The reign of Princess Sophia presentation. The board of Fedor Alekseevich and Sofia Alekseevna was prepared by a teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Education "Osinny Vocational Pedagogical College" branch of the village of Elovo

Municipal educational institution
Breitovskaya secondary school
Author: Leshenkova Yulia
Class: 10 "a"
Teacher: Russian Nadezhda
Breytovo 2012

Sofya Alekseevna (1657, Moscow - 1704, Moscow) - princess,
ruler of Russia in 1682 - 1689. Daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his
first wife - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya
Princess Sophia
Princess Sophia

Sophia had an amazing mind. She was drawn to science by anyone
character. From an early age, Sophia was set as an example to her sisters and flattered
spoke about her intelligence. All this only led to greater self-delusion
queen. Sophia was not satisfied with the old Russian customs that
the fate of all daughters in the royal family.
Princess Sophia
Princess Marfa

The fate of the young queens had long been ruined; they were locked up in their
chambers and only went out to confess to the priest. And at a young age they
tonsured as a nun in a monastery, where they spent all their remaining
years. Getting married was an impossible task for them. Russian grooms were
they are not worthy, and foreigners professed other faiths.

Sophia did not want such a fate. Becoming a nun for Sophia meant
ruin her mind and not realize her cherished dream - to become a queen. Sophia
understood perfectly well that she could achieve this goal almost
immediately after the death of his father. Sick Fyodor, feeble-minded John and
the sisters completely subordinate to her could not prevent her from entering
Young Peter

Tsar Feodor died in 1682,
leaving an heir. Of the two crown princes
the elder John was weak-minded, and Peter was
just a child. According to long-established
successor tradition, the king should become
John, but his elevation to the throne brought
need for guardianship. What did transfer mean?
power into other hands, which is what the princess wanted so much
Sophia. She is already close after her father's death
communicated with the boyars, participated in meetings
Duma and even took part in the decision
the most important issues.
Tsar Feodor

The death of Fyodor opened the path to the throne for the intelligent princess. And on the day
his death, as soon as the sound of the bell announced to Moscow the death of the Tsar
Fyodor, the boyars gathered in the Kremlin to resolve the issue of a successor.
The majority of the boyars were inclined to elect Peter as Tsar, and the minority, in
including Sophia, leaned towards John.
Young Peter
Princess Sophia

Chairman of the council of these spiritual and secular dignitaries
Patriarch Joachim presided as the most honorable person after
king He called for an immediate choice between two brothers - “mournful
the head" John and the youth Peter. But the council never decided, then
the patriarch proposed to elect a tsar with the consent of all Moscow
officials Immediately they all came to the Kremlin Square. Knowing about
John's dementia, they naturally chose Peter.
Patriarch Joachim
Peter I

It was difficult for Sophia to challenge the legitimacy of Peter's reign. She
understood that the will of the people could only be changed through rebellion. She
decided to use rifle regiments against the Naryshkins. Unrest in
they began during the reign of Feodor. The Sagittarius were unhappy
by their colonels, who forced them to work for themselves, buy
smart clothes for your salary. In addition, the princess promised to cancel
the changes that Nikon made in church books. For the forest
confidence, they were told that it was the Naryshkins who destroyed the entire family
Tsar's, and on Natalya's orders Tsar Feodor was poisoned.
The morning of the Streltsy execution
Streletsky riot

Gossip was started, as if Ivan Naryshkin was trying
strangle Tsarevich John.
The patience of the archers ran out along with the gossip, and they rebelled.
Archers with weapons, with unfurled banners, accompanying
They moved towards the Kremlin with the beat of drums. Once in the Kremlin, the archers
They demanded that the Naryshkins be handed over to them.
Streletsky riot

At the request of Khovansky, who acted in favor of Sofia, the archers
brought a petition to the princess, not only from themselves, but also from many
officials of Moscow, which spoke about the small years of both kings, and that
rule of the state should be handed over to Princess Sofya Alekseevna.
The boyars, still remembering the past rebellion, transferred the reign of Sophia to
the youth of sovereigns.
Khovansky (his archers
called "father")
Petition to the Princess

In 1686, the most important event in Sophia's foreign policy
peace was concluded with Poland. According to the terms of the peace treaty,
which was called “eternal peace”, Russia promised to enter into a military
conflict with Turkey and Crimea. In the spring of 1689 the second
Crimean campaign of a hundred thousand troops to Crimea for the liberation of Christians
from the Turkish Sultan. The campaign, under the leadership of Golitsyn, did not go well
Prince Golitsyn

Peter wrote a letter to his brother John in which he said that
it's time for both of them to rule the state and no longer allow their sister to
to the throne. Peter promised that he would honor John as a father. After
Boyar Troekurov sent a letter to Moscow to punish Sophia
move to the Novodevichy Convent.
Novodevichy Monastery

At the end of September, Sophia was already in
monastery She was allowed to keep near
himself a nurse, two treasurers and
bedding She was allowed to leave the palace
a certain number of various
food The queens and princesses were
allowed to visit Sophia. They were guarding her
Preobrazhensky Regiment. Later she
by order of Peter she was tonsured under
named after Susanna. In Novodevichy
she spent about 16 years in the monastery and
died in July 1705.
Princess Sophia.
Artist: I.E. Repin

Material about Princess Sophia:
Pictures taken from Yandex and Google resources

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*Ruler of Russia from May 29, 1682 to September 7, 1689 with the title “Great Empress, Blessed Tsarina and Grand Duchess.” *The eldest daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his first marriage to Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya. * She received a good education at home, knew Latin perfectly, spoke Polish fluently, wrote poetry, read a lot, and had beautiful handwriting.

