Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
(FA under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Year of foundation
The president Gryaznova A.G. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Rector Eskindarov M.A. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Location Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation(FA) is a Russian state university specializing in training financiers. Located in Moscow. The rector of the Academy is Mikhail Eskindarov, the president of the Academy is Alla Gryaznova.


The history of the Financial Academy dates back to December 1918, when the People's Commissariat of Finance decided to create the first specialized financial university in the history of Russia - the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. It was opened on March 2, 1919 and its first rector was D. P. Bogolepov, a graduate of Moscow State University, Deputy People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR. In September 1946, MFEI was merged with another higher educational institution - the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute, which had been teaching students since 1931. As a result of the merger of these universities, the Moscow Financial Institute was formed. In 1991, it was transformed into the State Financial Academy, and in 1992, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Financial Academy was awarded the status of a University.

Academy structure


  • Finance and credit
  • Management and Sociology
  • Accounting and audit
  • Taxes and taxation
  • International economic relations
  • International Faculty of Economics
  • International Finance Faculty
  • Law and political science


  • Graduate School of Public Administration
  • Business Administration and Business
  • Short-term programs
  • International Business School
  • Advanced training for teachers
  • Shortened programs
  • Financial and economic research


  • Risk analysis and economic security
  • Audit and control
  • In English
  • Banks and banking management
  • Accounting
  • Military department
  • State, municipal and corporate governance
  • Civil service
  • State legal disciplines
  • Civil law and procedure
  • Monetary relations and monetary policy
  • Investment management
  • Innovative business
  • Innovation management
  • Foreign languages
  • Information technologies
  • Stories
  • Macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomic regulation
  • Mathematicians
  • Mathematical modeling of economic processes
  • International monetary, credit and financial relations
  • Management
  • Microeconomics
  • World economy and international business
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Property valuation and management
  • Political Science
  • Business law, civil and arbitration process
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Psychology
  • Regional Economy
  • Russian language
  • System analysis in economics
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Insurance business
  • Theories and histories of state and law
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Physical education
  • Philosophy
  • Finance
  • Financial management
  • Financial control
  • Financial law
  • Securities and financial engineering
  • Economics and crisis management
  • Economic analysis

Military department

The Financial Academy is among the universities that retained military departments after 2008.

Famous graduates

  • A. Borodin - President of the Bank of Moscow, Vice-President of the Association of Russian Banks
  • N. Vrublevsky - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house "Accounting"
  • V. Chistova - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • V. Gerashchenko - famous banker and politician
  • A. Gryaznova - President of the Financial Academy, until 2006 - Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Drozdov - Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • A. Zvonova - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House "Finance and Statistics"
  • B. Zlatkis - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia
  • A. Kazmin - ex-CEO of FSUE Russian Post
  • A. Kozlov - former first deputy chairman of Bank Ross
  • L. Kudelina - former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • D. Orlov - Chairman of the Board of Bank Vozrozhdenie, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Financial Academy
  • V. Panskov - former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • M. Prokhorov - President of the ONEXIM group
  • I. Suvorov - Chairman of the Board of Interstate Bank
  • V. S. Pavlov - former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Khloponin - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northern Military District
  • V. Shenaev - economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • And Zverev is the long-term Minister of Finance of the USSR
  • K. Shor - Head of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow
  • V. Dmitriev - Chairman of the Board of Vnesheconombank
  • Sergey Vadimovich Stepashin - Russian statesman and political figure, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from May to August 1999, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (since 2000), Doctor of Law, Professor, Colonel General of the Reserve.

see also

  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus


  • Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Association of Alumni of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    - (FA under the Government of the Russian Federation) Year of foundation 1918 President Gryaznova A.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor ... Wikipedia

    FINANCIAL ACADEMY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION- (FA) state institution of higher professional education. Transformed in 1992 (initially in 1991 as the State Financial Academy) from the Moscow Financial Institute, created in 1946 on the basis of the merger of two Moscow universities -... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

​The 100th anniversary is already less than a year away! We count the days and hours.

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Financial University) is one of the oldest Russian universities training economists, financiers, financial lawyers, mathematicians, IT specialists, sociologists and political scientists .

Brief historical background:

Since 2010 – Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
since 1992 – Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
since 1991 - State Financial Academy
from 1946 - Moscow Financial Institute (union of MFEI and MKEI)
1934 - creation of the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute (MCEI)
1919 - creation of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute (MFEI)
Among the university graduates of different years are the Chairman of the USSR Government V.S. Pavlov; Ministers of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR and the Russian Federation A.G. Zverev, I.I. Fadeev, I.N. Lazarev, V.E. Orlov; V.G. Panskov, B.G. Fedorov; Chairmen of the State Bank - Central Bank of Russia N.K. Sokolov, N.V. Garetovsky, V.V. Gerashchenko; Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprombank A.I. Akimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets N.A. Zhuravlev, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia A.V. Drozdov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation B.I. Zlatkis, Governor, Chairman of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug R.V. Kopin, Minister of the Russian Federation for North Caucasus Affairs L.V. Kuznetsov, State Duma deputy, member of the United Russia faction, member of the State Duma Counting Commission, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes N.S. Maksimova, Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow Region (with the rank of minister) M.E. Ogloblin, State Duma deputy, member of the United Russia faction, member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs E.V. Panina, businessman M.D. Prokhorov , Deputy of the State Duma, Member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs D.A. Svishchev, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation A.G. Khloponin, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation V.E. .Chistova, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Cong Ngien, Rector of Liaoning University (city. Shenyang, China) Cheng Wei and others.

The university has evolved from an institute and academy specializing in training specialists in the financial and banking sector to a large scientific and educational complex. Currently, the structure of the Financial University includes 14 educational and scientific departments, 14 faculties in Moscow and 6 faculties in branches; 11 university-wide departments, 2 departments of additional professional education, 12 basic departments created jointly with employers, 73 departments in branches; 4 institutes and 2 higher schools of additional professional education, 1 scientific institute; 3 scientific centers; 2 colleges. The branch network includes 28 branches (14 branches implementing higher education programs; 4 branches implementing higher and secondary vocational education programs; 10 branches implementing secondary vocational education programs).

The total number of students in basic educational programs at the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year was 46,556 people, including full-time students - 25,537 people, part-time students - 78 people, part-time students - 20,941 people. In higher education programs - 34,495 people (specialist - 10, bachelor's - 30,325, master's - 4,160), 12,061 students in secondary vocational education programs.

Financial University is one of the leading universities in the country, implementing 13 areas of bachelor's training (37 training profiles), 14 areas of master's training (more than 60 master's programs), 16 basic educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as 35 professional retraining programs, including MBA, and 183 advanced training programs.

In the 2016/2017 academic year, the graduation rate (together with branches) amounted to 12,075 people, of which:

Higher education (bachelor's degree, specialist degree, master's degree)

Full-time - 3549;
part-time - 161;
correspondence - 4837;
secondary vocational education
full-time - 2780;
correspondence - 748.
The high level of professional training of students, ample opportunities for employment and career development after graduating from the Financial University determine a fairly high competition for admission to the university.

The Financial University has formed and continues to improve the structure of training of specialists, based on the concept of continuous level education (secondary professional education specialist - bachelor - higher professional education specialist - master), including various forms and trajectories of training.

The generally recognized quality of university programs is based on the high professional level of the teaching staff; as of December 1, 2017, the Moscow University Center alone employs 1,490 teachers, of which 1,137 have an academic degree: including 305 Doctors of Science and 832 Candidates of Sciences. 768 teachers have an academic title: including 194 professors, 561 associate professors, 13 senior researchers.

In addition, 1,275 teachers work in the branches of higher education and secondary vocational education of the university, including 719 teachers who train in higher education programs, 556 teachers who train specialists in secondary vocational education programs. 713 teachers have an academic degree: including 106 Doctors of Science and 607 Candidates of Sciences. 401 teachers have an academic title: including 56 professors, 343 associate professors, 2 senior researchers.

The scientific unit of the university has 76 employees in Moscow and 8 employees in branches, of which 67 have an academic degree: including 30 Doctors of Science and 37 Candidates of Sciences. 17 have the academic title of professor, 17 have the academic title of associate professor, 2 have the academic title of senior researcher.

Among the university employees, 15 people were awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”, 24 – “Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation”, 15 – “Honored Economist of the Russian Federation”, 5 – “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation”, 5 – “Honored Teacher” Russian Federation", 1 - "Honored Employee of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation", 1 - "Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation"..

Among the university employees there is 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as 1 academician and 3 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Every year, about 50% of the teaching staff of the Financial University and its branches undergo advanced training.

The Financial University was one of the first universities in the Russian Federation to create and register an endowment fund. The value of assets as of January 31, 2017 is 255,575,539.38 rubles.

An important incentive for the development of the university was the implementation of the innovative educational program it developed, “Creating an innovative education system for training financiers - leaders of a competitive economy.”

The Financial University has developed federal state educational standards of the third generation in the direction of "Economics" in the profiles "Financial and Economic" and "Credit and Economic", "Accounting and Audit", "World Economy and International Business", "Taxes and Taxation".

The university is actively introducing new educational technologies and moving to the formation of individual educational trajectories for students. A competency-based approach to training specialists is being introduced into the educational process.

In 2009-2013, a number of structural changes took place at the Financial University aimed at improving the quality of the educational process. In particular, at this time more than 20 new departments were created, new faculties were formed - finance and economics, credit economics, law, sociology and political science, international finance, management, mathematical methods and risk analysis, the faculty of pre-university and additional training, the Institute of Financial -economic research consisting of 6 scientific centers (Center for the Study of International Economic Relations, Center for Research on Problems of Economic Development, Center for Financial Research, Center for Tax Research, Center for Research on Monetary Relations, Information and Analytical Center), Institute of Economics and Finance Education, Institute of Legal research and innovation, Center for Research and Advanced Development, Consulting Center, a Scientific Foundation has been formed.

Structural changes have taken place in the departments of the university, aimed at creating a unified information space of the Financial University and adequate information and technological support for the educational and scientific process and internal support.

The Financial University has a Certificate of Compliance with the Quality Management System, which certifies that its quality management system has been tested and found to comply with the ISO 9001:2008 standard in relation to the development and implementation of educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education, and research activities.

The Standard for Quality Assurance of Education at the Financial University and its branches was approved in 2016 based on standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

The policy in the field of ensuring the quality of education at the Financial University is aimed at creating an attractive environment for applicants; formation of educational programs of higher, secondary vocational and additional vocational education, taking into account scientific achievements, professional standards and modern trends in the development of the economy and society; updating and introducing new educational technologies aimed at developing self-education skills and ensuring personal self-realization through supporting scientific schools and encouraging the creative initiative of employees; ensuring the profile demand of graduates in the labor market; integration of educational, research and professional activities at the Financial University.

New educational technologies
In the process of studying at the Financial University, such “Bologna” forms and methods of teaching are being introduced as: transition from a linear to a modular form of training; developing the principles of the approach to the formation of mobile groups; creation of an institute of tutors; lecturing by invited professors and specialists (including foreign ones in English); further development of the rating system for assessing students' knowledge; development of active forms of learning (cases, business and role-playing games, situational tasks, etc.); preparation of electronic textbooks and teaching aids, electronic disks, multimedia training programs: “educational enterprise” (accounting), educational laboratory of the department of financial management, “educational insurance company”; formation of electronic libraries at a number of departments; computer testing.

As part of the system of training specialists and advanced training, a distance learning system (DLS) was used based on interactive distance learning technologies.

Library and information complex
Currently, the Library and Information Complex of the Financial University consists of 10 libraries in Moscow and 28 libraries in regional branches. The printed book fund is 955,757 units. storage: including scientific, educational literature, literature in foreign languages, collection of dissertations, periodicals, collection of fiction, collection of rare literature on economic topics. The BIK of the Financial University is equipped with computer equipment (356 PCs), the local BIK network is integrated into the universitywide one. An integral part of the BIK fund is a collection of electronic resources that informationally supports the educational process and scientific work of the Financial University. In 2017, the collection united 66 full-text databases with a volume of more than 370 million documents, which can be accessed both via IP addresses of the Financial University and remotely.

In 2015, the electronic library of the Financial University was launched, which contains monographs, educational and educational literature, abstracts, scientific articles from periodicals and other materials published by the Financial University Publishing House.

Scientific activity
Scientific activities at the Financial University are organized according to the following types:
research work of scientific and pedagogical workers, doctoral students and graduate students on relevant topics for the university;
scientific activities of undergraduate and graduate students;
scientific events, including with the participation of students, on the basis of the Financial University;
preparation of scientific editions and publications.
In 2017, the research, consulting and expert-analytical activities of the university were further developed.

Priority was given to research under the State assignment within the framework of budget financing.

According to the State Assignment, in 2017, research was carried out on 54 projects with a volume of attracted funding of 155 million rubles. The implementation of these studies was organized on a competitive basis. They were attended by 13 departments, 6 separate departments, 2 separate research units, as well as departments of 2 branches, more than 390 teachers and researchers, 1 doctoral student, 51 graduate students, 92 students and undergraduates. The reporting materials were accepted by an expert commission consisting of leading scientists and specialists of the Financial University and independent experts. Public hearings of research leaders at the expert commission were held with the participation of specialists from relevant departments of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of research on the State Assignment in 2017, expert and analytical materials were prepared and sent to various legislative and executive authorities.

Full versions of research reports carried out under the State Assignment for 2017 and presentations are posted on the information and educational portal of the Financial University and in the information and analytical database of the Government of the Russian Federation.

For extra-budgetary research and the provision of services in the scientific field, as a result of participation in competitions, government contracts and agreements were concluded for the implementation of 177 projects (including 98 branches). The total volume of attracted extra-budgetary funding amounted to more than 165 million rubles. The main customers were: Bank of Russia, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, Federal Tax Service, FSUE NIISU, Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, FSUE Central Research Institute Center and other organizations .

In 2017, research was carried out on 36 external grants won (RFBR, Russian Science Foundation) and 4 scientific studies carried out at the expense of the Scientific Fund of the Financial University, with a total funding of more than 23 million rubles.

At the end of 2017, the branches carried out research and provided services for a total amount of more than 32 million rubles. The greatest success was achieved by the St. Petersburg, Kaluga, Tula, Chelyabinsk and Vladikavkaz branches.

Thus, in 2017, research was carried out on 301 projects. The total amount of financing amounted to more than 320 million rubles.

The main results obtained in the course of the research were actively communicated to the scientific community in the form of scientific publications in authoritative domestic and foreign publications with a high impact factor and scientific reports at national and international conferences, forums and congresses.

In 2017, the organization of research and innovation-entrepreneurial work of students and graduate students was carried out in accordance with the plan of scientific activity and decisions of the administration on the organization of events both on the basis of the Financial University and on external sites of other universities and organizations.

This activity included:

104 events were organized and facilitated with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students at the Financial University;

Organized the participation of students and graduate students in 94 scientific events outside the Financial University, in universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia, in which they won 167 diplomas of I-III degrees, 1 cup, 1 medal, 1 grant, 5 cash prizes, 5 laureate diplomas, 12 diplomas and 9 letters of gratitude.

Fruitful cooperation has been carried out with co-organizers of major external events (MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow Student Center, Department of State Policy in the Field of Higher Education and Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodzh), etc.), as a result of which the Financial University was awarded diplomas and a letter of gratitude; Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

About 30 external business trips for students of the Financial University were organized and prepared to participate in conferences, competitions and olympiads.

In March - May 2017, the VI International Competition of Scientific Works of Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) was held. The competition is held annually in order to support and stimulate the research activities of undergraduate and graduate students in the financial and economic sphere, create conditions for the realization of their intellectual potential, improve the quality of individual training, identify talented youth and attract them to science.

The Competition received 310 works from 346 authors. The geography of the Competition participants is represented by the works of university students and graduate students from 34 cities of Russia, Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Moldova. 37 works were presented from Belarus. The total number of competitive works presented by participants of the Financial University was 213, including 66 works of participants from branches. Of these, 190 were works by bachelor's and master's students, 11 by graduate students, and 12 by college students.

I degree winner diplomas were awarded to 37 participants, II degree diplomas - 52 participants, III degree diplomas - 52 participants, laureate diplomas - 24 participants.

It is gratifying that among the winners of the VI ICPD are students of the Financial University. Thus, 23 works were awarded a diploma of the 1st degree, 30 works were awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree, and 35 works received diplomas of the 3rd degree.

Moreover, out of 112 teachers awarded with certificates of leadership - the winner of the competition, 65 teachers of the Financial University, 19 teachers of branches of the Financial University, 8 teachers of colleges and 20 teachers of other educational organizations of higher education in Russia and foreign countries.

In April 2017, the VIII International Scientific Student Congress “Russia: from crisis to sustainable development” was held. Resources, limitations, risks." 100 events were organized on the territory of the Financial University, including the exhibition-competition “Tournament of Scientific Ideas and Business Projects” (hereinafter referred to as the Tournament). Based on the results of the competition, 6 students (2 first places) were awarded 1st degree diplomas. Particular attention was attracted to such projects as: “HobbyScaner” - Application of IT technologies in the organization of educational processes”, “Stop risk: risk-oriented approach for everyone”, “Use of VR technologies when selling shoes”, “Improving mechanisms for ensuring economic security of small and medium-sized businesses."

Within the framework of the ISSC, the defense of research projects of 1st and 2nd courses and an event for schoolchildren took place, where 157 students who participated in the events (112 first places) were awarded 1st degree Diplomas; 11 and 5 students who defended research projects of the 1st and 2nd courses, respectively (3 and 3 first places). It is worth highlighting such student research works as: “Structural and dynamic analysis of the federal (state) budget deficit, public debt, costs of servicing government debt obligations in relation to the country’s GDP for 5 years, assessment of the debt sustainability of the Russian Federation and foreign countries”; “Analysis of the dynamics of capitalization of Russian companies and the influence of various factors on it”; “Use of Blockchain technology in financial organizations”; “Analysis of a business model using the example of the State Tretyakov Gallery”; “Launch of a startup to create a coffee coworking space”; “The place and role of disruptors in the implementation of breakthrough innovative projects in Russia”; “Analysis of development and assessment of investment attractiveness of projects in the IT sector.”

18 branches of the Financial University, more than 400 people, including students from other universities (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, RANEPA, MEPhI, etc.) took part in the VIII INSK. Among the reports in the financial sector presented by students, it is worth highlighting: “Crowdinvesting: a new format for financing projects”, “The impact of Brexit on the Russian economy”, “The impact of innovative financial technologies on accounting and tax systems”, “Managing the capitalization of companies in conditions of stock market turbulence "," Features of the evaluation of concession bonds.

In October 2017, at the site of the Financial University, as part of the Science Festival, panel discussions and popular science lectures were held with the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, master classes, competitions, trainings, business games, creative workshops, and quizzes. In general, more than 1,500 people took part in the events at the Financial University site, including applicants and students from leading universities in Russia.

The Financial University was represented in the main events of the XII Science Festival at the Central site - in the Intellectual Center - Fundamental Library of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Our university has won the right to participate in the exhibition at the Central site of the Moscow Science Festival, where the best extended expositions of participating organizations are presented, with the most interesting exhibits and interactive presentations. The work of the exhibition “Big Economy - Big Data” at the Science Festival was a chain (cycle) of four research experiments, each lasting 10-30 minutes.

1. “Big data is a risk management tool”

2. “Find your hobby”

3. “BigLogistics – logistics center”

4. Grow Me – an online educational program based on a neural network, Big Data and machine learning

Another significant event was the holding in November 2017 of the Youth Program of the IV International Forum of the Financial University “What does the coming day have in store for us?”, which included 38 events, the topics of which corresponded to the profile of the faculties of the Financial University (panel discussions, scientific discussions, conferences, workshops). classes, round tables, etc.). More than 2,000 students, graduate students, young scientists and specialists took part in the discussions, including from universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Lobachevsky Univ., Southern Federal University, State University of Economics, Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov, MGIMO, RANEPA, MSUTU, etc.). Delegations from branches of the Financial University attended the sections of the Forum’s Youth Program. Students and graduate students of Moscow universities showed great activity.

Of particular note is the holding of a number of large and significant student events in 2017 on the basis of the Financial University, such as the II All-Russian Interuniversity Scientific Student Forum “Reforming Accounting and Law in Modern Russia”, a visiting student conference “Main Directions of Modernization of the Russian Economy”, an international scientific competition of young accountants, analysts and auditors, III All-Russian student conference on economic security, VII International Francophone scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “FRANFINANCE 2017”, All-Russian Olympiad on financial markets “Fincontest”, annual International student Olympiad on the history of economic doctrines.

The Franfinance conference is held annually with the aim of attracting creative youth to research work, to improve the status of the French language as a language of business communication.

In May 2017, the III International Congress of Young Scientists on Sustainable Development (hereinafter referred to as the Congress) took place, which was held in major cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vladikavkaz, Kaluga, Krasnodar, Kursk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk , Novorossiysk, Omsk, Orel, Penza, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl and in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Pavlodar). As part of the III Congress, the Barnaul branch of the Financial University organized the “IX International Scientific Conference of Students and Masters “Modern Professional Specialist: Theory and Practice.”

Every year, students and graduate students of the Financial University take an active part in external events in Moscow and other Russian cities, such as the IV International School of Young Scientists in Economics (Sochi), VI Congress of Young Scientists at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, mechanics and optics.

In July 2017, students of the Financial University took an active part in the All-Russian youth educational forum “Territory of Meanings on Klyazma”. The forum included a variety of events: panel discussions, master classes, business games, competitions and project accelerators. The forum's experts and speakers included public leaders, top managers of major companies, and heads of research centers and laboratories.

The leitmotif of the forum was a discussion of the economy of the future for Russia, the basis of which will be the digital ecosystem, fintech and new markets. One of the most striking panel discussions was “FinTech – a new type of business. The battlefield is money. Who wins: new technologies or traditional banks?”, organized by the Financial University. Invited speakers of this discussion were Sergey Aleksandrovich Solonin, General Director of QIWI and the FinTech Association, Alexey Pavlovich Blagirev, Director of Innovation at Otkritie Bank, Anton Georgievich Arnautov, co-founder and General Director of FinTech Lab, Mikhail Borisovich Popov, co-founder and General Director of TalkBank and Dmitry Nikolaevich Marinichev, public representative of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, and the moderator of the platform was Vladimir Vladimirovich Maslennikov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Financial University and Georgian Yulia Mikhailovna, PhD in Economics, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research. The delegation of the Financial University met representatives of the university and experts, and also had a unique opportunity to communicate with the experts of the discussion.

The project of students of the Financial University (an innovation cluster for high-tech companies in the Far Eastern Federal District) was included in the short list of the 6 best ideas selected by experts from the Center for Social Development.

Also included in the forum program was an all-Russian project competition. Financial University student Mark Dudko managed to win support in the amount of 100,000 rubles for the implementation of the educational project “FinUniverse - The Universe of Finance”. “FinUniverse” is a platform for teaching financial culture and investment skills through cryptocurrency, which can be earned by completing tasks in the digital economy and passing educational courses, tests and exams with excellent marks.

On October 15, 2017, the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) started in Sochi. 28,000 young people from all over the world met in one of the most beautiful cities in Russia to discuss global issues. The Financial University was represented by a delegation of 50 students, which included both participants and volunteers. During the Festival, students of the Financial University managed not only to establish themselves as experts in a certain field, but also to communicate with world-class politicians and entrepreneurs. The festival brought together the best young people and professional speakers from all over the world. The amount of information that the participants received here cannot be found in books, magazines or any other sources. Such events dictate current directions and trends both in global cooperation and in solving the internal problems of a particular state.

Students of the Financial University annually win conferences, competitions and olympiads held in universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

At the St. Petersburg State Economic University at the VIII International Conference “Architecture of Finance”, the title of laureate was awarded to 2 students, 4 participants from the Financial University were awarded diplomas of II and III degrees.

In Ekaterinburg in April 2017, following the results of the VIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum: “Eurasian Space: Good Neighborhood and Strategic Partnership”, organized by the Ural State Economic University, students of the Faculty of Management were awarded 2 III degree diplomas and 2 certificates.

At the international student scientific and practical conference “Digital Technologies for Sustainable Economic Growth” (MGIMO), 5 students of the Financial University were awarded diplomas.

At the VII All-Russian Conference “Information and telecommunication technologies and mathematical modeling of high-tech systems” (RUDN), 4 students of the Financial University were awarded diplomas.

During the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economic Science – a Fundamental Discipline of General Development,” 5 students of the Financial University were awarded diplomas.

From October 9 to October 14, the International Student Olympiad “Economics and Management” was held at the St. Petersburg State Economic University, in which the Financial University was represented by a team of students from the Faculty of Finance and Economics, the Faculty of Financial Markets and the Faculty of Management, who won 3 first places, 2 second and one third. They also won prizes in the category “For a high-quality business presentation.”

Students of the Financial University took part in the VIII International Conference “Architecture of Finance”, which was held in St. Petersburg, 6 students were awarded diplomas.

Student participation in the VIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Eurasian Economic Youth Forum “Eurasian Space: Good Neighborhood and Strategic Partnership” was also successful: 2 students received 3rd degree diplomas.

At the Annual All-Russian competition “Economist of the Year” in the category “Best Economist in Education and Science”, the winner, taking 2nd place, was a team of graduate students from the Financial University. A team of authors, with the topic of scientific work: “The Economic Development Program of Russia until 2022: the sectoral aspect of import substitution,” received a certificate for 500 thousand rubles.

A graduate of the Financial University, Gainutdinov Takhir Raisovich, won the All-Russian competition for medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences (medal and cash prize in the amount of 25,000 rubles).

As part of the scientific events, there were:

374 scientific forums, congresses, conferences were organized, incl. international – 49

Organizational and methodological assistance was provided to educational and scientific departments, departments, faculties in the preparation and conduct of scientific events;

Interaction has been established with external partners of the Financial University (College of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Public Organization "Free Economic Society" and others) in order to conduct joint scientific events;

A database of scientific conferences has been created, including their main characteristics;

Inter-university and scientific interaction with government bodies, scientific structures and other universities has been organized (III conference “Economic potential of industry in the service of the military-industrial complex”, events for the opening of the basic department “XBRL Technologies”, International scientific conference “Capital of Revolutions” and others) ;

International scientific events of the Financial University were organized (IV International Forum “What does the coming day have in store for us?”, VI International scientific and practical conference “Great economists and great reforms”, International scientific and practical conference “National associations of business ethics: international experience and opportunities for Russia", III International Scientific and Practical Conference "World Economy and Global Finance: Evolution of Ideas and Modern Strategies", International Round Table "Political Economy Today" and others).

The main event of the year was IV. What does the coming day have in store for us? It brought together more than 4,000 participants from 32 countries. Heads of government bodies, well-known domestic and foreign experts, bankers and business representatives discussed ways to overcome the crisis and tried to develop a strategy for mechanisms to restart economic growth in Russia in the new realities. The 2013 Nobel Prize winner in economics, Yale University economics professor Robert James Shiller, gave a public lecture. Within the framework of the forum, 64 scientific events were held in priority areas of socio-economic development of Russia. The forum caused a great stir in the scientific, business and political spheres, and attracted great attention from the leading media.

On October 24-24, 2017, the III Conference “Economic potential of industry in the service of the military-industrial complex” was held (about 600 participants). The event was held with the support of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation. At the site of the Financial University, conditions were created for an open discussion of representatives of government bodies, industry, science and education on the development of scientific, practical and legislative solutions to improve the efficiency of spending budget funds and the growth of the economic potential of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the experience of defense industry enterprises was summarized and recommendations were developed to improve the mechanisms of economic management in this area, assess the effectiveness of innovations, improve the training of management personnel and financial and credit management methods, and analyze the reasons for the high credit debt of industry.

In March 2017, the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Smart Technologies in Education: Portrait of a Graduate 2020” took place, which was attended by 1,400 people, including: representatives of government bodies, heads of public associations, rectors of universities (65 universities from 47 cities of Russia ), directors of secondary vocational education institutions, representatives of employers (130) and their professional associations (50), foreign specialists from France, Great Britain, Poland, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan.

From October 4 to 6, the International Conference “Capital of Revolutions” was held. As part of the conference, together with the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, an exhibition of posters from revolutionary times was opened. The conference was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of an epoch-making event - the Great Russian Revolution of 1917, which predetermined the course of world history of the 20th century. During the three days of the conference, about 700 people took part in it; more than 350 people came to the conference with scientific reports and speeches.

The VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Great Economists and Great Reforms” was held in September. The conference was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the publication of the first volume of “Capital” by K. Marx, which in significance can be considered as an independent study of the great German economist, sociologist, philosopher, and public figure.

As a result of active research activities, the bibliometric and scientometric indicators of the Financial University are significantly increased, and the publication activities of scientific and pedagogical workers are improved.

Increasing the H-index of the Financial University from 134 to 143;
rise in the RSCI ranking among universities:
by the number of citations over 5 years - 2nd place,
by the number of publications over 5 years – 2nd place,
according to the Hirsch index - 5th place.
As a result, the publication activity of the authors of the Financial University for the 2017 calendar year is characterized by the following indicators:

Indicator 2017 2016
Number of publications in RSCI 15350 11 802
Number of articles in scientific journals 7216 6063
Number of articles in journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list 4202 3113
Number of citations in RSCI 55,730 42,757
H-index 143 134
Weighted average impact factor 0.334 0.316
Number of publications in Web of Science 153 50
Number of citations in Web of Science 208 49
Number of publications in Scopus 269,143
Number of citations in Scopus 469,203

On the basis of the Financial University, on the basis of orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 7 councils for the defense of dissertations for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the academic degree of Doctor of Science (hereinafter referred to as dissertation councils) operate. All dissertation councils operating on the basis of the Financial University are given the right to accept for defense dissertations for the academic degree of candidate and doctor of science in the following specialties:

08.00.01 – Economic theory (economic sciences);
08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (by industries and areas of activity: management; marketing; economics of entrepreneurship; innovation management; regional economics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - industry) (economic sciences);
08.00.10 – Finance, money circulation and credit (economic sciences);
08.00.12 – Accounting, statistics (economic sciences);
08.00.13 – Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics (economic sciences);
08.00.14 – World economy (economic sciences).
For the period 2014-2017. 13 doctoral dissertations and 137 candidate dissertations were successfully defended in existing dissertation councils.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2017 No. 1792-Financial University is given the right to independently award academic degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences. Currently, a concept has been developed for the formation and activities of councils for the defense of dissertations for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the academic degree of Doctor of Science, normative documents have been approved by orders of the Financial University, and work is underway to form dissertation councils for the Financial University.

In accordance with the order of the Financial University dated August 31, 2017 No. 1512-o, the development of the local regulatory framework is carried out by a commission chaired by the rector of the university, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education M. A. Eskindarov

International activities
International activities are the most important integral part of the functioning of the Financial University.

The partners of the Financial University abroad are:

Universities and other higher education institutions and research centers;
professional banking and insurance training centers;
business schools;
centers that administer qualification exams and issue internationally recognized certificates, examine educational programs and, accordingly, accredit educational institutions;
banks, insurance, auditing, industrial companies;
scientific foundations of foreign countries.
Business contacts with partner institutions in Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, the Netherlands, the USA, and France are developing especially intensively.

The composition of foreign partners has expanded significantly. If in 1994 the university collaborated with 30 partner institutions from 18 countries, now our university maintains close bilateral relations with 120 partner institutions, as well as educational and research centers, financial and banking structures from 50 countries.

Over the past 5 years, the Financial University was visited by more than 300 delegations of foreign partner institutions, which included more than 800 people. During the same period, about 700 business trips of teachers and staff of the Financial University took place abroad.

Cooperation in the educational field
5 “double degree” undergraduate programs: Northumbria University, Newcastle (UK), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth (UK), University of London: International programs - distance learning, London (UK); Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (USA); Higher commercial school of Troyes.

8 "double degree" master's programs: University of Glasgow (UK), University of Birmingham (UK), Dublin Technological University (Ireland), Institute of Banking/Higher School (Czech Republic), Lyon School of Management, Higher Commercial School of Troyes, National School Insurance of France, CNAM University (France).

42 programs of inclusion: University of Vienna (Austria), Hochschule Bremen/University of Applied Sciences, University of Cologne, University of Potsdam, Hochschule für Management. Otto Beisheim, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management/University (Germany), Aldo Moro University (Bari), University of Perugia and University of Salento (Lecce) (Italy), University of Alcala, King Juan Carlos University, University of Cadiz, Complutense University of Madrid ( Spain), Jacksonville University (USA), University of Western Ontario (Canada), Liaoning University, University of International Business and Economics of China, Central University of Finance and Economics (China), Graduate School of Applied Sciences St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences of Switzerland, Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, University of Social Sciences Toulouse 1 - Capitole, National University of Technology and Management (CNAM) (France), London Metropolitan University (UK), England Ruskin University (UK), University of Derby (UK), University of Pforzheim (Germany), American John Cabot University in Rome (Italy), University of Rome III (Italy), Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), École Supérieure de Management Angers (campuses in Paris, Budapest, Shanghai), École Supérieure de Management Clermont (France), University Paris Diderot 7 (France), Toulouse Business School (France), Lyon Business School (France), Southern University Toulon-Var (France), University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis (France), University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), Kanagawa University (Japan), International Institute of Surrey, Northeast Financial and Economic University of Dalian and the University of Surrey (China), Institute of Advanced Studies (Austria), University of Neapolis/Paphos (Cyprus), Marie Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

2 international MBA programs: with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management/University (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and the International Academy of Business (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Collaboration in the scientific field
The main directions of international scientific cooperation of the Financial University are as follows:

Preparation and holding of international scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, round tables at the Financial University.
Participation in international scientific conferences, congresses, symposia, seminars abroad.
Development and implementation of joint research projects.
Youth international projects.
Publications by teachers of the Financial University in foreign publishing houses.
Export of educational services (training of specialists for foreign countries)
In recent years, the number of foreign students at the Financial University has increased significantly. If in 2004, 292 foreign citizens from 38 countries studied here, then in 2008 there were already 340 foreign students, and as of the beginning of 2015, the number of foreign students was 1,137 people from 45 countries.

Over the past five years, 160 foreign teachers and specialists have completed internships at the Financial University.

Import of educational services (visiting professors)
Over the past two years alone, outstanding economists, government officials, and representatives of the global business community have given separate lectures and series of lectures at the Financial University. Among them are Nobel Peace Prize laureate M. Yunus, famous Polish politician and scientist G. Kolodko, Chairman of the German Bundestag Commission on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Ms. Daimler-Gmelin, Vice-President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales M. Hagen, executive director of the Association of German Banks M. Weber, general director of the oil service company Kungur Holding P. Ostling, prominent American scientists I. Adizes and L. Dore, German scientists P.-G. Schmidt, D. Haase, A. Pohl; Swiss banker R.P. Frener, British entrepreneur and auditor D. Townsend, Professor at the University of King Juan Carlos Mr. Jesus Huerta de Soto (Spain), Representative of the International Finance Corporation (USA) Ms. Judith Buruch, Advisor to the Government of France, Director General of the European Institute for Financial Regulation Professor Edouard Francois de Lenkesang (France), Secretary General of the Banking Association of Central and Eastern European Countries (BACEE) Mr. Istvan Lengyel, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to the Russian Federation Aydin Adnan Sezgin, representatives of the Department of Public Finance Management of the Ministry of Budget and Public Accounts and employees of the Republic of France Dominique Copin Perriot and Xavier Humbert, President of SAP Frank Cohen, Head of the Secretariat of the Federal Budget of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management of Brazil Celia Correa and others.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 10.12.2012

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 290-od

Operator name: Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

Operator location address: 125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, GSP-3

Start date of personal data processing: 01.09.1920

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Altai region, Amur region, Arkhangelsk region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Volgograd region, Voronezh region, Kaluga region, Kirov region, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow, Moscow region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Oryol region, Penza region, Perm region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Rostov region, Samara region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region

Purpose of processing personal data: with the aim of 1. Satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional professional education, 2. Satisfying the needs of society and the state for qualified specialists with secondary and higher professional education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, 3. Development of sciences through scientific research by scientific and pedagogical workers and students, use of the results obtained in the educational process, 4. Training, retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers, 5. Dissemination of knowledge among the population of the country, increasing its educational and cultural level, 6. Preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The following is implemented: a permit system for accessing users and service personnel to information resources, the information system and works and documents associated with its use, limiting user access to information by category, limiting user access to premises where technical means are located that allow the processing of personal data, and also in the premises in which storage media with personal data are stored, delimiting access of users and service personnel to information resources, software tools for processing and protecting information, preventing the introduction of malicious programs (virus programs) and software bookmarks into information systems.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, education, profession, income, health status, Home number, mobile number and contact phone number, Email address, Passport data, Information related to family members and close relatives indicated by the subject of personal data in his personal data and in his autobiography, Information related to the work activity or study of the subject of personal data, Information related to the performance of military duty by the subject of personal data, Information on the amount of salary ( official salary, incentive allowances, bonuses, other payments) or scholarships at the university, Information about the financial situation of the parents, husband (wife), children of the personal data subject, Data necessary for the Financial University and the personal data subject to fulfill financial obligations to government bodies or to third parties persons in accordance with the law, Only for persons listed in the relevant order of the rector - information about the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitative grounds.

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: guided by the Civil Code, Labor Code, Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125 “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, paragraphs. 5, 7 hours 1 tbsp. 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 “On Personal Data”

Availability of cross-border transmission: Yes

The University under the Government of the Russian Federation" will soon celebrate its centenary. This is the oldest university for training financiers, economists, lawyers, IT specialists, mathematicians, political scientists and sociologists. Applicants will find the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, whose address in Moscow is: Leningradsky Prospekt, building 49. The postal code of this university is 125993.

Famous Alumni

The graduates who at different times were given a start in life by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, for the most part, went on to have good careers. Among them are government officials, directors of banks, corporations, government funds, ministers and deputies, and prominent political figures. For example, V. S. Pavlov, former Chairman of the Government of the USSR, ministers of finance of different years - A. G. Zverev, I. N. Lazarev, I. I. Fadeev, V. E. Orlov, B. G. Fedorov, V. G. Panskov, A. G. Siluanov.

There are many among graduates, graduates and bank managers. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation included N.V. Garetovsky, N.K. Sokolov, V.V. Gerashchenko, A.I. Akimov from Gazprombank, V.A. Dmitriev from Vnesheconombank, B.I. Zlatkis from Sberbank. In the same galaxy are the Chairman of the Federation Council for Financial Markets and Budget N.A. Zhuravlev, A.V. Drozdov from the Pension Fund, a very rich man M.D. Prokhorov and other worthy people.

Ministers, governors, deputies and other prominent figures graduated from: R.V. Kopin, L.V. Kuznetsov, N.S. Maksimova, M.E. Ogloblina, E.V. Panina, A.V. Krutov, D. A. Svishchev, A. G. Khloponin, V.E. Chistova.

Students from abroad, who received higher education from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, also made good careers in their homeland. For example, Nguyen Cong Ngien became the Deputy Minister of Finance of Vietnam, and Cheng Wei became the rector of Liaolin University in China.

Glorious path

First there was a financial institute, then an academy, which always specialized in finance, and today the university has expanded incredibly, becoming a large scientific and educational complex. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, reviews of which formed the basis of this article, today has nineteen faculties, six of which are in branches, the rest in Moscow.

There are one hundred and sixty departments operating at the faculties, including eighty-six in branches, the rest - twelve basic ones, three for further professional education programs and fifty-nine higher education departments - in Moscow. In addition, the university has ten institutes in its structure, among which, in addition to the Institute of Open and Correspondence Education, the Institute of Shortened Programs and the Institute of Development Projects, there are three scientific and four further education institutes.

In addition, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, whose departments are so numerous and diverse, has three higher schools, two scientific laboratories, two educational laboratories, and three scientific centers. The structure also includes twenty-nine branches, including fourteen higher education programs, four higher and secondary vocational education programs, the rest operate under secondary vocational education programs. This university also has two colleges.


The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation simultaneously trains 51,579 people, of which 23,712 are full-time, part-time - 567, part-time - 27,300 students. Twelve directions for the preparation of bachelors in twenty-eight profiles, eleven directions for the preparation of masters with more than 50 master's programs are implemented here. The training of specialists in its structure is based on the concept of continuous level education, that is, secondary vocational education - bachelor - higher professional education - master. Learning has different forms and trajectories.

Also, nine educational programs for secondary vocational education, ten MBA programs and one hundred and eight programs for retraining and advanced training of financiers are being implemented here. The level of student preparation is very high; after graduation, wide opportunities open up for further employment and building a successful career. Therefore, the competition for obtaining an education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is always quite high.


The generally recognized and indispensable quality of the programs is due to the high professional level of the teaching staff. In Moscow alone, the university is supported by 1,535 teachers, of which 1,213 have an academic degree: 341 doctors of science and 872 candidates. The university has 805 teachers with academic titles: 236 professors, 551 associate professors, 18 senior researchers.

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, whose branches are numerous and crowded, has, in addition to Moscow, 1,404 teachers, among them 835 work in HE programs, 569 in SPO. There are also 761 teachers with academic titles in the branches: 80 professors, 343 associate professors, and there are also senior researchers. Every year, about forty percent of the university’s teaching staff undergo advanced training.

Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg has known the history of the branch that created the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation for a long time. In the 30s of the last century, there was an urgent need for specialists capable of working in the financial system of the USSR. At first it was the Leningrad Financial College, and only in 2006 the college turned into a higher education institution. In addition to basic higher financial and economic education, the St. Petersburg branch of the Financial University trains, retrains and improves the qualifications of specialists.

Modern educational programs are being implemented: finance and credit, business informatics, financial management. Additional disciplines are also available that are necessary for executive branch specialists, managers of enterprises and organizations, federal and regional authorities. Here, too, there is multi-level continuous education, which includes the following stages:

  • secondary vocational education;
  • pre-university preparation for school students entering the branch;
  • university preparation of bachelors;
  • advanced training and short-term retraining of specialists.


Moscow also knows the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation well and never ceases to be amazed at its effectiveness. One of the first universities in the Russian Federation to register an endowment fund (from English endowment - donation, contribution). This is a non-profit endowment that finances organizations in the fields of medicine, education, culture and science. The university does not spend these funds, but transfers them to a professional company for trust management. The income from the “rolling” of this money is directed to the purposes determined by the donors, and the main monetary capital continues to work. In 2014, the fund’s fortune was equal to 268,856,893.10 rubles.


The university is constantly developing. The driving force for this was the innovative educational program he developed in the financial education system to prepare financial leaders capable of working in a competitive economy. This is already the third generation of state educational standards for higher professional education.

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation thus supports the direction "Economics", profiles "Credit and Economic", "Financial and Economic", "International Business and the World Economy", "Accounting and Audit", "Taxes and Taxation". New technologies in education provide for the introduction of individual educational trajectories. In this way, a competency-based approach to the educational process in the training of specialists is formed.

New technologies in the educational process

The university introduces “Bologna” methods into the learning process: a modular form of education, not a linear one, the formation of mobile groups, the establishment of an institute of tutors, lectures are given by invited professors and foreign experts, including in English, rating assessment of the knowledge system, active forms of learning - cases, role-playing and business games, situational tasks and much more, the introduction of electronic manuals, textbooks on disks.

Multimedia training programs are also in great use - classes in training laboratories at the department of financial management, for example, in accounting. Electronic libraries are being formed at the departments and computer testing is being carried out. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation uses distance learning, based on interactive technologies, both in the system of training specialists and in improving the qualifications of financiers and economists.

Library complex

There are nine libraries in Moscow that belong to the Financial University, and there are another thirty-two in regional branches. The printed fund consists of 2,852,054 items, including scientific and educational manuals, literature in many languages ​​of the world, as well as a dissertation fund. Of course, most of the books are periodicals on economic topics, but there is also fiction and a collection of rare books. The libraries are excellently equipped with computer equipment, there is a global Internet and a local network, which is integrated into the university-wide network.

A huge part of the library complex is electronic resources that support both the educational process and scientific work. Almost sixty full-text databases with a data volume of more than one hundred and fifty million documents are available both via the university’s IP and remotely. There is an electronic library with monographs, educational and methodological literature, abstracts, scientific articles and many other materials.


The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has a structural division of the Moscow Financial College, where students study full-time and part-time, as well as in preparatory courses. There are well-equipped laboratories and classrooms, a canteen and a first-aid post, assembly and sports halls, and an excellent library.

Many thousands of financial professionals came from here. Graduates work in all areas of industry, in the civil service, as well as in banks and commercial organizations, often occupying senior management positions. The college has the most positive reviews on the quality of training of specialists from both commercial and government agencies.

Scientific research

The university successfully conducts consulting and research activities, and educational and scientific departments are developing. The priority for research, of course, is government funding. One hundred and ten research projects with funding volumes of about two hundred million rubles were carried out in 2014 alone.

54 departments not only of Moscow Central University, but also departments in the Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Penza branches took part. Thirteen scientific departments worked on these topics, about four hundred teachers and more than eighty graduate students. Thirteen projects were carried out by joint creative teams. Researchers reported to an expert commission from the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, research was carried out again according to the State Order, and the amount of funding exceeded two hundred million rubles. Six hundred performers developed projects, this time with the active participation of students and undergraduates. Under a business agreement, government contracts were concluded based on the results of this professional competition. The main customers were the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, Sberbank of Russia, GOSZNAK, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal and many other institutions and organizations. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation always receives wonderful reviews from clients.

The goal of student scientific activity is to improve the quality of training - first of all, and along the way they form the basis of professional creative thinking, they master methods, skills, techniques for carrying out research work, as well as design and engineering work, they develop the ability for scientific creativity and independent research, initiative .

Outside the classroom

Even after finishing seminars and lectures, students of this university do not stop studying science. Mass competitive events of various levels are organized - departmental, faculty, city and regional, all-Russian and international. These include scientific seminars, symposia and conferences, competitions and exhibitions of scientific work and research, Olympiads in specialties and disciplines.

The most important part of the life of the university is its international activities. Our partners today are foreign universities and research centers for insurance and banking education, various business schools, centers that take qualifying exams and issue internationally recognized certificates, carry out examination of training programs and accreditation of universities, foreign banks, auditing, insurance and industrial companies, and also scientific foundations located abroad. There are intensive contacts with institutions in Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, China, France, and the USA.