Work program technology 5 9 Simonenko fgos. Educational electronic publication technology

The program in the direction of "Technology" is compiled taking into account the federal component of the state standard of the main general education and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897. The basis was the Program of educational institutions “Technology. Labor training» Grades 1-4, 5-11, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, Moscow 2008; Technology: programs of primary and basic general education /M.V. Khokhlova, P.S. Samorodsky, N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko - M.. “Ventana - Count”, 2011.



Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 1" of Syktyvkar


In the subject "Technology"

5 – 9 grades

Level of education – second

Implementation period – 5 years

Compiled on the basis of a sample program for the academic subject “Technology”.

teacher: Kovalev Vladimir Leonidovich



Explanatory note

Status work program

Program in the direction of "Technology"compiled taking into accountfederal component of the state standard of the maingeneral education and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897.The basis was the Program of educational institutions “Technology. Labor training" grades 1-4, 5-11, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" Moscow 2008; Technology: programs of primary and basic general education /M.V. Khokhlova, P.S. Samorodsky, N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko - M.. “Ventana - Count”, 2011.

The program allows all participants educational process gain an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, educating and developing students using the means of a given academic subject, specifies the content of subject topics of the educational standard, gives approximate distribution teaching hours by sections of the course and the sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intrasubject connections, the logic of the educational process, age characteristics students.

Work program structure

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Thematic plan.
  3. Contents of the training course.
  4. Calendar – thematic planning.
  5. Requirements for the level of preparation of students.
  6. Evaluation criteria.
  7. List of basic teaching aids.
  8. Bibliography.

General characteristics of the subject

The main purpose of the educational field “Technology” in the general education system is the formation of labor and technological culture schoolchildren, systems of technological knowledge and skills, education of labor, civic and patriotic qualities of his personality, their professional self-determination in the conditions of the labor market, the formation of a humanistically oriented worldview. The educational field "Technology" is necessary component general education of schoolchildren, providing them with the opportunity to apply their knowledge of the fundamentals of science in practice. In the basic school, “Technology” is studied from the 5th to the 8th grade of this level of education.

The lack of technology in the federal component of the new Basic Curriculum in the 9th grade does not allow for the continuity of the transition of students from basic to specialized, vocational education, labor activity and continuous self-education. To ensure continuity of technological training in the system of general and vocational education allocated from the regional and educational component an additional hour per week in the 8th grade and 2 hours per week in the 9th grade. At the same time, national and regional features of the content are represented in the program by corresponding technologies, types and objects of labor.

Technology education for schoolchildren is based on mastering specific processes of transformation and use of materials, energy, information, objects of the natural and social environment. In order to take into account the interests and inclinations of students, the capabilities of educational institutions, local socio-economic conditions, a mandatory minimum content of the basic educational programs is studied within the framework of the “Technology” direction.

  1. culture and aesthetics of work;
  2. receiving, processing, storing and using information;
  3. basics of drawing, graphics, design;
  4. elements of home and applied economics, entrepreneurship;
  5. acquaintance with the world of professions, life choices, professional plans students;
  6. influence technological processes on environment and human health;
  7. creative, project activities;
  8. history, prospects and social consequences development of technology and engineering.

The basic section for the program in the Technology direction is the section “Creation of products from structural and ornamental materials.” The program also necessarily includes sections “Electrical work”, “House management technologies”, “Drawing and graphics”, “Modern production and vocational education”.

Based on the need to take into account the needs of the student’s personality, his family and society, and the achievements of pedagogical science, specific educational material for inclusion in the program is selected taking into account the following provisions:

The prevalence of the technologies being studied in the sphere of production, service and households and the reflection in them of modern scientific and technical achievements;

The ability to master the content based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities that have a practical orientation;

The choice of objects of creative and transformative activities based on the study of social, group or individual needs;

Possibility of implementing general labor, polytechnic and practical training, visual representation methods and means of implementing technological processes;

The possibility of cognitive, intellectual, creative, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and physical development students.

Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information, practical work and objects of labor. It is assumed that the study of program material related to practical work is preceded by the necessary minimum theoretical information.

The curriculum in the 9th grade provides for the study of the subject “Drawing”, therefore the number of hours allocated in the subject “Technology” for studying the section “Drawing and Graphics” is reduced, the number of hours is redistributed to the topic “Creating products from structural and ornamental materials”.

The program provides for schoolchildren to perform creative or design work. The corresponding topic according to the curriculum of the program is given at the end of each year of study. When organizing creative or project activities It is very important for students to focus their attention on the consumer purpose of the product that they put forward as a creative idea.

The main form of training is the educational and practical activities of students.

The priority methods are exercises, laboratory-practical, educational-practical work, project method. All types of practical work in the program are aimed at mastering various technologies for processing materials, electrical installation, construction, finishing and repair sanitary work, calculation and design operations. Laboratory and practical work is carried out mainly on the topic “Machines and Mechanisms”.

The teacher, in accordance with available capabilities, selects such an object or topic of work for students to ensure coverage of the entire set of technological operations recommended in the program. At the same time, he must take into account the feasibility of the object of work for students of the appropriate age, as well as its social or personal value.

Topics in the “Housekeeping Technologies” section include teaching elements of the family economy, mastering some types of repair, finishing and sanitary work. The corresponding work is carried out in the form of training exercises. To carry out this work, it is necessary to prepare training stands made of wooden panels, plywood or chipboards or fibreboards. For a deeper mastery of this section, using the time allocated from the educational institution component, technological practice should be organized for schoolchildren. Thematically, it can be related to the repair of equipment, school premises and their sanitary and technical communications: repair and painting of walls, restoration or replacement of tiled or plastic coverings, furniture repair, prevention and repair of sanitary equipment, etc.

The content of training in drawing and graphics, which is set as a mandatory minimum, is presented in two options in the program. Information and practical work on drawing and graphics, as a fragment of content, are included in almost all technological sections and topics of the program. In addition, drawing and graphics are additionally studied as a general course in 9th grade.

Classes in the “Technology” direction are conducted in workshops for wood, metal processing or combined workshops. They must have a set of tools, instruments, machines and equipment recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Much attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of students when performing technological operations. Special attention You should pay attention to compliance with electrical safety rules. It is unacceptable for schoolchildren to work with production equipment that is not included in the list of equipment permitted for use in educational institutions. The use of homemade electromechanical tools and technological machines in classes is not allowed. It is also not allowed to use home-made electrified devices and devices designed for voltages exceeding 42 V in practical classes.

