How to write a letter of reference. Characteristics for internal use: everyone is here! Structure of characteristics from the place of work

No matter what field of activity you work in, you may at any time need the ability to write a testimonial. To do this, you do not have to be a professional psychologist, but observation and impartiality are necessary. A good testimonial is always factual, has a logical structure, and is tailored to the purpose of the request. Let's look at how to write a characteristic correctly.

The characteristics, like any official document, have a clear structure. Although there are no uniform requirements dictated by law for registration, there is a mandatory list of items that must be indicated in the document. So, any official report contains a header, body, date and signature. The characteristics header contains the name, reference number, and date of compilation. Here information about the compiler is indicated: the name of the enterprise or other institution issuing the characteristics of the body, legal address, contact information.

Next, in the middle, the title of the document “Characteristics” is written and information about the person is described. The content of this paragraph varies significantly in different situations and depends on the purposes of drawing up the document. Thus, the characteristics of an applicant when applying for a job should foresee his potential as a future employee and make it clear to management how well the candidate meets the tasks assigned to him. But, for example, the guardianship and trusteeship service will be more interested in the actual qualities of the parent and his attitude towards the child, mental stability, absence or presence of precedents of violence in the past, etc. The following data, called personal data, must be indicated when it is necessary to write a characteristic: full name, date of birth, marital status, education, position, etc.

In conclusion, as always, the author of the document indicates his last name, first name and patronymic, signs and seals. In some cases, not only the originator, but also the director signs here.

There are internal and external characteristics for an employee. The internal one is compiled for management and remains within the company. Such a characterization may be required when hiring a candidate, when appointing a current employee to another position, when deciding on penalties or incentives, etc. An external characterization is written upon request, which can be submitted by the court, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, banking and educational institutions. institutions, others. The characteristics may be asked to be drawn up by the person himself for his own purposes, for example, for admission to a university. Before writing a description, try to look at the person you are characterizing without bias, leaving a personal assessment. Describe his qualities, life path, achievements and negative actions, depending on the purpose of the requested characteristic. Sometimes a person can be asked to write a description of himself. Of course, it is not worth handing it over to the manager or the organizations that submitted the request. This short essay will help you evaluate the person being characterized more deeply, better understand his values ​​and how he perceives himself. This will help you make a prediction about what to expect from him in the future.

You can download it on our website.

The request to prepare a reference for an employee is most often addressed to HR department specialists:

  • by the employee himself;
  • government agencies;
  • head of the organization.

In the first and second cases, a ready-made reference from the place of work is needed to present it to some authorities outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; or to the educational institution in which he studies on the job ; or to a new place of work; or to court). Thus, the characteristic is required by an external customer.

In the third case, certain internal organizational procedures related to the evaluation of the employee are being prepared, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

HR specialists are not required to write a character reference themselves, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact their immediate superior, assist him in writing and completing the document.

The content will depend on the purpose of creating the characteristic. Therefore, we will consider various options that are often encountered in practice.

Examples of positive and negative characteristics

To begin with, let's give an example of a positive testimonial from a place of work. This is the most common option, which lists a person’s strengths and positive professional qualities.

Semyon Ivanovich Nikiforov is a high-profile specialist who has been working at Electrosystems LLC for 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years. During his work at Electrosystems LLC, he established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semyon Ivanovich competently, quickly and effectively solves the tasks assigned to him. The electrical systems installation projects entrusted to him were completed with high quality and in a short time. The main positive qualities of Semyon Ivanovich are his responsibility and perseverance in achieving his goals. It is also impossible not to note his ability to competently explain the task to other specialists. Nikiforov Semyon Ivanovich was twice awarded gratitude from the management of Electrosystems LLC.

