Presentation on the topic of the place of military glory. Virtual tour

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Hiking to places of military glory The work was completed by a 9th grade student from MAOU Secondary School No. 1, r.p. Sacrum Mikhailova Yulia.

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Report on a one-day hike to places of military glory, made by a group of students of the patriotic club “Memory”, MAOU Secondary School No. 1 r.p. Kresttsy, September 20, 2013 along the route: Kresttsy-Vina-Zaitsevo-Podlitove-Dobrosti-Kushevery-Zakhod-Parfino Trek leader: Vigunova Tatyana Vasilievna

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Reference information about the route. Hiking area: Krestetsky, Parfinsky districts of the Novgorod region. Date of the hike: September 20, 2013. Route: Kresttsy-Vina-Zaitsevo-Podlitove-Dobrosti-Kushevery-Zakhod-Parfino-Yasnaya Polyana-Kresttsy. Type of tourism: bus and walking. Route length: 97 km Purpose of the hike: to develop patriotism and citizenship among schoolchildren, to educate them and to take pride in the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. Objectives: - study the history of the native land during the Great Patriotic War on the Kresttsy-Yasnaya Polyana route. - show the significance of the social activities of the Dolina search expedition, increase interest in the Dolina search movement

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Technical description of the route “You cannot learn to love the living if you do not know how to preserve the memory of the fallen...” K.K. Rokosovsky. Kresttsy-Vina-Zaitsevo-Podlitove. We left the village of Kresttsy at 8.00 am on a school bus. We follow the federal highway towards St. Petersburg. In Viny we turn to mass graves. The village of Vina was often bombed during the Great Patriotic War, since there was a military airfield here. In the cemetery, which is located one kilometer from the village, 35 soldiers who died during the war are buried in a mass grave.

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Vina-Podlitove We leave again on the federal highway and continue our journey further. After Zaitsev, in front of the village of Pervomaiskoe, we turn onto Dobrost. About a kilometer from the turn, on a windswept hill, stands a modest obelisk-bas-relief-tribute to the human memory of Stepan Petrovich Komlev. We, who are now living, listen to the voice of the Great Patriotic War, which has reached us through many decades, we bow and lay flowers to our glorious fellow countryman, a native of the village of Podlitove, “whose flock of houses is located just below, in the depression.” This village gave Russia a son devoted and loving to his homeland. He is a participant in the Soviet-Finnish war. In 1940, during an assault on a heavily fortified area on the Karelian Isthmus, his tank company suppressed several pillboxes and ensured a breakthrough of the enemy’s defenses. At the beginning of April 1940, Stepan Petrovich Komlev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War he commanded a tank battalion. At the beginning of 1944, he died liberating the Lithuanian city of Kretinga. He was buried 7 kilometers southeast of the city of Kretinga.

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Podlitovye-Kushevery From Podlitovye we take a bus to the turn to the village of Kushevery, then walk to the village cemetery. On August 31, 1941, near the village of Dubrovy, the 180th Infantry Division of the Northwestern Front under the command of Ivan Ilyich Missan stopped the advance of the Nazi troops. About 600 soldiers who died of wounds in hospitals located in these villages during the war are buried in cemeteries near the villages of Dobrosti and Kushevery. We lay flowers at the graves of soldiers in the cemetery in the village of Kushevery. We honor their memory with a minute of silence.

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Kushevery-tract Sunset. From the village of Kushevery we walk 2 km along the road to the village of Parfino, get on the bus and go towards the Pavlovo farm. There are 2 farms on the Pavlovo farm - Medvedeva O.V. and Romanova A.M. (engaged in crop production and livestock farming). From the Pavlovo farm we go along a very dirty tractor road to the former village of Zahod / tract Zahod / 3 kilometers. We are accompanied by a resident of the farm, Romanova Zoya Mikhailovna, who annually on May 9 visits the mass grave and lays flowers at the obelisk. On the way, we notice that the ground around is dug with trenches that have been preserved since the war. In the forest area, in the Zakhod-voinskoe tract, the military cemetery is a mass grave of soldiers who died from wounds in hospitals that were located in the villages of Dobrosti and Kushevery during the Great Patriotic War. The mass grave near the former village of Zahod was located on the territory of the Verkassky village council (liquidated in 1963). Sometime in the 70s, female state farm workers gave them a decent appearance for the last time by cutting down the bushes and digging in the ridges. Since then, no one has come to bow to the memory of the soldiers lying here. In 2003, a forester accidentally stumbled upon a mass grave. The Krestetsky search team "Honor", under the leadership of Sergei Aleksandrovich Kovalenko, in June 2003 carried out a lot of work to improve the burial area. On June 20, 2003, a funeral ceremony took place here. Our group, having arrived at the burial site in the Zakhod tract of the Krestetsky district, cleaned up the place near the obelisk, we laid flowers, and observed a minute of silence in memory of the soldiers buried here.

