Human defense mechanism against the influence of external stimuli. External and internal stimuli

The ability of the body, its organs and tissues to change metabolism in response to irritation is called irritability.

Irritability is determined by the plasticity of protein bodies. In its simplest form, irritability manifests itself as a direct interaction between and food, as the capture and assimilation of food. Certain environmental influences cause strengthening or weakening, quantitative and qualitative changes. These metabolic changes are accompanied by release and can manifest themselves in movements of the entire body or its organs. These movements arise as a result of rhythmic biochemical processes of energy release, causing movement, compression or stretching of protein bodies, which leads to the movement of the body in space under external influences.

Irritation is the effect of various forms of movement of matter on the body or its organs and cells. Various forms of motion of matter that produce irritation are called irritants.

The body is affected by the following three groups of irritants:

1. Physical- mechanical, electrical, light - of various lengths, visible and invisible to the eye, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, radioactive radiation (radioactive “tagged”, alpha, beta and gamma rays, X-rays).

Stimuli differ from each other not only in their quality, but also in their . The same irritant can be weak, medium or strong, depending on the dose. Irritants can act externally on the external surface of the body or internally on internal organs, tissues and cells.

External irritants are various forms of matter surrounding the body (electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc.). Internal irritants are changes in the chemical composition of the internal environment (tissue and cerebrospinal fluids), as well as mechanical influences and changes in pressure acting on various receptors of internal organs and tissues, causing changes in the functions of the body and organs.

Irritants can be natural, acting on a given tissue under normal natural conditions of the organism’s existence. This tissue or organ has adapted to these stimuli during the process of phylo- and ontogenesis. Such stimuli are called adequate. For example, for a skeletal muscle, adequate stimuli causing its excitation will be waves of excitation flowing to it along the motor nerves. In accordance with the quality of the adequate stimulus, receptors are divided into those that perceive light, sound, chemical, thermal, cold and other stimuli.

Stimuli can also be such changes in the external or internal environment, to the perception of which all receptors or only this receptor are not adapted. These stimuli are called inadequate, or inadequate. This group includes mechanical, electrical and other stimuli that, with sufficient intensity, can cause excitation in any cell, tissue and organ when acted directly on them. Of the inadequate stimuli, electrical current is of greatest importance for the study of physiological properties. Its advantages over a chemical or mechanical irritant are that, firstly, it is easily and quickly dosed in strength, duration and character, and secondly, it causes excitement without damaging, and after the cessation of irritation does not leave irreversible changes in tissues, thirdly, electric current is formed during excitation and therefore its action is close to the natural mechanisms of the occurrence and propagation of excitation.

The internal state of the body and the environment act as irritants on the dog. Therefore, the dog’s performance depends on the strength of the stimuli, their signaling or reinforcing value for the body, established (developed) in the process of life and training.

Stimuli that are not used in training, but act on the dog from the outside and cause responses that disrupt conditioned reflex activity to the trainer’s signals, are called external distracting stimuli. Such irritants most often include animals, strangers, strong odors, sounds, traffic noises and others. In dogs, these stimuli cause strong foci of excitation in the cerebral cortex and, according to the law of mutual induction, cause inhibition of conditioned reflexes.

The degree of distraction of a dog is determined by the strength of the distracting stimulus and the strength of the skills it has developed. A stronger distracting effect is exerted by stimuli that have important biological significance for the dog, for example, the smells of food and animals, the appearance of birds, lizards, snakes, gophers, turtles, etc.

Over time, a dog can get used to many external distracting stimuli when exposed to them frequently at a distance and not pay attention to them. This is achieved through properly organized training, the trainer’s ability to assess the situation and control the dog in various situations. A well-trained dog is usually less distracted by extraneous stimuli. The dog's distraction is prevented by the use of commands with a threatening intonation, timely inhibition of its unwanted actions and training to calmly react to external distracting stimuli. Through proper training and systematic training, you can get your dog to have a calm attitude towards external distracting stimuli and successfully perform work tasks.

