Kolomna institutes and universities. Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (mgosgi)

Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute today has over 6,200 students. Currently, the institute has 10 basic faculties that train qualified personnel in 27 specialties, 21 areas of postgraduate study, a faculty of additional pedagogical specialization, a Pre-University Training Center, an Educational Center, and an Educational Development Center. 37 doctors of sciences and professors, 198 candidates of sciences and associate professors work at 34 departments. Teachers with academic degrees and titles make up 63.2% of the total teaching staff. 17 professors and associate professors of the institute are academicians and corresponding members of various public Russian and international academies. At the institute you can study on an extra-budgetary basis, get a second higher education in all specialties, including psychology, law, national economics, commodity science, etc. The library fund is about 500,000 copies of educational, scientific, reference, and methodological literature. For students there are two dormitories, a medical and outpatient center, and a stadium (built in 1989). The scientific work of the institute is one of the strengths of the Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute. The institute has a student scientific society (SSS). Student Science Days are held annually. The institute has 14 scientific clubs in which students study. Based on the results of their scientific work, students make presentations at conferences at the institute and in other universities, prepare coursework and final qualification papers, participate in regional and all-Russian olympiads and competitions, and publish materials in scientific collections. The results of the most significant research works of students are introduced into the practice of children's institutions, schools, organizations and enterprises. The team of the Faculty of Economics is a permanent participant and leader of the international student movement SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise).
The institute has 6 research laboratories: applied informatics;
nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR); solid state physics; physics of crystals; predicting physical performance; agricultural mechanization. The Kolomna branch of the All-Russian Society of Educational Psychologists operates on the basis of the Department of Psychology. At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​there is a French educational information and cultural center for the dissemination of the French language in the South-Eastern region of the Moscow region. In carrying out scientific research, the institute cooperates with gymnasiums No. 5, No. 9, the educational complex "Rainbow", secondary schools No. 15, No. 20, No. 30 in Kolomna, a number of other schools, gymnasiums, vocational schools, enterprises and institutions of the South eastern region of the Moscow region. At the departments of the institute, a lot of work is being done to prepare publications and introduce textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological complexes, methodological recommendations and other materials into the educational process, aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of student training.

Information site http://www.kimgou.ru

Coordinates: 55°04′47″ n. w. 38°48′57″ E. d. /  55.079722° s. w. 38.815833° E. d.(G) (O)55.079722 , 38.815833

Kolomna Institute MGOU- Kolomna Institute (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Open University".

State license No. 6428 of March 21, 2006
Certificate of state accreditation
No. 2183 of January 10, 2006


Kolomna Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Open University" was formed by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1015 of May 25, 1955 "On additional measures to streamline the training of specialists with higher education" as a branch of the Moscow Evening Mechanical Engineering Institute, reorganized in 1962 into Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM). In 1963, the institute became part of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute (VZPI), which was transformed in 1992 into the Moscow State Open University (MSOU). Moscow State Open University is one of the largest state universities in Russia. More than 77 thousand students study at 25 faculties of the university in 62 specialties. Over half a century of professional activity, the Kolomna Institute has trained more than 10 thousand highly qualified specialists: engineers, builders, managers, economists and lawyers. From its walls came engineers of Russian renown, major business leaders and reputable scientists; scientific teams were formed in the research laboratories of the institute, which made a significant contribution to the development of the country's mechanical engineering complex. Its current graduates are also in demand, who today successfully work in various sectors of the national economy, government bodies and law enforcement agencies, and conduct research work.

Faculties and specialties

Mechanical Engineering The faculty trains engineers in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” (TMC), “Industrial and Civil Engineering” (IGC). Specializations: CAD of technological processes and Technology of mechanical assembly works.

Transport The faculty trains engineers in the following specialties: - “Internal combustion engines” (ICE); - “Management and informatics in technical systems” (UITS); - “Computer software and automated systems” (POVT and AS).

Economic The faculty trains economists in the following specialties: “Economics and management in a mechanical engineering enterprise”, “Accounting, analysis and audit”, as well as managers in the specialties: “Organization management”, “State and municipal management”.

