Advice from experienced businessmen. Rich People Rules

Everyone has their own path to wealth and prosperity. Many people strive to read advice from the rich and successful in order to exactly repeat their scenarios, but this does not work.

To move from dead center, it is not enough to apply one recommendation to your life at random. Success comes to those who know how to think correctly and do a lot. In this article, we have collected the best business advice from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved a lot. Read, get inspired and apply!

1. Build a business from the heart.

« If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart» © Thomas John Watson

« If you do something that makes people's lives better, then that's really valuable.» © Mark Zuckerberg

When a person wants to earn as much as possible without thinking about what he will give to the world in return, the business has no chance to last long. The law of conservation of energy also applies here. If you want to get a lot, think about how you will benefit humanity.

2. Define your goal.

« People often ask me: “Where did you start?” With the will to live. I wanted to live, not vegetate» © Oleg Tinkov

Why do you need your own business? What will you get by doing it? What strategic goal do you set for yourself? The answers to these questions will put you on the right path to discovering the secret to success.

3. Be unique.

« To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population» © Donald Trump

Learn to think differently from the majority and be different from everyone else. The right way to do this - to be yourself, or rather the best version myself. You can do it!

4. Improve your skills.

« Young people should invest, not save. They should invest the money they earn in themselves to increase their value and usefulness» © Henry Ford

True professionals in their field are paid a lot. One day you can earn money by accident, but constantly have a high income only the best people in your field. How to become a rich and successful person? The advice is simple: improve your competencies, be better than others in what you do.

5. Create the right environment.

« Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves» © Robert Kiyosaki

« Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. Life is already full of those who want to drag you down» ©George Clooney

The people in your circle influence thinking more than you might realize. Adviсe successful people about how to become successful are full of recommendations for communicating with those you admire.

6. Take action.

« Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Wishes are not enough, you must do» ©Bruce Lee

What makes a successful person stand out from the gray mass? The ability to quickly move from thoughts to actions. This does not mean that you need to rush headlong into everything that you dreamed at night and seemed brilliant. This means that you need to clearly think through and write down your strategy and tactics, and then do your best to achieve your goal. Advice from successful people confirms this.

7. Value your time.

« The only difference between rich and poor is how they use their time» © Robert Kiyosaki

« When did it occur to you good idea, act immediately» © Bill Gates

Time is a non-renewable resource. In any list of success quotes, you're sure to find business advice for beginners: learn to prioritize and spend time on what's most important. The advice of successful people says: to succeed at something, you need to catch trends and bring ideas to life faster than others do.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game “Your Start”, in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

8. Be confident.

How to become a successful person in life? Advice from experienced people makes it clear that without faith in yourself and own strength don't go far.

If you have problems with this, admit them now and see a psychologist before starting your entrepreneurial journey. If you lack self-confidence, it will be so difficult for you to survive the first difficulties that will inevitably arise that you are likely to quit the race. Don't expose yourself unnecessary stress and upgrade personal qualities in advance.

9. Know that you are no worse than others.

« Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do too» © Brian Tracy

Remember the saying “It’s not the gods who burn the pots”? When it’s scary to approach something very desirable, it always seems that we are worse than those who are close to perfection in this matter. In fact, this is only partly true: a beginner simply has less experience. But that's just for now. To work it out is quite real challenge, and not a transcendental dream. Business advice from successful people to help you: you too can achieve everything that others achieve. Remember this.

« Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on» © Steve Jobs

An entrepreneurship and marketing guru wouldn't just give out business advice. Admitting mistakes is difficult, but necessary. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. If something doesn't work out the first time, it will definitely work out the fifth time.

Thinking about how to achieve success? Advice from successful people will suggest the right direction of thought, but will not stand up for your destiny. Study, be inspired by examples of successful people and build your success according to your own rules!

We continue the "Business" section and the "" subsection with the article. We have previously touched on the topic of advice in the articles Advice for a beginning businessman and Advice for a beginning entrepreneur. Let's continue today. And let's look at a few more important points, making business easier.

Useful tips for businessmen in this article will cover honesty, frugality, economy and distance. Let's see how these, in essence, simple words, can change lives and business. IN last article We ended up saying that hiring friends and relatives as staff is, in most cases, a thankless task. Now let's move on to the eighth tip.

If you are a good partner, you can be relied upon. You do everything on time, you don’t let anyone down, you don’t abandon anyone. Your partners will stay with you. They will most likely repay in kind. Don't throw it! You said it, you did it. Keep your word! And people will be drawn to you. But still, don’t forget that in business everyone gets scammed and scammed... Caution never hurts.

Don't confuse honesty and stupidity. Honesty is a stable reference point for how to always conduct business. No more, no less. And in this case, you will really become a support for many useful and profitable things.

Ninth advice to businessmen - frugality and financial planning are the key to success

Don't spend all your money. If a company brings in amazing income, don't get used to it. It could just be some kind of luck, temporary success, or you just got a bad client. Usually the way of thinking of “businessmen” is this: if you have a company, you need better clothes. Entertainment is more expensive. The car is cooler. And usually “businessmen” are engaged in the pursuit of this. In this pursuit they forget about business. As a result, the business makes less money.