The dog’s work can be inhibited by internal distracting stimuli: the animal’s natural needs, hunger, thirst, nervous and muscle fatigue, pain and general illness, and others. Distracting stimuli of internal origin have a stronger inhibition than external ones. Under the influence of internal stimuli, a sharp change in the general state occurs, a persistent inhibition of not only conditioned, but also unconditioned reflexes occurs, which is noticeably reflected in changes in the dog’s behavior. She works sluggishly or refuses to work at all.

In all cases of a dog’s refusal to work or a sharp decline in its performance, the trainer and manager are obliged to find out the circumstances and establish the reasons causing the dog’s unusual behavior and take measures to eliminate them. If the dog is sick or overtired as a result of prolonged overload in classes or service, it must be released from work and shown to a doctor. In order to timely and accurately identify deviations in a dog’s behavior and take action, you need to have a good knowledge of its daily behavior in normal conditions that facilitate and complicate its work.

Irritants- these are factors of the external or internal environment that have a reserve of energy and, when exposed to tissue, their effects are noted biological reaction.

Classification of stimuli depends on what is taken as a basis:

1.In your own way nature irritants are:






2.By biological correspondence, that is, how much the stimulus corresponds to a given tissue:

    adequate– stimuli that correspond of this fabric. For example, for the retina of the eye, light - all other stimuli do not correspond to the retina, for muscle tissue– nerve impulse, etc.;

    inadequate– stimuli that do not correspond of this fabric. For the retina of the eye, all stimuli except light will be inadequate, but for muscle tissue all stimuli except the nerve impulse.

3.By strength– There are five main irritants:

    subthreshold stimuli– this is the strength of the stimulus at which no response occurs;

    threshold stimulus- this is the minimum force that causes a response with an infinite duration of action. This force is also called rheobase– it is unique for each fabric;

    suprathreshold, or submaximal;

    maximum stimulus - this is the minimum force at which the maximum response occurs tissue reaction;

    supramaximal stimuli– with these stimuli, the tissue reaction is either maximum, or decreases, or temporarily disappears.

There is one threshold for each tissue stimulus, one maximum and many subthreshold, suprathreshold and supramaximal ones.

Irritation – these are any effects on the tissue. In response to irritation, they arise biological reactions fabrics.

Irritability- this is a universal property of living matter and reflects the ability of any living tissue to change its non-specific activity under the influence of irritation.

Ticket 3. Concepts of excitability and arousal.

There are three functional states of tissue: rest, excitation and inhibition.

State peace– this is a passive process in which there are no externally expressed manifestations of specific activity (contraction, secretion, etc.).

State excitement And braking- these are active processes in which in one case the specific activity of the tissue (excitation) increases, and in the other, the manifestation of the specific activity either completely disappears or decreases, although the stimulus continues to act on the tissue.

Two types of biological reactions:



Specific reactions characteristic of some strictly defined tissue (a specific reaction of muscle tissue is a contraction, for glandular tissue it is the release of a secretion or hormone, for nervous tissue it is the generation and transmission of a nerve impulse). Thus, specialized tissues have specific activities.

Nonspecific reactions characteristic of any living tissue. For example, a change in metabolic rate, a change in the resting membrane potential, a change in the ion gradient, etc.

Excitability– this is a property of specialized tissues and reflects ability tissues respond to irritation by changing their specific reactions. The excitability of a tissue is determined by its threshold strength: the lower the threshold strength, the greater the excitability of the tissue.

Excitation- this is specific tissue reaction

Threshold of excitability (excitement)- the least strength of the stimulus causing the least arousal. At threshold excitation, the activity of an organ or tissue is extremely small.

