Regulations on the order of distribution of students according to profiles. Approximate distribution of NPO professions and vocational training specialties according to the profiles of the vocational education received

3.1. The distribution of students according to undergraduate profiles and specializations within the field of study (specialty) is carried out in the 4th semester on the basis of an application (Appendix 6).

3.2. The beginning of preparation for the bachelor's degree and specialization is the 5th semester, the beginning of the master's program is the 1st semester.

3.3. Those admitted to the master's program are distributed among master's programs on the basis of an application (Appendix 6) in accordance with their scientific interests, while the number of students in each master's program of one direction must be at least 8 people. The institute's order on the distribution of students to master's programs is issued before September 1.

3.4. To distribute students according to profiles and specializations in each institute, a commission headed by the director of the institute is created by order of the institute. The commission includes: deputy director of the institute for academic affairs, dean of the faculty (if available), heads of graduating departments, heads of academic groups, representatives of student activists. The order specifies the minimum and maximum number of vacancies for each profile or specialization. The number of vacancies for each profile (specialization) is determined taking into account the total number of students in the field (specialty) in the corresponding course and proposals from the heads of graduating departments.

3.5. Before the commission begins its work:

Graduate departments at general meetings of students of a given direction (specialty), as well as in the process of mastering introductory disciplines, conduct a presentation of the relevant profiles (specializations);

Institutes (dean's offices) compile and bring to the attention of students rating lists indicating the average score of each student;

Each student submits an application to the director of the institute, indicating their chosen profile (specialization) (Appendix 6).

3.6. Application deadlines: for students studying full-time or part-time – no later than May 1 of the current year; for students studying part-time - during the first week of the second (summer) session of the second year.

3.7. In the event that the number of applications for a particular profile (specialization) exceeds the maximum permissible number of vacancies, the selection of students for this profile (specialization) is carried out on a competitive basis. When conducting the competition, the average score of students for the previous semesters of study is taken into account. In case of equal average scores, preference is given to students who do not have any penalties, are actively engaged in research, social work, or have distinguished themselves in sports or cultural activities.

3.8. Students who did not pass the competition for a profile rewrite the application for the remaining profiles of the direction, and the procedure is repeated.

3.9. If a student does not agree with the results of the distribution according to training profiles (specializations), he submits a written statement addressed to the chairman of the commission within 3 working days from the moment of familiarization. If there are applications, the commission holds an additional meeting and makes a decision on the merits of the submitted applications. The decision of the commission adopted at the additional meeting is final.

3.10. The results of the commission's work are documented in a protocol. Based on the protocol of the commission’s work, an order is issued by the director of the institute to assign students to a training profile or specialization. The deadline for issuing the order is June 1 of the current academic year.

3.11. Changing the profile (specialization, master's program) during further studies is not allowed.

3.12. If necessary, after issuing an order on the distribution of students according to profiles (specializations), institutes prepare orders to reorganize academic groups.

Annex 1

Rector of NCFU

Levitskaya A.A.

director of the institute


I ask you to consider starting training in 20__ at the university for specialists in the field (specialty) 000000.62 - Name of the profile (specialization, master's program). The Scientific Council of the Institute made a positive decision (Minutes No. dated ________ 20___) for the following reasons.

The relevance of opening a new educational program

The main specificity of the new educational program

Need for specialist training

Providing the program with qualified personnel

Head of Master's Program

Directions of scientific activity of the graduating department

Possible places of practice and employment for graduates

To open a new educational program, it is necessary to purchase new equipment in the amount of approximately _______ thousand rubles, educational materials - in the amount of approximately _______ thousand rubles.

Director of the Institute

Head of the graduate department

Appendix 2

Staffing of the educational process


Profile (specialization, master's program)_______________________

N p/p Name of the discipline (module) in accordance with the curriculum Characteristics of teaching staff
Full Name Which educational institution did you graduate from, specialty (area of ​​training) according to your education document academic degree, academic (honorary) title, specialty in which he received an academic degree experience in teaching (scientific and pedagogical) work main place of work, position conditions for involvement in teaching activities (full-time employee, internal part-time worker, external part-time worker, other)
Total incl. pedagogical work
Total incl. in the specified subject, discipline (module)

Director of the Institute

Appendix 3


Area of ​​training (specialty)_________________

Profile (specialization, master's program)_______________

Information about the director of the master's program

Full Name:

Academic degree:

Specialty in which the academic degree was obtained:

Academic title:

Total number of publications:

List of main scientific works (no more than 5)

Other (honorary titles, awards, participation in councils, etc.):

Director of the Institute

Approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedure is intended to ensure the formation of an individual educational program for students studying in the field of study “Jurisprudence” at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, taking into account the developed training profiles.

1.2. Training profiles are formed within the framework of the variable part of the main educational program and include:

1.2.1. Name of the training profile. The names of bachelor's training profiles are given in the appendix to this Procedure. The names of master's training profiles are the names of master's training programs.