Now let's give an example of a negative characteristic:

Ivan Ilyich Mitrofanov worked at Electrosystems LLC as a mechanic for 1 year and 3 months. During this time he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive qualities, Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a poorly disciplined worker. Lack of discipline manifested itself in non-compliance with work deadlines and regular lateness. Ivan Ilyich was twice subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Characteristics for promotion

Promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the requirements for the procedure can be flexible and determined by local regulations: Regulations on Promotion, etc. Often the package of documents for submitting an employee for promotion includes a description of the immediate supervisor.

A sample reference from the place of work for a worker who is planning to be awarded a Certificate of Merit

To choose the right words for a description, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this, define the employee. The job description example presented above emphasizes performance skills. However, it is possible that your company especially welcomes:

  • dedication, loyalty to the company and its leaders;
  • or the ability to make decisions, take initiative;
  • or a responsible attitude towards the quality and timing of work;
  • or the ability to build relationships with clients...

But there is another type of encouragement - state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, there are serious requirements for documents from the place of work (details about this can be found in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”, as well as in the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/04/2012 No. AK-3560). The Letter contains methodological recommendations regarding the preparation of award documents.

Sample characteristics for an employee to receive a state award

Characteristics when deciding the issue of collection

The employee has committed an offense, and the question of punishment arises: a reprimand or dismissal. An internal investigation may be underway. What punishment should I choose? To answer this question, all the circumstances and materials of the incident are carefully examined. If a positive reference from the place of work is taken into account, containing assessments such as:

  • responsibility for the work performed;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • compliance with labor discipline, etc.,

then the punishment for the employee who committed the offense may be mitigated.

Sample characteristics when deciding on collection

Characteristic when increasing

In a large organization with an extensive hierarchical structure, or in state and municipal bodies, many internal procedures are strictly formalized. For example, there is . The set of documents for each participant in such a reserve includes characteristics. They focus on the employee qualities necessary for a candidate for a leadership position: competence, strong-willed, organizational skills, intelligence and authority.

Sample characteristics for promotion

Characteristics during certification

The Labor Code does not regulate the procedure in the organization. However, if such a procedure is planned, it is necessary to draw up a local regulatory act - the Regulations on Certification, having it approved by order. The Regulations must contain a list of documents provided to the certification commission, including characteristics of the employee being certified.

The specification should include:

  • information about education, advanced training, position, work experience;
  • evaluation of work results and implementation of significant projects;
  • information about the presence or absence of penalties or incentives.

Sample characteristics for certification

Use in your work the sample characteristics for an employee from the place of work from the previous section as a template, substituting your own definitions.

This document:

  • drawn up on the organization’s letterhead;
  • includes the employee’s personal data (full name, year of birth, marital status, length of service, position, education, etc.);
  • contains a detailed description of business and personal qualities;
  • ends with a phrase explaining the purpose of drawing up the document (most often “for presentation to court” or “for presentation at the place of demand”);
  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • certified by a seal (if available).

Despite the fact that many consider a document characterizing a person to be a relic of the past, it is in great demand, as it allows one to determine professional or personal qualities. When applying for a job, an educational institution often pays attention to the specified personal and professional qualities.

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However, such a document has no legal force and in each case they react to it differently. For example, when entering a higher education institution, they may require such paper, but it cannot become a basis for refusal of admission to study. But when a case is heard in court, such a document can form a certain impression on the judge, which can affect the decision made.

When applying for a job, everything depends on how the employer views the characteristics drawn up: whether he considers them a relic of the past or still, as a document defining personal and professional qualities.

Basic cases of writing characteristics

The following cases of writing characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. For a preschooler compiled by kindergarten staff if necessary. Some lyceums and elite fee-paying schools of primary and secondary education require a similar document when considering the possibility of admitting a child to study.
  2. For a schoolchild a document can be drawn up upon his or her admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, or when a student ends up in police custody on various matters.
  3. From the student's place of study– during internship, during legal proceedings.
  4. From the student's place of practice Employers usually take such a document when looking for a young specialist.
  5. Transfer from one educational institution to another It is carried out quite rarely, and at the same time they may ask for a student’s characteristics. In this case, the document drawn up may become a reason for refusing the translation.
  6. From the employee's place may require paper in many cases: considering the possibility of granting a loan, during court proceedings, when considering the issue of promotion (in this case, management asks for a paper drawn up by immediate superiors) and in many others.

