Psychologists confirm drug addiction in adolescence. Drug addiction among teenagers

U teenage drug addiction special status. Unlike drug addiction in adults, this disease in adolescents develops according to a “simplified pattern” and leads to much more disastrous consequences. Thus, even 1-2 doses of drugs can cause a severe degree of addiction, and personal degradation and irreversible changes in a child’s body can erase him forever, if not from life in general, but from the life of society - with a very high probability.

Features and distinctive features of teenage drug addiction

Explaining the consequences of drug addiction

Conversations with parents and teachers about the harm of drug addiction should not be held according to any schedule. This issue should be raised every time there is reason to do so. Thus, a story from television news, the story of a show business star, an example of a person whom a child knows should become the basis for a conversation about what addiction can lead to. Such clarity of examples when a negative role is played by a familiar person is much more important than dry facts that do not awaken emotions in a child.

Setting up a healthy lifestyle

Negative examples of drug addiction must be “balanced” by others, positive examples healthy lifestyle. A child should develop an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as the only correct model (see article: “Formation of a healthy lifestyle”). To achieve this, it is extremely important that parents and teachers themselves live up to the principles they instill in their children. A smoking mother or a drinking father nullifies the value of any “healthy” attitudes, which they refute by their own example.

Realistic examples

It is generally accepted that the child’s psyche is too vulnerable to be burdened with the realities of drug addiction. But this is not so: in most cases, involvement in drug addiction occurs only because the child does not realize the consequences of addiction, and for him this is nothing more than scary tale, which scares children. Show the teenager true face drug addiction. This could be an invitation to school to a narcologist who will speak to the whole class and demonstrate photo and video materials demonstrating the disfiguring effect of drugs on a person’s physical and mental state. You can also show educational films or documentaries describing the effects of narcotic substances on the brain, heart, and reproductive organs. For teenagers who are already members romantic relationships with anyone, it will be useful to learn about the grief that the dependence of a father or mother turns into for their children (congenital defects and deformities, serious illnesses, mental retardation etc.).

Eliminating dubious contacts

The behavior of a teenager is largely subject to the laws adopted in the team. Therefore, his communication with antisocial elements and dubious friends is a serious risk factor. But when eliminating such contacts, one should take into account the difficult age at which the child is and the inherent spirit of contradiction. Going into conflict and operating with bans on communicating with friends means expanding their sphere of influence over the teenager. It will be better to find an activity for your child that will captivate him more than spending time with friends. This could be any kind of sport, tourism, creativity or anything that the child gravitates towards. With the participation of parents and their involvement in their son or daughter’s activities, a hobby can very quickly replace and crowd out communication in an unhealthy group.

Trusting relationship with parents

How relationships are more complicated a child with his parents, the higher the likelihood that if any problems arise, he will turn to friends for help. And it is impossible to predict what exactly they will offer him as a “sedative” - a sip of beer or an ecstasy tablet.

The task of parents is to form the most trusting relationship with their child. This will allow him, if necessary, to seek help from his father and mother - people for whom his health and well-being are truly important.

But most importantly, remember: prevention of teenage drug addiction should begin long before the child enters this complex age period. Because drug addiction can create the conditions for its emergence much earlier than you are ready.

Diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction in adolescents

Drug addiction is determined based on a conversation with the teenager and his relatives, as well as after conducting a series of toxicological tests.

The examination involves examining the child's skin on the elbows and inner thighs (the most common injection sites), and the nasal mucosa (which is often damaged by inhaling drugs).

Considering that external signs confirming drug addiction may be absent during short-term drug use, blood tests for the presence of toxic substances and antibodies to them, as well as hair testing, which allows you to create a “timeline” of drug use, have the greatest diagnostic value.

Therapeutic tactics are determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the substance that caused addiction, the duration of its use, the stage of drug addiction, developed physical and mental disorders, etc.

A child diagnosed with stage III-IV drug addiction should be treated long time in a hospital setting or a specialized rehabilitation center. In these institutions, the teenager undergoes a course of individual and group psychotherapy, during which a negative attitude towards drugs and unhealthy habits in general is formed.

To obtain sustainable treatment results, it is extremely important to stop the child’s contact with friends and acquaintances who are also involved in drug addiction or are in any way related to it.

The effectiveness of treatment and further prognosis depend on a combination of circumstances, including the duration of drug addiction in the child, the extent to which the addiction affected his mental and physical health, whether family members will support the teenager on the path to recovery, and other factors.

Teen drug addiction and alcoholism are becoming popular social problems, which not so much children have to cope with as their parents. and are dependencies of a similar nature. Some teenagers are addicted to alcohol, while others are addicted to drugs. In both cases, it is necessary to consider the causes of the problem and carry out prevention.

Statistics from a website for psychotherapeutic help show that about 56% of guys and 20% of girls have tried chemicals aimed at changing their state of consciousness at least once in their lives. Some people stopped immediately, while others tried other substances.

Teenage drug addiction in fact becomes a problem only for parents and the whole society. At the same time, the teenager himself does not see anything wrong in his actions. The fact is that alcohol and drugs are unique attributes adult life, which allow the teenager to show his independence. There are many reasons for teenage drug addiction, so this will be discussed in more detail below.

What is teenage drug addiction?

Teenage drug addiction is when a guy or girl becomes addicted to drugs. Here we're talking about it is no longer so much about the desire to “try”, but about developed addiction, when a teenager “can no longer” live without doping.

