Abstract: Russian National Unity. Russian National Unity

Russian National Unity

VOPD "Russian National Unity"

Council of VOPD RNE

Date of foundation:

VOPD "Russian National Unity"(All-Russian Public Patriotic Movement "Russian National Unity", VOPD RNE) is a Russian far-right nationalist organization and paramilitary organization, also operating in some countries - former republics of the Soviet Union. He advocates limiting the rights of persons of non-Russian nationality and increasing the role of the Orthodox Church. Founded by Alexander Barkashov, but currently governed by a council of regional commanders.

The organization is not officially registered at the federal level; prohibited by law in a number of regions, incl. in Moscow.


The basic principles of the movement are:

  • National debt
  • National ideology
  • Russian Orthodox traditions


Movement in the 1990s


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Russian National Unity” is in other dictionaries:

    Russian National Unity: Russian National Unity (1990) is an all-Russian social movement created in 1990 and led by Alexander Barkashov, also called the “Barkashov Guard”. Russian national unity... ... Wikipedia

    It is proposed to merge this page with the OOPD “Russian National Unity” ... Wikipedia

    OOPD "Russian National Unity" Leader: Chairman of the Central Council of RNU Barkashov A.P. Date of foundation: October 16, 1990 Headquarters: Moscow Ideology ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Russian national unity. New “Russian National Unity” Leader: Council of Regional Organizations ... Wikipedia

    RUSSIAN NATIONAL UNITY (RNE) ALL-RUSSIAN PUBLIC POLITICAL MOVEMENT- the most famous and numerous neo-Nazi organization in Russia. RNE openly declares the positive significance of the political experience of Nazi Germany and the advisability of its use at all levels of government in... ... Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book of Religions of the Peoples of Modern Russia

    The unification of peoples, nationalities and tribes around the Russian people in a single state. Over the more than thousand-year history of Russia, it has included over 100 large and small nations, different in language, culture, and lifestyle. Such... ...Russian history

For several years now, the whole country has been celebrating this holiday - National Unity Day. We are celebrating, but, it seems to me, we are losing sight of something very important, the very essence of this memorable date.

Look at the monument.

Who do you see there? It would seem a strange question - every citizen of Russia (if he is not a savage) knows that these are Minin and Pozharsky.

Who are they? Well, who... Minin is a posadsky ("common people"). Pozharsky - prince (aristocracy).

On this monument, to complete the picture, only one figure is missing, largely thanks to which Minin and Pozharsky accomplished their feat. What is missing is Patriarch Hermogenes, martyred in the Kremlin by the Poles, who before his death sent out his appeals throughout Russia demanding not to obey the adversary and defend the freedom of his Motherland.

And somewhere around the same time, a simple Russian peasant named Ivan led a Polish detachment into the Kostroma swamps. To die there in this swamp himself, but to save the life of the Russian Tsar.

Church. Nobility. People... King...

This is national unity - the unity of the entire nation, all its constituent parts.

In the 20th century, we Russians performed a terrible experiment on ourselves, trying to build our own new society on foreign European theories and even breed a new breed of man. One of the signs of that cherished society was its declared classlessness. The idea may have sounded tempting, but being completely divorced from life, it naturally turned out to be wrong. The experiment failed, almost destroying all of Russia, all of Russian civilization, in the 90s.

Yes, we have bad elites today. But they did not come to us from Mars. They are the flesh of our people. What people are like are the elites. Therefore, we should not scold them, we should scold ourselves, all of us as a whole.

But we prefer something else - to praise ourselves (the people are holy! the people are always right!), but we treat all the rich and influential, to put it mildly, with suspicion and distrust. For some reason, we want people who have shouldered the unbearable burden of governing the Empire to go to work in a trolleybus and stand in line with us for sausage for 2.20. But this doesn’t happen... This only happens in social experiments that have nothing to do with REAL life.

Fellow citizens! My brothers and sisters! Remember: there have always been elites and there will always be elites. This is the immutable social law of our life. Fighting the rich, fighting the elites is stupid. This is the path to self-destruction, because the elites and aristocracy are as integral a part of the nation as the “common people.” Without its own elites, any nation perishes and degenerates. We have experienced all this ourselves - having been left in the 20th century without Russian elites, we entered the 21st century with anti-Russian elites, with all these Seven Bankers and other monsters, which we still cannot get rid of! A holy place is never empty. And if a nation cuts out and drives out its own elites, then this place will simply be taken by other people for whom Russia and the Russian people are only a means of earning money.