Which exit? Thrift and financial planning. Money should be spent on clear, predetermined goals - and nothing else. Inappropriate purchases are a reliable path to bankruptcy. Income should be divided into categories, according to different envelopes - for business development, for maintaining an image, for the purchase of office supplies, for new equipment, for bonuses, for payment for services and materials for production, and so on. Aimless waste of money will leave many of these categories without funding - which will lead to collapse (or half-starvation).

Useful advice for businessmen number ten. Saving should be economical.

Often we are forced to believe that a company is when there is corporate culture, when everywhere is a European renovation, white walls, new furniture and cool equipment. This is nothing more than a stereotype. Or rather, a combination of flies and cutlets. European-quality renovation is needed only for the meeting room. Otherwise, you don’t need fancy equipment! Everything is minimal! Why offices for employees? Basements, Pentium1, students - this is what can drive a business. But here you can overdo it.

However, saving can be economical. You can herd freshmen into the basement, give them computers from the last century and ask them to create good program or website. Will they do much? Yes, practically nothing. What conclusion do we come to? It is necessary to know the exact clear goals not only for spending money, but also for various kinds premises, equipment, workers. If a company needs one designer, then one computer must be really powerful. And for people who use the phone, it is enough to have a computer running text editor without Internet access.

That is, saving is economical when it leads to the achievement of predetermined goals.

So, if we look back at all the business tips we have published, we will see that clear goals are something that no company can function without.

In this article we will talk about the rules of life of great businessmen

Somewhat laconic and in appearance simple principles helped them change themselves, their attitude towards the world, and then the whole world. They created huge businesses and led millions of people. Their names have become a symbol of success, and their words have become a guide to action for thousands of beginning and experienced entrepreneurs. What is their secret? As experience shows, before you change the world, you need to change your attitude towards yourself and others. Let's figure it out.

Tip 1. Be selective in your communications

Brian Tracy - An internationally recognized expert on human development, advises: “Avoid association with negative people at all costs. They are the biggest destroyers of self-confidence and self-esteem.”

Communicate more with those from whom you can learn something, who give you energy and are optimistic about the future. Give up unsuccessful relationships and old acquaintances that pull you back to the past. Focus on today and on what you want to achieve tomorrow.

Tip 2. Dream

As it is sung in famous song rapper and successful Russian businessman Vladi, “there are millions of chances that everything will come true soon.” Dreams make it clear what exactly you want. Only by dreaming will you set your priorities correctly and be able to set goals for the long term.

There is another useful side of the dream - the process itself. It brings pleasure, and you turn off your inner critic, leave all your problems and worries behind, and go as far as your imagination allows. The main thing is not to put a spoke in the wheels of your dreams and not to limit the flight of your imagination. After all, as the founder of Starbucks said Howard Schultz, “by dreaming about something small, you will never succeed in big things. Who needs a dream that you can reach with your hand?”

Tip 3: Plan

Yes, of course, not all points from original plan will be executed. Especially at first. But planning is important. This way you won’t lose sight of your goal and won’t forget about important, even small things. Plans will also help you distribute time between tasks so as not to scatter and waste time.

In planning, as in dreams, process is important. Even if the plan changes beyond recognition in a matter of seconds, the planning process itself will allow you to delve much deeper into the situation and imagine the full picture. That's why Army General and 34th President of the United States Dwight Eisenhower liked to say: “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.”

Tip 4: Disconnect

John Rockefeller once said: “He who works all day has no time to earn money.” If you work every day without raising your head, then you simply will not be able to look forward and see the world as it is. And without a fresh and sober look, there can be no success either in work or in business.

Another businessman, whose name has long become a household name, Bill Gates believes that “business is a game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules.” And you shouldn’t turn the game into a routine. Learn to switch off so you can constantly enter the ring with new ideas. Moreover, to continue the quote, “... the score in this game is in money.”

Tip 5. Focus

Swedish entrepreneur Bertil Hult - founder of EF English First, which has helped millions of people around the world learn English language, when asked about the secret of his success, answered exactly this way: “Stay focused.” No matter what happens around you, no matter what new projects loom on the horizon, be attentive and collected on the path from goal to result. Concentrate on the main thing and remember why everything was started.

Bonus tip! Learn English

This is a bonus tip that we give without reference to the greats. And yet it is important. Because knowing a language won’t change your life overnight magic wand, but it will allow you to expand your social circle, gain self-confidence and get rid of sticky stereotypes that something is not given to you.

And, of course, English will be an indispensable tool for those who want to succeed in business or career. After all, sooner or later, each of us is faced with a dilemma: either receive dividends from knowledge of the language, or blush on the sidelines and continue to miss our chance.

This collection of tips and quotes has been lovingly compiled by EF English First. If you want to quickly switch from English to you, come to us on April 11 at 13:00 and 15:00 for the Day open doors at the address: st. Bauman, 44/8, language centre EF English First. Pass free testing and a trial lesson, get a personal discount and find out what unlimited English is.

In conclusion, we would like to quote the famous entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson. He put these words in the title of his most famous book. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!”


Do you want to get rich? This desire requires considerable strength and understanding of what special things you can give to other people. Before the beginning own business make sure you are willing to work hard. Here are 15 tips on what to do on the way to achieving your dreams, from already successful entrepreneurs.

1. Spend less than you earn

Venture capitalist Chris Saccia says the most... best advice Those who want to get rich quickly should spend no more money than is actually required. Once you have saved enough money, you should immediately start your own business. This is exactly what Uber founder Travis Kalanick did, and he was not alone.

2. Raise the bar higher

A small profit margin is not an obstacle to success. A truly interesting case will definitely attract the attention of investors. Don't wait right away big money, gradually increase momentum and raise the bar higher.

3. Help people

Share your talents, experience or passion with the world. If you are willing to spend your time and acquired skills to improve the lives of others, it will help you earn money and achieve success. You can simply tell people about your actions.

4. Believe in your qualifications

You should not compare yourself to others and worry that you are worse than someone else in certain areas. If you are asked for a service or advice, demand a competitive price. Remember that you always need to learn and grow.

5. Don't rush to buy a house

Owning your own big house- the dream of many people. Today, however, the entrepreneurial lifestyle means living in one place less and less. Therefore, it is wiser to rent housing, directing available funds on investment than for a long time pay off the loan.

6. Choose an area of ​​work that interests you

Start your own business in an area that interests you, this will help set you up for success. Entrepreneurship is hard work, which is very time consuming. You will not be able to achieve success if you are not interested in your chosen business. By choosing your favorite direction, you significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals.

7. Solve problems

There must be a market for the product or service you offer. According to Shark Tank star Robert Herjavec, you should offer exactly what your customers want. If someone is already working in this area, try to do everything better than your competitors.

8. Make a financial plan

How do you intend to achieve your goal? What tasks will you have to solve on the way to achieving wealth? Compose. Write everything down in detail on paper. Describe possible difficulties, determine taxes, set deadlines for completing tasks, and set priorities correctly.

9. Improve your credit history

With a good credit history, you will be able to increase the turnover of your business through new loans. If you have had problems with debt repayment in the past, you may not be given a new loan or may be offered it at an inflated rate. For supporting good condition credit history, always repay debts on time and check your credit score periodically to avoid problems.

10. Stay up to date

Need to be aware of everyone latest events. You should subscribe to news relevant to your industry. This will help you stay on trend, ahead of your competitors. Record your transactions and important events, search potential partners that will help develop your business.

11. Wake up early

According to research, most successful businessmen- early birds. By getting up earlier than your family and colleagues, you can get on with your business calmly and without distractions. This will help you actively solve any problems that arise.

12. Be consistent

Teach everyone that your service or product comes at a specific point in time. This tactic especially pays off when used social networks. Exactly In a similar way Casey Neistat organized his work, whose weekly video blog has already attracted over 6 million subscribers. Casey’s Instagram account also helps with promotion.

13. Walk like a leader

Don't be shy about copying the mannerisms of successful people. Find yourself a role model. Try to gain respect through your image. Remember that it is important to both exude confidence and be careful, as overconfidence and arrogance can lead to mistakes.

14. Delegate authority

Even the most talented businessmen cannot achieve success alone. Hire qualified employees who will compensate weak sides your business and highlight the strengths. If you don't have experience in hiring, it's worth finding someone who can assemble a team. Dedicate your valuable time solving problems that you are best at. Leave any questions that are difficult for you to the experts. Many investors are looking for experts in certain fields who can professionally handle specific projects.

15. Look for other forms of enrichment

Money is not everything. You should definitely pay attention to your physical, spiritual and emotional well-being, trying to live a full, productive life. Focusing on personal priorities like health and relationships will definitely make you happier. And this financial flow will only increase.

How to become a successful entrepreneur? I don't know, I'll tell you straight away. If you wanted to hear the answer just like that, it’s unlikely to happen. Successful entrepreneurs become people who work and earn money. own experience, learning and sustainably implementing your own business ideas and intentions. And not because they had an answer to that very question in advance: Therefore, friends, if you want to become successful entrepreneurs, believe and work, and everything will work out. There will be mistakes, of course, but they are just part of the path to entrepreneurial success. By the way, here is a list of common ones.

I would like to contribute to your becoming a successful businessman, and, sharing my personal experience, give you some advice. Let me emphasize that these are tips and personal experience entrepreneurship, not direct instruction YOUR path in business.

1. Start a business wisely. Business is not about emotions. Just believe the numbers.

15. Delegate as much as possible. Don't try to do everything yourself. This is not the path to a successful business.

16. Changes are needed - don’t be afraid of them and don’t object, but implement them.

17. Always think about one thing: “What do consumers want?”

18. Sell not your service or product, but the benefit that the consumer will receive.

19. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and take responsibility.

30. Work tirelessly. Success will come.