Significant events on April 17. Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Today, April 17, all the peoples of the world celebrate World Hemophilia Day, in Russia they celebrate the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and internal troops, and in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Day fire service.

Holidays April 17, 2019

World Hemophilia Day

Every year on April 17, since 1989, World Hemophilia Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. On this day, many people know what holiday it is today, and the World Hemophilia Federation and the World Health Organization (WHO) hold an event on this day, the overall goal of which is to attract attention society to the problems of hemophilia and in promoting quality improvement medical care services provided to patients with the genetic disease hemophilia.
The date April 17 was chosen in honor of the birthday of Frank Schneibel, the founder of WFH.
Hemophilia is one of the most severe genetic diseases caused by the congenital absence of coagulation factors VIII and IX in the blood (blood incoagulability).

Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops in Russia

What holiday do veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of Russia know? This professional holiday has been celebrated on April 17 every year since 2011, from the time when the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev, signed the corresponding order. The holiday date of April 17 was chosen in honor of the 20th anniversary of its creation in 1991 Public organization Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops.

Fire Service Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, every year on April 17, the Fire Service Day of this Republic is celebrated. The date of this holiday is associated with a historical event that occurred on April 17, 1918, when in young Soviet republic The decree “On the organization of state measures to combat fire” was signed. The date of signing of the decree in some republics of the USSR, including Kazakhstan, began to be celebrated as the day of organization of the fire service.

Orthodox holiday

Maundy (Maundy) Thursday

The week before Easter on Thursday for Orthodox Christians is Maundy or Maundy Thursday. On this day, during services in Orthodox churches believers remember one important gospel event, namely - last supper, where Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, thereby showing an example of humility and brotherly love. At the Last Supper, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ performed the rite of Holy Communion - the Eucharist, when all believers ate wine and bread, meaning by them the Blood and Body of Jesus Christ. Today this rite is recognized by all Christian believers - Orthodox, Catholics and Lutherans.

Unusual holidays

On April 17, you can celebrate 3 unusual holidays: Money Day, Harmonica Call Day and Thaw Festival

money day

Humanity quite recently, on the initiative of a group of enthusiasts, began to celebrate April 17 as International Money Day. The decision to include Money Day in the list of world holidays was caused by the desire to emphasize the importance modern problem, which is that money decides everything in our lives. Note unusual holiday Money Day is your business since it is not official. But we have to admit that money doesn’t play a role in our lives. last role, so at least once a year, look at money from a different angle and remember that there are things in your life that you cannot buy with money - love, happiness, family and friendship.

Harmonica Call Day

An unusual holiday is celebrated today - Harmonica Call Day. The accordion in Rus' is considered folk instrument along with the balalaika and gusli for more than 100 years. What suffering there was under the windows of our loved ones! And what weddings there were with an accordion! Only the accordion knows how a person feels, and only with the help of the accordion does the Russian soul unfold!

Thaw holiday

Has everyone noticed how quickly it gets warm? Even though there is still snow on the streets, it gets warm quickly and people change into T-shirts and sneakers in just a couple of days. The sun sometimes warms up like summer. There is absolutely nothing left until summer - only 44 days! Already on this holiday - Thaw Day, it is worth thinking about where to relax this summer.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Joseph the Songwriter

On April 17, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Joseph the Songwriter, who was born in Sicily in the 9th century and went to the Solunsky Monastery, where he became a strict ascetic. By order of the Byzantine emperors, who fought against Christianity, Joseph the Songwriter was imprisoned several times during his life. God gifted Joseph with poetic talent and he devoted many of his years to composing liturgical hymns.
Among the Russian people, Joseph was nicknamed the singer, because on this day, April 17, the crane gave its voice and the cricket began to sing. Peasants left their homes to worship the beautiful birds - protectors from evil spirits and fighters against evil.
Our ancestors believed that real spring is brought by a crane on its wings, and only with the arrival of these birds does the year finally turn to summer.
There was a custom among the people associated with birds: when you see cranes for the first time in the spring, to prevent your back from hurting from field work, you need to lie down on the grass and turn over from side to side seven times.
The peasants held “alder viewings” for Joseph - they went out to look at the color of the alder, looking for a suitable tree from which to make log houses for the well.
On this day, there were signs among the people: if the alder opens its leaves earlier than the birch, then the summer will be wet, and if in the spring there are a lot of “catkins” on the alder, then oats will be born in the summer.
Name day April 17 at Adrian, Veniamin, George, Ivan, Joseph, Maria, Nikita, Nikolai, Fedor
April 17th is also celebrated: Harmonica Day, International Coffee Day

World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated annually on April 17 by many countries. common goal The activities carried out by the World Federation of Hemophilia consist mainly of attracting public attention to the problem of this complex genetic disease, as well as promoting medicine to improve the quality of life of people with hemophilia. According to experts, the number of patients today is about 400,000 people in the world, that is, every ten thousandth man has an incurable genetic pathology (this disease does not manifest itself in women) that impairs blood clotting.

