Requirements for competent speech. Qualities required for work

I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that the ability to speak beautifully is the most valuable human quality.

A person who speaks competently makes a favorable impression, he more often achieves his goal, he is more successful in his professional activities, and it is easier for him to adapt to any life situation.

Correct speech has an almost magical effect. I want to listen and listen to her; and from another - close your ears and run away.

Mastery of the art of speaking beautifully and competently, unfortunately, is becoming less and less common.

People who think masterpieces sometimes do not know how to express themselves as clearly in words. Many find it difficult to express their thoughts, feelings, or retell anything interesting they have read, seen, or experienced.

But behind the artless speech of such people sometimes hides a magnificent intellect and an interesting personality. But it takes time to recognize this. And time is something that we constantly lack.

From here there is only one way - you need and can train your speech. After all, the ability to speak beautifully is not a natural gift, but an acquired skill that can be brought to perfection. Even if you do not intend to become a professional speaker, the ability to speak beautifully and use speech correctly will be extremely useful both in work and in everyday personal life.

Following some rules can significantly improve the quality of your speech.

First, read more. Newspapers, magazines, high-quality fiction. In this sense, our domestic classics, which we all studied during our school years (or did not study, which is sad), are ideal. Read or re-read the classics! And out loud, without rushing. Such reading will have a colossal effect. It will teach you the correct construction of words in a sentence and increase your vocabulary.

Thirdly, watch the pace of your speech. It shouldn't be monotonous. Pause to highlight the main points of the conversation. It should be appropriate and not tight.

Fourthly, use comparisons, metaphors, figurative expressions, sayings, and finally, in colloquial speech, conversation. This will enliven the speech and make it more interesting. And of course, a win-win option is humor. Appropriate self-irony and jokes will add shine to your speech. After all, words are only means for transmitting information, and the way you compose and pronounce them will either sink into your soul or not.

Fifth, speak, practice your speech as much as possible. This is easy to do if you have a wide social circle. If it is not there, then a TV or radio will help. Choose the TV presenter you like best and try to imitate him. Repeat phrases out loud (!) after him, also copying his voice intonations. It's not easy, but after some time you will certainly see progress. In addition to developing melodic speech, you will expand your vocabulary.

There is another fun, and only difficult exercise at first. Choose a simple household item, such as a floor lamp or slippers. Set a time limit for yourself in which you will talk about this subject in beautiful literary language. At first it will be difficult to talk for 5 minutes about some banal floor lamp. But it will get easier with every workout. By increasing the time limit and complicating the topic, you will soon overcome uncertainty, timidity in front of words, and inability to choose them. As a result, you will be able to enthusiastically talk about your slippers for an hour without repeating yourself. It is better to do this in a group or with your family, turning the training into a kind of game. In turn, everyone becomes both a performer and a listener.

You will not notice how you fall in love with words: you will feel your power over them, they will give you confidence, and they will serve you.

When expanding your vocabulary, get information from everywhere - from books, articles, films. Memorize bright phrases, phrases, interesting figures of speech. Write them down in a notebook and use them in everyday speech.

Find out the meaning of unfamiliar words, paying attention to the correct stress, and practice their pronunciation.

Incorrect pronunciation and inappropriate use of words can make your speech funny, instantly devaluing it. Make up new phrases and sentences yourself. Avoid vocabulary clichés, use speech imagery.

Ideally, after several months of systematic (!) training, you will develop a melodic, memorable and vivid speech. You can easily explain the essence of complex things in simple sentences. Your speech will be like the babbling of a stream. It will flow easily and freely. From now on, such speech will always and everywhere be with you.

Excellent command of your native language will give you self-confidence. Moreover, it will change the quality of your life - you will be able to communicate with people without difficulty and fear. You will always be on top!

I wish you prosperity.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Brevity, clarity, literacy - the foundations of correct and beautiful speech

People have forgotten how to speak correctly and beautifully (for a number of reasons, starting with the general decline of culture in the 90s of the last century). This needs to be learned again. At a minimum, because such speech not only characterizes a person positively, but also helps him communicate with other people and achieve success in work and personal life. Imagine this situation. You are communicating with a person who uses vulgar, slang words. Would you like to continue the conversation with him? Of course not.

Not all people are gifted with oratory skills. However, with desire and diligence, almost every person can learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Moreover, the Russian language is extremely rich. It makes it possible to describe any object, characterize any person, express an attitude towards a particular event, natural phenomenon, work of art, etc. with utmost clarity and imagery. With the help of its features, you can emphasize the slightest nuances, highlight this or that detail, character trait. In this regard, few languages ​​can compare with Russian.

It is not necessary for such a description or expression to be verbose. After all, a speech that is too long, even beautiful and figurative, tires listeners, and sometimes can cause irritation. As a result, the expected effect from the spoken words will not be achieved.

Therefore, it should be remembered that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. You must quickly move on to the main essence of the issue, without delaying the introduction, without being distracted by extraneous details. Then they will listen to you carefully, and your arguments will have the desired effect.

Of course, there is no need to go to the opposite extreme, following the example of the ancient Spartans, who became famous for their brevity. She's pretty good too

It is necessary to speak clearly and convincingly. Whatever the conversation is about, the speaker’s words should be clear to anyone, even someone who does not have a high level of intelligence. The whole effect of the speech will be lost if the listeners are constantly trying to understand: “What does he mean?” Therefore, you should not use specific terms that are familiar only to a narrow circle of specialists, for example. It is also necessary, if possible, to refrain from using foreign words too often. After all, in most cases they can be replaced with Russian analogues.

And, of course, you need to speak competently. A very unpleasant impression is made by a person who makes mistakes in accents or uses words incorrectly. For example, the entire effect of a convincing and beautiful speech can be spoiled by the word “lay” spoken instead of the word “put”. In the same way, the head of a company who makes mistakes in accents when pronouncing the words “agreement” or “kilometer” is unlikely to inspire respect and trust among business partners.

Make it a rule: use as little jargon as possible. They are quite acceptable when communicating in a narrow circle or on social networks, but not when speaking in public.

Moreover, try in every possible way to avoid rude, vulgar expressions (not to mention obscene). They do not best characterize the person using them

An example of beautiful correct speech - Russian classical literature

To learn to speak correctly, figuratively and beautifully, you need to read as many classical works as possible. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, Leskov... This is not a complete list of masters of artistic expression who had an excellent command of the Russian language and left us an invaluable creative heritage. In their works you will find countless examples of truly beautiful speech. Although some words are outdated these days, and some phrases may seem ponderous and unnatural, Russian classics will help you learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Read the works of these masters and after a while you yourself will notice that your vocabulary has been enriched, and you want to speak, imitating their heroes.

Attend performances based on the works of masters of classical literature, or watch them on TV. This will also help you learn correct and beautiful speech.

You can also read an explanatory Russian dictionary and write down the words you like most. But remember that some of them may be unfamiliar to your listeners, so try not to use them when communicating with opponents.

Secondly, the style of communication also influences a lot - everyone should speak as befits their age and position, speech should correspond to the audience, the company. Agree, it will look strange and inappropriate if children suddenly begin to imitate professors and scientists, just as it will be unpleasant to hear “thieves” speak, say, in the theater.

You need to work on the beauty of expressing your thoughts, try to make your speech richer, more varied, more polite.

The first thing that diversifies speech and makes it more beautiful is reading fiction. Precisely works of art, and not pulp novels and newspapers, because a beautifully written work impresses and forces imitation, evokes inspiration and strong emotions. And after reading a good book, you no longer want to go back to being tongue-tied.

A good book immerses you in yourself, in your world, makes you change something in yourself, become better, think, realize something and even change. And, of course, books help develop competent oral and written speech.

If we talk about specific authors whose books contain truly beautiful and correct speech, then it is worth noting Victor Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Honore Balzac, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Anton Chekhov. Of course, this is a very incomplete list, because there are many masters of fine literature, these are authors both Russian and foreign.


The development of competent speech requires a lot of work on oneself, and for this you need some kind of push, incentive. How to develop competent speech? First you need to decide why you need it. And depending on the strength of your own motivation, train as often as possible.

It takes a lot of persistence to change yourself, no matter in what area. The more desirable the goal, the more effort is applied, the more time is spent. The result depends on the degree of labor. For example, businessmen need to speak competently to conclude important contracts. And for rotation in certain circles, this is a mandatory quality.

Criteria for competent speech

Let's talk about the criteria for competent speech. The first is the correct pronunciation of words, accents, endings. The Stress Dictionary and Spelling Dictionary can help with this. Every day you need to repeat the correct pronunciation of difficult words, remember them, learn them by heart.

Secondly, don’t rush, don’t “swallow” words, don’t jabber, speak measuredly and clearly. Even the most correct speech can look ugly if you speak too quickly and confusingly. Therefore, you need to work especially hard on your diction.

Third, learn to construct sentences correctly without violating the rules of the Russian language. We must remember such seemingly trifles as the words “put on” and “dress”, and in writing we must not forget about spelling and punctuation.

Fourth is the quality of speech. To do this, you need to be a versatile and well-read person, have a rich vocabulary and be able to support a conversation in different directions, using the necessary terms and concepts with knowledge of the matter.

Fifth, consistency in expressing the thoughts of your story, beautifully and correctly constructed sentences.

And, of course, we should not forget that if you want to improve the quality of your written speech, it is not enough just to learn the rules of the Russian language, because logical consistency and the creative component sometimes play a major role in writing to a greater extent than spelling and punctuation.

Loving your native language and being able to express yourself beautifully in it is not only wonderful in itself, but also increases the cultural level of the nation. A true patriot of his country must express himself correctly in his language. After all, the Russian language is incredibly beautiful and has many magnificent speech patterns that can create true masterpieces of words!

Video on the topic of the article

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, higher level of life competence to a person.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because you had too many writing errors or had to clearly explain why you were the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading high-quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. In the modern world, we are exposed to a very large flow of information; we mainly listen to news or read it on the Internet. But the Internet, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books by recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively write correct, beautiful sentences and develops a sense of language. By reading fiction and scientific articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Identify the rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into a voice recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. In addition, spoken language will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech are always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic meaning. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Proper communication also includes using your voice. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, but reading becomes your good habit, you are guaranteed a more interesting and successful life.

Literacy is traditionally understood as the degree of proficiency in writing and reading skills in one's native language. At the same time, with the spread of universal schooling, the requirements for literate people have increased: it is no longer just about being able to read and write, but writing in accordance with established standards of grammar and spelling. Without exaggeration, we can say that today's community of readers and writers is divided into two camps: ardent advocates of literacy and, of course, not its opponents, but those who treat it without any reverence. The first were jokingly nicknamed grammar nazis, since they demand strict adherence to the rules of grammar and are ready to pronounce a death sentence on a text in which they were able to detect the slightest error. Their opponents reasonably note that the main thing in the text is the content, and language is not a frozen set of rules, but a living and developing formation, the norms of which are constantly changing. In this lesson we will talk about how important literacy is when writing texts and how to develop it in yourself.

When you should and should not write correctly

This statement may seem seditious to many, but we will give the following advice: write without paying attention to grammar. The fact is that often excessive concentration on grammatical rules interferes with writing. It is difficult for a person to instantly put his thoughts into an ideal form from a grammatical point of view. As a result, his work stalls at a few sentences, and he is no longer able to move forward. Therefore, it is useful to practice so-called free writing ( free writing), during which a person simply expresses his thoughts, without correcting typos and mistakes, without thinking about punctuation marks and the correct construction of sentences.

However, this does not mean that you can forget about grammar altogether. The written text is not the final product yet, it is just a draft that is subject to multiple editing. Moreover, the last stage of editing is checking for compliance with language rules and correcting all possible language errors. Thus, our complete advice is this: do not pay attention to grammar while writing, but re-read the finished text several times and correct mistakes.

Why is it ultimately important to write correctly? Let's start with the fact that language rules are not arbitrary regulations of linguists, invented to torment people. They developed naturally during the historical development of language, and their role is to unify writing methods so that we can understand each other's texts. If a unified set of grammar did not exist, then written communication would be impossible. Therefore, you should not consider following grammatical rules as a favor that you are doing to your teacher or linguistic scientist. Remember that this is a condition for the existence of writing in general.

Further, illiterately written text repels the reader. Firstly, if the text contains many obvious errors, this indicates that the author did not even bother to re-read his creation. From here, the reader makes a legitimate conclusion that the author does not respect him, palming him off with unfinished work. And if the author did not focus on the reader, then why read his text at all? Secondly, human perception is designed in such a way that even if we ourselves make mistakes when writing, we will certainly see them in someone else’s text. This means that many readers, without noticing it themselves, turn into grammar Nazis in the process of reading. At the same time, many are inclined to reason like this: if the author was unable to master school grammar, then is it worth taking his text seriously at all; most likely, he has problems with logic, with the ability to structure his thoughts, with the depth of elaboration of the material, etc. Although such reasoning is not always correct, without thinking about grammar, the author can lose a significant proportion of readers.

Beyond this, the common argument - “It is the content that matters, not the form” - is incorrect. Communication researchers have long formulated the following principle: “The medium is the message,” i.e. “The medium of transmission is the message.” The principle, if you think about it, is quite obvious. At least writers have been using it since ancient times. If we apply this principle to our topic, it turns out that form is inseparable from content; it also works to produce it. The simplest illustration of this thesis is that errors (especially punctuation) obscure the meaning of the text.

Finally, failure to comply with the rules of the Russian language can lead to a comic effect that the author did not intend to create. For example, seeing the inscription “Xth Congress of Journalists,” everyone immediately understands that the congress was poorly organized, and that the journalists who came to it were so-so. Although in this case it is obvious that a negative characterization of the congress was not part of the author’s plans.

How to learn to write correctly?

In theory, a Russian language course in high school provides us with all the necessary knowledge in order to write competently. Unfortunately, practice shows that many never manage to master it. Of course, we cannot list and explain all the rules of the Russian language in this lesson. Our goal is to give some simple tips that will tell you how to independently fill the gaps in your knowledge of the Russian language if you have the appropriate motivation.

There is a common belief that you can learn to write correctly if you read a lot of good classical literature. It is based on the belief that when reading, people acquire the visual appearance of a word and then, in the process of writing, restore it using visual memory. In our opinion, the importance of reading for literacy development is somewhat overestimated. Of course, reading quality literature is always useful. This will enrich your vocabulary and help you develop a good style. However, when it comes to literacy, there are several challenges. Firstly, not everyone has developed visual memory, especially for small details. Secondly, when reading, people are usually absorbed in the content of the text and do not set themselves the goal of paying special attention to spelling words or constructing sentences. Finally, many errors arise not because a person does not know how to spell this or that word, but because of incorrect declension, lack of understanding of the difference between -tsya and -tsya, confusion in combined and separate writing, incorrect punctuation marks, etc. In this case, reading is completely useless: you need to know the rules. Thus, read as much as possible, but to improve your literacy, follow these recommendations:

Re-read your text after writing. Most errors occur due to inattention. If the author is completely absorbed in the process of formulating his thoughts, then he can no longer follow the spelling of words or the placement of commas. A simple check will help you easily identify and correct errors and typos. It may also be helpful to reread your text from back to front. This technique will allow you to get rid of the effect of your eyes sliding over the text and read each individual word.

