Voice translators for iPhone, review-comparison of the best programs. Google voice translator speaks Russian

Hello, dear readers. Today I decided to make a small addition to my article. As you remember, I reviewed all the capabilities of the voice notepad, except for the ability to translate from foreign languages ​​and vice versa. But not text, but audio. You can also translate the text through online translators. But let’s say an audio book or course in English, this is much more interesting. And the reason was that I simply could not get a translation of fairly passable quality. More precisely, I could not figure out why, when playing English text, the word “Child” appears very often. And accordingly, “Child” also constantly appeared in the translation.

And the reason for this is very simple, I used a recording of English speech and any extraneous noise was regarded as “Child”. In general, I experimented with cutting this MP3 recording, and it became much better.

And another reason was that I used a recording of American English, and the voice notepad translates using the Yandex.Translation service. Where the presence of pure English speech is implied.

In general, once I figured this out, the translation became much better. The service copes with the task quite adequately. Just don’t expect that these will be sentences immediately formulated in the Russian language. You will still have to work on composing Russian sentences from the resulting translation.

So, what needs to be done to translate audio from English (or another foreign language) into Russian (or another language).

Translation of audio from English into Russian

- press the “Enable recording” button,

- place the microphone in front of the speakers

- connect the virtual audio cable,

— and start playing the audio recording.

The result is that you have both English text and Russian translation from the audio file.

In general, the translation result will depend on the quality of the audio file, as well as on the pronunciation. Now materials from English can be translated into Russian, not only texts, but also audio. Even if the translation is not always perfect, the principle is clear.

I also recommend watching a video tutorial with my experiments and examples of translating audio from English into Russian.

That's all for me today. I wish you all success! See you.

A translator with audio pronunciation will be useful for those who want to learn a foreign language on their own. Correct pronunciation is practically the main key to success. In order to learn how to pronounce words correctly, it is not at all necessary to go to teachers. Specialized services can help with this. Today we will get acquainted with proven sites where you can not only translate any text, but also listen to the correct pronunciation.

Great translator, created for people. Many users are familiar with it. At first it was a program for learning foreign languages, and then an online resource appeared, so it became much more convenient to use. Promt accurately translates not only English words, but also originals from other languages ​​with audio pronunciation. According to many users, it does this even better than the popular Google.

Ideal for those who interact with content on specific topics. A separate option has been created for listening – online playback. Just write a word or phrase, choose a direction and click “Translate”. After the page loads, click on the speaker icon to play the audio track.

Main advantages of the site:

  • nice, clear interface;
  • large selection of languages;
  • visual examples of vocabulary combinations, transcription and example of use in conversation.

Excellent translator with audio pronunciation – MyEfe

Multifunctional assistant with voiceover pronunciation. This is a practical and affordable option for those who need to frequently listen to variants of pronunciation of words and watch translations. It is also suitable for those who read foreign publications and publications and do not want to search for unfamiliar words on the Internet for a long time.

The developers have adapted this translator for use on smartphones and tablet devices. You can translate from English into more than thirty languages. To voice-over, you need to enter text in the appropriate field and click “Search”. When the system determines the translation, two audio icons will become available: British accent and American. At the bottom of the line you can see a list of the most used sentences where the entered word appears with a description of the etymology.

Additional functions:

  • you can watch the transcription;
  • there is a grammar reference book;
  • catalog of irregular verbs with pronunciation option;
  • the ability to create your own personal web dictionary.

This service is a Russian adaptation of the Word Reference site. On website you can work with the most popular world dialects. It is especially useful for beginning “students” to use En-umbrella. Thanks to the robot, which clearly pronounces words, it is easy to perceive information by ear. The translator can offer more than twenty different directions. After the word is written in the text field, you must select the direction directly and press Enter to start the process. The translated word and the Listen button will appear in the window that opens to read the pronunciation. Users are also asked to select the accent with which the phrase will be played, with many variations available.

With this translator All users are familiar with the voice-over pronunciation. You can easily understand all the functionality of the service. The main feature of the Yandex assistant is that it easily translates even large texts, and the robot pronounces what is entered without stopping or hesitating. Just write or paste the previously copied text, and then click on the audio designation to listen to it in German, Korean or any other language.