The strength of the stimulus less than the threshold is called subthreshold, more than the threshold is called suprathreshold. The greater the excitability of the tissue, the lower the threshold, and vice versa. With a stronger stimulus, there is greater excitation, and consequently, the amount of activity of the excited organ increases. For example, the stronger the irritation, the greater the height of skeletal muscle contraction. The stronger the stimulus, the shorter its duration of action, causing minimal arousal, and vice versa. Useful time- the shortest duration of action of a stimulus of threshold strength, or rheobase, causing minimal excitation. However, this time is difficult to determine, so the shortest time of action of the double rheobase stimulus, which is called chronaxy, is determined.

Ticket 4. History of the discovery of bioelectric phenomena. The nature of arousal.

The origin of the doctrine of “animal electricity”, i.e. bioelectric phenomena, arising in living tissues, dates back to the second half of the 18th century. Shortly after the discovery of the Leyden jar, it was shown that some fish (electric ray, electric eel) immobilize their prey by striking it with a high-power electrical discharge. At the same time, J. Priestley suggested that the spread of a nerve impulse is the flow of “electric fluid” along the nerve, and Bertolon tried to build a theory of medicine, explaining the occurrence of diseases by excess and deficiency of this fluid in the body.

An attempt to consistently develop the doctrine of “animal electricity” was made by L. Galvani in his famous “Treatise on the Forces of Electricity in Motion” (1791). While studying the physiological influence of electrical machine discharges, as well as atmospheric electricity during lightning discharges, Galvani in his experiments used a preparation of a frog's hind legs connected to the spine. Hanging this preparation on a copper hook to the iron railing of the balcony, he noticed that when the frog's legs swayed in the wind, their muscles contracted with each touch of the railing. Based on this, Galvani came to the conclusion that the twitching of the legs was caused by “animal electricity” originating in the spinal cord of the frog and transmitted through metal conductors (the hook and the balcony railing) to the muscles of the legs.

Galvani's experiments were repeated by A. Volta (1792) and established that the phenomena described by Galvani cannot be considered due to “animal electricity”; in Galvani's experiments, the source of current was not the frog's spinal cord, but a circuit formed from dissimilar metals - copper and iron. In response to Volta's objections, Galvani performed a new experiment, this time without the participation of metals. He showed that if the skin is removed from the hind limbs of a frog, then the sciatic nerve is cut at the point where its roots exit the spinal cord and the nerve is prepared along the thigh to the lower leg, then when the nerve is thrown onto the exposed muscles of the lower leg, they contract. O. Dubois-Reymond called this experience “the true fundamental experience of neuromuscular physiology.”

Invented in the 1920s galvanometer(multiplier) and other electrical measuring instruments, physiologists were able to accurately measure electrical currents arising in living tissues using special physical devices.

With the help of the animator C. Matteuci (1838) first showed that the outer surface of the muscle is charged electropositively in relation to its internal contents and this potential difference, characteristic of the resting state, drops sharply when excited. Matteuci also carried out an experiment known as experience of secondary contraction: When a second neuromuscular drug is applied to a contracting nerve muscle, its muscle also contracts. Matteuci's experience is explained by the fact that the action potentials arising in the muscle during excitation are strong enough to cause excitation of the nerve attached to the first muscle, and this entails contraction of the second muscle.

The most complete doctrine of bioelectric phenomena in living tissues was developed in the 40-50s of the last century by E. Dubois-Reymond. His special merit is the technical impeccability of his experiments. With the help of the galvanometer, induction apparatus and non-polarizing electrodes he improved and adapted for the needs of physiology, Dubois-Reymond provided irrefutable evidence of the presence of electrical potentials in living tissues both at rest and during excitation. During the second half of the 19th century and into the 20th century, the technology for recording biopotentials was continuously improved. Thus, in the 80s of the last century, the telephone was used in electrophysiological research by N. E. Vvedensky, the capillary electrometer by Lippmann, and the string galvanometer by V. Einthoven at the beginning of this century.