1.2.2. A set of specialized competencies. The set of specialized competencies in the bachelor's training profile is indicated in the Appendix to this Procedure. The set of specialized competencies of master's training programs is determined for each program by decision of the Faculty Academic Council on the recommendation of the head of the master's training program.

1.2.3. A list of specialized disciplines established in the structure of the main educational program (within its variable part) that constitute a mandatory part of the training profile, ensuring that students acquire the necessary specialized competencies.

1.2.4. List of profile disciplines studied at the student's choice.

1.3. The complexity of the profile disciplines and the sequence of their study are determined by the corresponding educational standard and curriculum.

1.4. Training profiles are approved by the Academic Council of Moscow State University and put into effect by order of the rector.

1.5. Departments providing the teaching of disciplines of a particular profile are listed in the Appendix to this Procedure.

2. General procedure for specialized training of students

2.1. Profile training of students includes:

2.1.1. Career guidance for students;

2.1.2. Mastering compulsory and elective disciplines within the chosen profile;

2.1.3. Completion of coursework in 2-3 years and final qualification work of a bachelor's and (or) master's thesis on a topic corresponding to the chosen profile of training;

2.1.4. completing internships in institutions whose scope of work corresponds to the chosen training profile;

2.1.5. passing the final state interdisciplinary exam in the direction of “Jurisprudence”, taking into account the mastered training profile.

2.2. Career guidance for students is provided by:

2.2.1. informing academic consultants (supervisors of academic groups) about existing training profiles, the list of disciplines (modules, courses) and the procedure for their selection;

2.2.2. studying the academic discipline “Introduction to the Specialty,” the program of which should provide for familiarizing students with existing training profiles and their possible impact on subsequent employment;

2.2.3. participation in clubs, student scientific societies and conferences;

2.2.4. participation in educational events (meetings with faculty graduates, master classes, professionally oriented courses, etc.);

2.2.5. introduction of elective disciplines into the curriculum, the work programs of which include an overview of the merits and achievements of a particular master's training program.

2.3. Mastering compulsory and elective disciplines within the chosen profile.

2.3.1. The list of elective disciplines is formed at the request of departments of the relevant profile, agreed with the methodological commission, and approved by the Academic Council of the faculty.

Elective disciplines proposed by the Department of Foreign Languages, as well as laboratories and research centers of the faculty, by decision of the Academic Council of the faculty can be assigned to the corresponding training profile in agreement with the head of the department (heads of departments) of this profile, if the proposed discipline affects the problems of this department (these departments).

2.3.2. For each elective discipline, an abstract (in general access), a work program and other necessary materials (in limited access) are posted on the faculty website.

2.3.3. The student has the right to choose any discipline from the list approved for a particular semester, regardless of which department provides teaching of this discipline.

2.3.4. The discipline chosen by the student becomes mandatory for him, and failure to pass the intermediate certification in it is considered as academic debt.

3. The order of distribution by profile of undergraduate students

3.1. Bachelor's students are distributed according to training profiles within the time limits determined by the curriculum and established by the educational department.

3.2. Distribution according to bachelor's training profiles is carried out based on the student's application submitted using the educational department's portal on the Internet.

3.3. The maximum number of full-time undergraduate students in one major is 210 people. When competition arises, students with a higher academic rating (performance rating) have an advantage. In case of equality of academic ratings, the student with fewer satisfactory grades has an advantage.

When a competition arises, a quota is established in the amount of 20% of the maximum number of full-time undergraduate students in one training profile for non-competitive admission to the department's profile of students who, according to the conclusion of the department, have shown an inclination for scientific work within this profile, actively and successfully participate in scientific life departments (circles, conferences, other forms of scientific research and exchange of their results), and also carry out coursework under the guidance of department teachers for two years.

3.4. For students of the special department (second higher education), the educational department, in agreement with the planning and financial department, can establish a minimum number of students in the profile, upon reaching which classes are held in the evening.

3.5. If a student does not exercise the right to choose a profile within the time period established by the educational department, the educational department has the right to make the distribution independently, assigning such a student to the profile with the smallest number.

3.6. The distribution of students by profile is approved by order of the faculty.

3.7. The distribution of students by profile is not a basis for reorganizing study groups and transferring a student from one group to another.

3.8. Changing the profile of training by a full-time undergraduate student is allowed no later than the beginning of the 4th year, subject to the following conditions:

Availability of vacancies on the profile;

Good and excellent academic performance during the 2 semesters preceding the application for transfer;

A positive conclusion from one of the specialized departments about the student’s success in scientific work (participation in the work of a scientific circle, conferences, etc.).

4. The procedure for distribution of master's degree students by profile

4.1. The list of master's programs for which enrollment is carried out is determined annually by the Academic Council of the faculty.

