Safety of technological processes and production distance learning. Specialty "safety of technological processes and production"

Training of occupational safety specialists in the field of “Technosphere Safety” is a prerequisite for the right to hold the position of specialist or head of the occupational safety department.

If a labor protection specialist does not have a higher education in this field, he must undergo professional retraining in labor protection(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 559n).

Occupational health and safety specialists in hazardous industries, heads of labor and industrial safety departments, and industrial safety engineers need to undergo professional retraining according to the course "Safety of technological processes and production".

For violation of requirements in the field of labor protection, including the absence of a Diploma of professional retraining in labor protection from a labor protection specialist or the head of the labor protection department, administrative liability is provided, including suspension of the organization's activities for up to 90 days.

Labor protection specialists in non-hazardous industries are required to undergo professional retraining as a labor protection specialist.

Training program for occupational health and industrial safety specialists compiled by experienced experts, fully complies with the requirements of the “Technosphere Safety” section of the Unified Qualification Handbook (USC), current legislation in the field of labor and in the field of industrial safety and contains:

  • lecture materials;
  • regulatory and normative-technical documents;
  • expert recommendations for practical application.

During and after training, students have the opportunity to ask experts questions about lecture materials and situations from their practice.


License to carry out educational activities No. 1314 dated 03/02/2015, Notification of inclusion in the register of accredited organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, No. 3886 dated 05/22/2015.

Training order

Occupational safety training is conducted remotely. Lectures in PDF format are sent weekly by email. At the end of the training, a mandatory final test is conducted. Based on the results of certification, a Diploma of professional retraining in the safety of technological processes and production is issued. Without successfully passing the final test, obtaining a document on advanced training is impossible.

Procedure for registering for the course

Click on the “Sign up” button and fill out the form, or download and fill out the training application form.

If you send us a completed application form with the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization, we consider this as a letter of guarantee. By sending such an application, you can complete the training before paying for the course.


In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” for enrollment in advanced training courses or professional retraining courses NECESSARILY availability of secondary vocational or higher education, confirmed by an appropriate diploma.

At the same time, to occupy the position of occupational safety specialist in hazardous production, industrial safety engineer or head of the labor and industrial safety department, you must have a higher education diploma in the field of “Technosphere Safety”, or a higher education diploma in another area and a Diploma of Professional retraining in the course “Safety of technological processes and production”.


When ordering occupational safety training for 3-5 employees - 10% discount, for 6 employees or more - 15%. If you need to train 20 or more people, write to [email protected], and we will agree on the cost of the order to suit your budget and training schedule.


Section 1. Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
1.1. General provisions
1.2. Basics of industrial safety

Section 2. Safety of production processes and equipment
2.1. Ensuring the safety of machines and equipment during development (design)
2.2. Ensuring the safety of machinery and equipment during manufacture, storage, transportation, operation and disposal
2.3. Confirmation of compliance with requirements
2.4. Procedure for certification of machines or equipment
2.5. Labeling with a single sign of product circulation on the national market
2.6. Basic safety requirements for production processes,
2.7. machinery or equipment
2.8. Additional safety requirements for certain categories of machinery and equipment

Section 3. Special issues of ensuring security requirements in an organization
3.1. Technical support for the safe operation of buildings, structures, production equipment and technological processes
3.2. Ensuring safety when using tools, raw materials and materials
3.3. Collective remedies
3.4. Ensuring electrical safety
3.5. Ensuring industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
3.6. Ensuring fire safety
3.7. Organization of work with increased danger
3.8. Ensuring the safety of workers in emergency situations

Section 4. Thermal power plants
4.1. General provisions
4.2. Organization of operation of thermal power plants
4.3. Territory, industrial buildings and structures for the placement of thermal power plants
4.4. Fuel economy. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
4.5. Heat generating power plants
4.6. Heating network
4.7. Condensate collection and return systems
4.8. Storage tanks
4.9. Heat-consuming power plants
4.10. Technological power plants
4.11. Preparing for the heating season
4.12. Water treatment and water chemistry of thermal power plants and networks
4.13. Requirements for metal and other structural materials, monitoring their condition
4.14. Energy oils
4.15. Operational dispatch control
4.16. Investigation of technological violations

Section 5. Occupational risk factors
5.1. Concept of risk factor
5.2. Occupational risk, its relationship with dangerous and harmful production factors
5.3. Occupational risk factors of a physical nature
5.4. Occupational risk factors of a chemical nature
5.5. Biological risk factors
5.6. Psychophysiological risk factors
5.7. Occupational risk assessment and management
5.8. Ensuring the safety of buildings, structures, equipment, technological processes and tools
5.9. Ensuring electrical safety
5.10. Ensuring the safety of workers in conditions of accidents and disasters
5.11. Classification of working conditions

