Family homeschooling. Who is not suitable for family education?

Receipt quality education- one of the most important stages in the life of any person. This is the base for further development, getting good and stable operation, as well as other valuable features. The knowledge gained in childhood and adolescence is the foundation for further success in life, which is why education at this stage is so important. Now there are different approaches to training, but there are those that should be given special attention. The website project, created in 2010, demonstrated all the advantages of the concept distance education in school education. the site is a private initiative created by a team of enthusiasts under the leadership of entrepreneur Mikhail Ivanovich Lazarev. Many specialists take part in the project: teachers, directors, programmers, computer graphics and other professionals. The site is a real treasure trove useful information— it presents video lessons, notes, interactive tests and simulators on subjects of the school curriculum.

In 2014, a subproject was created on the basis of the portal. This is a system that allows you to complete the entire course remotely schooling together with teachers or completely independently. Based on the example of these decisions, it is clear that distance family education is effective option for learning in a variety of situations.

What is a family form of education?

This form of study involves studying general education subjects outside of school, at home. The essence is to study the disciplines of the program at home, but, as a rule, the child takes exams and certifications in the institution where he is officially enrolled in the family form of education. This type of training is chosen when studying outside the school walls various reasons is more appropriate than attending a full-time educational institution.

What forms of family education are there?

There are several types of learning without attending classes in a full-time school. They differ in two features: the nuances of organizing the educational process, and the reasons why the transition to this form of education occurred.

We can roughly distinguish four types of homeschooling:

Home-based training. This type of training is designed specifically for children with disabilities health (HIV). The list of diseases for which transfer to such training is possible is established by law. Its latest edition for 2016 contains 60 points with an explanation for each of them (Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation dated June 30, 2016 No. 436n). In this case, the child is required to be taught at home by teachers of the school to which he is attached, although it is possible to negotiate with educational institution and about self-study. The school provides parents with all educational and methodological literature as well as a special journal for monitoring training. Get permission to similar form education is possible only with the conclusion of a medical commission.

Family learning. This is an option in which the student can general principles attend an educational institution, but the parents and the child themselves decided that studying outside regular school will be better. The reasons may be different, but usually they boil down to the fact that gaining knowledge at home will be much more convenient and effective than in an educational institution.

Externship. This type training involves independent work a student who has outstanding abilities and the opportunity to study at good level. Often such children take exams ahead of schedule: modern legislation allows taking exams as an external student three years in advance. You can apply for an external program for a child of any age.

Distance education for children. Today, this format of study can be either a partial addition to attending a regular school, or a full-fledged opportunity to study the entire program outside the usual framework. educational institution. This learning option assumes that the child learns information materials, placed in a specialized online system. They can be presented different formats: these include visual video lessons, text summaries with illustrations, and interactive tests to test knowledge. An important point is that remote family education does not deprive the child of communication with teachers. Thanks to modern means of voice and video communication, teachers can be “present” in the child’s home, while actually being thousands of kilometers away. Thus, within the framework of this format, the child receives absolutely everything he needs to comprehensive development and training.

Family education in Russia: history and modernity

Family education in Russia has a long history. It was very common in the 18th-19th centuries. The teachers invited to the home were usually clergy and seminarians, students and university staff. Wealthy noble families could afford to use the services of foreign tutors.

A break in the traditions of family education occurred in 1917, when the revolution occurred. During the Soviet era, family education was abolished, and all children were required to attend secondary school. An exception could be made only for children who could not attend school for health reasons. As now, in Soviet period students actively used the services of tutors, although they were outside the scope of officially permitted work activities.

But period modern history Russia can be considered a renaissance of the traditions of family home betrothal. In the early 90s of the last century, such types of education as family education, external studies and tutoring received new life. Children and their parents have received much more opportunities to choose the type of learning and create comfortable conditions for classes. Interest in extracurricular forms of study has increased significantly.

Today family education is available to everyone!

Today in Russia, family education is available to every family and every child. The law establishes that parents have the right independent choice schools and the way their children receive education. Increasingly, families are opting for remote learning using modern online systems. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, no specific conditions are required for transfer to out-of-school education. To study outside of classes in a full-time format, only the consent of the student and his parents (or legal representatives) is sufficient. Of course, to transfer to family education it is necessary to carry out certain administrative procedures.