4.2. For master's degree applicants who previously studied at the Faculty of Law according to the educational standard of Moscow State University, distribution to programs for which enrollment is open is made taking into account the profile of undergraduate study.

5. The procedure for registering for elective disciplines

5.1. The deadlines for registering students in elective disciplines are set by the academic department.

5.2. Registration for an elective discipline is carried out upon the student’s application submitted using the educational department’s portal on the Internet.

5.3. The maximum number of students enrolled in one discipline is 100 people. By decision of the department, a smaller maximum number of students may be established for original elective disciplines, taking into account the specifics of their work programs, and the minimum number of students to open an elective discipline may be determined.

When competition arises, students with a higher academic rating (performance rating) have an advantage.

5.4. For students of the special department (second higher education), the educational department, in agreement with the planning and financial department, can set a minimum number of students to enroll in an elective course, upon reaching which classes are held in the evening.

5.5. If a student does not exercise the right to choose a discipline within the time period established by the educational department, the educational department has the right to assign such a student to a discipline with insufficient numbers.

5.6. The distribution of students by discipline is approved by order of the faculty.

5.7. The distribution of students by discipline is not a basis for reorganizing study groups and transferring a student from one group to another.

Source: Federal Institute for Educational Development - FIRO

NGO professions in accordance with the List of professions of initial vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 28, 2009 No. 354, are distributed according to the profiles of the vocational education received as follows:

technical profile – 100000 Service sector ( professions: 100102.01 Projectionist; 100107.01 Mechanic for operation and repair of gas equipment; 100115.01 Dry cleaning operator); 110000 Agriculture and fisheries ( professions: 110800.01 Master of agricultural production; 110800.02 Tractor driver for agricultural production; 110800.03 Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in agricultural production; 110800.04 Master for maintenance and repair of machine and tractor fleet); 130000 Geology, exploration and development of mineral resources; 140000 Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering; 150000 Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking; 160000 Aviation and rocket and space technology; 180000 Marine technology; 190000 Vehicles; 200000 Instrumentation and optics; 210000 Electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications; 220000 Automation and control; 230000 Informatics and computer technology; 240000 Chemical and biotechnology (except for professions: 240100.02 Laboratory assistant-ecologist; 240700.01 laboratory analyst); 250000 Reproduction and processing of forest resources ( with the exception of professions: 250101.01 Forestry master; 250109.01 Master of gardening and landscape construction); 260000 Technology of food products and consumer goods ( except for profession 260807.01 Cook, pastry chef); 270000 Architecture and construction; 280000 Life safety, environmental management and environmental protection, 070000 Culture and art;

natural science profile– 110000 Agriculture and fisheries ( except for professions: 110800.01 Master of agricultural production; 110800.02 Tractor driver for agricultural production; 110800.03 Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in agricultural production; 110800.04 Master for maintenance and repair of machine and tractor fleet); 240000 Chemical and biotechnology (professions: 240100.02 Laboratory assistant-ecologist; 240700.01 laboratory analyst); 250000 Reproduction and processing of forest resources ( professions: 250101.01 Forestry master; 250109.01 Master of gardening and landscape construction); 260000 Technology of food products and consumer goods ( profession 260807.01 Cook, pastry chef);

socio-economic profile – 030000 Humanities; 040000 Social Sciences; 060000 Healthcare; 080000 Economics and management; 100000 Service sector ( except for professions: 100102.01 Projectionist; 100107.01 Mechanic for operation and repair of gas equipment; 100115.01 Dry cleaning operator);

Specialties of secondary vocational education, provided for by the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 28, 2009 No. 355, are distributed according to the profiles of the vocational education received as follows:

technical – groups of specialties: 090000 Information security; 110000 Agriculture and fisheries ( 110800 Agricultural engineering); 120000 Geodesy and land management; 130000 Geology, exploration and development of mineral resources; 140000 Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering; 150000 Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking; 160000 Aviation and rocket and space technology; 180000 Marine technology; 190000 Vehicles; 200000 Instrumentation and optics; 210000 Electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications; 220000 Automation and control; 230000 Informatics and computer technology; 250000 Reproduction and processing of forest resources (except 250100 Forestry and landscape construction); 260000 Technology of food products and consumer goods; 270000 Architecture and construction; 050000 Education and pedagogy ( 051000 Vocational training (by industry);

natural science– groups of specialties: 020000 Natural Sciences; 060000 Healthcare; 110000 Agriculture and fisheries (excluding 110800 Agricultural engineering); 240000 Chemical and biotechnology; 250000 Reproduction and processing of forest resources ( 250100 Forestry and landscape construction); 280000 Life safety, environmental management and environmental protection; 050000 Education and pedagogy ( 050141 Physical culture, 050142 Adaptive physical culture, 051000 Vocational training (by industry);

socio-economic– groups of specialties: 080000 Economics and management; 100000 Service sector ( 100100 Service, 100400 Tourism, 100700 Trade, 100800 Merchandising, 101100 Hospitality); 050000 Education and pedagogy ( 051000 Vocational training (by industry);

humanitarian – groups of specialties: 030000 Humanities; 040000 Social Sciences; 050000 Education and pedagogy ( with the exception of specialties 050141 Physical education, 050142 Adaptive physical education, 051000 Vocational training (by industry); 070000 Culture and art.