Compatriots! We must fight not against the elites, but for them to be NATIONAL. For them to live by the Russian national interest and defend it in their important government positions.

After 70 years of the USSR, we still believe that national unity is only the unity of all tribes and peoples living on the territory of Russia. But this is a deep mistake. National unity is, first of all, the unity of the nation itself. The unity of all its classes and social groups, all its constituent parts. Unity based on a common idea, a common culture, a common historical destiny.

This is what we need to think about today, on this day - about the unity of all classes of society around one common idea. And there can be only one such idea in Russia - the construction of a Russian Orthodox Empire. Any other idea is doomed to failure, as we have already seen twice in the last 100 years.

What was Rus' like in the pre-Tatar era?

A collection of lands, more or less isolated, headed by different branches of one princely family, which managed to acquire the significance of local dynasties, with the exception of Veliky Novgorod and the capital Kyiv. These latter received princes from one or another branch, depending on the circumstances, therefore, they remained, so to speak, in the common possession of the descendants of Vladimir the Great. Kyiv still retained the significance of a center in church and civil terms in general. Vladimir-Zalessky himself submitted to his supremacy in this regard. Although Suzdal Rus' prevailed over other lands with its power, its political supremacy was not generally recognized. She made her claims only under two princes (Andrei Bogolyubsky and Vsevolod III), who knew how to keep the Suzdal land itself united; and then, under their successors, it temporarily lost its dominance due to its own fragmentation. Consequently, in this era, Rus' had almost no political center. The historian can observe in it the same phenomenon that we see in other countries when they are left to themselves, i.e. when strong external pressure does not weigh on them: naturally, through a sense of self-preservation, a certain system of political balance begins to develop. If any reign grew too strong and began to crowd out its neighbors, it provoked alliances of other princes against itself. These unions often change and become more complex; but in the end they usually manage to defend the political existence of individual lands and prevent the consolidation of any power that is dangerous to their independence.

Although Rus' was surrounded by peoples more or less hostile to it, none of these neighbors was strong enough to threaten its independence. The Poles, at that time themselves fragmented into fiefs, the Ugrians, Lithuania, Germans, Swedes, Kama Bulgarians and Cumans could only threaten border possessions. They sometimes temporarily dominated in some area, like the Ugrians in Galich, or seized lands inhabited by foreigners and little valued by Russia, like the Germans and Swedes on the Baltic coasts, or ruined the Russian Ukrainians with their raids, like the Polovtsians; but there was nothing more they could do. Unconstrained from the outside, the Russian people had the opportunity to freely develop their appanage order and their original citizenship.

Despite all the fragmentation into separate independent lands and the lack of a political focus, Rus' of that time still represents important and varied conditions that connected its parts into one whole and, to some extent, imposed on them the stamp of national unity:

1. The very nature of nature prevented the complete isolation of individual lands - the nature of the plain, not divided by any natural barriers and covered by a huge network of inland waters. Its three main basins, the Volga, Dnieper and Dvina, bringing their peaks closer together and intertwined with countless tributaries, connected parts of this plain with natural and, at that time, the most convenient routes of communication; Consequently, they supported living unity, industrial and commercial, and at the same time influenced political unity.

2. The same rich Russian language reigned throughout this vast space. Its two main dialects, northern and southern (later Great Russian and Little Russian), although they already existed at that time, were, apparently, still so close that they stood rather on the level of dialects that were easily understandable to each other. Regional differences were already numerous at that time, developed under the influence of geographical diversity and local foreign admixtures; but they did not violate the unity of the language. Book literature, which was based on the Church Slavonic language with its translations of liturgical and sacred books, also served as a strong connecting principle for all areas. Written speech also diversified across regions under the influence of local dialects; but even this influence, while still weak, did not violate the unity of the book language.

3. The Orthodox Church served as a powerful bond, spreading the unity of religious dogmas and rituals, imposing the unity of its hierarchy on all Russian regions. The old pagan legends, of course, continued to live among the people: they diversified according to various local conditions and foreign admixtures and invaded the religious life of the people in the form of numerous superstitions. But the Christian Church everywhere opposed them with its immutable system of religion, strictly developed and consolidated by ecumenical councils. Greek Orthodoxy spread in all Russian regions the same types of temple architecture, icon painting and other arts that served for the external decoration and splendor of the church, and thus irresistibly influenced the unification of both the techniques themselves in the figurative arts and artistic tastes in general.

4. Although the diversity of climate, soil, natural products, foreign admixtures and other regional conditions contributed to the development of some differences in the life and character of the population, these differences did not violate the unity of the main features and general structure of Russian life, both family and social. In all regions of Rus', we find the same family relations, social institutions, estates, the same nature of princely power, court and administration, the same relationship between the squad and the zemstvo, the same veche customs - at least in general, main features .

5. The unity of the Russian lands was especially supported by the same princely family - the many-branched descendants of Old Igor, who for a long time jointly owned all these lands and observed a certain order of clan seniority when replacing the Kyiv and other main tables. If the prince died before reaching the senior table, then his sons lost the right to this table. But the rogue princes who came from here stubbornly defended their right to participate in the ownership of the Russian land. (From there, as is known, many civil strife.) In addition, the order of clan seniority already early met its opponent in the desire of the princes to inherit their grandfather and fatherland.

6. In inextricable connection with Igor’s descendants, Russian squads spread everywhere, the initial core of which was the Middle Dnieper, or Kievo-Chernigov, Rus'. Having settled with their princes in different regions of Eastern Europe, these squads gradually merged with the upper layer of the native population, both Slavic and partly foreign, and everywhere they served as the basis of the local aristocracy, military and landowning.

The concept of the inextricability of Russian lands with one princely family had managed to take root so much everywhere that in Novgorod the Great itself, with all its desire for identity and rule of the people, the thought of the possibility of being governed without a Russian prince, who came from the same Igorevich tribe, had not yet arisen. With the gradual decline of the great Kyiv reign, which united all Russian lands, the regional branches of this tribe still did not forget about their common origin, their common possession of the Russian land, and the need to act together in some cases. The consciousness of this blood connection and this community was most clearly expressed in the princely congresses, which are, as it were, the supreme court for the princes themselves and the supreme council or a number of them for the most important issues, such as, in particular, the division of volosts between princes and joint enterprises against external enemies. For almost two centuries, from Yaroslav to the Mongol yoke, we see quite frequent princely congresses, both local ones, relating only to a certain region, and more general ones, at which the affairs of either the whole of Rus' or a significant part of it were discussed. However, we almost never see such almost universal and famous congresses as Lyubetsky and Vitichevsky in the second half of the 12th and the first of the 13th centuries. (The exception is the Kiev Congress at the first appearance of the Tatars.)

The degree of unity at which the Russian lands were located at that time was more or less effective for protecting Rus' from neighboring peoples. But it turned out to be far from sufficient when new hordes of barbarians arrived from the east, from Asia, guided by one despotic will, one predatory desire.

National unity

concept and activity reflecting the integrity of the existence of ethnic communities within the nation.

Not. caused by both natural and social factors, internal and external, it is mediated by the interaction of ethnic subjects in various fields: economics, technology, science, politics, art, sports, religion, etc. At the individual level, non-ethnicity is determined by national feelings, psychology , features of people's life and activities together.

Not. does not mean justice and equality in receiving benefits, but can be beneficial to all subjects. Federation, confederation of states, union as a community (European Community), colonialism, internationalism - various forms of N. e.

Ethnopsychological Dictionary. - M.: MPSI. V.G. Krysko. 1999.

See what “national unity” is in other dictionaries:

    NATIONAL UNITY- a concept and activity that reflects the integrity of the existence of ethnic communities within the nation. Not. caused by both natural and social factors, internal and external, it is mediated by the interaction of ethnic subjects in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    National Unity (party)- National unity of Azerbaijanis. Milli Birlik ... Wikipedia

    Russian National Unity (1990)- This page is proposed to be merged with the OOPD “Russian National Unity” ... Wikipedia

    OOPD "Russian National Unity"- This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted/August 10, 2012. While the process is being discussed... Wikipedia

    Russian National Unity (Barkashova)- OOPD “Russian National Unity” Leader: Chairman of the Central Council of RNU Barkashov A.P. Date of foundation: October 16, 1990 Headquarters: Moscow Ideology ... Wikipedia

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    VOPD "Russian National Unity"- Leader: Council of the VOPD RNE Date of foundation: 2000 Headquarters ... Wikipedia

    Russian National Unity (2000)- This term has other meanings, see Russian National Unity. New “Russian National Unity” Leader: Council of Regional Organizations ... Wikipedia

    Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity

    Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity- maked. Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity Leader: Nikola Gruevski ... Wikipedia


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Russian National Unity

Russian people!
Our enemy has begun the final stage of destroying Russia and the Russian people. He is preparing a new package of “reforms” for us. He is infuriated by the fact that, despite the complete collapse of the army and industry, rampant crime, the depreciation of money, beggarly wages and a half-starved existence, the Russian people did not fight brother against brother in the civil war.
Now only a strong, disciplined organization, ready for decisive and tough actions to protect the interests of the Russian Nation. This is the Russian National Unity, which has in fact proven its loyalty to Russia and the Russian nation.
Only Russian nationalists are bearers of the national idea and put the interests of the Nation above all else.
Only Russian National Unity will establish Russian order on Russian soil, which:
· stop the colonization of Russia,
· will stop the genocide of Russians and Russians anywhere in the world,
· will restore the priority of spiritual values ​​over material ones,
· will protect Russians and Russians anywhere in the world,
· preserve raw material reserves for future generations,
· will provide jobs, housing, free medical care and free education,
· solve the most important issue of maternal and child health protection,
· will ensure a decent life and old age for Russian citizens.

^ What is PHE, what are its main tasks?

Russian National Unity (RNE) is a socio-political movement of the Russian People. The goal of the movement is the restoration of Russia as a national state and the revival of the Russian Nation.
The movement arose in 1990, when the most active and disciplined members, headed by A.P. Barkashov, left the NPF "MEMORY", dissatisfied with the methods of work of "Memory" - empty talk and costumed theatrical performances.
In contrast to this, an active, decisive, uncompromising organization with military discipline was created - Russian National Unity, which over the several years of its existence turned into a powerful political force uniting all social groups of the Russian Nation. In October 1993, RNE, through deeds and shed blood, proved its dedication to the idea of ​​revival The Russian Nation, without flinching either under the bullets or under the shells of the traitors to the Nation.
Currently, RNU branches exist in 400 cities of Russia and in almost all republics of the former Soviet Union. The organization has tens of thousands of active members working for the benefit of Russia and the Russian Nation.
Today RNE faces three main tasks:
1) Preventing the collapse of Russia;
2) Uniting the Russian Nation with a single national ideology;
H) Creation throughout Russia of an organization with strict discipline from the most active and capable part of the Russian people. The fulfillment of these three tasks resolves the issue of restoring national power.

^ Who are Russian Nationalists?

^ Why do RNU members wear black shirts and paramilitary uniforms?

The very fact of the emergence of a paramilitary national movement already stimulates the will of the people to fight the enemies who are shamelessly, brazenly and with impunity now robbing our country. Now, when an undeclared war is being waged against the Russian people, the appearance of an organization whose members are dressed in paramilitary uniforms demoralizes the enemy, demonstrating to him the unity and determination of the people to fight until victory for their independence.
Our black shirts and paramilitary uniforms are a national act of will, evidence of a voluntary renunciation of vain pleasures and worries for the sake of a higher goal - the liberation of Russia. Today, when our Fatherland is desecrated and humiliated, and the enemy rules our land, we put on black shirts, like warrior-monks in the old days who walked in the front rows in black robes, inspiring the entire army. Today, when all oaths have been destroyed, we seem to swear allegiance to the Fatherland and the Nation with the words:
"Russia or Death!"

^ Who is the leader of Russian National Unity?

The leader of Russian National Unity, its founder is Alexander Petrovich Barkashov.
Alexander Petrovich Barkashov was born on October 6, 1953 in Moscow, in the family of a worker Pyotr Kuzmich Barkashov and a nurse Lidia Petrovna Barkashova (Farafonova). They come from the village of Sennitsy, Ozersky district, Moscow region. A.P. Barkashov’s wife, Valentina Petrovna, is also from there. In 1971, A.P. Barkashov graduated from high school in Moscow. From 1972 to 1974 he served in the Armed Forces. From 1974 to 1985 he worked as an electrician at Mosenergo CHPP-20 - the same place where his father worked.
In 1985, Alexander Petrovich joined the National Patriotic Front "Memory". In 1986 he was elected to the Central Council of "Memory", and in 1989 - deputy chairman. In October 1990, with a group of associates in the NPF “Memory,” A.P. Barkashov founded the “Russian National Unity” movement, which he still leads. Has three children.
A.P. Barkashov has been practicing karate for more than 20 years, he is a coach with considerable experience. He has an international qualification of 3rd dan (black belt) in Shotokan style. On his own, in consultation with specialists, he studied: history, archeology, historical ethnography, history of religions, philosophy, psychology. Currently, the second edition of his brochure “The ABC of the Russian Nationalist” has been published, which contains articles by A.P. Barkashov published in 1990 - 1994.

^ What does the RNE emblem mean?

The RNE emblem - Kolovrat against the background of an eight-pointed star, means the presence of God in Russia. The left swastika (in Russian “kolovrat” or solstice) is the oldest Russian sign, depicted on weapons and clothing back in the times of Prince Svyatoslav and Saint Vladimir.
Remember the legendary Ryazan hero Evpatiy Kolovrat, who fought with a handful of comrades against the hordes of Batu?
Shortly before the revolution, Russian Tsar Nicholas II issued banknotes with a swastika on the background of a double-headed eagle, which were in circulation until 1922. The left swastika (kolovrat) for Russians means the presence and protection of God in the fight against enemies and is the main sign opposing the main Judeo-Masonic symbol - the five-pointed star. The eight-pointed star of Bethlehem, under which Jesus Christ was born, is found on all Russian icons of the Mother of God, the patroness of Russia, and symbolizes Russia. The combination of these two symbols means the presence of God in Russia.

^ What does the RNE greeting mean?

Our greeting is raised with the words “Glory to Russia!” up hand - the oldest Slavic greeting. A hand raised forward upward - towards God - with an open palm, means that we give priority to the spiritual and Spirit over the earthly and material.

^ By what principle is RNE governed?

RNE proceeds from the ineffectiveness of the system of parliamentary democracy to solve the problems facing the Nation. In addition, RNE believes that the regime of parliamentary democracy and the political parties generated by it are a tool with the help of which the world financial oligarchy imposes alien forms of political life on the Russian People and misleads the Russian People regarding their true interests and goals. Unlike parliamentary parties, RNU is a political organization of an authoritarian type. It builds its activities on the principle of authoritarian leadership. This means that any person with a certain competence in the Movement has absolute decision-making power and bears absolute responsibility for the decisions made. Outside of his/her competence, this person is guided by the decisions of the Chief Companion and his/her immediate supervisor. This type of political organization is based on the power of professionals - each in his own field. At the same time, the practice of fruitless and useless voting is eradicated. To help make the best decisions, a council is created for each commander from his immediate subordinates. This is a council in the truest sense of the word - it is not engaged in voting, but in giving advice. Anyone can give advice, but the decision is made by the commander - and he bears full responsibility for it. This is the fundamental difference between a political organization of an authoritarian type and one of a parliamentary type (where all decisions are made by an incompetent majority that is not responsible for anything), as well as from an organization of a totalitarian type (where leadership is replaced by the dictates of the party center, imposing its will on the mass of ordinary members and hiding behind the principle of imaginary “collective decision-making” - as in the former CPSU).

^ The need for the emergence of a political organization of the Russian Nation.

In Russia now there are many fraternities, i.e. associations of people based on nationality to defend the interests of their nation - Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, etc. (in Moscow alone - 40 fraternities). But when the next branch of the RNE opens, in fact a Russian community on Russian soil, humanists-universal people raise a terrible cry, accusing us of chauvinism, fascism and all mortal sins. And this is only because we dare to speak out loud about the defense of the Russian Nation.
Such behavior is fully consistent with the views of the Bolshevik revolutionary V. Lenin, as set out by him in his works on great-power chauvinism and the right of nations to self-determination. According to these views, all peoples of Russia, except the Russians, had the right to self-determination. This is fully consistent with the strategic plan that marked the beginning of the Cold War (PL - 86-90), adopted by the US Congress. This is the “Strategic Plan for Ensuring the National Security Interests of the United States,” in which the USSR, called Russia in this plan, was recognized as the main enemy of the United States and its allies, that is, Western civilizations. One of the penultimate stages of achieving these same US national security interests was proclaimed the dismemberment of Russia into more than 20 independent states. The ideological justification for this division, like Lenin’s, was the position that the Russian People are an imperial nation and have always oppressed the small nationalities of Russia. In accordance with this, the right of all small peoples of Russia to create their own independent states was proclaimed and all assistance to these processes was encouraged. (The creation of the Russian state was not envisaged either by Lenin or in the US strategic plans).
Is it necessary to talk about what would await the Russian people, who would form the majority of the population of the new “sovereign” states, if this program were implemented? Vivid examples of this are Kazakhstan, where Russians, making up the majority of the local population, experience oppression and infringement of rights by the Kazakh minority, and Estonia, where such actions have been elevated to the rank of state policy. Thus, the activities of the Bolshevik communists and modern anti-Russian activities and plans of Western civilization led by the United States, as well as the activities of home-grown “politicians” guided by similar principles, are a conspiracy against the Russian People. Accordingly, the Russian People must use adequate organizational and political methods to defend their right to life and independent development.
Glory to Russia!

^ Russia has no other way

We must clearly realize that Russia does not live in a vacuum. It is surrounded by what is today called global civilization. And Russia, willingly or unwillingly, throughout its history fit into this global model. In order to understand what kind of future awaits us in such an environment, we must understand what “world civilization” is. Today, the entire civilization can be roughly divided into several forms, but we can single out two main ones: Western civilization, which includes the industrialized countries of the West, centered in the United States, and Eastern civilization, the stronghold of which is Japan and China.
Both of these civilizations - Western and Eastern - are in a stage of deepest crisis. The question arises: how can it be that they are so developed and suddenly there is a crisis? Western civilization is in a state of resource crisis. There is a huge industry to meet the needs of the population, but there are no raw materials for it. And now these countries are forced to wage a global struggle for sources of raw materials. And raw materials must be cheap to maintain a high standard of living in these countries. If the raw materials are expensive, the manufactured product will also be expensive. This means that there will not be a high standard of living in these countries. What is a decline in living standards, for example, in America? They don't know how to endure like we do. Example? The most powerful unrest in the late 80s in seven major US cities - only because industrial capacity decreased by 0.8 percent and prices increased slightly. This small crisis immediately affected the most socially disadvantaged groups of the population - that is, the blacks. Social stratification occurred, which immediately developed into interracial hostility and violence. This is what a decline in living standards means for the United States.
The energy crisis is also on the doorstep of developed European countries. Every schoolchild knows that the planet's raw materials are limited...
Eastern civilization has its own crisis. Overpopulation crisis. Since not all territories of the Earth are suitable for human life, and the population growth in Asian countries is enormous, a natural territorial crisis arises. This is an objective pattern. And if we take the history of mankind, it turns out that the confrontations between tribes and peoples were over the possession of territories suitable for life - pastures, black earth lands, water resources, sources of raw materials. Back in the Bronze Age!
And nothing has changed since then. The greater the industry's need for raw materials, the more territories turn into spheres of survival.
So, since the Earth's raw materials resources will decrease and the population will increase, the crisis of Western and Eastern civilizations will worsen. This is an objective factor that no one will deny. And only on this basis can we predict the future of our planet.
What do we have today? Russia has almost 1/8 of the earth's land, which is very favorable for human life, as well as 40 percent of all the world's resources. Thus, we naturally become the target of the expansion of these countries. And no amount of cries about universal human values, that “the Earth is our common home,” will solve other people’s problems in our favor.
Anyone who is well acquainted with political science knows that the history of peoples is divided into periods of stability and instability. Periods of stability arise when the interests of states are balanced. Periods of instability are when they become unbalanced. The balance of interests is the law of political science. The strength of the state's economy and army is the extent to which its interests are taken into account. When one of the states increases its power, a period of instability immediately begins, expressed in the emergence of local and global military conflicts. For the redivision of the world, for the redistribution of territory, for the redistribution of sources of raw materials, This is also a law of history, a law of political science.
And no matter how much the Chinese, Americans and everyone else swear allegiance to us, they will still aim to solve their problems at our expense. Hence the goals and objectives of Russian National Unity. We must realize that no one will take us into account if we are weak. Today we see this in the example of Chechnya and Estonia, which, being dwarf entities with a small population, brazenly lay claim to the original Russian territories. What will we do in 5 years, when we are even more weakened? What will happen if today we cannot even put Estonia in its place?
We do not approve of communist ideology. But at least she somehow united our society. Of course, this is not national unity, but social unity. We felt like a single organism, we knew what was ours and what was someone else’s, and we defended ours. Now these bonds have been destroyed, but there are no others. Therefore, today, in the absence of a common ideology, each nation is trying to solve its problems on its own. Under these conditions, appealing to the Soviet Union makes no sense.
Today we Russians must say that if we do not unite, the fate of the Soviet Union awaits us. Russia will be dismembered by economic, social and political methods so that its regions become sources of raw materials for other countries. Naturally, if this is allowed, the territory of our country will turn into an international dump for chemical and radioactive waste, and our descendants will have a very bad fate. Firstly, the population in the regions will decline, and secondly, our people will simply become cheap labor for the extraction of raw materials. If we do not want such a fate, then today we must remember Russian National Unity. Russians must understand that they have their own national interests, which were bequeathed by our ancestors, who built Russia over a millennium.

^ RNE's attitude towards religion

Members of the RNE in their lives rely on those old forms of Orthodoxy inherent in the early Middle Ages, which served our ancestors as a spiritual basis in the creation and strengthening of the Russian state.

^ Does RNE cooperate with other political organizations?

Russian National Unity does not cooperate with any of the currently existing parties because none of them really defends the interests of Russia and the Russian Nation. The dwarf “pocket” nationalist parties that have recently appeared in large numbers are small in number, unorganized, do not have clear criteria for a nation and a national state and, therefore not presenting a real danger to the enemies of the Russian Nation, only hinder the unification of healthy nationalist forces into one fist.

^ RNE's attitude towards the Cossacks

Russian National Unity considers the Cossacks to be an integral part of the Russian People and does not separate the problem of the revival of the Cossacks from the issues of restoring all the legitimate rights of the Russian People, against whom the Judeo-communist genocide was carried out. RNU considers unacceptable attempts to contrast the Cossacks with other groups of the Russian People, each of which fulfills its duty to the Nation. RNE regards such attempts to manifest “Cossack separatism” as an attack on the unity of the Nation and the territorial integrity of Russia, that is, a fact of national and state treason.
Russian National Unity is interested in the revival of the Cossacks as the service class of the Russian People, as a full-fledged living organism, welded together by the bonds of camaraderie, conscious iron discipline and centuries-old Cossack traditions. The revival of the Cossacks should follow the path of its formation as a border military force, for which the following issues will be resolved at the state level;
1) Restoration of Cossack lands within the borders before 1917;
2) Introduction of ataman rule in all Cossack lands;
3) Creation of Cossack border military formations with mandatory wearing of Cossack uniforms and standard weapons;
4) Creation of conditions for Cossack youth to undergo military service in border Cossack military formations - with their further assignment to Cossack units deployed in border areas if necessary.

^ What is currently the main danger to the interests of the Russian people?

Today, RNU considers separatism and the threat of the collapse of Russia to be the main danger. After the collapse of the USSR, due to the emergence of local regional administrative elites in the republics, many “sovereign” republics appeared, the leaders of which became absolutely independent of the central government. The situation in Russia is now developing along this path. In recent years, in regions rich in raw materials, local elites have emerged - sort of appanage princes and khans who fully control the production of oil, gas, coal, metals, etc. The question of the economic sovereignty of these regions is being raised and has already been partially realized. And with the further decline in the authority of the central government and the growing chaos in the governance of Russia, the question of political independence will be raised. That is, we are talking about the possibility of the emergence of many independent states on Russian territory. In fact, the West's long-standing dream of dividing Russia into dozens of dwarf states is currently very close to being realized. But the interests of the local administrative and economic elite have nothing in common with the interests of the common people. Especially with the strategic interests of the Russian Nation. And Russian National Unity will defend the territorial integrity of Russia with all its might.

^ RNU's attitude to solving the Chechen problem.

^ Who accuses RNE of fascism and why?

Fascism and nationalism are two completely different concepts. Fascism at its core is a harsh dictatorship of the transitional period, carried out in the interests of large corporate structures, that is, an association of the very so-called “new Russians” who steal and fatten at the expense of the entire nation. Fascism will allow them to stabilize the situation in society, suppressing the discontent of the masses, as well as the political and trade union opposition, and will allow them to secure their future.
In contrast to fascism, national socialism, of which the RNU is a supporter, sets its main task the construction of a national state on the principles of social justice in the interests of the entire nation. Nationalism does not give any classes of society a privileged position and, because of this, does not suit the “new Russians”. Today, the main tactical task of the “new Russians” is to ride the national upsurge in the country and direct it along the path of fascism. To achieve this, two incompatible concepts are persistently mixed in people’s minds: nationalism (love for one’s nation, one’s Motherland) and fascism, in which the interests of a handful of financial oligarchs are placed above the interests of the entire nation. This is being done in order to completely confuse people and, under the guise of pseudo-nationalist slogans, to once again deceive the people by establishing a fascist dictatorship in the country, and to consolidate Russia’s position as a raw material appendage of the West, as envisaged by the architects of the “new world order.” Since today the RNU is the largest political movement of the national socialist direction, with its ideology and its existence it hinders the implementation of the plans of “capital”, it is natural that it is the RNU that is the object of special attention.
From here the meaning of attacks on Russian National Unity in the media becomes clear.

^ What is the press organ of PHE?

The printed organ of RHE is the newspaper "Russian Order". The newspaper's circulation is about 1,000,000 copies and is published in 7 cities of Russia.