Section 6. Emergency situations specific to the Russian Federation
6.1. Classifications of emergency situations
6.2. Man-made emergencies
6.3. Natural emergencies
6.4. Emergencies of a biological and social nature
6.5. Features of wartime emergencies

Section 7. Industrial accidents. Principles of providing first aid to victims at work
7.1. Industrial accidents
7.2. State supervision over compliance with the established procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents
7.3. Principles of providing first aid to victims at work
7.4. Social protection of workers

Section 8. Fundamentals of occupational safety management in an organization.
8.1. Structure of occupational safety management during the operation of the OSMS
8.2. Fundamentals of occupational safety management in an organization
8.3. Structure of occupational safety management during the operation of the OSMS

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university

The higher the level of development of civilization, the more complex the technologies used by people in everyday life. For the 21st century, the specialty 20.03.01 “Technosphere Safety” is especially relevant.

This profession is in demand in almost all industries. It helps ensure the safety of people, society, and nature. A specialist in this area deals with forecasts and control of various areas of activity. He can realize himself in the design of equipment and technologies designed to prevent risks and threats, as well as in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

Admission conditions

The main goal of the course is to develop a specialist who has analytical thinking. Deep knowledge of the exact sciences is mandatory for him, so they are certainly tested upon admission. Applicants must take the following subjects:

  • mathematics (profile),
  • Russian language,
  • physics or chemistry (optional).

Future profession

A young specialist will be able to solve complex problems: he will be able to predict and detect possible dangers.

In his work, the bachelor will operate with knowledge that will help him analyze the impact of various factors on the degree of environmental safety, ranging from temperature to wave phenomena. The graduate will be able to choose different areas to realize himself as a professional: work for the benefit of workers in various industries, deal exclusively with environmental protection, or prevent threats to society.

Where to apply

The undergraduate program is taught to students in many universities in Moscow:

  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University;
  • Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology;
  • Humanitarian and Economic Institute named after Chernomyrdin.

Training period

This specialty can be mastered in four years if you choose a full-time course after finishing eleventh grade. Also, graduates enter the correspondence, mixed or evening department, then they study for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

In the process of mastering the program, a graduate of the direction will certainly learn the basics:

  • environmental safety;
  • hydrogasdynamics;
  • engineering graphics;
  • mechanics;
  • electrical engineering;
  • metrology;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • thermophysics.

Acquired skills

Upon completion of training, a bachelor will be able to fully master the following skills:

  • creation of projects designed to prevent technogenic and anthropogenic consequences;
  • search for sources of danger, high-risk areas;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • use of safety and security controls;
  • selection of optimal protection systems and techniques aimed at eliminating risks;
  • writing safety instructions;
  • carrying out instructions;
  • monitoring the condition of protective equipment;
  • environmental assessment;
  • study of the consequences of anthropogenic factors and natural phenomena.

Job prospects by profession

Students can find a job without any difficulty after completing the course. Such specialists are in demand in government agencies and private organizations. They can work in laboratories, inspections, and structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that are involved in the certification of workplaces, labor protection, and the elimination of disasters and natural disasters. There is also the option of employment in a design organization, research institution, or technological enterprise.

What do these specialists do:

Bachelors can count on a decent level of pay. The starting salary is 30-40 thousand in domestic currency. The specificity of this specialty is such that its demand only increases from year to year along with the advent of new technologies.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

The master's program opens up completely different perspectives. It involves immersion in the legislative and regulatory framework and extensive practical experience.

Upon completion of training, specialists will be able to work in the state labor inspectorate and the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor). They will find themselves in enterprises of various production sectors: metallurgical, processing, oil, etc.

In this article, we will explain in detail what “Technosphere Safety” is, give a definition, talk about the history of the specialty, provide legislative acts of the Russian Federation and give recommendations on whether it is worth studying in this area. We will also explain who to work in the field of “Technosphere Safety” and whether to obtain a specialty in “Technosphere Safety”.

Let's begin...

Technosphere safety is direction of training specialists in the field of labor protection, ensuring industrial safety of technological processes and production both in normal conditions and in emergency situations.

So what is this specialty “Technosphere Security” and what do you need to know first?

  • This is the main specialty that a labor protection specialist needs to obtain to carry out his activities. You will understand this if you read this article to the end;
  • this is an enlarged area of ​​training among occupational safety specialties such as “Safety of technological processes”, “Safety of technological production”, “Protection in emergency situations”, “Protection of the environment” and so on. Therefore, we recommend this specialty to be acquired primarily by future, as well as current, occupational safety specialists.

The specialty is suitable for those people who want to deal with issues of industrial safety, industrial safety, fire safety, and environmental safety. Graduates of this specialty quickly occupy leadership positions. For example, they become heads of labor protection services.

Due to the fact that the state pays special attention to issues of labor protection at the enterprise, the demand for this specialty significantly exceeds the supply. Therefore, there will be no problems with employment. So, just go to any job site to see this.