The integrative nature of technology teaching content involves building an educational process based on the use interdisciplinary connections. These are connections with algebra and geometry when carrying out calculations and graphical operations, with chemistry when characterizing the properties of materials, with physics when studying the structure and principles of operation of machines and mechanisms, modern technologies, with history and art when mastering the technologies of traditional crafts.


The study of technology in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. development technological knowledge, the foundations of a culture of creative work, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of work activities to create personally or socially significant products;
  2. mastery general labor and special skills necessary to find and use technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, independent and conscious determination of one’s life and professional plans; safe work practices;
  3. development cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communicative and organizational skills;
  4. upbringing hard work, thrift, accuracy, dedication, enterprise, responsibility for the results of one’s activities; respectful attitude towards people various professions and the results of their work;
  5. receiving experience in applying polytechnic and technological knowledge and skills in independent practical activities.

Place of the subject in the basic curriculum

The Federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates at the stagegeneral education 245 hours for compulsory study each direction of the educational field “Technology”. Including: in V, VI and VII grades 70 hours each, based on 2 study hours per week. In VIII grade – 35 hours

The program is designed for teaching schoolchildren from grades V to IX, taking into account the use of time from the national-regional component (35 hours in the eighth grade) and the educational institution component (70 hours in the ninth grade) and is designed for 350 hours.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The program provides for the development of general educational skills in students, universal methods activities and key competencies. At the same time, the priority types of general educational activities for all areas of the educational field “Technology” at the stage of the maingeneral education are:

  1. Determining adequate solutions educational task based on specified algorithms. Combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not require the standard use of one of them;
  2. Creative solutions for educational and practical problems: ability to motivatedly refuse a sample, search original solutions; self-execution various creative works; participation in project activities;
  3. Giving examples, selecting arguments, formulating conclusions. Reflection in oral or writing results of its activities;
  4. Selection and use of means of presenting information and sign systems(text, table, diagram, drawing, sketch, routing, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task, sphere and situation of communication;
  5. Use for solving cognitive and communication tasks various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases;
  6. Skill Mastery joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with other participants; objective assessment of one’s contribution to the decision common tasks team;
  7. Evaluating your activities from the point of view of moral, legal norms, and aesthetic values.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are presented in the Requirements for the level of training and contain three components: know/understand - a list of knowledge necessary for each student to master, be able - possession of specific practical skills, as well as a component that includes knowledge and skills focused on solving various life problems. The learning outcomes are formulated in the requirements in a generalized form and are invariant with respect to the direction of students' technological training.

The expected learning outcomes for this sample program in the most general form can be formulated asmastery of labor and technological knowledge and skills in the transformation and use of materials, energy, information necessary to createproducts of labor in accordance with their intended functional and aesthetic properties; skills to navigate the world of professions, evaluate their professional interests and inclination to the types of work activity being studied, to draw up life and professional plans; independent planning and housekeeping skills; formation of a work culture, respectful attitude towards work and the results of work.


Thematic plan

5 – 9 grades

Sections and topics

Number of hours


1.1. Technologies for creating products from wood and ornamental materials based on design and technological documentation

Technologies for manufacturing products from flat parts

Technologies for manufacturing products using parts of prismatic and cylindrical shapes

Technologies for manufacturing products using complex compounds

1.2. Technologies for creating metal products based on design and technological documentation

Technologies for manufacturing products from thin sheet metal and wire

Technologies for manufacturing products from rolled products

Technologies for manufacturing products using turned parts

Technologies for processing structural materials

1.3. Graphical representation and modeling

Mechanisms of technological machines

Assembly of technological machine models

from designer parts according to sketches and drawings

Model assembly mechanical devices automation according to sketches and drawings

Complex mechanisms

Manufacturing of decorative and applied products.

1.5. Technology for creating plastic products

Manufacturing of plastic products. Methods for processing waste plastics.

II. Electrical work.

Electric installation work

The simplest electrical circuits with a galvanic current source

Devices with electromagnet

Devices with automation elements

Electric drive

Simple electronic devices

III. Home management technologies.

Minor repairs and care of clothes and shoes

Aesthetics and ecology of home

Family budget. Rational cost planning.

Repair and finishing work in the house

Repair of elements of water supply and sewerage systems.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

IV. Drawing and graphics

Techniques for making drawings and rules for their design

Geometric constructions

Reading and following drawings, sketches and diagrams

Sections and cuts

Assembly drawings

V. Modern production and vocational education

Spheres of production and division of labor

Vocational education and professional career

VI. Creative, design activities




5th grade

Lesson number

Number of hours


1 - 2

Workplace equipment for manual wood processing

3 - 4

Lumber. Wood materials

5 - 6

Graphic documentation

7 - 8

Stages of creating wood products. Marking wood blanks

9 - 10

Sawing with a carpenter's hacksaw

11 - 12

Wood planing

13 - 14

Drilling holes. Connecting parts with nails and screws

15 - 16

Gluing and cleaning wood products

17 - 18

Burning wood products

19 - 20

Sawing wood products. Varnishing of wood products

21 - 22

Organization of a workplace for manual metal processing

23 - 24

Thin sheet metal and wire. Image of metal parts

25 - 26

Editing blanks made of thin sheet metal. Marking. cutting

27 - 28

Wire straightening and cutting. Bending of thin sheet metal and wire

29 - 30

Sawing thin sheet metal and wire

31 - 32


33 - 34

Punching holes. Drilling holes

35 - 36

Connecting parts made of thin sheet metal

37 - 38

Metal finishing

39 - 40

Concept of mechanism

41 - 42

Concept of a car


43 - 44

Organization of the workplace. Electrical safety rules

45 - 46

Types of wires. Tools for electrical work

47 - 48

Installation techniques for installation products

49 - 50

Symbols and reading of a simple electrical diagram


51 - 52

Care of floor coverings and lacquered furniture. Furniture care product

53 - 54

Window care, ways to insulate them

55 - 56

Selecting a project topic.

57 - 58

59 - 60

61 - 62

Making a sketch of the product

63 - 66

Manufacturing of parts

67 - 68

Assembly and finishing of the product

69 - 70

Total for the academic year


Calendar - thematic plan

6th grade

Lesson number

Number of hours


Technology for creating products from wood and ornamental materials based on design and technological documentation

Introductory lesson.

Forestry and woodworking industry. Wood harvesting.

The structure of wood.

Defects of wood.

Production and use of lumber.

Production and use of sheet materials.

7 - 8

Nature conservation in the forestry and woodworking industries.

9 - 10

Basics of design and modeling of wood products.

11 - 12

Manufacturing of prismatic parts using hand tools.