Such paper is available upon request. It is worth noting that the characteristics must be drawn up correctly. After all, if it can become a reason for making a decision, it is best to be sure that such a document will allow for a correct assessment of personal and professional qualities.

Types of characteristics from the place of work

There are two types of job descriptions:

  1. Internal- drawn up when transferring to another department, when demotion or promotion, when imposing disciplinary sanctions. As a rule, more attention is paid to such a document, since it is easier to verify the authenticity of the information. Typically common in very large organizations.
  2. External– compiled at the request of a third party. The most popular type of document.

Internal and external characteristics contain approximately the same information.

The nuances of compiling a job description at the place of requirement

Depending on which organization requires a characterization, the following nuances of its preparation can be noted:

  1. When applying for a job. When drawing up such a document, special attention is paid to assessing the professional qualities of the employee, his level of training, and responsibility. In addition, it is worth paying attention to his work in a team, since often the existing relationship between employees affects the result of the work. It is worth noting that the previous employer must provide such a document to its employee within three years after his dismissal.
  2. When requested by law enforcement agencies. In this case, special attention should be paid to personal qualities. It is recommended to draw up the document on company letterhead with the specified contact information and legal addresses of the company. In addition to personal qualities, the position held and the date of his employment are indicated. If the request is being made to review a driving license case, in order to assist the employee, the need for a license to fulfill work obligations should be indicated. In this case, the document must necessarily be signed by management and the company seal must be affixed.
  3. Credit organizations. In some cases, a request is made by creditors who are interested, first of all, in the client’s solvency and responsibility. It is these indicators that you should focus on when drawing up the document.
  4. Military registration and enlistment office. Such an organization pays more attention to the assessment of psychological and moral qualities. When making such a request, it should be borne in mind that the words written may determine whether the employee will be called up for service or not (in some cases, the military registration and enlistment office pays attention to the importance of the employee, but we are not talking about conscript service, but about training camps during exercises).

In other cases, the characteristic is written in any form. The employer has the right to note whatever he wants in it.

Structure of registration of characteristics from the place of work

Despite the fact that the document in question can be drawn up in any form, that is, various information is indicated (except for the assessment of the employee’s personal data, which does not relate to his professional activities), The following design standards exist:

  1. Company details, date of document preparation. Within three years after dismissal, the former employee has the right to demand his reference.
  2. Employee profile details.
  3. Assessing the level of professionalism carried out by the immediate superior. In addition, the data that is taken as a basis may include facts of retraining, advanced training courses, and so on.
  4. Description of functional responsibilities and evaluation of their implementation. In many cases, people who hold the same position do different jobs. That is why it is important to note what functional responsibilities the employee performed and how he coped with them.
  5. Personal qualities of the employee Only those that influence his professional activity can be noted: determination, responsibility, dedication. For example, political and religious views should not be displayed in such a document.
  6. Assessing the relationship that the former employee has with the team. In most cases, it is the ability to work in a team that allows you to achieve great results. Otherwise, problems with the quality of work performed will constantly arise for management due to the current situation in the team.

Such information should be indicated in the specification.

Example of a job description - sample

Limited Liability Company "Primer-A"

Address: Mira, st. Mira, 15, office 305, tel. 8 (0000) 000 – 00 – 00.


on Petrov Petr Petrovich

Petrov Petr Petrovich, date of birth April 27, 1976, last place of work - HR department at Primer-A LLC. Total experience in the current position is 6 years.

During his work, he has established himself as a responsible and disciplined employee who can take initiative and make the right decision in matters related to his professional activities and within his competence.

Petr Petrovich took advanced training courses and repeatedly used the acquired skills in solving assigned problems.