^ Why should the order in the world be Russian?

Currently, the dominant world order is the “American world order” - the cult of power, materialism, and worship of the “golden calf.” The servants of this cult, who have seized power in most countries, shamelessly interfere in the internal affairs of any state with the aim of plundering and exploiting it to ensure the well-being of the “world democratic elite.” But standing in their way is the Russian People - the bearer of the best human qualities - spirituality, justice, honesty. A people who traditionally put the spiritual above the material.
Having revived the greatness of Russia, the Russian People will win the spiritual battle for the establishment of the Russian world order, based, as opposed to the American one, on justice and selfless service to its people.

^ Anthem of Russian National Unity

Words by Vadim Sazonov
We believe that the day will come soon,
When the furious fist clenches,
And the black darkness will recede before the Dawn
And the Russian banner will proudly develop.

The step becomes clearer, the fighting spirit becomes stronger,
The voice of our leader is getting louder.
Let us not disgrace our father’s traditions,
Going to the Glorious Battle for Rus'.

We have defeated our enemies before
And we will win, no matter what the battle is.
So let's all stand up, like our ancestors stood up,
Shoulder to shoulder in one united formation.

Close ranks, our strength is in unity,
The nation is strong with unity of steel.
We will defend Great Russia
In the final battle between the forces of Good and Evil.

Our hour has struck - forward, forward, Slavs,
The victorious Dawn is already rising,
And the wind proudly flutters the banner,
And the torches in the hands of the fighters burn.
We are not afraid of bullets or shells,

We believe that we can win:
After all, there must be one Order in the world.
And by right he should be Russian.

^ Who and how can join RNE

Any Russian person, regardless of age and gender, who shares the ideas of RNU and is ready not in words, but in deeds to defend the interests of the Russian Nation, can join the Russian National Unity. To do this, you need to contact any of the existing RNE divisions. In order for any Russian person to make his contribution to the cause of the liberation of Russia, there are three categories of participation in the RNU:
1. Companions - the core, the asset of the organization - people who devote most of their free time to work in the organization and have made a significant contribution to the creation and strengthening of RNE.
2. Companions - candidates for companions. These are people who are actively working in the organization, but for a number of reasons (not long enough to stay in the organization, have not proven themselves enough, etc.) are not yet ready to become colleagues.
3. Supporters are the largest category, the social support of RNU. They form a cohort of honest, decent, energetic and business people engaged in various areas of social and economic activity. Supporters are people who, for various reasons (age, employment, official position, etc.) cannot systematically carry out instructions. They provide the organization with all possible assistance.
By forming cells and divisions of RNU at their place of work and residence, supporters conduct propaganda and explanatory work among the population of their area - distribute party literature (newspapers, leaflets, books), tell the truth about the goals and objectives of the organization, breaking through the information blockade of RNU, and help in creating material -technical base (providing transport, copying and duplicating work, finding financial resources, etc.). Once or twice a month, supporters attend political classes held for them, where the basics of the RNE ideology are explained and an assessment of current events is given from the standpoint of Russian National Unity.
Each person joining RNE is interviewed, the purpose of joining, his biography are clarified, and incomprehensible points are briefly explained. Persons prone to drunkenness and drug addiction are not allowed into the organization. Next, it is decided in which category the entrant will be enrolled - either as a supporter or as a member of the main team.
Those applying for the title of comrade-in-arms or associate are initially sent to a special unit, the so-called “quarantine”, where they are carefully studied and involved in one-time events conducted by RNU, and are involved in the distribution of newspapers and leaflets. During the “quarantine”, people become more deeply acquainted with the ideology of the RNE and subsequently, after completing a course of general political education, they are transferred either to the main team, if the head of the “quarantine” considers this possible, or to supporters.

^ Military-patriotic activities of RNU for the education of youth

Within the structure of Russian National Unity, there are military-patriotic clubs that perform the functions of the now practically defunct DOSAAF - that is, they are engaged in the practical preparation of young people for military service. Military-patriotic clubs and associations exist in many cities of Russia, where there are branches and branches of the RNU. There are several such clubs in Moscow alone. Classes are taught by experienced instructors, former special forces officers of the Airborne Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the GRU - people with rich combat experience gained in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other “hot spots”. The guys are taught to live in a team, they are given the practical skills necessary for military service. This allows you to quickly adapt to the harsh everyday life of the army.
Club members, improving their physical and psychological preparation, attend karate and hand-to-hand combat classes and develop self-confidence. Regular drill classes unite and discipline,