Where to work in the specialty “Technosphere safety”?

Persons who have completed training in the specialty “Technosphere Safety” can work in the following professions:

— occupational safety specialist;
— environmental engineer;
— specialist of supervisory organizations in the field of labor protection and fire safety
– specialist of expert organizations in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety (conducting an expert assessment of working conditions, examination of labor safety, legislation, occupational safety training, etc.)

So, what kind of specialty is “Technosphere Security”? All professions in this specialty are not associated with physical labor. The necessary skills are, first of all, knowledge of labor protection legislation, compliance with job descriptions and regulations. The employee's analytical skills must be at an average level. These professions are universal. They combine both humanities and technical skills. The choice of who to work in this specialty is yours!

Specialty “Technosphere safety”, demand

Occupational Safety Specialist- This is the most in-demand profession. You can read about this profession on the page

Environmental engineer is a specialist who deals with environmental conservation issues. In the course of his activities, an ecologist studies the state of the earth's surface and assesses the impact of harmful substances on the atmosphere. An ecologist can work in environmental enterprises, educational and healthcare institutions. Currently, the profession of an environmental engineer is considered not to be in great demand, but due to the fact that the state has begun to pay special attention to environmental problems, the profession of an ecologist will be more in demand in the future.

Specialist of supervisory organizations– this is actually the profession “State Labor Inspector”. A labor inspector is an employee of the labor inspectorate. It conducts inspections of enterprises for compliance with labor protection legislation. The profession of a labor inspector with a specialty in “Technosphere Safety” is in demand.

Specialist of expert organizations is primarily an expert in assessing working conditions at enterprises. Because All enterprises must undergo a special assessment of working conditions, so this profession is in demand.

Conclusion: the specialty “Technosphere Safety” is in great demand! All you have to do is make your choice as to who to work in the specialty “Technosphere Safety”. And then

What is the salary of Technosphere Security specialists?

When choosing any profession, you need to decide how interesting it will be and what the salary will be. “Technosphere security” - what is this specialty and what is the salary? We have answered the first question. As for remuneration, we can say that it is higher than in other specialties.

Remuneration for “Technosphere Safety” as of 2018 according to the websiteHeadHunter:

Average salary of a labor protection specialist:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 50-90 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 50-70 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 25-35 thousand rubles

Average salary of an environmental engineer:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 35-50 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 35-40 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 15-25 thousand rubles

Average salary of a state labor inspector:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 55 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 40 thousand rubles

Average salary of an expert for special assessment of working conditions:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 45-65 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 40-50 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 30 thousand rubles

Does an occupational safety specialist need to undergo training in Technosphere Safety?

If you are going to work, or are already working as an occupational safety specialist, you may have a question: Should you obtain a specialty in “Technosphere Safety”? We'll try to answer.

Currently, a labor protection specialist must conduct his activities strictly in accordance with. It contains a mandatory requirement for a specialist position. Persons with higher or secondary education in labor protection have the right to hold the position of occupational safety specialist. In the absence of proper education in labor protection, the specialist must


If you want to work as an occupational safety specialist, you simply need education in occupational safety in the field of “Technosphere Safety”!

If you are already working as an occupational safety specialist in an organization, then it is enough for you to have a specialty in the diploma “Technosphere Safety” or a similar one in occupational safety, for example, “Life Safety”, “Safety of Technological Processes and Production”, etc.

The history of the emergence of the specialty “Technosphere Safety”, its significance

You have already learned what “Technosphere Security” is, now we will tell you about the history of the emergence of this specialty. Back in 2003 Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2003 N 276-st put into effect All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO) OK 009-2003. It was created to streamline and conveniently record specialties in the Russian Federation.

An occupational safety specialist will be interested in the following OKSO codes:

Specialty code Areas of training

280100 Life safety
280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280102 Safety of technological processes and production
280103 Protection in emergency situations
280104 Fire safety
280201 Environmental protection

At that time, individuals who completed the training could be awarded the qualifications of “occupational safety engineer”, “environmental engineer”, or simply “engineer” or “technician”.

In connection with the transition of higher professional education in the Russian Federation to international educational standards, the terms and names of higher education qualifications have changed. A bachelor's degree with a duration of study of 4 years and a master's degree of + 2 years appeared. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the specialties specified in the OKSO to the international standard, and indicate which professions from the OKSO would correspond to a bachelor’s degree and which to a master’s degree.

In this regard, came out Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2009 N 337 “On approval of lists of areas of training for higher professional education”, which lists all possible majors for undergraduate and graduate degrees.

In this order, the first mention of the specialty “Technosphere Safety” appeared with qualification code 280700. It is indicated that both bachelors and masters are trained in this area.

