Public health is a specialty to work with. “public health”: training profession and who to work with


by order of the Ministry of Education

and science of the Russian Federation




I. General provisions

1.1. This federal state educational standard of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education) is a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - master's programs in the field of study 04/32/01 Public Health (hereinafter referred to as the master's program, field of study).

1.2. Receiving education under a master's program is allowed only in an educational organization of higher education and a scientific organization (hereinafter together - the Organization).

1.3. Training in the master's program at the Organization can be carried out in full-time and part-time forms.

1.4. The content of higher education in the field of study is determined by the master's program, developed and approved by the Organization independently. When developing a master's program, the Organization forms requirements for the results of its development in the form of universal, general professional and professional competencies of graduates (hereinafter collectively referred to as competencies).

The organization is developing a master's program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the corresponding exemplary basic educational program included in the register of exemplary basic educational programs (hereinafter referred to as POEP).

1.5. When implementing a master's program, the Organization has the right to use e-learning and distance educational technologies.

E-learning, distance educational technologies used in teaching disabled people and persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as disabled people and persons with disabilities) must provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

1.6. The implementation of the master's program is carried out by the Organization both independently and through a network form.

1.7. The master's program is implemented in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by a local regulatory act of the Organization.

1.8. Duration of obtaining education in a master's program (regardless of the educational technologies used):

full-time study, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, is 2 years;

in full-time and part-time education, regardless of the educational technologies used, it increases by no less than 3 months and no more than six months compared to the period of obtaining education in full-time education;

when studying according to an individual curriculum for disabled people and persons with special needs, it can be increased, at their request, by no more than six months compared to the period for receiving education established for the corresponding form of education.

1.9. The volume of the master's program is 120 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credit units), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the master's program using a network form, or the implementation of the master's program according to an individual curriculum.

The volume of the master's program implemented in one academic year is no more than 70 z.e. regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of a master's program using an online form, the implementation of a master's program according to an individual curriculum (with the exception of accelerated training), and in case of accelerated training - no more than 80 z.e.

1.10. The organization independently determines, within the time limits and scope established by clauses 1.8 and 1.9 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education:

the period for obtaining education under a master's program in full-time and part-time forms of study, as well as according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated education;

volume of the master's program implemented in one academic year.

1.11. Areas of professional activity and (or) areas of professional activity in which graduates who have completed the master's program (hereinafter referred to as graduates) can carry out professional activities:

01 Education and science (in the field of scientific research);

02 Healthcare (in the field of organizing the healthcare system in order to ensure public health).

Graduates can carry out professional activities in other areas of professional activity and (or) areas of professional activity, provided that their level of education and acquired competencies meet the requirements for employee qualifications.

1.12. As part of the master's program, graduates can prepare to solve the following types of professional problems:

organizational and managerial;


1.13. When developing a master's program, the Organization establishes the focus (profile) of the master's program, which specifies the content of the master's program within the framework of the field of study by focusing it on:

area(s) of professional activity and area(s) of professional activity of graduates;

type(s) of tasks and tasks of professional activity of graduates;

if necessary - on objects of professional activity of graduates or area (areas) of knowledge.

1.14. A master's program containing information constituting a state secret is developed and implemented in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of protection of state secrets.

II. Requirements for the structure of the master's program

2.1. The structure of the master's program includes the following blocks:

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)";

Block 2 "Practice";

Block 3 "State final certification".

Structure and scope of the master's program

Master's program structure

Volume of the master's program and its blocks in z.e.

Disciplines (modules)

at least 51


at least 39

State final certification

Scope of the Master's program

2.2. Block 2 “Practice” includes educational and work placements (hereinafter referred to as practices).

Types of educational practice:

introductory practice;

scientific and pedagogical practice.

Types of internship:

research practice;

scientific and production practice;

technological practice;

project practice;

administrative and management practice;

research work.

2.4. Organization:

selects one or more types of educational practice and one or more types of industrial practice from the list specified in paragraph 2.2 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education;

has the right to establish an additional type (types) of educational and (or) production practices;

establishes the scope of practices of each type.

2.5. Block 3 “State final certification” includes:

preparing for and passing the state exam (if the Organization included the state exam as part of the state final certification);

preparation for the defense procedure and defense of the final qualifying work (if the Organization included the implementation and defense of the final qualifying work as part of the state final certification).

2.6. When developing a master's program, students are provided with the opportunity to master elective disciplines (modules) and optional disciplines (modules).

Optional disciplines (modules) are not included in the scope of the master's program.

2.7. Within the framework of the master's program, there is a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations.

The compulsory part of the master's program includes disciplines (modules) and practices that ensure the formation of general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies established by POPOP as mandatory (if any).

Disciplines (modules) and practices that ensure the formation of universal competencies can be included in the mandatory part of the master's program and in the part formed by participants in educational relations.

The volume of the mandatory part, excluding the volume of the state final certification, must be at least 20 percent of the total volume of the master's program.