Legal The faculty of the Kolomna Institute of Moscow State University trains lawyers with a specialty in “Jurisprudence”. Specializations: civil law and criminal law.

Institute today

Teaching and scientific work in 16 departments is carried out by more than 200 teachers and researchers, including 30 doctors of sciences and professors, more than 100 candidates of sciences and associate professors. Among them are members of various academies, honored scientists and honored educators of the Russian Federation, laureates of State Prizes. More than 3 thousand students study at 4 faculties.

The Kolomna Institute trains highly qualified specialists, organically combining the latest teaching technologies and glorious half-century-old traditions.

The institute employs:

  • Regional Scientific and Educational Center for Nanotechnologies;
  • regional Center for Innovation Activity;
  • institute for retraining of specialists (second higher professional education);
  • pre-university training center;
  • an information and computing center that services more than 250 computers connected to a local network with Internet access via a fiber-optic communication system;
  • research center of the Russian Humanistic Society (the Russian Geographical Society Center publishes the scientific journal “Common Sense”;
  • Primary School of Business and Law;
  • scientific and technical library.

Students have the latest educational technologies (multimedia educational programs) at their disposal; satellite communication system of the TV and radio company "Mir"; high material and technical base (more than 50 educational and scientific laboratories equipped with modern equipment), etc.

Youth policy

To organize educational work with students, the institute has a student council, which includes representatives of all faculties. The Council acts as the organizer of various cultural events of an educational nature, such as birthdays of the institute and faculties, student holidays “Dedication to Students”, “Tatyana’s Day”, “Student Spring”, etc. The institute has its own symbols: an emblem, a flag and an anthem. A monthly newspaper "Polytech" is published.

Students of the Kolomna Institute are active participants and winners of international student scientific conferences, competitions and olympiads.

The student theater studio - laureate of the Moscow festival of student creativity "Festos" - and the KVN national team - winner of the major league of KVN "Moscow Region" (2006) enjoy great authority among young people.

Sports competitions have long become traditional at the institute: cross-country, cross-country skiing, football, table tennis, etc.

A lot of work is being done to provide social assistance to students and young families, they are given social scholarships and subsidies, and a competition “The most charming student family” is held.

For information and notification, the institute operates a radio broadcasting center. In free time from classes, youth programs and musical congratulations are broadcast.

The institute has created a video and photo archive of educational and cultural institute events.

Basic enterprises

OJSC "Kolomensky Plant". The plant was founded in 1863. Today it is a large manufacturer and developer of mainline passenger diesel and electric locomotives, block-modular power plants, diesel engines and diesel generators designed for freight and shunting diesel locomotives, sea and river vessels, and drilling rigs. The plant's products are successfully operating in 30 countries of the world, such as: Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Cuba, Pakistan, India, etc. Kolomna Plant OJSC is one of the implementers of the Federal Programs for the development and production of a new generation of rolling stock.

FSUE "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" Federal Agency for Industry The enterprise was established by GKO Resolution No. 1576 of April 11, 1942. Nowadays it is one of the leading enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex. Over the years, anti-tank missile systems were created here: “Shmel”, “Shturm”, “Attack”; operational-tactical missile systems "Tochka", "Oka", etc. Today, FSUE "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering" is a developer and manufacturer of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, operational-tactical missile systems, active protection systems for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, multi-purpose missile systems, launch systems missiles and other products.

OJSC Russian Aircraft Manufacturing Company MiG(production complex in Lukhovitsy). In 1953, the first turbojet front-line bomber IL-28 took off into the sky over Lukhovitsy. This flight marked the birth of the plant. Since 1962, the plant has produced supersonic front-line jet fighters MiG - 21, and then MiG - 23. In 1982, the plant launched production of fourth generation jet fighters - MiG - 29.