Even 50-70 years ago, few men with hemophilia lived to see mature age. Usually, average duration The lifespan of such people varied between twenty-five and thirty years. However modern medicine has in its arsenal everything necessary to prolong and improve the quality of life of patients with hemophilia. With sufficiently qualified, correctly selected drug therapy, the patient can lead a full life - work, start a family, that is, be a full member of his state.

Veterans Day of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops

Celebrate your professional holiday veterans of the police department and internal troops began in 2011 - from the moment the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs signed the corresponding Decree. And the date itself, April 17, coincides with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Internal Affairs and Military Veterans. Formed this organization in 1991.

Today, about 700,000 veterans of internal affairs bodies and airborne forces live in the Russian Federation, who continue to bring certain benefits to society: they promote compliance with the rule of law in the country, conduct preventive conversations with schoolchildren, and also share their accumulated knowledge and experience with young employees of internal affairs bodies. According to most experts, it is thanks to the vital skill of veterans that more than 30% of crimes are solved. On this day, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops receive many kind words addressed to you, congratulations and gifts from friends, relatives and colleagues. Many veterans host reunions and other celebratory events.

April 17 in the folk calendar

Alder Shows (Joseph the Songsinger)

On April 17, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Joseph the Songwriter. The saint lived in the 9th century, served in the Solunsky monastery, where he became a strict ascetic. Throughout his life, he was repeatedly arrested by the emperor of Byzantium, who despised Christianity and tried to eradicate it. The Lord rewarded Joseph with a skillful talent - to write beautiful liturgical hymns, which he used.

The people called the saint the Song Singer, because on April 17, as the peasants noted, the cricket began to sing, and the cranes began to give voice. These birds were especially loved in Rus' for their ability to protect the courtyard and drive out evil from it. Today people, hearing the voice of the crane, went out onto the porch and bowed to it. It was also believed that these birds called for summer with their call. Joseph watched the alder blossom. Log houses for wells were usually prepared from it. There were also signs associated with alder. For example, this: if there are a lot of earrings hanging on a tree, it means oats will be born today. And alder bark was often used in medicinal purposes(especially to stop bleeding and inflammation), because it is rich in astringent tannins, trace elements and vitamins.

Historical events of April 17

On April 17, 1912, in the remote taiga along the banks of the Lena at the mines of a gold mining partnership, about 600 workers were shot, planning to write a complaint to the prosecutor about the oppression of their superiors. As a result, about 300 people died and more than 200 were injured of varying severity. Many believe that Vladimir Ulyanov took the nickname Lenin based on this tragedy. Although this is just a guess.

The invention belongs to the outstanding aircraft design engineer Igor Sikorsky. On this day, he demonstrated his first amphibious helicopter to the American public. They took off from the water, after which the helicopter landed safely on land. The entire flight lasted exactly one and a half hours, and the speed at which the helicopter flew was one hundred kilometers per hour. Soon Sikorsky created eighteen more types of helicopters. Subsequently, they made flights across the Quiet and Atlantic Oceans. The aircraft designer's machines were intended for both civilian and military purposes.

April 17, 1970– Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy the First, a true guardian, has died Orthodox faith

Alexy (in the world Sergei Simansky) was born in Moscow, at the age of 25 he became a monk. Simansky was arrested more than once under the Bolsheviks, and more than once he miraculously managed to escape death - he survived the massive Bolshevik purge that occurred after the murder of Kirov. In 1943, he, along with the metropolitans, attended one of Stalin’s receptions, at which the leader allowed the church to elect a patriarch (until that point there were locums). And in 1945, Simansky was elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Born on April 17

Nikita Khrushchev(1894-1971) – Russian political figure, First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, since 1958 - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1964 he was removed from his main posts. After resigning, he formally retained his seat on the Central Committee.