2.8. The organization must provide disabled people and persons with disabilities (upon their application) the opportunity to study under a master's program that takes into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensures the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

III. Requirements for mastering results

master's programs

3.1. As a result of mastering the master's program, the graduate must develop the competencies established by the master's program.

3.2. The master's program must establish the following universal competencies:

Code and name of the graduate’s universal competence

Systematic and critical thinking

UK-1. Able to critically analyze problem situations based on a systematic approach and develop an action strategy

Development and implementation of projects

UK-2. Able to manage a project at all stages of its life cycle

Teamwork and Leadership

UK-3. Able to organize and manage the work of a team, developing a team strategy to achieve the goal


UK-4. Able to use modern communication technologies, including in foreign language(s), for academic and professional interaction

Intercultural interaction

UK-5. Able to analyze and take into account the diversity of cultures in the process of intercultural interaction

Self-organization and self-development (including health care)

UK-6. Able to determine and implement priorities of own activities and ways to improve them based on self-assessment

3.3. The master's program must establish the following general professional competencies:

Code and name of the graduate’s general professional competence

Scientific and organizational activities

OPK-1. Ability to prepare and apply scientific, scientific-production, design, organizational, managerial and regulatory documentation in the healthcare system

Information Security

OPK-2. Ability to use information technology in professional activities, comply with basic information security requirements


OPK-3. Ability to implement management principles in professional activities


OPK-4. The ability to use modern methods of collecting and processing information, to conduct statistical analysis and interpret results, to study, analyze, evaluate trends, to predict developments in the state of population health.

Organization of public events

OPK-5. Ability to organize public events to solve professional problems, including with international partners

First aid

OPK-6. The ability to organize patient care and provide first aid in case of emergency conditions in emergency situations, epidemics, and in areas of mass destruction

3.4. Professional competencies established by the master's program are formed on the basis of professional standards corresponding to the professional activities of graduates (if any), as well as, if necessary, on the basis of an analysis of the requirements for professional competencies imposed on graduates in the labor market, generalization of domestic and foreign experience, conducting consultations with leading employers, associations of employers in the industry in which graduates are in demand, and other sources (hereinafter referred to as other requirements for graduates).

3.5. When determining the professional competencies established by the master's program, the Organization:

includes in the master's program all mandatory professional competencies (if available);

includes one or more professional competencies determined independently, based on the focus (profile) of the master’s program, on the basis of professional standards corresponding to the professional activities of graduates (if any), as well as, if necessary, based on an analysis of other requirements for graduates (the Organization has the right do not include professional competencies determined independently in the presence of mandatory professional competencies, as well as in the case of inclusion of recommended professional competencies in the master's program).

When determining professional competencies on the basis of professional standards, the Organization selects professional standards corresponding to the professional activities of graduates from those indicated in the register of professional standards (list of types of professional activities), posted on the specialized website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation "Professional Standards" (http :// (subject to appropriate professional standards).

From each selected professional standard, the Organization identifies one or more generalized labor functions (hereinafter - GLF), corresponding to the professional activities of graduates, based on the qualification level established by the professional standard for GLF and the requirements of the section "Requirements for education and training". OTP can be isolated in whole or in part.

3.6. The set of competencies established by the master's program must provide the graduate with the ability to carry out professional activities in at least one area of ​​professional activity and area of ​​professional activity established in accordance with paragraph 1.11 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, and to solve problems of professional activity of at least one type established in in accordance with paragraph 1.12 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

3.7. The organization sets indicators for achieving competencies in the master's program:

universal, general professional and, if available, mandatory professional competencies - in accordance with the indicators of achievement of competencies established by PEP;

3.8. The organization independently plans learning outcomes in disciplines (modules) and practices, which must be correlated with the indicators of achievement of competencies established in the master's program.

The set of planned learning outcomes in disciplines (modules) and practices should ensure that the graduate develops all the competencies established by the master’s program.

IV. Requirements for the conditions of implementation of the master's program

4.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the master's program include system-wide requirements, requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support, requirements for personnel and financial conditions for the implementation of the master's program, as well as requirements for the applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of educational activities and training of students in the master's program.

4.2. System-wide requirements for the implementation of a master's program.

4.2.1. The organization must have, on the right of ownership or other legal basis, the material and technical support for educational activities (premises and equipment) for the implementation of the master’s program in Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” and Block 3 “State final certification” in accordance with the curriculum.

4.2.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to the electronic information and educational environment of the Organization from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet"), both on the territory of the Organization, and outside it. Conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment can be created using the resources of other organizations.

The electronic information and educational environment of the Organization must provide:

access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, electronic educational publications and electronic educational resources specified in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices;

formation of a student’s electronic portfolio, including saving his work and grades for this work.