The field of higher education training “Technosphere Safety” was equated to occupational safety specialties from OKSO. Yes, according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2011 N 201 the following correspondence of the direction of preparation of higher professional education is established:

Order 337 of September 17, 2009 Resolution 276-st of September 30, 2003 (OKSO)

Technosphere safety


280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280201 Environmental protection
280102 Process safety
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280200 Environment protection
280202 Engineering environmental protection

In 2013, Order 337 of September 17, 2009 was replaced by Order 1061 of September 12, 2013 with an updated list of specialties. From the point of view of our specialty, this order did not change anything except the code for the direction of training. The code for the direction of training “Technosphere Safety” 280700 changes to codes 20.03.01, 20.04.01 and 20.06.01.

The Amulet Training Center provides retraining under the program “Safety of Technological Processes and Production”, in the direction of “Labor Safety” in the amount of 510 hours.

Order on approval of a professional standard.

The nearest training date

dateSeminarTimeCabinetDownload application
09.01 - 29.06
10:00 № 23 Download application

Why training is necessary

According to the order approving the professional standard “Specialist in the Field of Occupational Safety” dated August 4, 2014 N 524n, an occupational safety specialist is required to have a higher education in the field of training “Technosphere Safety” or corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, or secondary education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection.

Training program

The essence of this program is the implementation of the new rules of the Unified Qualification Handbook (UQF), namely the section “Technosphere Safety”. Technosphere safety is a rare area of ​​training, which consists in teaching a person to ensure safety in the modern world, the ability to minimize the technogenic impact on the environment. The new course focuses on different levels of professional training of workers, namely managers, specialists of various categories. The task of the new generation program comes down to adapting previously developed norms and rules to the modern requirements of enterprises.

Training is conducted on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education. The training time is 510 hours. By agreement with the customer from 5 months. The form of training is correspondence using distance learning.

The result of professional retraining will be a diploma confirming the addition of the qualification “Occupational Safety and Health Specialist” to the basic higher education.

With the development of new technologies, the safety of technological processes and production requires constant improvement. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the rights of citizens to healthy and safe working conditions. A comprehensive labor protection system operating at every enterprise is designed to ensure these conditions.

Qualified specialists who can ensure the safety of technological processes and production are highly valued in the labor market. They have the knowledge and skills that allow them to create comfortable and safe conditions in production facilities of any complexity. To carry out activities in this area, it is necessary to obtain appropriate education and pass certification, which is confirmed by documents of the established form. According to the standards, the BCCI course takes 510 hours.

Training in the safety of technological processes and production involves training specialists in the following areas:

  • Research: analysis and assessment of risks in production, as well as research of new diagnostic and preventive methods to reduce risks;
  • Inspection, supervision, expert areas: control of technosphere safety of production processes, audit of the safety of production technologies, as well as accident investigation;
  • Design and engineering direction of training: creation of an effective industrial safety system and management of this system;
  • Service and operational: use of special device systems and diagnostic and safety systems at technical facilities.

Retraining in occupational safety in the amount of 510 hours includes both listening to lectures and independent study of disciplines. At each stage, students complete tests and tests. Upon completion of the courses, specialists undergo certification and receive an appropriate certificate.

Where to get training

You can take training in the safety of technological processes and production at the Amulet training center. Effective retraining in labor protection lasts 510 hours. Students study the material under the guidance of experienced teachers with impressive experience in the field of labor protection.

During the BCCI training process (510 hours), students gain skills and knowledge that allow them to:

  • To create a technosphere that is comfortable for human life;
  • Ensure human security in the modern world;
  • Effectively ensure the safety of technological processes and production of any complexity;
  • Minimize the technogenic impact on the environment;
  • Use technical means, as well as forecasting and control methods to preserve human life and health.

Students are provided with educational and methodological materials for independent study of the disciplines of the curriculum. For each discipline studied, the student must listen to orientation lectures, complete a test and pass a test. Upon completion of training, the student, under the guidance of one of the teachers, completes his final work and defends it before the certification commission.

Based on the results of the defense of the final qualifying work, a Diploma of professional retraining is issued, which gives the right (qualification) to conduct professional activities in the field of labor protection.

Schedule of seminars on BCCI 510 hours

Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities 10:00 22
Safety of production processes and equipment 14:00 22
Fire and explosion safety 10:00 22
Occupational Safety and Health 10:00 22
Occupational safety (practice on a PC) 14:00 22
electrical safety 10:00 22
Thermal power plants 14:00 22
Methodology for investigating industrial accidents and occupational diseases 10:00 22
Occupational safety consultations 14:00 22
Special assessment of working conditions 10:00 22
Industrial ecology 10:00 22
Emergency protection 10:00 22
Reliability of technical systems and man-made risk 14:00 22
Providing first aid to victims at work 10:00 22
Industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene 10:00 22
Occupational safety when working at height 10:00 Polygon