Should job responsibilities change if the employment contract is changed? The procedure for making changes to the job description

Reasonable world [How to live without unnecessary worries] Sviyash Alexander Grigorievich

Should the people around you change?

“For a long time I was offended by my parents (option - boss, business partner, friend) for their behavior. Now I realized that they were giving me lessons, I forgave them and stopped judging them. Does this mean that they now have to change and stop behaving the same way?”

The answer to this question is obvious: no one owes anything to anyone in this world. And no one is obliged to change just because you have forgiven someone and stopped being offended. Why on earth should your parents change if you were always offended by their total control and attempts to tell you how to behave? After all, they clearly did not do this out of malice or a desire to make things worse for you, but on the contrary, they tried to protect you from mistakes and help you make the right decision.

It is clear that in doing so they proceeded from their upbringing, education, personal experience and other personal beliefs. Perhaps times have changed and their advice is outdated, and you want to make your own mistakes (not being satisfied with others). So why should they stop caring about you just because you finally stopped being offended by them? You don't have to at all. They will still try to control you and give you advice, they just don’t know how to live any other way! But whether you take offense at this or be grateful to them for their care is up to you to choose. Until now you have chosen resentment, now you have chosen forgiveness, and so what? No one is obliged to change just because you have changed some of your internal attitudes.

True, sometimes it happens, for example, like this. You condemned your husband for drinking, and he drank more and more in order to fight for individual rights. Now you have removed all claims against him, internally (and externally) you have allowed him to drink as much as he wants. As a result, he will have no one and nothing to prove, and it is possible that he will stop or reduce his drinking.

It may be so. But you don’t have to expect that he is obliged to stop drinking just because you stopped judging him! Is not obliged to. He may be judged by other people (mother, father, children), and he may continue to fight them, but you should no longer care. Another thing is that after acceptance and forgiveness, you need to think about whether you should continue to stay with this person? After all, he will probably remain like this until the end of his days and will continue to bring discomfort into your life. Do you need it?

Our methodology is intended for self-improvement and increasing personal success, and not for changing the people around us, do not forget this.

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Strategy 3 Start changing

Every day of our lives, starting from birth, we are in a process of constant change. Often we don't even realize it.

Any person at certain periods of his life needs to change something in himself, because... Today's political, social and economic situations are changing rapidly, and we need to keep pace with these changes.

We change something in ourselves specifically for ourselves, and not in order to impress others. Otherwise, we will pretend to be someone else to please those on whom we depend. Many people put on a mask to be liked, and at the same time they mistakenly believe that if they meet the standards that exist in society, they will be appreciated.

Of course, no one is obliged to change. To change yourself or not is everyone’s choice. Only if a person has some difficulties in life, conflicts with people, accumulated negative emotions, then there is a feeling that a dark streak has begun in life. How to get out of this black streak? There is only one way out - you need to change something in your life or in yourself: for example, your attitude towards certain situations or people, your attitude towards yourself, your environment (friends and acquaintances), old attitudes to new ones, standards of behavior, etc.

We always want the other person to change, but at the same time we don’t consider it necessary to change anything in ourselves.
Why is this happening?

Because we don’t want to admit to ourselves that we ourselves created our problems with our thoughts, our actions. We don’t want to take responsibility for this, because it’s hard to realize that we ourselves are to blame for our troubles. It is much easier to make others guilty.

This position makes a person weak. A person admits that he cannot influence his life, his destiny. Shifting responsibility to others is an opportunity to do nothing to achieve your goals. And then a person is not the master of his destiny.

A person can and should change to achieve something in life, to become happy. Only first he must want these changes.