The more opportunities and choices, the more better result. Now in Russia everything more families ready to transfer the child to home schooling, even if he has every opportunity to attend regular in-person classes. Moreover, more and more often, regular school education is partially supplemented by home education. The child can be helped by tutors, and he can also study in various online schools.

What are the advantages of this approach to learning and in what case would it be the best option?

It is often believed that only those children who have health problems are transferred to family education. But on this moment More and more children and parents are choosing the home method of education based on its advantages, and not under pressure from circumstances.

Among the advantages of the family form of education are the following:

  • The student copes better with the educational course program. This becomes possible due to the fact that in this version of acquiring knowledge it is ensured individual approach taking into account the characteristics and abilities of a particular student. At the same time, in large classes of regular schools, teachers simply do not have the opportunity to devote much time to each child;
  • the child is less distracted by what he does not need or is not interested in. Not in all educational institutions teaching is conducted in high level, it happens that children are not interested in studying in a particular class and in a particular school. Regularly visiting a place you don't like can lead to negative emotions and a decline in academic performance. Homeschooling is a way to get rid of all the unpleasant circumstances. The child will receive knowledge in a comfortable environment where nothing will interfere with learning;
  • Children in family education have more opportunities for comprehensive development. With this form of training you can study interesting for a child objects in depth. also in educational course You can include information that is not included in the school curriculum.
  • the child spends less time and gets tired less. It often happens that a student lives in a remote locality and the journey to school takes a lot of time. While in family education, the child can spend the saved time more usefully. It can be spent on things related to both entertainment and the development of the child.
  • the possibility of conflicts with negatively-minded peers and high school students is eliminated. Family education may be the best option for children who, due to their character traits, have difficulty adapting to a team;
  • the ability to create a flexible lesson schedule, taking into account biological rhythms student. This has a positive effect on the child’s health, well-being and performance;
  • development of intelligence and creative thinking qualities. A stereotypical and template approach that hinders the formation of individuality is excluded;
  • development of skills of independence, responsibility and organization. Children who study remotely using modern online systems control their own schedule. The child is fully responsible for his results: he has no opportunity to cheat homework or view the results test work. This approach helps the child develop skills of independence, discipline, and the ability to plan his time. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that all these qualities will be needed in adult life- further study and work.

As you can see, the reasons for switching to family education can be very different. Each family has its own reasons for this. The only important thing is that modern legislation is designed in such a way that the choice of form of education is not forced and everyone finds the optimal solution.

It is known that most of children of the appropriate age attend regular schools. But very often, learning within the framework of a standard concept can be inconvenient.

Homeschooling is often chosen for those children who cannot go to school due to health problems. Very often, for such children, this training option is the only opportunity to obtain a certificate. Government agencies and private organizations take care of such children, thanks to which they study the school course on an equal basis with their healthy peers. In the future, these guys can enter prestigious university, many of which offer distance learning opportunities.

But the range of reasons why many families choose family education is not limited to medical reasons. In many cases, homeschooling is chosen for gifted children. These guys want to study disciplines that are important to them in depth. Often they master the program ahead of their peers, but in the lessons these children are simply bored. Relatives of such children usually want their children to learn from teachers who are masters of their profession. They may not be satisfied with the level of teaching at their local school. In this case, the family form of education will be the most suitable option. Even if a family lives in a small village or village where there are no significant educational opportunities, it is always possible to take advantage of distance learning. In this case, the child will be able to learn from the best teachers and get the highest quality knowledge.

Often education in the form of family education is chosen for children who have difficulty studying or if the child does not perceive the teacher’s explanations well at school. Alas, not every institution has good teachers who can clearly explain difficult aspects and interest children in the subject. The reason may also be that the child has conflicts with teachers and other students at school. IN in this case education in the form of family education can also be the optimal solution that will protect the child from possible problems of such a type. As a result, the child will be able to avoid negative circumstances and study the school course with good grades, with excellent result pass final tests.

Difficulties with attending classes in full-time school often arise for children who are seriously involved in sports or creativity - singing, music or other forms of art. These kids spend a lot of time training and additional classes, go to competitions and competitions. It may be difficult for them to attend classes on a fixed schedule, and family education in this case will be the best solution. With this approach it is possible to create flexible schedule lessons, and the child will have the opportunity to devote right time your favorite activity and prevent your grades from dropping in your school course.

