Voice training lessons. Developing your voice with exercises

Often people who want to learn to sing do not understand what a vocal support is. They look for answers on the Internet, trying to repeat the sensations of other people who have achieved vocal support. In reality, the sensations when reaching vocal support are different for everyone. Today I will try to help you understand the question: “”, which means “How to achieve vocal support.”

Vocal support- This is, in essence, singing with the help of the diaphragm. When the diaphragm is engaged, our vocal cords will not strain as much because all the tension goes to the diaphragm. If you sing on a vocal support, you can sing for at least a few hours. IN otherwise, you will have tension in your vocal cords. This is why it is imperative to develop your vocal support if you are going to seriously study vocals.

Without a developed vocal support, beginners often have problems:

  • The voice gets tired quickly;
  • A beginner without vocal support cannot hit high notes;
  • The newcomer misses the notes. Yes Yes! Often this problem is not just a consequence of lack of hearing. Sometimes the reason for this is poor vocal support.

There are different vocal techniques, many different vocal schools. But there is something the same for everyone - both for an opera singer and for a rock singer - " Vocal exhalation technique". In simple terms, one could say" breath", but breathing is also an inhalation. But the inhalation can be different in different vocal techniques.

How to set your own voice?

1. Breathe some air“in the stomach” (as in the stomach?), about half the volume of the lungs. Please note that when you took a deep breath, your stomach protruded forward, and at the same time, tensed a little. Very little! What does this have to do with inner feeling that all organs have “come to tone”, but the abs are not tense.

2. After all organs have “come to tone”, shift your attention to the ligaments (Structure of the vocal apparatus). Now apply some air from the inflated belly to the ligaments. How to do it? Imagine that you wanted to say something, but you were cut off mid-catch: “I ska...”. But then you fell silent, and the air pressed against your ligaments.
Repeat the whole process several times for better memorization.

3. After You have practiced in “silent mode”, let’s switch to sound. So, after the air has pressed against your ligaments, begin to pronounce the sound. Any, but always a vowel, or better yet A, O or E, at any height convenient for you. It should be a short sound.

4. Now we repeat everything from start to finish. Required multiple repetitions to coordinate necessary work diaphragm and vocal folds. After this happens, you more attention You will begin to pay attention to the sound itself, and you will no longer get hung up on the process described above.

Gradually, day by day, increase the duration of the sound, and also change the vowels: I, E, U, Z... Start with 2-3 seconds, at first this will be quite enough. Make sure that the sound is smooth and the same volume throughout the sound.
The smooth sound that you sang using the process described above is called the sound on " Vocal support".

Vocal support video

I suggest watching a video by a vocal teacher, Vasily Kashevarov, who explains what vocal support is and also suggests a couple of exercises:


So you and I found out "How to create your own voice". And then - even more interesting! Let's move on to the next lesson, from which you will learn how to develop an ear for music.

After this it is better not to eat.

Breathing exercises must necessarily precede the start of singing work, although in many cases this stage is ignored by teachers. system breathing exercises, which has become a manual for both singers and, singer and doctor Natalya Strelnikova. The exercises of her complex are freely available on the Internet and are sold in bookstores.

Singing exercises to strengthen voice and the teacher selects it. General provisions are as follows: at wide intervals (quaints, octaves) with elements of glissanding and smooth downward movements. It is recommended to stick your stomach forward during the upward movement. Then pressure will be created below, on which it will “lean” voice.

Video on the topic

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  • how to develop your voice for singing

Academic singing is the “most classical” manner of vocal performance, in which opera parts, romances and some other vocal genres are sung. It’s almost impossible to start academic vocal training without the help of a professional, and here’s why.

Why does teaching academic singing require pedagogical assistance?

Just because genre features. If modern pop performers can afford a certain amount of improvisation on stage, then academic singers have no right to deviate from their part. Thus, an opera singer who, during the performance of another aria, deviates even half a tone from the score, will certainly be subjected to harsh criticism from picky connoisseurs of this genre. If pop singers can quite justifiably turn some shortcomings in terms of the vocal art of their voice into “tricks”, then academic singers are required to have a perfectly clear timbre, the ability to sing as loud as possible - after all, academic singing often occurs even without the help of a microphone!

How to start academic singing lessons?

If we're talking about, he should be brought to an audition with a professional academic singing teacher, so that he can assess the potential student’s capabilities and give his advice on whether the young singer should develop academic vocal skills.

Due to very tough professional requirements requirements for academic vocalists, it is almost impossible to learn to sing in an academic manner without help professional teacher and without tools.

But in most cases, the decision to seriously engage in academic vocals comes to graduates music schools or art schools who decide to continue their education in the field of music and become professionals. After all, you can choose the pop-jazz department music university, or maybe the academic vocal department.
To achieve certain success in mastering academic singing, you will need to spend a lot of effort and time, and the main secret of staging an “operatic” voice is correct breathing and a strong, trained diaphragm muscle.

However, if an older person decides to start teaching academic singing, today, especially in big cities, are provided great opportunities for this purpose in special private schools, studios, etc. You can choose group or individual sessions, and even hire a teacher who will come to the student’s home. The only question is the price of such services and whether the student has a home musical instrument.

Video on the topic

Although the main flow of information in a conversation goes through auditory perception, an important contribution to the attitude towards the interlocutor is made by his subjective characteristics: timbre, intonation, tempo, diction. For the development of beautiful, pleasant vote sets of exercises have been invented that improve diction, reveal timbre and promote general emancipation.

Play the “question-” game: making the sound “u”, rise from the low part of the range to the upper (not from extremely low to extremely high, but within the framework of comfortable tones). The result will be a questioning intonation. Then, with approximately the same tone, come back down, as if answering your question.

Read the tongue twisters out loud. Start at a slow pace, while you can stand in front of. Turn it into a theatrical sketch, tell your tongue twister how, with in different intonations: sometimes as scary, sometimes as a joke, sometimes as big, sometimes as rap. Try to change the height: read sometimes high, sometimes low.

Sing. Choose a style (pop-jazz, folk or opera) that you like best and that suits you best, find a teacher and try to enjoy the vibration of your own vote.

Competent, intelligible speech with a well-trained voice - required condition for human success public profession: journalist, teacher, leader at any level. And many others could do with working on their diction and literacy.


First of all, you need to learn how to pronounce correctly. For example, it is a common mistake to pronounce the word “museum” as “museum.” IN common words the consonant is pronounced softly, but in scientific terms and highly specialized words, for example, in the word “grotesque” the consonant remains hard.

The combination of the sounds “ch” and “n” is usually pronounced this way. However, in some areas you can often hear the old pronunciation (not "", but "skvoreshnik"). This is vernacular and nothing more.

When constructing a speech, it is important that it is easy and clear to pronounce. It should not contain heaps of unpronounceable words, participial phrases, speech should be rhythmic, long words alternate with short ones. It is much easier to perceive speech in which the vowels are evenly distributed. Get rid of unclear words and meaningless expressions in your speech.

It’s not for nothing that they say that it is better to think and say than to say without thinking. It is rare for someone to control their speech without thinking. To develop this property in yourself, you need to expand your horizons and develop erudition. Various word games, brainstorming, quizzes contribute to this.

Rid your speech of unnecessary emotions. It is absolutely not necessary to pronounce words like a robot. Excessive emotionality subconsciously causes rejection in the listener. At the same time, try to make your words more expressive. To do this, you need to learn how to place accents by changing the tonality and timbre of your voice. Practice with poems. Do this exaggeratedly, deliberately highlighting all semantic pauses and words that carry the main meaning of the sentence. Remember how you drew sentences, indicating with an arrow whether to raise your voice or lower it.

Learn to control your breathing when speaking. You should have time to rest during the pause. Singing helps a lot in this regard. Contact an experienced vocal teacher. Your arrival will not surprise him at all, because many public people vocals regularly to free yourself from tension, develop the depth of your voice and the ability to control it.