Valeria(born in 1968) is a famous Russian pop singer. Recently, Honored Artist of Russia. Her first album, "Taiga Symphony", was released in 1992. In 2001, the singer decided to leave the stage due to divorce, but two years later, the star flared up again. Today Valeria is the wife of a famous producer and mother of three children. She continues to perform on stage and delight the audience with new singles.

Semyon Shchedrin(1745-1804) - Russian painter, landscape painter. The composition of his works had an identical style and fully complied with the rules of academic classicism. The heyday of his work was in the 1790s. Despite the similarity of the compositions, his works were imbued with pleasing simplicity and naturalness; they felt individual charm and natural flavor. Shchedrin is the first painter to establish landscape as an independent genre of painting.

Alexandra Dorokhin(born in 1941) – Soviet and Russian film actress. Since 1967 she worked at the Moscow Theater. Lenkom, where she played many leading roles (“Molière”, “The Sudzhan Madonnas”, “Crossroads of Fate”, etc.). And she made her film debut in 1965 in the film “Your Son and Brother.” The actress also starred in the films: “The Twelve Chairs”, “The Incorrigible Liar”, “Kin-dza-dza”, “About Little Red Riding Hood” and others.

Name day April 17

Name day on April 17 will be celebrated by representatives of the names: Joseph, George, Nikifor, Veniamin, Nikolai, Ivan (John), Maria, Zosima, Yakov, Nikita, Fedor, Feona, Thomas, Ekaterina, Anika, Adrian, Maxim.

World Hemophilia Day
A terrible disease, when blood clots poorly, most often affects men, but it does not ignore better half. People who have had to deal with this serious disease are under the close attention of doctors.

On this day, charity events, auctions and concert programs are held, the goal is to attract attention and sponsorship to support hemophilia patients.

Russian holidays April 17, 2019

Veterans Day, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The memorial day has a very long name, but its essence is not to forget veterans, those who for many years risked their lives and health in the fight against the criminal world.

Holidays around the world

Day of Victory over Counter-Revolution (Cuba)
The inhabitants of Liberty Island defended their independence with arms in hand. Since 1961, this day has been a holiday in the calendar, they remember fallen heroes, honor those who lived to see victory.

Fire Service Day (Kazakhstan)
Representatives of this profession are always on guard, because they often have to fight with fire. Kazakhstan firefighters and employees support services celebrate a professional holiday. The main gift is the absence of fires and fires.

Children's Day (Japan)
When it comes to educating its own younger generation, Japan is fundamentally different from the rest of the world. Children up to the age of six are allowed whatever they want or ask for.

We can say that this is who really has happy childhood, and also a special day in the calendar when many different events are held for young Japanese residents.

Holidays according to the national calendar April 17, 2019

Joseph the Songsinger
In the Christian religion, on this day the name of Joseph the Songwriter, a resident of Sicily who converted to Christianity in the 9th century, is remembered. He decided to go to a monastery and was distinguished by extreme asceticism.

There is information that God endowed him with outstanding poetic talent, thanks to which many liturgical chants appeared.

The nickname “Song Singer” was given by the people because they noticed that from that day on one could hear the cry of the crane, which was considered by people to be a bird that resists evil, and in the evenings crickets began to sing.

Also on this day is celebrated folk holiday"Alder Shows". Alder wood was used to make well frames; from that day on, peasants looked closely at the trees, choosing the best.

In the spring, the harvesting of alder bark, containing tannins, began. With their help, folk healers stopped bleeding and treated inflammatory processes in the body.

For the Orthodox - George, Ivan, Maria, Nikolai, Fyodor, Thomas, Jacob.

For Catholics - Catherine.

Events in the history of this date

1610 - Hudson Bay discovered
New geographical discovery committed by a representative kingdom of england, Henry Hudson, who gave the strait its name.

1722 - apply for a beard
Peter I found an excellent way to replenish the treasury. This year, a tax was introduced, which had to be taken from bearded men, the amount of the fee was fifty rubles per year. It is strange why today the authorities of many countries with problematic economies do not use this method to improve the situation.

1856 – new capital Canada
On this day main city Quebec became a state; today it is one of the most beautiful and rapidly developing cities in Canada.

1877 – the end of the novel “Anna Karenina”
Leo Tolstoy put the finishing touches on the novel, which almost immediately after its publication entered the treasury of Russian and world literature.

