Project in the second junior group “We are growing. useful links

Project in junior group 2

"Reading fairy tales"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 25"

Project “Reading fairy tales” in the 2nd junior group.

-Project type: creative, artistic and aesthetic

-By the nature of the content: child and adults
-Project participants: teacher, children of the 2nd junior group, parents

-By number of participants: collective

Stages of work on the project.
1. Preparatory.

Relevance of the project:

Folk tales are the oldest widespread form of oral folk art, present among all nations. The fairy tale reflects beliefs, views, the dominant features of the national character, exposes class relations, while simultaneously exposing ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday tales, tales about animals, fairy tales. Mastery of the native language and speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children. Working with children, we were faced with the fact that their coherent speech is poorly developed, they have difficulty talking about the events of their lives, and cannot retell a literary work.

To solve this problem, I chose to work on getting acquainted with fairy tales, since I believe that fairy tales have firmly entered the child’s life, and in its essence a fairy tale fully corresponds to the nature of a little person, close to his thinking and ideas.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know few Russian folk tales.

2. Goal setting


Create a positive emotional mood. To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales through various types of activities. Consolidating and systematizing children's knowledge about fairy tales.


1. Educational:

Create the necessary conditions for getting acquainted with fairy tales.

Develop the child’s cognitive abilities, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

Work on sound pronunciation, develop the sound culture of children’s speech.

Develop the ability to retell fairy tales.

2. Developmental:

Develop group cohesion and self-esteem in children.

3. Educational:

Instill in children respect for themselves and other children.

Arouse interest in fairy tales.

3. Planning.

Estimated results of the project implementation
-Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales and will know their content.

Children will try to convey their hero in games - dramatizations, puppet theaters, table theaters.

Involving parents in further participation in group activities (drawing competitions, crafts, replenishment of the development environment, etc.)

Development of children's cognitive activity, creative abilities, and communication skills.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings. “Visiting a fairy tale” (with the involvement of parents).

Development of children's creativity in children - drawing, modeling, appliqué.

Project methods:

Cognitive and play activities, games, conversations, observations, joint games.


Main directions of development

Forms and methods of work


Cognitive and speech development.

Acquaintance with the work of the writer-storyteller.

Listening to the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Listening to RNS "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Listening to the RNS “Geese and Swans”.

Listening to RNS "Masha and the Bear".

The children got acquainted with new fairy tales.

Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, pay attention to intonation expressiveness.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of figurines of fairy tale heroes, attributes for dramatization games.

Animals in fairy tales (drawing).

Table theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Artistic creativity: plasticineography - molding of the walls of the "Teremka", decoration with peas and buckwheat. (Additional work - applique - roof and window of the mansion)

Book exhibition “Our best friends are books.”

Decorating a theater corner in a group.

Exhibition of children's works.

Introduce children to theatrical performances.

Exhibition of children's works.

Introduce children to new books.

Evening time

Social and personal development.

Didactic games: “Assemble a fairy tale from parts”, “Which fairy tale”, etc.

Role-playing games, dramatization games, etc.

Selection of didactic games on this topic.

Selection of attributes for games - dramatizations.

During the theme week

Working with parents.

Help in setting up a group.

Exhibition of drawings “Through the pages of fairy tales”.

Organization of a book exhibition.

Making a sliding folder “The role of the family in the development of children’s language.”

Memo for parents:

"Reading fairy tales"

Preparation of printed information; design of a moving folder.

5. Presentation.
Game motivation

While introducing children to fiction through the arrival of Grandmother, the storyteller, introduce children to Russian folk tales - names, content, discussion of fairy tale characters, highlighting positive and negative features.

