Salts of formic acid are called. Examples of declarations using this code

Salt against ants May 8th, 2018

There seemed to be situations when ants really bothered us, but we didn’t really know how to protect ourselves from them. They seem to describe the methods here, but I have never heard of them in my life.

Have you tried any of this?

1. Salt on the doorstep

The easiest and laziest way to repel ants from your home is to sprinkle salt on the threshold. And at the same time, window sills, all passages and places of mass accumulation of many-legged pests.

This method is by no means just another modern life hack. It was first described back in 1937 on the pages of Times magazine. The article, titled “Salt v. Insect,” gave very vague explanations: either the ants must die en masse from thirst (after all, salt absorbs moisture), or from dehydration of their exoskeleton. But since then, more than one generation of people suffering from the ant problem has been actively sprinkling salt on their thresholds. And he claims that it works.

2. Salt and water

Are there any outdoor gatherings planned? If you have a table in your yard and ants are actively encroaching on it, prepare four plastic containers. Fill each with water, adding a little salt, and use the containers as “stands” for table legs (as in the photo). Ants will not be able to get through such a “ditch”, and the most stubborn of them will not survive a bath with salt. So insects definitely won’t taste your food.

3. Sugar and boric acid

An effective remedy against ants can be made using not only salt, but also sugar. In a deep container, mix a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of boric acid, carefully and slowly pour in a glass of warm water and wait. The mixture should foam and crystallize slightly.

Now dip several cotton pads into the resulting cocktail and place them in places where you constantly notice ants. Insects will be attracted to such a “delicacy”, and they will even bring its crumbs to their nest. But the ant organism will not withstand such an explosive mixture and in a matter of hours it will finish them off.


Formic acid is more effective than other means in removing ice from runways and roadways without harming the environment.

Nature as the largest producer

Ants and jellyfish use this substance for their own protection and for obtaining food. Many people have repeatedly experienced its effect firsthand by accidentally touching nettle leaves. We are talking about formic acid, a pungent, odorous liquid of natural origin that has attracted the attention of people for several centuries.

This simplest carboxylic acid was first isolated in its pure form by the English naturalist John Ray in 1671. He placed red forest ants in a glass flask with water, brought the vessel to a boil, and in the resulting distillate he discovered an acidic liquid, which he called formic acid. The first successful laboratory synthesis of this substance dates back to 1855. It was carried out by the French chemist Marcelin Berthelot. BASF began to show interest in formic acid in the 1920s and began large-scale production in 1935, after the product became in demand in many industries.

Currently, formic acid is a widely used chemical. Dr. Tatiana Levy, Innovation Manager at BASF Intermediates, calls it “a truly versatile product.” Formic acid has been successfully used in a variety of fields for several decades. Thus, it is used in the manufacture of animal feed (as a preservative), in leather and textile production, and also as a component of drilling fluids in the development of oil fields. “In addition, in close cooperation with customers, we are constantly finding new applications for formic acid,” adds Dr. Levy.

Formic acid salts

Formates, used as reagents for removing ice and snow in winter, are more expensive than salts and anti-slip agents (pea gravel or sand). However, the difference becomes less significant when all subsequent costs are taken into account. Thus, salt (sodium chloride) disrupts the water regime and balance of nutrients in the soil, and also leads to corrosion of structural elements of buildings, road surfaces and bridges. The effectiveness of anti-slip agents is controversial, as they pollute urban environments and are labor-intensive to clean up. On the contrary, formic acid salts are environmentally friendly and have low corrosive activity; they reliably protect roads and sidewalks from snow and ice (without unwanted side effects). At the same time, there is no need for additional costs associated with replanting trees and shrubs, as well as repairing buildings.

Treating the airport area using formates

European airports are fighting icing with chemicals. “Formic acid salts have been used for over a decade to de-ice runways and airport taxiways,” explains Dr. Levy. The addition of these salts, also known as formates, ensures that water does not freeze when the temperature drops to 0°C. Depending on the concentration of the deicer, the freezing point can be brought to −50 o C, which differs significantly from the ambient temperature. Accordingly, formates quickly remove thin ice and effectively prevent snow deposition and the formation of new ice on runways. Moreover, these substances do not pose a danger to the environment. “Salts of formic acid together with melt water can end up in drains, but the harm from them (compared to other deicers) can be minimal - due to the ability of formates to biodegrade, during which a very small amount of oxygen is consumed,” emphasizes Tatyana Levi.