The relationship with the team was good, he supported employees during difficult periods, but at the same time adhered to corporate rules and regulations. Repeatedly remained at work after the end of working hours at the verbal request of management to solve problems during a crisis situation.

He was fired at his own request due to a change of residence. The dismissal procedure took place in accordance with accepted standards.


Vasilenko Vasily Vasilievich

A job reference is not a relic of the past and is in demand in many situations. This is a special type of document. However, a single writing sample has not been approved, despite its importance. The characteristic is an assessment of an employee of an enterprise by his immediate supervisor in writing. An employee is characterized according to certain criteria of professional and personal qualities, his career path and participation in the public life of the company are described.

The document can be drawn up at the request of an employee of the enterprise or at the request of external sources. The employer's formal attitude to writing a characteristic deprives it of individuality and does not provide useful information for the addressee.

Basic requirements for characteristics

Personnel officers call the characteristic an “X-ray” of an employee, since it contains the basic qualities of a person (personal and business), professional achievements, gratitude and awards.

When compiling a specification, its purpose is taken into account. If for further career growth, then it should be noted the professional skills and business qualities, the employee’s desire for development. Law enforcement agencies and courts are more interested in a person’s personal qualities.

The document is always drawn up from a third party in the past or present tense (has, graduated), and the employee’s actions should not be commented on. The characteristics should contain a dry presentation of factors, without personal conclusions, assessments and judgments. The compiler must present the information as objectively as possible, excluding emotions and personal attitude towards the employee. Detachment will be the best “adviser” when writing a document.

Rules for drawing up a document

In the process of writing a description, you should adhere to generally accepted rules:

  • Use A4 sheet;
  • You should not use abbreviations when writing personal information about an employee and his position.
  • The main part should contain not only information about career growth in the company, but also various achievements of the person. It is important to highlight the bright moments: working on serious projects, supervising tasks, participating in large-scale events.
  • If during the work the employee improved his qualifications or took specialized courses, then this should be reflected in the document.
  • It is important to adequately assess professional qualities: good knowledge of theory, solving analytical problems, relationships with the team, meeting deadlines, etc.
  • Be sure to indicate personal qualities: the ability to communicate with colleagues and clients, self-control in conflict situations, and help when necessary. The moral and cultural development of a person will not be superfluous.
  • List incentives for good work from managers.

Who draws up and signs

Most often, the characteristics are prepared by the employee’s immediate supervisor. In small companies, where one person oversees the affairs of the organization, he is responsible for compiling the characteristics.

The signature must be placed by the person who compiled the document. If the company has a human resources department, then its representative also signs the reference.

Procedure for compilation

The specification is drawn up on company letterhead, is a document with an individual serial number and is certified by a seal. However, there are no regulations regulating the rules and procedure for its preparation. You can start from GOST R 6.30-2003, which lists the basic rules for filling out and preparing working documents.

The performance characteristics evaluate a person as a professional, taking into account business and personal qualities.

When writing, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Take the organization's letterhead. The document must be on an A4 sheet.
  2. Indicate the date the document was compiled.
  3. Write “Characteristics” in the center.
  4. The words “Issued” are written and the employee’s full name, date of birth and position held are indicated.
  5. The description itself is written.
  6. The final block indicates who compiled the document and in what position. The compiler signs next to his full name. The document is certified by the head of the department or the director of the enterprise.
  7. They put the seal of the organization.
  8. The characteristic is recorded in the documentation log and is assigned a serial number.
  9. One copy (original) is given to the employee or a third party with written permission. A copy is kept in the organization. A sample form is shown in the figure below.