Final activities:

Playing with a tabletop theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok” (19.03.) and artistic creativity (20.03): plasticineography - molding the walls of “Teremok”, decorating with peas and buckwheat. (Additional work - applique roof and window of the mansion)

Target: To develop children's memory, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales, based on the riddle and visual picture of the fairy tale. To develop children’s ability to convey their character in the fairy tale “Teremok” through speech, facial expressions, gestures and actions. Develop skills in working with plasticine to create a tower: pinch off a small piece from the whole and, by smearing it with your finger, fill in the outline of the object. Develop finger motor skills by using peas and buckwheat to decorate the house. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move (19.03).:
The arrival of Grandmother the storyteller: “Hello children, do you recognize me? And I didn’t come alone, I brought you friends! Meet them!
(Takes out fairy tale hero dolls or a tabletop theater from a large chest. Children name them.)
And in a small chest I brought a surprise.
Here's the first one: You know a lot of fairy tales, you read a lot. Fairy tales are asking you, friends, to guess them!” (takes out pictures - fragments of fairy tales and reads a riddle, the children guess):

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window ,

Round side, ruddy side, rolled ... (bun).

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")

And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (" Masha and the Bear")

In the fairy tale the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary,

“Rechenka, save me,

Both me and my brother." ("Swan geese")

Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

Everyone knows in Rus',

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who are these... little children. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Grandmother: Well done, you guessed all my riddles, everyone learned the fairy tales.

Let's relax and build a house for the gnome:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

We are building a big, tall house (hands up, on tiptoes),

We install the windows, cut the roof (we show the window with our hands, hands above our heads - imitation of the roof),

This is such a beautiful house (hands in front of you, pointing to the house),

An old gnome will live in it (claps hands)

Grandmother: And now, the second surprise.
Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Every fairy tale has its uses

A lesson for girls and boys.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Grandmother is a storyteller: Hello children. I was with you yesterday. We ourselves told and watched such an interesting fairy tale. Let’s make “Teremok” as a gift today for my fairy-tale heroes. I offer a sample of the work that should turn out. What are the walls of the tower painted with? (children's answer) Correctly with plasticine, pinch off a small piece and smear it on the walls, without going beyond the outline. When you paint the entire wall with plasticine, you can decorate with cereals: peas or buckwheat, which I prepared for you.

Independent activity of children. Grandmother, a storyteller, provides assistance as needed; reminder, uses sample display, etc.

Rating from Grandmother - a storyteller: Well done, they tried very hard. For this, here is my third surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (candy).

Farewell and departure Grandmothers are storytellers.

6. Reflective-evaluative.

Project result:

1. The children got acquainted with new fairy tales.

2. Children learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

3.During didactic games, children consolidated their knowledge of colors, quantity, and counting.

4.The children tried to display what they read in creative works.
5. The children got acquainted with theatrical performances.
6. We discussed our project with the children.

7. Design.

After analyzing our successes and failures, it was decided to continue getting acquainted with new fairy tales, replenish the theater corner, and participate in dramatization games.

Project activities in kindergarten are very interesting; a certain topic or material is revealed more widely. I present to your attention a poem based on Russian folk tales. I hope it is useful to someone!



Project in the second junior group “Fairy tales are always with us!”

Project type: artistic and aesthetic

By nature of contacts: within the group

By number of participants: collective

Duration: short-term (2 weeks)

Relevance of the project:

Folk tales are the oldest widespread form of oral folk art, present to all nations; such a tale reflects beliefs, views, the dominant features of the national character, exposes class relations, while simultaneously exposing ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday tales, tales about animals , fairy tales.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know few Russian folk tales.


Create a positive emotional mood. To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales through various types of activities.


  • consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales
  • create a desire to be like good heroes
  • develop the ability to convey the image of a fairy-tale hero through speech, movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • develop interest in fairy tales
  • instill in children the rules of safe behavior using the example of fairy tales.

Expected result:

Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales and will know their content.

They will learn to convey their character in games - dramatizations, puppet theaters, table theaters.

Involving parents in further participation in group activities (drawing competitions, crafts, replenishment of the development environment, etc.)

Game motivation:

While introducing children to fiction, through the arrival of Grandmother - a storyteller, introduce children to Russian folk tales (who writes the r.n.s., who passes them on from generation to generation) - names, content, discussion of the heroes of fairy tales, highlighting positive and negative traits.

Project implementation:

Educational area




Conversation “Who writes fairy tales?”


Play activity

Game "Puppet theater".

Game - dramatization

Tabletop theaters

Physical Culture

Motor activity

P./Game “Hares and the Wolf”.

P./Game "Geese".

P./Game “Sparrows and the Cat”.

P./Game “At the Bear in the Forest”.

Round dance "Burn, burn clearly."

P./Game “Fox on the hunt”.


Motor activity

  • Logorhythmic exercise “Kitten is naughty.”
  • Walk like the heroes of fairy tales (ride like a frog, walk like a bear, etc.)


Communication activities

  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats". Conversation “Who came to our house.”
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Conversation “Should you listen to adults”


Speech activity

Play activity

  • Storytelling by R.N.S. “A fox with a rolling pin.”
  • "Let's call a fairy tale."
  • D./Game “Find out a fairy tale by subject.”
  • Game "Guess the fairy tale hero."
  • Game “Find out the fairy tale from the illustration.”

Reading fiction

Reading activity

  • Fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Zhikharka”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese and Swans”, “Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “Crane and Heron”.

Artistic creativity




  • "Color the fairy tale hero"
  • "Carrots for Zayushka"
  • "Fairytale Fish"
  • "Bowl for the Three Bears"
  • Preliminary work applique “Teremok” (roof and window)


Motor activity


  • Scene “How the animals collected mushrooms”
  • Singing the words of the fairy tale “Teremok”
  • Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"


Constructive activity

  • "A bed for Mishutka."
  • “Let’s build a little house for toys.” Exhibition of drawings “My favorite fairy tale”. (Together with parents).

Final event:

Game - dramatizationbased on the fairy tale “Teremok” and artistic creativity plasticineography - molding of the walls “Teremok”, decoration with peas and buckwheat. (Preliminary work - applique roof and window of the mansion)

Target : To develop children's memory, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales, based on the riddle and visual picture of the fairy tale. To develop children’s ability to convey their character in the fairy tale “Teremok” through speech, facial expressions, gestures and actions. Develop skills in working with plasticine to create a tower: pinch off a small piece from the whole and, by smearing it with your finger, fill in the outline of the object without going beyond the outline. Develop finger motor skills by using peas and buckwheat to decorate the house. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move : The arrival of the Grandmother - storyteller: “Hello children, do you recognize me? And I didn’t come alone, I brought you friends! Meet them! Children dressed as characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” enter. (Sit down with other children). “And with me I brought a chest of surprises. Here's the first surprise: I told you a lot of fairy tales, I showed you a lot. They ask for fairy tales, and now, you, friends, get to know us!” (I take out pictures - fragments of fairy tales and read the riddle, the children guess:

  1. Mesh with sour cream, stuzhon on the window,

A round side, a ruddy side, a bun rolled...

  1. Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window (“The cat, the rooster and the fox”)

  1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie (“Masha and the Bear”)

  1. In the fairy tale the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary,

Rechenka, save me,

Save me and my brother (“Geese and Swans”)

  1. Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

  1. Everyone knows in Rus',

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who are these... little children (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

Grandmother is a storyteller:Well done, you guessed all my riddles, everyone learned the fairy tales.

Let's relax and build a house for the gnome:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

We are building a big, tall house (hands up, on tiptoes),

we install windows, cut the roof (we show the window with our hands, hands above our heads - imitation of the roof),

this is such a beautiful house (hands in front of you, pointing to the house),

an old gnome will live in it (claps hands)

Grandmother is a storyteller: And now, dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Every fairy tale has its uses

A lesson for girls and boys.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Part 2:

Grandmother is a storyteller:Give as a gift"Teremki" for my fairy-tale heroes.You've already started work, I know, let's continue. Here are your little houses (I’m handing out the children’s work). I offer a sample of the work that should turn out. What are the walls of the tower painted with? Correctly with plasticine, pinch off a small piece and smear it on the walls, without going beyond the contour. When you paint the entire wall with plasticine, you can decorate it with peas or buckwheat, which are in your plates.

Independent activity of children. Grandmother, a storyteller, provides assistance as needed, a reminder, uses a sample display, etc.

Rating from Grandmother - a storyteller: Well done, they tried very hard. For this, here is my surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (sweets).

Farewell and departure Grandmothers are storytellers.

Project name: “Problems” http://aida.ucoz.ru2 Short-term Class: 2 Type of project: collective Need (problem) - to emphasize the role of mathematics in human life. Project objectives: - consolidation, development and formation of knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process and necessary when compiling texts of tasks in accordance with the individual preparation of the child. List of knowledge and skills to be formed (developed) in students: Tasks for students - to expand knowledge, the ability to think logically - to find the right ways to solve simple problems - to reason and draw conclusions. Knowledge: -techniques for composing solutions to simple and complex problems. Skills: -selection of actions and explanations for given tasks. Expected results: -creation of a new educational page in mathematics.

Annotation. The proposed lesson-project meets the requirements of the second grade curriculum. Based on their life experiences, students create a page for the textbook “Mathematics 2nd grade”, which will be called “Problems”. By composing problem texts, imagination, attention and logical thinking develop. When creating this page, the role of mathematics in human life is emphasized. Project type: practice-oriented http://aida.ucoz.ru3

Project hypothesis: Does a person need the ability to solve problems in life? http://aida.ucoz.ru4

Goals and objectives of the project: 1. Organize joint activities of students in order to develop students’ skills in solving and composing problems for increasing (decreasing) a number several times, for difference comparison. Objectives: – educational: to provide conditions for students to develop the ability to compose and solve problems to increase (decrease) a number several times according to a drawing, based on a diagram, to improve computational skills. – developmental: to promote the development of the ability to work with information (to think critically about it), to develop mathematically literate speech, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking of students. – educational: to promote the development of observation by children compiling texts of tasks leading to the creation of a project.

Mathematics lesson Mathematics is everywhere, You just turn your eye, And you’ll find a lot of examples all around you

Mathematical Country Neither in reality nor in a dream, without fear and without timidity We wander through a country that is not on the globe. It’s not on the map, but you and I know that it exists, that it exists Mathematical country http://aida.ucoz.ru7

Then you need to study mathematics, it puts your mind in order http://aida.ucoz.ru8

Lesson topic: “Our pages in the mathematics textbook” “Tasks” http://aida.ucoz.ru9

How is the task structured? http://aida.ucoz.ru10

Guess the riddle: There is a tall, bright house, There are a lot of nimble guys in it: They write and count there, They draw and read http://aida.ucoz.ru11


Scheme 1. Theme “School”. Come up with a problem about examples http://aida.ucoz.ru13

Guess the riddle: Don't make noise - not a disco, House for books... (library) http://aida.ucoz.ru14


Scheme 2. Theme “Library”. It was... and... I read-…. Left - ? It was… I read it -… and…. Left - ? http://aida.ucoz.ru16

Continue my sentence: It can be school, big, short, funny, noisy... (recess) http://aida.ucoz.ru17

Fizminutka http://aida.ucoz.ru18

Based on the drawing, compose the text of the problem http://aida.ucoz.ru19

Checking independent work http://aida.ucoz.ru20

Reflect on how you handled the tasks in the lesson http://aida.ucoz.ru21 What tasks aroused your interest? What was easy and what was difficult for you? Does a person need the ability to solve problems in life?

Homework: Come up with a problem on the topic “School”. Beautifully design its text on the page. Invite your classmates to solve it in the next lesson http://aida.ucoz.ru22

Well done! Thank you all for your work!!! http://aida.ucoz.ru23

Project “The Magic World of Fairy Tales”

(junior group)

Project technological map

Project type : group, artistic and aesthetic.

Project participants : children of the second younger group, teacher, music director, parents.

Duration : short-term - 2 weeks


Fairy tales are the most ancient of the widespread forms of oral folk art. And in the age of technological progress, when reading literary works, including fairy tales, has been replaced by games on computers, tablets and phones, and watching cartoons, there is a decrease in children’s assimilation of the spiritual wealth of the people, their cultural and historical experience. The relevance lies in the fact that this project combines means and methods for developing the creative abilities and communication skills of children.

Problem modern society: introducing children to traditional Russian folklore. It is known that in oral folk art, as nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, courage, hard work, and loyalty have been preserved. We can see all this in Russian folk tales. It is fairy tales that are the material for teaching speech development to children of primary preschool age.

Children know few Russian folk tales.

Objective of the project: create conditions for introducing children to oral folk art through fairy tales through various types of activities.

Project objectives:


    To introduce and consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

    Develop a desire to be like positive fairy tale characters.


          Enrich children's vocabulary, develop oral speech.

          Develop expressive speech through children’s participation in dramatizations, puppet theaters, and tabletop theaters.


                Cultivate interest in fairy tales; instill in children the rules of safe behavior using the example of fairy tales.

                Develop the ability to listen to an adult and carry out appropriate actions suggested by the teacher.

Expected results:

Interest in oral folk art - fairy tales - has been formed.

Children have ideas and knowledge about many Russian folk tales and know their content.

They are able to distinguish between good and evil through imitation of the image of fairy tale heroes; characterize actions, behavior; express emotions and understand the feelings of others.
- Children participate more confidently in dramatizing fairy tales.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

Project product:

    Design of the exhibition of children's books “Our Favorite Fairy Tales”

    Creating a book with parents “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale”

    Lapbook “Visiting Fairy Tales”

    Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council

Project implementation stages

Stage 1: preparatory (project development)

Definition of the problem and relevance of the project;

Setting goals and objectives;

Determination of forms and methods of work;

Collection of information, literature, additional materials;

Work on drawing up stages and a plan for project implementation; - creation of RPPS:

    Bring Russian folk tales to the book center

    Creation of educational games based on the project

    Replenish the music and theater center with masks for staging fairy tales and outdoor games.

    Select card files: “Finger games based on fairy tales”; “Riddles about fairy tale heroes”, “Outdoor games based on fairy tales”

Stage 2: practical (project implementation)

Educational area

Forms of working with children

Social and communicative development

    Didactic games: “Tell a fairy tale according to the plots”, “Which fairy tale is the hero from”, “Find out whose shadow”, “Good-evil in fairy tales”

    Musical and didactic game “Show who it is” (correlate music with fairy tale characters, teach children to imitate movements)

    Educational situation “What kind of fairy tales are you?” (to form children’s interest in fairy tales, to create a desire to listen to them).

Cognitive development

    Looking at illustrations for fairy tales

    View any fairy tale of children's choice

    Conversation “What happened to the kolobok who went for a walk without asking?” (rules of safe behavior)

    Labor activity: “Let’s show Chanterelle how we work”

Speech development

    OOD for speech development “Favorite Tales”

    Demonstration of the tabletop theater "Kolobok"; dramatizations of fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”

Artistic and aesthetic development

    OOD for modeling "Cockerel"

    CHHL: reading children's favorite fairy tales throughout the project; guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

    Game on "Noisemakers"

    Joint activity of the teacher and children: Construction of the “Hut for the Chanterelle”

    Staging the fairy tale “Grandma’s Yard” together with the musical director.

Physical development

Breathing exercises "Chicken", "Geese are Flying"

Outdoor games: “Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “Sly Fox”, “Geese-Geese”

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to the topic of the project

Involve parents:

    to work together with children and the teacher.

    for the design of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale”

To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in raising children of primary preschool age through oral folk art.

Consultations in the information corner:

    "The Value of Family Reading"

    "The Tale That She Gives to Children"

Stage 3: final (summarizing)

    Based on the results of work with parents, the design of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale”

    An exhibition of children's books “Our Favorite Fairy Tales” was organized

    Creation of the book “Sketches of a Favorite Fairy Tale” together with parents

    Dramatization of the fairy tale “Grandma’s Yard” in collaboration with the music director.

    Creation of the lapbook “Visiting Fairy Tales”

Used Books:

    The main general educational program of preschool education is the educational program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    “We live in the Urals” Tolstikova O.V.

    “Methodology of working with a fairy tale” Ryzhova L.V.

    “Fairy tale scenarios for interactive activities with children” Uleva E.A.

    “Notes of complex thematic classes. Second junior group." Golitsina N.S.

    “Classes for children 3-5 years old on social and communicative development.” Kolomiychenko L.V., Chugava G.I., Yugova L.A.

    “Social and moral education of children from 2 to 5 years old. Class notes." Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Akhtyan A.G.

    “Project method in preschool education.” Toolkit. Kochkina N.A.

This is not the first year that secondary schools have been successfully using this teaching method as design. But this practice is new in preschool institutions. What features should be taken into account when organizing these activities in a preschool educational institution, as well as how to conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group, we will tell you in this article.

Designing in kindergarten

First, you need to figure out what the project method is? Child psychologists have proven that literally from birth a child needs not only to imitate adults, but also to express his own desires and realize ideas. It is the work on any project that allows the child to gain the necessary new knowledge for the subsequent independent solution of the task.

Projects are classified according to various criteria, for example:

  • by content;
  • according to the method used;
  • by the nature of the child’s participation;
  • by the number of participants;
  • according to the age of the children;
  • by duration.

Kindergarten: short-term projects (2nd junior group)

A short project takes no more than two weeks, and is often completed in one or several classes. A short-term assignment can have different content, number of participants, and type. Typically, children, a teacher, a music director and a physical education teacher, as well as parents of students, take part in the implementation of such activities.

In our article we will take a detailed look at a short-term project in the 2nd junior group and talk about the features of carrying out this activity with such children.

So, we propose the following topics for carrying out these activities in preschool educational institutions:

  • “Ten Helping Fingers.”
  • "Our furry friends."
  • "Fairy-tale fantasies."
  • "Space Adventures"
  • "Visiting the Book."
  • Goals of short-term projects

    Project activities, which are implemented over several days, have specific, clear goals. So, when creating a collective work “New Year’s Decorations,” the teacher’s task will be to familiarize children with the traditions and symbols of the holiday. Or when creating a “Spring Calendar,” the goal is to familiarize kids with changes in nature at this time of year.

    But we can separately highlight tasks that do not depend on the chosen topic or type of project. They are as follows:

    • teach children to independently solve difficulties and problematic situations;
    • develop initiative and innovative thinking;
    • develop the skill of listening to the opinions of others and arguing your own position;
    • teach to achieve a goal;
    • put ideas into practice.

    A short-term project in the 2nd junior group must have goals that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the preschool educational program.

    Features of projects in the 2nd junior group

    If schoolchildren or senior pupils of preschool educational institutions can be direct executors in the process of project implementation, then in the younger group children are only learning independence. Their role will be more of an observer. Nevertheless, the teacher needs to organize activities in such a way that each child can show his own thinking, implement ideas, and conduct an experiment. The main thing in project activities is the participation of adults and children. In this case, the teacher should not lead, instruct, or control. The teacher’s task is to guide, suggest, present an idea, and participate in the process on an equal basis with the children.

    Approximate project plan (autumn period)

    Short-term projects on the theme “Seasons” are often implemented in the form of thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions. As an example, we offer an action plan within the framework of the project activity “Golden Autumn has come to visit us” lasting 5 days:

  • Observation day. A plan for conducting excursions, compiling “nature diaries”, and collecting natural material is proposed. During this day, you can record autumn landscapes and individual natural phenomena (for example, leaf fall) in photos or videos. Then all collected materials will be used for holding an exhibition and didactic educational games.
  • Creativity Day consists of themed classes in drawing, appliqué, and modeling. Thanks to creative tasks, a short-term project in the 2nd junior group, “Golden Autumn has come to visit us,” will help consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic and teach them how to implement theoretical knowledge in practical activities.
  • Literary living room. There are theatricalizations of fairy tales, reading of literature, and discussions on the topic.
  • Exhibition. You can hold a competition for the best craft made from natural materials, thematic drawings, or a photo exhibition of autumn landscapes.
  • Fun day. Most often, the culmination of an autumn project is an event such as the “Autumn Festival”.
  • Using this principle, you can organize activities at any time of the year, for example, conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group “Snowy winter is on the doorstep.” But below we offer another option for organizing such work.

    Narrowly focused short-term projects

    Thematic weeks carry a large amount of information and involve a wide variety of activities for participants. But in kindergarten, narrowly focused projects are also possible. For example, in winter it will be very important to help wintering birds. We propose the following plan for the “Let’s Help Birds in Winter” project:

  • Formation of theoretical knowledge about wintering birds. The most effective methods for achieving this goal will be observations in nature.
  • Holding a family competition for the best bird feeder made from scrap materials (for example, plastic bottles). It is important that children take a direct part in making crafts, and not just watch the activities of adults.
  • Group work to install the winning feeder of the competition on the territory of the kindergarten (children must also take an active part here).
  • Subsequent feeding of the birds, observation of the behavior and habits of birds. Consolidation of knowledge in thematic artistic and aesthetic classes.
  • Short-term projects in visual arts

    Drawing is always a joy for children. And if this activity is also organized purposefully, the result will exceed all the kids’ expectations! Their activities will not only be interesting for themselves, but also useful for others!

    How to conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group in fine art? For example, as part of the “Spring Drops” theme, you can invite kids to decorate a group room in a kindergarten with collective or individual artwork. So, the teacher first introduces children to primroses by observation. Then he offers to color the finished flower images using various drawing techniques. In this way, you can create a whole “spring flowerbed” in the room.

    How to conduct short-term projects in the junior group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Folklore”?

    The theme of folklore is a wide field for imagination when planning a project in a preschool educational institution. Children enjoy learning jokes, nursery rhymes, and folk songs. But the peculiarity of holding such events in kindergarten is the synthesis of music and movement. Staging, theatricalization, play - these are the keys that can open the door to a child’s heart.

    We offer the following short-term project in the 2nd junior group: “Folklore for children: spring motives.” Here you can give children and parents the task of preparing mini-performances for the Spring or Maslenitsa holiday. To complete this task, preliminary work will be required to familiarize yourself with the traditions of our people, symbols, and the choice of spring flies or Maslenitsa songs, and the preparation of costumes, props, and music. The main thing is that children are assigned tasks that they will need to complete independently. Adults need to emphasize the importance of the role assigned to the child and the significance of the work he has done for the project.

    Short-term project “My Family”

    Another interesting topic for organizing a short-term project in the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution is “Me and my family.” It is at this age that children show interest in the concept of family and self.

    You can offer a theme week again. But we recommend a more interesting short-term project in the 2nd junior group: “My Family” (creating a photo or video album). As part of this work, it is necessary to collect various material about the family members of each child. The child completes the assigned task together with his parents. Then you can hold meetings and family entertainment events. The result of all the work should be an aesthetically designed album with accumulated information about the child’s relatives. Or, if logistics allow, you can offer a more modern option - create an electronic mini-presentation of the family.

    A short-term project in the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution is an entertaining cognitive activity for children, which allows them to develop the inclinations of independence, activity, and initiative in the younger generation. In addition, in a playful research form, it helps to convey to children basic knowledge about the world around them.