TRAINING GROUPS of secondary vocational education

in training programs for mid-level specialists

OJSC SPO "Technological College" 2013-2014 academic year



Number in group

Fire safety

3 years 10 months

Nazarova Galina Vasilievna

Fire safety

3 years 10 months

Kadnikova Ksenia Nikolaevna

Hotel service

3 years 10 months

Springis Elena Valentinovna

Hairdressing art

3 years 10 months

Springis Elena Valentinovna

3 years 10 months

Springis Elena Valentinovna

Fire safety

2 years 10 months

Krutikova Tatyana Valerievna

Stylistics and art of makeup

2 years 10 months

Rychkova Svetlana Valerievna

Hairdressing art

1 year 10 months

Based on 9 classes

Stylistics and art of makeup

3 years 10 months

Rychkova Svetlana Valerievna

Fire safety

3 years 10 months

Golubeva Valentina Alekseevna

Hairdressing art

3 years 10 months

Dyatlova Marina Anatolyevna

Hotel service

3 years 10 months

Kasyanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Based on 11 classes

Stylistics and art of makeup

2 years 10 months

Fire safety

2 years 10 months

Krutikova Tatyana Valerievna

Based on NGOs

Hairdressing art

1 year 10 months

Antonova Ekaterina Anatolevna

Based on 9th grade.

Hairdressing art

3 years 10 months

Babushkina Anastasia Sergeevna

Stylistics and art of makeup


Specialty: makeup artist-stylist(from the French visage - face): a specialist in creating an artistic image of the customer using makeup products. Fashion is constantly changing, so when applying makeup, a makeup artist must take into account not only the client’s individuality, but also reflect fashion trends, emphasizing his general style - the way he dresses and behaves in society. Work on creating an image requires appropriate careful preparation, so a specialist needs to know the basics of cosmetology, take into account the physiological mechanisms of massage and be able to correct the client’s image. The qualified approach of teachers allows during the training period to gain the necessary knowledge on the theory, types and psychology of color (colorimetry), on the selection of hairstyles and types of makeup using visual and technical means.

The fashionable, prestigious profession of a stylist places its owner among the ranks of artists. Stylist- is, first of all, a bearer of knowledge of the history of fashion, an expert in its canons and development trends. The work of a stylist in most cases is divided into separate areas, representing such professional varieties as stylist-make-up artist, stylist-fashion designer, stylist-hairdresser, stylist-image maker and others.

In the 21st century, talent for drawing can manifest itself not only on canvas. A profession like visagiste– an artist on the face and body – provides an extraordinary opportunity to express talent for art. Translated from French, “makeup artist” is “a person who works with the face,” while “aesthetician” is a specialist in facial skin care and makeup application. A person’s face is like an open book - all experiences, life’s difficulties, troubles and worries treacherously leave their mark on it. And a cosmetologist-makeup artist is a person who can “read” the pages of this book and choose the right skin care products. We can say that a cosmetologist-make-up artist “erases” traces of the past from the face.

A makeup stylist can carry out the following types of production activities:

performing hygienic manicure, pedicure, hand massage and varnishing the nails of the hands and feet;

provision of services in the field of aesthetic cosmetology to perform hygienic facial cleansing, classical therapeutic and plastic massage of the face and neck, cosmetic (lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite) body massage and body depilation with “warm” wax, applying creamy cosmetic masks to the skin of the face and neck;

provision of services for shaping and tinting eyebrows, tinting eyelashes, performing daytime, business, wedding, evening, age, men's and express makeup.

The work of makeup artists is in demand in a variety of fields. Our contemporaries, people of so different professions: from movie stars and politicians to employees of various companies, resort to the services of professional stylists and makeup artists to create the most attractive image.

To become a professional stylist, you will need knowledge of the history of fashion, the basics of hairdressing and makeup, and skills in the art of creating an image. Naturally, this is a job for creative people. Such professionals are needed to work in beauty salons, hairdressers and various SPA clubs. Stylists participate in photo shoots for print media, fashion shows and a variety of projects and television shows.

Professional requirements

Professional requirements for a specialist are determined based on the main activities of a stylist-make-up artist. A makeup stylist should know:

Composition and properties of professional preparations used in all technological processes of aesthetic and preventive care for appearance;

Methods for diagnosing the state of a client’s appearance;

Traditional-classical and modern technologies of appearance care;

Basic provisions of the current regulatory documentation;

Fundamentals of service activities and rules for serving the population;

Rules and regulations of business communication; basic economics of the industry;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements and standards of the working environment;

Safety and fire protection regulations.

