Traces of vimanas on Mars and on earth. Ufologists discovered a crashed UFO ship on Mars: NASA tried to hide traces of aliens on the Red Planet

A humanoid was photographed in Bulgaria in 2013. A group of young travelers insist they have photographed an extraterrestrial creature in a dense forest near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The group's hike was in Yundola and when they passed through the meadow between mountain ranges Rila and Rhodopes, then one of the tourists photographed the creature before it disappeared.

A humanoid creature of unknown classification found in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Photo: S.T.A.R. Research

One of the aliens appearing on Earth! Photo: UNSEALED

According to contactors top part the skull seems soft and moves all the time. Image: UNSEALED. They hide their identities. These are predators and they can appear in any room, i.e. go through walls and glass. They are completely paralyzing physical body, but if you show willful resistance (and will is Love, then you will win) Researcher UFO

An unidentified object photographed on Mars. These images were taken by the American Mars Exploration Rover Spirit in the pre-dawn hours with navigation and panoramic cameras. The unidentified object looks like a stripe because the shutter speed was 15 seconds and during this time the object flew 4 degrees. As NASA admitted, this object could not be some kind of ship from Earth, and for a meteorite, the unidentified object was moving too slowly. Self official name NASA image: "It"s a Bird, It"s a Plane, It"s a... Spacecraft?" I think it doesn’t need translation. ID: PIA05557 Photo: NASA/JPL/Cornell

Gemini 10 - American manned spaceship. The eighth manned flight of the Gemini program.
Crew: John Young - commander; Michael Collins - pilot.
Launch: July 18, 1966 22:20:27 UTC
Landing: July 21, 1966 21:07:05 UTC
The first photo shows the unidentified object itself and its magnification 12 times. The second one is a NASA original. Photo No: S66-45774_G10-M_f Photo: NASA

Crew members: Gordon Cooper (Leroy Gordon Cooper) - commander, Charles Conrad (Charles Conrad) - pilot. Launch: August 21, 1965 13:59:59 UTC Landing: August 29, 1965 12:55:13 UTC. Image No.: GT5-50602-034_G05-U The first two photos are different magnifications of the UFO, the third photo is part of the original NASA frame. Photo: NASA

This unidentified, completely real object was filmed American astronaut, Air Force Major James McDivitt during the 8th manned space flight USA on the Gemini 4 (Gemini) spacecraft June 3-7, 1965. He watched and filmed it through a technical porthole. He then decided to shoot a UFO through another one, but the object disappeared. One photo is original NASA, the second photo is an enlargement of the UFO. Look at both frames! Frame No.: GT4-37149-039_G04-U Photo: NASA

This unidentified, completely real object was filmed by American astronaut, Air Force Major James McDivitt, during the 8th US manned space flight on the Gemini 4 spacecraft (Gemini) on June 3-7, 1965. He watched and filmed it through a technical porthole. He then decided to shoot a UFO through another one, but the object disappeared. One photo is original NASA, the second photo is an enlargement of the UFO. Look at both frames! Frame No.: GT4-37149-039_G04-U

On April 17, 2002, a close-up photograph of the International Space Station was photographed from the space shuttle Atlantis (see the original in full size), but in addition to the ISS, a UFO in the background was included in the frame. The first photo is an enlargement of the UFO and shows where it is, the second photo is a NASA original. Photo #: STS110-E-5912 Photo: NASA

It was as if he was specially posing for the astronauts (the photographs show how the UFO turns different sides to the shuttle), but most likely he was performing maneuvers and the last sixth frame shows that he turned towards the Earth and turned on the engines. These photographs, like many others, were classified, but one of the employees space center them. Johnson, who has access to secret files, published them in in social networks, which remained unsolved. In January 2013, NASA removed the photographs and the numbers of these photographs from its archives. See all six NASA UFO photos in full size! And also my UFO magnifications! Publication: UFO Researcher Photo No: STS088-724-66 Photo: NASA

UFO in near-Earth space!

