What are the stages of formation of the political map of the world? The main stages in the formation of the political map of the world from ancient times to the present

1. Show the new sovereign countries that emerged on the political map of Eurasia after the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan.

2. Why is it impossible to accurately name the number of countries on the political map of the world?

The number of countries exceeds the number of states. Since the concept of a country is much broader than the concept of a state. There are countries that are not recognized by other states as independent states ( unrecognized states), there are also territories with an uncertain status and dependent territories. Without the status of states, the last three categories of territories still have the status of countries.

3. How the formation process took place in different historical eras political map peace?

Changes on the political map are quantitative (the annexation of newly discovered lands to the state, territorial acquisitions and losses after wars, the unification or collapse of states, the exchange of parts of territory between states, etc.) and qualitative (the acquisition of sovereignty, a change in the form of government and government structure, formation of interstate unions, etc.). Currently quantitative changes are decreasing and mainly qualitative changes are taking place on the political map of the world.

4. Remember from the history course and explain how they influenced the formation of the political map of the world: a) First World War; b) formation of the USSR; c) World War II; d) collapse of the Soviet Union.

a) States with a new socialist orientation appeared, the collapse Austro-Hungarian Empire, selection from Russian Empire Finland and Poland, the Baltic countries. b) Incorporation of the Baltic countries into the USSR in 1940 c) Formation of socialist states in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The emergence of military blocs. d) Formation of new states, collapse of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, unification of Germany

5. What fundamental difference between quantitative and qualitative shifts on the political map of the world?

Quantitative changes are associated with territorial acquisitions, losses, voluntary concessions of states, etc.

Russia's sale of Alaska to the United States;

USSR annexation of the Kuril Islands, southern Sakhalin, Kaliningrad region after World War II;

Japan-increase in territory by increasing the coastline.

Qualitative changes - the replacement of one formation by another, the conquest of sovereignty, the introduction of a new government system, etc.

1917 Formation of the USSR;

Collapse of the USSR, formation of 15 sovereign states;

Collapse of Yugoslavia, formation of 5 sovereign states;

Division of Germany (FRG, GDR), unification of Germany.

6. It is known that part of the territory of the Netherlands is land reclaimed from the sea, which led to a change in the political map of the country. What kind of change is this - quantitative or qualitative?


7. Using the textbook text and knowledge of history, fill out the table.

8. Give examples of quantitative and qualitative shifts on the political map of the world that are not mentioned in the text.

Quantitative changes

Annexation of newly discovered lands (in the past);

Territorial gains or losses due to wars;

The unification or disintegration of states; voluntary concessions (or exchange) of land areas between countries;

Conquest of land from the sea (territory reclamation).

Qualitative Changes

Historical change of socio-economic formations;

The country's acquisition of political sovereignty;

Introduction of new forms of government;

Education interstate political unions and organizations;

The appearance and disappearance of “hot spots” on the planet - hotbeds of interstate conflict situations;

Changing the names of countries and their capitals.

The definition of a political map can be twofold. IN broadly understoodthis is the section political geography , studying the political-territorial organization of the world and its changes over time, the division of society into states and dependent territories, the peculiarities of their distribution among regions of the world, the formation of regional political associations.

IN in the narrow sense- this is special geographic map, which, together with general geographical information (outlines of continents and oceans, seas and rivers), shows states, their borders, capitals, as well as dependent territories.

The political map went through several periods in its development. These periods coincide with the periodization world history. We can distinguish ancient, medieval, modern and modern periods.

IN ancient period history (before the 5th century AD) there was formation and collapse ancient empires: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Roman Empire. Greek civilization started with o. Crete. The core of the Roman Empire became the region of Lazio (middle Italy). The Greek and Roman empires played a powerful regional-forming role in Europe.