Homeschooling is also an excellent option for families who... professional activity you have to move from time to time. In such situation the best option There will be education using distance learning tools. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to eliminate problems caused by the need to find new schools or tutors when moving again. In addition, the child will not have to deal with problems every time getting used to the team at a new school.

The family form of education is suitable for absolutely all families with a progressive view of education. Now many organizations are ready to help parents implement this concept of acquiring knowledge. Right choice family education center will be the first step to successful education.

Approaches to organizing family education

In some cases, when transferring a child to a family form of education, parents themselves teach him the entire school course. Of course, they, like no one else, will strive to give their children all the best that there is in curriculum. However, it can be difficult for parents to understand all the different aspects school disciplines due to the lack of special or teacher education. Of course, you can use the help of private tutors. But hourly payment their services may become a problem for family budget. Moreover, finding teachers can be difficult, especially in a small community. It is also important to note that you can verify the quality of the teacher’s services only after several lessons.

But many parents who have made a choice in favor of family education will be pleased with the fact that they do not need to search for tutors or delve into the intricacies of algebra, physics and other sections complex subjects. All you have to do is take advantage of all the benefits modern systems online learning.

Family education with Home School website: all the opportunities to conquer the heights of knowledge

Since 2008, the project site has been a leader among video lessons on the school course and has earned many positive reviews. A service has been developed especially for children and parents who have chosen a family form of education, with which you can go through the entire school curriculum in online mode. What is needed to start studying? - just create your own account Online! In order for you to have the opportunity to consider all the advantages of our remote center family education, the first week of training is available without payment. IN Home school can be studied as individual items in addition to regular school, and completely switch to remote learning.

How does the Home School course work?

The educational process includes several components. The guys study video lessons for each section school course. They are created in accordance with educational standards, but all aspects of the subject are presented in the most understandable form. Thanks to modern animation, physical laws, properties geometric shapes and other components of the program are presented in the most understandable form.

The video materials are supplemented with illustrated text summaries and interactive features to control the assimilation of the topic. Tests and training programs will help you understand what information the student has learned well and where there are still gaps in knowledge. A variety of forms of presenting information will not let children get bored and makes the learning process effective and interesting. Thanks to this, the general education program is much easier to assimilate even for those children who have difficulty studying.

As in a standard school, students complete tests and homework, and are given grades that are entered into a convenient online journal. And thanks to the convenient newsletter about the most significant events loved ones will always be aware of the child’s progress.

Using text, voice and video communication, our teachers advise students and explain in detail the complex nuances of each topic. The work is based on an individual approach to each child in family education. Teachers work highly qualified- many of them have academic degrees and are laureates of professional skills competitions.

How much does it cost for family education on the Home School website?

The cost of studying at our online school is determined by the training format and payment period. In any case, thanks to affordable prices, this option is more profitable than paying hourly for expensive lessons from hired tutors.

There are two formats to choose from:

  • Format "Independent"- V this option the student will have access to all information materials (video lectures, tests and simulators for testing knowledge) for self-study. Rational choice for children who attend a regular full-time educational institution, but want to study selected disciplines of the school course additionally;
  • Format "With a teacher" - All the possibilities of the first option, but interaction with the teacher is also expected: checking homework, consultations, answering questions. This option is more expensive, but provides more qualitative study subject. Great for kids in family learning.

Distance learning: great opportunities for a great future!

Good parents strive to give the best to their children. Today, more and more families are opting for home schooling, and we are aware of its multiple advantages. Modern technologies And educational methods have significant potential. Make the most of it modern world to give your child a successful future. Whether you choose classes in addition to attending a regular school or a family form of education, it will be a reliable assistant for you!

Parents often have questions about the documents that are necessary to regulate the transition of children to a family form of education. I tried to collect all my knowledge on this issue and was guided by the opinion and experience of people whose children are already studying in this form.

Application for switching to a family form of education

To switch to a family form of education, you will need to draw up an application addressed to the director, in which you, on behalf of one or both parents, notify the director of the decision to switch to a family form of education for your child.

This statement is not a petition, but a notification in nature. From the date of submission of the application, the child is considered a student family form and does not attend school.

