The history of space for children. First man in space

(Shorygina T.A. For children O space And Yuri Gagarin - first astronaut Earth: Conversations, leisure, stories. -M.:Sfera, 2014.-128s.)

The first great step of humanity is to

fly out behind atmosphere and become a satellite of the Earth. Rest

relatively easily, even to the point of moving away from our solar system.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

Program content:introduce children to the history of space exploration and the achievements of scientists ( Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky,Sergei Pavlovich Korolev) in the field of development outer space. Expand children's understanding of space technology (artificial satellites, orbital space stations,spacesuits, spaceship). To develop and maintain children's interest in pilots-cosmonauts ( Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova and others.), admire them heroic deeds. To cultivate a sense of pride that the world's first astronaut was a citizen of our country.


Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds.

The heroes of fairy tales and ancient legends rode to the skies on everything: golden chariots, fast arrows, even bats!

Remember what the heroes of your favorite fairy tales flew on.

Right! Aladzin flew on a magic flying carpet, Baba Yaga rushed over the earth in a mortar, Ivanushka was carried on the wings of geese-swans.

Centuries passed, and people managed to conquer air space Earth. First they rose into the sky on balloons and airships, later they began to ply air ocean on airplanes and helicopters.

But humanity dreamed of flights not only in the air, but also in outer space, about which the great Russian scientist and poet Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov said this:

The abyss has opened, the stars are full, the stars have no number, the abyss has its bottom!

The mysterious starry abyss of space attracted people, calling them to look into it and solve its mysteries!

Once upon a time great scientist, founder of the science of astronautics - Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky , said: “Humanity will not remain on Earth, it will conquer the circumsolar space.”

“But a person will fly, relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind,” the scientist added to what was said.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky began to study astronautics in those distant times when people had not even properly mastered the Earth’s airspace: there were no powerful airplanes, no helicopters, no rockets. He was ahead of his time by many decades!

The fate of this remarkable Russian scientist is unusual.

He was born on September 5, 1857 into a poor family in Izhevsk. Kostya grew up as a cheerful, cheerful, mischievous boy. He loved to climb fences with his friends, play blind man's buff and hide and seek, and fly a paper kite into the sky.

One day my mother gave Kostya balloon filled with light gas. The boy attached a box to it, put a beetle in it and sent the ballooning beetle flying.

Kostya loved to fantasize and come up with amazing stories: either he imagined himself as an extraordinary strongman, capable of lifting the Earth, or as a tiny midget man.

When the boy was 11 years old, he became seriously ill and lost his hearing. After his illness, Kostya was no longer able to study at regular school, and his mother began to work with him.

A few years later, the boy found textbooks in his father’s library and began to study on his own.

Then his father sent him to Moscow. In the capital, young Tsiolkovsky spent hours in libraries, studying physics, mathematics, chemistry and other sciences. In those years, his ability to invent and inclination towards exact sciences clearly manifested itself.

From his early youth, the future scientist was interested in space flights. And all later life he dedicated to the creation of the theory of astronautics.

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (1857-1935) - Russian scientist and inventor, founder modern cosmonautics.

Dear Guys! Let's think together about what we can use to fly into space? Neither an airplane nor a helicopter are suitable for such flights! After all, planes and helicopters need to rely on air to fly. But in space, as you know, there is no air! Tsiolkovsky proved that space exploration can only be done with the help of a rocket! He developed the theory of the rocket apparatus, proposed using liquid fuel for it, thought through the structure of the structure and derived the basic formula for its movement.

This remarkable scientist vividly painted the whole picture in his imagination space flight. He suggested that people would soon launch Earth satellites into space, and spaceships would fly to other planets in the solar system. In addition, he predicted that there would be a real space home permanently located in outer space, where astronauts would live for a long time, doing research.

All the scientist’s ideas came to life! They revolve around the Earth artificial satellites , created orbital space stations where they live and workcosmonauts, people study other planets: the Moon, Mars, Venus... Listen to how Tsiolkovsky imagined the state of weightlessness in the cockpit spaceship:

“All objects not attached to the rocket have come out of their places and are hanging in the air, not touching anything. We ourselves also do not touch the floor and accept any position: we stand on the floor, on the ceiling, and on the wall.