It’s better to immediately put periods, commas, etc., so the system will also take into account intonation, pronounce it slowly, and it will be comfortable to listen to it. Translated sentences will automatically be shown on the right side. You can turn on wiretapping by clicking on the desired button. In addition, the site contains a transcription, it is possible to add bookmarks or search for unknown words.

This is perhaps the most famous service. This translator can work with more than 100 languages. The setup is simple, so you can get started right away without additional training. If you want to use the services of the resource, you must enter the text on the left side in the empty field. You can insert up to 50,000 characters at a time. The translation will be performed automatically. To play speech, you must press certain buttons.

Additional features:

  • you can speak the text for translation yourself through a microphone;
  • virtual computer keyboard available for the original;
  • auto-conversion of translated content from Cyrillic to Latin.

If you want to study a foreign language on your own, use a proven translator who can read the pronunciation. With its help, you will quickly remember words and know how to pronounce them correctly.

There is news that Google's voice translator now understands Russian. In addition, support for Brazilian, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Polish and Turkish is included. Android users can download the mobile version of Google Translate from the Android Market and check out the features of the updated version. For the application to work, Google voice search must be installed.

Previously, Google added a feature that allows you to communicate using a translator in different languages. For example, you ask an Englishman “how to get to the subway.” The translator pronounces your question in English. The interlocutor answers you in his own language, and the translator instantly provides a translation in your native language.

At first, many may not like the mandatory presence of the Internet for a translator to work, but using the Google service to process and analyze translated words and phrases significantly increases the quality of the translation as a whole. Plus, using your Android device, you can use the translator anywhere.

Google's intensification in the field of speech recognition services is quite understandable. After Apple picked up the idea of ​​a voice assistant and released it, it became obvious that Google’s voice search was objectively inferior in functionality to Apple’s development. An increase in the number of supported languages ​​may indicate the possibility of a more advanced and functional voice manager from Google in the near future.

Online / Offline translator for Android from Google, which can translate text from English into Russian and vice versa, as well as into more than 100 languages. For most languages, this translator can work even without the Internet! Plus, it's free!

About the numbers. Currently, offline translation works for 59 languages, and instant translation from inscriptions using a camera works for 38 languages. Automatic translation with voice input is supported in 32 languages, handwriting input works in 93 languages. After a recent update, the service began to use self-learning neural networks, so the translation has become much better. With the help of machine translation technology, sentences are now translated as a whole, rather than in separate parts. Thanks to this, the translated text becomes more similar to our natural speech.

Translation can be done in different ways:

  • type text on the keyboard
  • use google voice translator (talk mode)
  • using a photo translator
  • write the text with your finger in the appropriate field

Also, if you are sent an SMS message in a foreign language, you can easily find out its translation.

Online\offline translator for android

For text translation, you first need to select a language pair (for example, Russian-English). When you enter text, instant online Google translation occurs. If the translation does not appear instantly, you need to click on the arrow. To listen to the translation, click on the speaker (not available in all languages). You can view alternative translations of words and phrases.

Google text translator without the Internet, that is, offline, will work if you first download the language packs. To do this, go to Settings -> Languages ​​on your Android device and download the language you need. More than 50 offline language packs available.

Online voice translator from English to Russian

When you click on the microphone icon, Google voice translator is activated online. When you see the word "Speak", say the text you want to translate. After which a voice translation will be made from Russian to English (in some languages ​​you will also hear voice acting). To more accurately recognize speech, you can specify the dialect for some languages ​​in the settings. It is worth considering that by default obscene words are not translated :)

To automatically recognize the language during a conversation, you need to click on the microphone icon in the center at the bottom of the screen. Having done this, you can speak any of the two selected languages. When the interlocutor finishes speaking, you will hear the translation.

The translator and voice translator work wonderfully, because in this way you can break the language barrier almost anywhere on our planet and communicate with foreigners in 32 languages! This is much better than trying to explain with your fingers what you want from your interlocutor or in a panic looking for a translation of the desired word or sentence.

Unfortunately, the translator with voice input does not work in all languages ​​(for an unsupported language, the microphone button will be inactive). Voice translator without the Internet may not work correctly in some languages.

Google photo translator

The English-Russian photo translator works both online and without the Internet. Other languages ​​are also available. Using it, you can quickly find out the translation of a sign, inscription, restaurant menu or document in an unknown language. The translator works through the camera. Just click on the camera icon, point the camera at the text, highlight the desired area and get an instant translation. To improve the quality of translation, you need to photograph the text, that is, you photograph - you translate. The photo translator significantly expands the capabilities of the application and allows you to make translations faster.

For instant Google photo translator to work without the Internet, you need to download instant translation languages ​​to your Android device. For example, after downloading an English and Russian package, the translator translates from English into Russian without the Internet.


Handwriting text input starts when you click the corresponding icon. In the “Write here” field, write words, draw symbols and get a translation. It is worth noting that this function is not supported for some languages ​​(the icon will be inactive).

Here is the entire list of supported languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Norwegian, Czech, Swedish, Azerbaijani, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Basque, Belarusian , Bengali, Burmese, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Welsh, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Galician, Greek, Georgian, Gujarati, Danish, Zulu, Hebrew, Igbo, Yiddish, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic, Yoruba, Kazakh, Kannada, Catalan, Chinese (traditional ), Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Creole (Haiti), Khmer, Laotian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Punjabi, Persian, Cebuano, Serbian, Sesotho, Sinhalese, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Swahili, Sudanese, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Uzbek, Urdu, Hausa, Hindi, Hmong, Croatian, Chewa, Esperanto, Estonian, Javanese, Japanese.

You can download a translator for Android in a matter of seconds and, for example, Google can translate from English into Russian anything and anywhere: on vacation, on the road, at a business meeting. This program is especially useful for tourists. You can use Google Translator online, where the Internet is available, and offline thanks to pre-loaded language packs. So you will always have a dictionary at hand. The main thing is that the device’s battery does not run out.

Phone captioner for the deaf and hard of hearing

Transform your screen into an amazing phone header. It's fully automatic, without human hearing-typing, your conversations. Do grandparents find it difficult to hear family and friends on the phone? Turn on Speechlogger for them and stop screaming on the phone. Simply connect your phone's audio output to your computer's audio input and launch Speechlogger. It is also useful in face-to-face interactions.

Automatic transcription

Did you record the interview? Save some time rewriting it, with Google's automatic speech-to-text, brought to your browser by Speechlogger. Play your recorded interview into your computer's microphone (or line) and let speechlogger do the transcription. Speechlogger saves the transcribed text along with the date, time and your comments. It also allows you to edit the text. Telephone conversations can be transcribed using the same method. You can also record audio files directly from your computer as described below.

Automatic interpreter and translator

Meeting with foreign guests? Bring a laptop (or two) with a speechlogger and a microphone. Each party will see the other's spoken words translated into their native language in real time. It is also useful on a phone call in a foreign language to ensure that you fully understand the other party. Connect your phone's audio output to your computer's line input and start Speechlogger.

Learn foreign languages ​​and improve your pronunciation skills

Speechlogger is an excellent tool for learning languages ​​and can be used in several ways by u200b u200Bin. You can use it to learn vocabulary by speaking your native language and letting the software translate it. You can learn and practice correct pronunciation by speaking a foreign language and seeing whether Speechlogger understands or not. If the text is transcribed in black font it means that you pronounced it well.

Generating subtitles for films

Speechlogger can automatically record movies or other audio files. Then take the file and automatically translate it into any language to produce international subtitles.

Dictate instead of typing

Writing a letter? Documentation? Lists? Summary? Regardless of what you need to type, try dictating it to Speechlogger instead. Speechlogger will automatically save it for you, and allow you to export it to a document.

Fun game :)

Can you imitate a Chinese speaker? French? What about the Russian language? Try imitating a foreign language and see what you just said with Speechlogger. Use Speechlogger simultaneous translation to understand what you just said. Getting amazing results is a lot of fun!