In the application, you can indicate which type of certification is preferable for the child. As a rule, in high school, where there are many subjects, it is easier to take certification in the form of an external examination. This is provided by law and the number of certifications per year will be no more than 12, based on the regulations on Externship (RF Law “On Education”, Article 50). Junior schoolchildren may suit large quantity certifications. For example, by quarters in the main or all subjects. Then all certifications are included in the schedule, as an appendix to the contract.

Agreement with the school

The school administration, represented by the director, must sign an agreement with parents no later than a month from the date of submission of the application.

The contract implies that all points will suit both parties. The agreement is not signed until a compromise is found between the director and parents. The agreement can be changed or supplemented at any time.

Attachments to the contract

The drawn up agreement is not valid without the Appendices, including documents approved by the director of the Institution and sealed:

Annex 1. The procedure, form and timing of the intermediate certification of the Student for a #class course (for example, in the form of an external study) in the “family education” form of education.

Appendix 2. Deadlines for laboratory and practical work, compiled by the teachers of the Institution, taking into account the interests of the Student, and approved by the director of the Institution.

Appendix 3. The timing and procedure for consultations, drawn up by the teachers of the Institution, taking into account the interests of the Student and approved by the director of the Institution.

Appendix 4. tickets to oral exams approved for intermediate certification in the form of an external study on the “family education” form of study for the course graduating class and questions for preparation for intermediate certification in the form of an external examination for a graduate course in the “family education” form of education, according to the Representative.

Appendix 5. Tickets and questions to the state final certification two are mandatory for state certification subjects curriculum and two selected subjects of the curriculum for the course of basic general education at the request of the Representative.

Many parents who decide to transfer their children to education in the form of family education are faced with a negative reception from the school administration. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common practice, and you should not take the first unsuccessful contact to heart. It should be remembered that school management reacts completely differently when parents express their requests in in writing. Informal conversations often boil down to polite, and sometimes rude, refusal to implement the transition to family education. At the same time, the school administration, through pressure, is trying to dissuade parents from the decision taken. At the same time, if you apply to school with official documents, you are unlikely to receive a written refusal, because violation of the right to education can be easily appealed.

In this material we offer step by step instructions on the transition to family education. Briefly, there are four main steps:

2. Familiarization with the local regulations of the school (recommended, but optional step).

For example Perm region We point out that in order to receive compensation you must submit an application to the school administration. This statement can be combined with the above statement by simply stating what Bank details You are asking for a payment to be made.

When applying for intermediate and (or) state final certification, you will need to have the following documents with you:

The application itself for passing the intermediate and (or) state final certification. If you apply for payment, then indicate the bank account details for transferring funds;

Identity document of one of the parents;

A document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) over children left without parental care - for the legal representative;

A copy of the child's birth certificate;

We pay special attention to the following point. When parents come to school with a prepared package of documents and excerpts from the law, they are taken more seriously than when communicating without preliminary preparation. If you brought an application for passing the intermediate certification (it implies “attachment” to a school for family education), then you are required to respond to it in writing. If it is a refusal, it must be written and reasoned. It is important to “convey” the application to the office, and not turn around halfway, succumbing to the admonitions of the school administration.

Please note that first-graders may be denied admission to school only if there are no places available on the parallel level. Moreover, the school must inform about the number free seats on its official website and stands, to which there is public access. These requirements are enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32 “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.” On refusal of admission - Art. 5, on posting of information - Art. 8.

At the same time, a situation may arise when the school simply has not adopted local acts on intermediate certification (Step two). Those. The school does not provide for a procedure for regulating family education relations. In this case, the school may refer to the impossibility of admitting the child. In this situation, the result will depend on the behavior of the parents. In practice in the Perm Territory, it can be said that parents who defend the right of their children to family education have managed to place them even in rural schools. It is important to remember that the right to choose a family form of education is enshrined in Art. 17 and 63 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and that you are acting solely in the interests of the child. If a school that doesn't local act about the intermediate certification assigned to you at your place of residence, then it makes sense to fight and appeal the written refusal to the prosecutor’s office, the education authority, the city administration or the court. You should be motivated by the fact that you cannot exercise the right to choose the form of education.

There is a separate issue regarding admission to family education in gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32 “On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” assigned them the right to conduct individual selection of incoming students. Therefore, formally, if in such educational organization There are no local acts regulating family education; their refusal to admit them will be justified. However, if you are assigned to a gymnasium at your place of residence, you can try to defend your rights.

