How to learn exam papers. How to quickly learn traffic rules: advice from experienced psychologists

The ability to drive a car in the modern world is a necessity that not only simplifies life, but also expands horizons and provides additional opportunities. But how to master this skill and how to quickly learn traffic rules?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

  • pedestrians and cyclists;
  • cars and trucks;
  • motorcyclists and horse-drawn vehicles.

All of them must be guided by them while on the roadway or sidewalk. It is important to know and understand traffic rules everywhere. The traffic rules include all the important and vital knowledge, terms and concepts that have been collected, tested, and systematized over many years. They are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, protect them from accidents, breakdowns, conflict situations and unpleasant encounters with representatives of the traffic police.

Is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day?

In order to obtain the coveted driver's license, you must pass an exam, which consists of a practical and theoretical part. While the first can still be dealt with somehow, the second evokes a feeling of fear in both experienced drivers and most driving school students.

Search engines often ask the question: is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day and, in general, how long does it take to learn a theoretical course for a young driver? You can learn it in order to simply pass it and forget it in a day, overnight, or even in 3 hours, as some online resources suggest. But will it be effective? Will such a driver be able to behave correctly on the road in a difficult or critical situation? Does he have enough experience and knowledge? It's up to you to decide whether to choose an easy and fast or an effective way to learn all 120 new traffic rules.

A simple and quick way is to memorize the rules, memorize them without delving into the essence, without understanding. In no case should we forget that the health and lives of many people and their safety depend on the behavior of all participants on the road and their knowledge.

You can learn traffic rules in 1 day, but in this case they will be of very little use and benefit (unless, of course, you have the ability to remember and digest large amounts of information in a minimum amount of time).

How to effectively learn traffic rules?

You can effectively learn the rules of the road using a combination of several methods:

  • understanding the importance of the information contained in the textbook;
  • constantly attending lectures at a driving school;
  • independent study of theoretical foundations;
  • application of theory in practice.

It is the observance of all these points that can guarantee that you will successfully pass the exams in 2017 and master all 120 tickets.


As for practical exercises, this is an integral part of studying the road regulations. You will do your first skills together with an instructor. This is the easiest way to feel confident on the road, analyze your actions and find the best solution in difficult situations. Important point: don't be afraid to ask. Even if the situation seems as simple as shelling pears to you, ask again, test your skills, make sure your judgment is correct.

Passive practice - observing the actions of an experienced driver - will also be useful for you. If you are still using public transport, then try to take a place from which the actions of the bus driver will be clearly visible. Don't be afraid to go for a ride with some of your family or friends, observe their actions and think about the different situations that may be in the new 2017 exam papers. Even when traveling by taxi, do not be afraid to ask the driver about the points that interest you. It is he who will be able to explain even the most complex and lengthy theory in an abbreviated form in an accessible and simple manner.

How to quickly learn traffic tickets?

It is still possible to learn traffic tickets quickly and easily. The main thing is understanding the process, motivation and the ability to apply theory to practice.

Driving school teachers often hear questions: “I can’t learn all 120 tickets, what should I do?” “Is it difficult to remember such a volume of information?”, “How to easily and quickly cope with traffic rules?”, “What is the easiest way to pass a category B, C driver’s license?” To help in such situations, experienced teachers and drivers give some advice to beginners.

First of all, you need to understand the general provisions of the traffic rules and learn the main participants and objects on the road. This:

  • traffic inspector and driver;
  • traffic lights and road signs (there are permanent and temporary);
  • road markings;
  • pedestrians.

You can easily learn road signs in a playful way. To do this, you should buy special toy signs or make them yourself and place them around the house. Constantly stumbling upon them, you can easily remember the necessary information and simulate many different situations.

No less effective are computer programs that you can download for free or use online. They offer to answer many questions that are similar to those in the exam papers, resolve a traffic situation or find the culprit of an accident. Equally popular are simulators where you can try yourself as a driver and improve your practical skills. The advantages of such programs are that they are free and have several difficulty levels, which is perfect for an inexperienced driver.

Mnemonics or method of associations

Many people use this method of quickly and easily remembering information without even realizing what they are doing. The essence of the method is that in order to assimilate data, we need to build associative series, come up with abbreviations or rhymes that will lead us to the correct answer.


When studying the rules of the road to pass the exam, you can use the above methods and techniques and come up with your own approach to mastering knowledge. But you must remember one thing - not only your life and health or the condition of the car, but also the lives of other road users depend on the quality and effectiveness of what you have learned, so take this task very seriously. And even if it won’t be as fast as we would like, it will be safe and correct.

The situation when three days before the exam you need to learn a large amount of material is familiar to many. We will tell you how to develop memory and absorb the necessary information within a short period of time. It doesn’t matter whether you have to take the Unified State Exam, State Examination or Traffic Regulations.

Proper organization of the process

How correctly you plan the process of preparing for the exam directly determines its result. Therefore, approach this issue systematically:

  • If during the semester you rarely attended lectures and did not consider it necessary to make up for what you missed, then two or three days to master the material will not be enough. Start preparing for the exam at least a week in advance, then you will have a chance to remember most of what you read;
  • Make a schedule for working with tickets and strictly adhere to it. Divide the number of exam questions equally by the number of days remaining before the test, and learn the daily norm without putting it off until tomorrow. Otherwise, you will have a hard time on the last day before the exam. Agree, there is a difference between learning 25 or 50 questions a day, because the memory of an ordinary person has its limits;
  • Allow time for preparation from 7.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. During these hours, our brain is highly active, and it is able to easily absorb and quickly remember material. Take a 10-minute break every 40 minutes. Walk around the apartment, warm up, go out into the yard - disperse the blood that stagnates from sitting and feed the brain with much-needed oxygen;
  • Don’t be distracted by watching TV, playing computer games, or talking on the phone. Don’t even think about looking on social networks to find out how your friends are doing - postpone communication until the evening, when the daily quota of tickets is over;
  • take breaks for breakfast and lunch. Remember: the brain needs nutrition, otherwise its efficiency will decrease significantly and memory will deteriorate. Although they say that glucose stimulates brain function, do not go to extremes by consuming incredible amounts of candy. Better eat a bar of dark chocolate - it has much more benefits;

  • Don't stay at the computer until late at night. Remember: your head must be fresh in the morning, otherwise all attempts to learn the material will go to waste.

You may have to limit communication with friends and avoid going to nightclubs during the session. In our opinion, this is a small price to pay for a good grade in the record book. And you can catch up on lost time by hanging out with friends at parties after the exam.

Techniques for quickly mastering material

Alas, not all of us are endowed with the ability to quickly memorize large amounts of material, and therefore, we think, everyone is interested in how to develop memory. Mnemonics can help with this - a technique that makes memorization easier. Here are a few tips that may come in handy while preparing for the exam.

  1. Don’t cram the material, but try to understand, then it will be easier to reproduce what you read. Rote memorization is ineffective.
  2. Divide large texts into parts and study them gradually. Assimilation of small passages is much easier, since it does not overload the untrained memory.
  3. If you need to memorize several materials, start with a larger one. The same applies to exam questions: while you are not yet tired, learn the more complex ones, and leave the simple ones for a snack.
  4. What you have learned should be repeated. After reading the topic, make a mental plan for your answer and briefly retell what you learned. The rule “Repetition is the mother of learning” has not been canceled, only learning must be conscious - see point 1.
  5. Retell what you read to your family. When we voice and explain to someone what we had previously said mentally, the knowledge is systematized and stored in memory, so it will not be difficult to retrieve it during the exam.
  6. Write cheat sheets. Not so much for using them, but for better memorization. It has been proven that information that has been read and written down is remembered much better.
  7. By starting to prepare just a day before the test, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. However, there is still a possibility of a successful outcome. Read the material “diagonally” - your visual memory will catch the main thing, and during the exam you will be able to fish out the required thesis from the nooks and crannies of your brain and reveal the topic.

Good luck!

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Studying the rules of the road implies not only the opportunity to pass an exam at a driving school and obtain a driver's license, but also familiarity with road etiquette, knowledge of which is the key to preserving the lives of all road users.

Often, novice drivers encounter difficulties in the process of studying the theoretical part of the exam. A large amount of information to remember, in tandem with a complex written language, is not an easy task for beginners. In this article, we have collected proven methods for quickly memorizing rules that will help you structure information, highlighting the main thing, and, of course, achieve your own understanding of the situation on the road.

Before you start learning traffic rules, make sure you have tools that will help make the task easier.

The following tools will be needed:

  • a computer or mobile device that supports the installation of training programs and applications;
  • directly a paper source of knowledge - a collection of traffic rules.

And, of course, be patient: you will need it to cram the items in the printed collection that are particularly difficult to understand.

Armed with the necessary tools, you can begin to study:

  • Initially, familiarize yourself with the material by reading it carefully.
  • Try to structure a large amount of information by dividing it into several semantic categories.
  • Briefly outline the main provisions of the rules, speaking them to yourself.
  • Retell the outlined material, trying to explain each rule along the way.
  • Repetition of the material being studied should be repeated: as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.
  • Avoid a specific order when choosing rules for retelling; the best option is randomly.
  • Do not neglect the help of your loved ones - involve them in the study process, offering to play the role of an examiner.
  • Dedicate at least a couple of hours a day to block study of the rules, always alternating with rest.
  • Since the morning hours are considered the best time to absorb and remember information, try to set aside time to study the rules in the first half of the day.
  • You should not mistakenly assume that attending classes at a driving school is enough to master the material. On the contrary, it is better to consolidate the material at home by reading and repeating it again.
  • Tested in practice: better memorization of material is facilitated by the use of all types of memory (visual, auditory and motor). Let it be texts, drawings, video and audio materials of lectures on traffic rules and taking notes of the material.

We use the visualization method

If your visual memory is well developed, we recommend purchasing an illustrated collection of traffic rules.

The presence of visual images of objects and signs in combination with small text inserts will allow you to quickly remember difficult-to-learn text. As a rule, in such cases, even the page on which this or that rule was depicted is often remembered.

Experts assure: the visual method undoubtedly works by facilitating the memorization of even voluminous materials. When taking notes from lectures, do not forget to make sketches for yourself, schematically depicting what is presented in the dry text.

Today the Internet also comes to the rescue with all its variety of educational videos. Among other things, there are videos with examples and fragments from real life. Watch and remember.

As for signs, it is important to remember the shape, color and semantic information.

Most prohibition signs have a round shape, a white background and a red line along the outline.

There is also a crossing line. Mandatory signs feature a round shape and a blue background. Warning signs are characterized by a triangular shape and a white background, while information signs are rectangular or square.

Developing associative thinking

The essence of the association method is to search for natural connections between the information provided and an example from life, which makes it easier to assimilate the material. Here we can give a common example of a traffic sign prohibiting entry - this is the so-called “Brick” sign.

Developed associative thinking will allow you to easily remember the material you have studied and pass the exam with excellent marks.

Mastering mnemonics

This method involves a method of memorizing information similar to the previous method by creating an associative series. However, here the list of methods used can be somewhat expanded. This includes the search for rhymes, consonances, letter codes, or assigning an object a separate place in a well-known room.

Today, a large number of different “memos” in the form of collections are available on the Internet.

Here are some excerpts from them:

  • the well-known rule of the three Ds - give way to the fool;
  • the no less common abbreviation USSR allows you to easily determine the order of actions of the driver when starting to move - light, clutch, speed and handbrake;
  • It’s enough just to remember the rule about interference on the right, having learned the saying “he who is on the right is right”;
  • The prayer Ave Maria, AVM will help you remember the procedure for a sudden stop of a vehicle at a railway crossing - A - turning on the emergency lights, B - disembarking passengers from the car, M - measures to clear the crossing from the vehicle.

Live and think like a driver

Surprisingly, if you start thinking like a driver, even if you are not driving at the moment, you will be able to assess the road situation from the outside.

When near busy traffic, simply observe how other drivers operate their vehicles.

When traveling on public transport, put yourself in the driver’s place and analyze his actions. Then compare what you saw with the material you have already covered, note mistakes and incomprehensible moments in order to subsequently ask the instructor a question during a lesson at a driving school. In addition, you will also be able to adjust the plan for further practical training.

This method is called rational, i.e. based on understanding. After all, in order to come to an understanding, each rule should be considered separately, logically explained and applied in practice.

Online trainers

Today, virtual network users have access to many online training programs.

These programs, as a rule, are used as memory “trainers”, reducing the issuance of answers to exam questions to automaticity.

Each of them is based on an approximate list of tickets using illustrations and texts that are usually used in official sources.

It is important to know that the content of online testers does not guarantee that the exam will contain similar questions. Online simulators are just an opportunity to prepare for an exam at a driving school by testing yourself on your knowledge of self-learned material.

The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards what is unimportant. The brain considers abstract numbers and obscure phrases informational garbage, which should be, if not gotten rid of, then put into the farthest memory closet. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book will most likely be futile.

In order for numbers and clerical language to be interesting and memorable, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

1. Add a little personal touch

A rough example: if you are once fined for jaywalking, you will remember for a long time when you can cross the roadway and when you shouldn’t.

However, you don’t have to face fines. Just try to try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

For example, if you currently travel by tram rather than by car, find this an advantage: the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal presentation of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: with an equal right to travel, a tram has an advantage over other vehicles, regardless of the direction of movement.

By relating the theory to your personal experience, you will be able to easily solve tram problems in the exam.

2. Laugh

Laughter reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits the functions of the hippocampus. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into lasting memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of feel-good endorphins in the body increases.

The net effect is that if you laugh, you will remember the information that made you laugh better than any other information. Tales, jokes, and cartoons about traffic are a great way to fix traffic rules in memory.

In Russia, new highway markings have been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same thing as two or one, but something must be done!


Unlike the traffic police test, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring solving traffic rules problems to the point of automaticity - and your driver’s license is almost in your pocket!

Everyone knows pre-exam fever. When a student reaches the point where there is little time left to learn the tickets. But not everything is as bad as it seems. There is still an opportunity to correct everything and prepare well for the exams. The main thing is to manage your time wisely and approach learning new material correctly. So, how to quickly learn tickets in order to have time to master the material before exams. First, you need to properly distribute your free time. Calculate how many unlearned tickets are left, and from this decide how many tickets will be needed for one day. Thus, it turns out that you will have to learn the same amount of information every day.

But it’s better to try not to count the last evening at all before distribution. It will be needed to secure all the material. It’s best to start studying tickets in the morning, with a clear head. This way, information is better consolidated, which significantly saves time. You should take some rest breaks during training, 5 to 10 minutes every few hours. How to quickly remember tickets so that knowledge is not forgotten. To do this, you don’t need to cram them, because then the meaning of the topic remains unclear, in which case it will be impossible to answer the questions the teacher has. You need to read carefully, delving into the material of the topic. Leaving the most important moments in memory. If the topic turns out to be too difficult and incomprehensible, you need to carefully analyze it.

If for some reason this cannot be done with the teacher, you need to look for answers in encyclopedias or the Internet. After all, a well-analyzed question is always easy to analyze and answer. To do this, you need to be well versed in this matter. Every day it is worth studying and carefully sorting all the tickets, taking short breaks from work. If possible, try to regularly go out into fresh air. And if you have the opportunity to study on the balcony or on the street, you should take advantage of it. Knowing how to quickly memorize exam tickets, you can easily prepare for a subject of any complexity and pass it with an “excellent” grade. After studying one ticket, you need to try to repeat it in your mind. Or talk through key topics yourself, thus consolidating the knowledge gained. After this, you can rest with a long break. Engage in physical exercise or housework. Then start studying the next ticket again.

After you have studied the required minimum for the day, you should tell someone about the material you have covered. You can say all the answers out loud, giving confidence to your voice. This will make it clear that all the material has been learned and not memorized. This means there will be an opportunity to talk about this topic with the teacher, letting him know that he has knowledge on this topic. You can try to think about what questions the teacher might ask about a given question and try to answer them yourself. It is better to prepare for the exam in a quiet, calm environment. This should not be done during working hours or in a crowded environment.

Firstly, the material will be memorized in chunks, if it is possible to learn anything at all. And secondly, learning in silence is much faster and more effective, which means there is a chance to save time. And then spend it usefully for leisure. In order to learn tickets, some people find cheat sheets helpful. The fact is that while a person writes down information, he remembers it much faster. It is very easy for people who have developed visual memory to go through the material using this method. Usually you don’t even have to use these cheat sheets; the fact of writing them is important. It is best to prepare written prompts consciously, as if retelling the material, this is the only way that the topic will be remembered well.

Using this method, you can quickly prepare for the exam. It is worth paying attention that the tickets that need to be learned must be printed on normal paper, and not on scraps of different sizes. This makes it very difficult to concentrate on studying and you will have to constantly be distracted by searching for the right sheet. Therefore, it is important to arrange tickets and systematize them for your convenience, saving time and moral strength. A big mistake is delaying time to study tickets. When there is very little of it left, students begin to frantically study the material, but such a flow of information will be of little use.

You should learn how to properly distribute leisure time and organize free time. So, the most correct thing is to master a new topic every day. Then learning the answers before the exams will not be difficult. It is worth soberly assessing your abilities and not taking on the study of all issues at the same time. It is better to study in order of difficulty one by one. It is necessary to consider and study each separately to avoid confusion in the head. On the last evening before taking the exams, you must repeat all the material covered, consolidating it. By following all the advice on regular rest and consolidation of the material, you can learn all the tickets on time.