Gez method of teaching foreign languages. Gez - history of foreign methods of teaching foreign languages, Gez, Frolov

The textbook was written by well-known experts in the field of university and school methods teaching foreign languages, authors of many articles, textbooks and teaching aids. It contains an analysis of foreign teaching methods of the 19th and 20th centuries, which left a noticeable mark on the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. The disclosure of each method is preceded by a description social situations, within which it arose and developed, as well as linguistic and psychological foundations who had a certain influence on him.
For students linguistic universities and faculties of foreign languages ​​of higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as for graduate students of these universities and teachers of various types of schools.

The textbook is a systematic presentation of all sections of the course program on methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at school. During the presentation of the material in each of the chapters of the textbook, it is given brief analysis concepts to definitions methodological categories, describes the current state of study of the problem. Contents of the textbook focused on disclosure methodological foundations formation of students' skills and abilities of practical knowledge of a foreign language, also takes into account the general educational and educational goals of studying foreign languages.

Download and read Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school, Gez N.I., Lyakhovitsky M.V., Mirolyubov A.A., 1982

The textbook (2nd ed., revised - 2005), written by well-known specialists, authors of numerous textbooks and teaching aids on school and university methods, is designed to develop teachers of any non-native languages general idea about the theory of teaching foreign languages ​​as scientific field, about the patterns of constructing the educational process in the development of oral and written communication. The novelty of the author's approach lies in the fact that a foreign language (as academic subject) is considered as a component language education in an artificial language environment.
For students of linguistic universities and foreign language departments of higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as teachers of various types of schools.

Download and read Theory of teaching foreign languages, Galskova N.D., Gez N.I., 2006

Notebooks are integral part educational complex « German" For primary school. Notebooks are intended for independent work students and contain tasks not only for repetition and consolidation of what has been learned in the textbook, but also for improving language training.

A textbook created by famous experts, authors of numerous manuals for secondary school, N. D. Galskova and N. I. Gez, intended for training junior schoolchildren in 2nd grade.
Traditional school topics are studied through a variety of puzzle games and creative tasks, authentic texts, funny songs and rhymes based on a rich illustrative series and own experience children. The textbook is equipped with a dictionary compiled on a thematic basis. In combination with the textbook, two workbooks, a teacher's book and a work program are published.

Let's consider these provisions a little
more details.
L - V. Shcherba proved that in the mind of a person who owns
native language, the essence of thought and the methods of its formulation are inextricably linked. A foreign language, acting as a standard for comparison, makes it possible to realize
that there are other ways of expressing thoughts than in the native language, other connections between form and meaning. In the process of working on a language, especially when doing translations, students in most cases unintentionally come to the conclusion about different ways of forming thoughts, which
L.V. Shcherba called it “awareness” of his thinking.
general education
the most important
L.V. Shcherba emphasized that such a contribution to philological education no one can give students
item high school. Study only native language
is not capable of revealing the subtlest connections between thought and
ways of expressing it, to realize these ways, because in this case students do not have a standard for comparison, which
gives only a foreign language.
No wonder he wrote: “A foreign language gives us this
opportunity (the opportunity to understand that a thought can be
expressed by others language means. — Authors), expressing the same idea in other terms, helps to reveal
various means of expression both in the native language and
teaches us not to confuse methods of expression with the essence of things.”
It is important to note that this unintentional "awareness" of thinking occurs in the process practical work over the language from the very beginning of its study. In other words,
For general education, but the process of language acquisition itself, first of all, is of great general educational value.
The process of learning a foreign language is of great importance
language and to improve practical proficiency in native language
tongue. First of all, in the process of working on a foreign
language, one becomes more deeply aware of the ways of expressing thoughts in
native language, since the student mentally and involuntarily compares these methods with methods in a foreign language
language. Finally, during many practical exercises1

Shcherba L.V. General educational significance of foreign languages ​​and their place in the system school subjects. - Soviet pedagogy, 1972, No. 5-6, p. 35.