Step four

The next step is concluding an agreement with the school. IN different regions practice develops differently, but, as a rule, an agreement is concluded. It must specify how and when the intermediate certification will take place: frequency, number of academic subjects, deadlines, etc. It is in the interests of parents to provide as much detail as possible. It is possible to stipulate in what subjects what amount of knowledge must be tested at the intermediate certification. In practice, cases arise when teachers ask beyond the material presented in the textbook; parents must react here, pointing out that this was not in the curriculum.

The contract can be concluded for the entire period of obtaining general education, for the period of passing a specific certification, or for the period of one academic year. It all depends on the local regulations of a particular school.

We focus on the fact that a student studying in family education is part of the school population. According to Part 1 of Art. 33 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, external students are students and have all the academic rights granted to students in accordance with Art. 34 of this law. In particular, external students, along with other students, have the right to develop their creativity and interests, including participation in competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sports events, including official sports competitions, and others mass events. They also have the right to free receipt all textbooks and teaching aids. In addition, external students can count on receiving, if necessary, socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction.

At the same time, the school is not responsible for the quality of education. She is responsible only for organizing and conducting intermediate and final certification, as well as for ensuring academic rights student.

Please note that if the results of the interim assessment are unsatisfactory in one or more academic subjects And unsuccessful attempt retake, the student is enrolled in school for training in the general manner.


Laws, regulations, etc. registration for a family form of education may change, so each answer to a question has the date of the last revision.

September 2006

You need to find a school whose charter specifies a family form of education. To do this, you can contact your local education control center, where there is data on everything local schools. Next, find mutual understanding with the school administration in the person of the director and teacher primary classes. Mutual understanding implies a satisfactory agreement on the conditions for certification of the child (see below for more information on this). Write an application and submit documents.

September 2006
Does not exist.

September 2006
We emphasize that this is only a possible set, because there is no legalization. The key and only mandatory point is point 9.

Application from parents for transfer to education in the form of family education. Order from the educational institution on transfer to education in the form of family education. An order for educational institutions regulating the certification of a student. A protocol of a meeting Pedagogical Council. Order from the educational institution on the results of the student’s certification. Schedule of student consultations and assessments. Certification protocols. Journal of registration of applications for transfer of a student to a family form of education. on the organization of mastering general education programs in the form of family education between the educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the student.

September 2006
Not necessary. In many schools I know, it is customary to give only quarter marks for a student with a family. As a rule, it is attached to one of the classes of the corresponding parallel, where marks are placed.

September 2006
There is no legally established procedure. In the practice known to me, the following procedure has been established: a report is compiled for each subject and for each exam. The subject and class are written in the heading, and below the student’s last name and initials and mark are written (if several family students are certified at once, then data for each is entered into one statement). Below is the signature, the teacher's name and the date. This suits both the school and the education department.

September 2006
There is no approved provision. The frequency of certification should be at least once a year. Usually no special order is written. Sometimes deadlines for certification are prescribed between parents and the school. And more often, they verbally agree with the person responsible for family education at school about the timing of exams. It is very important: the exam forms are chosen by parents, because According to the law, parents are responsible for the education of a child studying in a family, and they, naturally, determine the best form of exam for him: oral, written, testing, interview, essay. For children primary school An exam given to an unfamiliar teacher is stressful, so it is better to agree to certify primary schoolchildren using tests that they write at home, and children begin taking exams in the fifth grade.

September 2006
All of the listed subjects are not educational in the strict sense of the word. No one controls the quality of their development. If you manage to agree with the school on passing the core subjects (mathematics, Russian, etc.), then there will be no difficulties with certification in non-core subjects. For example, if your child goes to a music school or art school, then he will get an A in music and drawing, and if not, then maybe a B. Physical education is compulsory in the ninth and eleventh grades and, as experience shows, no one gets less than a B.

We are planning to move in the future, so we would like to immediately focus on Russian program, which is different even at the beginning; The local system doesn’t have any experience with family education, just to find out how to formalize it and drive up to the school with it, I had to call the Ministry of Education, no one below knows anything, doesn’t know.

Answer. I don't know of any schools in Moscow that support part-time education. Studying in the summer is connected only with entering college; only tutors work with children. If there is great interest in distance learning, then we can try to fix it by answering questions from the interested party. Write.

24 Sep 1 1742

In connection with the entry into force of the new law “in the Russian Federation”, many parents refer to interregional public organization“For Family Rights” questions about how family education should be carried out in the new legal conditions. Some of these questions affect the situation throughout Russia, and some concern the situation in Moscow.

We asked the chairman of the organization “For Family Rights”, the author of the book “Without School: A Legal Guide to Family Education and Externship”, to answer some of these questions. Pavel Parfentyev.

— According to the new law, family education is classified as a form of education outside of school. Is it good or bad?

Indeed, Art. 17 part 1 clause 2 of the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” clearly indicates that family education is obtained outside of educational organizations. Strictly speaking, this followed from Art. 10 of the old law, but it was not so clearly indicated. Because of this, schools often believed that they had the right to control the learning process in the family, to carry out ongoing monitoring of children who study in the family, and so on. New law clearly stated that the learning process in the family takes place outside of school, that is, it has nothing to do with it. This is a very positive and correct innovation, eliminating previously existing ambiguity.

— But isn’t this innovation connected, for example, with the fact that children studying in families no longer have the right to discounted travel?

This is actually some kind of misunderstanding. The right to preferential travel is established by regional laws. And it, as a rule, is assigned to children studying in full-time- that is, for those who go to school every day. And this is not news at all.

For example, in St. Petersburg, travel benefits are provided by the Social Code of St. Petersburg. It is easy to refer to the original version of this code, adopted at the end of 2011, to make sure that Art. 87 the right to discounted travel was granted only to students full-time. The same follows from the current edition, where a link to the full-time form is directly given in the introductory part of Chapter 20 regarding transport benefits. Thus, if someone received travel benefits, it was not their right, but the result of a misunderstanding.

The same applies, for example, to Moscow. Art. 27 clause 6 of the Moscow City Law “On social support families with children in the city of Moscow" quite clearly indicates that the benefit applies only to children studying on a full-time basis.

— Do children studying in families have anything to do with school then?

They have, but not as students - educational process as such, the school is not concerned at all - but as external students undergoing certification.

This seems quite obvious. In accordance with Art. 17 part 1 clause 2 of the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” education in the form of family education is obtained outside the educational organization. However, Part 3 of the same Art. 17 clearly states that children studying in the form of family education have the right to subsequently undergo intermediate and state final certification in organizations that carry out educational activities(for simplicity, let’s say “in schools,” although this is not accurate).

Art. 34 Part 3 of the law indicates that such certification is carried out externally, and children receiving education at the appropriate level for the first time undergo it free of charge.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Art. 33 part 1 clause 9 of the law very clearly indicates that externals – i.e. “persons enrolled in an organization carrying out educational activities according to state-accredited educational programs for passing intermediate and state final certification” - refer to the number of students in an educational organization. But they are not “students” in an educational organization - they are another type of “students”.

This status - external - suggests that the child’s educational process itself has nothing to do with the school and is not directed or controlled by it - it only carries out intermediate and final certifications.

— Do such children belong to the school population?

It depends on what is meant by this word. In the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” the word “contingent” appears only once – in Art. 97 part 3, dedicated to monitoring the education system. At the same time, the definition of the term is not given, but it is used in the phrase “student population”. Since children receiving family education and undergoing external certification in schools are external students - and this, according to Art. 33 part 1 clause 9 of the law - a type of student, then they obviously belong to the “student population”. But at the same time, they cannot refer to the “student population” - since students are only one of the types of students, provided by law. At the same time, children do not belong to the student population as family students, but as external students taking certification, they do.

— Parents report that schools require them to write a statement about expelling their children from school if they are in family education...

This is an illegal and unfounded demand. What does this have to do with the exception? If a child is studying in the form of family education, he is not a student at the school, but remains an external student undergoing certification there.

Therefore, there is no need to write such statements, they are not based on the law. It is necessary to indicate to the school in your application that you have chosen family education for your child and ask to enroll him for intermediate and state final certification as an external student. After this, the school must enroll the child as an external student, and as such include him in the student population (but not students). If a child previously studied full-time at this school, then he ceases to be its student, but remains its student – ​​an external student.

The requirement to write a statement of exclusion is unlawful and not based on the law. You should simply ignore it, refusing to write such a statement.