13 - 14

Organization of a turner's workplace

15 - 16

Hand tools and accessories for turning on a lathe

17 - 18

Manufacturing cylindrical parts on a lathe

19 - 20

Artistic processing of wood products. Coloring of wood products.

Technology for creating metal products based on design and technological documentation

21 - 22

Metals and alloys. Basic methods of metal processing

23 - 24

Measuring the dimensions of parts using a caliper.

25 - 26

Graphic representation of long products. Layout.

27 - 28

Cutting workpieces with a hacksaw.

29 - 30

Metal cutting.

31 - 32

Tool for filing metal. Metal filing.

33 - 34

Drilling. Drilling tool.

35 - 36

Rivet connections.

37 - 38

Traditional types of arts and crafts and folk crafts in the Komi Republic.

Machines and mechanisms. Graphical representation and modeling

39 - 40

Technological machines. Types of gears. Conventional graphic symbols.

41 - 42

Assembling a model of a gear mechanism


43 - 44

Electrical installation work using soldering. Types of wires, solders, fluxes.

45 - 46

Tool for electrical installation work. Installation products.

47 - 48

Mechanical termination, connection and branching of wires.

49 - 50

Termination, connection and branching of wires using soldering.


51 - 52

Interior of living quarters and their comfort. Modern styles in the interior.

53 - 54

Making a sketch of a living space and interior elements.


55 - 56

Selecting a project topic.

57 - 58

Justification of the design and stages of its manufacture

59 - 60

Technical and technological problems, ways to solve them

61 - 62

Making a sketch of the product

63 - 66

Manufacturing of parts

67 - 68

Assembly and finishing of the product

69 - 70

Product presentation and project defense

Total for the academic year


Calendar - thematic plan

7th grade

Lesson number

Number of hours


Technology for creating products from wood and ornamental materials based on design and technological documentation

Introduction. Safety precautions.

Physical and mechanical properties wood

Defects of wood.

Drying wood. Humidity rating

Design documentation for a product with a conical and shaped surface.

Development of design and execution of product drawings

7 - 8

Sawing wood along the grain. Sharpening woodworking tools

9 - 10

Main types of joinery joints. Marking, sawing of tenons and products

11 - 14

Chiseling of lugs and sockets.

15 - 16

Tenon joint assembly

17 - 18

Connecting parts using dowels and dowels

19 - 20

Properties of wood and their influence on processing. Test

Technology for creating metal products based on design and technological documentation

21 - 22

General information about metals and alloys. Classification of steels. Heat treatment of steels.

23 - 24

Types of steel and its application

25 - 26

Drawings of parts made on lathes and milling machines

27 - 28

Purpose and design of the TV-6 screw-cutting lathe

29 - 30

Metal turning technology

31 - 32

The device of a horizontal milling machine

33 - 34

Concept of carving. Elements, types and threads

35 - 36

External and internal thread cutting

37 - 38

Artistic metal processing. Test

Machines and mechanisms. Graphical representation and modeling

39 - 40

Mechanical automatic devices, their symbols on diagrams.

41 - 42

Reading diagrams of mechanical fluid level and temperature control devices.


43 - 44

Operating principle and methods of connecting fuses. Apartment wiring diagram.

45 - 46

Counter operation electrical energy. Ways to save electrical energy.

47 - 48

Conversion of non-electrical quantities into electrical signals. Types of sensors.

49 - 50

Automation elements in household electrical devices. The simplest diagrams of automation devices.

51 - 52

The impact of electrical and electronic devices on the environment and human health.


53 - 54

Characteristics of communication systems in residential premises. Rules for their use.

55 - 56

Methods for determining the location of hidden electrical wiring. Rules for using household appliances.


57 - 58

59 - 60

Technical and technological problems, ways to solve them

61 - 62

Making a sketch of the product

63 - 66

Manufacturing of parts

67 - 68

Assembly and finishing of the product

69 - 70

Product presentation and project defense

1 - 2

Application and design of cam, crank and lever mechanisms in cars. Symbols of mechanisms.

3 - 4

Assembling models of complex mechanisms

Arts and crafts

5 - 6

Traditional types of arts and crafts of the peoples of Russia.

7 - 8

Types of arts and crafts of the peoples of the Komi Republic.

9 - 10

The basic principle of artistic and applied design.

11 - 12

Determination of aesthetic and ergonomic requirements for the product.

13 - 14

Development of product sketches and their decorative design.

15 - 18

Manufacturing technology of products taking into account the properties of materials.

19 - 20

Decorative finishing of the product.

21 - 22

Product presentation.


23 - 24

Operating principle of DC and AC motors.

25 - 26

Switching equipment for controlling a commutator motor.

27 - 28

Assembling a model of an electric drive with a DC motor.


29 - 30

Sources of family income and family budget. Planning family expenses.

31 - 32

Formation of the consumer basket. Consumer rights and their protection.

33 - 34

Types of repair and finishing work. Modern materials.

35 - 36

Tools and equipment for painting work.

37 - 38

Purpose and types of wallpaper and adhesives. Butt and overlap wallpaper technology

39 - 40

Schemes of hot and cold water supply. Sewage system in the house.

41 - 42

Types of tools and devices for sanitary work.

43 - 44

Installation of water taps and valves. Installation of taps and mixers.

45 - 46

Causes of water leakage in taps, valves and drain tanks. Repair methods.


47 - 48

Spheres and industries modern production. The concept of the profession, specialty and qualifications of the employee.

49 - 50

Activity manufacturing enterprise and service enterprises.

51 - 52

Types of mass professions in the sphere of production and service in the republic.

53 - 54

Paths to obtaining a profession.


55 - 56

Selecting a project topic. Justification of the design and stages of its manufacture

57 - 58

Work program on technology 6th grade

The work program was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education in technology and the Model program of basic general education in technology for the basic level.

The program is focused on teaching materials “Technology. Labor training" recommended by the Department of Basic General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013. Authors of the program: V.D. Simonenko, N.V. Tit.

For training, the textbook is used by Simonenko V.D., Pravdyuk V.N., Samorodsky P.S., Technology 6th grade. Venta-Graf, 2013.

Tutorial included federal list textbooks, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The material is studied at a basic level.

The study of technology in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    development technological knowledge, the foundations of a culture of creative work, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of work activities to create personally or socially significant products;

    mastery general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, independent and conscious determination of one’s life and professional plans; safe work practices;

    development cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communication and organizational abilities;

    upbringing hard work, thrift, accuracy, dedication, enterprise, responsibility for the results of one’s activities; respectful attitude towards people of various professions and the results of their work;

    receiving experience in applying polytechnic and technological knowledge and skills in independent practical activities.