Medieval period (V-XIV centuries) is characterized by the formation of the internal market, expansion external relations. The most important area international trade was the Mediterranean. Through the mediation of the Arabs, connections were made between Southern Europe and countries of South and South-East Asia. This period ends with the formation of the first centralized states in Europe (Portugal, Spain, France).

New period (XV century - until the end of the First World War) is characterized by fundamental changes on the political map of the world. This is the period of the formation of vast colonial possessions, wars for the division and redistribution of the world, the formation of the first independent states in America.

The most significant transformations on the political map of the world occurred in era of the Greats geographical discoveries (XIV-XVII centuries).

The first large colonial empires are formed - Spain and Portugal. The vast possessions of Spain were located mainly in Latin America. Portugal's possessions were significantly smaller and limited Atlantic coast Latin America and small areas in South and Southeast Asia. TO mid-17th century V. The Netherlands becomes the largest colonial power.

In the 18th century The process of further colonization of “new lands” is underway, vast possessions of Great Britain and France are being formed, and wars for the division and redistribution of the already divided world are intensifying. The possessions of Great Britain and France were located mainly within South and Southeast Asia and North America.

The political map of America was formed at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries. As a result of the war with Great Britain in 1776-1783. in place of the former 13 English colonies The USA was formed, expanding by the end of the 19th century. its territory to modern borders. During the first 25 years XIX V. Most Latin American countries achieved independence in the fight against Spanish and Portuguese colonialists.

Recent period The formation of the political map of the world, which can be divided into four stages, begins in the 20th century.

First stage covers the first quarter of the 20th century. and reflects changes on the political map associated with the First World War. Particularly significant changes occurred during this time in Europe. They were associated primarily with the territorial losses of countries defeated in war. The borders of Germany have changed significantly. In Europe alone, it lost 13% of its territory and 10% of its population. The most significant of these losses were Alsace and Lorraine, transferred by Treaty of Versailles France. Poznan, part of Western and East Prussia, part of Upper Silesia. In addition, Germany lost all of its few colonies in Africa and Asia. By the League of Nations they were transferred under a mandate (mandate - the right to own) to the victorious countries (in Africa - Great Britain, France, Belgium; in Asia - Japan, Australia and New Zealand).

Germany's ally, Austria-Hungary, formed in 1867, ceased to exist. Austria and Hungary became independent states. There are approximately 2 million Hungarians left outside the new borders of Hungary (for example, the autonomous region of Vojvodina in Serbia, inhabited by Hungarians). The area of ​​Austria decreased by 3.5 times. Southern regions the former Austria-Hungary (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia) were transferred to the formed Yugoslavia.

Part of the restored Poland, which was liquidated at the end of the 18th century. as a result of the three divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the territory of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, as well as part of the territory of modern Lithuania, was ceded. The first stage of the modern period led to the formation of the USSR in 1922.

Collapsed in the Asian region Ottoman Empire, the core of which was Türkiye. Not only the lands of Europe (with the exception of a small territory with Istanbul, which is now part of Turkey), but also all the Arab lands in Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East. Syria and Lebanon became mandated territories of France, Transjordan, Palestine and Iraq - of Great Britain. Significant changes took place in Turkey itself, which in 1923 declared itself a republic. The Mongolian People's Republic, formed in 1924, embarked on the path of socialist development.

Radical changes on the political map of the world took place in second stage. They are related to the events preceding the Second World War and its consequences. On the eve of the Second World War, a number of conflicts occurred in the world. Some of them were related to Germany's desire to reconsider the results of the First World War. On Far East Japan pursued an aggressive policy.

After the Second World War, significant quantitative and qualitative changes occurred on the political map. The territory of Germany has decreased significantly. Kaliningrad region(formerly East Prussia) became part of the USSR. The border with Poland has been established. Three were created within Germany political entities: Germany, East Germany and West Berlin.

The territory of the USSR has undergone significant changes. In addition to East Prussia, it included Western Belarus And Western Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, 10% of the territory of Finland, Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Czechoslovakia later transferred Soviet Union Transcarpathian region.