Thanks to the development of electronics, physiology has very advanced electrical measuring instruments with low inertia (loop oscilloscopes) and even practically inertia-free (cathode ray tubes). The required degree of enhancement of biocurrents is ensured AC and DC electronic and amplifiers. Microphysiological research techniques have been developed, allowing the removal of potentials from single nerve and muscle cells and nerve fibers. In this regard, the use as an object is of particular importance studies of giant nerve fibers (axons) of the cephalopod squid. Their diameter reaches 1 mm, which makes it possible to insert thin electrodes into the fiber, perfuse it with solutions of various compositions, and use labeled ions to study the ion permeability of the excitable membrane. Modern ideas about the mechanism of the emergence of biopotentials are largely based on data obtained in experiments on such axons.

Ticket 5. The plasma membrane and its role in the metabolism between the cell and the environment.

Cell (plasma) membrane is a semi-permeable barrier that separates the cytoplasm of cells from the environment.

1. The membrane consists of a double layer of lipid molecules. The hydrophilic, polar parts of the molecules (heads) are located on the outside of the membrane, while the hydrophobic, non-polar parts (tails) are located on the inside.

2. Membrane proteins are mosaically embedded in the lipid bilayer. Some of them pass through the membrane (they are called integral), others are located on the outer or inner surface of the membrane (they are called peripheral).

3. The lipid base of the membrane has the properties of a liquid (like liquid oil) and can change its density. Membrane viscosity depends on lipid composition and temperature. In this regard, membrane proteins and lipids themselves can move freely along the membrane and within it.

4. The membranes of most intracellular membrane organelles are fundamentally similar to the plasma membrane.

5. Despite the common structure of the membranes of all cells, the composition of proteins and lipids in each type of cell and within the cell is different. The composition of the outer and inner lipid layers is also different.


1) Barrier- provides regulated, selective, passive and active metabolism with the environment. Selective permeability means that the permeability of a membrane to different atoms or molecules depends on their size, electrical charge and chemical properties. Selective permeability ensures that the cell and cellular compartments are separated from the environment and supplied with the necessary substances.

2) Transport- transport of substances into and out of the cell occurs through the membrane. Transport through membranes provides:

    delivery of nutrients

    removal of end products of metabolism

    secretion of various substances

    creating ion gradients

    maintaining optimal pH and ion concentrations in the cell, which are necessary for the functioning of cellular enzymes

3) Matrix- ensures a certain relative position and orientation of membrane proteins, their optimal interaction.

4)Mechanical- ensures the autonomy of the cell, its intracellular structures, as well as connection with other cells (in tissues). Cell walls play a major role in ensuring mechanical function, and in animals, the intercellular substance.

5) Energy- During photosynthesis in chloroplasts and cellular respiration in mitochondria, energy transfer systems operate in their membranes, in which proteins also participate.

6)Receptor- some proteins located in the membrane are receptors (molecules with the help of which the cell perceives certain signals).

7)Enzymatic- membrane proteins are often enzymes.

8)Generating and conducting biopotentials. With the help of the membrane, a constant concentration of ions is maintained in the cell: the concentration of the K + ion inside the cell is much higher than outside, and the concentration of Na + is much lower, which is very important, since this ensures the maintenance of the potential difference on the membrane and the generation of a nerve impulse.

9)Cell marking- there are antigens on the membrane that act as markers - “labels” that allow the cell to be identified. These are glycoproteins (that is, proteins with branched oligosaccharide side chains attached to them) that play the role of “antennas”. With the help of markers, cells can recognize other cells and act in concert with them, for example, in the formation of organs and tissues. This also allows immune system recognize foreign antigens.

Ticket 6. Membrane theory of excitation. Passive transport of substances across a membrane. Potassium-sodium pump.

Membrane excitation theory- in physiology - comes from the idea that when a living cell (nerve, muscle) is irritated, the permeability of its surface membrane changes, which leads to the emergence of transmembrane ionic currents.