Video on the topic

There are many cases in history when a self-taught singer became an opera star. Talent competitions that break all ratings records on television channels are evidence that even an ordinary housewife or car mechanic who has never attended music school can amaze a professional jury and win the recognition of millions of viewers. Of course, this first of all requires outstanding natural abilities, but without working on oneself, no one has ever achieved resounding success.

If you want to know how to create a voice yourself at home, you need to start by learning how to form it correctly even during normal conversation. IN in this case An analogy with a punch in boxing is appropriate. It is considered correct if the whole body is invested in it. The same should happen when speaking and singing. You need to take a deep breath and only then start speaking, because otherwise no one will hear you. All vibrations should come from the depths of the body, and not be formed in the vocal apparatus.

You must initially choose the right key. It comes in 3 types:

  • Normal. This tone means the absence of any emotion during the conversation. For example, this is how they pronounce phrases like “Today is Saturday,” etc.
  • Seeking (needing). With such communication, the voice at the end of the phrase rises slightly upward, as if making a request (“Can you tell me the time?”, “Can you help?”, etc.). This is how people talk, they need something and approval seekers. Those who are interested in how to create a voice on their own should get rid of the habit of constantly speaking in this key, as otherwise it will be difficult for him to succeed.
  • Torn. They speak with this tone when they are not trying to impress their interlocutor.

How to put on a voice yourself at home? You can often hear advice to start with improving the health of the nasopharynx. For this purpose, mucus and saliva should be removed every morning. They do not allow the voice to open, much less sing in full force. Mucus is the reason why some people talk through their nose. All voice training exercises are performed more productively if oral cavity there is no excess mucus.

In order to get rid of it, you need:

  • clean your tongue with a toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • expectorate for 3-4 minutes.

Any instructions on how to put on a voice yourself at home must contain a special set of exercises. They should be done in the morning. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to get the maximum effect from them. The most popular exercises include warming up voice apparatus. For this purpose, vowel sounds are drawn out, starting from the highest notes. Otherwise, internal resistance will arise, which will not allow the voice to become congruent (balanced). The warm-up exercise involves pronouncing the sounds “i”, “e”, “a”, “o” and “u” in exactly the order indicated, i.e. from high notes to low notes. It should be repeated twice. Then the voice will move from high to low twice, which will relax the throat.

Many of those who are interested in how to establish a voice on their own at home will be surprised if they learn that mooing, i.e., “pulling out” the sound “m,” is very helpful in achieving their goal. The exercise is done correctly if your lips itch after it. If you have a sore throat, you need to raise your chin when pronouncing the sound “m”. In addition, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not take too much air into your lungs;
  • if they appear in the throat painful sensations, immediately take a break from classes;
  • do not try to hit extremely high notes;
  • Do not strain your jaw or facial muscles.

  • take a deep breath;
  • stick out your tongue slightly and hold it between your teeth;
  • release air very slowly through your mouth for 30 seconds.

As a result of regular performance of this exercise, the muscles of the throat and neck are developed, which increases vocal capabilities.

In order to correct this situation, you need to:

  • place your tongue on your upper teeth in the middle;
  • raise your head and gently stretch your neck, bending up, left, right and forward.

This exercise is similar to how athletes stretch their muscles before lifting weights in the gym. The advantage of this exercise is that the voice begins to project better, especially in noisy places.

Set up your voice yourself (a self-instruction book will help you avoid resorting to outside help) people have been striving since the birth of opera, when there were no conservatories or music schools. Most likely, it was then that an exercise was invented that involved repeating the word “glap” loudly and repeatedly. At the same time, you should breathe more air into your lungs. He should exhale when pronouncing the word “glap”. With each repetition, the vocal range should decrease.

Do you want to have a reliable vocal support? Nature will tell you how to create your own voice. One of the most effective ways This is achieved by regular trilling of the lips. This exercise is done in the following way:

  • the lips relax and the sound of a trill is imitated;
  • smooth movements of the neck are made in different sides for her liberation.

Diction exercises play a big role in creating vocal support for the voice. They are done as follows: read any text or newspaper with your mouth closed. First, inhale more air, close your lips, and leave your teeth open.

The exercise should be done regularly, even with closed mouth your speech will be better heard by others.

We often don't like the way our voice sounds in a recording or during public speaking when we are nervous. French vocal professor Philippe-Nicolas Melot has been helping singers and ordinary people learn to control your voice. He shared with us simple exercises that can be done at home every day. According to Melo, after just a week of practice you will notice the first results.

Make a “shell” out of your left palm and place it on your left ear - this will be an earphone. Bring the right one to your mouth - it will become a microphone. Try it out like a sound engineer: count loudly, say different words, playing with sound. Do this exercise daily for 5-10 minutes for 9 days. By understanding how others hear your voice, you can improve how it sounds.

...gets stuck in the throat

Do facial exercises. The goal is to free up the throat, transferring the main work to the lips and diaphragm. Pronounce the syllables “Q-X”: on “Q” the lips are rounded, and “IK” is pronounced with a wide smile. Repeat the exercise 30 times, and then give a short speech to see its benefits. When performing, the vocal cords will become less tired, and the muscles of the mouth will be able to more easily carry out the commands sent by the brain.

...doesn't sound

Read some text loudly for 5–10 minutes a day, but without consonant sounds. So, the phrase “Five exercises to love your voice” will sound like “I-u-a-e-i-o-y-o-yu-i-o-o-o.” Consonants act as a springboard, causing vowel sounds to vibrate. Re-read the same passage of text, this time marking the consonants. The voice will gain intensity of vibration and sound, while you will not get tired, and you will be understood better.

...too quiet

Place your hands on your solar plexus. Remember something that made you very angry. Say any text, pressing your hands to your stomach and trying to make the sounds come from the navel area. Release your anger by pronouncing your consonants clearly and opening your mouth wide. Try to express your emotions in this way more often - sadness, anger, joy. The voice will become richer, less formal, more sincere.


Standing barefoot, breathe calmly, inflating your stomach with each breath. Slowly move your foot from heel to toe and back. Continue with eyes closed. If your energy is too concentrated in the head area, you will lose your balance. Stop controlling yourself and focus on your feet. This exercise will help you distribute energy better. You will become more comfortable in your body, and the timbre of your voice will become richer.

A few tips to help you develop your voice and sing beautifully. Many people are embarrassed to sing because they think they don’t have a voice. This is a huge misconception, since the voice can be developed. Vocal cords are developed like muscles through regular and diligent training. The main thing in this process is correct execution exercises. We offer you several techniques that will allow you to develop your voice and sing in the company of friends, without being embarrassed at all.

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Exercises to develop diction

Every time before starting classes, do breathing exercises. To do this, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth 6 times. Please note that the inhalation should be short and the exhalation slow and drawn out. After this, do a warm-up for your mouth: move your lips and tongue. In this way, try to achieve their maximum relaxation.

Syllable pronunciation exercise

One of the most popular and effective exercises, which is taught back in primary school. Pronounce syllables that contain voiceless and voiced consonants, as well as vowels, clearly and loudly. For example, tpki, pkte, ptok, vkty. In order not to be interrupted, prepare a list of syllables and read them from paper.

Tongue Twisters

A great way to help you develop diction. It is worth preparing for it in advance. Find a few tongue twisters, write them on a piece of paper and read them thoughtfully out loud. Read at an increasing pace each time. Make sure you pronounce all the letters clearly, this is very important.

Developing a voice

In order to develop a voice, you need to arm yourself with an instrument, such as a piano, and start learning scales. The fact is that without a teacher it is quite difficult to play the right note. But it is quite possible to do this if you have a tool at hand. Press the note C, listen to it and try to play it with your voice. Do the same with each note in the scale. Sing each note up and down.

Gradually make the task more difficult. When you have mastered the scale, try singing it through the notes: do, mi, salt, si. And back: do, la, fa, re.

To understand whether you are doing the exercise correctly, record your voice on a voice recorder or mobile phone. By the way, recording devices can be excellent assistants in the training process. To learn a song, try playing the original recording and singing along with the artist. After that, listen to the recording. This way you will understand if you have problems with your voice.

Breathing exercise