Teenage drug addiction is becoming a pattern in many cases. This is facilitated by certain reasons that arise in the lives of many children. But the following should be noted: the reasons for drug addicts are almost all the same, only these same factors also occur in many other children who are not drug addicts. In other words, whether a teenager becomes a drug addict or not is already his choice, which is made on the basis of habitual forms of thinking and reaction. All children face problems in their lives. But not everyone becomes a drug addict because of this.

It's called drug addiction. A person can either degrade or progress. Standing still is almost impossible because it feels like dying. There are people who actually die while still alive. They are bored, nothing makes them happy, they do not strive for anything, nothing interests them - all these are signs that a person has actually died in his mind, in his soul, in his thoughts.

But let's return to the large number of people who actually degrade, thinking that they are progressing. Only a few actually progress. Most of them have either died or are deteriorating. What is the main indicator that you are progressing or deteriorating? Your quality of life. Have you achieved your goals? Have you made your wishes come true? Are you satisfied with your life? Can you be proud of yourself?

If your quality of life matches your ideas about how you should live, then you are progressing. But if you are dissatisfied with your life, you fight like a fish on ice, something doesn’t suit you, then your habitual actions lead to degradation. You want to progress, but in reality you are deteriorating. And an indicator of this is the quality of your life and your satisfaction with it.

One of the types of degradation of modern society is the habit of “stepping on the throat of your song.” People constantly give in, obey someone, listen not to themselves, but to the opinions of others. As long as you live according to the orders of other people, you degrade. While you are trying to improve relationships with others by trying to please them, do only good things for them, give in, etc., you are thereby “stepping on the throat of your song.” You do not live your life, but subordinate it to the will of other people. It is not you who decide what kind of person to be and how to live, but other people tell you in which direction to move. But such a sacrificial state does not lead you to progress. Why? Because when you are alone with yourself, you realize that you are unhappy and not happy with your life. And these are indicators that you are actually doing everything to degrade.

Causes of teenage drug addiction

It is very important to understand why teenage drug addiction occurs. The reasons are important not only for specialists who are trying to help children recover, but also for their parents and the sick themselves. Understand what is happening to your child so as not to provoke his addiction or stop in time.

The causes of teenage drug addiction are:

  1. Unfavorable family situation. Moreover, we are talking about an environment in which it is difficult for a child to be. He prefers to leave home and not be with his family, because it is difficult for him to get along with relatives. If it is easier for a child to be away from home, he will be more prone to drug addiction or alcoholism.
  2. or with peers at school. Frequent arguments, quarrels and scandals will cause tension within the teenager, who will tend to look for a way to relax.
  3. The emergence of difficulties that the teenager is forced to solve himself, while there is no developed responsibility. In other words, the teenager wants to be independent, but cannot, because he does not have the appropriate volitional qualities.
  4. Irresponsibility. Every teenager makes his own decision whether to use drugs or not. This decision is influenced by his sense of responsibility for his own life and health. If there is no sense of responsibility, then the child becomes addicted to drugs.
  5. Copying adult behavior. A teenager simply wants to seem like an adult, so he copies the behavior of those he is trying to be like. If these “role models” drink or use drugs, then the child will also resort to these substances in order to seem like an adult.
  6. A tribute to the general movement. If a teenager is part of a group that uses drugs or drinks alcohol, then they will not be able to give up those substances in order to continue to be part of that group.
  7. Interest. Teenagers are sometimes just interested in trying everything. They try everything that was previously forbidden to them and that belongs to the adult world that they wish to enter.
  8. Lack of self-realization. When a teenager does not have qualities and behavior patterns that would help him achieve success that is relevant for him today, then he resorts to substitutes.
  9. Mental disorders. Various psychical deviations also influence the choices of adolescents.
  10. Problems in the family, absence of one of the parents, love or attention from adults. The emergence of addictions in the younger generation is attributed to a lack of proper education.
  11. Underdevelopment of adolescents. Already in at this age Teenagers consider themselves adults, but continue to remain infantile, dependent, dependent on their parents and inadequate in their reactions and emotional state.

The problem of teenage drug addiction

In fact, teenage drug addiction, like alcoholism and substance abuse, is a problem in modern society, where adults are mostly focused on solving material problems, and teenagers are left to their own devices. The lack of mutual understanding between parents leads to the fact that teenagers find solace in the environment where they feel comfortable. There are continuous problems in the family and at school, and friends with whom you can have a good time, gain respect, talk about pleasant topics and try all the “adult” and “forbidden” drugs become the most authoritative and dear ones.

Teenagers seem infantile and helpless in the eyes own parents, but already old enough and capable of being responsible for their actions, in the opinion of outsiders. The teenager is really on the verge of transition from childhood to an adult. Exactly on at this stage he begins to intensively copy the actions, habits and character of adults whom he admires and wants to be like.

Adolescence is often marked by the beginning of the development of the habit of drinking alcohol, smoking and even dabbling in drugs. Every habit has its own reason. What reasons can be identified for the emergence of teenage drug addiction?