12 basic steps towards changing your life:

  1. Become yourself, not someone else.
  2. The best time to take action is now, the best place is where you are now.
  3. You can't influence what other people think about you, but you can change what you think about them.
  4. If you do what you always do, you will get what you always get.
  5. You are not obligated to listen to the advice of others, but you are responsible for the consequences of doing so.
  6. Solve your problems to live life to the fullest.
  7. If you remain calm, any problem can be understood and, in most cases, turned to your advantage.
  8. Set realistic goals for yourself.
  9. Avoid templates.
  10. Decide on your values ​​and implement them into your life.
  11. Set small goals first to prepare yourself to achieve what you want. Small victories inspire you, and the desire to act appears.
  12. Improve your education if you lack knowledge. Training provides confidence. Also learn new skills.
On the one hand, we want to improve ourselves, we want personal growth. But on the other hand, we are afraid of change. We want to live better, but at the same time do nothing. Is it possible to become slimmer without exercise or proper nutrition? Is it possible to become successful in your career without working hard?
Most people are looking for an instant solution, wanting to have everything at once, and are convinced that change entails an unrealistic self-sacrifice. Therefore resistance arises.

Any psychologist will tell you that resistance to change is a powerful psychological force. What kind of resistance is this? For example: the feelings associated with the problem are very painful for the person, and he does not want to cause himself such pain; or a person does not want to give up small pleasures in order to gain health; or a person knows that it is necessary to perform the required actions, but does not do so, etc.

Thus, change is something we both desire and avoid. And it is important to realize these 2 sensations in yourself - positive and negative.

At first it is necessary Ask yourself: what do I want to change about myself? What will improve my health and create a feeling of happiness? What will make me better?
Then write down some goals. Self-change should be about you, and not about trying to control other people or situations. For each goal item, ask yourself: Is the change you want to achieve relevant to you? If not, rethink your list of goals.

How do you determine which goal to start with? Just think about what you want to do right now? This will give you energy and the right mood.

What is the right thing for a HR manager to do when changing a job description? Labor legislation does not clearly indicate the procedure for making changes to the job description. Therefore, the organization has the right to independently determine such an order and consolidate it in a local document. At the same time, when making changes, it is necessary to take into account the following: the method of drawing up the job description to which changes need to be made (i.e., consider whether the job description is an annex to the employment contract or an independent document); the nature of the changes made to the instructions (whether the changes made affect the mandatory terms of the employment contract).

How to change job responsibilities?


Labor Code of the Russian Federation (refusal to continue work due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties). If the instruction is an annex to the employment contract, then, of course, it is necessary to amend the employment contract by drawing up an additional agreement. If the job description was approved as a separate document and changes to it do not entail a change in the terms of the employment contract, it is most convenient to approve the job description in the new edition by familiarizing the employee with it in writing. Based on the above, it can be recommended to approve the job description as an independent document, but at the same time stipulate in the employment contract with the employee that the employee is obliged to fulfill the requirements of the job description (which, of course, the employee must be familiar with upon signature).

The procedure for making changes to the job description


In our company, an employment contract is concluded with employees upon employment. All job responsibilities are specified in the annex to the employment contract; there are no job descriptions. Now it is planned to change the job responsibilities of employees.

For this purpose, additional agreements are drawn up, which will spell out the responsibilities (the essence of the responsibilities basically does not change, they are simply adjusted). In this regard, questions arose: 1. How to correctly draw up an additional agreement: how to stipulate that the clauses of the annexes are considered invalid? 2. What is the registration procedure (documents, deadlines)? 3. If employees have added responsibilities, should their pay increase? 4.

The procedure for making changes to an employee’s job description

Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and other job responsibilities must be agreed upon in accordance with Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (more on this below). The decision on how to make changes to the job description (hereinafter - DI) is made by choosing from the following options:

  • issue an order to exclude or include points, change the text of part of the DI;
  • approve the DI in the new edition by issuing an approval order or affixing the approval stamp to the text of the new DI.

If there is a large volume of personnel document flow, the second option is preferable. In terms of execution, it does not differ from the approval of a new DI.

But when issuing a separate order, it must be indicated that it will be issued instead of the previously approved one, and when accepted by affixing a stamp, this can be clarified in the title of the DI (“new edition” or “second edition”) and (or) in the preamble.

Changing a job description without the employee’s consent

The period during which the employee will perform additional work, its content and volume are established by the employer with the written consent of the employee. The amount of additional payment is also established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, taking into account the content and (or) volume of additional work. In each specific case, the period during which the employee will perform, along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in order to combine professions (positions), by expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, or in connection with the assignment of the duties of a temporarily absent employee , determined by the employer with the written consent of the employee7.

We are changing the job description

The employee has the right to refuse to perform additional work ahead of schedule, and the employer has the right to cancel the order to perform it ahead of schedule, warning the other party about this in writing no later than three working days. In addition, it must be emphasized that Art. 60.2, and Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation oblige the employer to provide an employee with additional payment for additional work. Do you need a job description? The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate the operation of a job description, but nevertheless, a job description (for specialists and managers) or professional instructions (for workers) is an important document, the content of which is not only the labor function of the employee, the qualification requirements for the position held, but also the range of job responsibilities, the limits of responsibility.

Labor function - what is it? change in the employee’s labor function

A sample order can be downloaded from the link: Sample order to amend the job description. When issuing such a document or approving a new version of a DI, special attention must be paid to the notification procedure. Notification of changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties In accordance with Art.

56, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the subject of the employment contract includes:

  • description of the employee’s job function;
  • working conditions.
  1. By agreement of the parties - as a general rule (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer changes the terms of the employment contract

If an employee does not comply with the employer’s order to perform a labor function not stipulated by the employment contract, then the employer does not have the right to bring him to disciplinary liability for this refusal. Temporary translation In paragraph 17 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” (as amended on September 28, 2010; hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 2) it is explained that when applying Part. 2 and 3 tbsp. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which allows the temporary transfer of an employee to another job without his consent, it should be borne in mind that the obligation to prove the existence of circumstances with which the law connects the possibility of such a transfer rests with the employer. It is necessary to take into account that, in accordance with Part.

1 tbsp.
You should do the following: 1) prepare a new edition of the job description (or a document that contains a list of amendments to the current job description); 2) approve by order the new edition of the job description (or a document containing a list of amendments to the current job description); 3) familiarize employee against signature with a new job description (or an order approving the list of amendments to the current instructions). For example, an employee may be assigned to perform duties provided for by the characteristics of other positions, the performance of which does not require another specialty and qualifications. In this case, the employer’s change in job responsibilities will not constitute a change in his job function and the employee’s consent in this case is not required.


The amount of additional payment is also established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, taking into account the content and (or) volume of additional work7. In each specific case, the period during which the employee will perform, along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in order to combine professions (positions), by expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, or in connection with the assignment of the duties of a temporarily absent employee , determined by the employer with the written consent of the employee7. In the event that the parties cannot agree on the period during which additional work must be performed, or on the amount of additional payment for a certain amount of work, the employee has the right to refuse to perform it.

If the employee agrees, the deadline for completing additional work determined by the parties is not mandatory8.

Should job responsibilities change if the employment contract is changed?

All employees who are directly affected by them should be made aware of the upcoming changes. Please note that the law does not oblige the employer to immediately implement professional standards for all employees. The transition can be planned or gradual. What to do if an employee does not meet the professional standard? If you turn to the Labor Code, you can find an article in it about such grounds for dismissing an employee as non-compliance with professional standards. However, at the same time, a limitation is established. Dismissal is possible at the request of the employee if he does not correspond to the position he occupies or has insufficient qualifications. This fact must be confirmed by certification.

One of the main barriers in any person's life is fear.

If something is not going well in a person’s life, if he is dissatisfied with the current state of things - health, work, relationships, etc., most often he looks for reasons in external factors and shifts responsibility to the people around him instead of starting to change himself .

Sometimes in a situation where a loved one leaves, in search of an answer to the question: “How to get him back and what can be done?” they rush to fortune tellers to perform love spells and other magical rituals, but no one thinks about changing themselves and becoming the one they don’t leave.

And all our changes and achievements begin in the head. By changing your worldview, changing your way of thinking, a person can radically change his life. And most often, a person begins to change when circumstances “seriously push him to the wall.” No wonder they say: “In order to swim out, you need to sink to the very bottom and push off.”

If muscles are not given stress and are not maintained in tone, they will atrophy. Likewise, if the brain is not given work, it degrades. A person either develops or degenerates. Any stagnation leads to regression. There is no third. Therefore, the best way to start changing is training. Change and learning are closely interconnected. New knowledge and new skills lead to internal changes over time. If a person does nothing new and learns nothing for a long time, stagnation and boredom set in in his life.

To learn, a thinking person does not need to attend any educational institutions, especially since most of them, unfortunately, force you to memorize and not think. As a result of this approach, many of those who graduated from one or another educational institution subsequently live, practically without internally changing or developing, hiding behind a diploma and the crumbs of knowledge that they have acquired over the years as a shield from the real need for learning and self-development study. Such a person sometimes foams at the mouth and defends the “truth” of the knowledge acquired. It doesn’t matter whether this corresponds to reality or whether this knowledge is hopelessly outdated. Indeed, in the latter case, in order to maintain his status and compliance with the profession, he will need to leave his comfort zone - learn and change. Such people are stuck in their past with their thoughts and souls. They are closed to new things. And a person who does not learn and does not change often demands from others that they meet his standards and standards, his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is right and what is wrong. A person with fixed views throughout his life strives to “adjust” those around him to himself, and this certainly leads to emotional resistance and associated negative emotions, such as anger, irritation and resentment.

That is why, in order to avoid these unpleasant things, it is very important to study, to learn to develop flexibility of thinking.

  • Try to understand which of your actions are NOT effective, and do them less often;
  • Try to understand which of your actions bring good results and do them more often;
  • Regularly do something, even a small, everyday, everyday action, in a new way.

There is no need to be afraid of change! Changes help a person discover new facets of himself - new features, new qualities. Changes bring new perspectives!

How to decide on an internal conflict, when, on the one hand, changes for the better seem necessary and desirable, and on the other hand, a person does not want to lose his individuality or change his inner world?

In general, the human psyche does not like change. She adapts to the outside world in her own way, trying to maintain herself in a state of this adaptation, even if it is not entirely complete. Many changes, especially at first, are perceived reluctantly and provoke resistance. A classic example is addiction to tobacco, alcohol or computer games. It is quite difficult to wean a dependent person from his usual needs, and sometimes it is simply impossible without his desire. Therefore, a false hypothesis arose that it is impossible for a person to change. But people can change when they want to, which is why the profession of practical psychologist is currently thriving.

Is a person obligated to change?

No one should change themselves or want to change themselves. Everyone has the right to choose. The peculiarity is that the presence psychological problems, and the reluctance to get rid of them, make a person’s life less happy than what it could be. Low and unstable self-esteem, inappropriate behavior, negative emotions can poison life.

It is common for a healthy person to want to change what makes him unhappy. The reason for this misfortune is not the world around us or the people who are nearby, but the person himself and his unresolved problems.

It is impossible to become a harmonious person without changing absolutely nothing about yourself. Most people think that those around them should change - children, work colleagues, husband or wife. In other words, they do not recognize the obvious fact that it is they themselves who create their own problems, which they then shift onto other people.

On the one hand, this position seems successful - everyone is to blame, but not me, but this point of view makes a person weak, subordinate to external circumstances. After all, he seems to admit that he cannot influence his destiny and choose his own path and happiness. Shifting responsibility makes it possible to do nothing to achieve one's goal, but at the same time deprives a person of the opportunity to become the master of his own destiny.

Taking responsibility when problems arise is a strong position, and a person can independently determine his own destiny and be less dependent on external circumstances.

How can you change yourself without changing yourself?

As practice shows, the more problems a person manages to solve on his own, the stronger the person he becomes. The presence of a large number of unresolved problems, which become more and more numerous over the course of life, can greatly change our personality, and a person becomes not himself, but a combination of “I” and “my problems.”

Change can happen in different ways. Someone adds problems to their personality, and moves further and further from their personal Self, someone solves them, and becomes more themselves.

On the path of change, it is very important to reduce dependence on other people’s opinions, as well as increase and stabilize your self-esteem. To do this, you need to create your own inner core, your own idea of ​​yourself, which, however, must be based on objective indicators. And another important point is to learn to trust your own opinion.

You need to find motivation to move forward further and realize that many of the obstacles that interfered with your happiness were artificially invented by you, because in order to achieve a certain goal there are a huge number of ways, you just need to find your own way.