Famous graduates

  • Grigory Nikolaevich Galkin, Hero of Russia.
  • Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Nikitin(1927-2005), Laureate of State Prizes, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
  • Viktor Antonovich Rat, General Director of OJSC State Machine-Building Design Bureau "VYMPEL" named after. I. I. Toropova", Moscow.
  • Valery Alexandrovich Ryzhov, chief designer of JSC Kolomensky Plant, full member (academician) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Honored Designer of the Russian Federation, professor.
  • Vasily Ivanovich Ulybin(1916-1984), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975). A major industrial figure, production organizer. General Director of the Kirov Plant PA (1972-1976), Leningrad.
  • Anatoly Vladimirovich Shestakov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Balashikha Urban District, President of the Balashikha Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Valery Ivanovich Shuvalov, Head of the Kolomna urban district, Moscow region.

Year of foundation: 1953
Number of students studying at the university: 6773
Cost of studying at the university: 32 - 70 thousand rubles.

Address: 140410, Moscow region, Kolomna, Zelenaya 30


Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kolomna-kgpi.ru

About the university

Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (formerly Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute - KSPI) is one of the oldest universities in Russia, currently the largest university in the south-east of the Moscow region.

The history of pedagogical education in Kolomna dates back to the 17th century, when the Theological Seminary operated in the city, training not only clergy, but also teachers. Among her students is Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Philaret (Drozdov, 1782-1867).

After its closure in 1805, the Kolomna district school was created in the city, transformed into a two-class, and then (from 1896) a three-class city school. It was graduated from the professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, the founder of the first Moscow public newspaper “Modern Izvestia” Nikita Petrovich Gilyarov-Platonov, the famous Kolomna philanthropists Kislovs and the economist and statistician academician Yanzhul, Ivan Ivanovich (1896-1914).

In the last quarter of the 19th century. a women's gymnasium opened (since 1899 named after A.S. Pushkin). Graduates of her last - pedagogical - class received the right to work as teachers in primary schools.

In 1920, when the Kolomna Pedagogical College was opened on the basis of teacher courses, it was transformed in 1937 into the Kolomna Pedagogical School, which existed until 1941. In 1939, on the basis of the school, the Kolomna Teachers' Institute was formed, which in 1953 became the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute. Finally, in March 2000, it was renamed Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute.

Currently, the institute has 12 faculties that train qualified personnel in more than 27 specialties:

* Physics and mathematics;
* Historical;
* Legal;
* Philological;
* Economic;
* Psychological;
* Pedagogical;
* Technological;
* Physical culture and sports;
* Foreign languages;
* Faculty of additional pedagogical specialty;
* Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining.

There are postgraduate courses in 17 areas; Work is underway to reorganize the dissertation Council (licensing the Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the field of History and Literary Studies). More than 40 doctors of science and professors work at 33 departments. More than 60% of teachers have academic degrees and titles. Foreign specialists are regularly invited to work at KSPI. The Institute successfully participates in research projects supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region of the Moscow Region. All-Russian scientific conferences are held, often with international participation.

Professor Aksenov, Dmitry Egorovich (1913-1988) became the first rector of the pedagogical institute in 1953-1970. Dmitry Egorovich managed to significantly develop the institute: from 2 faculties and 800 students in the 50s to 6 faculties and more than 2000 students in 1969, a graduate school was opened, which functioned until 1978, and an entire pedagogical campus was built, where the institute is located now.

Professor Kryazhev, Pyotr Efimovich (1914-1993) headed the university in 1970-1985. At this time, the institute had a faculty for advanced training of teachers of pedagogical schools (physical education and labor).

Professor Koreshkov, Boris Dmitrievich (1940-2003) headed the KSPI in 1985-2003. The institute received state status, new faculties emerged, postgraduate studies resumed work, and a new academic building was built.

Professor Mazurov, Alexey Borisovich, has been heading the KSPI since 2004. Specialist in the archeology of the medieval city, author of the monograph “Medieval Kolomna in the XIV - first third of the XVI centuries,” one of the founders of the Kolomna Archaeological Center.