The oil, shaken out of the bottle, takes the shape of a ball; we break it into parts and get a group of small balls.”

When you read these terms, it seems that the scientist himself has been to space and experienced a state of weightlessness!

Cosmonauts on board the International space station talk about the manifestation of the laws of physics in conditions of weightlessness.

And here is how he describes the orbital space station: “We need special housing - safe, bright, with the desired temperature, with oxygen, an influx of food, with amenities for living and working.”

Orbital stations. Space

The last years of his life, the founder of astronautics lived in the city of Kaluga.

Video recording of a fragment of an excursion at the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics in Kaluga - a story about the rocket project developed by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1911, using the example of an electrified model built according to the author's drawings and drawings.

One day, the future famous designer came to see the scientist. interplanetary spacecraft Sergei Pavlovich Korolev . Korolev read Tsiolkovsky’s works with enthusiasm and dreamed of creating an interplanetary rocket. Sergei was still very young, heIt was only twenty-four years. Tsiolkovsky warmly received the young man. Sergei Pavlovich said that the goal of his life is to “break through to the stars.” Tsiolkovsky smiled and answered: “This is a very difficult matter, young man, believe me, an old man. It will require knowledge, perseverance and many years, maybe a lifetime...”

Korolev later wrote: “I left him with one thought - to build rockets and fly them. The whole meaning of my life has become one thing - to break through to the stars.” And he succeeded brilliantly! was created by Korolev Jet Research Institute , in which projects of interplanetary aircraft were created. Under his leadership, powerful rockets for launching artificial satellites were built here.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who for many years was simply called the Chief Designer, managed to bring Tsiolkovsky’s ideas to life.

In 1957, on October 4, an event occurred that shocked the whole world - it was launched first artificial earth satellite .

It was the first man-made object that did not fall to the Earth, but began to revolve around it.

What was it like? Earth satellite ?

It was a small ball with a diameter of about 60 cm, equipped with a radio transmitter and four antennas.

All radio and television companies in the world interrupted their broadcasts to hear his signals coming from deep space to Earth!

Since then Russian word"satellite " entered the dictionaries of many peoples.

Scientists dreamed of human flight into space. But first they decided to test the safety of flights on our faithful four-legged helpers - dogs.

For test flights, they chose not purebred dogs, but ordinary mongrels - after all, they are hardy, unpretentious, and intelligent.

At first, future four-legged astronauts were trained for a long time. For this, engineers designed a special camera.

The very first dogs , rising in a rocket to a height of 110 km, name was Gypsy and Desik . Both “cosmonauts” landed safely. Korolev was very happy about his luck, caressed the dogs, and treated them to delicious food.

Many dogs have flown into space more than once. They got used to being dressed in overalls and being attached to the cabin with belts.

Most dogs were brave, but one day a cowardly dog ​​rose into outer space, but he just had a nickname - Brave!

Bold was afraid to go into space the second time. In the evening before the flight, the dogs were taken out for a walk, as always. As soon as the laboratory assistant unfastened the leash, Bold rushed away. He ran far into the steppe and did not respond to the call, as if he felt that he would have to fly tomorrow morning.

What was to be done?

I had to choose one small dog from the dogs that always walked near the dining room. They fed him, washed him, trimmed his fur and dressed him in overalls

The launch went smoothly and the dog returned safely to Earth.

But Chief designer Nevertheless, he noticed the substitution and asked what the dog’s name was.

The employees answered him: “ Zeeb!

What a strange nickname! - Korolev was surprised. Then they explained to him that it stands for: “Spare for the missing bobby.” (When the flight was over, the sly dog ​​Bold returned to the squad as if nothing had happened!

The tests continued. Special ones have been made for dogs. spacesuits made of rubberized fabric And helmets made of transparent plastic.

They began to prepare the dogs for long flight into outer space. It was necessary to create for four-legged astronauts nutritional mixture , provide the cabin with air.

“Once a day, from under the tray in which the dog lay, abox filled with specially prepared dough-likemixture: this is both food and drink. The dogs were trained in advance to eat such foods and quench their thirst” (A. Dobrovolsky).