A makeup stylist must be able to:

Carry out diagnostics of the state of appearance of various age groups of the consumer and apply professional technologies, professional systems of products to care for the consumer’s appearance, to correct his appearance;

Select and apply professional methods and methods of carrying out technological processes for caring for appearance;

Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Perform correction and aestheticization of appearance using decorative care products;

Develop and execute artistic images in the creative process of creating stylized collections of theatrical and entertainment value;

Comply with the norms and rules of professional ethics and psychology of business communication;

Ensure the safety of the aesthetic environment and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards when serving consumers;

Use normative and reference literature;

Monitor the quality of services;

Use information technology in professional activities.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

Working on creating an image is always creativity. Therefore, the future stylist needs creativity, aesthetic taste, artistic imagination and flexibility of thinking. This specialist works with people. You cannot do without communication skills, responsibility and organizational skills. With these qualities, a young stylist will certainly achieve professional success:

aesthetic taste;

creative imagination;

accuracy and speed of movements;

fine hand-eye coordination;

accuracy and patience;

concentrated attention;

well-developed communication skills;


readiness for continuous professional growth;

the desire for self-improvement and creative realization.

Medical contraindications:

skin and allergic diseases;

negative reaction to chemicals;

impaired coordination of hand movements;

severe vision diseases;

neuropsychiatric diseases.

Duration of college

Full-time education, advanced level:

Based on basic general education – 3 years 10 months;

Based on secondary (complete) general education – 2 years 10 months.

Diploma qualification

Stylist-makeup artist with mastering working professions:




List of disciplines studied

General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines:

Fundamentals of Philosophy




Psychology of service activities

Psychology of communication

Russian language and culture of speech

Foreign language (business)

Physical Culture

Mathematical and general natural science disciplines:

Computer Science and ICT

Information systems and networks

Modern natural science concept

General professional disciplines:

Service activities

Fundamentals of Marketing and Management

Professional ethics and etiquette

Legal support of professional activities

Modern materials and design

Plastic human anatomy

Drawing and painting

Flower science and coloristics

Composition Basics


History of the costume

History of fine arts


Cultural studies

Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the skin

Materials Science

Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of feet and hands

Life safety

Professional modules

Eyebrow correction and tinting, eyelash tinting

Performing salon and specific makeup

Performing face art, body art

Creation of the customer’s individual style in accordance with requests, historical styles and fashion trends

Performing work in one or more worker professions, employee positions




Variable part of the BRI cycles

- Hairdressing technologies

Haircuts and hair styling

Hair art

Hair coloring

Perm hair

Current trends and modern technologies of hairdressing

Educational and industrial practice

When mastering the industrial (professional) practice program, students consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained from studying theoretical disciplines and acquire skills in all types of professional activities. During their studies, students complete three types of practice:

Internship to obtain primary professional skills (educational);

Practice in the specialty profile (including plein air, museum practice);

Qualification practice (pre-diploma).

Note: students enrolled in the first year on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) during the first year study

general education disciplines of the school curriculum

Russian language


Foreign language


Social science

Natural science


Physical Culture

Basics of life safety

specialized educational subjects

Computer Science and ICT



Field of activity of the graduate

Hairdressers, salons and beauty studios in the city and region. Providing services in the field of nail services, aesthetic cosmetology and makeup art.

Places of work:


Beauty Salons;

Image agencies;

Film and photo studios;

Mass media (direction - fashion, beauty, style);

Private practice

Stylists are mainly required by beauty salons, hairdressers, photo studios, image agencies, and SPA clubs. They are often required for various projects, shows, exhibitions with the participation of models.

Where can I continue my education?

Graduates of the Technological College who have successfully completed their studies in the specialty “Styling and Make-up Art” can continue their studies and receive higher professional education in a shortened time at the Novgorod branch St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, with whom our college has an agreement for training specialists.

During their time at college, our students can also receive additional professional skills in paid courses in various areas of activity. Students of the College of Technology are provided with discounts on courses and payment in installments.

6. Formation of a contingent of students and teachers.


7. Structure of training.

Usinsk Polytechnic College


The structural and functional model of the technical school was created taking into account the type of technical school, its specifics and the tasks facing the educational institution in order to effectively and efficiently fulfill the state and social order. The existing model corresponds to the functional tasks of a technical school with primary and secondary vocational education.

The main tasks determined by the technical school are implemented by a team under the leadership of the following employees:

    educational work – Voronina Olga Evgenievna;

    educational and methodological work - Ruban Oleg Vasilievich;

    educational and production work - Sharapov Vladimir Nikolaevich;

    educational work - Sevanyan Albina Georgievna;

    administrative and economic activities – Sedov Oleg Aleksandrovich;

    methodological work - Valishina Irina Nikolaevna.