  • Interest. Children are interested in leading the same lifestyle as adults. Society is not known for its sobriety and ability to control drug use. Children simply copy adults, which for the most part lies on the conscience of the adults themselves. If men and women led healthy image life, emphasizing that this is one of the determining factors of an adult, then teenagers would not use drugs. Often, ordinary interest subsides over time. If a teenager is not addicted to drugs, then after 5-10 years he will give up the bad habit.
  • Psychological problems, often starting from childhood. These problems are related to the parents (or guardians who raised the child). Children who have been subjected to violence, physical beatings, and humiliation often become drug addicts in adulthood. Psychologists explain this fact the inability of the psyche to cope with the psychological trauma inflicted by parents. The child is not able to defend himself, protect himself and rationally analyze the situation. He completely trusts his life to his parents, who ruin it with their violent actions. The inability of the psyche to cope with stress forces one to look for ways out of the situation.
  • Pathology of a brain that does not receive pleasure. It can be congenital or acquired as a result of dictatorial or violent upbringing. A teenager is not able to enjoy natural joys, so he looks for methods to achieve happiness. Alcohol or drugs affect the brain, causing the release of hormones of happiness and calmness. The lack of other sources of joy leads to alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • Lack of individuality. If a child is constantly suppressed, punished for expressing his “I” (individuality), his protests and words “no” are not heard, then he learns to live at the behest of other people. In the company of friends or acquaintances, it is impossible to refuse people who offer to indulge in drugs. The loss of one's own individuality leads to drug addiction.

The reasons considered make us think about raising children. Moms, dads and society as a whole set an example of what kind of men and women it takes to be considered adults. Cruel parenting measures leave trauma in the psyche of the child, who is now looking for various ways avoiding problems, complexes and fears. Also important are the genetic data that parents pass on to their children during conception and gestation. We can talk about the responsibility of parents and society as a whole for how children grow up. If adult uncles and aunts did not use, then children would not try to imitate them and would not become drug addicts in adolescence.

Prevention of drug addiction among teenagers

Fighting drug addiction and helping existing drug addicts is not prevention, but treatment. What will be the prevention of teenage drug addiction? Here we will highlight the following aspects:

  1. Proper parenting.
  2. The teenager has interests in life.
  3. Developing respect for one’s body and health in a teenager.

Perhaps, these factors will already protect him from those situations when those around him will offer him drugs, and he will make his choice.

Bottom line

Teenage drug addiction is a common phenomenon due to the lack in children of those qualities, aspirations and views of the world that would stop them from the addiction every time. Of course, parents would like to relieve themselves of responsibility for the development of drug addiction in their children. However, running away from your mistakes does not help in solving the problem.

Statistics are a stubborn thing. But nowadays, increasingly, statistics are not only stubborn, but also frightening. Almost 70 percent of all drug users are young people and teenagers, statistics say. And they also name no less scary numbers: more than a half teenage boys have tried the drug at least once in their lives, a fifth of girls know the taste toxic substance. Moreover, 45 percent of male teenagers decide to regularly take toxic drugs, and almost every fifth girl is also an experienced drug addict... Drug addiction among teenagers is acquiring signs of an epidemic. And this is not an exaggeration.

Drugs as part of the “elite” life

Different experts call different reasons popularization teenage drug addiction. But they absolutely agree on one thing: among today’s youth it is considered unfashionable not to take drugs. For teenagers, drugs have become part of everyday life. Less than a decade ago, a teenage drug addict was something out of the ordinary. Today, addicted teenagers are counted in the hundreds. They are one third of all drug addicts who decide to seek help from a doctor. And this cannot but be terrifying.

An expensive car, a prestigious brand of telephone, an elite residential area... Now the “golden youth” are sure to add drugs to this list of luck. The level of well-being is determined by the “prestige” of the drug used, and the “high” becomes an integral part of “elite” life. And all this is served under the no less fashionable “sauce” of the philosophical concept of gaining spiritual experience. Teenagers who have taken drugs exchange with each other their emotions, feelings, experiences from taking this or that chemical substance. They, who admire Castaneda’s work, also dream of getting into the “magical world” of Don Juan. They are looking for their mescaline, idolize the “smoke” and... at an incredibly fast pace they are turning into experienced drug addicts...

A short conversation with a high school student is enough to understand that he is quite knowledgeable in matters relating to narcotic substances. The teenager can speak quite clearly and in great detail about the difference between drugs, and describe the sensations of taking one drug or another. And the worst thing is that most of this information is not what he read on the Internet, but his personal experience. Many schoolchildren have excellent knowledge in the field of pharmacology and are engrossed in literature on narcology. Most of them know how and what they can get a “high” from. They easily buy the drugs they want through the World Wide Web, and in pharmacies they can purchase drugs containing narcotic substances without any prescription.

There is an opinion that it is mainly children from dysfunctional families, losers in life. This is a misconception based on history. The first global surge in the popularity of drugs occurred back in the 20s of the last century. Back then, it was mostly street children who were under the influence of cocaine. 70 years later, history repeated itself, but then children of other categories were already involved in the drug business. And in present time a significant portion of high school students at elite educational institutions are experienced drug addicts. They continue to believe that they have a bright future ahead of them, although in fact, at best, they are waiting for a hospital bed, at worst... Okay, let's not talk about the worst.

Why teenagers become drug addicts

Why are more and more children from quite successful families becoming drug addicts? Why do teenagers dream of trying drugs? Why did schoolchildren create a cult out of “chemistry”?

Growing up. Psychologists say that, first of all, the causes of the problem should be sought in the emotional component. A teenager is an unformed personality. He is still curious and fearless, willing to try something new without understanding the consequences of such an experience. Secondly, children dream of growing up as quickly as possible, and drugs, in their understanding, are part of adult life. But teenagers are not able to understand one thing, the most important thing - such “growing up” can ruin their whole life.

In most cases, high school students take their first dose in the company of friends. And he can do this both at a disco and in educational institution. The first use of the drug is the first understanding of what the “high” actually is, which more “experienced” friends talked so much about. But the teenager, like all beginning drug addicts, does not yet understand that the drug “high” ends quickly, but returning to normal life after it is not so easy. The teenager also does not understand that “experienced” drug addicts do not take drugs for momentary pleasure - their main goal is to return to normal state an ordinary healthy person. But it is not so easy for them to do this.

Personal problems. Another reason, called by psychologists, is the desire to get rid of personal problems. But the teenager is in a state of psychological disorder due to problems in personal life, is unwilling or unable to understand that drugs, like alcohol, are not able to solve the problem. The potion is aware of an illusion, a world without problems, which does not really exist. And this state “drags” the teenager into the abyss, from which there is sometimes no way back.

Seeking pleasure. Psychologists call this reason the most insidious. A teenager who has tried a psychotropic substance once, having experienced the first “high,” wants to prolong these sensations and repeat them as quickly as possible. And this is the biggest danger - mental dependence on drugs develops very quickly, and is the most difficult to treat. The child may not yet feel physical “withdrawal” in the absence of a dose, but mental “withdrawal” forces him to go in search of the next “dose of high.”

Friendship with bad guys. Adolescence is the stage when one of the main authorities for children is their friends. This is why it is so important to know who your children are friends with, where they spend time, and what they do when you don’t see them. If a high school student does not find understanding in his home, he looks for it among his peers and older friends. It is possible that one of them may suggest that the teenager turn off heartache, a feeling of resentment and misunderstanding with the help of a synthetic product...

But we should not forget about another situation. A child may be from an exemplary family and be friends with good kids, but some day he wants to become a respected leader, to acquire qualities that no one else his age has, and he tries drugs, alcohol, tobacco... Just yesterday an exemplary child becomes " bad guy”, but “adult” and “respected” in the company of teenagers.

Have you ever seen a 7-year-old child with a cigarette in his hands? Just a few decades ago, doctors would have said that this was not possible. Today we all know that this is quite possible. But a first-grader with a cigarette is not just a minor smoker, he is a potential drug addict. Parents of a child with a tendency towards drug addiction should not hesitate for a day; they must consult a doctor as soon as possible and examine the child, and secondly, urgently undergo a rehabilitation course with a psychologist. If parents can react in time, the chances of saving the child are quite high.

Parents should remember that dependence on a drug, especially a synthetic one, can develop after the first use, and the first signs of drug addiction can appear within a week.

The first “bell” should be the following changes:

  • the child began to study poorly;
  • teachers complain about his behavior;
  • parents and friends noticed aggressiveness in communication;
  • the teenager began to come home later than usual, and is often not at home at all;
  • skips classes;
  • the child has new suspicious (often much older) friends;
  • the teenager became withdrawn and uncommunicative;
  • appetite has worsened;
  • frequent desire to “be alone”;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden and frequent changes in mood for no apparent reason.

Among physical symptoms that indicate drug addiction are called:

  • poor memory and permanent depression;
  • pale skin;
  • unclear and inexpressive speech;
  • pupils - constricted or dilated in any lightening;
  • coordination of movements is impaired.

There are many other signs, but these should alert parents first.

What to do if you notice something is wrong with your child?

The very first and most important thing that all parents should remember is that they should never do anything - panic and throw tantrums. This behavior of relatives will only further aggravate the problem, make the child even more withdrawn, and he will spend even more time with those who “understand” and “comfort” him.

A cool mind is what will help in such a situation. First of all, parents should immediately understand the essence of the situation: how long the child has been taking drugs, what drugs are poisoning the teenager and how he himself assesses the situation. Perhaps the teenager tried the drug only once and did not like it, which means that your child does not have the slightest desire to continue dangerous experiments. Then parents only need to support their child, spend more time with him, and delicately and finally convince him that drugs are evil. It is best if this work is carried out by professionals - doctors, psychologists, workers at rehabilitation centers.

Preventative work

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Probably no one will deny the fact that the age of those who use alcohol, tobacco and drugs has become dramatically younger. Now, novice drug addicts are not 30-year-olds, but schoolchildren who have already learned the taste of cigarettes and vodka. And that's the problem. A problem that can be left to chance, or you can try to solve it. But the most the right way solutions to any problem - to prevent its occurrence.

Of course, you can be deeply confident that your children are the smartest, and they will definitely never think of trying a narcotic potion. God willing. But behind such blind confidence, you can miss the moment when the teenager begins the path to “slipping”, and then it will be too late for salvation. But prevention has never hurt anyone.

So what can you do to prevent a teenager from deciding to smoke a potion in search of new sensations?

1. Parents, get rid of your own bad habits.

If a child observes a smoking father or mother from birth, he develops an understanding that this is perfect model behavior. Smoking and alcohol are not bad habits for him, but part of normal everyday life. Remember, the consciousness of your child begins to form from the first of his life, and it depends only on you how your child will grow up, what will be the norm for him, and what will be - bad behavior. Do not program your baby to become addicted to bad habits. Explain to him that an illusion will never replace the real world, that problems under the influence of alcohol and drugs do not disappear, that instant gratification is not worth ruining your whole life.

2. “Filter” what your child watches and reads.

The media, the Internet, books - all this has a very active influence on the mental development of a child. Information received from the media “sits” in a teenager’s head for a long time. This is why it is so important to monitor what your child watches and reads. Try to expose him to as many impressive films and lectures as possible telling him about the dangers of drugs. real examples real people. Teenagers must understand that a drug is not just an evil on the scale of one specific life, but it may lead to the disappearance of all humanity, it is the degeneration of a nation, it is a problem not of one single family, but of the whole country, the whole world.

3. Love your child.

Psychologists say that most stupid things a person commits are due to misunderstanding. Adults do not hear children, children do not hear adults. Everyone lives in their own world, and when these worlds intersect, a scandal cannot be avoided... This is the easiest way to push your child into the world of “magic” and “haze.” There, the teenager will seek understanding and love, which he did not receive in his home from his family. Communicate with your sons and daughters, tell them how much you love them, be proud of them, wish them only good things and happiness. Communicate sincerely and without masks. Explain to your teenager that the world is beautiful without the drug and its momentary “high”, the world is beautiful without additional “stimulants”, and the illusion created by the potion is nothing more than a deception, which will sooner or later dissipate, leaving behind only bitterness, pain and broken life...

One of the most common fears of modern parents is finding out that their child has been dependent on drugs for a long time. However, there is always a way out; in no case should this problem be ignored. We provide quality and effective treatment drug addiction in adolescents.

Have you noticed that your child's behavior has changed as he grows up? Have you seen injection marks on your arms or legs? These are the most common signs of drug addiction in adolescents, which can be identified visually.

Initial consultation with drug addicts and loved ones

We offer an initial consultation, during which experienced psychologist and a narcologist will conduct an initial conversation with the young drug addict, with close relatives, to determine the problem, future plan actions.

Exactly at this initial period It is necessary to very carefully start a conversation with a teenager, identify the reason that prompted him to start taking drugs, and understand his internal experiences. And most importantly, stimulate the desire to start treatment for drug addiction.

Diagnosis of drug addiction in a teenager

Drug addiction is a very complex disease that requires careful diagnosis. First of all, your child will be fully examined (all necessary tests will be taken, an ultrasound examination will be performed, etc.).

With the help of special laboratory research in our clinic in Moscow you can find out exactly what drugs the teenager has developed an addiction to (cannabinoids, spice, psychostimulants, opiates, etc.), as well as its degree.

The examination will also identify concomitant diseases that could develop as a result of chronic intoxication of the body. In addition, our psychologists will work with your child to identify the reasons that triggered drug addiction. Youth drug addiction problems can have many different causes, which are important to eliminate for successful treatment.

Individual treatment for adolescent drug addiction

Treatment of teenage drug addiction is not an easy but surmountable path. To successfully overcome drug addiction for each patient, we exclusively develop individual plan treatment.

A comprehensive drug treatment, which is aimed at relieving signs of intoxication (if necessary), as well as maintaining a young body and resuming its normal functioning.

An integral part of treatment is the work of a psychologist with a teenager. Because completely overcoming drug addiction is almost impossible without working on the patient’s consciousness. Psychologists at our clinic in Moscow do their best to correct the behavior of a teenager, thus eliminating the root causes of drug addiction.

Rehabilitation is an important part of maintaining success

Youth drug addiction is often characterized by relapses and relapses. In order to forget about drug-related problems forever, an important role is assigned not only to direct treatment, but also to the rehabilitation stage.

Our clinic also develops special rehabilitation programs for teenagers, after which teenagers in 90% of cases do not have the desire to return to drug use.

We work for the benefit of our patients. Hundreds of teenagers have already passed through our clinic and were able to successfully cope with the problem of drug addiction. Give your child a chance to recover, contact our clinic!

Cost of treatment services

Service Price
Drug addiction treatment 1300 rub./day
Rehabilitation of drug addicts from 35,000 rub. month
Rehabilitation center in Thailand from 5000 rub./day
VIP class drug addiction treatment (VIP services) from 2500 rub./day
Relieving withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal syndrome) 3000 rub.
IV drip at home 3000 rub.
Drug addiction treatment clinic 1300 rub.
Services of a narcologist (Psychologist) 3000 rub.
Compulsory treatment of drug addiction (Motivational brigade) from 10,000 rub.
Treatment of drug addiction in a hospital 1300 rub./day
Ubod (Detoxification) 25,000 rub.

3. Features of teenage drug addiction, its causes and trends

Drug addiction is a disease of the young. She knocks out of the normal flow public life the most capable. This is precisely its threat to the future of the country.

In Russia, as indeed elsewhere in the world, young people under the age of 30 predominate among drug users.

And the growth rate of drug addiction in this environment is the highest. The average age of initiation into drugs today is 13 years. But cases of drug addiction in 9-10 year old children have already been identified. Sample surveys of teenagers show that 44% of boys and 25% of girls have tried at least once in their short life drugs and other psychoactive substances. “More than 14 thousand minors (of which almost 6 thousand are students) are registered as drug users and about 7 thousand (of which over 1,600 students) are registered as users of potent intoxicants. Number of teenagers applying for the first time medical care, has increased by a quarter in the last year alone.”

Drug dealers have developed and widely use a unique tactic of “dragging in the net”: in schools, in the entrances of houses, in places of mass gatherings of teenagers, they sell drugs at ultra-low, symbolic prices in order to introduce as many children as possible to them. Then the price, of course, goes up, and the gullible buyer goes online. Almost free distribution of drugs (but only at the first stage) is now widely used to draw teenagers into a drug whirlpool, from which many of them are unable to escape. Drugs have become an indispensable attribute of youth evenings, concerts of popular artists and musical groups, discos.

Drug use has become the norm leading to death for most street children. Homelessness, as you know, borders on the “zone”, and there, including in a juvenile colony, the potion flows uninterruptedly. They usually leave there with a severe drug addiction, without any hope of ever getting rid of it. . The growth of drug addiction among schoolchildren and students (6-8 times) in recent years is especially alarming.

The issue of drug addiction in adolescents is currently extremely topical, firstly, due to the fact that most cases of the first try of drugs occur precisely at this age (about 70% of cases of drug addiction), and secondly, because the effect of narcotic drugs drugs (long-term drug poisoning) has a particularly detrimental effect on the developing organism.

In the study of diseases associated with addiction to psychoactive substances, the main role is played by relatively young sciences - adolescent psychiatry and adolescent narcology. The creator of these scientific directions in our country, as well as the organizer of the first psychiatric department for adolescents, was Professor A.E. Lichko, who worked at the Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev. The basic information presented in this paragraph is drawn from his works and the works of his students.

Rapid growth of the body and serious hormonal changes ( puberty) in adolescence do not play a major role in the formation of diseases associated with addiction to psychoactive substances. However, some general ones are of great importance psychological traits characteristic of adolescents: the desire for pleasure, the easy occurrence of protest reactions, the tendency to group activities, some instability of mood. The emphasized desire of adolescents for independence, the constant desire to free themselves from the care of adults, often lead to serious contradictions with adults and cause protest reactions. Adding to these reactions the desire to group with peers creates even more big problems and opens the gates for drug “trials” in the teenage group. This is also facilitated by the classic “sweetness of the forbidden fruit” situation, and simply curiosity. The desire to show oneself in the most favorable light in front of representatives (or representatives) of the opposite sex can also push adolescents to “heroic” actions, manifested in “testing” themselves with drugs. In groups that often develop along territorial lines (within a yard, alley, street), where the influence of the “leader” is strong, illegal tendencies often arise, which include the use of psychoactive substances. Often, both purely criminal and purely drug addict groups arise, depending on who “leads” the group and what “contingent” is included in it.

The feeling of a group is so strong in adolescents that when they meet a group (this is observed in adolescents with drug addiction), they begin to experience feelings characteristic of intoxication, even before taking the drug. A.E. Lichko and V.S. Bitensky called this phenomenon a “contact high” (in the language of drug addicts, and there is one, a high is an elevated mood with a hint of bliss).

The teenager’s family plays a serious role. The main factors that can contribute to drug addiction are the father's alcoholism, his abuse, and lack of warmth from the mother.

Real “drug addiction epidemics” sometimes occur among teenagers. At the same time, not only individual schools, courtyards, streets, but also large areas are covered by the abuse of any narcotic substance by adolescents. Typically, in such cases, relatively simple methods of drug administration are used: smoking, snorting. Quite often, such epidemics arose at the beginning of perestroika, after the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcohol, although this concerned more substances.

In addition to the listed points, which reflect the characteristics of the body of adolescents and the influence of family and groups on them, they, like adults, have personal characteristics, nature, degree of deviations from generally accepted norms. A. E. Lichko studied in detail the character traits of adolescents and described the reasons for their formation various options addiction to psychoactive substances.

Let's see what are the reasons for drug abuse among teenagers with different personalities.

Adolescents with unstable and dependent external influences interests, easily falling under the influence of others, at the same time lazy, preferring relaxation and entertainment to any useful activity, they turn to drugs as a means from which they “can get pleasure.” Those whose activity is “overflowing”, active, enterprising, easy to get along with people and navigate in a new situation, begin to use drugs out of curiosity and for pleasure, often doing this in order “not to disturb the company.” Teenagers with a tendency to mood changes (either euphoria or depression) take drugs “to calm down”, “so as not to worry.” Teenagers with a tendency to distinct mood swings, pronounced irritability, and periods of “internal tension” become more easily accustomed to drugs than others, since they consider these substances to be a means of relieving anxiety and improving mood. For teenagers prone to demonstrative behavior, drugs help, as K. Jaspers puts it, “to appear larger than they really are.”

M. Zuckerman described special type behavior - “sensation seeking” (SE) as behavior associated with the need for various new sensations and experiences, expressed in the desire for physical and social risk for the sake of these sensations. Such behavior is an individual characteristic of the subject and stems from the need to maintain an optimal level of stimulation and arousal. The author argues that one of the factors in adolescents’ involvement with drugs is curiosity and the desire for new sensations; in addition, adolescents with high level POs tend to experiment with different types of drugs in order to increase their level of arousal.

How do the manifestations of drug addiction in adolescents directly differ from the manifestations of similar diseases in adults?

The way teenagers react to drugs sets them apart from adults. The tolerance of the substance fluctuates - it sometimes increases, sometimes it decreases (in adults it continuously increases, i.e. they need an increasingly larger dose to achieve the desired effect). The formation of addiction occurs more slowly than in adults, unless these adolescents have previously suffered from any diseases that affect nervous system, they did not have severe head injuries. In addition, adolescents go through the stage of so-called group addiction, when the desire to use psychoactive substance occurs only in a group of peers who also abuse this substance; In adolescents and young men who have previously had serious illnesses, which negatively affected the state of the brain (leading to mild mental retardation, the occurrence of convulsive seizures), dependence can form quite quickly.

States of intoxication, if they do not carry signs of a deep disorder of consciousness with retardation, are usually accompanied by noticeable motor restlessness.

To judge the formed mental dependence to narcotic substance in teenager I.Ts. Pyatnitskaya suggests weakening “group tendencies” - the teenager independently begins to look for drugs and take them alone, “in isolation” from the usual peer group.

Symptoms of withdrawal (the condition caused by drug withdrawal) in adolescents are usually less severe than in adults. Characteristic feature are severe headaches. Teenagers tend to hide the painful manifestations that arise during abstinence, but in expressed cases You can always notice increased fatigue, dark circles under the eyes, low mood, and sometimes a tendency to “repent.”

One of the most early signs long-term (chronic) drug poisoning in adolescents - stop at mental development. The earlier chronic poisoning begins, the more noticeable the arrest in development is. In the future, the existence of such a person, even if he stops drug abuse at some stage, will be difficult, since he will not be able to set serious goals for himself (obtaining a profession, creating own family etc.) and solve them successfully. Then, if teenagers continue to abuse drugs, they become more irritable, internal tension, malice or lethargy and indifference to everything. All this is accompanied by weakening memory and decreased intelligence. Either the patients look much younger than their age, or some “senile” signs are noted in their appearance. They are often emaciated, their eyes are faded, their skin is flabby, pale, with a grayish tint.

The social position of such patients is extremely uncertain. They often drop out of school, cannot work, - physical labor They get tired quickly and lack training for other work. Such patients often find themselves in criminal situations. However, with early cessation of drug abuse, it is possible to restore a certain degree of intellectual function and improve physical condition.

At chronic poisoning Adolescents often develop psychoses, which can occur both in a state of intoxication, in a state of withdrawal, and after the disappearance of the main signs of withdrawal. These psychoses occur with fear, auditory and visual hallucinations, patients feel that their lives are in danger, they run away somewhere, defend themselves, and their surroundings can be perceived by them as a nightmare or, conversely, a pleasant dream.

In adolescents predisposed to mental disorders, drugs can provoke long-term psychotic states that require appropriate psychiatric treatment.

S.B. Belogurov notes in the anamnesis of those suffering from drug addiction, along with other factors: upbringing in a single-parent family; permanent employment of one of the parents (long business trips, business workload, etc.); absence of other children in the family.

According to B. Williams, there are certain similarities among drug addicts regarding their families, and there are the following factors: father absent or different weak character; an overly caring, compliant or, conversely, domineering mother; inconsistent behavior and lack of inhibitions; hostility or conflicts between parents; unrealistic desire of parents towards their children.

Psychological research families in which a teenager suffers from drug addiction allow us to conclude that there is psychological type the father of a drug addict, who can be designated by analogy with the “schizophrenogenic mother” identified by scientists as the “drug addict father.” The essence of his psychological portrait is a combination of such traits as increased demands on himself and his environment (in particular, his child, his wife), workaholism, unwillingness to take into account individual, age-related characteristics and situational issues, emotional coldness combined with rigidity and often cruelty, a tendency to compete, hyperactivity and sociability, which is often superficial and not accompanied by a desire to understand and emotionally accept the interlocutor.

It is traditionally believed that a risk factor for addiction to intoxicating substances is an incomplete family where one of the parents raises the child. However, as numerous sociological studies show, a significant proportion of adolescent drug addicts today have both parents. Apparently, the most important thing is not the composition of the family, but the atmosphere that develops in it, the emotional closeness and trust of household members in each other.

Most often and the earliest to begin a drug-induced life are minors from families where they are raised under the type of hypoprotection. Simply put, these are those children and adolescents who are left to their own devices. Lack of attention from adults can be due to the social behavior of the father or mother (often immensely busy raising money for the family), as well as the destruction of interpersonal relationships and interactions (adults are so immersed in sorting out relationships that there is simply no time left for the child).

However, in Lately hypocare is increasingly being associated with other reasons that have a socio-economic basis.

Adults are forced to spend most of their time at work in order to provide their own children with at least the most necessary things. Understanding perfectly well what a child’s attention deficit can threaten, parents are still unable to change anything. After all, the refusal of one of the parents to work or switch to a less intensive regime can have an extremely negative impact on the family budget. Most adults have no more than a few hours a week to communicate with their own children, not counting, of course, the time for feeding the children, at least minimal care for them, etc. And the point here is not the negligence of the father or mother, nor the absence they have parental attachment or an underdeveloped sense of responsibility, and in living conditions.

A special place among families with hypoprotection is occupied by so-called drug-addicted families, where one or both parents suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. The likelihood of becoming addicted to intoxication in children from such families increases by more than 2 times. From early childhood, a son or daughter has the opportunity to observe and even learn in practice drug-induced traditions and become familiar with the methods of intoxication. The entire life of the family turns out to be subordinated to drugs - it is characterized by inconstancy and unpredictability, despotic relationships, even physical aggression. This equally applies to families where parents - both or one of them - are alcoholics. IN specialized literature Cases of drug-addicted parents of six- and three-year-old boys have been described.

Often the only way To get rid of daily scandals, insults and humiliations, the child becomes stupefied. Children of drug addicts, and therefore almost always of very poor parents (drugs drain all funds), not only become addicted to intoxication very early, but also begin their drug-addicted lives most often with the most accessible, but very dangerous form of narcotization - with the use of household chemicals .

No less dangerous for the development of drug addiction habits of minors is the directly opposite type of family - with overprotective upbringing. In this case, the child is looked after and controlled from early childhood, their every step is monitored, without giving any the slightest possibility show independence. The child either turns into the idol of the family, whose real or imaginary abilities are the subject of inexhaustible admiration, or becomes the object of constant claims and demands that he is simply unable to fulfill.

Accustomed to constant control, a boy or girl easily submits to any external pressure. Falling under the influence of an asocial company, they even commit actions that in their hearts they consider wrong, bad, simply because they do not know how to refuse. In addition, such mental breakdown can lead to serious nervous breakdowns and even suicide attempts.

The drug addiction life of overprotected minors usually begins somewhat later than their underprotected peers. As a rule, this happens in adolescence - at 13-16 years. Moreover, the traditional ones here are anasha and marijuana, to begin with; sometimes household chemicals are also used. Although it happens that they start with heroin.

The attitude towards drug addicts as criminals has become stable in society. This leads to the fact that they inevitably begin to feel like criminals. Here is a letter from a guy who was kicked out of a technical school as soon as they found out that he was using drugs: “It’s only in the newspapers that they write that society wants to help us recover. But in reality they hate us...”

Of the many reasons that give rise to childhood drug addiction, let us name one more, caused by scientific and technological progress. From the most unexpected side, a seemingly harmless computer is revealed in the light of the problems of drug addiction. It is no longer possible to ignore the fact that the global information network Internet, which has entangled the planet, is actively used by the drug mafia. This is evidenced by studies conducted by specialists from the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After scouring the Internet for several months, they found that there was different languages There is a huge amount of information related to the topic of drugs around the world. Many Internet pages openly and cynically strive to open the way to the world of dope. You will learn from what chemicals and how to make drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues, and get a lesson in distributing the potion. They will explain to you what to do and how to behave when detained by the police.

In the Russian regional sector of the Internet, drug-related information on various sites accounts for approximately 1 to 10% of the total global flow of information on this problem, which is distributed throughout the world via Internet networks. But here’s what’s alarming: 80 information messages out of a hundred can be called nothing more than teaching aid for young people - advice is given on how to get money for “doses”, tempting prospects for the drug business are drawn, and the delights of a wide variety of drugs are described.

Thus, we have found out that the problem of drug addiction among adolescents is one of the most pressing and serious problems of our time, therefore drug addiction prevention should become one of the most important tasks in the work of general education institutions, and everyone should be included in this work: the family, teachers, and the psychological service of the school.


In the process of studying the problem of drug addiction as one of the forms addictive behavior We studied and analyzed a variety of psychological and medical literature, as well as literature on the prevention of drug use among children and adolescents. As a result, we came to the following conclusions.

Drug addiction is a disease that manifests itself in physical or psychological dependence from drugs, an irresistible craving for them, which gradually leads the body to physical and psychological exhaustion.

Drug addiction is one of the forms of dependent, addictive behavior. Deviant behavior in the form of substance use and abuse, causing conditions changed mental activity, mental and physical dependence from them, is one of the most common types of deviant behavior, especially among adolescents. In addition, some personality traits can contribute to drug addiction: infantilism, suggestibility and imitation, rigidity and others.

Drug addiction has social consequences. For criminal elements it is easy way making money. Drug abuse leads to increased mortality, especially among young people, and the development of a whole “bouquet” of somatic and mental illnesses.

Crimes are committed due to drug addiction, since in a state of “withdrawal” a drug addict is capable of any crime. The purchase of drugs becomes the background for the commission of a number of crimes against the person: theft, robbery, robbery. Drug addiction negatively affects offspring. Children are born with serious physical and psychological disabilities, which in turn leads to family breakdown. The drug addict degrades as a person, since his slavish dependence on drugs forces him to commit immoral acts.

Among the socio-pedagogical reasons for early drug addiction, we note the following: unfavorable microsocial conditions - unstable or single-parent families, situations constant conflicts, in the absence of warmth and care from parents. A low level of motivational, emotional-volitional, intellectual development, manifested in the limited interests of a teenager, the poverty of his emotional and moral feelings, and the personality’s focus only on consumption and entertainment. A negative role is also played by the oversaturation of all available types and forms of entertainment with a constant desire for new ones. thrills. Bad influence are caused by the lack of significant and clear goals in life, the low social value of the aspirations of the growing personality, and a pessimistic attitude towards one’s life prospects. Particularly dangerous is the lack of a clear negative moral assessment of drug addiction and substance abuse as an extremely harmful phenomenon when there is a loss of trust in a number of significant social values. Among the “risk factors” we can name the need to set the limits of one’s capabilities, the craving for risky situations, the desire to go beyond the boundaries of what is permissible and possible.

Drug addiction today is one of the main problems of the entire world community. Almost anyone can become a victim of drug addiction, but this applies more to people young: young men, teenagers and even junior schoolchildren. Addiction to drugs turns into a tragedy for the drug addicts themselves, grief for their parents and a lot of serious problems for teachers, educators. These problems, despite their seriousness and even tragedy, are very delicate and require a careful, balanced approach. This requires knowledge. Without knowledge, emotional reactions common to adults that arise when signs of drug addiction and substance abuse are detected (anger, shame, despair, fear, feelings of helplessness) can become poor helpers in finding a way out of the current situation.

In the future, we plan to continue research into the problem of drug addiction, focusing on Special attention system preventive work V educational institution, as well as determine the role and place psychological service in drug addiction prevention.


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All levels of government should pursue a more principled, more effective and deliberate policy, aimed primarily at preventing drug crimes and drug addiction among minors and youth. CONCLUSION Threat Analysis national security Russian Federation shows that the main ones are currently and in the foreseeable future worn predominantly...