In 1960, on August 19, the Vostok spacecraft was launched with two four-legged cosmonauts - Squirrel And Arrow . These cute little dogs spent 22 hours in space. During this time, the spacecraft orbited the Earth 18 times.

In addition to dogs, there were mice and rats and plant seeds on board the ship.

Everyone returned safely to Earth. And in March 1961, other travelers went on a space flight - dogs Chernushka And Star .

The first space heroes... Space conquerors!

Photos of all these brave dogs spread all over the world.

Finally everything was ready for human spaceflight.

In 1961, on April 12th low-Earth orbit was withdrawn spaceship "Vostok". It was piloted by the world's first astronaut.

Do you know his name?

Right! The very first cosmonaut on Earth - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Archival video of Yuri Gagarin's flight.

This brave young man was the first of all people living on the planet to see the Earth from space.

And she seemed beautiful to him!

First cosmonaut

On a spaceship

He flew in interplanetary darkness,

Having made a revolution around the Earth.

And the ship was called "Vostok"

Everyone knows and loves him,

He was young, strong, brave.

We remember his kind look,

With a squint,

His name was Gagarin Yura.

How did a simple Russian boy become an astronaut?

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the Smolensk region. In 1941, the boy went to school, but the war interrupted his studies. Listen to the story of writer Yuri Nagibin about the first school day Yuri Gagarin.

After the war, the Gagarins settled in the city of Gzhatsk. The family was friendly and hardworking.

Yura studied well, was a capable, diligent and efficient boy.

In his youth, he became interested in sports, attended a flying club, studied the design of airplanes, and jumped with a parachute.

The sky attracted the talented young man! He finished aviation school and became a military pilot. Already at this time, Yuri dreamed of flying into space. When he learned that a cosmonaut corps was being created, he wrote an application asking to be accepted into this corps.

Soon Yuri Gagarin was accepted into the cosmonaut corps. Long and difficult training began.

What qualities do you think an astronaut should have?

Right! He must be brave, trained, strong! health and strong will, distinguished by intelligence and hard work.

Yuri Gagarin had all these qualities!

Eyewitnesses recall that “when the first cosmonaut, after the flight, was driving through the streets of Moscow in an open car, thousands and thousands of people came out to meet him. Everywhere there was joy and rejoicing, shouts of joy and heartfelt hugs.”

People recalled that Yuri Gagarin “emanated some waves of cheerfulness and creative optimism.”

How was Yuri Gagarin's flight?

The weight of the Vostok ship on which the flight took place was 4730 kg. The flight began in the morning - at 9:00 am and took place at an altitude of about 200 km above the Earth. On launch pad The future cosmonaut was seen off by engineers, designers, doctors, and friends.

The Chief Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was very worried. After all, he loved Yuri like his own son!

Before stepping towards the rocket, Yuri exclaimed: “Guys! One for all and all for one!"

And when the rocket rushed into the sky, Yuri Gagarin shouted the word that became famous: “Po-e-ha-li!”

“He saw through the window the blue Earth and a completely black sky. Bright unblinking stars looked at him. No inhabitant of the Earth has ever seen this,” journalist Yaroslav Golovanov wrote about Gagarin’s flight.

This is how Yuri Alekseevich himself described his flight: “The rocket engines were turned on at 9:07 am. I was literally pushed into the chair. As soon as Vostok broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, I saw the Earth. The ship flew over a wide Siberian river. The islands on it and the wooded shores illuminated by the sun were clearly visible. He looked first at the sky, then at the Earth. Clearly differentiated mountain ranges, large lakes. The most beautiful sight was the horizon - a stripe painted with all the colors of the rainbow, dividing the Earth in light sun rays from the black sky.

The convexity and roundness of the Earth was noticeable. It seemed that she was all surrounded by a halo of soft blue color, which through turquoise, blue and violet turns to blue-black...”

Yuri Gagarin brought glory to our Motherland. We are with you Dear Guys, we can be proud of him.

Man has returned from space!