The snow removal service at Zurich Airport has been using formates since 2005. “We have very high expectations for reliable, environmentally friendly deicers,” explains Hans-Peter Moll, responsible for airfield maintenance at Zurich Airport. – It is necessary that these compounds quickly react with ice on runways and taxiways, have a long service life, combine well with other materials and remain harmless. Our experience shows that formic acid salts are superior to any other deicer based on these criteria.”

Municipal services are showing growing interest in formates

The positive experience of airports in using formates as alternative deicers has aroused the interest of municipal authorities. Snow removal services in Scandinavia, Switzerland and Austria use these chemicals to remove ice from roadways, bike paths and sidewalks where extra care is required (for example, tree-lined boulevards or historic areas). In Basel, snow has been removed from the artificial surfaces of sports arenas in a similar manner for many years. In this case, first the cleaning is done mechanically, and then the thin remaining layer of snow is melted using formates. Thanks to their effective anti-icing effect, it is possible to quickly bring the grounds into a condition suitable for sports competitions. “We were very impressed by the ability of formic acid salts to biodegrade at low temperatures. Thus, they do not create obstacles for athletes during competitions. In addition, artificial surfaces and sports equipment (balls, rackets, bars, nets) receive less damage and are better preserved during the winter period in cases where formates are used to remove snow and ice,” summarizes Eric Hardman, responsible for sports conditions. facilities in Basel.

It is worth noting that the absolute leader in the production of formic acid is precisely animals and plants, which together produce larger quantities of this substance than all chemical industry enterprises combined.

Since ancient times, the burning secretions of red ants have been valued by healers for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties.

In the enlightened 17th century, the English zoologist John Ray became interested in obtaining a miracle cure and conducted a not entirely humane experiment. The scientist placed several dozen ants in a glass jar. Then he boiled water and passed a stream of steam through the vessel. Subsequent condensation gave a strongly acidic solution. The creator named it formic acid.

Two centuries later, the French chemist Berthelot synthesized the substance from carbon monoxide. The technique was taken as a basis by modern chemists.

The generally accepted designation of the preservative is Formic acid (international synonym is Formic acid). There are also other names:

  • Index in the European codification system E 236 (E–236).
  • The name according to the systematic nomenclature is methanoic acid.
  • In German the following designations are found: Ameisensaure, d-Carbonsaure.
  • French synonyms: Acile formique, Acide methanoique.

Type of substance

Food additive E 236 belongs to the group.

In small quantities, the organic substance is synthesized in the human body from methyl alcohol, which penetrates through the respiratory tract and skin.

There are several ways to obtain formic acid.

About 35% of the total amount of the substance is produced by the method of alkaline hydrolysis of formamide (mainly for technical purposes).

Additive E 236 for the needs of the food industry is synthesized in two stages. First, carbon monoxide is passed through sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) heated to 1300C. The sodium salt of formic acid (sodium formate) formed as a result of a chemical reaction is decomposed with sulfuric acid and distilled in a vacuum unit. This is the main industrial method for obtaining the substance.

Formic acid is the strongest saturated monocarboxylic acid. In high concentrations, it is capable of dissolving nylon, nylon and other polymers.



Food additive E 236 is classified as dangerous goods. There are increased requirements for packaging.

Formic acid is packaged:

  • in special plastic canisters with a capacity of 35 kg;
  • barrels with a capacity of 250 kg;
  • euro cubes (IBC containers) with a volume of 1200 kg;
  • glass bottles (20 dm 3);
  • steel or aluminum barrels (250 dm 3).

The neck of the packages must be sealed. Be sure to use gaskets that are resistant to formic acid.

Glass bottles are closed with ground stoppers, wrapped in tightly tied polyethylene film.

In addition to standard markings, the containers are marked manipulation signs LVZh (flammable liquids) and EK (caustic or corrosive substances).