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Zahod tract - Parfino village We return from the Zahod tract to the bus left at the Pavlovo farm. We arrange a small break. Then our path lies in the village of Parfino. We take the Kresttsy-Parfino highway, drive 1.5 km and cross the border of the Parfinsky district. Next, our journey continues through the Parfinsky region. In 1988, the youth of the Parfinsky district decided to perpetuate the memory of those who fought and died near the “Ramushevsky corridor”. A search team called “Dolg” was created. With his participation, a damaged KV-1S heavy tank was pulled out of the swamp. The car was installed at the entrance to the village of Parfino. We stopped at the monument, laid flowers, and took pictures.

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Parfino village - Yasnaya Polyana Next, our path lies to Yasnaya Polyana. And here it is - the main Parthian memorial under the textbook name Yasnaya Polyana. The remains of thousands and thousands of Red Army soldiers found by search engines in the Parfinan forests and swamps are reburied here. Our squad includes three members of the “Valley” search expedition. They represent the Krestetsky search squad "Eskander". These are Andrey Vanyakhin (worked in the detachment for two seasons), Alexander Kolyasnikov, Alexey Senkin (one season each). According to Andrei Vanyakhin, the trip to Parfino became one of the most important events in his life. He told the guys that the most significant find of the 2013 spring watch was a death medallion, which contained information about a soldier of the 370th Infantry Division, Stepan Semyonovich Molochnyuk, born in 1903, who died on October 29, 1942. The remains of the fighter were recovered on May 4, 2013. Now there is painstaking work to be done not only in finding the relatives of the soldier himself, but also in finding possible information about the four dead whose remains were found in the same dugout as him. And on May 8, 2013, at the memorial in the village of Yasnaya Polyana, Parfinsky district, a traditional ceremony for burying the remains of the victims took place. Commanders of search teams from various parts of the country were awarded Certificates of Honor. Among them are A. Kotov (search team “Eskander”), S. Kovalenko (Krestetsky search team “Chest”). The search guys said that during the spring Memory Watch, the camp of our Eskander detachment was set up in the Strelitsa tract in the Parfinsky district. In 1942, there was a fortified area here, and there was fierce resistance to German troops. The task of the Red Army soldiers was to capture the pillboxes built by the Germans. According to official data, in three months in this place 650 of our soldiers were killed in the ground, but no one can say with accuracy how many in reality today. According to their stories, the local land is simply strewn with human remains, soldiers’ household items, shells - everything that is associated with the terrible and bitter word “war”. “Eskanderites” also talked about an officer’s tablet found during this expedition, a personalized bowler hat, on which the inscription “Gorky region, Pervomaisky district, village” was scratched by a soldier’s hand. Fedotovo, Panin”, about other finds. Extraordinary solemnity, a feeling of piercing sadness, pride in the greatness of the massive feat of the Russian people - we experienced all these feelings while in Yasnaya Polyana. It is here that a clear realization comes of how important and necessary search work is, how sacred the memory of a simple Russian soldier who protected the world from fascism is. A minute of silence. ...To this day he clutches a machine gun in his hand, On a bed of blood, cartridges, grenades, They look out of the darkness with reproachful eyes: “Have you forgotten us, people?! I am a Russian soldier!..."

Project objectives

  • Find out what events took place in our region during the Great Patriotic War.
  • What monuments dedicated to the war are there in our region?
  • Which relatives took part in the war?
Hero City
  • City - Hero - the highest degree of distinction awarded cities for the mass heroism and courage of its defenders shown in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  • By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of May 1, 1945, the first hero cities were named Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa . Today the title of hero city also belongs to: Kyiv, Moscow, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Minsk, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk, Brest Fortress (hero-fortress).
Petersburg-LENINGRAD-city Hero
  • “It seems to me: when the fireworks thunder, the dead blockade survivors stand up.
  • They walk through the streets towards the Neva, like all the living. They just don't sing.
  • Not because they don’t want to be with us, But because the dead are silent.
  • We don't hear them, we don't see them, But the dead are always among the living.
  • They walk and look, as if they are waiting for an answer: Are you worth this life or not?..”
  • Leningraders were given bread on ration cards. the rate of distribution of bread to the population in the period from November 20 to December 25, 1941 was the lowest and amounted to: for workers - 250 grams of surrogate bread per day, for employees, dependents and children - 125 grams per person. There is a Piskarevskoye cemetery in Leningrad, where 650 thousand ordinary people who died of hunger are buried.
Descendant, know! In harsh years, faithful to the people, duty and Fatherland. Through the hummocks of the Ladoga ice, From here we led the Road of life. So that life never dies."
  • The only road along which food was transported to besieged Leningrad ran across the frozen Lake Ladoga - "The road of life".
Militias Joining the militia army was carried out only on a voluntary basis. Young girls and adult women took up arms to defend their Fatherland. Young guys and gray-haired old men learned to beat the enemy. In 1941, at the Pulkovo Heights, the Nazis were stopped by units and formations of militias. One night, before morning, the 6th People's Militia Division was able to take up defense along the ring road, this was the last line before the city. If this had not been done by the militia, the enemy would have broken into the city. By morning the 6th Division was in its positions. It is no coincidence that the “Militia” memorial complex was built near the Kuzminka River in 1966. The hero city of Leningrad was liberated from the Nazi invaders. The militia of Pushkin and Leningrad made an invaluable contribution to the liberation of the city on January 27, 1944 - lifting the blockade of Leningrad Green Belt of Glory Savitsky Veniamin
  • When the Great Patriotic War began, my great-grandfather was an officer in the Soviet Army.
  • Already on the very first day, in the very first hours of the war, he had to defend the border of our Motherland.
  • He was fearless in battles with the enemy, was seriously wounded three times, was hospitalized, but returned to duty again!!!
  • During the war years, he had to fight on several fronts: on the Ukrainian front, on the Belorussian and on the Leningrad front.
Great-grandfather was awarded many orders and medals, as well as a medal for the defense of Leningrad. A fragment from a shell remained near his fearless heart until the end of his life. For his services, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Army. During breaks between battles, grandfather composed poems. Here is an excerpt from one of them...
  • At the walls of my native Leningrad,
  • Where the sea splashes like a wave,
  • Your fascist ambush,
  • All consisting of reptiles
  • The enemy surrounded it with a wall.
  • He wanted to blockade the city,
  • But the people paved the way for Rokadu...
  • Across Ladoga, cars row after row -
  • Like at a gala parade.
  • Leningrad was saved!
  • Rokada is a road running parallel to the front line.
May the names of the soldiers who defended our Great Motherland always be glorified!!!
  • People!
  • While hearts are knocking
  • Remember
  • At what price is happiness won?
  • Please,
  • Remember!

The largest port of Russia on the Black Sea. Novorossiysk is a city in the Krasnodar region, on the coast of Tsemes Bay of the Black Sea. The city is located in one of the most convenient deep-water bays of the Black Sea. Novorossiysk is a city in the Krasnodar region, on the coast of Tsemes Bay of the Black Sea. The city is located in one of the most convenient deep-water bays of the Black Sea.

In the 17th century, a protracted period of wars between Russia and Turkey began for access to the Azov and Black Seas. To strengthen their position on the Black Sea shores, the Turks built the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress on the shores of Sudzhuk Bay in 1722. It was here, abeam the Sudzhuk fortress, that the first victorious naval battle for the young Black Sea Fleet took place. On May 29, 1773, a Russian squadron under the command of Captain 1st Rank Ya.F. Sukhotin destroyed 6 Turkish ships. Later there were other glorious victories at Sudzhuk-Kale: at sea and on land.

In 1839, the fortification of Sudzhuk-Kale. was renamed Novorossiysk, and after 7 years it was officially given the status of a city. In May 1896, Novorossiysk became the center of the newly created Black Sea province. It was the smallest province of the Russian Empire.

During the Great Patriotic War, in the summer of 1942, the Nazis made a decisive push to the south, trying to reach the Volga and capture the Caucasus. In Directive 45, Hitler set the advancing troops the following task: “to capture the entire eastern coast of the Black Sea, as a result of which the enemy will lose the Black Sea ports and the Black Sea Fleet.” A mortal threat hangs over Novorossiysk.

On August 17, 1942, the Novorossiysk defensive region was created. The city was defended by the 47th Army, sailors of the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Military Flotilla. People's militia units were created at the enterprises, 40 command posts, 150 fire points were built, and an anti-personnel and anti-tank obstacle course with a total length of more than 30 kilometers was equipped.

On August 19, 1942, the battles for Novorossiysk began. They lasted 393 days. Only heroic Leningrad held the defense longer. The first weeks of fighting brought bitterness of loss and disappointment. After fierce street fighting on September 16, Novorossiysk was completely liberated. For courage and bravery, 21 warrior-defenders of Malaya Zemlya were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, hundreds of soldiers and officers were awarded orders and medals, 19 units and formations of the Red Army were given the honorary name Novorossiysk. On May 1, 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus” was established, which was awarded to about 600 thousand people.

Svetlana Smykova
Slide presentation: “Places of military glory”

Slide 1. By places of military glory.

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Square glory- a small and cozy park in the center of Michurinsk. The square received its name on May 9, 1995, at which time an architectural ensemble was installed here "Defenders of the Fatherland", rising in the center of the Square Glory in the Park.

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The names of the residents of our city, the heroes of the Soviet Union who died in this war, are carved on the slabs.

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On Victory Day Square Glory becomes a place holding ceremonial rallies.

On the eve of Victory Day, I would like to touch upon the topic of those killed during the war in our city.

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In a cozy park on Sovetskaya Street there is a bust of the hero of the USSR Nikolai Antonovich Filippov. Participant in the Battle of Stalingrad and the Berlin Operation. This young sailor, a native of the city, died at the end of the war, during the Berlin operation, commanding a boat of the military flotilla. The street on which he was born was renamed in honor of the sailor, and the bust itself was made by sculptor Y. Titov and installed in 1987.

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There is also a military burial, which is located in the Main Nursery. Test pilot Pavel Dmitrievich Yurkevich was sent in August 1942 to cover the railway junctions and defensive points of Tambov and Michurinsk. On August 6, during a mission, the MIG-3 aircraft piloted by Sergeant Yurkevich lost control. As a result, the young pilot died.

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Memory should be not only in words but also in deeds. On September 14, 2016, a historical event took place in the center of Michurinsk. In the park at the intersection of Internatsionalnaya and Ukrainskaya streets, a bust of the hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Iosifovich Rorat was unveiled, after whom the built park was named. Senior Sergeant Alexander Rorat was a gunner in an artillery regiment. He died heroically in 1943 on the battlefield.

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Not far from the Kochetovka microdistrict there is one mass grave in which 28 residents of the village found their final refuge "Five Year Plan" and educational farm "Komsomolets". They disappeared during another bombing in 1942.

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Many residents of Kochetovka have seen and know the military burial of young anti-aircraft gunners. Two girls - Maria Rodionova and Tatyana Novotochina died on the night of June 8-9, 1943 during the bombing of the Kochetovka station, repelling an enemy attack. An anti-aircraft gun was installed next to their memorial, and a couple of years ago an alley was planted.

For residents of Kochetovka this place not just a symbol of memory, but proof of the feat of Soviet soldiers.

Publications on the topic:

Almost a month has passed since the Nativity of Christ. In a publication dated January 6, which was called “The earliest on Christmas Eve.”

Lesson summary “Travel to the holy places of the Kursk region” Topic: “Travel to the holy places of the Kursk region” Thematic field: holy places of the Kursk region (cathedrals, temples, monasteries). View.

Toy Library Holiday - presentation of the family “Minute of Glory”. Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​the family as people who love and care.

Research project for children 6–7 YEARS OLD Topic: “Hiking trails in their native places.” RESEARCH PROJECT FOR CHILDREN 6-7 YEARS OLD Topic: “HIKING TRAILS IN THEIR NATIVE PLACES.” PROBLEM: Accumulation of knowledge and practical skills.

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group “We remember the feat of combat” (cognitive development) Compiled by: teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 28 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of cognitive-speech activities.

Put the pieces in their places! Goals. Continue to introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle;.

When drawing up the annual plan for the event, we set a task for the new school year: raising the patriotic consciousness of senior preschool children.

Topic: Places of military glory in the Krasnodar region.

The date of the: 10.02.2015.

Location:MADOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 216 “Boat of Childhood”

Educational area:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Target: Enrich children's knowledge about the places of military glory of their native land.


1. To form a general idea about the main defining battles of liberation from the fascist invaders of the Krasnodar region.

2. Develop emotional and patriotic feelings.

3. Foster a sense of respect for WWII veterans.

Excursion progress:

During the excursion you will learn about the events of the Great Patriotic War that took place in the Krasnodar Territory.

Our route begins in the city of Novorossiysk. We will visit monuments and mass graves dedicated to the courageous defenders of our homeland during the Great Patriotic War.

The first object of the excursion will beEnsemble-memorial "Malaya Zemlya"is located in Novorossiysk, on the Black Sea coast along the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. It is part of the memorial complex to the “Heroes of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars of 1941-1945.”
The shape of the monument resembles the front part of the bow of a warship, which in a swift jerk jumped ashore and became eternally laid up in granite and bronze; the ship is a memorial, personifying the mighty strength of Soviet soldiers.

In the museum of the monument - the ensemble "Malaya Zemlya", the heart of eternal memory is kept. An oath is written on the composition. It was this oath that the soldiers who fought on Malaya Zemlya took.

“We reclaimed the piece of land above the city of Novorossiysk from the enemy that we called Malaya Zemlya.Although it is small, it is ours, Soviet, it is watered with our sweat, our blood, we will never give it to anyone.”

The next object of our excursion is the memorial complex “Death Valley”. Located near Malaya Zemlya.

On a low pedestal is the “Explosion” monument, original in its design and material. It is made from pieces of exploding shells found on Malaya Zemlya. “The stones were burning and the earth was melting. They survived, their Motherland was behind them.” Written on the pedestal of this monument.

Nearby is a map - a model of battles on Malaya Zemlya. There are also 9 arrows installed here, telling about the nine most difficult and bloody days of April 1943.

Another monument in the “Valley of Death”, “Source of Life” - next to the well, which was the only source of drinking water for the defenders of Malaya Zemlya.

On April 19, 1943, the attack aircraft was shot down by enemy fighters and fell into the sea. The crew of the plane died. It included a guard pilot, Major Viktor Fedorovich Kuznetsov, and a guard air gunner, senior Red Navy man Alexander Vasilyevich Reshetinsky. Specialists from the Novorossiysk submarine and rescue group lifted the plane from the bottom of the sea, where it had lain for more than 30 years. In the fresh air it began to quickly deteriorate. And then the Novorossiysk City Executive Committee decided to restore the plane. Komsomol members of the Novorossiysk ship repair plant undertook to carry out this work. They worked for free, in their free time from their main job. The completely updated aircraft was installed on a high concrete pedestal on Malaya Zemlya, at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Heroev-Paratroopers Street. This attack aircraft became a monument to all pilots who fought against the Nazis during the war. 11.

The next story will be about the Podnavisla farm and its history during the Great Patriotic War and after it.

Podvisla is also called the “Memory Glade”. But the front-line soldiers are only Arshaluys in the clearing. Three mass graves, where more than a thousand Soviet soldiers lie - defenders of the Caucasus in 1942-1943, were guarded and saved from ruin by a woman named Arshaluys Kivorkovna Khanzhiyan. She dedicated her whole life to this! T
At the beginning of October 1942, the regimental medical center of the 26th Infantry Regiment was sent to the Podnavisla farm. The head of the medical service had died by that time; his duties were performed by a young doctor. The three of us - she, the orderly Saidov and the son of the regiment Slavik - carried out the tasks of providing medical care to the wounded not only of their regiment, but also of nearby formations of the Red Army. The first aid station was located in the house of the Khanzhiyan family, the head of which, a partisan himself, moved the family to a safer place. And soon the father of the family brought his youngest daughter Arshaluys to the medical center, who, being the first Komsomol member in the village, simply refused to stand aside during this difficult time. She became an indispensable assistant for the doctor Vera Dubrovskaya.
There were not enough bandages and cotton swabs; we had to tear up underwear, shirts, and home sheets. The soldiers who died from mortal wounds and blood loss were buried in a clearing, hundreds of meters from the medical unit. Arashaluys cried inconsolably for the dead soldiers and marked the graves: she would either put a stone at the foot, or stick a shell fragment, or put a helmet. . Arshaluys quickly learned how to make bandages and injections. We slept fitfully and gradually got used to the bombings and explosions. The sappers turned deep craters into mass graves, and they filled monstrously quickly. The sailors - almost 400 people - lay down in one. The sappers assigned them a place on the river bank - still closer to the water...

Near the garden where the apple trees bloomed, the infantrymen who stormed the village of Phanagoria for six days are sleeping in eternal sleep.

The largest mass grave is opposite the Khanzhiyans' house. According to Arshaluys, over 600 soldiers are buried here.

More than a thousand soldiers rest in the clearing and nearby in the forest. Half are unknown.

Then the 26th Regiment had to leave for a new combat mission, the Germans drove our troops to Taman. The first aid post also went with the regiment. When Vera Semyonovna Dubrovskaya left with her regimental medical center, she especially asked to protect the grave of the commander of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, Sergei Fedorovich Lomakin.

The tragic days Arshaluys experienced left an indelible impression on the young girl’s soul. And she swore to those soldiers whom she buried here, in this clearing, in three mass graves, that she would not leave this place.
Arshaluys flatly refused to leave the graves. Here she spent her entire great life, filled with the light of sacred duty. Her best years. Here she is the only mistress of Poklonnaya Polyana. Guardian A woman soldier who, like a sentry, day after day, year after year, for more than half a century looked after the graves as best she could, erecting her monuments - boulders from a mountain river and rusty helmets, of which there are still many in the surrounding forests.

Now all that remains of the five-yard farm is Arshaluys’s house, where her niece Galina Nikolaevna Khanzhiyan lives. Arshaluys did not have children; they were replaced by hundreds of soldiers lying in her land... “When my aunt died,” Galina recalled, “she disposed of her “inheritance.” She said that she had nothing but these graves, and made me promise that I would take care of them. Sveta. In 2002, with the help of the Armenian community of the South of Russia, two chapels were built here - Armenian and Russian in memory of those who gave their lives for a peaceful sky, in memory of the mistress of Poklonnaya Polyana. On Victory Day every year, relatives of the victims came here, and they were invariably greeted by a lonely woman. Forest hermit. The owner of Poklonnaya Polyana...

In Volgograd there is Mamayev Kurgan, in Moscow - Poklonnaya Hill, in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) - Piskarevskoye Cemetery, and the symbols of military glory and courage of the Crimean land are the Hill of Heroes and the figure of a soldier bowing his head - the “Crimean Alyosha”.

According to archival data declassified in 2000, the battles in the Crimean region are comparable to the most legendary battles of the Great Patriotic War. One of the three powerful nodes of fascist resistance included in the overall Blue Line system was height 121.4, now known as the Hill of Heroes, from where the Kuban lands can be seen 40 kilometers deep. In May 1943, 16 thousand people died here, desperately fighting for every inch of Crimea both on earth and in the sky. Hundreds of planes, tanks, and mortars mercilessly hammered this long-suffering land around the clock. This was the main point of resistance. The enemy defended desperately. The largest air battle took place here, in the skies of the Kuban, on the “Hill of Heroes”. It was here, in the sky above Krymsk, that the legendary Soviet pilot Alexander Pokryshkin won his first Hero star, and then his second... 55 pilots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them are 24 pilots - women from the regiment of the famous Marina Raskova, whom the Nazis nicknamed “night witches”. Krasnodar city
“Kindergarten No. 216 “Boat of Childhood”