Cities, streets, squares and even flowers were named in honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth! A variety of tulips was developed in Holland and named “Yuri Gagarin”.

There was not a single newspaper or magazine in the world that would not have published a portrait of the first cosmonaut on the planet. Everyone remembers the 2nd’s charming face, open smile, clear gaze.

Every year on April 12, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

Since then, many astronauts have been in space.

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. Every year on this day, humanity remembers the historical 108 minutes with which the era of manned astronautics began - April 12, 1961 citizen Soviet Union Senior Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft made the world's first orbital flight around the Earth. How the flight went from start to finish - in video infographics.

In 1963, on June 16, the Vostok-6 spacecraft was launched into Earth satellite orbit. It was piloted by the world's first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. Valya became an astronaut thanks to parachuting, which she became interested in in her youth, practicing at the Yaroslavl flying club.

Then Valya was accepted into the cosmonaut corps, and was prepared for a long time and seriously for a responsible flight.

Her ship Vostok-6 made 48 orbits around the Earth and landed successfully.

Valentina Tereshkova is an extraordinary, brave, determined woman! She can jump with a parachute and fly a jet plane and a spaceship.

For the duration of the flight she was given the call sign “Chaika”. Swift, brave, she really looks like a seagull.

The first cosmonaut to walk in open space, became Alexey Leonov. Impressed by his flight, he painted wonderful paintings in which he depicted the Earth and outer space.

For long-term work in space, scientists have created space orbital stations, on which several astronauts could work at once.

Artificial satellites of the Earth still keep their watch in space day after day. They are equipped with many complex instruments and monitor the Sun, stars, and atmosphere.

With the help of satellites, you can predict the weather, provide television and telephone communications.

For 50 years space age More than 3,000 artificial Earth satellites were launched.

Scientists have also created spacecraft that make long-distance flights without human participation. They are usually called automatic stations . Such stations explored the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and other planets.

Tsiolkovsky once called the Earth the “cradle” of reason, but added that “... you cannot live forever in a cradle.”

Man strives to leave the “cradle” in order to explore the endless space of space!

Who is considered the founder of astronautics?

Tell us about Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Who is called the Chief Designer? spacecraft?

Tell us about Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Tell us about the dogs that have been in space.

What was the name of the world's first astronaut?

Tell us about Yuri Gagarin.

What was the name of the world's first female astronaut? Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space?

How artificial satellites help people dyam?

Museum of the History of Cosmonautics.
The State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics is the most famous landmark of Kaluga. The museum is named after Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, the scientist who “rocked the cradle of astronautics.” It is not surprising that the first stone in this huge white Art Nouveau building, which from a distance resembles a rocket, was laid by the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. On the territory of the museum there is a duplicate of the Vostok launch vehicle - the first spacecraft.
Of course, even before our trip to Kaluga, we planned to go to this museum. The director of the museum and his employees kindly agreed to give us a free tour.
We learned how difficult it is to do everything in space, even get a drink or put on a T-shirt. (This action can take more than two hours.) In addition to large complex machines: lunar rovers, rockets, various stations, descent vehicles, we saw small tubes with food for astronauts. We were surprised by the space tools: a hammer, a screwdriver... The guide explained to us that if we use an ordinary earthly screwdriver to screw in a screw, for example, then it will not be the screwdriver in the astronaut’s hands that will spin, but the astronaut around the screwdriver.
Yes, now we know for sure that many scientific achievements, the technical innovations that we use so widely were given to us thanks to the hard work of astronauts.
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Space exploration began in ancient times, when man was just learning to count by the stars, identifying constellations. And only four hundred years ago, after the invention of the telescope, astronomy began to develop rapidly, bringing new discoveries to science.

The 17th century became a transitional century for astronomy, when they began to use scientific method in space exploration, which led to the discovery of the Milky Way, others star clusters and nebulae. And with the creation of a spectroscope, which is capable of decomposing the light emitted by a celestial object through a prism, scientists have learned to measure data celestial bodies, such as temperature, chemical composition, mass and other measurements.