Due to its pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic effect, and the ability to stop the development of putrefactive microflora, the food additive E 236 has found application in a wide variety of areas.

Food industry:

  • preservation of fruit juices (up to 210 mg/l), vegetables, removal of sugar impurities;
  • the additive is included in fish marinades;
  • formic acid is used in the production of artificial honey to break down sugar;
  • Wine barrels and beer containers are disinfected with formic acid vapor.

Additive E 236 can be used alone or in combination with formates (usually with or benzoates).


  • a 1.4% alcohol solution is used externally as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for neuralgia, rheumatism, myositis, polyarthritis and other ailments;
  • Formic acid-based ointment is used to treat fungal diseases, bruises, and varicose veins.
  • Additive E 236 is included in disinfectant anti-pediculosis solutions. It is used for local anesthesia.


  • as a cleanser in the fight against acne;
  • food additive E 236 is included in preparations that stimulate hair growth.
  • fashionable tanning cream with methane acid provides a quick, even tan ( but has many contraindications!).

Household chemicals: as part of cleaning products for removing rust, limescale, and other types of dirt from various surfaces.

Agriculture: when preparing winter feed to preserve the beneficial properties of plants for a long time.

Beekeeping: to combat varroa mites, which cause bee diseases (formic acid is sprayed into the hives).

Leather and fur industries: processing of raw materials to clean them from dirt, impart elasticity, and uniform color.

Technical methane acid is used as an anti-icing reagent, mixed into a concrete solution as an anti-frost additive, cleans paint equipment in auto repair shops, and removes oxide formations from copper alloys.

In the European Union, preservative E236 is not approved for use in food products, but is allowed in cosmetics (no more than 5% of the total amount).

Approved in Russia, Belarus, EAEU countries.

In the USA it can be used in synthetic food flavorings.

Benefits and harms

The extent of the harmful effects of formic acid on human health depends on its concentration. An aqueous 10% solution belongs to class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

The permissible daily intake in food products is 3 mg per 1 kg of human weight. The food additive E 236 is completely absorbed by the body, some of it is excreted naturally.

The substance is biodegradable without harming the environment.

Pure formic acid is considered one of the most dangerous fatty acids.

When it comes into contact with the skin, it easily burns through the top layer, causing a chemical burn that does not heal for a long time.

The affected area is washed with a solution of ammonia or soda (not water!).

Main manufacturers

The main supplies of the food additive E 236 are carried out by the chemical concern BASF (Germany), which has production sites in 80 countries. The company's motto is “We create chemistry for a sustainable future.”

A good quality product is produced by the Chinese company GinzhouLvzhiyuanFertilizerFactory, which owns its own laboratory and factory with five production lines.

The domestic market is represented by the Moscow company Kompanent-Reaktiv (awarded with the international Golden Arch award of Europe for high quality products).

The Khimreaktiv enterprise (Nizhny Novgorod) is the largest supplier of technical formic acid.

The benefits of formic acid significantly outweigh the possible harmful effects on the human body. If precautions and recommended doses are observed, the food additive E 236 will not only be a good medicine, but will also ensure the cleanliness of the premises and extend the shelf life of products.

Methane boiler.

Chemical properties

Chemical formula of formic acid: HCOOH. This is one of the first representatives of single-base carbon compounds. The substance was first isolated in 1670 from the forest (red) ant. In the natural environment it is found in the venom of bees, nettles and needles of coniferous trees, secretions of jellyfish, and fruits.

Physical properties

Racemic formula of methanoic acid: CH2O2. The substance under normal conditions has the appearance of a colorless liquid, which is highly soluble in, acetone , toluene And benzene . Molar mass = 46.02 grams per mole. Esters (ethyl ether and methyl ether) and methane salts are called formates .

Chemical properties

Based on the structural formula of Formic acid, conclusions can be drawn about its chemical properties. Formic acid is capable of exhibiting the properties of acids and some of the properties of aldehydes (reduction reactions).

When formic acid is oxidized, for example, carbon dioxide is actively released. The substance is used as a preservative agent (code E236). Formic acid reacts with acetic acid (concentrated) and decomposes into carbon monoxide and ordinary water with the release of heat. A chemical compound reacts with sodium hydroxide . The substance does not interact with hydrochloric acid, silver, sodium sulfate, and so on.