The characteristic consists of several points:

  • Header, header:
  1. Name;
  2. organization;
  3. number when registering the document;
  4. Full name, employee position.
  • Details of the employee for whom the reference is being drawn up. They should be presented in a single paragraph, which comes first.
  1. Full name, date of birth;
  2. education and availability of academic degrees, specialty.
  • Work activity and career growth:
  1. the beginning of arrival at the enterprise, it is allowed to indicate the period of work at previous places;
  2. briefly about career growth - when and to what position you were transferred;
  3. availability of additional education, qualifications, implementation of leading projects and independent work;
  4. significant results of work activity.
  • The presence of awards or penalties. Describe the employee’s achievements (availability of diplomas, titles, own developments).
  • Personal and business qualities of the employee - communication and psychological skills, level of knowledge and professionalism.
  • Purpose of issuing characteristics. In most cases, they indicate “presentation on demand”.
  • Signatures of the company's management team.
  • Indicate the date of issue in the lower left corner. The organization's seal is also placed there.

Difficulties in compiling characteristics

The main difficulty in drawing up characteristics is the lack of clear regulations and strict rules. This type of document is compiled in any form.

When writing a reference for an employee of an enterprise, a personnel officer or manager must show diplomacy and be objective in order to receive a decent text. Before compiling it, it is important to communicate with the employee’s colleagues and immediate superior.

The characterization should not consist of template phrases, since an objective assessment of the person is required. Flattering remarks can harm him.

The HR department employee must evaluate the finished document. If difficulties arise, he has the right to contact a colleague without providing the employee’s personal data.

Assessing employee qualities

The employee’s business and personal qualities, his level of knowledge and experience are highlighted. They can be positive or negative.

Assessment of business qualities


  • the ability to properly organize the work process;
  • completing assigned tasks on time;
  • high quality of work;
  • the fruitful work of subordinates is organized, the quality of completed projects is monitored;
  • showing initiative;
  • established relationships with colleagues and superiors;
  • responsibility;
  • diligence;
  • discipline.


  • disorganization of the labor process;
  • failure to meet project deadlines;
  • low quality of work;
  • there is no ability to organize the work of the team, there is no control over subordinates;
  • lack of initiative;
  • tactlessness towards colleagues, disruption of official chain of command;
  • low level of responsibility or its complete absence;
  • failure to comply with management instructions;
  • violation of labor discipline.

Personality assessment


  • goodwill;
  • communication skills;
  • active participation in public life;
  • enjoys authority.


  • conflict;
  • isolation;
  • avoids participation in corporate events;
  • there is no authority.

Experience and level of knowledge


  • sufficient (good, high) level of professional knowledge;
  • extensive work experience in a position or specialty;
  • having certain skills.


  • insufficient level of knowledge;
  • little work experience;
  • skills in the professional field are not developed.

Types of characteristics

According to the type of application, the characteristics are divided:

  • External - compiled and provided to third parties. The document contains personal data of an employee of the enterprise, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the country. To avoid problems in the future, you must obtain written permission from the employee for whom the reference is being drawn up.

When drawing up an external characteristic, you can ask the employee what points to draw the addressee’s attention to.

  • Internal - used within the enterprise. The document is required when transferring an employee, promoting or rewarding him, as well as imposing a disciplinary sanction.

There are no significant differences between internal and external characteristics. Both types are compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules.

The moments of drawing up internal characteristics must be regulated by acts and documents adopted by the managers of the enterprise and signed by the director. The internal characteristics must contain data on the work done, confirmation of the completion of the assigned tasks within the specified time frame. A plus will be the presence of the employee at production meetings, despite the high workload. When drawing up a negative characteristic, they indicate that the specialist is involved in many projects and spends enough time on their implementation.

But not all work has the positive result expected by management. For example, insufficient time was devoted to a number of important matters. It is appropriate here to list certain tasks that were ignored by the employee.

Positive and negative characteristics of the employee

The characteristic can be positive and negative. In the first case, the employee’s business skills, his professional potential, and positive aspects of his personality are indicated. In the second type, characteristics reflect the employee’s failure as a professional in his field of activity and indicate character traits that prevent effective work in his position.

According to the Labor Code Art. 89 the employee has the right to familiarize himself with the characteristics and attach a written statement with his own point of view on important points.

Where is the characteristic needed?