Concentration gradient is a vector physical quantity that characterizes the magnitude and direction of the greatest change in the concentration of a substance in the environment. For example, if we consider two regions with different concentrations of a substance, separated by a semi-permeable membrane, then the concentration gradient will be directed from the region of lower concentration of the substance to the region with higher concentration.

Passive transport- transfer of substances along a concentration gradient from an area of ​​high concentration to an area of ​​low without energy expenditure (for example, diffusion, osmosis). Diffusion is the passive movement of a substance from an area of ​​higher concentration to an area of ​​lower concentration. Osmosis is the passive movement of certain substances through a semi-permeable membrane (usually small molecules pass through, large ones do not pass through). There are three types of penetration of substances into the cell through membranes: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport.

Among the examples of active transport against a concentration gradient, the best studied is the sodium-potassium pump. During its operation, three positive Na+ ions are transferred from the cell for every two positive K ions into the cell. This work is accompanied by the accumulation of an electrical potential difference on the membrane. At the same time, ATP is broken down, providing energy. works on the principle of a peristaltic pump.

Ticket 7. The mechanism of the occurrence of membrane potential and its changes under the influence of various factors.

Normally, when a nerve cell is at physiological rest and ready to work, it has already experienced a redistribution of electrical charges between the inner and outer sides of the membrane. Due to this, an electric field arose, and an electric potential appeared on the membrane - resting membrane potential.

Resting potential- this is the difference in electrical potentials present on the inner and outer sides of the membrane when the cell is in a state of physiological rest. (the cell is outside +, and inside -.). The secret of the appearance of negativity in a cell: first, it exchanges “its” sodium for “foreign” potassium (yes, some positive ions for others, just as positive); then these “exchanged” positive potassium ions leak out of it, along with which Positive charges flow out of the cell. The important thing here is that exchange of sodium for potassium - unequal. For every cell given three sodium ions she gets everything two potassium ions. This results in the loss of one positive charge with each ion exchange event. So already at this stage, due to unequal exchange, the cell loses more “pluses” than it receives in return. creating a difference between outside and inside.

Next comes The concentration potential is part of the resting potential created by the deficiency of positive charges inside the cell, formed due to the leakage of positive potassium ions from it.

Ticket 8. Action potential. The mechanism of its occurrence.

Action potential- an excitation wave moving along the membrane of a living cell during the transmission of a nerve signal. Essentially it represents electrical discharge- a rapid short-term change in potential in a small area of ​​the membrane of an excitable cell (neuron, muscle fiber or glandular cell), as a result of which the outer surface of this area becomes negatively charged in relation to neighboring areas of the membrane, while its inner surface becomes positively charged in relation to neighboring ones areas of the membrane. The action potential is the physical basis of a nerve or muscle impulse.

Ticket 9. Excitation waves, their components.

If living tissue is exposed to a stimulus of sufficient strength and duration, then excitation occurs in it, which manifests itself in changes in the electrical state of the membrane. The set of successive changes in the electrical state of the membrane is called an excitation wave. For the first time, an excitation wave was recorded by K. Cole and H. Curtis (1938-1939), who inserted one electrode into the process of a squid nerve cell, and placed the second in sea water, into which the process was immersed. Having connected the electrodes with the appropriate equipment, they first registered the MF, and during stimulation, an excitation wave. The components of the excitation wave are:

Threshold potential;

Action potential - AP;

Trace potentials.

The cause of the excitation wave is a change in the ionic permeability of the membrane. When exposed to an irritant, the permeability of the cell membrane to Na+ increases, and sodium ions diffuse into the cell. In accordance with the decrease in the electropositive charge on the outer side of the membrane, the electronegative charge on the inner side of the membrane decreases. Depolarization of the membrane occurs - a decrease in MP. At the first moment, depolarization occurs slowly, the MP decreases only by 15-25 Go. The initial depolarization is called the local (local) response. Depolarization continues and reaches a critical (threshold level - the value of the MF at which depolarization sharply increases - the critical potential. The difference between the MF and the critical potential is called the threshold potential. When the MF decreases by an amount equal to the threshold potential, an action potential arises (rapid changes in the MF, electrical impulse). It consists of a phase of depolarization and repolarization, which correspond to an ascending and descending excitation wave curve. The MP decreases in absolute value to zero and changes its sign to the opposite. The peak of the action potential occurs during the period when the membrane is recharged - potential reversal. The outer side of the membrane is charged negatively, the inner - positively. After this, the repolarization phase begins - restoration of the original level of polarization. The permeability of the membrane for Na+ ions decreases, and for K+ increases. K+ ions diffuse from the cell to the outer surface of the membrane, charging it positively. During the period when the membrane permeability to K+ decreases during repolarization, and repolarization occurs more slowly than in the descending part of the J peak, hypopolarization of the membrane (negative trace potential) is observed. The original MP value is restored. After this, in many cells, for some time, increased permeability of the membrane to K+ is observed, in connection with this, the MP begins to grow - hyperpolarization of the membrane occurs (a positive trace potential arises). Generating J, the cell each time receives a certain amount of Na+ and loses K+. However, the concentration of ions in the cell and the intercellular substance is not equalized, which is due to the action of the sodium-potassium pump, which removes Na+ from the cell and allows K+ into the cell.

Ticket 10. Absolute and relative refractory phases.

During the excitation process, tissue excitability changes. There are periods of excitability:

1. Initial increase in excitability. Observed during local (local) responses.

2. Refractory - temporary decrease in tissue excitability. There are phases:

Absolute refractoriness - complete inexcitability during the period of growth C; excitement in this phase cannot be caused, even if the stimulus acts above the threshold strength.

Relative refractoriness - reduced excitability during the period of decreased AP; in order to cause excitation it is necessary to act with a stimulus of suprathreshold strength.

2. Supernormal - increased excitability, excitation can be caused by a very weak stimulus of subthreshold strength. Meets trace negative potential.

3. Subnormal - reduced excitability compared to its initial level. Coincides with the positive trace potential. After which the initial level of excitability is restored.

Ticket 11. The concept of lability, or functional mobility

Lability (functional mobility) is a property of nervous processes (nervous system), which manifests itself in the ability to conduct a certain number of nerve impulses per unit of time. Lability also characterizes the speed of onset and cessation of the nervous process.

The rate of occurrence of elementary cycles of excitation in nervous and muscle tissues.

The concept was introduced by the Russian physiologist N. E. Vvedensky, who considered the measure of L. to be the highest frequency of tissue irritation reproduced by it without converting the rhythm. L. reflects the time during which the tissue restores its performance after the next cycle of excitation.

The largest L. differ Axon s , capable of reproducing up to 500-1000 pulses per 1 sec; less labile Synapses(for example, a motor nerve ending can transmit no more than 100-150 excitations per 1 sec).

L. is a variable value. Thus, in the heart, under the influence of frequent irritations, L increases. This phenomenon underlies the so-called. mastering rhythm. The doctrine of L. is important for understanding the mechanisms of nervous activity, the work of nerve centers and analyzers, both normally and in various painful abnormalities.

Ticket 12. Summation and its types.

Summation- interaction of synoptic processes (excitatory and inhibitory) on the membrane of a neuron or muscle cell, characterized by an increase in the effects of irritation to a reflex reaction. The phenomenon of S. as a characteristic property of nerve centers was first described by I. M. Sechenov in 1868.

At the system level, summation is distinguished:



Spatial S. is detected in the case of simultaneous action of several. spatially separated afferent stimuli, each of which is ineffective for different receptors of the same receptive zone.

Temporary S. consists in the interaction of nervous influences coming from certain. interval to the same excitable structures along the same nerve channels. At the cellular level, such a distinction between S. types is not justified, which is why it is called. spatio-temporal. S. is one of the mechanisms for implementing coordination. body reactions.