Preparation of formic acid

The substance is formed as a by-product during oxidation butane and production vinegar . It can also be obtained by hydrolysis formamide And methyl formate (with excess water); during the hydration of CO in the presence of any alkali. Qualitative reaction for detection methanoic acid may be a reaction to algedigs . The role of an oxidizing agent can be ammonia solution of silver oxide and Cu(OH)2. The silver mirror reaction is used.

Applications of formic acid

The substance is used as an antibacterial agent and preservative when preparing feed for long-term storage; the product significantly slows down the processes of decay and rotting. The chemical compound is used in the process of dyeing wool; as an insecticide in beekeeping; during certain chemical reactions (acts as a solvent). In the food industry, the product is labeled E236. In medicine, acid is used in combination with (“pervomur” or performic acid ) as antiseptic , for the treatment of joint diseases.

pharmachologic effect

Local anesthetic, distracting, anti-inflammatory, local irritating, improving tissue metabolism.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Methane acid, when applied to the surface of the epidermis, irritates the nerve endings of the skin and muscle tissue, activates specific reflex reactions, stimulates the production neuropeptides And enkephalins . This reduces pain sensitivity and increases vascular permeability. The substance stimulates liberation processes kinins And histamine , dilates blood vessels, stimulates immunological processes.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat instruments and equipment before surgery. The substance is used topically in solutions for the treatment of rheumatic pain, periarthritis , poly- And monoarthritis .


The product should not be used if it is present, at the site of application, or if there are wounds or abrasions on the skin.

In the 17th century, it was found in ants and decided to be called formic. insects excrete when bitten.

John Rayem, who discovered the compound, studied red ants. With their help I obtained the reagent.

Later, it turned out that formic acid not at all antlike, or rather, not only.

The substance is found in fruits, plants, human sweat, and urine. In addition to ants, bees also produce stings.

So, everyone will remember the feeling of getting into it. It's a burning sensation. Although the reagent is not considered strong, it is still.

The class name is justified. All its compounds taste sour. But now we are not talking about the general properties, but the characteristics of the ant reagent.

Properties of formic acid

HCOOH is formic acid formula. COOH is called a carboxyl group by chemists.

In the heroine she is alone, therefore, the connection is monobasic. CH 4 – methane. Accordingly, methane.

Putting the data together, we get a monobasic carbonic methane compound. It is biogenic because it is produced by living organisms, and not just synthesized.

The chain of molecules is open. If it reacts with alcohol, an esterified form of the compound will be obtained.

This is typical for oils, waxes, in general, vegetable and fats. Therefore, methane is called fatty.

However, in its series the compound stands apart, since the carboxyl group is attached to.

Usually, it comes into contact with an alkyl, that is, a hydrocarbon radical. As a result, the heroine of the article can be classified not only as fatty acids, but also as aldehydes, and simply as alcohols.

Like them, formic acid is capable of oxidizing. The result of the reaction is acid.

From aldehydes, the compound also acquired the ability to reduce mercury oxides. Formic acid reactions go with them when heated.

The result is nitrous oxide, and sometimes its metallic form. A similar reaction occurs with.

Interaction gives formic acid salt. It simply decomposes, again yielding pure argentum.

Antweed does not have a crystalline state. The compound is initially liquid and easily mixed with acetone, glycerin, and benzene.

The latter substances are aromatic. Formic acid also has an odor. The aroma is specific, sharp.

In aqueous solutions of the compound, it dissipates as the acid concentration decreases. The smell is pungent only in its anhydrous form.

Although, water may be found in it. You just need to mix sulfuric acid with formic acid. The result of the reaction is carbon monoxide and water.

The latter is used for household needs. But carbon monoxide is a product needed to create synthetic liquid fuels, organic acids, and alcohols.

Carbon dioxide can also be obtained from formic acid. The heroine of the article disintegrates into it and hydrogen in the presence of two metals - and.

One of them is enough for a reaction. In simple terms, carbon dioxide is carbon monoxide.

However, industrialists also need it. The compound is added to sodas, and.

It remains to find out why you need it yourself formic acid. Reviews industrialists, and not only, further.

Applications of formic acid

Application The compound was found in the food industry. If you see E236 on the package, you know this formic acid. Buy They offer drinks with it, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, for example, wine.

E236 is also added to animal feed and canned vegetables. Accordingly, the additive helps products last longer. Conclusion: - the reagent has antibacterial properties.

In organism formic acid solution does not linger, is quickly removed. The main thing is not to overdo it.

If the compound concentrate accidentally gets on the skin or inside, burns, poisoning, and loss of vision cannot be avoided.

Animals are also offered products containing formic acid. It's no longer about pets and their food.

Ant compounds are also added to hay and silage for livestock. Acid slows down the decay process. The decomposition of hay slows down, it remains healthy and tasty until spring.

Formic acid in pharmacies It is sold not only as a disinfectant, but also as a medicine for varicose veins.

Getting into small quantities, the reagent promotes vasodilation, and therefore improves blood flow.

This serves to prevent blood clots, a deadly consequence of varicose veins.

Blood stagnates in the veins, and clots form that attach to the walls of the vessels. Breaking away, they rush to the heart.

If they reach it, instant death will follow. The problem, as you can see, is acute and no less “acute” can help solve it. agent – ​​formic acid.

Doctors also use methanoic acid as an immunostimulant. The compound plays this role in the treatment of tuberculosis.

The reagent is also capable of fighting fungal diseases. Although, some of the pharmaceutical products are more cosmetic-oriented.

So, based on the heroine of the article, acne remedies are made. You can also buy cream with formic acid.

It is usually taken for solariums. The product is slightly irritating and therefore warms the skin.

As a result, metabolic processes proceed faster, and the skin seems to attract ultraviolet radiation.

So, formic acid for tanning allows you to reduce the time you spend in the solarium, while still getting the desired effect.

In the chemical industry, formic acid serves as a reducing agent. Properties borrowed from aldehydes help.

The reagent is also needed in the textile industry for dyeing fabrics. Formic acid acts as a mordant.

It is needed to prepare the surface of the material, otherwise the dye will lie unevenly.

Interestingly, formic acid is also used outside of human society.

So, after hibernation, bears go to anthills and lie down on them. Giants bear no grudge against insects.

Formic acid extraction

Preparation of formic acid- a road that branches. There are several ways to obtain the reagent.

First - formic acid production from carbon compounds, for example, chloroform. It is exposed to diluted alkali.

It is also possible to saponify hydrocyanic acid, react with carbon dioxide on hydrite, and heat oxalic acid in the presence of glycerin.

However, industrialists use only one method. This is the passage of carbon monoxide through caustic soda.

An aqueous solution of the reagent can be obtained by distilling formic acid and sulfuric acid.

If you need to remove water, use oxalic acid concentrate. The usual fractional distillation of aqueous solutions will not help.

At 107 degrees, a mixture of methane acid and water is a constantly boiling composition. Moreover, the heroine of the article is only 77%.

Formic acid price

On formic acid price depends mainly on concentration. Most often, they sell solutions rather than a dehydrated reagent.

For medical purposes, for example, a concentration of only 1.4% is needed. The drug is called formic alcohol and costs about 20 rubles for a 50-ml bottle.

If additional components are added to the compound, for example, body care, the price will be different. So, a 75-ml bottle of skin balm can cost 110, or even 200 rubles.

For industrialists, the reagent is shipped in tanks or canisters of 25 and 35 kilograms. For the latter, they ask for around 3000-4000 rubles.

The price per kilo is 50-150 rubles. These are seller requests for 85 percent acid.

The price range is related to the purity of the connection and the personal ambitions of businessmen, as well as the place of production.

The most profitable products are from and domestic samples. The price is partly affected by packaging. It can be metal or plastic.

The presence of a convenient drain, like canisters, is taken into account. As a rule, this is not the case in barrels. There are a number of containers that, once opened, cannot be closed.

For this inconvenience, the price is slightly reduced. They also reduce it for wholesalers. For large orders you can save from 5 to 20, and sometimes even 25%.

The attitude towards regular partners is especially loyal. To some of them, acid is shipped even without prepayment.