Astronaut Pierce J. Sellers, mission specialist for STS-121, participates in the mission's second extra-vehicle activity (EVA) session. Working with him is astronaut Michael E. Fossum (outside this frame). Duration of release in open space lasted 6 hours and 47 minutes and all this time they were photographed and filmed from the windows of the International Space Station by astronauts of Expedition 13 to the ISS and astronauts of Mission 121 of the shuttle flight program. It was this photograph that was taken by one of the astronauts of the Discovery shuttle, and some of the frames showed a real UFO flying towards Earth. The first photo is a NASA original, and the second is a maximally enlarged UFO. See both photos. Researcher UFO Photo No: S121-E-06224 (July 10, 2006) Photo: NASA

This is an image with an unidentified moving (moving) object, which actually represents a certain unit or lunar rover, clearly not of human production, because its dimensions are several tens of meters, both in length and width. Also, without magnification, deep traces left by a moving (moving) unidentified object are clearly visible. Recently, the Schröter Valley officially received a new name: “Secrets of the Schröter Valley”. Yet modern science and scientists began to look at the world differently. So, in this valley, some buildings and structures were discovered that absolutely do not fall into the category of geological formations. Straight tunnels (pipes) were also found stretching along the surface of the Moon, which go in a straight line regardless of the terrain, i.e. be it a hill, a hill of any height, a crater. Perfectly smooth entrances (exits) under the surface of the Moon were also discovered, which have hemispherical shapes and with workings lunar soil near these entrances. Over time I will publish them. So. Now the scientific data: Schröter Valley is named after the German astronomer Johann Schröter (1745-1816); officially received its name in 1961 (now called: Secrets of the Schröter Valley); In fact, the crater was first named after him, and in accordance with accepted rules, valleys are named after those closest to them geological structures- craters or mountains. Secrets of the Schröter Valley on the Moon: Alien Lunar Rover Now about the image: Date taken May 27, 2010 Time: 21:41:05 Orbit altitude: 4238 meters Longitude: 307.37 ° Center of Latitude: 25.01 ° Resolution: 0.60 m at pixel. Researcher UFO Image: LRO Photo: NASA MAXIMUM POSSIBLE ENLARGEMENT OF THE ALIEN ROVER!!! SEE ALSO THE FIRST ORIGINAL IMAGE FROM NASA!!!

Unidentified object from Apollo 11 July 17, 1969 This photograph was taken from Apollo 11, when astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin flew from Earth to the Moon for the first landing on its surface. It's hard to say what it is, but they saw it with their own eyes. Maybe this is a UFO shrouded in some kind of energy protection, or maybe it’s some kind of plasma (possibly living). So, the first photograph reflects the reality that the astronauts saw, only it was digitized by NASA a long time ago, and in good faith and qualitatively no different from the original color photograph, which must be given to these people. The second is an increase in an unidentified object or phenomenon and in a different spectrum, in order to look in a different light. The third is also a digitized photograph, only NASA retouched the object, which is very clearly visible in full size (since the screens are different, you can lighten the picture. I can see very clearly that the object is “blurred”) and they changed the color scheme of the Earth, and you can also see poor quality digitization when viewed in full size, which is very clearly visible when comparing 1 and 3 photos. So, relatively recently NASA removed the real photograph with an unidentified object and posted the one without the object in space, i.e. This is my third one. I recommend watching the first one in full size Beauty and UFOs! Researcher UFO Photo: NASA

Photo of the Earth and 100% Real UFO were obtained from the Space Shuttle Endeavor Image No.: STS108-703-93_3 December 5-17, 2001

The first photo is a NASA original. The second is maximum magnification showing where the object is located. It is advisable to watch the first one in full size. Image #: AS08-16-2594 Photo: NASA

Shuttle Discovery Mission: STS-096 Photo No.: STS096-706-2 Date taken: May 27, 1999 Time: 11:28:57 GMT Photo: NASA See the first original photo in full size 16.8 megapixels and the second enlarged unidentified object.

The panorama was taken at about lunar orbit during the Apollo 16 mission in April 1972 (this is the first photo). In this panorama, in addition to the lunar landscape, a gigantic structure was filmed, which throws one giant and many smaller ones into the surrounding space, something similar to electricity or lightning. The large image (6.6 GB) shows the structures of these emissions, and also that one end of this structure, which is illuminated sunlight goes to lunar surface. The second photo is this power plant in the center and the third photo is enlarged. Look at all three photos! UFO Researcher Photo #: AS16-P-4095 Apollo 16 April 21, 1972 Photo: NASA

This is one of the photographs that was taken during the STS-100 mission. NASA program space shuttle flights. IN in this case The space shuttle Endeavor carried out its mission in orbit. This photograph was taken by one of the astronauts during their spacewalk, namely from the airlock. This mission took place in April 2001, and for more than 12 years, neither the astronauts themselves, nor NASA employees, nor fans of photographs from space noticed a UFO flotilla of five objects in this photograph. Three days ago, one of the American ufologists published this photograph and various enlargements and other specials on YouTube. effects. I decided to follow him and went to the NASA public archives and also downloaded this photo. She is the first here, the second is also her, only I put an arrow indicating the location of objects, and the third and fourth are different magnifications. Text: Researcher UFO Photo No: STS100-708A-48 Photo: NASA

Astronaut Jean-Pierre Haignere was the first to fly from ESA and spend time on the Russian space station MIR spent six months as an on-board engineer photographing this real UFO. First published by Stephen Hannard on June 10, 2013.

Dilapidated structure on the Moon This structure is only a small part of the structures and structures on the Moon! Almost all researchers believe that this, as well as many other structures on the Moon, are the work of a civilization that preceded ours, other human civilizations, not aliens and aliens. Humanity is about a million years old and believe me, they haven’t been running around with stones and axes all the time. This happened perhaps when civilizations perished. But real alien bases actually exist on the Moon, or more precisely, under the surface of the Moon. This reliable information from contactees who were actually taken to the Moon. There is footage not only from American missions, but also from recent Chinese missions to the moon. So there is already a steeper structure than this structure and it is whole and unharmed. There are also structures more than five kilometers long. In general, many different buildings and structures have already been discovered, and only about a very small part can we say that this was not the work of people. Even if they belong to ancient civilizations.

Traces of Vimanas on Mars and Earth

Chudinov V.A.
In my work I showed traces of the presence of vimanas on the Moon, and in my work - their presence on the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Now I would be curious to show their presence on Mars.

Rice. 1. UFO debris on Mars and my reading of the inscriptions

UFO debris on Mars. The article says: " According to a senior Washington official, debris from a craft that crashed between 1965 and 1976 has been found in the dust of the red planet, which has a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, near the Martian equator.

During the flight space probe NASA's Mariner 4 mission in 1965 captured images of the surface of the planet Mars from a distance of 6,400 miles, and there was no debris yet. Only 11 years later they were recorded by the Viking 1 probe, which examined the Martian surface. The pictures were transferred to NASA, and until now this event has not received publicity. The secrecy is associated with an attempt to prevent panic that may begin when data that people were not the first to visit Mars is made public.

According to the source, the wreckage of the starship was photographed at a distance of 11 miles from the probe, at the limit optical resolution. Visible in photographs most of metal hull of the ship, which supposedly had cylindrical shape, or the shape of a plate. The outlines cannot be more accurately characterized, since the depth of the image is not sufficient. Following the ship there is a furrow dug during the fall, this is also captured in the photographs. The ship's hull has a fracture that was formed as a result of hitting a rock. In the fault, you can see the interweaving of cables and control mechanisms.

Another series of similar photographs was discovered in the photographic archives of the Malin Space Science Systems company, which, as is known, was the creator of the first Mars Global Explorer probe flying to Mars. From the images one can judge the size of the spacecraft. It is about one hundred meters wide in diameter. When trying to recreate original appearance the ship, according to the available photographs, turned out to be something like the famous “flying triangles”. However, we cannot exclude the fact that everyone is being misled by a fragment of a fallen meteorite».

It is easy to distinguish a flying machine from a meteorite - just read the inscriptions. In this case, they are hidden by a thin layer of sand. It does not completely cover the inscriptions, but only weakens the contrast, making it easier to read. And on the bottom of the aircraft's disk I read the words: VIMANA YARA RYURIK YARA. In other words, epigraphic analysis confirms the assumption of the author of the article.

Rice. 2. Traces of another UFO crash and my reading of the inscriptions

Another UFO Crash. In another article I read: " Martian astoarchaeologists claim that they have discovered a UFO (in the shape of a classic flying saucer) that crashed on the Martian surface. The researchers argued their extraordinary statement by the fact that very important data is contained in a series of images of the surface of Mars from the alleged crash site, captured from different angles.

According to Scott Waring, the crash site is located in the Martian region "Candor Chasma" and has the following coordinates: 6 ° 25"40.89 "S76 ° 53"48.65" W» .

