Razumovsky University of Technology and Management. Reviews about "Moscow State University of Technology and Management

MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) was founded in 1953 as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry. The decision to create a university was dictated by the needs of the development of sectors of the national economy - to secure professional personnel in the regions and at enterprises. That is why it was necessary to train young people on the job.

In 1991, a full-time (full-time) department was opened at the institute.

In 1999, the university was renamed the Moscow State Technological Academy, and in 2003 - the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Today, the university has the status of a leading Russian university that trains specialists for food and processing industry enterprises of various forms of ownership. In addition, the university was included in the ranking of the best food universities in the world.

At the origins of the university’s scientific schools were scientists such as Professor Georgy Gerasimovich Agabalyants, who developed the technology for the industrial production of “Soviet champagne”, Professor Natalya Petrovna Kozmina, who laid the foundations of the biochemistry of bread, Professor Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko, the creator of the scientific school of analytical chemistry. The departments of our university are named after these outstanding scientists.

Currently, the university trains specialists for a wide variety of sectors of the food and processing industry, because it is this industry that is developing at a rapid pace today, and income from the export of agricultural products is almost equal to that of oil and gas. Therefore, against the backdrop of a shortage of qualified personnel, technologists-graduates of our departments successfully find interesting, well-paid jobs and are always in demand by large enterprises.

The university provides students with a full range of in-depth knowledge, new ideas and successful technologies are mastered in close cooperation with reputable Russian research institutes and centers. Practice shows that university graduates not only quickly adapt to a market economy and work in a dynamically changing environment, but are also able to take part in the formation of new, efficient, high-tech economic clusters.

Over the years of the university's existence, the area of ​​buildings under the operational management of the university has been expanded 4 times. A sports and recreation complex was built. It was possible to significantly modernize the international activities of the university. Cooperation is developing with universities in China, India, Norway and Iceland.

Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of a major project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. That is why the university was named after Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky, a Cossack from Little Russia, the first Russian president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. New traditions have also emerged at the university. Each discipline includes a so-called Cossack component - that is, additional sections, topics and special courses within the framework of the federal educational standard.

In 2014, the university was renamed in accordance with its specifics: “First Cossack University” was added to the previous name.

In the field of Cossack education, to improve its quality, the system of continuous Cossack education has received significant development, and clusters of continuous Cossack education are being formed.

Clusters of continuous Cossack education are network educational partnerships organized by military Cossack societies, schools with Cossack cadet classes, colleges and the First Cossack University. The clusters implement a unified content of Cossack education according to levels of education and patriotic education based on the historical and cultural traditions of the Cossacks.

Focusing on regional problems of personnel training for food and processing industry enterprises, the university, within the framework of the continuous Cossack education cluster, opened training in secondary vocational education programs and gathered specialized colleges and technical schools around regional branches.

Thus, over the course of its history, the university has gone through a number of stages of formation and development, while one thing has been and remains unchanged - education of the highest quality for the success of the country.

Rector of MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky
(First Cossack University) Valentina Ivanova