Summation of excitation in the central formations of the reflex arc. Two irritations, separately applied to different areas of the skin (lowering lines 1 and 2), do not cause a reflex response. When two irritations are applied simultaneously, a strong scratching reflex occurs (top entry).

Ticket 13. Interneuron connections, mechanism of excitation transmission in synapses.

Contacts between neurons carried out through synapses (axonosomatic, axonodendritic, axono-axonal

Two types of interneuron connections should be distinguished:

1) local – synaptic

2) “diffuse, nonsynaptic", carried out through the influence on surrounding cells of neuroactive substances circulating in the intercellular spaces.

They have a modulating effect on electrogenesis and many vital processes in nerve cells.

Sherrington called the existing interneuron connections synapses. Synapse- this is a structural formation where the transition of one nerve fiber to another occurs, or the transition of a nerve to a neuron and a muscle. The synaptic section of the axon is characterized by an accumulation of small round bodies - synaptic vesicles (vesicles) with a diameter of 10 to 20 nm. These vesicles contain a specific substance that is released when the axon is excited and is called mediator. The ending of an axon with vesicles is called presynaptic membrane. The area of ​​a nerve, neuron, or muscle to which the transmission is directly transmitted excitation called postsynaptic membrane. Between these two structures there is a small gap (no more than 50 nm), which is called synaptic cleft. So anyone synapse consists of three parts: presynaptic membrane, synaptic cleft and postsynaptic membrane).

From the above it follows that in synapses the transfer of excitation is carried out chemically and this occurs due to three processes:

1) release of the mediator from the bubbles;

2) diffusion of the transmitter into the synaptic cleft

3) the connection of this mediator with specific reactive structures of the postsynaptic membrane, which leads to the formation of a new impulse.

Previously, I mainly wrote articles about the internal causes of ailments. We are talking about those diseases that appear as a result of our chaotic lifestyle, lack of a sense of proportion and other reasons. Let's look at the problem from the other side. True, the line between external and internal is very arbitrary...

So, let's look at how weather and climate affect human health. How external stimuli influence us? It turns out that wind provokes exacerbation of diseases of the gallbladder and liver, cold negatively affects weak kidneys and bladder, heat is poorly tolerated by the heart and small intestine, dry weather has a bad effect on the condition of the lungs and large intestine, and humidity has a destructive effect on the pancreas and stomach.

Here are a couple of examples to illustrate the influence of external stimuli on our body.

Last fall, there were strong winds in the Gomel region for several days. Gusts of wind sometimes reached such strength that they tore off the roofs of houses. And on these same days, the city was “covered” by an epidemic of meningitis. This mainly concerned children. Meningitis appeared in children due to diseases of the liver and gall bladder. And the epidemic was provoked by a strong wind.

If police officers were reading my article, I would ask them to find a connection between the increased number of crimes and strong winds. The wind aggravates the painful condition of the gallbladder, and this leads to increased anger. Surely, this circumstance affects the number of domestic crimes.

Winter is coming, and since 95% of readers of this article have kidney disease, I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is during this period that the kidneys must be especially protected. The main thing is not to get too cold. Lack of exercise in winter also negatively affects kidney function. Weakened kidneys provoke colds. And don't even rely on getting a flu shot, that's stupid.

Ambulance teams from any department will tell you that the peak of their visits for heart attacks and other heart diseases occurs in the summer.

The place where we live shapes our mentality and influences our temperament and character. When moving to another country for permanent residence, know that you will live among those who were born and grew up under the influence of another element. And you will have to adapt to both the place and the people. In addition to the direct impact of new energies, stress will also affect your health and psyche due to the difference in mentality. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says, “Where you were born, you fit in.” After all, it is the energy of your native land that gives you the opportunity to live in harmony with yourself and your fellow countrymen.

For those who are interested in tracking the biorhythms of organs throughout the year, I have long compiled a calendar of periods of exacerbation of diseases. Don't forget to check for automatic monthly updates.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey