)

Generally speaking, power does not spoil people, but fools, when they are in power, spoil power (George Bernard Shaw)

Each person, out of poverty of mind, tries to educate another in his own image (I.V. Goethe)

Fools are drawn to intellectuality like cats to fire. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

To entrust someone else's secret is betrayal, to entrust one's own is stupidity (Voltaire)

“I don’t know” sounds different in the mouth of a smart man and a fool (Alexander Kumor)

You can give another reasonable advice, but you cannot teach him to behave rationally (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

People believe in nothing so firmly as in that which they know least about (Michel Montaigne)

Small minds are interested in the extraordinary, great minds are interested in the ordinary (Elbert Hubbard)

A short mind has a long tongue (Aristophanes)

Each of us is a fool for at least five minutes a day: wisdom lies in not exceeding the limit (Elbert Hubbard)

Experience does not prevent us from repeating the same stupidity, but it does prevent us from getting the same pleasure from it (Tristan Berior)

Silence is sometimes more significant and sublime than the noblest and most expressively eloquent, and in many cases indicates a high quality (Joseph Addison)

It is common for every person to make mistakes, but it is common for no one except a fool to persist in making a mistake (Aristotle)

The best thoughts come from stupidity (Karel Capek)

Others are not fools, they’re just not you (Pavel Sergeevich Taranov)

A condescending attitude towards stupidity exists for every intelligent person (Abu-l-Faraj)

Stupid people notice only people's faults and do not pay attention to their virtues. They are like flies that strive to land only on the inflamed part of the body (Abu al-Faraj)

It is one thing to lie, another thing to be mistaken in speech and deviate from the truth in words due to error, and not malice (Pierre Abelard)

The harder you try to seem smart, the dumber you look (Dmitry Kalinin)

Stupidity, although I’m not the worst flaw, but I’m absolutely not fixable (Dmitry Kalinin)

There are interlocutors who formulate questions so stupidly that there are simply no smart answers to them. And for some reason it’s you who looks like an idiot (Dmitry Kalinin)

The stupidest questions are usually asked by those who initially know the correct answer (Dmitry Kalinin)

You shouldn't do the same stupid thing twice; after all, the choice of delivery in person is great (Jean-Paul Sartre)

All those who seem stupid are stupid, and half of those who do not seem stupid (Baltasar Gracian)

Human stupidity, generally speaking, has a greater influence on the course of history than human malice (Asin John Taylor)

The mind flits from stupidity to stupidity like a bird from branch to branch (Paul Valéry)

Excited stupidity is often confused with a seething mind (Fazil Iskander)

The stupider a person is, the more difficult it is to understand him (Vladimir Dudinky)

The learning of fools is folly (Proverbs of Solomon)

He was stupid in a new way, and therefore many recognized him as great (Samuel Johnson)

Do not answer foolishly because of his stupidity, lest you become like him (Proverbs of Solomon)

It is much easier for a smart woman to survive with a stupid man than for a smart woman to have dinner with a stupid woman. Maybe women's stupidity is more aggressive? (Ioanna Khmelevskaya)

A fool knows only what has happened (Homer)

Misfortune teaches fools to be wise (Democritus)

Not a word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools (Democritus)

Fools can be recognized by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him and speaks out about things that are not asked about (Plato)

There is nothing brave and stupid in the world (Menander)

I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey (Cicilius Statius)

He who is stupid and understands this is no longer stupid (Public Sir)

I consider it extremely stupid to choose something that is not the best to emulate (Plymouth Junior)

Scientists are stupid - that's the worst thing.

A fool and ignorance have five signs: they get angry for no reason, they speak unnecessarily, they change for unknown reasons, they interfere in what does not concern them at all, and they do not know how to distinguish between who wishes them good and who wishes them evil. (Saying by an unknown Indian author)

Do not speak into the ears of a fool, for he will present your wise words (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)

A fool does not love knowledge, but only to pump out his mind (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)

Why is treasure in the hands of a fool? He does not have the understanding to acquire wisdom (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)

The one who gives the task of literature to a fool cuts his legs and suffers troubles (Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon)

A student of stupidity is the same as one who glues tiles (Old Testament. Sirach)

Indulging the weaknesses of your friends, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings, admiring their vices as if they were eating good things, what could be closer to stupidity? (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Folly and wisdom are caught as easily as the contagion of disease. Therefore choose your companions (W. Shakespeare)

No one is always stupid, but sometimes everyone is (George Herbert)

Do not suffer the ailments of fools. The wise often suffer from a lack of prudence. Fools, on the contrary, have an excess of prudence (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)

He is stupid who does not recognize fools, and even more stupid is he who, when he recognizes them, does not escape from them. Dangerous with superficial communication, they are destructive with trusting intimacy (Baltasar Gracian-Morales)

There are people who are destined to be fools: they do stupid things not only of their own free will, but also by the will of fate (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

A fool does not enter into dialogue with himself. The first thought seizes him without waiting for the answer of the second (George Savely Halifax)

Every fool will find an even greater fool to admire him (Nicola Boileau)

If a fool were afraid to say something stupid, he would no longer be a fool (Jean de La Bruyère)

Stupid people are not always safe: they have enough to say just enough to insult or hurt their neighbor (Henry Fielding)

He is not stupid who does not know, but he who does not want to know (Grigory Skovoroda)

If stupidity is absent on the face, it means that it is present in the mind, and threefold (Charles Lamb)

Just as dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so a fool does not need wise words (Daniil the Sharpener)

It’s better to listen to the arguments of the smart than the instructions of the stupid (Daniil Zatochnik)

You can’t make a dead man laugh, but you can’t teach a stupid man (Daniil Zatochnik)

A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other (William Hazlitt)

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy (I.A. Krylov)

There are two types of stupidity - silent and talkative (O. de Balzac)

Fools should treat smart people with distrust equal to the contempt with which the latter treat them (A. Rivarol)

If people never did stupid things, then nothing smart would happen (Louis Wittgenstein)

Our greatest follies can be very wise (Louis Wittgenstein)

Stupidity lives close to meanness (Robert Walser)

A smart person doesn’t say half of what he knows, a stupid person doesn’t know half of what he says (Ali Absheroni)

He who is smart will not boast of his intelligence. Post dreams of those who are smarter than himself (Ali Absheroni)

I must say that even a very smart person has enough stupidity, but even a fool is capable of doing very reasonable things from time to time (Ali Apsheroni)

A stupid person has it written in big letters on his forehead, and every time, everything that he so carefully conceals within himself from strangers comes out of his mouth, not arbitrarily (Ali Apsheroni)

In the world of people, sometimes, in order to act wisely, you will have to involuntarily resist the stupid, but the one who uses too much evil in this way sooner or later turns into a fool himself. The thing is that this is an easy way to solve problems, and without difficult work, over time the mind, having faded, is respected (Ali Apsheroni)

To get to the truth is the destiny of the wise. To get to the bottom of the wise is the lot of a fool (Mikhail Mamich)

In a smart head, stupid thoughts are dark (Taguhi Semirdzhyan)

Who sees only fools in others, does not have a lens in relation to their own stupidity (Taguhi Semirjyan)

Fools also sometimes become infected with their minds, but the immune system is always on guard (Pavel Sharpp)

Nothing flatters a fool more than his own reflection in the mirror (Taguhi Semirdzhyan)

With age, everyone can do it, but not everyone lives up to this age (Mikhail Maliy)

If a fool is delighted with his own intelligence, then a wise man is remarkable and appreciates the intelligence in others (Tagui Semirdjian)

There is enough intelligence, but alas, only for stupidity (Vladimir Kafanov)

Dietary nutrition of the brain - lack of food for thought on the menu.

Stupidity is the cubes from which we build the pyramids of our illusions (Vladimir Butnev)

There is a fool in everyone, but not everyone manages to keep him on a leash (Taguhi Semirjyan)

Some minds are looking for a way, while others are simply wandering (Vitya Logvinenko)

There are plenty of minerals in the depths of consciousness, but how to lure geological exploration there? (Vladimir Butkov)

The most original nonsense is born in a smart head (Vladimir Admiral Butkov)

Over the years, smart people become demanding of themselves and lenient towards others, and fools - on the contrary (Andrey Sokolov)

It's not scary to become stupid. It's scary not to become smart! (Mikhail Kamanin)

The mind hides in the shadows, but stupidity reaches for the sun (Harry Simanovich)

People of limited intelligence usually do not limit themselves to anything (Mikhail Kamanin)

A smart person does stupid things - a fool lives by them (Yuri Zarozhny)

Intelligence and stupidity, like brother and sister are always together (Harry Simanovich)

A smart idea can come to a fool. But it would be stupid on her part. (Vladimir Kafanov)

Without the mind one cannot appreciate stupidity (Vladimir Kafanov)

Everything went according to plan until the smart one served, and the fool didn’t take the bait (Vladimir Butkov)

An aphorism must have a critical mass of meaning in order to provoke a price reaction of quoting and paraphrasing (Vladimir Butkov)

The entertainment of a smart person is to pretend to be a fool (Yuri Zarozhny)

The position of a smart person: less talk - less shame... (Harry Simanovich)

A smart person refers to facts, a stupid person refers to authority (Maxim Kostenko)

Everyone can estimate the volume of someone else's mind only by the standards of their own mind (Sabir Omurov)

Both the witty and the smarter believe that he is just smart (Igor Karpov)

Oddly enough, people are more likely to be offended by someone else’s intelligence than by their own stupidity (Juliana Wilson)

A fool is not the one who asks stupid questions, but the one who then gives stupid answers (Ilya Rodionov)

We didn’t agree on stupid things, we give a reason to consider us smart (Vladimir Kafanov)