In the case of implementing a master's program using e-learning, distance learning technologies, the electronic information and educational environment of the Organization must additionally provide:

recording the progress of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the master's program;

conducting training sessions, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning and distance learning technologies;

interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by the appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of the workers who use and support it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2.3. When implementing a master's program in a network form, the requirements for the implementation of a master's program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of a master's program in a network form.

4.2.4. The average annual number of publications of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Organization during the implementation of the master's program per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers (based on the number of replacement rates, reduced to integer values) must be at least two in journals indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases , or at least 20 in journals indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index.

4.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support of the master's program.

4.3.1. The premises should be classrooms for conducting training sessions provided for by the master's program, equipped with equipment and technical means of training, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules).

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped with computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the Organization.

It is allowed to replace equipment with its virtual analogues.

4.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed and freely distributed software, including domestically produced ones (the content is determined in the work programs of the disciplines (modules) and is subject to updating if necessary).

4.3.3. When using printed publications in the educational process, the library fund must be equipped with printed publications at the rate of at least 0.25 copies of each of the publications specified in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, per one student from among those simultaneously mastering the corresponding discipline (module ), undergoing appropriate practice.

4.3.4. Students should be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of using e-learning, distance educational technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to updating (if necessary) .

4.3.5. Disabled students and persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations.

4.4. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of a master's program.

4.4.1. The implementation of the master's program is ensured by the teaching staff of the Organization, as well as by persons involved by the Organization in the implementation of the master's program on other terms.

4.4.2. The qualifications of the Organization's teaching staff must meet the qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books and (or) professional standards (if any).

4.4.3. At least 70 percent of the number of teaching staff of the Organization participating in the implementation of the master's program, and persons involved by the Organization in the implementation of the master's program on other terms (based on the number of substituted rates, reduced to integer values), must conduct scientific, educational, methodological and (or ) practical work corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module).

4.4.4. At least 5 percent of the number of teaching staff of the Organization participating in the implementation of the master's program, and persons involved by the Organization in the implementation of the master's program on other conditions (based on the number of substituted rates, reduced to integer values), must be managers and (or) employees of other organizations who work in a professional field corresponding to the professional activity for which graduates are preparing.

4.4.5. At least 60 percent of the number of teaching staff of the Organization and persons involved in the educational activities of the Organization on other terms (based on the number of substituted rates, reduced to integer values) must have an academic degree (including an academic degree obtained in a foreign country and recognized in Russian Federation) and (or) academic title (including academic title received in a foreign country and recognized in the Russian Federation).

4.4.6. General management of the scientific content of the master's program should be carried out by a scientific and pedagogical employee of the Organization who has an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), carrying out independent research (creative) projects (participating in the implementation of such projects) in the field of training, having annual publications on the results of the specified research (creative) activities in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, as well as carrying out annual testing of the results of the specified research (creative) activities at national and international conferences .

4.5. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of a master's program.

4.5.1. Financial support for the implementation of the master's program must be carried out in an amount not lower than the values ​​of the basic cost standards for the provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education - master's programs and the values ​​of adjustment coefficients to the basic cost standards determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

4.6. Requirements for the applied mechanisms for assessing the quality of educational activities and training of students in the master's program.

4.6.1. The quality of educational activities and training of students in the master's program is determined within the framework of an internal assessment system, as well as an external assessment system, in which the Organization takes part on a voluntary basis.

4.6.2. In order to improve the master's program, the Organization, when conducting regular internal assessment of the quality of educational activities and training of students in the master's program, attracts employers and (or) their associations, other legal entities and (or) individuals, including teaching staff of the Organization.

As part of the internal system for assessing the quality of educational activities in the master's program, students are given the opportunity to evaluate the conditions, content, organization and quality of the educational process as a whole and individual disciplines (modules) and practices.

4.6.3. External assessment of the quality of educational activities in the master's program within the framework of the state accreditation procedure is carried out in order to confirm the compliance of educational activities in the master's program with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the corresponding POP.

4.6.4. External assessment of the quality of educational activities and training of students in a master's program can be carried out within the framework of professional and public accreditation carried out by employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, including foreign organizations, or authorized national professional and public organizations included in international structures , in order to recognize the quality and level of training of graduates that meet the requirements of professional standards (if any), the requirements of the labor market for specialists of the relevant profile.

To enroll, you need to have a higher education diploma.

Any state must implement policies aimed at preserving the health of its citizens. This determines how successful the population will be, which affects all areas of the country’s life without exception. This is a very complex area, which is studied by the specialty 04/32/01 Public Health.

To implement competent health care policies, coordinated actions of different bodies and departments are needed. This includes medical institutions, educational and research centers, authorities and insurance companies. The task of this direction is to skillfully manage the health of the population. This is achieved in different ways: by making adjustments to behavioral stereotypes, promoting a healthy lifestyle, consultations and education.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to develop specialists who will work in the field of prevention and promotion of the nation's health. To enroll in a master's program, you need to have a higher education diploma. In particular, it is possible to study this specialty with a non-medical education.

Future specialty

This direction involves the formation of professional competencies that will make it possible to really influence the improvement of the quality of life of the population. To do this, the specialist will need to understand the problems of domestic healthcare. After graduation, the master can work on issues of disease prevention and health promotion. Graduates of the program also occupy leadership positions in the healthcare industry. In particular, they create regulatory documentation in their field, conduct teaching and research work.

Where to apply

Currently, master's programs in this area are available in the following higher educational institutions:

  • First Moscow State honey. Sechenov University;
  • Tyumen State University;
  • St. Petersburg State pediatric med. university;
  • Northern State honey. university;
  • Ryazan State honey. Pavlov University.

Training period

According to the legislation, the master's program is designed for two years of study.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The future master's student takes a theoretical course during his studies, mastering the following subjects:

  • introduction to public health;
  • introduction to biostatics;
  • math modeling;
  • public health: scientific methods;
  • health promotion;
  • health policy;
  • fundamentals of psychology and sociology in the field of health care;
  • health economics;
  • healthcare management;
  • information Technology;
  • bioethics in health care;
  • human ecology;
  • foreign language.

Acquired skills

Master's studies involve acquiring the following practical skills:

  • development of preventive measures to prevent diseases;
  • carrying out activities that are aimed at preventing diseases, reducing morbidity and mortality;
  • solving current environmental issues;
  • development of measures to combat dangerous infections;
  • study of various factors that influence the level of morbidity in the population;
  • conducting public health research;
  • teaching work in higher educational institutions;
  • participation in the development of regulatory documents, analysis of the effectiveness of current norms and standards.

Job prospects by profession

This specialty is becoming increasingly in demand. On the one hand, its popularity is influenced by the government policy being implemented. On the other hand, demand is generated by pressing problems in the healthcare sector.

Such professionals are needed in institutions that provide health education. You can find yourself in practical medical activities or in teaching. A master's degree graduate can find work in regional departments and government bodies in the healthcare sector. There are vacancies in specialized research institutes and centers.

What do course graduates do:

  • managers;
  • community leaders;
  • medical practitioners;
  • clinicians;
  • researchers;
  • teachers.

The level of remuneration for such a specialist depends on the place of application of forces. If he decides to be a practicing doctor, then rates start from 25 thousand. Management positions mean increased income.

Benefits of Professional Development

After completing a master's degree, the graduate has broad prospects for self-realization in science. This is interesting for those who are interested in research activities. But a scientific degree also increases the employer’s interest in the applicant, even if the specialist chooses the path of a practicing doctor.


5B130100 – General medicine Duration of training – 5 years (Bachelor of Medicine in specialty) or 5 years + 2 years of internship (qualifying as a doctor). At the end of 5 years of study, a graduate who has expressed a desire to work in a specialty not related to clinical practice is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the academic degree of Bachelor of Medicine, a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating a list of disciplines studied with grades and the amount of academic hours. A bachelor of medicine has the opportunity to continue his studies in a master's program. A graduate who has completed 5 years of training + 2 years of internship is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the qualification of a doctor, a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating a list of disciplines studied with grades, the amount of academic hours and a certificate about the end of the internship. A graduate who has completed training (5+2) is allowed to practice independently as a doctor in the manner prescribed by law. Has the right to continue further studies at a master's degree or residency.
5B130200 – Dentistry Duration of training – 5 years (Bachelor of Medicine in specialty) or 5 years + 1 year of internship (with qualification as a general dentist). At the end of 5 years of study, a graduate who has expressed a desire to work in a specialty not related to clinical practice is issued a diploma of higher medical education with the academic degree of Bachelor of Medicine, a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and volume of academic hours. A bachelor of dentistry has the opportunity to continue his studies in a master's program. A graduate who has completed 5 years of training + 1 year of internship is issued a diploma of higher basic medical education with the qualification of a general dentist, an appendix to the diploma (transcript) indicating a list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the volume of academic hours and a certificate of completion of the internship. Allowed to engage in independent practice as a general dentist in the manner prescribed by law, and also has the right to continue further education in master’s or residency programs.
5В110100 – Nursing Duration of study – 4 years (with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Health in the specialty). The graduate who completes the training is issued a diploma of higher basic education and a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the amount of academic hours. A bachelor of health in the specialty “Nursing” can hold the following positions: chief nurse (Deputy Director of Nursing); senior nurse/brother (senior paramedic, senior obstetrician; district nurse (brother)/general practice nurse (brother); nurse (brother) specialized; obstetrician; dietary nurse, etc. The graduate has the right to continue further studies in a master's program.
5В110200 – Public health Duration of study – 4 years (with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Health in the specialty). The graduate is issued a diploma of higher medical education and a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the amount of academic hours. A Bachelor of Health in the specialty “Public Health” gives the right to occupy the following positions: healthcare manager, public health specialist (valeologist, statistician, methodologist), specialist of the Republican Committee, regional departments, territorial (district) public health departments in the areas of sanitary and hygienic supervision, in the areas of epidemiological surveillance. The graduate has the right to continue further studies in a master's program.
5В110300 – Pharmacy Duration of study – 5 years (with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Health in the specialty). The graduate is issued a diploma of higher medical education and a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the amount of academic hours. A Bachelor of Health with a specialty in Pharmacy can work as a general practice pharmacist. Has the right to continue further studies in a magistracy.
5B060700 – Biology Duration of study – 4 years (with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Natural Sciences in the specialty). The graduate is issued a diploma of higher education and a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the amount of academic hours. The graduate is allowed to engage in independent practical activities in the field of biological sciences (botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, biochemistry , biophysics, microbiology, etc.; biological systems of various levels of organization, biological environmental technologies). Has the right to continue further studies in a magistracy.
5B074800 – Pharmaceutical production technology Duration of study – 4 years (with the award of the academic degree Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the specialty). The graduate is issued a diploma of higher education and a diploma supplement (transcript) indicating the list of disciplines studied with grades, the number of credits completed and the amount of academic hours. Graduates can work in chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, enterprises producing medical drugs and medical devices, biotechnological production , perfume and cosmetic production, in technical control departments, central plant laboratories, laboratories for standardization and quality control of drugs, in standardization, certification and licensing authorities, research institutes. Has the right to continue further studies in a magistracy.


Master's degree

Duration of training: 2 years (full-time and part-time study)
The volume of the master's program is 120 credit units.

The program is intended for those who are directly involved or plan to be involved in the assessment, study and promotion of public health, the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which are the leading cause of mortality, disability, reduction in the average life expectancy of the population and the loss of healthy years of life, as in Russia, and in the world and the introduction of effective strategies in the field of NCD prevention in practical healthcare.

The purpose of training

The purpose of the master's program is to train specialists with a wide range of basic specialties to carry out professional activities in the field of public health, capable of:

  • comprehensive assessment and monitoring of the health status of the population,
  • identify factors that determine public health,
  • develop measures to preserve and improve public health, implement them in practice and evaluate their effectiveness.

Graduates carry out professional activities based on the development and implementation of research and practical programs and projects aimed at improving public health and the formation of a unified preventive space based on forecasting and scientific evidence base, organization and management in the field of public health and practical work in government, municipal and non-governmental organizations.

History of the program's creation

The master's program is based on more than 15 years of experience in teaching problems of public health and healthcare at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M.

Sechenov, first within the framework of the first in Russia created Faculty of Management and Economics of Health Care at our university, and now implemented by a team of highly professional teachers of the Higher School of Health Care Management.

Initially, this was the first Master of Public Health training program in our country, which was developed as part of an international project with the participation of representatives of leading foreign Schools of Public Health and recognized by the Association of Schools of Public Health of the European Region (ASPHER).

The Master's program is based on WHO strategic documents in the field of prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, is harmonized with WHO approaches in this area and is aimed at disseminating best practices in the field of prevention and control of NCDs among countries in the European Region.

International status of the program

The master's program was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard for higher professional education (FSES HE) in the field of preparation 04/32/01 Public health.

training in this program meets the requirements for Master of Public Health programs (Master of Public Health, MPH) in European countries and the international approaches of the World Health Organization to the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with the active assistance and support of the Center collaborating with WHO, opened on the basis of our School. The diploma and credits for individual courses obtained as a result of study are recognized by European universities within the framework of compliance with the Bologna Convention.

Program structure

Main training modules of the program:

  • Public health and the factors that determine it
  • Demography
  • Epidemiology
  • Biostatistics
  • Global and regional strategies and national plans for the prevention of NCDs
  • Medical technology assessment. Evidence-based medicine.
  • Prevention and health promotion programs. Organization of preventive care.
  • English as a means of professional communication
  • Optional modules (Behavioral aspects in prevention/Problems of behavior and addiction; Communicative aspects of public health development/Marketing communications; WHO NCD Risk Factor Monitoring and Evaluation System (STEPS)/Intersectoral collaboration in the field of prevention, etc.).
  • Research practice
  • Internship

Teaching staff

The program is implemented by a unique team of highly qualified teachers, consisting of leading experts in their professional fields (health care managers at various levels, public health and healthcare specialists, researchers, politicians, economists, clinicians, representatives of the pharmaceutical and medical business) and with significant experience in practical work in area of ​​prevention and control of NCDs.

Innovative educational technologies

A distinctive feature of the program is an interdisciplinary modular approach to building an educational space using innovative educational technologies: interactive educational discussions, lectures and seminars, situational tasks, business and role-playing games, simulation technologies, essays and creative works, group projects, distance learning forms and technologies.

Areas of professional activity of graduates

A Master of Public Health can apply for positions related to planning, organization, implementation, administration and evaluation of the effectiveness of activities in the field of disease prevention, protection and promotion of public health in medical, preventive and educational institutions of various levels, as well as in other economic entities.

The Master of Public Health can conduct research activities on theoretical, practical and fundamental public health issues.

Masters of Public Health may be in demand in the system of medical and non-medical structures:

  • managing and executive institutions of health care and social sphere (ministries of health, regional and municipal departments and health care committees, etc.);
  • government institutions operating in the field of public health (Rospotrebnadzor service at the federal, regional and municipal levels);
  • medical statistics institutions; centers for collecting and processing medical information (medical information and analytical centers of various levels);
  • medical and preventive institutions of various organizational and legal forms and other organizations providing health services (health centers, sanatorium-resort institutions);
  • research institutions and organizations;
  • national and international scientific and practical projects and programs in the field of public health;
  • international organizations working in the field of NCD prevention and control, including the geographically dispersed WHO NCD office;
  • public organizations.

As part of the practical training, participants in the master's program will be given the opportunity to become familiar with the successful implementation of the comprehensive preventive program “Healthy Cities” using the example of the Stupinsky municipal district of the Moscow region.

They will clearly demonstrate the experience of training non-medical specialists on prevention issues, the role and place of public health instructors as part of the implementation of comprehensive prevention programs in main age groups in the form of intersectoral cooperation.

Algorithms for working with the general population to promote a healthy lifestyle and active longevity in the main age groups will also be presented, and the role of non-medics in the implementation of preventive programs will be shown.

Course participants will become familiar with the implementation of innovative telemedicine programs in the municipal primary health care system and the work of institutions based on public-private partnerships.

Conditions for admission to the program

For admission to study A higher education diploma is required.

  • For persons with non-medical education qualification, a mandatory requirement is the presence bachelor's or specialist's diploma, if the bachelor’s level was not provided for in the mastered field of study at the time of the start of training.
  • For those with education in one of the specialties included in the group of areas of training Healthcare, a mandatory requirement is the presence specialist diploma.
  • Cost of the program: approximately 100,000 rubles.

Coordinates and contact person:

[email protected] Madyanova Victoria Vyacheslavovna

For questions regarding admission, please contact the Center for Master's Programs of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

We are looking for active, creative, caring and energetic like-minded people to join our team!


Organization and management in healthcare

The program is implemented by the Faculty of Public Economic Administration

master's program "Organization and management in healthcare" in the direction of “State and Municipal Management” (SMU) consists of training managers who are able to effectively provide at different levels of management the development, regulatory, organizational and economic support and implementation of state policy in the field of healthcare, innovative state, municipal and corporate programs and projects in healthcare, taking into account international and domestic experience.

Entrance tests: exam in the form of testing in a core discipline using a hundred-point system.

Purpose of the program:

Formation of a holistic understanding of state and municipal management and its features in the field of healthcare, including in the field of medical care and services based on service and social services, as well as in teaching practical skills in organizational, managerial, administrative, technological and project activities in healthcare.

Program objectives:

  • providing professional training for undergraduates for the system of state and municipal management in the field of healthcare;
  • providing legal education to managers focused on professional activities in government bodies and local governments, as well as in organizations of various forms of ownership related to the healthcare sector;
  • systematization and integration of knowledge on problems of management, legal regulation, economics and finance in the healthcare sector, including at the federal, regional, municipal, and corporate levels;
  • implementation of theoretical and practical training on the issues of personnel policy and personnel management in the healthcare sector;
  • formation of practical skills in program-targeted management, expert and project activities in the field of healthcare; implementation of theoretical and practical preparation for management activities aimed at improving the quality and culture of consumer service in the healthcare sector.
  • The program is based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 04/38/04 State and Municipal Administration (GMU) (master's level) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2014 No. 1518) and many years of experience in training personnel for social branches of the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Academy.
  • The training of master's students is based on an integrated approach to the organization and management of healthcare; the use of modern management methods and tools, taking into account the specifics of state, municipal and corporate management, with a focus on strategic guidelines for long-term planning of the activities of healthcare organizations, including primary care; involves mastering best practices.
  • Upon completion of the program, it is possible to continue education in graduate school and doctoral studies.

Graduates of the program have the following competencies:

  • Ability to manage an organization and its personnel, taking into account the characteristics of healthcare and the corresponding type of structure and type of activity.
  • Possession of skills in conducting representative sociological research and monitoring the social environment and public opinion, interests, preferences and expectations of the target audience when assessing the state of the healthcare system and the provision of services by its individual sectors and complexes, as well as institutions.
  • Ability to generate ideas, develop concepts of targeted programs and projects, strategies and long-term development programs.
  • Possession of skills to interact with various government and management structures, conduct dialogue with representatives of business and civil society in order to create and implement projects and programs in the field of healthcare.
  • Ability to carry out examination of regulatory documents, projects and programs in certain areas of the healthcare sector.
  • The ability to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of healthcare organizations, commercial and non-profit domestic and foreign enterprises involved in healthcare activities.

Director of the Scientific and Educational Center for Social Development. Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Policy. Specialist of the 1st category of the Faculty of Public Economic Management. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Professor. First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy. Head of the Department of Labor and Social Policy. Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Policy.

master's program "Organization and management in healthcare" in the direction of “State and Municipal Management” (SMU) consists of training managers who are able to effectively provide at different levels of management the development, regulatory, organizational and economic support and implementation of state policy in the field of healthcare, innovative state, municipal and corporate programs and projects in healthcare, taking into account international and domestic experience.

Entrance tests: exam in the form of testing in a core discipline using a hundred-point system.

  • Written Test Example

Purpose of the program:

Formation of a holistic understanding of state and municipal management and its features in the field of healthcare, including in the field of medical care and services based on service and social services, as well as in teaching practical skills in organizational, managerial, administrative, technological and project activities in healthcare.

Program objectives:

  • providing professional training for undergraduates for the system of state and municipal management in the field of healthcare;
  • providing legal education to managers focused on professional activities in government bodies and local governments, as well as in organizations of various forms of ownership related to the healthcare sector;
  • systematization and integration of knowledge on problems of management, legal regulation, economics and finance in the healthcare sector, including at the federal, regional, municipal, and corporate levels;
  • implementation of theoretical and practical training on the issues of personnel policy and personnel management in the healthcare sector;
  • formation of practical skills in program-targeted management, expert and project activities in the field of healthcare; implementation of theoretical and practical preparation for management activities aimed at improving the quality and culture of consumer service in the healthcare sector.

Competencies and advantages

  • The program is based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 04/38/04 State and Municipal Administration (GMU) (master's level) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2014 No. 1518) and many years of experience in training personnel for social branches of the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Academy.
  • The training of master's students is based on an integrated approach to the organization and management of healthcare; the use of modern management methods and tools, taking into account the specifics of state, municipal and corporate management, with a focus on strategic guidelines for long-term planning of the activities of healthcare organizations, including primary care; involves mastering best practices.
  • Upon completion of the program, it is possible to continue education in graduate school and doctoral studies.

Graduates of the program have the following competencies:

  • Ability to manage an organization and its personnel, taking into account the characteristics of healthcare and the corresponding type of structure and type of activity.
  • Possession of skills in conducting representative sociological research and monitoring the social environment and public opinion, interests, preferences and expectations of the target audience when assessing the state of the healthcare system and the provision of services by its individual sectors and complexes, as well as institutions.
  • Ability to generate ideas, develop concepts of targeted programs and projects, strategies and long-term development programs.
  • Possession of skills to interact with various government and management structures, conduct dialogue with representatives of business and civil society in order to create and implement projects and programs in the field of healthcare.
  • Ability to carry out examination of regulatory documents, projects and programs in certain areas of the healthcare sector.
  • The ability to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of healthcare organizations, commercial and non-profit domestic and foreign enterprises involved in healthcare activities.


Organizations, partners and internship sites of program participants

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and its subordinate organizations; The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and its subordinate medical and pharmaceutical enterprises; Health insurance funds; Social insurance funds; Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • The apparatus and specialized committees of the Federation Council; The apparatus and specialized committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Medical complexes and enterprises, health resort institutions are carriers of best practices.
  • The intended field of activity for graduates of the master's program "Organization and Management in Healthcare."
  • Federal government agencies; state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; local government bodies; state and municipal institutions, budgetary organizations, including the healthcare sector; civil society institutions; public sector organizations.
  • Non-profit organizations; international organizations and international governing bodies; organizations, departments for relations with government bodies and citizens; medical and social extra-budgetary funds, health departments of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, personnel, economic planning and other services of health care organizations, trade unions; state, municipal, non-profit medical and social organizations, scientific and analytical organizations and organizations of higher professional education involved in healthcare.

Faculty of Public Health

specialty 5B110400 - “medical”

-preventive matter”,

Qualification characteristics of a bachelor of specialty 5B110400 - “medical”

It’s a preventative matter.” The field of professional activity is healthcare, education, science.

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are:


    Treatment and prevention organizations (TPO)

    Children's preschool institution (DDU)

    Schools, secondary and higher educational institutions

    Industrial enterprises

    Agricultural facilities, etc.

Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:

    Institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological services of the Republic of Kazakhstan and relevant services of medical bodies of executive power;

    Sanitary and epidemiological stations;

    Disinfection stations;

    Anti-plague institutions;

    Sanitary quarantine and sanitary control points;

    Medical and preventive institutions of any organizational and legal forms;

    Centers for the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    Scientific research institutions of hygienic, epidemiological, microbiological and virological profiles;

    Medical educational institutions (colleges, higher education institutions).

    Organization and implementation of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemiological activities;

    Study of the environment and its impact on public health;

    Study of working, studying and living conditions and their impact on health;

    Hygienic assessment of food products, investigation of food poisoning cases;

    Regulatory legislation in the field of health care;

    Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN), construction norms and rules (SNiP).

Faculty of Public Health

specialty 5B110200 - “public health”,

State Standard of Education - 2009, duration of study - 5 years.

The graduate is awarded a diploma of higher medical education with the academic degree “Bachelor of Public Health”. Graduates are allowed to engage in independent practical activities as a healthcare organizer or a specialist in hygiene and epidemiology. The graduate has the right to continue further studies in a master's program.

Qualification characteristics of a bachelor of specialty 5B110200 “Public Health”. The sphere of professional activity is healthcare, education, science and social protection.

Organizations for the implementation of professional activities are:

    Health management organizations;

    Healthcare organizations;

    Educational organizations;

    Organizations of science;

    Social protection organizations.

The subject of professional activity is:

1. public health;

2. organization of healthcare management

3. environmental conditions;

4. working, studying and living conditions of people;

5. Food;

6. Industrial goods;

7. Regulatory legislation in the field of healthcare;

8. Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN), construction norms and rules (SNiP).

Teaching staff: 77 in total, including 1 academicians, 11 doctors of sciences, 11 professors, 25 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

The bases of the faculty are the RGKP “Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Monitoring” of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, UGSEN of Almaty, regional UGSEN, Gordezstantsiya, Kazakh Academy of Nutrition.

Details: Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova. Almaty st. Tole bi 88, 050012, tel. +7 (007-727) 92-69-69.

E-mail: kaznmu_mpf@

Public health faculty

Specialty 051102 “public health”

SCSE -2009, the duration of studying is 5 years.

A graduate is given a diploma of higher medical education with awarding an academic degree of “public health bachelor”, academic testimonial with indicating a list of the studied subjects with marks, the number of passed credits and volume of academic hours. A graduate is allowed to have his independent practical activity as a specialist-organizer of public health or a specialist on hygiene and epidemiology. Graduate has a right to continue his further studying at mastership.

Qualification characteristic of the bachelor of specialty 5B110200 "Public health care". The sphere of professional activity is the health care, education, science and social protection.

The organizations for the implementation of professional activity are:

1 . Organizations of management of health care;

2. Health care organizations;

3. Education organizations;

4 . Science organizations;

5 . Organizations of social protection.

The Subject of professional activity is:

1 . public health;

2. organization of management of health care

3. environment conditions;

4 . working conditions, study and life of people;

6. Goods of industrial production;

7. The standard and legal legislation in the field of health care;

8 . Sanitary standards also I ruled (SanPiN), construction norms and I ruled (Construction Norms and Regulations).

Faculty Public health care

specialty 5B110400 - "the physician

- preventive business",

GOSO-2009, term of training-5 of years.

To the graduate the diploma about the higher medical education with award of the academic degree "the bachelor of health care in "medico-preventive business" is issued. Release is allowed to independent practical activities as the expert in epidemiology, municipal hygiene, hygiene of children and teenagers, on radiation hygiene, virology, bacteriology, parasitology. The graduate has the right to continue further training in a magistracy.

The qualification characteristic of the bachelor of specialty 5B110400 - "the physician

Preventive business". The sphere of professional activity is the health care, education, sciences.

Objects of professional activity of release are:

2. terapeutic-prophylactic Organizations (TPO)

3. Children's Preschool institutions (CPI)

4 . Schools, averages and higher educational institutions

5 . Industrial enterprises

6. Agricultural objects, etc.

The organizations for the implementation of professional activity are:

1 . Establishments state sanitary and epidemiologic services of the Republic of Kazakhstan and relevant services of medical executive authorities;

2. Sanitary and epidemiologic stations;

3. Disinfection stations;

4 . Antiplague establishments;

5 . Sanitary and quarantine and sanitary and control points;

6. Treatment-and-preventive establishments of any organizationally - legal forms;

7. Centers of formation of a healthy lifestyle;

8 . Scientifically – research establishments of a hygienic, epidemiological, microbiological and virologic profile;

9 . Educational institutions of a medical profile (colleges, higher educational institutions).

Subject of professional activity are:

1 . Organization and carrying out sanitary and hygienic and antiepidemiological activity;

2. Studying of environment and its influence on population health;

3. Studying of working conditions, study and life and their influence on health;

4 . Hygienic assessment of food, investigation of cases of food poisonings;

5 . The standard and legal legislation in the field of health care;

6. Sanitary standards also I ruled (SanPiN), construction norms and I ruled (Construction Norms and Regulations).

Professorial-teaching staff includes in total 77 workers, out of them -1 academican,11 doctors of medicine, professors,25 candidates of science, associate professors.

Bases of faculty-RSGE "Scientific and practical center of sanitary and epidemiologic examination and monitoring" Committee of the Gosanepidnadzor of RK MPH, State sanitarian-epidemiological surveillance, DSSES of Almaty, regional DSSES, City disinfection station.