Beginning with late XIX century, astronomy entered a phase of numerous discoveries and achievements, the main breakthrough of science in the 20th century was the launch of the first satellite into space, the first manned flight into space, access to outer space, landing on the moon and space missions to the planets of the solar system. Heavy Duty Inventions quantum computers in the 19th century many new studies also promise, as already known planets and stars, as well as the discovery of new distant corners of the universe.

will tell you a lot of amazing things about our universe. Raising your eyes to the starry sky captivates your spirit. Space is full of mysteries and the unknown. Relatively speaking, scientists have been able to unravel some of the mysteries of the universe, but this is only a small percentage of everything that happens in space.

  1. Every year, 40 new stars appear in our Milky Way galaxy.. There are a total of 200 billion stars in our galaxy. And in the neighboring Andromeda, 5 times more.
  2. Our Sun more than Earth approximately 100 times, also larger than Jupiter and Saturn. But if you compare the Sun with other stars in the universe, it will be so small. For example, the star “Canis Major” is 1500 times larger than the Sun.

  3. In space we move about 530 kilometers in one second. In the galaxy, our speed is 230 kilometers per second. And our galaxy moves at a speed of 300 kilometers per second.

  4. Nearest star to Earth - Proxima Centauri. If you move at a speed of 96 kilometers per hour, it will take 50 million years to get there.

  5. In the solar system there is a body similar to our planet - Titan. This is a satellite of Saturn. It is similar to Earth in that on its surface there are volcanoes, rivers, an atmosphere, and seas. Titan's weight is approximately the same as the Earth. But intelligent life not possible on Titan. All water sources contain methane and propane. However, there is an assumption that primitive life is possible there. Because deep below the surface of Titan there is an ocean that contains water.

  6. At the end of the last century, scientists discovered a coating on the surfaces of the mountains of Venus.. It has reflective ability in the radio range. Scientists have concluded that this is metallic snow made of sulfides and lead.

  7. Looking at the stars, we see not what they are now, but what they were more than 14 billion years ago. Light from distant stars reaches our field of vision over many billions of years, although it moves at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second.
  8. From the surface of the Sun to different sides streams of particles fly - solar wind. Because of this, the Sun loses approximately 1 billion kilograms per second. One small particle 2-3 millimeters solar wind capable of killing a person.

  9. If two pieces of metal are placed next to each other in outer space, they will weld together. This happens because metal oxidizes in space.

  10. All planets revolve around the sun on their own axis. The sun revolves around Milky Way. The sun passes full turn around it for 225 million years at a speed of 800 thousand kilometers per hour.

  11. This constellation is known even to children. However, it is more correct to call Ursa Major not a constellation, but an asterism. This is a cluster of stars located far from one another in neighboring galaxies. Big Dipper is part of another constellation called the Great Bear.
  12. These are the bright and unexplored parts in space. The force of gravity in it is so enormous that even light does not escape from it. During rotation, black holes absorb gas clouds, they glow and thereby show the location of the black hole.

  13. People began to explore space in ancient times.. But it was only with the advent of the telescope that astronomy began to develop rapidly, 400 years ago. Every year space becomes more and more open for people.

  14. The Earth has 4 more satellites next to the Moon. Back in the century before last, scientists saw an asteroid with a diameter of 5 kilometers. He constantly moved near our planet. This is the second satellite of the Earth. Later with the help powerful telescopes Scientists saw three more similar asteroids. And our satellite, the Moon, moves away from the Earth by 4 centimeters per year. This is due to the fact that the Earth's rotation is decreasing by two milliseconds per day.

  15. On this moment approximately 700 types are open different planets . One of these types is diamond. Carbon can turn into diamond, and that’s what happened with this planet. It was full of carbon, then hardened and turned into a diamond planet.

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  • Space Exploration, Liz Barneu. Space has always fascinated me and made me dream. But it was only in the middle of the 20th century that the first astronauts finally flew into space. Atlas "Space Exploration" takes us into incredible adventure
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Space exploration.

Yu.A. Gagarin.

In 1957, under the leadership of Korolev, the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was created, which in the same year was used to launch the world's first artificial Earth satellite.

November 3, 1957 - the second artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik-2, was launched into space for the first time Living being- the dog Laika. (THE USSR).