Use the spelling and punctuation checker built into your text editor. Naturally, such a check is not ideal: text editors often do not know many words and cannot correctly understand the syntax, but they will at least help correct some gross errors and point out fragments that require increased attention. Many people are annoyed by the constant underlining of words and sentences with multi-colored lines. In this case, you can disable the built-in check while writing, but enable it while editing the text.

Use dictionaries and reference books on the Russian language. An educated person is not the one who knows everything, but the one who knows where to find the necessary information. There is nothing catastrophic in the fact that a person does not know or does not remember some rules. The main thing is not to forget to look in the right book when necessary. Here is a small list of dictionaries and reference books on the Russian language that are useful to have on hand (or bookmarks):

  • Rosenthal D.E. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, and literary editing
  • Lopatin V.V. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete Academic Reference
  • Spelling dictionary of the Russian language
  • Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language
  • Buchkina B.Z., Kalakutskaya L.P. Together or separately? (Experience of a reference dictionary)
  • Kolesnikov N.P. Words with double consonants: Dictionary-reference book
  • Dictionary of foreign words
  • Zaliznyak A.A. Grammar dictionary of the Russian language
  • Rosenthal D.E. Management in Russian: Dictionary-reference book

Create tables and diagrams. They are an ideal way to structure and remember complex material. For example, you can create a table of noun declensions or punctuation patterns in complex sentences. In principle, there are already ready-made reference books “Russian language in tables and diagrams”, but we advise you to create tables yourself. To do this, you will need to really understand the topic, which will certainly help you remember it, and you will be able to organize the material in exactly the way that is most convenient for you. It is convenient to keep such tables on your desktop and refer to them in case of doubt regarding a particular rule.

Learn the basics of morphology and syntax. Their knowledge is the key to spelling. Briefly put, morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies parts of speech, word structure, word formation and inflection. To correctly write a word, first of all, you need to determine which part of speech it belongs to: noun, adjective, numeral, verb, participle, particle, adverb, etc. Then you need to understand in which part of the word the problem arose (the same school analysis of the word according to its composition): root, prefix, suffix, ending. Having determined the part of speech and part of the word, you can already understand which particular rule will apply in this particular case.

The same applies to syntax. You need to be able to identify its component parts in a sentence: subject, predicate, definition, complement, circumstance, application, introductory construction. All punctuation rules are based on this ability to highlight parts of a sentence. If you learn to see the structure of words and sentences, remembering and applying rules will no longer be difficult for you.

If your weak point is spelling, then try using one of the following techniques. First, check the unstressed vowels at the root by selecting words with the same root, where the stress falls on these main ones. For example, I recently encountered the following error: “I am cured of this disease.” To write correctly " cured", and this is easy to check using the words " treats" And " doctor" Secondly, try writing difficult words on a sticky note, highlighting problematic letters with font size and color: “ privilege», « Saturday" Thirdly, you can use the association method. As an illustration, in the word " milk“Unstressed vowels in the root can be associated with the bagels that we eat with milk and which are shaped like the letter “O”. We remembered bagels, we remembered how to spell the word. Finally, try to memorize typical cases. This method can be especially effective for memorizing combined and separate spellings of words. For example, firmly remembering that the word “ vice president” is written with a hyphen, you will no longer experience difficulties with words similar to it: “Deputy Prime Minister”, “Vice Consul”, etc.

If punctuation is particularly difficult, then it is useful to remember that punctuation marks are designed to reflect pauses and intonation nuances of speech in writing. Therefore, it can be useful to read the sentence out loud and pay attention to how you pronounce it, where you pause, what words you put emphasis on. Where you notice pauses and accents, there should be punctuation marks. Here are all the general tips that can be given regarding literacy development.

Online course “Russian language”

There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course “to” to these topics. During the classes, you will have the opportunity to practice competent writing skills using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.