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Regency (from the Latin regens, “ruling”) is the temporary exercise of the powers of the head of state collegiately (regency council) or individually (regent) in the event of a minor, illness, or absence of the monarch. The elder brother of Tsarina Sophia Alekseevna was Fyodor 3 Alekseevich. After his death in 1682, they wanted to put Peter 1 on the throne, but dissatisfied supporters of the Miloslavskys (streltsy) staged an uprising in Moscow and insisted that the rightful heir, Ivan 5, take the throne. Taking advantage of the uprising of the streltsy on May 15–17, 1682, rebelled against burdensome taxes, Sofya Alekseevna was able to achieve the proclamation of 2 brothers as heirs to the throne - Ivan V and Peter (May 26, 1682). Due to the minority of both kings, the regency was transferred to Princess Sofya Alekseevna. Thus began the period of her reign. In the first years of her reign, Sofya Alekseevna managed to acquire a favorite at court, Vasily Golitsyn. With his help, Sophia contributed to the improvement of government affairs.

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Vasily Golitsyn

Golitsyn Vasily Vasilyevich (1643 - April 21 (May 2) 1714, Pinega volost, Arkhangelsk region) - Russian statesman, prince, boyar (1676), favorite of the ruler Sofia Alekseevna, one of the most famous representatives of the family of princes Golitsyn, for which he received the nickname Basil the Great. After Princess Sophia came to power, Prince V.V. Golitsyn, being her close boyar and favorite, concentrated the management of state affairs in his hands. He received the title of courtyard governor (1682), became the head of the Pushkarsky (1682-1686), Inozemsky, Reitarsky, Ambassadorial, Little Russian, Smolensky, Novgorod orders (1682-1689). In 1683, he was awarded the title of “sovereign great ambassadorial affairs guardian.”

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Regency of Princess Sophia1682-1689

A dual power arose, which was reflected even in the royal throne of that time - it was divided into two parts (for two kings), and behind there was a seat for the ruler with a curtain, from behind which she told the brothers what exactly should be said during receptions.

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Foreign and domestic policy of Sofia Alekseevna

In 1682, the uprising of the archers (“Khovarshchina”), led by governor I.A., was brutally suppressed. Khovansky; All the “old lovers” were arrested and executed; In 1685, Sophia adopted the “12 Articles” law, on the basis of which she actively fought against the “schismatics”; In 1686, with the help of V.V. Golitsyn, Russia concludes an agreement with Poland on “eternal peace” - Russia’s entry into the European military alliance (“Holy League”) created in 1684 contributed to the acceleration of the signing of the agreement; In 1687 and 1689 led by V. Golitsyn, campaigns were made against the Crimea, but both turned out to be unsuccessful; In 1689, the first Russian-Chinese Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed. This event became an important result of foreign policy and contributed to the expansion of Russian territories on the banks of the Amur.

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*In 1689, Peter 1 got married, now he could rule himself and did not need a reginte. Ivan was also already married by that time, but he could not rule (due to health reasons). Despite the current situation, Sophia continued to fight for power. * Civil strife was brewing between the Tsar and Sofia Alekseevna. The refusal to carry out reforms in favor of the landowners significantly weakened Sofia Alekseevna’s position. Over time, all supporters of her rule went over to the side of the king and Sophia was exiled to a monastery. *In 1698, another Streltsy uprising took place, during which the Streltsy planned to call her to the throne. The revolt was suppressed, and Sophia was tonsured as a nun with the new name Susanna. In July 1704, Sofya Alekseevna died. She was buried in the Smolny Cathedral.

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Love and power of Princess Sophia

Maria Ilyinichna

Alexey Mikhailovich

Sofya Alekseevna

Fedor Alekseevich

Sofya Alekseevna

Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna was one of the most extraordinary women in Russian history; she had not only various talents, but also a strong and decisive character.

Room of the Tsar's daughter Sophia

When a daughter was born to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya in 1657, she was named Sophia and sent, as expected, to the female half of the palace, where women were supposed to raise the child.

Princess in childhood

When the tsar was informed about the difficult temperament of seven-year-old Sophia, he was not only not angry, but also ordered the serious education of his daughter, hiring her the best mentors and teachers. So, by the age of ten, the girl mastered literacy, reading, science, history and foreign languages.

Fedor Alekseevich

In 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich died. The Russian throne was taken by his heir, the sickly and weak Fedor, the tsar’s son from his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. Sophia approached her brother, spent all her time near him, protecting and caring for him, and in the meantime she established strong friendships with close boyars and military leaders, winning them over to her side.

Vasily Golitsyn

Golitsyn was highly educated, fluent in Polish, Greek, German and Latin, versed in music, fond of art and keenly interested in European culture.

Claudius Vasilyevich Lebedev (1852-1916) "Princess Sophia receives a letter from Vasily Golitsyn from Trinity"

Having always disliked men and often despised them for their weakness and lack of will, Princess Sophia suddenly unexpectedly fell in love with the refined and gallant prince.

Seventeen-year-old Peter became the most dangerous enemy for the ruler, and she, as the first time, decided to resort to the help of the archers. However, this time the princess miscalculated: the archers no longer believed either her or her favorite, giving preference to the young heir.

Peter I at 17 years old

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