It is necessary to write that in accordance with Art. 17 h. 1 p. 2, art. 44 part 3. clause 2, art. 63 part 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” You have chosen education for your child in the form of family education. In accordance with Art. 17 h. 3, art. 34 part 3, art. 33 part 1 clause 9 of this law, ask to enroll your child in school as an external student to undergo intermediate and state final certification.

After this, the school must enroll the child in the student population as an external student and organize intermediate certification. If the school cannot do this, because its charter does not provide for this form of work (this must be checked; the charter in each school is available for review by law and is usually published on the school website), you must receive a written refusal of the application and then contact the appropriate local authority education department with an application, asking for assistance in enrolling in school for external certification, attaching a copy of the refusal.

It should be remembered that according to the new law, when choosing family education, you are required to notify the authority in writing (in free form) local government municipal district or urban district (district or district education department). This should be done by all those who have previously taught a child in a family form (teaching a child in a correspondence form using remote technologies such notice does not require). I note that it is the education authorities municipal districts and city districts, in accordance with the law (Article 63, Part 5), keep records of children subject to general education and the forms of education chosen for them by their parents - not schools.

— Do parents always choose the form of education under the new law?

There is some ambiguity in the law here.

In accordance with Art. 63 Part 4 The form is always chosen by parents, taking into account the child’s opinion. And in accordance with Art. 44 part 3 clause 1 – the right to choose the form is exercised by parents only until the child completes basic general education (i.e. until completion of studies in 9th grade), and then, in accordance with Art. 34 part 1 clause 1 – the choice of form becomes the right of the child himself. At the same time, in accordance with Art. 44 Part 3 Clause 2 It is the parents’ right to provide education at all three levels in the family.

With such duality, one should proceed from the fact that until the completion of basic general education (until the end of 9th grade), the form of education is chosen by the parents (taking into account the child’s opinion), and in high school the decision should be made by the child and parents jointly. Only this approach allows you to comply with all legal requirements.

— Is it true that family education is now impossible at the senior level of “school education”? Schools claim that at the senior level only self-education is possible.

This statement is erroneous and not based on law. The law is absolutely clear that family education can be used at any level of general education (Article 44, Part 3, Section 2, Article 63, Part 2 of the new law). Thus, outside of school, at the two junior levels, education is obtained only in the form of family education, and at the senior level, you can choose from family education or self-education (theoretically, a combination of both is possible).

— Should children receiving family education be provided with free textbooks?

The issue of providing textbooks is regulated by Art. 35 of the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Part 1 of this article states:

“Students mastering basic educational programs at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations engaged in educational activities are provided with textbooks and teaching aids, and educational materials, means of training and education".

How this provision applies to family education is not entirely clear. However, from Art. 34 part 1 of the law it follows that the mastery of educational programs is accompanied by intermediate certifications. Passing certifications, in my opinion, within the framework of current legislation, should be considered as an organic part of obtaining an education and mastering educational programs.

This is obvious, in particular, from the fact that the definition of the educational program given in Art. 2 paragraph 9 of the law considers the certification forms and curriculum as its organic parts. A Art. 2, paragraph 22 defines the curriculum, including the forms of intermediate certification of students. In other words, intermediate certification is an organic part of the curriculum and educational program. Thus, passing certifications refers to mastering the educational program. Such development can be presented as a combination of actual training (in the family) and passing certifications (for example, at school).

Since certifications are carried out in state and municipal schools precisely at the expense of the budget, then the right to provide textbooks should extend to family students taking certification at school as an external student.

Here it is appropriate to apply the analogy of the law, which will lead us to the same conclusions.

I'm afraid it's difficult to answer this question in more detail without additional explanations And methodological recommendations from the Federal Ministry of Education.

A lot of questions come from Moscow parents. In addition to those answers to which have already been given, parents are concerned about the problem of compensation. Are Moscow compensations preserved in the new situation?

Yes, definitely. Payment of compensation to parents for family education in Moscow is established by law, Art. 6 clause 3.1 of the Moscow Law of June 20, 2001 No. 25 (as amended on July 4, 2012). This law has not been repealed and it continues to be in effect to the extent that it does not contradict the new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation.” Payment of compensation remains, according to the new legislation, the right of the regions. Accordingly, there is no contradiction and the norm remains in effect.

The same applies to Moscow by-laws, in particular Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 827-PP dated September 25, 2007 “On the organization of activities of state educational institutions in the city of Moscow implementing general education programs, in various forms of education."

All these norms, according to the general legal rule, continue to apply to the extent that they do not contradict the new law until they are directly repealed.

In practice, this means, in particular, that the norms regulating family education that do not contradict the law retain their significance. The norms (federal and Moscow) on the certification of external students also retain their significance - in the part relating to the organization and procedure for certification (but not in the part describing external studies as special form training - it’s gone now).

I repeat - all these norms are valid until they are repealed, if they do not contradict the new law. But we need to pay attention to this “right up.” In particular, in Moscow, as in other regions, they planned to adopt a new regional law on education, where the norms may change.

The task of parents at this stage is to maintain the rules on the payment of compensation in the new law of Moscow. This is where I would direct my efforts. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to what many parents ignore. From a strictly legal point of view, today the decision to pay compensation is the right of the region. I emphasize that this is the right, that is, no federal law obliges the regions to do this. Nominally, the region has the right to cancel compensation.

- How to act?

There are only two ways. One is to demonstrate convincingly to urban legislative authorities, that compensation must be preserved as a pre-existing guarantee, that it is necessary for families, that justice and the interests of children require it. Perhaps try to include your representatives in the process of finalizing the draft of a new regional law.

The second is to achieve changes in federal legislation, returning to it the rule on compensation for family education, which was in force until 2004. Our organization has devoted enormous efforts to this over the past three years; this work continues and needs support.

It is worth moving in each of these directions.

“Many school directors say that compensation was associated with the inclusion of children in the school population, but now there will be no compensation.

Such statements are not based on current legislation. The Moscow law is clear - and no one has repealed it yet. It does not in any way connect compensation with the inclusion of children in the student (or even student) population of schools. Moreover, it never provided for the inclusion of “family members” among school students. He says (Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Moscow Law “On the development of education in the city of Moscow”) only that a “family student” student is assigned to a school to pass certification. Those. inclusion or non-inclusion in any contingent has nothing to do with it at all.

Another thing is that the current law provides that, for some reason, a “family student” can only be assigned to a state educational institution for certification. This is absolutely wrong norm. Parents of a “family student” should have the right to choose a non-state school for certification. Such a restriction of choice directly contradicts federal legislation - in particular the already mentioned Art. 44 part 3 clause 1 of the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as well as Art. 63 clause 2 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, it directly contradicts the norms international law having direct action in Russia – in particular, Art. 13 (3) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, guaranteeing the right of parents to choose not only state but also non-state schools for their children. It is not clear why parents of children receiving family education in Moscow are discriminated against in the exercise of this right. This needs to change.

— Some directors, when refusing compensation, refer toguidelinesDepartment of Education of Moscow (letter dated September 13, 2013 No. 01-08-2538/3)…

These recommendations are not normative act and, in any case, cannot be placed above specific provisions of the law. But the recommendations do not say a word about compensation or the fact that they no longer need to be paid. This is fiction.

— What can you say about this document as a whole?

A significant part of it simply repeats the norms of the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation.” But there is also a strange “amateur activity”.

In particular, paragraph 9 of the recommendations, which requires parents to write to the school a statement about expelling a child from the organization’s contingent (it is not clear from the text whether this means a contingent of students or students) is extremely strange. Such a requirement, as I said above, is not based on the law and does not follow from anything. A “family member” child should not be included in the student population anyway, but, on the contrary, he should be included in the student population when passing certification as an external student.

Nothing is said in the recommendations that such children need to be enrolled in school as external students - and this need directly follows from the above-mentioned norms of the new federal law about education. In general, nothing is said about the fact that such certification is carried out externally. It is strange that this particular word - “extern” - was dropped from the text of the recommendations in those places where it reproduces almost verbatim the provisions of federal law that include this term.

In fact, based on the norms of federal law, the school, having received a parent’s application to choose family education and organize intermediate certification for the child, is obliged to include him in the school student population as an external student (or change his status in the contingent from “student” to “external student” if he previously studied at school full-time) and organize for him free of charge intermediate certifications as an external student.

In the coming weeks, the International Public Organization “For Family Rights” will prepare and publish basic sample applications and notifications for parents using family education.