To conduct classes in the educational field “Technology”, the basic curriculum of general education institutions at the federal level in 6 grades allocates two hours weekly training sessions with duration school year 34 weeks.

Requirements for learning outcomes in 6th grade

Students should know:

sanitary requirements to the kitchen and dining room; greatfor working with hot oils and fats, washing dishes;

general information about the importance of mineral salts and microelementscops in the life of the body, about the culinary significanceresearch, nutritional value and chemical composition of milk; spomethods for determining the quality of milk, ways to keep it freshmilk, technology for preparing milk soups and cereals;

methods of primary processing of fish, technology for preparing fish cutlets and fish semi-finished products,methods of cooking fish;

types of frying products, their distinctive features, utensils and equipment for frying;

rules for cooking cereal porridges of various consistencies, features of preparing dishes from legumes and pastaly, the ratio of cereals, legumes and pasta andliquids when cooking porridges and side dishes;

methods of preparing dough, types of baking powderdough, technology for baking pancakes, pancakes, pancakes;

rules of sanitation, hygiene, safe work with stakepower and cutting tools, with electrical equipment, electric heating devices;

methods for obtaining natural animal fiberswalking, obtaining threads from these fibers under spinning conditionsindustrial production and at home, the properties of natural fibers of animal origin, threads and fabrics ontheir basis, twill and satin weaves;

the principle of operation of motion transformation mechanisms, their designations on kinematic diagrams; purpose, deviceand the principle of operation of sewing machine regulators;

composition, rhythm, ornament, rapport in embroidery, coldnew, warm, chromatic and achromatic colors, methodsenlarging and reducing the picture;

operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements; To light female dress, materials and finishes, exampleused in the manufacture of shirts, rules for taking measurements and their symbols, basicshirt modeling techniques, rulespreparing the pattern for cutting;

purpose, design, graphic symbolsresearch and technology for making the following seams: stitching with an open cut, stitching with one closed cut, butt seam, overlay with two closed cuts, basic technicalnological techniques for processing shirts;

rules for preparing fabric for cutting and technology for cutting fabric, technological sequence for processing a shirt;

Students must be able to:

work with household electrical appliances, detergents and cleaning products chemicals, wash dishes, apply modetergents and disinfectants for washing dishes;

determine the quality of milk, conduct its thermal evaluationBotka, prepare milk soups and porridges, evaluate the quality of foodcommercial dishes;

determine the quality of fish, thaw frozen and soakcook salted fish, carry out primary processing of fish, whenprepare fish cutlet mass using a meat grinder;

carry out primary processing of cereals, legumes and pastanal products; cook loose, viscous and liquid cerealsporridge, prepare casseroles, cereals, cutlets, cereal balls,cook beans and pasta;

prepare dough and bake pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,cook compotes and jelly;

determine the repeat of twill and satin weave,front and back sides and fabric defects;

adjust the quality of machine stitching, install the needleinto a sewing machine, select a needle and thread depending ontype of fabric, determine sewing machine problems caused bycaused by improper installation of the needle, clean and lubricate the seamstressesnew car;

select fabric and trim for making shirts, removeand write down measurements, read and draw drawings of a shirt, model a shirt,prepare skirt patterns for cutting;

use a sewing machine to perform an adjustment stitch with an open cut, an adjustment stitch with one closed cut, a butt seam,overlay seam with two closed cuts, processshirt;

prepare fabric for cutting, perform economical layoutpatterns on fabric, cutting out a shirt, preparing cut details for processing, processing detailscutting, fitting, identifying and correcting defects,perform final finishing and determine the quality of the finished productof the product.

Course content 6th grade

Aesthetics of the school site - 8 hours.

Cooking (14 hours).

Physiology of nutrition (2 hours).

Mineral salts and trace elements,their content in food products . Role minerals in the life of the human body.

The importance of calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, iodine salts for the human body. Daily salt requirement.

Practical work

Working with tables of composition and quantitymineral salts and trace elementsin various products. Determination of the quantity and composition of products that provide daily requirement person in mineral salts and microelements.

Variants of labor objects.

Tables, reference materials.

Cooking technology (10 hours).

Dishes made from milk and dairy products

Basic theoretical information

Culinary significance of milk and dairy products. Types of milk and dairy products. Nutritional value and chemical composition milk. Conditions and terms of its storage.

The importance of fermented milk products in human nutrition. Assortment of fermented milk products.Types of bacterial cultures for the preparation of fermented milk products.

Practical work

Primary processing of cereals. Determination of milk quality. Preparing milk soup or milk porridge. Making yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese at home. Preparing a dish from fermented milk products.

Options for labor objects

Milk soup, milk porridge, kefir, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole.

Dishes from fish and non-fish seafood

Basic theoretical information

The concept of the nutritional value of fish and non-fish seafood products. Possibilities of culinary use of fish of different breeds. Technology and sanitary conditions primary and thermal processing of fish.

Practical work

Selection of tools and equipment for cutting fish. Determination of fish freshness by organoleptic method. Primary processing of scaly fish. Boiling and frying fish in whole form, in links, in portions. Determining the readiness of fish dishes.

Variants of labor objects.

Dishes of boiled and fried fish.

Dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta

Basic theoretical information

Types of cereals and pasta. Rules for cooking loose cereals, viscous and liquid porridges, pasta. Technology for preparing dishes from legumes, ensuring the preservation of B vitamins in them. Reasons for the increase in weight and volume during cooking.

Practical work

Preparing for cooking cereals, legumes and pasta. Determining the required amount of liquid when cooking porridges of various consistencies and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

Variants of labor objects.

Buckwheat porridge, side dishes of rice and pasta.

Preparing lunch on the go

Basic theoretical information

Ensuring the safety of products. Utensils for cooking in camp conditions. Natural springs water. Methods of water disinfection. Methods of heating and cooking food in camping conditions. Compliance with fire safety measures.

Practical work:

Calculation of the quantity, composition and cost of products for the trip.

Preparing food (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Processes occurring during salting and fermentation. Preservative role of lactic acid. Safety nutrients in salted and pickled vegetables.

Time for fermentation (fermentation) of pickled and salted vegetables until ready. Storage conditions and periods.

Practical work

Primary processing of vegetables before salting. Preparing containers. Determining the amount of salt and spices. Pickling cucumbers or tomatoes. Sauerkraut.

Variants of labor objects.

Pickled cucumber, sauerkraut.

Creation of products from textile and ornamental materials (40 hours).