It is clear that I decided to read the inscriptions on the surrounding rock. The aircraft in this case is not disc-shaped, but cigar-shaped. However, I read these words: VIMANA YARA(cigar-shaped vimanas on the Moon were also called Yara vimanas), and then the words of temple affiliation: TEMPLE OF MARA RURIK.

Rice. 3. The Spirit robot photographed two more objects hovering in the sky

« There are visible dots in the daytime sky. One could attribute them to defects that occur during the transmission of images to Earth via radio channels. But then similar “blots” would be present in many photographs. The famous amateur researcher Joseph Skipper found only three pieces. On one of them there are two points at once. Already at three times magnification it is noticeable that one is a ball, the other looks like a plate. NASA does not comment on the probable nature of these objects...» .

In other words, vimanas were photographed as they approached Mars. These are no longer traces, but direct recording. So flights of vimanas to Mars existed both in the past and exist today.

UFO on Mars. « The Americans again managed to revive Spirit. What they happily told the world about by posting a photo transmitted by the device on their website". And the photograph itself is shown, Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. An object on Mars against the background of the surrounding landscape

In Fig. 4 shows a large funnel with some objects at its bottom. The edges of the crater are quite steep and formed either by sand or snow. And I believe that it is on these slopes that some inscriptions can be read. For now, these inscriptions are invisible.

Here I use the method that I usually use in such cases - I increased the contrast of the image. And then he began to read the inscriptions in reversed color. I showed the result of image processing in Fig. 5, where I also enlarged the image.

And then I read the image on this steep slope. Here the following words appear: on the left - RURIK HOLY Rus'. In other words, it has spread to Mars. In the line below you can read the words: TEMPLE OF MARA AND, and in the center there is a very important addition: WARRIOR CAMP, and the line below - VAGRIA AND VIMAN.

Rice. 5. My reading of the inscriptions on Mars on its landscape

UFO from the Moon on Mars. In the note we read: “ Ufologists have recorded a UFO near the surface of Mars that was spotted on the Moon in 1972. Scientists have studied photographs of the surface of Mars and discovered an unidentified luminous flying object that is moving along a rather natural trajectory. The flying body seems to be patrolling the planet. A very similar object was recorded back in 1972 on the surface of the Moon. Ufologists believe that this is the same device of unknown origin».

Very interesting! If this is Vimana Yara, then it could land on both the Moon and Mars. The note ends with the words: “ It is noteworthy that this is not the first time a UFO has appeared near Mars. Previously the deviceCuriosityspotted and filmed an object taking off from the Red Planet».

And now I read the inscriptions: on the upper part of the vimana on the right, where the surface is light, and the darker inscriptions against this background are best visible, I read the words: on the line above - VIMANA YARA RURIK, and the line below - TEMPLE OF MARA RURIK. So, the name of the vimana on Mars is exactly the same as the vimana on the Moon.

Of course, there are other images, but these are enough to prove the existence of a vimana on Mars.

Figure 6. UFO on Mars and my reading of the inscriptions on its surface

Discussion. What ufologists these days call UFOs, and the governments of many countries classify information about them, in fact turn out to be the same vimanas, traces of which appeared in the first years after the coronation of Rurik. Moreover, in addition to hard-to-reach places on Earth, hard-to-reach places on bodies were also found solar system- Moon, Mars, comets. So the Edge of Rurik turned out to be wider than only some places on Earth. And this expansion of the Land of Rurik of Holy Rus' of Rurik happened precisely with the help of aircraft.

The moon was explored during Rurik’s lifetime, in the 5th year after his coronation, if we talk about the vimanas of Moscow Mary. The vimanas of Rome began to explore both the Moon and Mars 35 years later, and they transported Rurik’s grave to Mars. Subsequently, Rurik’s grave was visited several times, and at the same time a coin even woke up.

It seems that the Moon and comets are visited by vimanas more often than Mars. And on back side On the moon in general there are not only clusters of vimanas, but also entire cities. It was the presence of Russian civilization on the Moon that could become an additional reason for NASA to classify information about it as secret. However, for now, Russian civilization outside the Earth is designated by the name “aliens” and “aliens.” It turns out that the plan that the USA and the USSR prepared in the twentieth century, namely, the exploration of the Moon and Mars, was carried out by Rurik’s Russia more than 1,100 years ago. And even if NASA was able to read the names on UFOs on Earth or on the Moon, Mars and comets, the US plans did not include giving the palm to the USSR or later Russia as the heiress of Rurik's Rus'. It is much more convenient for the United States to consider Russian people outside the Earth as hostile “aliens”, ugly, scary and bloodthirsty. However, they cultivate approximately the same thing in their media, and feature action films and about modern Russians. So what we have before us is a legalized and cultivated deception of its population.

It turns out that the study of the aircraft of the ancient Russians led us to identifying contemporary representatives of the Holy Rus' of Rurik. The most curious thing is that when the development spacecraft modernity will reach such a level as to send expeditions to the Moon, Mars, and the nearest comets, modern civilization will certainly have to come into contact with the original inhabitants of these places, who have lived there for more than a thousand years. And then there is deception from the outside modern science will certainly float out.

It would be useful for us not to quarrel with representatives of a higher technical level, which is demonstrated by modern vimanas, but to unite our efforts. But I believe this is precisely what the representatives of the “war party” in the United States are afraid of. Just as they periodically designate their enemies on Earth, they designate them in space as well. But it is quite clear that representatives of more high culture will not allow them to fool the population with useless or harmful products food, medicines, environmental conditions and so on. And none of the modern powers, even as strong as the United States, will be able to fight them.

In this case, I was most surprised that it was possible to spread stories about “aliens” and their strange culture with an incomprehensible writing for so long. In fact, all of them aircrafts, as well as bases and temples on the Moon, Mars and comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko were signed no worse than on Earth. And we should talk about selenoglyphs (inscriptions on the Moon), areoglyphs (inscriptions on Mars) and cometoglyphs (inscriptions on comets) as seriously as we talk about geoglyphs (that is, inscriptions on Earth).

And yet we see vimanas from afar, so it is difficult to distinguish their details. And the question involuntarily arises: are there such manifestations of vimanas that can be seen on Earth, and which can be studied and analyzed? - It turns out that vimanas interfere with human life V crisis situations, and also leave a mark on their planting sites in the form of so-called “circles on the floors” (but the latter can also be of a purely entertaining nature). In short, it remains to study these manifestations of their existence from an epigraphic point of view.

Recently, dome-shaped structures on a hill were discovered on Mars, indicating that the planet was habitable in the past.

Now another image is emerging that would seem to provide strong evidence that there is more going on on the Red Planet than space agencies are telling the public.

According to images from a NASA rover, in the vicinity of Mount Sharp lie giant structures that once towered on the Red Planet.

According to "UFO hunters" as well as ufology experts, there are several structures on Mars that, despite time, are clearly visible half-buried in the harsh Martian conditions.

Many hundreds of skeptics look at such photographs with disbelief, considering them to be a work of Photoshop. However, despite the many “photoshops” that previously roamed the Internet, there has been no need for editing for the last two decades. The official NASA resource, with photo archives, gives crazy pictures of the Martian surface - you can follow this link.

Who built the structures on Mars?

While many of us may be incredulous at such an image, not seeing the destroyed man-made formations there, no one can deny that a certain degree of mystery still exists.

Looking at the image present in the article, we can clearly see several straight lines on the surface of Mars. You don’t have to be a big fan of ufology to see the remains of walls in these lines and come to the understanding that this is actual evidence of the remains of buildings of a certain civilization buried on Mars that lived for some time on the Red Planet.

In general, these are not the first “outrageous” images coming from the planet that humanity is about to colonize. Great variety strange finds present in close proximity from Mount Sharp, and artifacts can also be seen in many other images from the Red Planet.

Ufologists say that it was not for nothing that space agencies chose Mars as the first planet for colonization, although the Moon would have been more convenient for the “first step” - in the distant past, the Red Planet was inhabited by intelligent beings, and we need to get to their technologies.

Improved image of Martian buildings/improved but not drawn, click to enlarge

The possibility that intelligent beings lived on Mars in the past is quite high. They could have existed here millions of years ago and died, or gone to other planets and left behind artificial structures. There are decent chances that most of the structures on the planet, although they died from time and climate, and are now buried under tons of Martian soil, have nevertheless been preserved.

That is why it is almost impossible to say exactly what we see in the images - a real structure of artificial origin, or, as skeptics say, natural geological formation. Although most people are sure, we see a real construction of intelligent beings.

Adventures of the Curiosity rover on the Red Planet.

UFO experts believe that a couple of months after landing on Mars, the Curiosity rover photographed a mysterious creature - an alien. People's opinions were immediately divided: some were sure that this was nonsense, everything had a reasonable explanation. Others immediately started talking about falsification and concealment of information coming from the Mars rover. Allegedly, NASA artificially restrains the flow of data from Mars and posts images taken on Earth, passing them off as Martian.

By the way, this version perfectly explains the rare footage of UFOs taking off from Mars; in fact, these are helicopters taking off from the filming site, giving off glare under the bright rays of the Sun. Still others believe that there is no need to complicate everything; not only are we not the unique inhabitants of the Galaxy with intelligence, moreover, another mind knows about our existence.

We are talking about that photograph where adherents of the theory of existence alien civilizations They looked at the shadow bending over the Curiosity rover, and they say it’s an Alien. Moreover, as experts suggest, the alien, on whose back they examined the “hump” of life support systems, is repairing the Curiosity rover that broke down on Mars!

According to Michael, a specialist in a secret teleportation program, he spent 20 years on Mars! Well, more precisely, he did not live there all this time, but during the course of his work he visited the Mars Institute and, accordingly, the terrestrial colonies of the Red Planet.

As Michael says, all the technologies that we now see in our modern astronautics, these are just the tools necessary to deliver the teleportation receiver installation to the planet being developed. In the recent past, a teleport receiver was sent to Mars, which was before Michael Ralphie joined the secret project.

Unfortunately, Ralphie, who left the project in 1996, does not give specifics about his participation in the project, only mentioning that teleports and a colony on Mars worked before him, and he also made many trips on business between Mars and Earth.

Agree, there is existing stories and photographs something amazing that gives us reason to think about real story exploration of the Red Planet.

A strange light cone has been spotted in the sky of the Red Planet. It flashed and flew away.
The UFO is clearly visible in an image taken using one of the many cameras on NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity robot - the one located on the body and called the Front Hazcam. There are eight similar cameras. They are black and white, equipped with wide-angle lenses, photograph panoramas, help navigate and plot a route.

Image from NASA website, UFO shown by arrow
Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The UFO appeared directly on the course of “Curiosity” - on January 5, 2014 (Martian day 504) at 23 hours, 26 minutes 37 seconds, it was captured by a camera located in front. In the image posted on the official NASA website, the object is located slightly to the right and looks like a light cone. Enthusiasts who recently discovered it have no doubt that these are aliens flying across the Martian sky. That is, aliens. And they don’t just fly, they take off. Because a UFO, if you enlarge it, has a noticeable tail. And it is directed downwards. Therefore, the object itself rises.

Even if the UFO were a meteor or even a comet, it would have a tail pointing upward. As befits falling celestial bodies.
By the way, confirmation that the object was moving can be a photograph taken by the same camera, but a little later - after 6 minutes 29 seconds. There is no longer a UFO on it - it has flown away.

Not a plane or a bird
NASA experts have not yet commented on the current case. But regarding the previous one, they spoke out. Although it is quite foggy.
In March 2004, in an attempt to photograph the Earth from Mars, the Spirit robot, which arrived in the area of ​​the Gusev crater, caught a certain anomaly in the lenses of two cameras at once - panoramic and navigation. And also in the sky. In the photo she appeared as a bright stripe. This effect occurs when the camera captures a moving object at a slow shutter speed. While the camera shutter is open, the object flies some distance. And it appears in the form of a strip.

The UFO, which appeared as a stripe, surprised NASA experts so much that they titled the commentary on the photo very intriguingly: “Bird? Airplane? Spaceship?" . And one of the leaders of the team that controls the Spirit robot, Mark Lemmon from the University of Texas, put it in a completely sensational way.
“We may never know what it was - whether it was a meteorite first photographed on Mars, or a spaceship arriving from other worlds.” But we will work on the solution.
The solution never appeared. There was an assumption that some kind of earth apparatus. Of all those left in orbit, according to experts, only Viking 2 was suitable for this role. But its orbital module flies at an altitude of about 300 kilometers and is too small to be visible in photos from the surface.
But meteorites don't look like that. Spirit photographed their fall on October 25, 2005, when the Martian sky was streaked with burning pieces of the tail of comet P/2001R1 LONEOS. Has little in common with the 2004 object. And it’s certainly not at all like what “Curiosity” filmed today.
Meteor shower photographed by Spirit on Mars in 2005
Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Maybe for human activity Is there really someone watching on Mars, as radical ufologists have long and persistently assured?

Is there life on Mars? Despite the fact that the opposite was proven long ago, the planet was inhabited, but only millions of years ago, and then theoretically, since it was millions of years ago that there was liquid water there, ufologists do not agree with this. Many of them are actively “populating” Mars with anyone and in any form, even believing that either a colony of Lilliputians could live there, or local residents live somewhere underground.

The latter is not possible even in theory, since experts have proven that in the soil of the Red Planet there is a dangerous and very poisonous substance. It is extremely small, less than 1% of the total composition, but even one very tenacious bacterium, which was planted in this soil during the experiment, lived for only a couple of minutes. What then can we say about some intelligent creatures? In any case, if they are at least relatively similar in terms of body functionality to humans, they would not be able to survive.

The second point is that ufologists themselves do not actually conduct any research. Alien specialists are simply studying photographs published by the American space agency NASA on its website and provided by its Curiosity rover. The scientific side of such assumptions, therefore, is reduced to virtually zero, since if there really was something serious, the department itself could have assumed something based on its photographs. Fortunately, it’s facing Mars Special attention, as to the planet to which in the future the first manned expedition of earthlings may be sent, remaining there forever. Are being studied different risks and features, ship details are thought out, and so on.

What would be the logic of sending someone to the Red Planet if there really was someone there, and a completely unknown one? The mission is not diplomatic, but purely research; no contacts with the “Martians” are specified in it. Moreover, the expedition itself has attracted a lot of public attention; not only US citizens will participate in it, but also, according to some information, at least one Russian woman. Accordingly, in the event of a deception with the mission, one can expect at least a scandal on the entire planet, which will intensify the already extremely terrible situation. political situation. It’s clear that the risks are too great to let things get to that point. Moreover, the waste of money and resources is enormous.

However, ufologists, one way or another, regularly note new “UFO facts” on Mars. For example, just recently information about the evaluation of another photograph appeared on the Internet. On it, a certain Mauricio Ruiz examined a strange piece of metal, similar to something that had fallen from a great height.

The researcher decided that in front of him was a crashed “flying saucer”, which he reported to NASA. There, naturally, his idea was not supported, noting that these were only fragments of an earthly apparatus that had once tried to land on the surface.

Actually, the probability of truthfulness latest version quite large, since Mars, like space in general, has been and is being explored through trial and error. Many automatic spaceships and all kinds of probes sent beyond the Earth either immediately broke down or did not survive when trying to land somewhere, falling to pieces. Accordingly, it could also be such a ship that failed to land correctly, and therefore ended up in this state. The very fact that full-fledged research is now being carried out only by Curiosity rover, proves that other devices really just crashed one way or another. Otherwise, photos from the planet would have been received from other ships.

Nevertheless, ufologists are alarmed by the fact that for some reason, some time after the question about a possible UFO, the photo was replaced with a completely black square. NASA did not disclose the reason for this event. Logically, it is possible that there was simply a malfunction in the site due to frequent use of it, so part of the content disappeared, automatically being replaced by a black square. This also happens when working with ordinary Internet resources; something may break in the program on short term, and one object is randomly replaced by another.

By the way, currently on the NASA website in the gallery of photos of Mars, neither the black square nor the picture that interested Ruiz has been found, just as there are no others similar to it and in any way confirming the version of a UFO. All available footage is labeled with an indication of where it was taken, showing a beautiful but completely lifeless planet with no signs of “flying saucers.” This only confirms the opinion that the appearance of such a picture could have been an accident, or it really only represented the wreckage of an earthly automatic spacecraft, which either ended up in the gallery by accident, or NASA decided that a piece of metal would hardly be of interest to those who would like to see views of the Red Planet.

Thus, the latest guesses by ufologists about supposed life on Mars or attempts by aliens to fly there turned out to be unreliable. The Red Planet has remained lifeless for millions of years and will remain so, at least until people settle there someday, clearing heavenly body and “terrasforming” it, or until it completely burns up under the influence of the Sun in one and a half billion years. Theoretically, during this period some aliens could fly there, but their existence has not even been proven at the present time, so this probability is reduced to almost zero.

Irina Letinskaya