January 4, 1959 - the Luna-1 station passed at a distance of 6,000 kilometers from the surface of the Moon and entered a heliocentric orbit. She became the first in the world artificial satellite Sun. (THE USSR).

September 14, 1959 - the Luna-2 station for the first time in the world reached the surface of the Moon in the region of the Sea of ​​Serenity near the craters Aristides, Archimedes and Autolycus, delivering a pennant with the coat of arms of the USSR. (THE USSR).

October 4, 1959 - Luna-3 was launched, which for the first time in the world photographed the side of the Moon invisible from Earth. Also during the flight, a gravity assist maneuver was carried out in practice for the first time in the world. (THE USSR).

August 19, 1960 - the first in history was committed orbital flight into space of living beings with a successful return to Earth. The dogs Belka and Strelka made an orbital flight on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft. (THE USSR).

April 12, 1961 - the first manned flight into space was made (Yu. Gagarin) on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. (THE USSR).

August 12, 1962 - the world's first group space flight on the ships Vostok-3 and Vostok-4. Closest approach ships was about 6.5 km. (THE USSR).

June 16, 1963 - the world's first flight into space by a female cosmonaut (Valentina Tereshkova) was made on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. (THE USSR).

October 12, 1964 - the world's first multi-seat spacecraft, Voskhod-1, flew. (THE USSR).

March 18, 1965 - the first human spacewalk in history took place. Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov performed a spacewalk from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft. (THE USSR).

February 3, 1966 - AMS Luna-9 made the world's first soft landing on the surface of the Moon, were transmitted panoramic photos Moons. (THE USSR).

March 1, 1966 - the Venera 3 station reached the surface of Venus for the first time, delivering the USSR pennant. This was the world's first flight of a spacecraft from Earth to another planet. (THE USSR).

October 30, 1967 - the first docking of two unmanned spacecraft “Cosmos-186” and “Cosmos-188” was carried out. (USSR).

September 15, 1968 - the first return of the spacecraft (Zond-5) to Earth after orbiting the Moon. There were living creatures on board: turtles, fruit flies, worms, plants, seeds, bacteria. (THE USSR).

January 16, 1969 - the first docking of two manned spacecraft Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 was carried out. (THE USSR).

September 24, 1970 - the Luna-16 station collected and subsequently delivered samples to Earth (by the Luna-16 station) lunar soil. (THE USSR). She is also the first unmanned spacecraft to deliver rock samples to Earth from another cosmic body(that is, in in this case, from the Moon).

November 17, 1970 - soft landing and start of operation of the world's first semi-automatic remotely controlled self-propelled vehicle controlled from the Earth: Lunokhod-1. (THE USSR).

October 1975 - soft landing of two spacecraft "Venera-9" and "Venera-10" and the world's first photographs of the surface of Venus. (THE USSR).

February 20, 1986 - launch into orbit base module orbital station [[Mir_(orbital_station)]Mir]

November 20, 1998 - launch of the first block of the International Space Station. Production and launch (Russia). Owner (USA).


50 years of the first manned spacewalk.

Today, March 18, 1965, at 11:30 am Moscow time, during the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft, a man entered outer space for the first time. On the second orbit of the flight, the co-pilot, pilot-cosmonaut, Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, in a special spacesuit with autonomous system life support made an exit into outer space, moved away from the ship at a distance of up to five meters, successfully carried out a set of planned studies and observations and returned safely to the ship. With the help of the on-board television system, the process of Comrade Leonov's exit into outer space, his work outside the ship and his return to the ship were transmitted to Earth and observed by the network ground points. Comrade Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov’s health while he was outside the ship and after returning to the ship was good. The ship's commander, Comrade Belyaev Pavel Ivanovich, is also feeling well.


Today is characterized by new projects and plans for space exploration. Space tourism is actively developing. Manned astronautics are once again planning to return to the Moon and have turned their attention to other planets of the Solar System (primarily Mars).

In 2009, the world space programs$68 billion was spent, including in the USA - $48.8 billion, EU - $7.9 billion, Japan - $3 billion, Russia - $2.8 billion, China - $2 billion