Needlework. Artistic crafts (10 hours).


Basic theoretical information

Brief information from the history of creating products from scraps. Ornament in decorative and applied arts. Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Geometric ornament. The possibilities of patchwork sewing, its connection with modern fashion trends.

Practical work

Making a sketch of a product using the patchwork technique. Selection of fabrics by color, pattern and texture, preparing them for work. Making templates from cardboard or thick paper for cutting out ornamental elements. Cut the fabric taking into account the direction of the grain thread. Technology for connecting parts to each other and to the lining. Use of cushioning materials.

Variants of labor objects.

Potholder, napkin, sofa cushion.

Free painting on fabric

Basic theoretical information

Techniques for stylizing real forms. Elements of decorative solutions for real-life forms. Artistic features of free painting of fabrics: composition, colorful design. Free painting techniques.

Practical work

Performing static, dynamic, symmetrical and asymmetrical compositions. Sketching natural motifs from nature and their stylization. Selection of fabrics and dyes. Tools and devices for free painting. Free painting using saline solution. Attaching the design to the fabric. Creating a composition depicting a landscape for a panel or scarf using the technique of “free painting” on fabric.

Variants of labor objects.

Decorative panel, scarf, tablecloth.

Elements of materials science (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Natural fibers of animal origin. Obtaining threads from these fibers in spinning production and at home. Properties of natural fibers of animal origin, as well as threads and fabrics based on them.

Twill and satin weaves of threads in fabrics. The concept of weave repeat. The influence of the type of weave on the drapability of the fabric.

Fabric defects. Comparative characteristics properties of cotton, linen, silk and wool fabrics.

Practical work

Recognition of fibers and threads from cotton, linen, silk, wool in fabrics. Determination of the front and back sides of twill and satin weave fabrics. Compiling a collection of twill and satin weave fabrics.

Variants of labor objects.

Samples of cotton, linen, silk and wool fabrics.

Elements of mechanical engineering (4 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Purpose, design and principle of operation of the regulators of a universal household sewing machine. Selection of needle and thread thickness depending on the type of fabric. Malfunctions in the operation of the sewing machine caused by defects in the machine needle or its incorrect installation.

Practical work

Adjusting the quality of machine stitching for different types of fabrics. Replacing a needle in a sewing machine. Sewing machine care, cleaning and lubrication.

Variants of labor objects.

Sewing machine.

Design and modeling of waist garments (6 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements for a lightweight women's dress. Fabrics and finishings used for making skirts. Skirt designs. Measurements necessary to construct the basis of the drawing of conical, wedge and straight skirts. Increases to measurements for looseness of fit.

Conventional graphic images of parts and products in drawings, sketches, drawings, diagrams. Methods for modeling conical, wedge and straight skirts. Shape, silhouette, style. Individual style in clothes.

Practical work

Taking measurements and recording measurement results. Constructing the basis of a drawing of a skirt on a scale of 1:4 and in full size according to your own standards. Choosing a skirt model depending on your body shape. Modeling a skirt of the selected style. Preparing the skirt pattern for cutting.

Variants of labor objects.

Drawing and pattern of a skirt.

Technology for manufacturing waist garments (18 hours)

Basic theoretical information

The purpose and design of stitching, stitching and overhead seams, their graphic symbols and execution technology. Features of pattern layout on checkered and striped fabric. Methods for processing the lower and upper sections of the skirt. Features of wet-heat treatment of wool and silk fabrics.

Practical work

Laying out the pattern, chalking and cutting the fabric. Laying contour and control lines and points on cut details. Processing of cut details. Peeling and basting of cut details. Preparing the skirt for fitting. Trying on a skirt, leveling the bottom of the product, identifying and correcting defects, adjusting the product to the figure. Sewing product parts. Final finishing and wet-heat treatment of the product. Artistic design of the product. Control and assessment of the quality of the finished product.

Variants of labor objects.

The skirt is conical, wedge or straight.

Home management technologies (2 hours)

Care of clothes and shoes, hygiene and cosmetics (2 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Modern care products for linen, clothes and shoes. Moth protection products. Equipment and devices for dry and wet cleaning. Home hygiene. Personal hygiene and cosmetics.

Practical work:

Removing stains from clothes. Repair of clothing with decorative finishing patches by hand and machine. Bookmark for storing wool and fur products.Bookmark for summer storage of winter shoes. Wet cleaning of the house.

Variants of labor objects.

Product subject to repair, woolen products.

Electrical work (2 hours)

Electric installation work

Basic theoretical information

General concept about electric current. Kindscurrent sources and consumers of electrical energy. Rules for electrical safety and operation of household electrical appliances. Personal protective equipment when performing electrical work.

Types of connections of elements in electrical circuits. Conditional graphic image elements of electrical circuits on electrical diagrams. Electrical installation products. Types of wires. Techniques for installing installation products.

Professions related to electrical installation work.

Practical work.

Organization of the workplace, use of tools and devices for electrical installation work. Perform mechanical termination, connection and branching of wires. Connecting wires to the cartridge electric lamp, switch, plug, socket. Assembling a model of an electric lighting device from electrical construction kit parts. Providing first aid in case of electric shock.

Educational and thematic plan.

Sections and topics



Physiology of nutrition

Cooking technology

Procurement of products


Needlework. Artistic crafts

Elements of materials science

Elements of mechanical engineering

Design and modeling of garments

Garment manufacturing technology


Composition in the interior. Features of the home.

Care of clothes and shoes. Hygiene and cosmetics.


Electric installation work



Resource support programs.

-"Technology. 6th grade" V.D. Simonenko, V.N. Pravdyuk, P.S. Samorodsky M: Venta-Graf 2013.

-"Technologyfabric processing6th grade.” V.N. Chernyakova,M: "Enlightenment",2010

-“Methodology for teaching technology. Grades 5-9" A.K. Beshenkov, Moscow: Bustard, 2004.

Project method in technological education of schoolchildren. I.A. Sasova. Moscow: “Ventaga-Graf”, 2003.

V.M. Kazakevich. Assessment of the quality of training of secondary school graduates in technology. M.: Bustard, 2000

A.V.Marchenko. final examination graduates. Technology. M.: Education, 2002


The manual presents detailed thematic planning on technology in grades 5-9 (option for boys), compiled on the basis of the Model General Education Program in accordance with the author's program and textbooks on technology edited by V.D. Simonenko. School education in modern conditions designed to provide functional literacy and social adaptation of students based on their acquisition of competent experience in the field of learning, cognition, professional and labor choice, personal development, and value orientations. This predetermines the focus of learning goals on the formation of a competent personality capable of life activity and self-determination in information society with a clear understanding of their potential capabilities, resources and ways of realizing their chosen life path.

Example from the textbook

The head of the goal school education is the development of the child as a competent person by including him in different kinds value human activity: study, knowledge, communication, professional and labor choice, personal self-development, value orientations, search for the meaning of life. From these positions, learning is considered as a process of mastering not only a certain amount of knowledge and a system of corresponding skills, but also competencies. This determined the objectives of technology training:
– mastering technological knowledge, technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities to create personality or socially significant products of labor;
– mastering general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, and independent work. and consciously determining one’s life and professional plans; safe work practices;
– development of cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communication and organizational abilities;
– fostering hard work, thrift, accuracy, dedication, enterprise, responsibility for the results of one’s activities, respect for people of various professions and the results of their work;
– gaining experience in applying polytechnic and technological knowledge and skills in independent practical activities.
Based on the requirements of the standard, the content of the work program is expected to implement currently relevant personality-oriented, activity-based approaches that define the learning objectives:

Work program on technology. 5th grade 7
Explanatory Note 7
Detailed thematic planning. Option 1 10
Detailed thematic planning. Option 2 22
Work program but technology. 6th grade 32
Explanatory note 32
Detailed thematic planning. Option 1 35
Detailed thematic planning. Option 2 46
Work program on technology. 7th grade 57
Explanatory note 57
Expanded thematic planning 60
Work program on technology. 8-9 grades 70
Explanatory note 70
Detailed thematic planning. 8th grade (Option 1) 73
Detailed thematic planning. 8th grade (Option 2) 87
Detailed thematic planning. 9th grade 95

Along with this also read:

"Technology" grades 5-9

Educational electronic publication "Technology" (5-9) part of the “Library of Electronic visual aids» and is intended for use in educational process educational institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as for independent use by students at home, in a library, media center, etc.

The publication was prepared in accordance with the draft Federal Component of the State Standard of General Education in Technology.

The electronic publication is an integral part of the complex of teaching aids developed for the educational field of Technology, textbooks, tables, videos, slides, banners, etc.

The Technology course program is based on students studying the basics of polytechnic knowledge and acquiring skills in the elements of engineering, technology, materials science, information technology in their integration with decorative and applied arts.

The main goals of the educational field “Technology” are:

  • acquisition by schoolchildren of technological knowledge, development of skills to master various methods and means of converting materials, using energy and information;
  • development creativity students based on their natural inclinations in the process of various practical activities;
  • creating conditions for students to creatively solve practical problems that they may encounter in various fields their activities, including housekeeping and leisure activities;
  • contribute to the development of an active humanistic, nature-conforming life position in students, responsibility for the results of their work, the assimilation of modern technological culture, the cultivation of hard work and a work culture.

Students' training in the educational field "Technology" is based on specific technological processes. Regardless of the chosen technologies, in conjunction with them, the general labor content of training should be mastered along the following cross-cutting thematic lines:

  • culture and aesthetics of work;
  • receiving, processing, storing and using information;
  • creative project activities;
  • the impact of technological processes on the environment and human health;
  • history of the development of technology and technology.

It is quite difficult to solve the tasks assigned to the educational field of Technology within the framework of traditional teaching methods. Along with the development of educational content, teaching methods also develop. One of the most promising methods is the use of information in the educational process. computer technology. They make it possible to enrich the educational process with illustrative and reference material and significantly expand the visual range of presented information.

This electronic publication was created for the “Technology” teacher and is focused on the content of the subject embedded in current project education standard. The publication contains additional and expanding information to textbooks and teaching aids on the subject.

The electronic publication is multifunctional in its purpose. The teacher receives extensive material to prepare for classes. This is especially important for schools that are geographically remote from large cultural and educational centers countries. If the school has the appropriate hardware, the teacher can organize a wide demonstration of educational material in the classroom.

It should be borne in mind that there is no logical relationship between individual topics, sections, and fragments. The contents of the disk represent an extensive database that can be used by the teacher when constructing various techniques conducting classes. In addition, the structural organization of the disk allows the teacher to constantly supplement the existing sections with his own illustrative and reference materials.

Training materials tailored school curriculum structured into the following sections:


1.1. Wood materials
1.1.1. Natural wood
1.1.2. Artificial wood materials
1.1.3. Defects in wood materials
1.2.Woodworking tools
1.2.1. Workbenches
1.2.2. Marking, measuring tools, devices
1.2.3. Cutting and profiling tools
1.2.4. Mechanisms and tools for drilling holes
1.2.5. Tools and Fasteners
1.2.6. Tools for finishing parts and wood products
1.2.7. Electrified tools.
1.2.8. Technological machines
1.3. Technologies for processing wood materials
1.3.1. Working with hand power tools
1.3.2. Working with electrified tools and machines
1.3.3. Connecting parts.
1.3.4. Finishing of parts and products
1.4. Artistic wood processing
1.4.1. Thread
1.4.2. painting
1.4.3. Turning
1.4.4. Inlay


2.1. Metal working tools
2.1.1. Measuring and marking tools
2.1.2. Metal cutting tools
2.1.3. Tools, fasteners and materials for joining parts
2.1.4. Metal cutting machines
2.2. Metal processing technologies.
2.2.1. Manual cutting and filing
2.2.2. Pressure treatment
2.2.3. Drilling, turning, milling, planing, grinding.
2.2.4. Mechanical connection of parts.
2.2.5. Soldering and welding.
2.2.6. Heat treatment.
2.3. Mechanical Engineering
2.4.1. Main types of mechanisms
2.4.2. Technological machines
2.4. Artistic processing of metals
2.5.1. Coinage
2.5.2. Difovka (punch)
2.5.3. Electrochemical processing
2.5.4. Metal cutting
2.5.5. Forging, casting


3.1. Basics of rational nutrition
3.1.1. Physiology of nutrition
3.1.2. The nutritional value products
3.2. Food Processing
3.2.1. Mechanical restoration
3.2.2. Heat treatment
3.3. Cooking technology
3.3.1. First meal
3.3.2. Snacks
3.3.3. Second courses
3.3.4. Beverages
3.3.5. Dough products
3.3.6. Dishes decoration
3.4. Table setting and etiquette
3.4.1. Table setting
3.4.2. Etiquette


4.1.materials science
4.1.1. Origin of fibers
4.1.2. Fabric production
4.1.3. Types of weaves
4.1.4. Finishing, cushioning, insulating materials
4.2. Mechanical Engineering
4.2.1. History of the sewing machine
4.2.2. Sewing machine
4.3. Design and modeling of clothing
4.3.1. History of the costume
4.3.2. Construction systems
4.3.3. Modeling
4.4. Garment manufacturing technology
4.4.1. Stitches, lines, seams
4.4.2. Machine seams
4.4.3. Wet heat treatment
4.4.4. Garment processing technology
4.5. Needlework
4.5.1. Embroidery
4.5.2. Knitting
4.5.3. Weaving
4.5.4. Painting on fabric
4.5.5. Working with fur and leather
4.5.6. Patchwork


5.1. Interior
5.1.1. Interior history
5.1.2. Essential elements
5.1.3. Color and light
5.1.4. Composition and Functional Purpose
5.2. Repair Work
5.2.1. Preparation for repair of walls, ceilings, wood and metal surfaces
5.2.2. Painting walls, ceilings, doors and window frames
5.2.3. Wallpapering walls and ceilings
5.2.4. Installation of vinyl flooring and carpeting
5.2.5. Laying tiles
5.3. Sanitary work
5.3.1. Scheme and composition of water supply and sewerage systems
5.3.2. Tools, fixtures and parts for repairs
5.3.3. Water supply and sewerage repair technologies.


6.1. Electrical circuit
6.1.1. Conventional graphic symbols
6.1.2. Electrical circuit diagrams for lighting electrical installations
6.2.Electrical installation work
6.2.1. Tools for electrical work
6.2.2. Elements of the residential electrical circuit
6.2.3. Technologies for installation and repair of residential electrical circuit elements
6.3. Chemical sources and electrical machines
6.3.1. Batteries
6.3.2. Generators
6.3.3. Electric motors
6.4. Electronic devices
6.4.1. Circuits of simple electronic devices
6.4.2. Appliances

The database of the electronic publication consists of information materials that illustrate each topic of these sections.

The source materials for filling the database are images and diagrams of tools, machines, types of labor activity, decorative works - applied arts, video fragments illustrating different types of work, animation of production processes.

Each multimedia catalog database object is attributed not only by such characteristics as title, author, and time of creation. It is “tied” to specific course topics curriculum. The same multimedia catalog object can be used by the teacher as visual material when explaining different topics.

In addition, a set of ready-made visual aids (lectures) on the topics of the training course has been created, which the teacher can use in lessons, taking the accompanying material as a basis for the attached methodological recommendations or in accordance with own experience teaching. Such manuals (lectures) include pre-prepared information objects of the multimedia catalog located in a certain, methodologically sound order.

It is possible to copy text or other illustrations from a CD for further printing and use the printed material as a handout in class.

For the electronic publication to work correctly, you need a computer that meets the following requirements:

  • Processor Pentium 450;
  • RAM 64 MB;
  • video adapter with video memory of at least 8 MB;
  • monitor with a resolution of 800x600 pixels, 16-bit color;
  • CD drive CD-ROM no less than 12;
  • Windows 2000 operating system.

The main task of the electronic publication interface is to provide the user with comfortable environment for active creative work.

Since one of the purposes of the electronic edition is to provide the teacher with materials for the Technology course to prepare visual materials for the lesson, the electronic edition includes a catalog with a search and reference system, an editor for preparing visual materials (lectures), as well as an implementation program for demonstrating lectures .

  1. Multimedia catalog is a database of multimedia components. Information objects included in the catalog library are attributed by: title, author, date of creation, section, topic and paragraph of the curriculum course, keywords.
  2. The editor is a tool for self-creation electronic visual aids (lectures).
  3. Lectures are tools for presenting sets of electronic visual aids created independently or supplied with the publication on disk.

In addition, the electronic edition contains:

  • dictionary of terms;
  • reference materials on personalities;
  • bibliography;
    list of Internet resources;
  • notepad for working with text information on objects;
  • briefcase for independent work with graphic, video objects, interactive illustrations;
  • means of searching for objects using various criteria.

The practice of using compact discs (CD-ROM) in the educational process shows that CD-ROM makes adjustments to the system of techniques used by the teacher in line with traditional methods. This is also explained by the disproportionately large amount of visual and audio information provided by the CD, the interest modern schoolchildren to multimedia technologies, and the opportunity for the teacher to apply interesting methodological techniques, give more attention development of students' creative abilities.

How can a teacher teaching a course organize work using the new CD-ROM? Let's look at several stages of the lesson.

Conducting preliminary testing of students’ knowledge in the educational field “Technology”

At this stage of work, it is extremely important to maintain correctness, that is, not to strive to demonstrate to students the degree of their ignorance, but to try to show that the knowledge that they will receive in the Technology course will expand their understanding of how, over the centuries, people have changed the world around them. themselves, how the development of technology and technology took place in various fields of human activity.

The teacher can ask, for example, the following questions:

What part of the plant does flax fiber come from?

What are the types of inlays you know?

Why is the eye of a machine needle located near its point, and not near the blunt end as in a hand sewing needle?

It is difficult to expect that students' answers will be comprehensive. But it is here that one can demonstrate one of important functions CD-ROM – search for a given word. To answer the teacher’s questions, one of the students (or several students in turn) will ask for information on the words “linen”, “inlay”, “needle”, etc., respectively. and in a few seconds they will receive enough information to answer the questions.

It seems that such a lesson can be no less interesting than just a teacher talking about the meaning of the Technology course, although, of course, one does not exclude the other.

Using an electronic publication in a traditional lesson

The topics of the Technology course are studied in accordance with the objectives set by the program and the curriculum. To accomplish these tasks, you can go the traditional way: use the disk materials as reference and illustrative in preparation for the next lesson, accompanying the story with the sequential inclusion of certain images, videos or interactive illustrations. Moreover, in order to save teachers’ time, the disk includes several sets of ready-made visual materials on a number of mandatory topics of the program:

Types of weaving
Creating a theatrical costume
Decorating dishes
Artistic wood processing
Artistic processing of metals
and etc.

The section of the disk “Mechanical processing of vegetables” is necessary for students starting from the 5th grade, when practical lessons for preparing salads from raw vegetables, main courses from vegetables, etc. Electronic manual contains unique material that shows not only various ways cutting vegetables (straws, cubes, slices, spirals, etc.), but also the correct safe techniques for slicing dynamically using special devices.

This option differs from showing an art album or turning on a tape recorder only in that all the materials are collected compactly in one place.

The CD also provides the opportunity for interactive game activities for the student to perform independent exercises. An example of such a task is table setting. On the screen on the left is a table that needs to be served, and on the right are dishes and cutlery. The student must move the images of cutlery using the mouse onto the table to the required position. If the student "places" the fork or spoon incorrectly, it will return to the right side of the screen. This game is entertaining and useful at the same time.

Creative use of materials offered by the electronic publication

The main methodological feature of this electronic publication is to provide teachers and students with the ability to search independent decisions, without going beyond the scope of the Technology program. Database of multimedia catalog of electronic publications, in in this case, is the basis for teachers to create their “own” electronic visual aids (with the ability to filter the material by one or another parameter) for use in lessons using the implementation program included in the disk for demonstrating independently prepared visual aids.

It seems that when a teacher uses a CD-ROM, he must set himself and his students additional task: training in searching for information, and therefore acquiring knowledge, using CD-ROM.

It seems obvious that working with a CD-ROM requires less time, and the search for the necessary information is easier, but most importantly, this information is available to the teacher and student regardless of geographical location schools where they work and study.

And if the distribution of information within the course is done by the program, then the distribution of skills for searching and collecting the necessary information across lessons can be done by the teacher himself. To do this, of course, he must first master the CD-ROM himself: both in content and functionality. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contents of the disc in in full to have an idea of ​​the possibilities of its use in the educational process. You can do this by following the instructions on the disk and the contextual hint in each interface of the publication (the “Help” button).

In our opinion, in the first lessons it would be useful for students to master the following skills:

1. The ability to exit from the main interface to the component of the CD-ROM where the information of interest may be located.

2. The ability to use the “Search” function in the case when there is no idea in which thematic section the information you are looking for is located.

3.More complex ability to work with the Editor, that is, to create your own visual aids.

Mastering the listed skills is advisable in the first lessons, when work with the disk is carried out mainly by the teacher or together with the teacher. So, for example, in order to new term, introduced into the teacher's story, has been perceived and internalized, it will be better if students can read its definition on the screen. To do this, you need to show how to find the necessary information in the “Directory” and “Glossary of Terms” sections.

Of course, some high school students, especially those living in big cities have been playing since childhood computer games and use the Internet. They own a computer and can easily handle any CD-ROM themselves. Our recommendations are addressed primarily to those schools, those teachers and students who are just learning new multimedia technologies.

The most interesting and creative work, which is possible using a CD-ROM, is work in the “Editor” and “Database” sections. The user gets the following opportunities:

- independently select exhibits on a chosen topic or problem in new lecture;
— replenish the multimedia catalog with new exhibits, including via the Internet;
— prepare your comments on multimedia exhibits if those offered seem insufficient or, conversely, redundant;
— develop and save your own templates for visual aids and test cards;
- keep necessary information, creating personal sets of visual aids (lectures) for teachers and students.

Sets of multimedia catalog information objects, user-created, are called “Portfolios”. Each user can create one or more “Portfolios”. The contents of the “Portfolio” can be deleted by the user at any time.

“Notepad” will also help the teacher, where the user can sequentially place text materials.

The named work opportunities involve the use of elements of research, analytical work students when they are offered not ready-made formulations, but material for analysis.

The ease of working with this CD allows the teacher to conduct lessons using the so-called open method, when the teacher tells the students how he prepared the lesson. This will help students develop more complex skills related not only to searching for information, but also to its selection, filtering and compilation. This methodological solution will be a kind of preparation for students to perform independent creative tasks using a CD.

Creative tasks can be completed in class, at home and as a test assignments. It is assumed that in these cases the wording of the tasks should be somewhat different from the wording of the program, as if at the intersection of topics limited by certain conditions.

Of course, the first lectures should be very simple and compiled from materials present on the CD-ROM. When this procedure is mastered, tasks for composing more complex lectures will also become possible, for example, with the introduction of information from the Internet or other sources.

It is also possible that the assembled houses (or during after school hours on the school computer) lectures become the material for the next lesson. Then the teacher corrects, if necessary, the material collected by the student.

Interesting use of disk materials is also possible at the control stage, both intermediate and final. The teacher can prepare several versions of test tasks or even an individual task for each student. These are tasks based on the principle entertaining quiz, fun test, etc. The assessment of a student’s work in this case can consist of two indicators. The first is the correctness of the answer. The second is the ability to correct a mistake using the capabilities of the disk. Thus, at the end of the course, the teacher will be able to check not only what content material the students have mastered, but also what skills they have mastered in working with CD-ROMs.

The authors believe that the pedagogical effect of creative tasks completed using a CD can be twofold. Firstly, this is the acquisition of knowledge necessary for every modern young person for full communication in his environment, as well as in the world of adults, and secondly, the acquisition of techniques for working with a multimedia product, learning to search for the necessary information, the ability to reason logically and act in within a given amount of information.

Let's look at an example of how you can use information from an electronic disk in clothing design classes. The best place to start is with history. of this element clothes. For this purpose, the disc presents characteristic clothing models of the 17th-20th centuries, the best examples of costumes, recognized as classic works of decorative and applied art. Students can consider the main features of clothing styles, compare silhouettes, fabric textures, cuts, colors, and types of finishing of clothing from different times. This forms students’ idea of ​​style in general and a specific time trend of fashion. When designing and modeling clothing and when performing creative project this information will be extremely useful.

From precise measurement The shape depends on the quality of the product. Therefore it is very important to form the right techniques human figure measurements. The image clearly shows the position of the measuring tape. It can be used both by the teacher when explaining new material, and by students when conducting practical work for taking measurements.

Using the materials in this section of the disk, you can quickly show the difference between conical skirts depending on the expansion coefficient, their difference from straight and wedge skirts. A demonstration of a step-by-step method for constructing the basis of a drawing of a skirt and trousers with a detailed description will help students complete this difficult practical work.

The electronic disk will provide the teacher with invaluable assistance in the aesthetic education of students. In the sections “Artistic processing of wood”, “Artistic processing of metals”, “Handicraft” the teacher will find a large number of illustrations of works of decorative and applied art: inlay and wood carving, metal chasing, embroidery patterns, beautiful ornaments of Pavlov Posad shawls and Vologda lace. The history of costume and interior design are also represented by works of art.

Interior is a relatively new section of “Technology”, for which there are practically no teaching materials. The disc provides the teacher with extensive material on the history of interior design, interior design options for a kitchen, living room, children's room, office, bedroom; examples of the use of indoor plants, various lamps, and works of decorative and applied art in interior design are given.

Since Technology integrates knowledge gained by students in other educational areas, it may be useful to use CD-ROMs of other school subjects such as chemistry, biology, art and etc.

For download Ueducational electronic publication "Technology", intended for use in the educational process in order to provide the teacher with additional materials in the course "Technology".