In Asia, Japan lost Korea, part of the territory of China, as well as South Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and former mandated territories (Carolina, Marshall, Mariana Islands).

An important qualitative change was the formation of the world system of socialism. Initially it included Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania, Yugoslavia, East Germany and Mongolia. At the end of the 40s. it was replenished by the DPRK (northern part of the Korean Peninsula), DRV (northern part of Vietnam) and the PRC. The political map of the world has acquired new content. Two antagonistic systems emerged, two hostile political camps with independent markets and separate types culture and ideology.

The second qualitative change is associated with the gaining of independence of a number of countries. In Asia, before the Second World War, only 11 states were independent: Japan, China, Nepal, Thailand, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mongolia, Türkiye, Yemen. In 1943, Syria and Lebanon gained independence. In 1945, instead of the Netherlands Indies, the state of Indonesia was proclaimed. Gained independence in 1947 British colony India. Based on religion, it was divided into two parts - Hindu (India) and Muslim (Pakistan). Pakistan, in turn, was divided into Western and Eastern. In 1971, East Pakistan separated and in its place the Republic of Bangladesh was formed. In 1948, by decision of the UN, the British mandated territory of Palestine was divided into Arab and Jewish parts. The state of Israel was formed on the Jewish part, and the Arab part began to be called the “territory of the Arab state of Palestine.” Subsequently, armed conflicts arose repeatedly between these entities, and the issue of their peaceful coexistence has not been resolved to this day.

Third stage The formation of the political map of the world falls on the 60-80s. XX century and associated with final collapse colonial system. In place of the former colonies, more than 70 new states were formed in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania. In Asia, Laos and Cambodia gained independence in 1953, ( former colonies France), in 1957 – Malaysia (former colony of Great Britain). In the 60s Cyprus, Kuwait, Maldives, Singapore became sovereign in the 70s. – Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Bangladesh.

In Africa, before the Second World War, only Ethiopia, Egypt (formally independent), Liberia and South Africa were independent. Libya was the first to gain independence from Italy in 1951. In 1954, Morocco and Tunisia (former colonies of France) became sovereign. 1960 went down in history as the “Year of Africa,” when 17 African countries. These were mainly French possessions. Nigeria, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Madagascar, both modern Congo, Chad, etc. became sovereign.

After World War II, most of the colonies in Latin America achieved independence. A number of independent states emerged in the basin Caribbean Sea– Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica, Grenada, etc. In 1959, the people's democratic revolution won in Cuba. New states arose in Oceania - Papua - New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Vanuatu, etc.

Fourth stage associated with democratic transformations in Eastern Europe and Asia in the late 80s - early 90s. XX century The world system of socialism and the structures corresponding to it have disappeared: the world socialist economic system, CMEA, the Warsaw military-political bloc.

Changes on the political map also occur as a result of unification and disintegration individual countries. There was a reunion German nation V single state- Germany. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, 15 sovereign states were formed, 12 of which created the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Two states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia - were formed on the site of the former Czechoslovakia. A number of sovereign states emerged as a result of the collapse of Yugoslavia. Initially, five new states were created - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) within Serbia and Montenegro. In May 2006, Montenegro separated from the FRY.

Changes have also occurred in other regions of the world. Namibia gained independence. Eritrea left Ethiopia and became a sovereign state. Yemen was unified. Part of China with special rights administrative districts included the possessions of Great Britain Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Portugal - Macao (Macau). The UN trust territory (the Mariana, Marshall and Caroline Islands transferred to US trusteeship) disappeared from the political map. In their place, sovereign states were formed - the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. In 2002, Timor, which had been a colony of Portugal for 400 years and since 1976, became sovereign. East End Timor was the 27th province of Indonesia.

Thus, the modern political map of the world is characterized by exceptional dynamism. The world is constantly changing, both economically and politically.