A positive reference for an employee may be required in the following cases:

  • from a previous place of work for a new employer;
  • admission to a professional or higher educational institution;
  • when awarding;
  • with a planned promotion;
  • transfer to a new position;
  • upgrade;
  • payment of remuneration;
  • awarding certificates and diplomas;
  • loan processing.

Negative characteristics needed:

  • for law enforcement agencies;
  • to court;
  • financial structures;
  • in case of disciplinary action.

Example of a positive testimonial

As mentioned above, the positive characteristics should indicate the employee’s strengths: his professionalism, desire for growth and development, quick learning, etc.

“Full name has 20 years of work experience at the enterprise. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist who competently and rationally solves the production tasks assigned to him. All assigned projects were implemented as efficiently as possible with full dedication, some of which were complex and labor-intensive.

The IO has such qualities as high activity, determination, responsibility for assignments, and dedication. Special mention should be made of his talent for teaching young specialists and his willingness to help his colleagues under any circumstances.

IO has received awards and gratitude many times: certificates from the relevant ministry, gratitude from the management of the enterprise.”

The second example of a positive characteristic: “Full name has been working in the LLC since 2015. During his work, he established himself as a conscientious and competent worker.

A high level of culture and a desire for self-development make the IO a valuable employee who finds a common language with colleagues and superiors. Stress resistance, the ability to quickly resolve conflicts, and communication skills allow him to complete tasks in the shortest possible time. The IO was rewarded several times by the management with certificates and thanks and the information was recorded in the work book.

Hard work and a high level of responsibility distinguish the IO in the work team. During the period of work at the enterprise, he had no penalties or reprimands.”

“Full name worked in the company for 2 years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This was manifested in failure to meet project deadlines, low quality of work, and lack of organization and discipline.

The IO has been subject to disciplinary action several times and has reprimands in his personal file.

The attitude towards the team is disdainful, there is no ability and desire to establish contact with colleagues. Does not provide assistance to new employees, despite direct responsibilities. Constantly rejects offers to participate in public life.”

Another example of a negative description of a junior accountant: “Full name was an employee of StroyGarant CJSC from 2015 to 2016. During this period, the executive officer did not show any special professional qualities; he often refused to perform official work for reasons that were not exculpatory factors.

Despite the desire of the team to get closer to the IO, a common language was not found with him. Numerous cases of rude treatment of clients and colleagues have been recorded. Severe reprimands did not lead to correction of the employee’s behavior. The violations committed were entered into a personal file. Since the attitude towards the work of the IO has not changed, we parted ways with him by mutual agreement.”

Characteristics for specific situations

The purpose of the characteristic will determine its features, which are important to consider when writing it.

Upon dismissal

If an employee moves to a new place of work, the previous manager must include the following items:

  • description of the employee’s business qualities;
  • suitability of the employee for the position held;
  • development of professional qualities.

It will be useful to list personal qualities that are important for a future position: quickly establish contact with others, the ability to eliminate conflict situations, responsibility, initiative, etc.

There are cases when an employer cannot speak positively about an employee, and accordingly fires him. A manager can quite legitimately tell you the nuances of working with a person, even the most unpleasant ones.

A negative characteristic can have a negative impact on the leader or the company. How did a professional hire an untalented employee?

The description indicates any shortcomings of a personal and professional nature: conflict, failure to meet deadlines, inconsistency with the position, violation of internal regulations, etc.

To the judiciary

The document for the court should be given special attention. Robots can send a request for a character reference from the spot in case of a criminal or administrative offense.

The judge uses the information to make a fair decision. The main problem for the manager is the lack of certain requirements from the judiciary. It is difficult to determine what information will be useful to the judge and will not harm the employee of the enterprise. It is better to contact a lawyer and talk with the employee himself. Example of characteristics for the court

Be sure to note that the document is intended for judicial authorities. If the employee has been working for less than six months, then you can request information from the previous place of work.

For the police

Law enforcement agencies are interested in characteristics indicating personal and business qualities. Professional skills will not be valuable information for them.

You can talk about relationships with colleagues, list rewards and penalties for violations, if any. It is important to remember that the statute of limitations for violations of internal regulations is one calendar year. After it, all misconduct should not be included in the description.

Example of characteristics for law enforcement agencies

For awards

Awarding an employee with a distinction requires the preparation of certain documents. Rewards can be for impeccable work, high performance, exemplary moral character, etc.

The reference for the Ministry will be a petition to provide a state award to a valuable employee. When compiling it, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The manager must indicate participation in various projects, contributions to new technologies and innovative developments, participation in conferences and symposiums.

Features characteristics for the award:

  • The purpose of the testimonial is to be nominated for an award. It is important to indicate positive personal qualities and achievements in a certain area. If the award is not related to work activity, then more attention is paid to human qualities: responsiveness, kindness, etc. Information must be objective.
  • Any award is given to people with certain merits, and not just to an executive employee. The legislation establishes a list of these merits.
  • When submitting for an award, the reference may be part of any document (submission, letter of application). Before completing it, you need to understand the forms of submitted documents.

To the military registration and enlistment office

In most cases it is required from educational institutions, but sometimes from the employer. The characteristics indicate relationships in the team, behavior in a conflict situation, and the ability to adapt to new conditions.

What they don't write about in the description

The manager is not limited when drawing up characteristics, but it is worth adhering to the basic rules. The following is prohibited:

  1. Emotionally charged words and insults. Business etiquette does not allow personal relationships.
  2. Incorrect information. The characteristics must contain only reliable information from the place of work. Non-professional qualities are omitted: religiosity, living conditions, political views, nationality, etc.
  3. Violation of the Personal Data Protection Law. The transfer of information should only be with the written consent of the employee.
  4. Grammatical, syntactic, morphological errors. If an error is detected, the characteristic is rewritten.

Violation of the listed requirements makes it possible to appeal the issued document.

When writing characteristics for an employee, organizations take into account many factors: purpose, merits or reprimands, business and professional qualities. If you follow the above recommendations, then there will be no problems with drawing up characteristics. The size of the characteristic depends on the desire of management to list the employee’s merits or penalties.

How to correctly write a reference for an employee?

An employee profile is an officially issued document that evaluates the professional and personal qualities of an employee and describes the employee’s career path and social activities. The characteristics can be compiled at the request of the employee himself or at the request of external sources. So, how to correctly write a reference for an employee?

Types of production characteristics

Despite the fact that the employee reference is a document drawn up on a form, has its own serial number and must be certified by a seal, there are no strict requirements for its preparation in the regulatory legal acts.

The only guideline when writing characteristics is GOST R 6.30-2003, where the general rules for preparing and filling out working documentation are prescribed.

Employee characteristics form.

3. Data on the employee’s work activity and career:

  • start date of work at the enterprise; terms of work in other organizations may also be indicated;
  • brief information about your career - when, where and to what positions you were transferred;
  • obtaining additional education, advanced training, independently completed work, key projects;
  • characteristics of the results of labor activity are the most significant results.

What is primary documentation in accounting, how to properly maintain and store it, you can read

4. Are there penalties and rewards?- in the paragraph you should write all the employee’s achievements (receiving diplomas, achieving titles, the employee’s own developments, and so on).

5. Assessing the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

This paragraph lists psychological and communication skills, the level of his knowledge, and professionalism in a certain field.

7. The characteristics are certified by signatures management team (the signature of one director or head of a division or department is sufficient) and the head of the personnel service.

8. Document issue date is placed at the bottom left, signatures are certified by a seal.

9. One copy of the characteristics is transferred to the employee or third parties(if authorized in writing by the employee), and the second (copy) remains in the organization.

Sample characteristics for an employee:

The employee profile must contain exclusively reliable information, and the assessment of his personal, professional and other qualities must be objective and impartial.

You can find out how to write a character reference correctly and what types of letters of recommendation there are in the following video: