Sample review of the educational program. “Documentation support for management”


for an additional educational program in the artistic and aesthetic direction “Artistic modeling”, presented by Borisova Yu. V., teacher additional education MBU DO "House" children's creativity» Kysyl-Syr village, Vilyuisky ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The “Artistic Modeling” program is a program for students aged 6-18 years old, with an artistic and aesthetic orientation. The duration of the program is 3 years.

The goal of the program is to develop children's creative and communication abilities through self-expression through making products from salt dough, plasticine and papier-mâché. The goals, objectives, and results of the program are coordinated and focused on the age characteristics of children.

The peculiarity of this program is that, even without having very high abilities Having acquired skills and abilities according to the program, each child can create an aesthetically beautiful and useful thing with his own hands. Get highly appreciated his work by adults and peers, which increases his self-esteem. AND main feature is that a child can learn to combine salt dough with plasticine, as well as the opportunity to decorate finished products with various natural and decorative materials, create both flat and three-dimensional compositions from their crafts, embodying manual labor all your childhood fantasy and imagination.

The relevance of this program is justified by the fact that the feature current situation when the issue of children’s employment is very acute (they must be under the constant supervision of teachers). It is necessary to help the child to occupy his time with benefit free time, to give the opportunity to discover yourself most fully. Create conditions for dynamics creative growth, help children of different ages, reflect your unique identity, realize your creative potential and develop your abilities.

This program meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education. This activity is organized on the basis of the “House of Children's Creativity”, taking into account the wishes of the children and the consent of the parents and is implemented by a teacher of additional education, the first qualification category– Borisova Yu. V.

The “Art Modeling” program is distinguished by its competent design and clarity of structure. The program is holistic in nature; structural parts and main components of the program are identified, goals and methods for achieving them are agreed upon. The program contains the following sections:

– « Explanatory note» – includes several interrelated components: justification for the program, which reflects the relevance and novelty of the program; goals and objectives; terms of implementation; logistics; basic forms and methods of working with children; expected results, forms, methods and criteria for their evaluation. The content of the program is briefly disclosed.

– « Syllabus» includes a sequence of thematic blocks being studied, indicating the total number of hours and the number of hours for theoretical and practical classes.

– “Methodological support” of the program fully characterizes the pedagogical, psychological, organizational conditions necessary to obtain educational result. The program expects to achieve a certain level children's mastery of artistic literacy. The form of conducting the results of the program implementation is: exhibitions, competitions, festivals, public events. Assessment of the results of mastering the materials is determined by the level of knowledge, skills and abilities defined in the program.

- “Literature”. The program contains a list of references. The list of recommended literature is quite complete and accessible to the recipient.

The program of additional education for children “Artistic Modeling” is a complete, independent normative document, made on current topics, with significant practical significance. The language and style of presentation are clear, clear, persuasive and logical. The program is holistic in nature, structural parts are highlighted, the main components are presented within the parts, goals, objectives and ways to achieve them are agreed upon. A comprehensive analysis of the program showed that it was compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The program is relevant for working with primary and secondary children school age. Recommended for distribution.

Deputy Director for Water Resources _____________ (N. B. Kakadiy)

(Kupinsky House of Children's Creativity)

The program clearly defines the purpose and objectives of training at specific stages of a single cycle, describes the methods of conditions, forms of organizing the activities of the teacher and children in the process of mastering the course being studied by year of study. Techniques and methods for developing various skills and abilities for students to master are described. subject area"art". The techniques and methods used in the implementation of the program contribute to the formation moral qualities personality, the implementation of mental aesthetic and artistic development of children.

The program offers children a free choice of development, its

self-organization, self-education, self-education in the spirit of productive creative activity.

The pedagogical methods and technologies used correspond to the goals and objectives of the program.

The author's educational program is compiled taking into account age characteristics children, contributes to the formation of active, cognitive, creative activity, acquisition of skills in a realistic depiction of reality.

The atmosphere of fantasy, emotional comfort, search and mini-discoveries created by the teacher in the classroom allows each student to realize their creative “I”, develop mental capacity, satisfy natural needs to visual activities.

The joint search activity of the teacher and children helps to form friendly relationships and builds self-confidence.

The expediency of the chosen mode of operation ensures psychological and emotional comfort of communication, activities of the teacher, children and the entire team.

Chairman of the Expert Council

for the examination of educational programs of the information and methodological Center I. V. Heinrich

Explanatory note

Fine art is the most used area of ​​the child’s emotional sphere. He explores, experiments with visual materials, and gets acquainted with world culture. Fluency in various artistic media allows the child to express himself.

Artistic education is able to solve such important problems related to the need for harmonious development of the individual that the place given to it in modern system education cannot be secondary.

Artistic activity, i.e. the creation of graphics, painting is associated with

processes of perception, cognition, with the emotional and social aspects of a person’s life, is characteristic of him at various stages of development, it reflects the features of his intellect and character.

Already, in the very essence little man there is a desire to learn and create.

It all starts from childhood. Efficiency educational process the more successfully, the earlier and more purposefully children develop abstract, logical and emotional thinking, attention, observation, and imagination.

Artistic taste is a taste related to art, to activities in the field of art. Art teaches us and our children to see and feel more deeply and subtly.

The miraculous power of art is that it influences feelings, through them it paves the way to reason, understanding, and conclusions. We must cultivate feelings, develop given to a person nature's precious ability to perceive the “beautiful”.

Undoubtedly, learning to create beauty is an excellent form of introducing children to art, this is a school for nurturing artistic tastes.

said: “Do you know why art was born? Because a person cannot perceive the world with his mind alone, he needs to perceive it with his heart and feelings.”

All children, without exception, are artists and poets. Their perception is figurative and vivid.

Children are sincere and spontaneous, their souls are a fertile field for sowing good. And we must try to sow this goodness, doing everything so that the world of the child’s feelings is filled with colors, joy and light, so that early age he learned to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly and unconditionally took the side of goodness and beauty. Develop cognitive and creative activity follows from childhood.

Artistic activity needs to be understood quite broadly - it includes: children’s activities in some form of art and learning about the works of artists; and contemplation of the beauty of nature; and aesthetic assessment human relations. All these ways of understanding the aesthetic at school age are interconnected and intertwined.

It is safe to say that the knowledge and experiences that the child “passes through” active action are fixed in his consciousness much more reliably and deeply than those that he received purely speculatively, in the form of verbal formulations that require only memorization.

To a greater or lesser extent, every child is capable of creativity, which is a natural constant companion to the formation of personality.

Discovering a unique individuality will help a child realize himself in learning, creativity, and communicating with others.

At primary school age, further formation of the anatomical structure of the brain is noted. His incentive functional development gives training. This creates the conditions for a constant transition from object-figurative to abstract, verbal-logical thinking.

The younger schoolchild is looking everywhere for support from the sensual personal experience, own impressions, knowledge close to life. Therefore, it is extremely important to select objects of direct perception in order to guide the child’s thought to comprehension

natural connections, things and phenomena.

Children, especially at the beginning of primary school age, are still easily distracted by work that is uninteresting to them; it is difficult for them to concentrate on material that is devoid of immediate emotional appeal. Considering this circumstance, at the same time, it is impossible to build all learning on one interest, on the experience of “pleasant”. Children's stability of attention and ability to regulate their actions in educational activities will come to them the sooner the sooner they understand and feel that learning is work that requires serious volitional effort.

The younger schoolchild is characterized by intense physical activity, which, combined with insufficient ability to manage one’s behavior, often gives rise to impulsiveness. You can’t just stop your child from being distracted. It is necessary to organize children's mobility and motor skills in correct forms, give her a reasonable exit.

The junior student does not have any significant experience teamwork. Hence the complaints, greed, inability to subordinate one’s desires common cause. Joint work, joint games, entertainment, and activities gradually develop social behavior skills in children.

At primary school age, a restructuring of all cognitive processes occurs, and qualities characteristic of adults are acquired. The common characteristics of all cognitive processes of a child are their arbitrariness, productivity and stability.

Attention at primary school age becomes voluntary. Children reveal their most advanced features of attention only when an object or phenomenon is especially interesting for the child.

The memory of children of primary school age is quite good and this primarily concerns mechanical memory.

The teaching here is just beginning and is being improved over the course of for long years life.

The main components of this activity: control and self-regulation.

Labor activity helps to consolidate theoretical knowledge, education of hard work.

Communication with other people, especially with adults who serve as role models and the main source of diverse knowledge, is of great importance for development junior school student.

An important motive in the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild is the conscious setting of goals for achieving success and volitional regulation behavior that allows the child to achieve it. This is especially clear in cases where children play or do something with their own hands.

At primary school age, based on the experience already gained in educational, gaming and labor activity the prerequisites for creating motivation to achieve success are being formed. In parallel with the motivation to achieve success and under its influence in primary school age, two others improve personal qualities: hard work and independence.

Hard work arises as a consequence of repeated successes when sufficient effort is applied and the child receives rewards for this.

The independence of children of primary school age is combined with their

dependence on adults. It is necessary to ensure that education

independence and dependence were mutually balanced.

With transition from junior classes in the middle and then in the older years, the position of children in the system of business and personal relationships with people around them changes. Serious matters begin to take up more and more time in their lives. In adolescence and adolescence the process is actively underway cognitive development. Particularly noticeable in these years is the growth of consciousness and self-awareness of children, which represents a significant expansion of the sphere of awareness and deepening of knowledge about themselves, about people, about the world around them. The development of a child’s self-awareness finds its expression in changes

motivation of the main types of activity: teaching, communication, work, leading to a rethinking of the content, goals and objectives of the activity.

)(characteristic features adolescence is the readiness and ability for many various types training, and as in in practical terms (labor change and skills), so in the theoretical (the ability to think, reason, use concepts).

Adolescence is characterized by increased intellectual activity, which is stimulated by the desire to develop, demonstrate to others one’s abilities, and receive high appreciation from them.

Sphere cognitive interests teenagers go beyond the boundaries of school and take the form of cognitive amateur activity - the desire to search and acquire knowledge, to develop useful skills and abilities.

Communicative abilities are formed and developed through communication.

students, including the ability to communicate with strangers, to achieve their location and mutual understanding, to achieve their goals.

However, by adolescence (11-15 years), activity in visual arts often decreases. IN adolescence Teenagers have an extremely strong desire for analysis. The overall image begins to be unsatisfying. They want to gain knowledge and skills in realistically depicting reality. This program is structured in such a way as to give students a clear understanding of the system of interaction between art and life, based on the life experiences of children and living examples from the surrounding reality.

The concept of the program is a strict sequence of studying traditional compositional basic laws and rules, acquiring skills and abilities in students’ mastery of new principles compositional analysis, such as: drawing up a tonal-color passport, developing children’s skills for independent work in various genres compositions.

Two main conditions must always be taken into account. One of them is that there are means and methods developed in the traditions of art artistic activity. Another is that the child has individual experience experiences. Only with the natural merging of these two conditions is full-fledged aesthetic education possible.

Every image of a form and plane begins with a drawing. The great Renaissance artist Michelangelo wrote that there is a drawing highest point and painting, sculpture, and architecture: drawing is the source and soul of all types of painting. Drawing is the main discipline in the system of art and pedagogical education; it has unlimited opportunities for development creativity students, for acquiring special skills and skills real picture reality. Introduction to fine art should begin with drawing. Artists of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Renaissance began their studies with him. The ability to draw is very useful in the life of every person, it contributes to better mastery many professions. Learning to draw in association solves a number of most important tasks education, artistic aesthetic education and student development.

In painting, the artist creates artistic images with paints, while he must distinguish between colors, their tone and saturation. These skills are necessary for people in almost all professions. So, for example: a painter must be able to choose the right color scheme; a polar pilot guesses its thickness by the color of the ice and determines the possibility of landing, etc. By learning to paint, a child learns to correctly see and convey the color of objects and color relationships (the local color of an object in a light-air environment), receives necessary knowledge, skills in practical classes in fine arts. Full time job Using paints helps develop children's sense of color, which will allow them to enrich their perception of the world around them.

Composition translated from Latin language means “composition, composition, 5

location". Teaching students the basics of composition in the fine arts contributes to the development of their creative abilities, increasing cognitive activity in area visual arts.

The theoretical part offers an introduction to the theory of composition and includes a section analytical work with illustrative material and subsequent consolidation of the acquired knowledge in practice. Practical lessons consist of work directly on composition and exercises that are designed to study and apply the basic laws of composition, to explore the possibilities of tone and color, to become familiar with materials and ways of working with them.

Composition in this program is understood broadly: not only as the execution of a plot-thematic work, but also as conscious activity on organizing all the elements of the image to realize a specific plan.

Throughout all years of study in this program, students master and develop the ability to reveal the theme of composition using various genres of painting and graphics: still life, landscape, interior. This should help in working on a plot-thematic composition.

Studying the history of art gives students the opportunity to touch the masterpieces of the world and national culture, to feel involved in the history of mankind, to respond emotionally to works of fine art.

It is necessary to ensure that each phenomenon of art is considered by students against a broad cultural and historical background, but it is important that this does not distract from the main thing, but, on the contrary, contributes to the disclosure artistic image works.

Program idea_- development creative personality based on motivation for creativity in classes on the basics of fine arts.

Purpose of the program:

Creating conditions for personal self-realization. Introducing children to the origins of the world and national culture through expanding and deepening knowledge and ideas about “beauty”, developing the ability to see, feel, understand and create beauty, showing independence and creative activity. To grow a student into a Spectator, a Master, an Artist.


· formation in children of spiritual culture and the need to constantly communicate with the fine arts, fostering a respectful attitude towards the work of the artist;

· basic training figurative language drawing from life, from memory and imagination, drawing Special attention to study and convey in drawings form, proportions, volume, perspective, light and shade, composition;

· formation of moral and emotional responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in the surrounding reality, in works of fine art;

· development of students’ aesthetic perception of the world, artistic taste, expansion of their understanding of the culture of the past and present;

· familiarize students with the heritage outstanding artists past and present in the field of fine and decorative arts, architecture, the role of art in people's lives;

· teach to give the joy of creativity, to be happy from human communication, mutual understanding, creative work.

The training program focuses on simultaneous solution of the problems of art education and aesthetic education, i.e. it considers training and education as a single whole. The program reveals the nature of teaching fine arts as a complex process of developing students’

spiritual culture, their mastery of the basics of artistic culture.

Classes are structured taking into account the age characteristics of children and, first of all, taking into account the characteristics of their spatial thinking. In each section of the program there are interpenetrating elements: in tasks on drawing, painting and composition.

The artistic and creative development of students is carried out as they master the skills of visual literacy.

Thus, this program should serve as a base, a strong basis for further creative development children, to give them the opportunity to successfully transition to next stage art training.

The program, in addition to regular acquaintance with works of art during classes, provides for conversations about art and their display (reproductions, slides), consolidating knowledge through lessons-competitions “Connoisseurs of Art”.

Artistic activities in the classroom are very diverse: depiction on a plane and in volume (from life, from memory, from imagination); experiments with paints; games for the purpose of studying and consolidating theoretical material, designed to activate students cognitive process, and to develop their interest in educational task, the object of the image, acquaintance with works of art (demonstration of slides, reproductions, photographs, illustrations); surveillance various phenomena nature, the behavior of people and animals in various situations, discussion and analysis of the works of comrades, the results of one’s own and collective creativity. All types of activities in the learning process are interconnected.

The duration of the program is 5 years, the age of the students is (8-17 years).

Operating mode:

· group 1 year of study - 4 hours. per week (144 hours per year);

· group 2 years of study - 6 hours. per week (216 hours per year);

· 3rd year group - 9 hours. per week (324 hours per year);

· group 4 years of study - 9 hours. per week (324 hours per year);

· 5th year group - 9 hours. per week (324 hours per year).

Program characteristics:

By type of activity - visual activity~ By educational fields- art.

According to the form of implementation - group, individual. ~ According to the method of implementation - heuristic

In terms of the breadth of content covered, the activity is specialized. ~ By age of children - middle and older age.

By gender - for boys, girls.

Functionally, it is educational.

According to the level of development - professionally oriented

Graduate model

The student must Know:

Drawing is the basis of all types of fine arts; basic laws, rules, techniques and means of composition; the order and method of working on the composition.

apply drawing and painting skills in composition; choose the plot of the composition yourself;

apply knowledge gained from art history to analyze your work;

apply in practice the basic laws and rules of composition;

select the essential, important; aesthetically evaluate, find figurative expression reality;

master various materials and use them in accordance with the plan;

decide the shape, volume of objects in spatial environment taking into account the peculiarities of color relationships and mutual influences;

achieve integrity and unity of color structure in work, coloristic solutions, understand color and tonal relationships;

convey shape, depth, illumination;

show in your work the mastery of the craft side of art - the ability to mix paints (to achieve complex colors, subtle relationships, as well as active, saturated colors) and combine them;

use art materials wisely.

Graduate Personality Qualities

After completing the program, students have the following qualities: cultural communication with each other and respect for the interlocutor (language culture);

love and respect for national art, careful preservation and continuation of the traditions of one’s people;

independence of thinking, acceptance own decision and defending your opinion;

engage in self-education;

the ability to communicate with friends and parents at the level of acquired experience; evaluate your creative possibilities, be self-critical;

evaluate your professional abilities.

Name of basic






Introduction to




A review must be attached to the educational program for additional education of children. It is recommended to obtain two reviews:

1. internal (as a rule, it is written by the deputy director who oversees additional education in the educational institution);

2. external (it is given by an independent expert in the profile of activity presented in the program; necessary for original and experimental programs).

Approximate review plan:

1. Review title.

Review of the program “___________” (name), full name and position of the author of the program, title educational institution, implementing the program.

2. general characteristics programs:

a peer-reviewed program is being implemented;

  • addressee (category of students, their age, social composition, etc.);
  • the implementation period for which the program is designed;
  • is there a similar program in an educational institution (compare by
  • what is the additionality of the program under review;
  • style and quality of presentation of material (professionally, systematically, competently, etc.).

3. The relevance of the program and its novelty for the system of additional education for children.

4. Characteristics of the program structure ( short description parts and their analysis):

  • analysis of the explanatory note;
  • analysis of the content of the program (noting how completely

the main topics of the classes are revealed);

characterizes the pedagogical, psychological, organizational conditions necessary to obtain an educational result; how deeply the methodology for working on content is revealed educational material, assessment of students' knowledge and skills);

  • assessment of the bibliography (completeness, accessibility for the recipient).

5. Completeness of the program (are the structural parts highlighted in it, are all components presented within the parts).

6. Integrity of the program (are the goals, objectives and methods of achieving them agreed upon).

7. The leading idea of ​​the program and ways of its implementation, the novelty of the approach to the selection of content, the originality of the proposed methodology, the suitability of the program for a given institution and for replication in educational practice.

8. Language and style of presentation of materials (clarity, clarity, evidence, logic, etc.).

9. Compliance of the program with the specifics of additional education for children.

IN this section It is advisable for reviews to note how much the program contributes to:

  • stimulating cognitive activity student;
  • development of his communication skills;
  • creation of a sociocultural communication environment;
  • development of creative abilities of the student’s personality;
  • maintaining the desire for independent activity and self-education;
  • creative use life experience child;
  • professional self-determination of the student.

10. Characteristics of applications to the program, their content ( methodological developments, didactic material, schemes for conducting classes, forms of contracts, etc.).

11. Characteristics of the professional knowledge and skills of the teacher as the author of the program.

General assessment of the program: advantages and disadvantages, errors and comments.

A review of a program should contain a reasoned assessment, recommendations for overcoming shortcomings and a final conclusion about the possibility (impossibility) of its use in the system of additional education for children. In addition, the reviewer makes a proposal to assign a certain status to the program (modified, original, experimental).

The reviewer certifies the content of the review with a personal signature, indicating his full last name, first name, patronymic, position and place of work. The document is affixed with the seal of the organization certifying the reviewer’s signature and is provided in two copies.


  1. Requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children: Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 18, 2003. No. 28-02-484/16 // Regulatory documents of an educational institution. – 2006. - No. 3. – P. 49 – 50.

Material prepared by N.V. Marchenko, methodologist of MKOUDO "IMC".


for additional general education program

in English language

"School of Communication"

(social and pedagogical orientation).

teacher in English highest category

MBOU gymnasium 184.

The program is built on the basis of teaching materials "Matrix", publishing houseOxfordUniversityPressusing second generation standards, which is currently relevant, since the entire educational process is moving to new level, changes the vector. It is assumed not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the comprehensive development of students. The main emphasis in the program is placed on personal development, the formation of those skills that will be useful to students in any sphere of communication, will help everyone to open up, using their skills as productively as possible. Extra time, which is so lacking in the standard educational process. This program will help eliminate the lack of time for productive communication activities.

The goals and objectives of the program correspond to the subject and content. The program has scientific basis, and not only pedagogical, but also socio-psychological. The use of project methodology and active learning methods meets modern needs educational system, allows for diagnostics and control, activating everyone’s personal potential, not only intellectual, but also creative. Promotes the formation of skills of self-analysis and self-control, which also meets the needs modern society. The psychological justification of the program reveals the relevance of its use at a certain age, which will qualitatively improve the results. The structure of the program corresponds to the main directions of development communicative competence by means of a foreign language: development of dialogic and monologue speech with parallel formation of lexical and grammatical skills. Taking into account the specifics of the program, it is optimally distributed school time between the indicated directions.

This program is innovative, as it represents not only design methodology, but also active methods learning, what is new in the educational process. The program is provided not only methodological complex, and also has psychological support. Reveals the relevance of developing communication abilities and suggests ways and means of implementing these tasks.


FULL NAME _____________________________________________________________________

Job title___________________________________________________________________



Place of work_________________________________________________________________

Hello, my dear readers, friends and random guests blog! Tatyana Sukhikh is always glad to meet you virtually, although I don’t see you, I feel the energy exchange between us. I would like my articles to be useful, so I often touch upon topics that are difficult for me. Today I propose to find out what a review of a program for a preschool institution is.

The topic of the article was not chosen by chance. It turns out that I didn’t know about this if I decided to write an author’s or pilot program for working with children preschool age and I hope to publish it and protect my authorship, then it is imperative that a review be written.

For internal use in kindergarten, if I don’t aim for all-Russian recognition in scientific circles, a review from the head or methodologist is enough. But for publications or, for example, I want to submit an author’s program to a competition, then I need to get objective opinion about the program from an independent expert.

To make it clearer what programs are in general, I will make a classification of programs for you. So, according to the philosophical and conceptual foundations, that is, the view of the child as an object of education, the patterns of his development, the creation of conditions for the formation of personality, programs are:

  • Variable;
  • Alternative.

Alternative ones are innovative, often running counter to generally accepted systems of upbringing and education. Such programs are rarely used in government agencies due to their controversial feasibility for total mass children.

Variative programs are built on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children. There is a complex of variable programs in our preschool education, which is recommended by the Ministry. Each preschool educational institution has the right to choose from the complex any variable programs, adapt them “for yourself” or write original programs for your institution.

Variative programs are divided into:

  • Basic: there are approved programs that meet everyone modern requirements development and education of children, promote comprehensive development, as well as education within a preschool institution. They are approved by the Ministry. The main ones also include specialized and correctional programs.
  • Additional: at the request of the preschool educational institution or parents, programs for foreign languages, applied arts, dancing, etc. They can be paid or free. An additional program in a specific area is approved by the kindergarten management.

There is also such a variety as sample programs. They are not a document, but they prescribe the main mandatory points that must be taken into account when drawing up copyright programs. It’s like a construction set, from the blocks of which anyone can build their own building.

If you want to create a program, UchMag will help!

If you need to create a working program, I advise you to use special offers from the online store "UchMag":

  • CD “Development of a development program educational organization» is a kind of business plan for kindergarten. Here are given practical recommendations, how to draw up a development program for a preschool institution so that it meets all modern requirements of the education system. There is also a sample template that you can use as a basis for your program.
  • Opportunity to take part in an offline seminar on the topic “Federal State Educational Standards of Non-Governmental Education: Development of Continuing Education Programs” and offline master class on the topic « Working programm teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education". What are the benefits of such seminars? They enable you to access thematic materials, which are developed strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, and they will also send you a certificate, which will greatly decorate your portfolio.

Frankly speaking, writing an original program today is problematic, because everything was invented a long time ago before us. In addition, in order to obtain permission to implement a development, you need to go through very complex and lengthy procedures. The most important thing is that the program must pass the examination of the Federal Expert Council.

IN regulatory documents everything is so confusing that I didn’t understand in what cases it is possible to use author’s developments in a kindergarten without assigning a special “Recommended” stamp. On the one hand, the management of the institution is free to choose programs from the list of approved ones, and can make changes and implement their own programs.

On the other hand, it is prohibited to use programs that have not passed examination at the federal or city level.

Yes, at a preschool educational institution we have the right to vary programs and choose from the approved list at the discretion of the kindergarten management. But in practice, to decide to introduce an original development into the work of an institution, you think a hundred times whether it is worth it. It’s easier to choose a professional, approved and tested one from the list of recommended programs.

Education authorities draw up exemplary programs, the quality of which is controlled by the Ministry. This comprehensive programs: “Origins”, “Rainbow”, “Development”, “Childhood”, “Baby”.

What should a review of a program look like?

I think that the easiest way is to write your own additional general education program, although there is an approved list of partial ones, that is, additional programs. But this is not about them, now I will finally answer main question my article: what is a review of an educational program and what does it look like?

So, you have developed an additional educational program and want to implement it. Experts advise to attach to author's development two reviews: the so-called internal and external.

The first is feedback from your management about the development, methodology, program for teaching and developing children. Usually it is written by a methodologist kindergarten, since he directly supervises additional education.

An external review is written by an independent expert. Where to look for it? It turns out that this is not a problem today: scientific publishing centers that have the appropriate licenses offer their review writing services on the Internet. There is no need to go anywhere, we send our development to the specialist’s address and wait for a response.

Reputable sites provide documents confirming the presence scientific degree the person who will review the work provides a guarantee that the reviewer is a member of the Guild of Educational Experts.

Specialists evaluate the work according to the approved criteria of our education system; at the request of the customer, they can give recommendations for improving and improving the work if it does not reach an excellent rating, conditional, of course.

You can first read the requirements for the content and design of additional education programs, which are in the regulatory documents of the educational institution. I think there are examples of their work on the reviewers' website and you can check them against the ministerial requirements.

What does a review include?

A review is usually prepared as a typewritten document, certified by the wet seal of the reviewing body.

To roughly know whether a review is written correctly, I suggest studying its components:

  • The title sounds something like this: a review of the program (indicate the full name of the program) of such and such an author (write the surname, first name and patronymic, as well as the position held and, if any, category) of such and such an institution (full name of the kindergarten).
  • In-depth development characteristics: indicated study area application, the type of children's association where the program is planned to be used is determined. The age of the children to whom the development is applicable, the duration of the program’s implementation, and the uniqueness or similarity with other programs of this type are also written.

It also confirms the status of the program as an additional educational program and analyzes the style of presentation, as well as the level of presentation of the material.

  • The novelty and relevance of the work - this point shows the level of professionalism of the reviewer. You can write everything, but about nothing, or you can clearly and convincingly prove the necessity and uniqueness of the work. To determine the value of a program based on these criteria, one must have a thorough knowledge of the entire early childhood education system;
  • Characteristics of the program structure: sections are listed, and each is analyzed for completeness of the topic, logic of presentation, depth of the subject of research, etc.;
  • Description and analysis of the completeness of the material presented in accordance with the list of sections;
  • Emphasis on the work's integrity, consistency and its intended place among similar developments;
  • Determining the main idea of ​​the program, describing its essence, novelty, relevance and suitability for real preschool institutions, its compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education;
  • Characteristics of applications for development: visual materials, video, etc.;
  • As a conclusion – conclusions about the professionalism of the author of the program, overall rating, positive and negative aspects of work.

A little more information...

The modern preschool educational program is usually considered as a tool for achieving the following goals:

  • Development of curiosity - the main indicator of a child’s cognitive activity, development of abilities, imagination, communication;
  • Ensuring the strengthening and preservation of children’s health – mental and physical equally, creating conditions for emotional well-being for every preschooler, for intellectual and creative development, familiarization with universal human values;
  • Compliance with three forms of organizing children’s life activities in conditions of the preschool educational institution: classes as a form of education, unregulated activities and free time during the day;
  • Using games as the main activity of preschoolers;
  • Implementation of differentiated and personal approach in working with preschoolers.

So, if you decide to write a program, you can check yourself, before submitting it to a special expert commission, to see whether your work meets the above objectives of preschool educational programs.