The main stages of the formation of the political map of the world

The political map of the world has gone through a long historical path its development, which spans millennia, starting with the social division of labor, the emergence private property and the division of society into social classes.

In the formation of the political map of the world, there are several stages that coincide with the main periods of development of world history. These stages cover the ancient period, the Middle Ages, modern times and the modern period. Antique period(before the 5th century AD) covers the slave era and is characterized by the emergence, development and disappearance of the first states on Earth, such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, etc., which made a great contribution to the development human civilization. Even then, territorial changes between states were accompanied by destructive wars and the seizure of new territories.

The medieval period (V-XV centuries AD) is characterized by the further development of the political map of the world in the conditions feudal system. Compared to the previous period, the political functions of the state were more extensive and varied. At this stage, the internal commodity market begins to take shape, and the isolation of individual farms and even entire regions is eliminated. Craft production is developing, Agriculture, elements of specialization appear in a certain industry of individual farms and regions, and commodity exchange develops. Feudal states are increasingly striving for new territorial conquests, so numerous wars are unleashed, as a result of which some states disappear, while others expand their territories and strengthen their power. The largest and most powerful feudal states of the Middle Ages were the Roman Empire, Byzantium, Kievan Rus, Portugal, England, and Spain.

A new era in the formation of the political map of the world was established in the 15th-16th centuries. and lasts until the First World War. At this stage, capitalism emerges and develops as a new socio-economic formation, more progressive compared to the feudal system.

Major changes on the political map of the world occurred as a result of the great geographical discoveries of the 15th-17th centuries, which marked the beginning of mass colonization and the formation of colonial empires European states. The first colonial empires (XV-XVII centuries) were created by Spain and Portugal, and then (XVII-XIX centuries) they were replaced by Great Britain and France, which became the largest colonial powers. Discovery, colonization and development of new territories and entire continents (North and South America, Australia, New Zealand), colonization of Asian countries, contributed to significant expansion economic ties V on a global scale. These connections have received further development after industrial revolution in England ( late XVIII -- early XIX centuries), when new ones appeared vehicles(large-capacity ships, railway transport), and young industry European countries needed an increasing volume of various raw materials and new markets for finished products.

Major changes on the political map of the world occurred at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, as a result of the intensification of the struggle of capitalist countries for the redivision of the world. The largest colonial powers were involved in this process - Great Britain, France, as well as Germany, Italy, Belgium, Japan. For example, by 1876, only 10% of Africa had been captured by Europeans, and by the beginning of the First World War, colonization African continent was completed. By this period, the final division of the world had also completed. The redivision of the world became possible only as a result of the outbreak of wars, which subsequently arose for these purposes (the First and Second World Wars).

In 1900, there were 55 sovereign states on the political map of the world, along with vast colonial empires: Great Britain, France and the colonial possessions of Belgium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Japan, USA, Russia.

The modern period begins after the First World War and continues to the present day. This period can be divided into three stages. The first stage covers the years between the first and second world wars, when the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires collapsed and new sovereign states were formed in Europe (Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Poland was reborn). At the same stage, the colonial possessions of Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Japan significantly expanded and Germany lost all its colonies.

Between the two world wars, 16 more countries gained independence and by the time the Second World War began, 71 sovereign states had been formed. During the Second World War, 10 more countries gained independence and thus by 1945 there were already 81 independent states on the political map of the world.

Second phase modern period The formation of the political map of the world covers the years after the Second World War and until the end of the 80s. At this stage events occur great importance- the national liberation struggle in the colonies, which contributed to the beginning of the collapse of the world colonial system. First post-war years The largest colonies in Asia, which belonged to Holland (Indonesia - 1945), the USA (Philippines - 1946), Great Britain (India - 1947), etc., gain independence.