Celebrities born on this day

1894 - Boris Shchukin, an actor who was not afraid to portray the image of Vladimir Lenin on the silver screen several times;

1940 – Valery Rubinchik, who made films based on the novels by A. Rybakov and V. Korotkevich;

1946 – Georg Keller, researcher, immunologist, who received the Nobel Prize in 1984;

1968 – Valeria, Russian singer and part-time wife of Joseph Prigozhin;

1974 - Victoria Beckham, the famous “peppercorn” and wife of David Beckham, the super popular British football player.

Sunday, April 17, 2016 10:28 + to quote book


1492 - Christopher Columbus signed a contract with Spain committing to discover new way to India.

1722 - Peter introduced a tax on wearing a beard in the Russian Empire in the amount of 50 rubles per year.

1797 - Paul I issued a decree on a three-day corvee.

1797 - publication of the “Institution on the Imperial Family,” which established the order of succession to the throne.

1919 - The 8-hour working day law was introduced in France.

1968 - the television program “In the Animal World” was broadcast for the first time in the USSR, which was then hosted by Alexander Zguridi.

Events of April 17 that happened around the world, in different years Source:

1521 - Martin Luther is excommunicated from the bosom of Rome Catholic Church for refusing to renounce his heresy.

1607 - 21-year-old Armand Jean Du Plessis De Richelieu is ordained bishop.

1610 - English explorer Henry Hudson set out on a voyage in which he discovered Hudson Bay.

1722 - Peter I introduced a tax on wearing a beard in the Russian Empire in the amount of 50 rubles per year.

1797 - decree of Paul I on three-day corvee.

1797 - publication of the “Institution on the Imperial Family,” which established the order of succession to the throne.

1824 - Signing of the Russian-American Convention on Determining the Boundaries of Russian Possessions in North America.

1839 - After the collapse of the federation of republics Central America The state of Guatemala was formed.

1856 - Quebec City is declared the capital of Canada.

1861 - The state of Virginia decides to secede from the United States.

1869 - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is freed from Prussian citizenship: from now on he is deprived of all citizenship.

1875 - Colonel Neville Chamberlain of the British troops in India invented the billiard game snooker.

1877 - L. N. Tolstoy finished the novel “Anna Karenina”.

1891 - Alexander III signed the Rescript on the construction of the Great Siberian way(Trans-Siberian Railway).

1895 - The Sino-Japanese War ends with the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

1905 - Decree of Nicholas II “On strengthening the principles of religious tolerance.”

1912 - Tragic events at the Lena mines known as the Lena execution.

1913 - Gustav Hamel carries out the first non-stop flight on an airplane between England and Germany on the military monoplane Blériot XI. It covers the distance from Dover to Cologne in 4 hours 18 minutes.

1918 - The first meeting of the Workshop of Painters of St. Luke - a group of students of the artist D. N. Kardovsky.

1919 - Law introducing an 8-hour working day in France.

1924 - formation of the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

1941 - Signing of the act of surrender Yugoslav army During the Second World War.

1946 - French recognition of Syrian independence.

1956 - Dissolution of the Information Bureau of Communist and Workers' Parties (Cominform).

1961 - Cuban immigrants land on the coast of the Bay of Cochinos to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro. 1964 - Ford Motor Company begins production of the Ford Mustang.

1967 - The Order of Canada was established.

1968 - In the USSR, the first television program “In the Animal World” was broadcast, which was then hosted by Alexander Zguridi.

1969 - The voting age in the UK is reduced from 21 to 18.

1975 - During the civil war in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge captured the country's capital, Phnom Penh.

1980 - Southern Rhodesia became Zimbabwe.

1982 — British Queen Elizabeth II declared Canada fully independent, recognizing the new Constitutional Act of Canada.

1984 - In London, during an anti-Libyan demonstration, constable Yvonne Fletcher was mortally wounded by sudden gunfire from the window of the Libyan embassy.

1986 - The resolution of the CPSU Central Committee “On the main directions for accelerating the solution of the housing problem in the country” was adopted, according to which each family had to have a separate apartment or house by the year 2000.

1989 - Legalization of the Polish independent trade union "Solidarity".

1992 - Two are assigned to Russia official names- “Russian Federation” and “Russia”.

2005 - A referendum on unification was held Krasnoyarsk Territory with Taimyr and Evenkia.

Events in history

April 17, 1573 Maximilian I of Bavaria was born in Munich - Duke of Bavaria from 1597, Elector from 1623. From the Wittelsbach family. Head of the Catholic League 1609. Died on September 27, 1651 in Ingolstadt.

April 17, 1880 English archaeologist Leonard Woolley (full name Charles Leonard) was born in London, whose excavations of the ancient Sumerian city of Ur (in modern Iraq) significantly expanded knowledge about the civilization of Mesopotamia, and the excavations of Amarna - knowledge about the culture of Egypt. Throughout his life he also studied the history of the Hittites. Died on February 20, 1960.

April 17, 1885 On the family estate of Rungsted, near Copenhagen, the Danish writer Karen Blixen was born into a bourgeois writing family of religious Unitarians (she also published under the pseudonyms Osceola, Isak Dinesen, Pierre Andrezel). Since the mid-1950s, Blixen has repeatedly received recognition from the international literary community - in 1954 and 1957 she was nominated for the Nobel Prize, was friends with E. Hemingway, T. Capote, A. Miller and M. Monroe, E. Cummings, P. Buck, although at this time her health things worsened sharply, she could no longer read or write. She died on September 7, 1962 there.

April 17, 1891 composer and director Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov completed “The Bride of Messina,” which was published in 1891 under opus 28.

April 17, 1943 German immunologist Georg Kohler was born in Munich. He developed (together with the Argentine biochemist Cesar Milstein) a biotechnology for producing monoclonal antibodies secreted by cell hybrids. Nobel Prize (1984, jointly with Milstein). Died on March 1, 1995 in Freiburg an der Breisgau.

April 17, 1948 The newspaper “Soviet Art” published an article “Let's talk about the stage,” where it was written: “A number of serious reproaches can be brought against such a popular pop artist as Lydia Ruslanova. Some people continue to call Russian singers the artists who appear on stage in sundresses and bast shoes and perform ditties to the accompaniment of Saratov. But these outfits are going out of fashion even in the most remote villages, and even more so, “remote expanse and heartfelt melancholy” are going out of fashion. It is no coincidence that L. Ruslanova, who continues the line of these singers, has such difficulty mastering a new repertoire. She needs to think very seriously about her position on the Soviet stage.”

April 17, 1951 British film actress Olivia Hussey was born in Buenos Aires. Father - Andreas Osuna - was an opera singer and performed under the pseudonym Isvaldo Ribot. She received her first television role at the age of thirteen, and at 16 she played Juliet in a film by Italian director Franco Zeffirelli, for which she received a Golden Globe.

April 17, 1956 ceased its activities information desk communist and workers' parties (Cominform).

April 17, 1959 Sean Mark Bean, a popular English theater and film actor, was born in Sheffield (Yorkshire, England). Known for his roles as Bromir in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Eddard Stark in the HBO television series Game of Thrones, and the fictional British officer Richard Sharpe in the television series "The Adventures of the Royal Fusilier Sharpe."

April 17, 1969 singer Valeria was born.

April 17, 1970 in the village of Peredelkino, Moscow region, Sergei Vladimirovich Simansky (Patriarch Alexy I) died - Bishop of Russia Orthodox Church; Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' since 1945. Theologian, teacher, candidate of legal sciences (1899), doctor of theology (1949). Born on November 8 (October 27, old style) 1877 in Moscow.

April 17, 1972 A declaration on the principles of good neighborly relations between the USSR and the Republic of Turkey was signed.

April 17, 1974 Victoria Caroline Beckham was born at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex. (nee Adams) is an English singer, songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman.

April 17, 1986 The CPSU Central Committee issued a decree “On the main directions for accelerating the housing problem in the country” about a separate apartment or house for each family by the year 2000.

April 17, 2001 A telephone interview with Alizée took place on radio “Europe Plus”, from which people in Russia learned about the popularity of the French singer.

April 17, 2005 in Moscow, on Sivtsev Vrazhek street was opened Memorial plaque in honor of Army General Margelov (December 27 (December 14, old style) 1908, Ekaterinoslav - March 4, 1990, Moscow).

April 17, 2007 speaking on the air of the Russian television channel for a foreign audience, Russia Today (RTTV), D.S. Peskov categorically denied information about possible third President Putin's term , and said that the stability of the country does not depend on a specific president, but on the inviolability of the constitution.

April 17, 2008 in Moscow, Mikhail Isaevich Tanich (real name Tanhilevich), a Soviet and Russian songwriter, died of chronic renal failure. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2003). Born on September 15, 1923 in Taganrog.

April 17, 2013 On the air of the TV show “Evening Urgant”, Ivan Andreevich Urgant made a public apology to the residents of Ukraine for his bad joke saying that he loves Ukraine very much . The reason for this was that on April 13, 2013, in the “Smak” program, he joked: “I chopped the greens, like the red commissar of the inhabitants of a Ukrainian village,” to which Alexander Adabashyan, who took part in the TV show, cleaning the knife from celery, said: “And I I shake off the remains of the inhabitants.” The dialogue was accompanied by laughter from the audience. The joke caused outrage among a number of Ukrainians, since civilians died during the civil war in Ukraine.

April 17, 2014 Forbes published a ranking of 200 richest entrepreneurs Russia for 2014, in which Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg took 27th place.

April 17, 2014 At the age of 87, Gabriel José de la Concordia “Gabo” García Márquez, a Colombian prose writer, journalist, publisher and political figure, died of kidney failure and subsequent respiratory disease - pneumonia. Laureate of the Neustadt literary prize(1972) and Nobel Prize on literature (1982). Representative literary direction "magical realism". In 2012, the brother of the writer Jaime García Márquez said that Gabriel suffers from Alzheimer's disease and cannot write due to problems with the April 6 president. Now those who like to ride the “hare” will have to pay a substantial amount, 50 times higher than the current amount.

— Science Day.

— 1895 The Sino-Japanese War ends with the conclusion of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

— 1918 The Council of People’s Commissars issued the Decree “On the organization of state measures to combat fire.” Firefighters Day.

— 1943 Beginning air battles over Kuban. They were carried out until June 1943 by aviation North Caucasus Front, reinforced by 3 aviation corps of the Supreme High Command Reserve and part of the aviation forces Black Sea Fleet under the leadership of K. A. Vershinin. The goal is to gain air supremacy on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front. As a result of the battles, the enemy lost over 1,100 aircraft, of which over 800 were shot down in air battles. On some days, up to 50 group air battles were carried out with the participation of 30-50 aircraft or more on each side.

— 1957 Established badges honors of military personnel “Excellent” Soviet army", "Excellent student Navy", "Excellence in the Air Force."

— 1968 The television program “In the Animal World” was aired for the first time.

- 1984. At the crossing named after Hero of the Soviet Union Miroshnichenko a year and a half earlier deadline an important stage of construction has been completed Baikal-Amur Mainline, through train traffic opened on the 1,449 km section from Tynda to Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

1992 . Russia has two official names - “ Russian Federation" and "Russia". DAYS OF MEMORY OF OUTSTANDING PEOPLE
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Russian-American Convention on Friendly Relations, Trade, Navigation and Fishing of 1824 - a convention signed on April 5 (17), 1824 in St. Petersburg by Russia and the United States with the aim of regulating relations between the two states in the northwestern part North America.

Negotiations with the United States on streamlining relations in the northwestern part of North America have been conducted on the initiative of the Russian-American Company since 1808. The reason for this was the penetration of American trading and fur companies into the territory of Russian possessions in Alaska, which armed the natives to fight Russian settlers. For a long time However, these negotiations did not bring practical results.

September 4 (16), 1821 Russian Emperor Alexander I issued a decree expanding Russian possessions in America to the 51st parallel. The decree also prohibited foreign trade with Russian colonists and Indians living in Russian America. The new border of Russian America and the ban on trade caused serious discontent in the USA and England. The Russian government, not wanting to aggravate relations with them, proposed holding trilateral negotiations to resolve mutual claims. Until the end of negotiations Russian side pledged not to adhere to the provisions of the decree.

It was during these negotiations in the summer of 1823 before Russian government the US intention was communicated to put forward as one of the principles of its foreign policy the thesis “America for Americans,” later formalized as the Monroe Doctrine.

The Convention of 1824 recorded southern border possessions of the Russian Empire in Alaska at latitude 54°40’ N. According to the convention, Americans pledged not to settle north of this border, and Russians to the south.

1895 - The Sino-Japanese War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki

The Treaty of Shimonoseki was an unequal treaty concluded between the Empire of Japan and the Qing Empire in 1895 in the city of Shimonoseki as a result of China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. He laid the foundation for the struggle of the imperialist powers for the territorial dismemberment of China and became important stage turning the country into a semi-colony.