The management of the technical school is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution on the principles of openness, the priority of universal human values, the protection of human life and health, and the free development of the individual. The pedagogical council of the technical school determines the main directions, tasks, content and forms of the pedagogical, methodological and educational activities of the institution and coordinates them. The pedagogical council includes all teaching staff of the institution. The activities and operating procedures of the pedagogical council are regulated by a local act - the Regulations on the pedagogical council at the Usinsk Polytechnic College, and the chairman of the pedagogical council is the director of the technical school.

The direct current management of the institution is carried out by the supervisory board and the director of the technical school. The director manages the institution, its divisions and structures both directly and through the administration and teaching staff of the institution, and in his absence, the duties of the director are assigned to one of the deputies. Structural divisions were created in accordance with the Charter of the technical school and operate according to plan. Current issues of the technical school's activities are discussed weekly at administrative meetings with the director. The meeting participants are: director, deputy directors, heads of structural divisions. The director is personally responsible for the results of the technical school’s activities.

State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Novokuznetsk Economics and Industry College"

According to the college charter, a six-day work week is established. Training sessions are conducted in the form lessons, lectures, seminars, practical classes, laboratory and tests, independent work, consultations, practice, course design (course work), completion of final qualification work, and so Other types of training sessions are also conducted.

For all types of classroom classes, the duration is 1 hour 30 minutes, the break between classes is at least 10 minutes. The schedule provides for a lunch break of 45 minutes (see table “Organization of lesson activities”).

Organization of lesson activities

Organization of lesson activities

Length of school week (days)

Duration of theoretical training lessons (min.)

Duration of industrial training lessons (min.)

Duration of breaks

Frequency of interim

certification of students

2 times a year by semester

Full-time theoretical classes are conducted in one shift. The schedule is designed for full-time and evening courses. Full-time training begins at 9.00, evening classes at 18.00.

Students have the opportunity for continuous education and can, having received a basic level diploma, continue their studies at an advanced level. In addition, the college provides training in an accelerated program based on initial vocational education. In order to deepen professionalism, ensure the social and professional mobility of the graduate, his competitiveness in the labor market, the college provides training in the specialty profile and in the blue-collar professions of cook and pastry chef; secretary; hairdresser with qualifications in the form of categories. For the same purpose, additional training is provided through the provision of paid educational services: 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting, business course, basics of drawing and composition, automation of enterprise activities based on software. The college has licenses for the following educational programs: Cook, Waiter, Manager's Secretary, Assistant Electric Locomotive Driver, Hairdresser, which provide professional training, retraining and advanced training.

Vocational education in college is developing as a unified system with a full range of multi-level educational programs. While studying under secondary vocational education programs, the student simultaneously masters a working profession. This increases the graduate’s competence as a specialist, since he has a fairly complete understanding of the theoretical aspects of the profession (as a graduate of a university and vocational training) and practical skills (as a graduate of an NPO).

Practical classes on the development of professional skills in college are conducted in the following educational laboratories and workshops:

training workshop/food preparation technology,

laboratory of technical management tools, electronic document management and document management,

accounting and office management training company,

laboratory of modeling and artistic design of hairstyles,

laboratory of chemistry and chemical analysis,

medical and biological laboratory, sanitation and hygiene,

beauty studio/hair salon,

metalworking workshop.

The modern educational and material base of laboratories and workshops makes it possible to perform all types of work provided for by the work curricula of industrial training and production (professional) practice, and ensures the assignment of qualification categories.

In addition, during the period of industrial (professional) practice, students have the opportunity to work on the production of finished products in a food preparation technology training workshop and in a hairdressing salon, which contributes to the acquisition of initial professional experience.

Professional practice in the specialty profile is carried out at the workplaces of the college’s social partners on the basis of concluded agreements.

Psychological and pedagogical support

Activities for the protection and promotion of health, psychological support for students are carried out both within the framework of educational programs and in extracurricular activities.

    Health protection and promotion within the framework of educational programs is carried out through

    implementation of educational goals and objectives within the framework of academic disciplines;

    consideration of issues related to the formation of a healthy culture of personality at conferences, seminars, and competitions.

    Health protection and promotion within extracurricular activities is provided

    work of health sections;

    conducting decades of promotion of a healthy lifestyle, social hours and classroom hours in groups;

    holding college-wide health days.

The college carries out work on psychological and pedagogical support for students. The purpose of the Psychological Service is to provide psychological assistance and support to all subjects of the educational environment, to promote the optimization of the mental and personal development of students and to shape their readiness for life and professional self-determination.

Areas of activity of the psychological service.

    Psychological diagnostics.

    Developmental and correctional work.

    Advisory activities.

    Psychological prevention.

    Psychological education.

The effective practical activity of a teacher-psychologist is ensured by his inclusion in the general education program, which allows the psychologist to establish direct contact with students, during which it is possible to provide various types of psychological assistance. The educational psychologist reports directly to the director of the educational institution, ensuring the protection of the interests of students as a whole, as well as the interests of each individual. In addition, the educational psychologist closely interacts with the medical worker and the head of physical education, since an equally important task of psychological support is the formation of a healthy lifestyle for both students and the teaching staff.