In parallel with the process of the national liberation movement in the colonies, from 1945 to 1950, the formation of the world socialist system took place under the influence and direct participation of Soviet Empire, which pursued geopolitical goals of expansion in Europe and Asia. In all 13 socialist countries that appeared on the political map of the world by 1950, the process of democratization of socio-economic and political life was deformed. Democratic structures based on law were replaced by a Soviet-style totalitarian communist regime.

In the 50s and 60s, the decolonization of Africa took place. The first countries to gain political independence were Libya (1951), Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan (1956), Ghana (1957), and Guinea (1958). Therefore, 1960 was called the “Year of Africa”, when 17 African states, former colonies of France, Great Britain, Belgium such as Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zaire, etc., gained independence at once. Throughout the 60s, more became independent 15 African colonies, most of these are former possessions of Great Britain, such as: Sierra Leone, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Zambia, Lesotho, Swaziland, etc. Among the latter, the Portuguese colonies are seeking independence. In 1973, Guinea-Bissau became sovereign, and in 1975 the flag of independence was raised in the largest Portuguese colonies - Angola and Mozambique. The fifteen-year armed struggle of the people of Zimbabwe for independence ended in victory in 1980. In 1990, Namibia, one of the largest African countries by area, gained independence. Elimination of the racist regime in Republic of South Africa At the beginning of 1994, the process of decolonization of Africa was completed. The independence of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands in 1991 marked the completion of the process of decolonization in Oceania.

At the third stage, almost simultaneously (late 80s - early 90s), two systems disappear from the political map of the world - the world colonial and the world socialist. At the same time, the Soviet empire disappeared.

Between 1989 and 1991. in the former socialist countries of Europe there are democratic revolutions, in most cases without bloodshed (velvet revolutions), which led to the dismantling of totalitarian communist regimes, the restoration of democracy and a return to market economy. Another an important event, which occurred in October 1990, is the disappearance from the political map of the world of a state artificially created after the Second World War - the German Democratic Republic, as a result of the unification of Germany.

Starting from December 1991, the USSR ceased to exist on 1/6 of the Earth, in its place 12 sovereign states were formed (previously, in 1990, three declared their independence and left the USSR Baltic states-- Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). Thus, 15 sovereign states were formed in place of the USSR. Former Yugoslavia was divided into 5 independent states (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and New Yugoslavia within Serbia and Montenegro). On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia was divided into two states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

At the beginning of 1994, there were 190 sovereign states on the political map of the world, of which more than 180 are members of the United Nations. It should be noted that in 1993, the Republic of Moldova also became a member of the UN.

On the political map of the world there are about 40 colonies (Macau, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, etc.) and disputed territories (Malvinas (Falkland) Islands, Western Sahara, East Timor, etc.). Most of them are small in area and population and do not play important role in the world economy and in world politics.

Thus, in the early 90s, the process of forming a modern political map of the world was practically completed.

What will the political map be like in the 21st century? Apparently, we will know this no earlier than in a few decades. Perhaps, succumbing to the trends of globalization, the political structure of the world will become less fragmented, the number of elements of the world territorial and political puzzle will decrease, which will somewhat ease the suffering associated with memorizing them for future generations of schoolchildren and students.

political property social


  • 1. “POLITICAL MAP OF THE WORLD: what has changed in a hundred years”, D.V.ZAYATS, Newspaper “Geography” 17/2001.
  • 2. "Economic and social geography peace”, Chubare Season.
  • 3. Directory “Countries of the World”

The process of forming the political map of the world goes back several thousand years, so we can talk about the existence of several periods in its formation. Usually distinguished: ancient (before the 5th century AD), medieval (V-XV centuries), new ( XVI-end XIX century) and the newest periods (from the beginning of the XX century).

Throughout modern history, the political map of the world has changed especially actively. During the Age of Discovery, the largest colonial powers were Spain and Portugal. But with the development of manufacturing production, England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and later the USA came to the forefront of history. This period of history was characterized by large colonial conquests in America, Asia and Africa.

In the modern period of history, serious territorial changes are associated with the course of two world wars and the post-war reorganization of the world.

The first stage (between the First and Second World Wars) was marked by the appearance of the first socialist state (RSFSR, and later the USSR) on the world map. The borders of many states have changed (some of them have increased their territory - France, Denmark, Romania, Poland; for other states it has decreased). Thus, Germany, having lost the war, lost part of its territory (including Alsace-Lorraine) and all its colonies in Africa and Oceania. Broken up large empire- Austria-Hungary, and in its place new sovereign countries were formed: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The independence of Poland and Finland was proclaimed. The division of the Ottoman Empire occurred.

The second stage (after World War II) was characterized by significant territorial changes on the political map of the world: in the place of the former Germany, two sovereign states were formed - the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, a group of socialist states appeared in Eastern Europe, Asia and even in Latin America (Cuba). Very large changes on the political map were caused by the collapse of the world colonial system and the formation large number independent states in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Latin America.

Since the early 1990s, the third stage has been distinguished modern history. The qualitatively new changes on the political map of the world, which had a great impact on the socio-economic and socio-political life of the entire world community during this period, include the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Later most republics former Union(with the exception of the three Baltic states) became part of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Perestroika processes in countries of Eastern Europe led to the implementation of the predominantly peaceful (“velvet”) people’s democratic revolutions of 1989-90. in the countries of this region. In the former socialist states, there was a change in the socio-economic formation. These states have embarked on the path of market reforms (“from plan to market”).

In October 1990 The two German states of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany united. On the other hand, the former federal republic of Czechoslovakia split into two independent states - the Czech Republic and Slovakia (1993).

The collapse of the SFRY occurred. The independence of the republics of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (consisting of Serbia, Montenegro and the Autonomous Region of Kosovo) was proclaimed. The most acute political crisis of this former federation resulted in civil war and interethnic conflicts that continue to this day. At the end of the 90s it was implemented military aggression NATO countries against the FRY, as a result of which Kosovo was practically separated from it.

The process of decolonization continued throughout the world. Namibia, the last of the colonies in Africa, gained independence. New sovereign states were formed in Oceania: the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (former “trust” territories of the United States, which received the status of states freely associated with the United States).

In 1993 the independence of the state of Eritrea was proclaimed (a territory that was previously one of the provinces of Ethiopia on the Red Sea coast, and even earlier, until 1945, a colony of Italy).

In 1999, under the jurisdiction of the Chinese People's Republic(PRC) Hong Kong (Hong Kong), a former possession of Great Britain, returned, and in 2000, the former Portuguese colony of Macau (Aomen) returned. On the modern political map of the world there are very few non-self-governing territories (possessions of other states) left. These are mainly islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. There are also disputed territories in different regions world (Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, etc.).

Kozlova D.

History of the formation of the political map of the world

The process of forming the political map of the world goes back several thousand years. A lot has passed historical eras Therefore, we can talk about the existence of periods in the formation of the political map of the world. We can distinguish: ancient, medieval, modern and modern periods.

Ancient period(from the era of the emergence of the first forms of the state to the 5th century AD) covers the era of the slave system. Characterized by the development and collapse of the first states on Earth: Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome etc. These states made a great contribution to the development of world civilization. At the same time, even then the main means of territorial changes were military actions.

Medieval period(V-XV centuries) associated with the era of feudalism. Political functions feudal state were more complex and varied than those of states under slave system. The internal market was taking shape, and the isolation of regions was overcome. The desire of states for long-range territorial conquests appeared, since Europe, for example, was already completely divided between them. During this period there were states: Byzantium, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Spain, Portugal, Kievan Rus, etc.

The era of the Great Geographical Discoveries greatly changed the map of the world at the junction of feudal and capitalist socio-economic formations. There was a need for markets and new rich lands and, in connection with this, the idea of ​​circumnavigating the world.

From the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. allocate New period of history(until World War I of the 20th century). This is the era of birth, rise and affirmation capitalist relations. It marked the beginning of European colonial expansion and the spread of international economic ties throughout the world.

1420s - the first colonial conquests of Portugal: Madeira, Azores, Slave Coast (Africa).

1453 - fall of Constantinople (Turkish domination in the southeastern direction. The Ottoman Empire controls the land routes to Asia).

1492-1502 - discovery of America for Europeans (4 voyages of Columbus to Central America and northern part South America). The beginning of the Spanish colonization of America.

1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas - division of the world between Portugal and Spain.

1498 - voyage of Vasco da Gama (route around Africa).

1499-1504 - Amerigo Vespucci's travels to South America.

1519-1522 - trip around the world Magellan and his companions.

1648 - travel of Semyon Dezhnev (Russia - Siberia).

1740s - travels of Bering and Chirikov (Siberia).

1771-1773 - travels of J. Cook (Australia, Oceania).

During the Age of Discovery, the largest colonial powers were Spain and Portugal. With development manufacturing capitalism England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and later the USA came to the forefront of history. This period of history was also characterized by colonial conquests.

The political map of the world has become especially unstable in turn of XIX-XX centuries, when the struggle for territorial division peace. Thus, in 1876, only 10% of Africa belonged to Western European countries, whereas in 1900 it was already 90%. And by the beginning of the 20th century, the division of the world was actually completely completed, i.e. Only its violent redistribution became possible.

Start Recent period in the formation of the political map of the world is associated with the end of World War I. The next milestones were World War II and the turn of the 80-90s, which is characterized major changes on the political map of Eastern Europe (the collapse of the USSR, Yugoslavia, etc.).

The first stage was marked by the appearance of the first socialist state (USSR) on the world map and noticeable territorial shifts, and not only in Europe. Austria-Hungary collapsed, the borders of many states changed, sovereign countries were formed: Poland, Finland, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, etc. The colonial possessions of Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Japan expanded.

The second stage (after World War II), in addition to changes on the political map of Europe, is associated primarily with the collapse of the colonial system and the formation of a large number of independent states in Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America (in the Caribbean region).

The third stage is still ongoing. To qualitatively new changes on the political map of the world (these are changes that usually do not lead to a change in the territory of the state, the essence of which is a change in socio-economic formations, the conquest of state independence by former colonial countries, the introduction of a new government system, etc.) and having a great impact The impact on the socio-economic and socio-political life of the entire world community can be attributed to the following:

· Collapse of the USSR in 1991, approval political independence three former Soviet Baltic republics, and then the rest, incl. Russia.

· Education CIS;

· Mostly peaceful, people's democratic revolutions of 1989-90. (“velvet”) in Eastern European countries.

· Termination of the Organization's activities in 1991 Warsaw Pact(OVD) and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), which seriously influenced the political and economic situation not only in Europe, but throughout the world;

· collapse of the SFRY, declaration of political independence of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Federal Republic Yugoslavia (as part of Serbia and Montenegro). Acute political crisis former federation resulted in civil war and interethnic conflicts, continuing to the present day;

· May 1990 - merger Arab states YAR and PDRY on a national-ethnic basis (Republic of Yemen, capital - Sanaa);

· 1990-91 - the process of decolonization continues: Namibia, the last colony in Africa, gained independence; new states were formed in Oceania: the Federated States of Micronesia (Carolina Islands), the Republic of the Marshall Islands;

· January 1, 1993 - the formation of two independent states (the collapse of Czechoslovakia) - the Czech Republic and Slovakia;

· 1993 - the independence of the state of Eritrea (a former province of Ethiopia on the Red Sea) was declared.

The scale of future changes on the political map of the world will be determined further progress ethnocultural processes V multinational countries, the nature of economic, political and cultural relations between countries and peoples.


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A.G. Artemyeva, V.P. Maksakovsky and others “ Economical geography foreign countries"(textbook) M. 1995.