* Kitaygorodsky, Alexander Isaakovich - physicist, popularizer of science.
* Speer, Gleb Artemyevich (1910-1979) - literary critic, dean of the historical-philological, and then philological faculty of the KPI in 1955-1970.
* Petrosov, Konstantin Grigorievich (1920-2001) - professor, head of the literature department of the KPI, author of the poetry collection “Wheel of Fortune”
* Inger, Aizik Gennadievich - professor of the department of literature, translator of Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, author of the only translation into Russian of “The Anatomy of Melancholy” by Robert Burton (M.: Progress-Tradition, 2005).
* Rudnev, Pyotr Aleksandrovich (1925-1996) - Associate Professor of the Department of Literature in 1958-1968, one of the founders of the Soviet poetic tradition, in the early 70s. - colleague of Yu. M. Lotman at the University of Tartu.
* A. I. Gorshkov
* Krasnov, Georgy Vasilievich (1921 - 2008) - Doctor of Philology, professor, head of the department of literature (1979-1994), founder of the Boldin Readings, one of the most representative international conferences in the field of Pushkin studies. Students of G.V. Krasnov work in universities in N. Novgorod, Donetsk, Vladimir, Pskov, and Moscow.
* Auer, Alexander Petrovich (born 1949) - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Literature (since 2010).
* Viktorovich, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (born 1950) - Doctor of Philology, professor, head of the department of literature (1994 - 2010), vice-president of the Russian Dostoevsky Society.
* Kulagin, Anatoly Valentinovich (born 1958) - Doctor of Philology, professor, specialist in Russian literature of the 19th century, Russian art song, author of the first doctoral dissertation in the post-Soviet space, dedicated to the work of V. Vysotsky.
* Oksana Bogdanovna Shirokikh (born 1955) - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the IASPE, founder and first dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education.
* Teachers such as the head of the department cooperate with the institute. English literature MPGU M. I. Nikola, professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities N. D. Tamarchenko, professor of PetrSU, vice-president of the International Dostoevsky Society V. N. Zakharov, professor of the Moscow Academy of Sciences and Sports A. I. Osipov.

Notable students and alumni

* Erofeev, Venedikt Vasilievich - Russian writer.
* Kuznetsova, Svetlana Valentinovna - Teacher, winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in the Moscow Region - 2004”.
* Lobysheva, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Russian athlete. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006).
* Larionov, Igor Nikolaevich - winner of the Stanley Cup in 1997 and 1998
* Ermolaev, Nikolai Valerievich - Teacher, winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in Ramensky District - 2002”, author of a textbook for secondary school, original methods of teaching a foreign language.
* Gudkov, Gennady Vladimirovich - Russian politician and entrepreneur
* Lyubicheva, Maria - member of the groups "Barto" (a group that exists at the intersection of the genres of electroclash and electropunk) and "St. Elmo's Fire" (Trip Hop, Downtempo).


The history of pedagogical education in Kolomna dates back to the 17th century, when the Theological Seminary operated in the city, training not only clergy, but also teachers. Among her students is Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Filaret (Drozdov, -).

In the last quarter of the 19th century. a women's gymnasium opened (since 1899 named after A.S. Pushkin). Graduates of her last - pedagogical - class received the right to work as teachers in primary schools.

In the year when, on the basis of teacher courses, the Kolomna Pedagogical College was opened, transformed in the year into the Kolomna Pedagogical School, which lasted up to a year. In 1939, on the basis of the school, the Kolomna Teachers' Institute was formed, which in 1953 became the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute. Finally, in March 2000, it was renamed Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute.

Current state

Currently, the institute has 12 faculties that train qualified personnel in more than 27 specialties:

  • Physics and mathematics;
  • Historical;
  • Legal;
  • Philological;
  • Economic;
  • Psychological;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Technological;
  • Physical culture and sports;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Faculty of Additional Pedagogical Specialty;
  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining.

There are postgraduate courses in 17 areas; Work is underway to reorganize the dissertation Council (licensing the Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the field of History and Literary Studies). More than 40 doctors of science and professors work at 33 departments. More than 60% of teachers have academic degrees and titles. Foreign specialists are regularly invited to work at KSPI. The Institute successfully participates in research projects supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region of the Moscow Region. All-Russian scientific conferences are held, often with international participation.

Famous personalities


Professor Aksyonov, Dmitry Egorovich (-) became the first rector of the pedagogical institute in - years. Dmitry Egorovich managed to significantly develop the institute: from 2 faculties and 800 students in the 50s to 6 faculties and more than 2000 students in 1969, a graduate school was opened, which functioned until 1978, and an entire pedagogical campus was built, where the institute is located now.

Professor Kryazhev, Pyotr Efimovich (-) headed the university in - years. At this time, the institute had a faculty for advanced training of teachers of pedagogical schools (physical education and labor).

Professor Koreshkov, Boris Dmitrievich (-) headed KSPI in - years. The institute received state status, new faculties emerged, postgraduate studies resumed work, and a new academic building was built.

Professor Mazurov, Alexey Borisovich, has been heading the KSPI since 2004. Specialist in the archeology of the medieval city, author of the monograph “Medieval Kolomna in the XIV - first third of the XVI centuries,” one of the founders of the Kolomna Archaeological Center.


  • Kitaygorodsky, Alexander Isaakovich - physicist, popularizer of science.
  • Speer, Gleb Artemyevich (1910-1979) - literary critic, dean of the historical-philological, and then philological faculty of the KPI in 1955-1970.
  • Petrosov, Konstantin Grigorievich (1920-2001) - professor, head of the literature department of the KPI, author of the poetry collection “Wheel of Fortune”
  • Inger, Aizik Gennadievich - professor of the department of literature, translator of Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, author of the only translation into Russian of “The Anatomy of Melancholy” by Robert Burton (M.: Progress-Tradition, 2005).
  • Rudnev, Pyotr Aleksandrovich (1925-1996) - Associate Professor of the Department of Literature in 1958-1968, one of the founders of the Soviet poetic tradition, in the early 70s. - colleague of Yu. M. Lotman at the University of Tartu.
  • A. I. Gorshkov
  • Krasnov, Georgy Vasilyevich (born 1921) - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Literature, founder of the philological school, whose representatives work in universities in N. Novgorod, Donetsk, Vladimir, Pskov, Moscow.
  • Auer, Alexander Petrovich (born 1949) - Doctor of Philology, professor.
  • Viktorovich, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (born 1950) - Doctor of Philology, professor, vice-president of the Russian Dostoevsky Society.
  • Kulagin, Anatoly Valentinovich (born 1948) - Doctor of Philology, professor, specialist in Russian literature of the 19th century, Russian art song, author of the first doctoral dissertation in the post-Soviet space, dedicated to the work of V. Vysotsky.
  • Shirokikh Oksana Bogdanovna (born 1955) - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the IASPE, founder and first dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education.
  • Teachers such as the head of the department cooperate with the institute. English Literature MPGU M. I. Nikola, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities N. D. Tamarchenko, Professor of PetrSU, President of the Russian Dostoevsky Society V. N. Zakharov, Professor of the Moscow Academy of Science and History A. I. Osipov.

Notable students and alumni

  • Erofeev, Venedikt Vasilievich - Russian writer.
  • Kuznetsova, Svetlana Valentinovna - Teacher, winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in the Moscow Region - 2004”.
  • Lobysheva, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - Russian athlete. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006).
  • Larionov, Igor Nikolaevich - winner of the Stanley Cup in 1997 and 1998
  • Ermolaev, Nikolai Valerievich - Teacher, winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year in Ramensky District - 2002”, author of a textbook for secondary school, original methods of teaching a foreign language.



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute" is in other dictionaries:

    Kolomna, Moscow region, st. Green, 30. Psychology, vocational training, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 470)… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute (KSPI) Founded 1920 Rector Mazurov, Alexey Borisovich ... Wikipedia

    Not to be confused with Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute. Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (MGOSGI) Founded 1920 Location Kolomna, Russia ... Wikipedia

    Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) International name Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Year of foundation ... Wikipedia

The Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, which in 2010 was renamed the Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute, annually graduates a huge number of teachers, managers and other specialists in the field of education. High-quality training enables university graduates to apply their knowledge in various industries.

History of the university

In 1920, a teacher’s seminary appeared in Kolomna, which within a few years grew to the status of a pedagogical technical school. In 1939, the institution began to be called a teachers' institute; about 220 students studied there. Initially, the teaching staff consisted of only six people; by the early 1950s, this figure increased 6 times.

During the Second World War, the institute continued its work, despite the shortage of teaching staff, most of whom went to the front. In total, from 1941 to 1945, more than 730 teachers were trained, who were in great demand after the USSR victory over fascism. Year after year, the number of students at the university increased, so it underwent numerous changes. In 1953, the institution changed its status and now bears the name “Kolomna Pedagogical Institute”.

In the 90s, the institute had a hard time, this was due to both the outflow of students and insufficient funding. Only the efforts of the rector in the person of Professor B.D. Koreshkov and his teachers allowed the university to continue its development, despite all the difficulties that it had to face.

How to proceed?

A student intending to enroll in MGOSGI (formerly KSPI) must provide the following package of documents: application for admission to the institute, passport, certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, school certificate, 2 photos 3x4, medical certificate in form 086-u, as well as documents confirming any individual successes of the applicant or his special rights when entering a university.

The Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, which can be taken in July, conducts them only if this is required by the specialty of the future student, as well as in cases where for one reason or another he did not pass the Unified State Exam. Applicants can take Russian, mathematics, foreign languages, chemistry, biology, history, music, and social studies. Students entering the specialty “Physical Education” will have to pass a number of separate exams in the specialty.

Passing scores

The institute has certain score thresholds that an applicant must overcome in order to become a full-fledged student. In the Russian language, physics, chemistry, biology it is 36 points, in mathematics - 27, in history and literature - 32, in computer science and ICT - 40, geography - 37, social studies - 42, and in foreign languages ​​- 22 points. This is the minimum threshold that is verified using certificates of passing the Unified State Exam.

There is one more factor that the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute takes into account - the passing score based on the results of entrance tests conducted within the university. Typically, most internal exams are individual interviews. The minimum in this case ranges from 20 to 39.

University faculties

In total, the university has twelve faculties, where about six thousand students study. There are faculties of advanced training and additional pedagogical specialization, where students come after completing their basic studies at a university and receiving a diploma of higher education.

The Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, whose faculties are very numerous, is not going to stop there. The university management seriously intends to open several more faculties in the near future. In the meantime, the highest demand is in economic and legal fields. Recently, the Faculty of History, Service and Management has become popular.

Psychological, pedagogical and technological are less in demand. The latter trains labor teachers, who are now sorely lacking in schools. The high quality of education at this faculty allows its graduates to work not only in their specialty, but also in other, higher-paying places.

What is the price?

In the event that an applicant was unable to enroll in a budget-funded place, the university management will definitely offer him to study on an extra-budgetary basis. The cost of studying at the institute varies and directly depends on the chosen specialty and form of study. Students who study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​will have to pay the most, the cost of one semester is 49 thousand rubles.

The Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, whose tuition fees are still lower compared to other metropolitan universities, also offers other training schemes. So, it will cost a potential student less; the average cost of a semester here is about 30-32 thousand rubles.

Second higher

Those who have already received higher education earlier will have to pay even less, since most of the disciplines have already been studied by them. The average cost of tuition per semester for such students is about 23-26 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty. However, it is recommended to check the exact figure with the university admissions office, since it changes annually, not for the better.

Is there a hostel?

Nonresident students often ask whether Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute provides a dormitory for its students. The university has two buildings housing 900 students; they are located next to the academic buildings, not far from the sports campus.

Places in the dormitory are provided to full-time students; part-time students can live there temporarily during the session. Priority for places in the dormitory goes to orphans, children left for one reason or another without parental care, and certain categories of citizens, the list of which can be clarified at the university admissions office.

Applicants also have the right to be provided with places in a dormitory for the period of entrance examinations and training in special preparatory courses. To get a place in a dormitory, a potential student must write a corresponding application in advance to the admissions committee of the institute. Places are provided on a paid basis; the cost of living must be clarified with the admissions office.