Negotiations took place from 1895 with the participation of former American Secretary of State John Foster, who served as an adviser to the Qing dynasty. In parallel with the negotiations Chinese islands was moving forward Japanese fleet, ready to immediately begin the occupation of the acquired territories.

1912 - Lena execution: up to 270 killed, up to 250 wounded

Lena execution - tragic events April 4 (17), 1912 at the mines of the Lena Gold Mining Partnership, located near the city of Bodaibo on a tributary of the Lena, the Vitime and Olekma rivers. As a result of the strike and the subsequent execution of workers by government troops, according to various estimates, from 250 to 500 people were injured, including 150-270 people died.

The immediate reason for the strike was the “meat story” at the Andreevsky mine, retold in the memoirs of the participants in many versions:

  • a mine worker was given rotten meat;
  • the workers' inspection found a horse's leg in the cook's pot;
  • a woman bought a piece of meat in a shop that looked like a horse's genital organ.

Versions in the sources are sometimes partially combined, but they agree on one thing: the workers received meat that was unfit for food.

The strike began spontaneously on February 29 (March 13) at the Andreevsky mine, but then workers from other mines also joined it. By mid-March, the number of strikers exceeded 6 thousand people.

In addition to the heavy ones climatic conditions and a 16-hour working day with one day off, a low wage, which was partially issued in the form of coupons to mine shops, where the quality of the products was extremely low at fairly high prices. In addition, fines for many violations were withheld from salaries, and there was practically no safety precautions: for every thousand people there were over seven hundred traumatic cases per year.

On March 3, 1912, the minutes of the workers’ meeting recorded the following requirements for the administration of the mines:

1961 - Cuban exiles land on the Bay of Cochinos to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro

Operation Bay of Pigs, Bay of Cochinos landings, Operation Zapata - military operation, since 1960, prepared by the US government with the goal of overthrowing the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Around midnight, the landing of “Brigade 2506” began in the Bay of Pigs area. In accordance with the operation plan, landing amphibious assault was carried out simultaneously in three areas:

in Playa Larga, where it was planned to land the 2nd and 5th infantry battalions;

in Playa Giron, the main forces landed here - the 6th Infantry, the 4th tank battalions and an artillery battalion;

25 km east of Playa Giron, the 3rd Infantry Battalion landed here.

Local self-defense forces who tried to prevent landing operation, suffered losses and were forced to retreat. However, already at 03:15 the top Cuban leadership learned about the landing, and they were able to quickly navigate the situation.

Martial law was introduced throughout the country and declared general mobilization. Fidel Castro made a radio address to the citizens of the country with an appeal to repel the invading forces. People's militia units from the areas of Cruces, Cienfuegos, Colon, Aguada de Pasajeros, Matanzas, Cardenas and Jovellanos, as well as an army infantry battalion, were sent to the landing area. But the situation was complicated by the fact that the closest units of the Cuban army were in the city of Santa Clara, 120 km from the landing site.

1975 - During the civil war in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge captured the country's capital, Phnom Penh.

The Cambodian Civil War was a military conflict between the country's government, supported by the United States and South Vietnam, and local communist forces, supported by Northern Vietnam, from 1967 to 1975. The result of the war was the fall of the central government and the rise to power of the Khmer Rouge, who proclaimed a course for a total reconstruction of Cambodian society based on Maoist concepts. The Cambodian Civil War, along with fighting in Laos and South Vietnam, is considered part of the Second Indochina War.

By mid-1970, the balance of power in Cambodia looked in the following way. Anti-government communist forces were formally united into the National United Front of Kampuchea, with Norodom Sihanouk leading the Royal Government National Unity Kampuchea, in exile, although it did not recognize such a status, since some of its representatives were in Cambodia in the territories controlled by the NEFK, called “liberated areas”, and Sihanouk personally visited such areas without experiencing any inconvenience and usually associated with enemy military activity problems. Participating in the fighting against the government army in this phase of the war were armed forces Khmer Rouge with the support of the North Vietnamese army. The Lon Nol regime in power began to receive significant military and economic assistance from the United States. American aviation provided support to the government army. In addition, the South Vietnamese army periodically returned to Cambodia and carried out military operations jointly with national army FANK, but without much success. Thus, in Cambodian civil war armed forces took part powers of three foreign states.