nii (especially translations) the student will select language-
advanced means of the native language necessary to express
certain thoughts, suggest different variants, What,
will certainly make his command of his native language more
flexible and aware. It is no coincidence, as evidenced
N.K. Krupskaya, V.I. Lenin appreciated exercises in translation
de. It's easy to see that positive influence on
improving proficiency in one’s native language is influenced by
cess practical learning foreign language, and
this influence begins from the very beginning of foreign lessons
Learning a foreign language makes a known contribution
in development logical thinking students. Yes, classes
language contribute to the improvement of the students’ existing
current mental operations(analysis, synthesis, comparison
nie, etc.). In particular, such an exercise as compiling
plan, abstracts for the text, topic, stories according to the plan, according to the
sunku help students learn to think logically
and accordingly it is logical to vomit out your thoughts.
In the process of studying
acquire information about its system and the features of this
systems, for example
about the categories of uncertainty and op-
sparseness, about branched systems of tenses in English
com, German and French. Of course, these
knowledge contributes to general educationi At an advanced stage of education, i.e. in high school, students
work on texts of a regional character, dedicated to the geography, history, culture of the country of the language being studied, they get acquainted with excerpts from literary works in the target language. It is obvious that information gleaned from texts in a foreign language
broaden the horizons of students, contribute to their overall
education. It should be noted that the last point about
educational value of studying a foreign language -
ka manifests itself only at advanced stages, when generalization
knowledge about the language system is being acquired and students are proficient
mental speech, sufficient to glean information
nia from texts. In this regard, it seems completely
incorrect position of some methodologists who vi-
give the general educational value of studying foreign languages
language only in the very fact of mastering the language and obtaining
obtaining new information with its help. With this approach

Cm.; Krupskaya N.K. Lenin on the study of foreign languages.
Pedagogical essays. M., 1959, vol. 3.

The process of learning a foreign language itself is deprived of general educational value, and narrow practicality means
to a certain extent reduces the value of learning languages ​​at school,
for the main task of school and any educational subject is
provision of general education and upbringing of students.
§ 3. Educational goals training
Learning a foreign language makes a serious contribution
in the formation of a communist worldview. Important
The main position of Marxist linguistics is
the position that thinking is universal and that the system
The theme of the concepts is generally the same. U different nations distinguish-
various ways of forming thoughts, forms of transmitting those or
other concepts. When studying a foreign language, students know
struggle with different ways of forming thoughts and postures
This is a Marxist position in practice. Formed
tion this concept very important in modern conditions,
when the hypothesis spreads in the West that language
shapes thinking, and, therefore, different languages Ha-
characterize different ways thinking (Sapir-Whorf hypothesis). A similar hypothesis in the hands of bourgeois ideologists
Gov turns into a weapon of racist theory because
makes it possible to assert that there are “higher” and “lower”
our languages, and, consequently, races. Exposing this
theory has serious ideological significance.
In the process of studying: language, working on texts, prices
ideologically, students develop concepts Soviet patriotism, proletarian internationalism. The last concept is formed in foreign lessons
strange language is especially successful because students
in the process of reading they get acquainted with everyday life, customs, history
people of the country of the language being studied.
Learning a foreign language can and should contribute
promote a communist attitude towards labor. Reading
and discussion of texts telling about the heroism of labor,
labor exploits Soviet people, largely
re promotes this. Foreign language classes are impossible without independent work on the language
the power of dictionaries and reference books. That's why this item helps students develop the ability to independently expand their knowledge.
Finally, learning a foreign language helps
formation of important character traits. Yes, work on

Language, especially independent, develops in schoolchildren
nikov accuracy and perseverance in overcoming work-
student to pay attention to the text, which, according to
L.V. Shcherba, forms an attentive reader. This is a skill
very important for anyone cultured person while reading
4. Content of teaching a foreign language
in general
and accordingly, when teaching any subject, everything that should be taught to students is understood. So, in didactics under pedagogical concept"content of education"
are understood
about nature, society, thinking. technology, methods of activity, a system of general intellectual and practical
skills, experience creative activity and, on-
end, the norms of communist education. Content
learning is defined in didactics as follows:
“In the content of each academic subject (i.e., the content
training institutes. — Authors) must find a place for those compo-
nents of culture mentioned above: knowledge, skills
knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity, business norms
Munistic education".
In accordance with the stated provisions of didactics in
many methodological works under training content
language material is understood, subject to assimilation,
as well as skills and abilities.
A somewhat different point of view was expressed by I. L. Beam,
who proposed to distinguish between “the content of educational pre-
meta" and "learning content". In the first case, she
embraces the term everything that in the traditional methodology
understand the content of training. Under the second term-
but it combines the concepts of “curriculum content”
meta" and " pedagogical process" A similar approach, one
however, it cannot be considered successful as the concept of “contains”
learning the subject" and " educational process"are

See: D and d a k t i k a medium

Ibid., p. 69.
Salistra I. D. Methods of teaching the German language
high school. M., 1958.
Bim I. L. System of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary
school and textbook as a model for its implementation. M., 1974,

There is work on selecting this material, which began within the framework of another. Thus, under the leadership and with the direct participation of G. Palmer, for the first time in
(audiovisual method) previously developed principles are clarified and implemented
What is common to the methods under consideration and what distinguishes them is

From all others, is the interpretation of the grammatical ma-
terial. If in all other methods the main way
its design was a verbally formulated rule,
then in indirect methods the same function is performed by the structure (G. Palmer has an example). In educational materials
it appears as a key sentence ("grammatical
structure"/"speech sample"/"model"), representing
this or that phenomenon. The structure is always given deductively
naturally, the main way to assimilate it is through analogy

repetition her students, accompanied lexical substitutions(subst.

In accordance with the main thesis of the directists, the initial
stage of continuous development oral speech. Non-straightforward,
however, they differ in their understanding of the tasks in this area and
therefore, they define the content and nature of work differently
bots during this training period.
Chronologically, the first to emerge (20s) was oral
method, which is better known as the Palmer method (named after its author, one of
Comrade). He not only received wide use, But
and had a significant influence on the development of audiolingual (40s) and audiovisual (50s) methods.

G. Palmer believes that the task of the initial stage,

In the grammar-translation method, rules are the starting point of work at all levels




in Linguistics from the Ministry of Education

Russian Federation as a teaching aid

for students studying in the specialty

“Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures”

N.D. Galskova- part I;

N.I.Gez- parts II, III


doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education A. A. Peaceful;

Department of Linguodidactics, Moscow State

regional university(head of department -

candidate philological sciences N. N. Mikhailov)

Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology: Textbook. aid for students lingv, un-tov and fak. in. language higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center"Academy", 2004. - 336 p. ISBN 5-7695-1381-0

The textbook, written by well-known specialists, authors of numerous textbooks and teaching aids on school and university methods, is designed to form among teachers of any non-native languages ​​a general understanding of the theory of teaching foreign languages ​​as a scientific field, of the patterns of constructing the educational process in the development of oral and written communication. The novelty of the author's approach lies in the fact that a foreign language (as an academic subject) is considered as an integral part of language education in an artificial language environment.

For students of linguistic universities and foreign language departments of higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as teachers of various types of schools.





© Galskova N.D., Gez N.I., 2004

© Publishing center "Academy", 2004


This manual is addressed to students language universities and faculties pedagogical profile, teachers and instructors of any non-native languages ​​1 , graduate students working on current problems language education, as well as specialists in the field vocational training and advanced training of teaching staff.

The main purpose of the manual is to give an idea of current state and prospects for the development of domestic language education, about the requirements for the level and quality of linguocultural training of students of various categories in the context language policy in the field of education. The concept of “linguocultural preparation” of students includes their proficiency in at different levels any languages ​​and cultures, both native and non-native. This gave the authors of this manual the basis to proceed from the fact that language education is education in the field all modern (native and non-native) languages ​​and cultures . But since the areas of teaching and learning native and non-native languages, as well as the areas practical use these languages ​​differ from each other and each of them has its own specific features, in the book, education in the field of the native language and education in the field of modern non-native languages ​​are treated as related, but at the same time autonomously functioning spheres. It is from this perspective that the problems of education in the field of modern non-native languages ​​are presented, with the understanding of a certain convention; the terms “language education” and “education in the field of foreign (and more broadly, all non-native) languages” are used as synonymous.

The complexity and dynamism of the development and functioning of the sphere of modern language education places new demands on all its subjects, and above all on the teacher. The teacher must not only be fluent in individual innovative technologies for teaching his subject, but also understand the essence of the patterns that underlie them, see their origins and prospects for development. This is especially important at the milestone stages of development methodological science, one of which is experiencing modern theory teaching non-native languages.

1 The concept of “non-native language” includes a foreign language that is studied outside the conditions of its natural existence, i.e. in the educational process, and which is not used along with the first (native) in everyday communication, as well as a second language that is not native , but is acquired, as a rule, in a social environment, where it acts as a real means of communication, and which, along with the native or after it, is a second means of communication (see: Klein W., 1987, S.31).

This stage is associated with a consistent appeal to the intercultural paradigm of research into the processes of teaching and learning languages ​​and cultures, which most naturally requires a rethinking of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of methodological science, the essence modern techniques, methods and means of teaching languages, the specifics of the teacher’s functional load. The latter acts not only as a “translator” of a new language code and “language” content, but also as an initiator and organizer of intercultural interaction between a student and native speakers of the language being studied, and the formation of his readiness and ability to take an active part in this interaction. For successful implementation For this function, the teacher must have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to model the educational process based on a holistic systematic approach to education in the field of non-native languages ​​and the culture of their speakers.