Is it possible to graduate from university as an external student while studying full-time? In what cases should you not go to external studies? What options does the modern system of higher medical education offer?

Thanks to the emergence of the system paid education The state began to create and develop various educational programs that help those who cannot pay for their studies at a higher education institution to obtain diplomas.

What does it mean to study externally?

An external education system exists both at school and at college. A person who studies externally does not attend lectures or classes, but deadlines must pass all tests and exams.

Only those who have a certificate of maturity or a diploma of special secondary education have the right to enter the University for external studies. Everyone who was certified and passed required exams and tests, receive a diploma of higher education, but in such a document they must put a mark on the form of study, that is, external study.

There is a form of external education at universities, academies, institutes or other educational institutions where you can receive higher and secondary education. Such educational institutions must be accredited. Some applicants enter an unaccredited university, but the certificates from such institutions may then fall through the cracks on the shelves, since employers are already not very inclined towards external education, and then there is the educational institution without a license. A diploma received in such an institution will be equivalent to a diploma simply purchased from someone unknown.

The state and the law oblige all higher institutions that have accreditation to conduct certification in matters of professional training to everyone who wishes. Approximately two hundred training higher institutions countries are actively introducing external training programs; universities extend this form of knowledge acquisition to their branches, which allows students not to be absent from their work.

Part-time students must certain time visit required amount lectures, that is, study at the university for at least 160 hours educational regime. Students remote form students communicate with teachers at a distance, but they can keep in touch almost every day.

Externship students do not visit their educational institution until the session begins and see their teachers only during exams. Such students sign documents that clearly define the period and deadline for passing final and intermediate tests. Such students also participate in the defense of diplomas.

What are the advantages of studying externally?

The most interesting thing is that a student can take all tests and exams not only at one university. The student has the right to take one part of the certification in one educational institution, and the rest in another. But to do this, you will have to go through the procedure of re-testing all disciplines, since there is no guarantee that in the new educational institution you will not have to retake this or that subject again. The student will receive a diploma from the university that initially accepted the documents.

Today there are many different restrictions for those who wish to obtain a diploma in this way. There are specialties and areas in which this form of training is unacceptable, for example, in the field of medicine or precision technology, where a lot of technical and practical skills are required.

Those who definitely do not agree with the old wisdom that “if you rush, you will make people laugh” are the students who complete their studies as external students. They strive to quickly get rid of their student status, get a diploma of higher education and get down to real business. It is impossible not to note this desire as very commendable. It’s good when a person does not want to waste time and devote himself to something that he is not interested in or does not need. Still, external studies have their pros and cons. Let's start with the fact that not everyone agrees that a full-fledged education at a university is a waste of time. It’s difficult to judge unambiguously, but let’s try to figure it out.

So, external studies exist in different educational institutions: schools and universities. A student enrolled in this program is not required to attend classes, but must pass all exams and tests. Any person who has a matriculation certificate can enroll in a university as an external student. After he passes all exams and tests and defends thesis, he will receive a diploma of higher education, but with the mark “Externship”. "Externship - self-study students of disciplines according to the main educational program higher vocational education in the chosen area of ​​training or specialty with subsequent certification (current and final) at a higher educational institution,” - from the Regulations on external studies in state and municipal higher educational institutions Russian Federation. Now in our country there are about 200 universities that practice this form of education.

Advantages of external studies:

  1. Opportunity to receive a diploma earlier than stated in the standard curriculum.
  2. Lots and lots of free time, no need to rush to the first couple or think about suicide on the fifth.
  3. The right to take tests in individual disciplines in different universities, and not in one. This can be useful if you enrolled in one city and then moved to another.
  4. The ability to independently choose educational materials and books.
  5. Develops responsibility. By independently acquiring knowledge and mastering a particular subject, a student understands that he can only count on himself.

Disadvantages of external studies:

  1. Employers are often skeptical about distance learning. The “externship” label can become a hindrance when applying for a job.
  2. Not all specialties can be mastered without permanent practical work, which is held at the university. Therefore, in most technical or medical universities there is simply no external program.
  3. But even if the specialty does not require long practical classes, not all students have enough self-control to study a subject alone.
  4. For some, this may seem like an unimportant factor, but it’s worth mentioning. A student who chooses to study externally simply deprives himself of many joys student life. However, he avoids many hardships, but still... Being a real student is very important and incomparable!

Undoubtedly, the pros and cons of an external study can vary depending on many conditions, so the most important thing is personal choice every student.

For most people, the phrase “external education” is unfamiliar. Or they have heard this phrase at least once, but were unable to understand what it means. In today's article we will talk about what an external internship is, and also discuss its main advantages and disadvantages.

Externship is a fairly common form of education, which involves completing a two-year curriculum in one year. It turns out that external students study for only three years instead of six. The student receives complete knowledge, while saving several years on study. In addition, an external student attends an educational institution at any time convenient time, or does not show up to class at all. But, during the session, a student studying externally must take exams along with other students.

Pros of external studies

This form of training may immediately seem very strange and inconvenient, but in fact it has a lot of advantages, thanks to which students go for external studies. Advantages of external studies:

  1. The student has more free time, since he does not need to regularly attend the university. Typically, when studying externally, students are freed from lectures and practical exercises, which are the basis of the curriculum. This is what students do who combine study with work or sports. If you conduct a survey of all external students, the majority of them will answer that this is a very convenient form of education, which is an ideal option for busy people.
  2. Externship is in many ways better than correspondence education. Many people confuse these concepts and this is a huge mistake. Yes, external study and extramural At first glance they are similar in many ways, but in fact they are radically different. The external course involves studying the program for minimum term, while the correspondence course has the same duration of study as the full-time course.
  3. The student has the opportunity to independently master subjects and check the level of his preparation. For many, self-training is an ideal option for gaining new knowledge. Moreover, now on the Internet you can find a suitable one in a few seconds. educational material and master any discipline with it. In addition, there are a lot of tests online that an external student can use to test their level of knowledge.
  4. The most significant advantage of this form of training is that the student has the opportunity to independently determine the timing of the session. This does not mean that an external student may not take exams at all. He simply sets the dates for taking the exams, having previously agreed with the teachers.

We have looked at the main advantages of studying externally. Now let's talk about the disadvantages.

Cons of external studies

Yes, external studies have a lot of advantages, but not everything is as ideal as it may seem at first. Disadvantages of studying externally:

  1. In most cases, external students experience low level self-study. It is important to consider here that not all students can master the educational material without the help of a teacher. In addition, many students are restless and lack self-discipline, and these are the main enemies of self-preparation. A situation often arises when a student begins to independently master new item and at the first new and incomprehensible term he puts the textbook aside. As a result, it is this discipline that becomes weak side external student, and she prevents him from passing the exam normally.
  2. Not every university provides a form of external education. That is, if you have already firmly decided that you want to gain knowledge at home, first find an educational institution that approves of this. Typically, such information is indicated on the official website of the university.
  3. Many students are unable to combine study and work. When choosing this form of training, they do not take into account the fact that for a full educational activities they need to have at least some free time for self-study. A busy work schedule may force them to put their studies on hold and thereby neglect it. That's why, busy people it's better to stop at correspondence education. This form provides for the issuance of a special certificate to the student during the session, thanks to which the student can count on a full vacation to take exams. But this is only relevant for cases when the student receives his first education.

It is worth noting that the external course involves taking approximately 20 subjects during the session. This is due to the accelerated pace of learning.

Let's sum it up

We looked at the main advantages and disadvantages of studying externally. Take a look at them again and see if it's right for you. this form training. It is important to always listen to yourself and choose exactly the form that is acceptable specifically for you. If you decide to choose an external program, you will be able to receive a diploma of higher education before others, but at the same time, you will have to live at a crazy pace and take up to 20 subjects in one session.

Externship at a university

You can graduate from university not in 4-5 years, but faster. To do this, you need to transfer to esternat. External education is attractive because the student does not spend all 4 years studying. He significantly reduces his time at the university. However, this form of training has not only advantages.

Disadvantages of external studies

A student who transfers to external studies must understand that it will not be easy for him. The student will have to complete curriculum, only in more tight deadline. Most often, students in one academic year undergo a two-course program in in rare cases- three. If a student works, he may not have any time left to study. Perfect option- when the student has support and can devote himself entirely to his studies. Then he can even complete a three-course program in a year.

Study and fun are incompatible when a student is completing a university program as an external student. Because a fun holiday with friends will take away his precious time.

How to successfully complete the program

It is possible to successfully complete an external training program, but to do this you will have to:

  • soberly assess your capabilities;
  • eliminate “time killers” (annoying friends, addiction to video games and even hobbies);
  • plan your time;
  • anticipate possible problems in advance.

The problem may be that the student will not be able to complete individual items. For example, on humanities faculties There is also mathematics and logic. To pass these subjects, a humanities student may need a tutor.

Features of external studies

External work has features that can be considered both advantages and disadvantages. The student does not attend lectures and has more free time. He is taking his exams according to individual schedule. It will be necessary to attend only consultations, the schedule of which is scheduled in advance.

Having free time, the student can manage it himself. Upon receipt of the diploma, the document will indicate that the student completed the course in an accelerated mode. It is difficult to say how this will affect employment. Today, many employers evaluate experience and practical skills rather than a diploma. Most likely, they will not pay attention to the note.

Externship is convenient for both students and schoolchildren. However, if the student is on a paid basis decides to take a program of several courses in a year, he will have to pay more. Therefore, contract workers rarely choose this method of training.

Not so long ago, one of the most popular forms of education among high school students was external studies. With its help, gifted children had the opportunity not only to study at home, but also to graduate a year or even two earlier. But what is it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of training, and most importantly, where and how can you get education in the form of an external study?

Externship as a form of training

First, let's figure out what external education is and what people who receive education through this program are called.

External study is one of the alternative forms in which the student independently studies the content of the curriculum according to and then, based on the results intermediate certifications, is allowed to take exams or final certifications. Students studying through this form of training are called external students.

Based on the results of passing the GIA, the student can receive a document on education, and if the program has not been mastered to the extent established by the curriculum, receive a certificate established by law sample.

The external study form is valid in all educational institutions that have state accreditation. Any age restrictions There are no external education options for those wishing to receive an external education. Both first-graders and university students can study externally.

Features of training

Like any other form of education, external studies have their own characteristics.

1. Externs are not required to attend classes or lectures. But this does not mean that the student does not attend the educational institution at all. He is required to appear for consultations with the teacher, intermediate and final certifications.

2. A schedule is drawn up for students of this form of education individual consultations, which they are required to attend. During the consultation, the external student not only receives recommendations for studying a particular discipline, but also asks the teacher questions that interest him.

3. For external studies, it is also compiled individual schedule passing the final certification, based on the results of which a document of the established form is issued.

4. Gifted students can complete several classes or courses in a year.

Who is the external program intended for?

Despite the absence of any restrictions, not everyone can receive education through external studies. First of all, this is due to the specifics. In addition, not all parents will agree that their child spends almost all the time at home and does not attend an educational institution. But in some cases, external study may be the only right solution.

So, here are the best tips for joining an external study:

1. Giftedness of the child. If the child learns school curriculum is much faster than his classmates, then it is quite possible that he should switch to external studies.

2. Participation in sports or creative groups. Often, professional athletes and artists have to devote a lot of time to their “hobbies” - attending training and rehearsals, taking part in competitions and shows, and often leaving. In this situation, the child is unable to systematically attend classes at school, and therefore the best way out there will be a form of external study.

3. Frequent business trips for parents can also lead to the child rarely attending school and engaging in self-education.

4. State of health. Unfortunately, not all children are healthy. Some of them have diseases that lead to disability and limit freedom of movement. Of course, there is provision for such children, but nothing prevents it from being replaced with an external education.

5. Work. This paragraph applies to students. Often they have to devote all their free time to work in order to pay not only for their studies, but also for living in another city. Sometimes the work takes too much time, the student has to miss classes, which ultimately leads to expulsion for absenteeism or not passing the session on time.

Advantages of an external study

Like any training, external study has its advantages and disadvantages. First, let's talk about the main advantages.

  1. Availability of additional free time. Since the student is not required to attend school every day, he has a little more free time. This frees up the time spent on travel and breaks (if the educational institution has one). In addition, it also reduces the student's expenses.
  2. Training according to an individually designed program. The student sees the entire scope of work in advance, can quickly study simple and understandable topics, and leave more complex ones for later. In addition, he can devote more time to subjects that are truly important to him and deepen his knowledge in his chosen field.
  3. Possibility of adjusting the daily routine. Have you heard about human biorhythms? Some work better in the morning, others are more energetic in the evening, or even at night. Usually all classes take place in the morning, which is not suitable for everyone. Externs themselves have the right to choose at what time, where and how to study.
  4. Receiving your education document ahead of schedule. By studying externally, you can complete course material for several years in one year.