The student population has its own specifics: all are trained on the basis of secondary (complete) general education. Preventive work to prevent crime is carried out, but is not as important as it is in NGO educational institutions. In recent years, not a single case of crime, drug use, or substance abuse has been reported at the college. For preventive purposes, months-decades of legal education and anti-alcohol, anti-tobacco propaganda are held, as well as drug addiction prevention activities: class hours, speeches by drug addiction doctors, poster competitions, conversations, video screenings, exhibitions and selection of materials in the teaching room, in the library, classrooms watch.

Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation in the secondary vocational education system

The structural element of the old educational standards was the subject (discipline). The structural element of the third generation of competency-based educational standards is the educational field, presented in the form of professional modules designed to master specific types of professional activities. In turn, the structural elements of professional modules become professional and general competencies, the totality of which in any type of professional activity is considered as integral quality indicator its development.

Thus, at present, the attitude towards learning outcomes and, accordingly, to the forms and methods of their assessment are radically changing. If previously the assessment of learning outcomes was reduced to assessing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, then in accordance with the new educational standards, the assessment of the results of mastering a type of professional activity (VPA) is complex, integrative in nature: the formation of both professional and general competencies is assessed. General competencies are of a supra-professional nature and are expressed through such personality qualities as independence, the ability to make responsible decisions, constantly learn and update knowledge, think flexibly and systematically, carry out communicative actions, conduct dialogue, receive and transmit information in various ways. The assessment of the maturity of these qualities is reflected in the assessment indicators and, accordingly, in the tasks developed on the basis of these indicators. When developing tasks, I used product approach, when the result of a completed task is a finished product or service. The tasks are designed in such a way that the assessment of the development of competencies is carried out step by step in accordance with the logic of the professional tasks being performed and in accordance with the developed assessment criteria, which are reflected in the assessment sheets.

Since the assessment should be complex, integrative in nature, the college developed a methodology for determining assessment indicators, which makes it possible to subdivide them into various forms of control: current, intermediate and final. This was done to avoid duplication in both forms and methods of assessment for different stages of control. The most relevant ones in module-competency training were identified forms assessment of the development of professional and general competencies: exam (oral, written, practical, etc.), portfolio defense, certification, project defense (individual, group), final qualifying work (FQR), business game. And in accordance with the selected forms, they were determined methods, the ones that best meet the objectives of a comprehensive assessment of the development of professional and general competencies: these are expert observation, expert assessment, interviewing, questioning, testing, and presentation.

At Technological College No. 14 in Moscow in the 2010-2011 academic year, during an experiment on the implementation of professional module programs based on the Restaurant Business faculty, approaches to assessing the formation of professional and general competencies were developed. The experiment showed that the assessment should be done in stages.

In our opinion, the first stage is very important - accompanying assessment. It provides monitoring of the gradual formation of professional (PC) and general (GC) competencies in the process of theoretical training, educational and industrial practice and is carried out both by the mentor (tutor) and by the student himself (self-assessment).

For this stage, a fund of assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of the development of knowledge, skills, and practical experience included in the PC of the mastered HPE is being developed. The types of tasks for ongoing monitoring are compiled in such a way that they meet not only the tasks of developing professional competencies, taking into account the principle of individualization of training (of varying degrees of complexity), but are also aimed at the gradual development of personally significant qualities.

At the same stage, great importance is given to the formation of the skills to carry out self-assessment and evaluation of work performed by colleagues in study pairs and small groups.

Great importance is attached to keeping a diary of achievements, which the student receives at the beginning of training. It contains all groups of skills that must be mastered. Therefore, from the first day of training, students, seeing the full scope of the required skills, can independently or with the help of master mentors and teachers build an optimal sequence for their development. In addition, the diary allows you to monitor the development of competencies throughout the entire period of training and identify difficulties in the early stages, when it is easy for the student to carry out the correction process.

Second phase - interim assessment formation of professional and general competencies - takes place in the form of an exam or test upon completion of mastering the program of each MDK. This type of assessment is carried out, in our case, in two stages: testing allows you to quickly and accurately assess the assimilation of the entire amount of knowledge included in the PC of this interdisciplinary course, the second stage - modeling of professional activity - allows you to assess the degree of development of practical skills. This type of control is carried out before entering industrial practice, and the tasks are practice-oriented in nature and show the degree of readiness of the student to perform tasks in production, directly at the workplace.

At the third stage it is carried out final grade formation of PC and OC during the qualification exam (EC), which is comprehensive in nature, including the simultaneous assessment of both professional and general competencies. This changes the structure of the traditional exam, approaches to its methodological support, development of assessment tools and exam procedures (see Fig. 1). In our case, we chose a combination of two forms: a practical exam - comprehensive demonstration of practical skills in the workplace(or in a simulated workplace environment) and protection portfolio achievements.

Figure 1. Qualifying exam structure.

At the moment, a set of requirements has already been established both for the procedure for assessing the development of professional and general competencies, and for the assessment tools themselves:

    validity of assessment materials;

    compliance of the content of materials with the requirements for the level of knowledge, skills, and practical experience of PCs included in the professional module;

    clear formulation of evaluation criteria (indicators);

    maximum objectivity of assessment forms and methods;

    transparency of the assessment procedure;

    participation of highly qualified specialists and employers in the assessment procedure;

    an unambiguous conclusion based on the assessment results (VPA mastered/not mastered).

Figure 2 shows the logic and sequence of selecting forms and methods for assessing the formation of PC and OC. First, we analyzed a set of requirements for the level of knowledge, skills, and practical experience for all PCs included in the assessed VPD, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the requirements included in the PM program through the hours of the variable part on the recommendations of the college’s social partners, as well as the requirements of the professional standard (for specialty 260807 “Technology of public catering products”).

Then assessment indicators were developed corresponding to point 5 of the PM program for each PC and OK. And based on them, comprehensive assessment indicators were developed, which made it possible to form a fund of assessment tools that most fully reflects the entire complex of both professional and general competencies.

Figure 2. Logic for developing forms and methods for assessing the formation of PC and OK.

Methodological support for the qualification exam (EC). To ensure transparency of the examination procedure (given the current lack of specific methodological recommendations), the college has developed a regulation on the qualifying examination. In accordance with it, the exam program is developed directly for each professional module. A package of documents on the qualification exam procedure was also developed: minutes of the meeting of the examination qualification commission, assessment sheets for PC included in the mastered professional module, a sample certificate issued to students based on the exam results. Assessment tools, in addition to exam papers, include task cards with step-by-step recommendations, which allows you to conduct a step-by-step assessment of all practical skills in accordance with the developed indicators and enter them into the assessment sheet.

In addition, recommendations were developed for the development and methods of presenting a portfolio of achievements. The portfolio includes three parts: a portfolio of educational and professional achievements, a portfolio of creative achievements and a portfolio of social achievements. This allows the expert commission to assess the maturity of the entire complex of general competencies.

The portfolio of educational and professional achievements includes evidence of mastering PC and OK (photos, video materials, examination sheets, assessment sheets for laboratory and practical work, a diary of achievements with an assessment from a mentor/tutor).

The portfolio of creative achievements contains diplomas, awards, prizes, photos of manufactured products, indicating the presence of a sustainable interest in the chosen profession, active participation in professional skills competitions at various levels, in project activities, and research work.

The portfolio of social achievements contains evidence of communicative activity (characteristics from work), evidence of participation in student government, and an active social position.

It is simply impossible to conduct a qualifying exam without using an established mechanism of mutually beneficial partnership between the college and leading enterprises in the region. The employer participates both in the development of the qualification examination program at the stage of agreeing on the examination procedure and the assessment materials themselves, and in the assessment procedure itself. The role of the employer is especially great in assessing the development of professional competencies, when assessing the skills and abilities necessary for rapid adaptation to real production conditions.

Our experience in implementing professional module programs, conducting a qualifying exam, the results of a student survey, and an assessment of social partners have shown that the technology of module-based competency-based training is accepted positively by both students and employers. But the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard on a module-competency basis requires great efforts from the teaching staff of professional colleges to develop comprehensive methodological support for professional module programs, master innovative forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and create a practice-oriented educational environment.

8. Secondary specialized education, its features.

In Soviet times, secondary vocational education could be obtained at technical schools, as well as colleges (for example, at a medical school).

In post-Soviet times, some technical schools were renamed colleges. Currently, secondary vocational education can be obtained in technical schools and colleges. In the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), the differences in terms were defined as follows:

a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training;

b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

In other words, technical schools and colleges teach specialties in which secondary vocational education can be obtained in 3 years (in some specialties - in 2 years). At the same time, the college also requires training in advanced training programs (4 years).

From the point of view of organizational and legal forms in the field of secondary vocational education, there are:

    state educational organizations of secondary vocational education (GOU SPO), including autonomous ones;

    non-state educational organizations of secondary vocational education (NOU SPO)

    autonomous non-profit organizations of secondary vocational education (ANO SPO).

NPO (primary vocational education) institutions in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” they became part of educational organizations SPO. Therefore, secondary vocational education organizations implement educational programs for both primary and secondary vocational education. Secondary vocational education is aimed at training mid-level specialists, satisfying the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education. Secondary vocational education can be obtained not only in educational organizations of secondary vocational education, but also at the first stage of educational organizations of higher professional education.

*NGO and SVE educational institutions have the right to clarify the distribution of professions or specialties according to the profiles of the vocational education received, taking into account the specifics of the main professional educational program of the NPO/SVE.