Disadvantages of external studies

The main disadvantages of external studies include the following:

1. Declining quality of education. Let us note right away that this statement considered controversial. On the one hand, the external student does not have strict control from the teacher; the quality of his knowledge is checked only during the intermediate and final certification.

On the other hand, control is still present, and knowledge of all topics provided for in the curriculum is checked.

2. Difficulties in independent development disciplines. Whatever one may say, a person cannot master all disciplines equally well. For example, not everyone understands chemistry and can figure it out with the help of a teacher. What then can we say about its independent development? After all, external study is education obtained independently. External students cannot receive full-fledged help from a teacher, so they will have to either try to figure out a particular topic on their own, or seek help from friends or even hire tutors.

3. Imperfect knowledge in a particular area of ​​knowledge. During self-study An external student may not receive enough necessary practical skills, miss here or another part of the material, which ultimately leads to gaps in knowledge. Such mistakes can be costly in the future.

Rights of externs

Let us note the basic rights of external students, which are fixed by the law on external studies.

1. Externs have the right to consultations on each subject. The duration of the consultation can range from 15 minutes to 2 hours per year.

2. Externs have the right to attend practical and laboratory classes to gain practical skills.

3. The student is required to provide information and educational literature both in the school or university library and in departments.

4. Externs have the right to take part in olympiads and competitions.

Admission to external studies

Admission to external studies includes a number of the following steps:

1. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list that lists external studies in Moscow or another city of your choice.

2. Discuss with the school director or dean the possibility of studying externally.

3. Write an application in a certain form.

4. Provide the necessary documents.

5. Draw up and approve an individual training schedule.

6. Get textbooks and teaching aids, materials.

In what cases should you not go to external studies?

Despite its attractiveness, external studies are quite complex shape training. Therefore, before you decide to switch to external education or transfer your children to it, think about whether you can do the following things:

  1. Organize a clear routine and schedule of classes.
  2. Create conditions for full-fledged systematic training.
  3. Explain to your child material from a particular area of ​​knowledge.
  4. Independently analyze any topic, even the most complex one.
  5. You can organize yourself.
  6. Do you know how to work with reference books and books.

If you cannot perform at least one item from this list, that is Great chance, that you will not be able to get an education through an external study.

Have you decided to choose an external program? This means that you will have to work a lot. Therefore, we decided to give you some valuable tips that will help make your learning easier.

1. Be sure to attend all consultations. With them you can not only get syllabus on the subject, get to know the teacher, find out his requirements, exam form, sample assignments.

2. Ask questions that interest you as early as possible.

3. Complete all tasks provided in the curriculum.

4. Stay on track with your curriculum. If you need to learn 7 topics, learn them, do not throw away those that seem boring, uninteresting and absolutely useless to you.

5. Work through your study plan and daily routine. Remember not to lump all items into one pile. Dedicate an hour to an hour and a half a day to one item, try to disassemble no more than five per day.

6. Find out the requirements for the design of work.

7. Make your plan for studying the subject. To do this, count the number of topics and exercises in them and try to evenly divide them by week.

Moscow external schools

Before the adoption of the new law “On Education” in 2012, the following external studies in Moscow operated:

For external students at Moscow gymnasium No. 710. An external course is open for students in grades 10-11. Approximate time training - 10-11 grade in 8 months, 11 - in 5 months.

2. School No. 88 offered external studies for students in grades 8 - 11. Completing the 8th-9th grade program is possible in a year; 10-11 per year; 11th grade - in six months.

3. School No. 90 opened an external program for students in grades 8-11. Training for grades 8-9 and 10-11 in a year; you can complete grades 9 and 11 in six months.

4. School 2104 opened an external program for students in grades 10-11. You can complete grades 10-11 in either a year or a year and a half. Master the 11th grade program in 3 months.

5 School 1287 offers to complete grades 10-11 in a year


Initially, external studies were provided for by the Russian Federation Law “On Education” dated June 23. 2000. It also included additional document- “Regulations on receiving general education in the form of an external study”, which described in detail the features of this form of education, the rights and responsibilities of external students.

The new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 does not provide for this form of education. Thus, new law“On Education” eliminates external studies as a form of education.

However, there remains the possibility of obtaining family education or self-education. In this case, it is possible to pass intermediate and final certifications in the form of an external study.


External study is one of the forms of education in which the student independently masters the curriculum. It has both its advantages and disadvantages and is not suitable for everyone. To date, the law does not provide for obtaining education through this form of training.