Lectures charter of the organization of higher education. About Professors and their positions

Chapter I.

About the University in general.

§ 1. The Imperial Moscow University is the highest scientific class, established for the teaching of sciences. It prepares youth for entry into various ranks of the Civil Service.

§ 2. The University, enjoying the Highest patronage, is under the main leadership of the Minister of Public Education, and under the special jurisdiction of that of the Members of the Main School Board to whom its care is entrusted.

§ 3. The University is composed of: 1) Ordinary and Extraordinary Professors teaching in the sciences, who, according to the difference in sciences, are divided into Faculties or Departments; 2) Adjuncts; 3) Masters; 4) Students using University instructions; and 5) Teachers of languages, pleasant arts and gymnastic exercises.

§ 4. Professors of all departments and Adjuncts, chaired by the Rector, constitute the Council, or general meeting of the University. It houses the educational part of the University and its District.

§5. The University has its own Board; Its Chairman is the Rector, and its Members are the Deans of faculties. They are joined by an indispensable Assessor appointed by the Trustee from among the Ordinary Professors. The Board is entrusted with the entire economic part of the University.

§ 6. The board is entrusted with justice and reprisals between ranks belonging to the University, and when resolving litigation there is also an Official elected by the University from his class, with the title of Syndic.

§ 7. The University must have: 1) Teaching aids; 2) Teachers or Pedagogical Institute; 3) Medical Clinical Institute; 4) Surgical Clinical Institute; 5) Institute of Midwifery Art.

§ 8. The University has a Printing House and its own Censorship for all printed works published by its Members and in its District, as well as for books it subscribes for its own use from foreign lands.

§ 9. In addition to this, the University is not prohibited from maintaining from the economic sum the Academic Gymnasium, which was annexed to it in the first foundation of the University, as well as the noble pension, subsequently established, in which noble young men are brought up at the expense of their parents.

§ 10. Yaroslavl higher sciences The school, founded at the request and at the expense of the State Councilor and Cavalier Demidov, is directly under the jurisdiction and patronage of the Council or general meeting of Moscow University.

§ 11. The special advantage of the University is the compilation in the depths of it learned societies, both practicing Russian and ancient literature, and those engaged in the dissemination of experimental and accurate sciences, based on reliable principles (exactes). The university can help them by printing their works and periodical works at the expense of an economic sum.

§ 12. The University will not refuse to contribute to the wishes of benefactors of education who have appointed or may continue to assign maintenance for indigent Students. Such pupils are distinguished by the name of their benefactors as long as they are supported by them, and the University will use all means in its power to express due gratitude to the benefactors in the face of society.

Chapter II.

About the Rector.

§ 13. The Rector of the University is elected annually by a general meeting of Ordinary Professors and is presented to the Main School Board through the Minister of Public Education for the Highest approval.

§ 14. He is elected two months before the end of the course; and from the day of approval he is allowed to be present on the Board not in order to cast his vote, but so that he can first learn the current state of affairs.

§ 15. The Rector, as the Head of the University and the guardian of the improvement, has the right to preside over all meetings and Committees and is responsible for the deanery in all parts, for the internal order of the University, for the preservation and execution of the Statutes and orders of the Minister and the Trustee, as well as for the correction of positions by all and each of those located at the University and subject to its management.

§ 16. The Rector in the University Council and in all places where he presides has one vote, which, however, will decide in the event of a tie. This excludes cases in which the person himself is subject to an answer.

§ 17. He prints out all the packages sent to the University, the Board and the Council, receives reports from the Gymnasiums on all subjects related to the educational and economic management of the Schools located in the University District, and reports on the state of the University and Schools monthly to the Trustee.

§ 18. In cases of importance, concerning the good of the entire University and those impatient with time, the Rector himself takes the necessary measures, about which, however, at the first ordinary, or, judging by the importance, at an extraordinary Meeting, he notifies the Members of the University Board, in order to issue further orders.

§ 19. Since the Rector is especially obliged to maintain order and decorum in everything belonging to the University, in emergency cases he has the right to demand help from the military or civil authorities.

§ 20. The rector keeps the large University seal.

§ 21. The Rector has the right to give permission to students who are not included in the list to listen to lectures, but not otherwise than upon prior notification of the Professor whose lectures the listener wishes to use.

§ 22. The rector, when resigning from this title, makes a decent speech in a solemn meeting, and the new one, taking on this title, also makes a speech.

§ 23. In case of illness of the Rector or his absence, he is replaced by the vice-rector or one of the professors, as elected by the Council.

Chapter III.

About Professors and their positions.

§ 24. The academic class of Moscow University consists of four Departments or Faculty.

I. The Department of Moral and Political Sciences consists of:

1) Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology.

2) Interpretations of Holy Scripture and Church History.

3) Speculative and Practical Philosophy.

4) Rights: Natural, Political and Popular.

5) Rights of Civil and Criminal Proceedings in the Russian Empire.

6) The rights of the most noble peoples, both ancient and modern.

7) Diplomacy and Political Economy.

II. The Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences consists of:

1) Professor of theoretical and experimental physics.

2) Pure Mathematics.

3) Applied Mathematics.

4) Astronomer-observer.

6) Botanists.

7) Mineralogy and rural economics.

8) Technologies and sciences related to trade and factories.

III. Department of Medical or Health Sciences:

1) Professor of Anatomy, Physiology and Forensic Medicine.

2) Pathology, Therapy and Clinics.

3) Medical Substance, Pharmacy and Medical Literature.

4) Surgery.

5) Midwifery art.

6)Catholic treatment.

IV. Department of Verbal Sciences:

1) Professor of Eloquence, Poetry and Russian Language.

2) Greek language and Greek literature.

3) Antiquities and the Latin language.

4) World History, Statistics and Geography.

5) History, Statistics and Geography of the Russian State.

6) Eastern languages.

7) Theories of fine arts and Archaeology.

In addition: 12 Adjuncts, 3 Lecturers or Teachers of the languages ​​of French, German and English, 3 Teachers of the pleasant arts and Gymnastic exercises.

§ 25. In the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, The university will have a special department Natural History, called Demidovskaya, so that part of the income from the capital brought to the benefit of Moscow University by the benefactor of sciences Pavel Grigorievich Demidov would be used for its maintenance.

§ 26. Although in this way the number of Professors and Adjuncts is limited, however, if the University Council has the opportunity to acquire a glorious and excellent teaching husband, or if among natural Russians there are young people in any science who have only succeeded in submitting printed or handwritten works and by reading lectures on a given subject, he certifies that for the benefit of the University they can take the place of an Adjunct, in which case it is allowed to join the University, and the Council, through the Trustee, submits the acceptance of each to the Minister of Public Education and awaits a decision.

§ 27. Each Department has its own Elder or Dean, elected annually by the general university meeting, from among the emeritus or ordinary professors, and the elected one is presented through the Trustee for approval by the Minister of Public Education. The election of Deans is done at the same time as the election of the Rector.

§ 28. Main position Professorship consists of: 1) Teaching courses in the best and most understandable way, and combining theory with practice in all sciences in which this is needed; 2) When teaching instructions, supplement your courses with new discoveries made in other European countries; 3) Be present at meetings and tests; 4) Guiding the Adjuncts, give them a way to achieve the highest degree of perfection.

§ 29. Each Professor for lecturing chooses a book of his own composition, or of another famous learned man; in both cases, the selected essay must be submitted to the Council for consideration, and if the Council finds it necessary to make any changes in it, then the Professor, having made these, must submit it to the Council for approval.

§ 30. Each Professor must arrange his teaching so that his course is completed within the time prescribed by the Council, and so that he can begin another at the appointed time.

§ 31. In addition to the main courses mentioned above, in any Department the General Assembly of the University may appoint additional ones, depending on the circumstances, and entrust the teaching of them to Extraordinary Professors and Associates, or Masters.

§ 32. All Professors teaching instruction related to subjects of the Pedagogical Institute are required to devote one hour a week to instructing Candidates.

§ 33. Professors who, due to lack of students or for any reason, cannot continue their courses, must inform the Rector in general meeting what kind of useful work they intend to do; or the General Assembly, depending on the needs, itself assigns appropriate work to them: in both cases they give a report to the General Assembly. Such exercises mainly include traveling through the Astronomical and Physical sections, and for viewing the Schools located in the District of the University.

Chapter IV.

About Adjuncts and their positions.

§ 34. Adjuncts are assistants to Professors, under whose guidance they try to achieve to a greater extent perfection, and Professors are required to take part in all practical works.

§ 35. Adjuncts have the right to attend general meetings and cast votes on academic subjects, but do not have participation in elections.

§ 36. In case of illness of the Professor or legal absence, the council appoints one of the Adjuncts to continue lectures.

§ 37. Teaching instruction in Pedagogical Institute Adjuncts will be charged with special work, and with the permission of the Council they can also teach their sciences in University classrooms.

§ 38. Adjuncts in private Assemblies fill the position of Secretary and have the right to submit their opinion.

§ 39. The Council, at the proposal of the Rector, honors four of the twelve Adjuncts by diligence over others who have distinguished themselves and demonstrated their knowledge by teaching courses and writings, by standing for Extraordinary Professors; and when, upon the recommendation of the Trustee, they are confirmed in the rank of Minister of Public Education, then, upon the consideration of the Trustee, they receive an increase in salary, which the economic amount will allow.

Chapter V

About Honorary Members.

§ 40. The University awards the title of Honorary Members to men who are famous for their teaching and talents, both natural Russians and foreigners.

§ 41. The benefit of the University requires it to be in relations with learned societies, and for this purpose the Council in foreign States associates four of its Honorary Members with this title, so that one of them belongs to each Faculty. the board of selectmen submits it to management for approval.

§ 42. These four Honorary Members, taking advantage of a pension from the University of 200 rubles per year, correspond with him, provide him with information about new sciences, inventions, and correct the assignments of the University regarding the assignment of subjects related to the sciences.

§ 44-46. Honorary Members attend general meetings with voting rights.

Chapter. VI.

About the University Council and Meetings.

§ 47. Ordinary and emeritus Professors constitute the University Council or General Assembly, the Chairman of which is the Rector.

§ 48. The University Council is the highest authority in educational and judicial matters.

§ 49-53. Ordinary meetings must take place every month. The Council's determinations are invalid if they were made in the absence of the rector or, due to his illness, the vice-rector and if more than half of the regular professors were absent. Members who do not appear at the Council must submit to the secretary a notice of the reason for their absence, which is recorded in a special book. Every half-year the Council sends to the Trustee "a general report on all subjects relating to the education of the University and the Schools of its District." and after a year presents a “full statement”. Once a year, the board reviews the accounts of the cashier and accountant and submits them to the Trustee.

§ 54. The subjects of general meetings are:

1. Election of Professors, Honorary Members, Adjuncts and identification of people capable of teaching instruction at the University, Gymnasiums and district schools of his District.

2. Finding ways to improve the teaching of science at the University and in the Schools of its District.

3. Establishment of the order of time and the order of courses at the University so that the sciences follow in their natural connection, and students during this time could use all the instructions that are needed for their future title. This arrangement is renewed annually.

4. Annual test of the successes and abilities of students.

5. Listening to suggestions from superiors and everything that the Rector has to say general reasoning offers.

6. Consideration of litigation cases transferred from the Board.

§ 55. In addition to the above-mentioned meetings, every month there is a special Meeting in which Professors and Honorary Members, chaired by the Rector, discuss writings, new discoveries, experiments, observations and research, the Rector or one of the Members proposed.

§ 56. The Council annually proposes a task serving the dissemination of science, with a promise for a satisfactory solution of a reward commensurate with the importance of the task, following the custom adopted in foreign Universities and Academies, and observing the queue between Faculties; but the proposed tasks and the promised reward are first submitted for approval by the Minister of Public Education.

§ 57. After testing the students, the University annually holds a solemn Assembly, in which works related to science and literature, and previously examined and approved by the Faculties concerned, must be read. At these Meetings, a task is proposed for solution and the opinion of the Council is announced on the answers received to the question proposed two years ago; The names of those awarded the degree are proclaimed. The rector presents them with diplomas, awards to students appointed by the Council, with proper notice of the successes and morality of each.

§ 58-59. The very order of the meetings is regulated in detail.

§ 60. When the position of Professor becomes vacant, then each Professor of the Department to which he belonged, no earlier than a month later, submits to the Rector the name of the candidate whom he considers worthy to occupy it, his essays, if the candidate is outside Russia or not in Moscow , and the reasons serving as the basis for the presentation. Submissions submitted by Members are read at the General Meeting and stored in the Council. If the Candidate is in Moscow, then he is obliged to present to the Council his essays, a general discussion about the science in question, about its subjects, about its scope, successes, about its current state, the most convenient way to teach it and various Writers who have best explained items related to it.

§ 61. The Council determines a reasonable amount of time for reviewing essays and collecting information about the Candidate’s morality; after this, the Rector appoints an emergency meeting to elect a council about the elected, first submits it to the Trustee and awaits the approval of the Minister of Public Education.

§ 62. The same procedure is observed in the election of Adjuncts. Natural Russians, who have the necessary knowledge and qualities, should be preferred to foreigners.

§ 63. Faculties have their own private Meetings chaired by the Rector or Dean: ordinary, once a month, and extraordinary at the invitation of the Rector or Dean, as often as the need requires.

§ 64. Private Assemblies in meetings, observing the same order as is prescribed for general ones, have as their subject: 1) the annual arrangement of the system, order and hours of teaching the sciences related to the Faculties; 2) testing those seeking to acquire the virtues to which the University has the right to build; 3) consideration of the Speeches prepared for reading in ceremonial Assemblies, and the merits of the essays that will be submitted for publication by the University; 4) selection of tasks with a promise of reward for solving and judgment on the answers sent; 5) consideration of the use of amounts determined for institutions related to Faculties; 6) everything that the Dean, by appointment of the Rector or of his own accord, proposes to the Faculty.

§ 65. Determinations or resolutions of each Faculty are submitted to the consideration of the General Assembly, which can approve them, or make changes to them as it pleases.

§ 66. The lecture schedules of each Faculty, submitted to the Rector through the Dean, the Council agrees with each other, and draws up a general schedule of University teaching for the next year, which is submitted to the Trustee for approval in advance and before the start of lectures.

§ 67. The time of rest from university work occurs twice: the first from June 30 to August 17, and the second from December 24 lasts until January 8.

§ 68. All requests for the dismissal of Professors and other officials elected by the General Assembly must be submitted to the Rector and submitted to the Council, which, upon request from the petitioners in office, submits a proper report about them to the authorities. A leave of absence not exceeding twenty-eight days (which is allowed only for the most necessary circumstances of the applicant) is granted by the Council itself, and the Board provides the permission for such absence.

§ 69. The council has the duty to remove from office all officials, depending on its choice, who are negligent in their positions, who violate order by disobedience to their superiors, or who commit any unforgivable offenses; but he must proceed to this only after a preliminary study by the University Board and according to a verdict that would be approved by two-thirds of the votes. The verdict thus made is presented to the authorities for consideration.

§ 70. The University Council refers to the Governing Senate, the Minister and its Trustee with reports or representations. Sends extracts from the journals of meetings to individuals and classes belonging to it, secured by the Secretary of the Council; to persons and places of subordination, instructions signed by the Rector or one of the members and the Secretary.

From Chapter VIII.

About the University Library.

§ 77. The librarian is elected by the General Assembly from the Ordinary Professors, and his assistant from the Associates or Masters. He has a scribe from among his pupils.

§ 82. The University Library may store all printed and handwritten works that, in the opinion of the Faculties and the Librarian, are necessary. But since not only Professors, but the entire public can use this Librarian, unlimited permission for this is left only to Professors and Adjuncts, and for others, the Censorship must note those books that it considers tempting and harmful in catalogs and on title pages, and to no one , except for Professors and Adjuncts, they are allowed to read.

Chapter. IX.

About testing and production in University positions.

§ 96. Those elevated to any University dignity must be tested.

§ 97. The test is carried out under the chairmanship of the Dean of the Department to which the applicant for University dignity belongs by type of Science, and varies depending on the degree he requires.

§ 98. During the Master's and Doctoral examinations, two Members of the University Council, elected by lot, must be present in the person of deputies of other Departments.

§ 99. A student demanding the degree of Candidate appears before the Dean, who, having notified the Department, appoints a day on which he must appear before the Assembly. The department, through its Dean, offers the subject tasks related to the Sciences belonging to the department, which he must explain in writing. Then an oral test is carried out, consisting of two questions related to the main Science in which the student practiced, and chosen by lot. He will solve these questions verbally, after which those present do an arbitrary verbal test, not excluding the Auxiliary Sciences.

§ 100. For those seeking Master's or Doctoral dignity, the Dean, before the public test, having invited two Professors teaching auxiliary Sciences, makes a preliminary examination with them, and the success of this refers to his Department, which is unable, based on the report of the Dean, to refuse the public test Maybe.

§ 101. Public tests for obtaining the two highest University honors are carried out as follows: from a certain number of questions written and kept secret, relating to each particular Science, to the Department belonging to, two questions are chosen by lot for the Master and four for the Doctor, which they must decide thoroughly and in detail. This is followed by a random verbal test in other subjects assigned by the examiners. Then they must decide in writing the same number and also by lot of selected issues and in the presence of a Member of the Branch in a convenient place. With these tests the Department combines practical experiments according to the nature of Science, such as: subject Faculty of Medicine determines the illness presented to him in Clinical Institute, or in a city hospital for an ill person, prescribes medications and predicts their effects. The chemist examines and determines the constituent parts of the body given to him and the like.

§ 102. After these tests, the one seeking Master's dignity reads one, and Doctor's three in a row public lectures on subjects from the Department appointed, and submits a dissertation to him for defense in the public Assembly.

§ 103. If the submitted essay is not worthy of respect by a majority vote, or when, during the course of the test by a majority vote, the subject’s knowledge turns out to be insufficient, then the Faculty, having rejected him, may not allow him to appear for a second test until a year later.

§ 104. The Faculty of Medicine is obliged to observe the greatest severity and extreme caution when testing those wishing to receive the dignity of Master or Doctor in the Department of Medical Science.

§ 106. Following the general rule, Master's and Doctoral disputes must take place in Latin language; but the Department, for reasons related to scholarship, can allow them in Russian at the request of the subject.

§ 107. In public defenses of dissertations after outside competitors, the oppositions are made by three Professors of the same Faculty according to seniority, and the success of this test is reported to the University Council.

§ 108. Those who wish to be awarded the title of Physician and Pharmacist, as well as midwives, may require an examination from the Medical Department, and upon being awarded the University they receive the right to practice freely. A doctor and a pharmacist who have passed the test prescribed by candidates are considered in the 12th grade, and midwives receive a certificate with permission to teach their art in the villages and the right to take the position of a county midwife.

Chapter X.

About students in general.

§ 109. No one can be admitted to the University as a Student without having necessary knowledge for listening to courses taught at the University.

§ 110. Anyone wishing to use them must submit to the University Board a certificate of his condition, and a certificate from the Director of the Gymnasium on behavior, diligence and success in the sciences taught there; Others who have studied outside the Gymnasium must be tested in the Committee, appointed by the Rector, in languages ​​and the basic principles of the necessary sciences, and with the certificate they receive about the knowledge, they appear on the Board.

§ 111. The board, having examined the evidence, if it does not find any obstacles, includes the applicant in the list of students of those Departments whose course must be taken, and gives a copy of the University Regulations, the duties of which show it.

§ 112. Among the sciences taught at the University, there are those that must be learned by all who wish to be useful to themselves and the Fatherland, no matter what kind of life and what service they choose, and for this purpose he can only transfer to the main Department of sciences corresponding to the future state who attended the preparatory sciences.

§ 113. A student who has completed the necessary courses for all sciences and wishes to leave the University receives a certificate at the solemn Assembly, signed by the Board, with the seal of the University attached. The certificate must show how long he has used the University Regulations, include the certificates of the Professors from whom he attended lectures, and a certificate of his behavior.

§ 114. If any of the students, after listening to the preparatory courses in any of the sciences belonging to the Departments, achieves such that he is able to appear for testing and prove knowledge in it corresponding to the degrees to which the University has the right to raise : he can demand a test and receive the degree he deserves with his successes. Likewise, those who, without studying at the University, acquired knowledge elsewhere, can submit themselves to the test and receive a degree corresponding to their knowledge.

Chapter XI.

About the inspector and government students.

§ 115. The inspector of government students is elected from the Ordinary Professors by the General Assembly.

§ 116. He is the guardian of order and decorum of this society; He, visiting the chambers of pupils, attracts careless ones to office with admonitions, and tries to arouse diligence in learning.

§ 117. For students dependent on the University, admission is made once a year before the start of courses; in their choice, the advantage is given to the poor when they have all the necessary knowledge to listen to the Professor's instructions.

§ 118. At the end of the courses, there is an annual test in general meetings, and those who have distinguished themselves by good character and success are awarded medals, which the council will assign according to their success.

§ 119. If one of the students, after studying for a year, does not show such success during the test that he can be transferred higher, then he must listen to the same instructions again; and if at the next test his success is still insufficient, then the Board releases him from the University with only a certificate of his behavior.

§ 120. Students who have completed a three-year study and have taken the necessary courses to continue their studies in any Department (if they wish to remain at the University), can continue their studies with the rank of Candidates and are sent to the position of repeaters after proper testing.

§ 121. From among the Candidates or Masters, the Council elects for the Inspector two assistants who live together with the students and have a common table with them. They, having supervision over the behavior of students, over the use of time outside of classes and over everything that relates to the order and arrangement in the rooms, submit monthly statements to the Inspector about the behavior of the students entrusted to each of them; insolence and seductive actions are immediately reported to the Inspector, who certifies on the spot, takes appropriate measures, or refers to the Rector, and the act or deed itself is entered into a special book, and during the annual test, presenting it to the Council, testifies to the behavior of everyone.

§ 122. It is desirable that Professors of some sciences, especially Verbal, Philosophical and Legal, establish conversations with students in which, offering them objects for oral explanation, they would correct their judgments and the very way of expression, and would teach them to thoroughly and freely express their thoughts, and in order to remain at the University of Latin Literature, it is desirable that in these conversations we use predominantly the Latin language.

§ 123. Teachers of languages, pleasant arts and gymnastic exercises teach government students without pay, and from their own money they receive a moderate fee, appointed by the University Council.

§ 124. Students, when discussing morality and behavior, comply with the rules of deanery, drawn up by the University Council and submitted for approval by the authorities.

Chapter XIII.

About the University Board.

§ 134. The Board of the University, chaired by the Rector, is composed of the Deans of the Faculties. They are joined by an indispensable Assessor appointed by the Trustee from among the Ordinary Professors.

§ 135. The Permanent Assessor is the closest assistant to the Rector in matters pertaining to the Board and the University Court. He takes great care that order is maintained in the administration of current affairs, laws are preserved and useful and experience-approved decisions are unshakable, otherwise, making a decent presentation to the Rector, he informs the Trustee.

§ 136. The Board meets, at the invitation of the Rector, as often as circumstances require; and in the discussion of current affairs it has a meeting twice a week, on days and times to be determined after the election of the Rector and Deans.

§ 137. The Board comprises the executive power of the University, deals with the internal structure of the University and the deanery, and communicates with others Government places on matters related to the University.

§ 138. The Board of the University in its department has an amount allocated for the maintenance of the University; is responsible for its integrity, manages it in accordance with the Highest approved staff, makes contracts, agreements and issues, observing the order prescribed by general laws, and reviews the accounts of all officials who are entrusted with private expenses.

Chapter XIV.

About the University Court.

§ 146. The Rector, as Chairman of the University Board, has the duty to end displeasure and quarrels between University Officials peacefully; but if he does not succeed in this, then he accepts the position of judge and constitutes the first instance of the University.

§ 147. All complaints and investigations related to students are made verbally from the Rector. But in other cases, he conducts the proceedings in the prescribed manner by law, using for advice the indispensable Assessor, as his closest assistant in all matters, the Syndic, and for the written proceedings of the Secretary and Officials of the Board.

§ 148. The rector gives decisive determinations, which are not subject to any appeal and are executed in the following cases:

1) For complaints in a monetary amount not exceeding 15 rubles.

2) For offenses and insults, for which university laws only subject to reprimand or imprisonment for no more than three days.

§ 149. In cases more important than the previous ones, the Rector may take measures to reconcile the litigants, if the laws allow. But if his efforts are unsuccessful, then the petitioner submits a petition to the Board and the matter is carried out in accordance with the law.

§ 150. Cases and complaints concerning Professors, Adjuncts and other University Officials are submitted to the Board.

§ 151. In doubtful and important matters The Board invites one or two Professors of Law, and together with them makes a decision by majority vote.

§ 152. The syndik, during the proceedings in the board of litigation, considers them with State laws and prepares them for decision. He has an advisory voice.

§ 153. Complaints may also be brought to the Board against the Rector; but in order to maintain due respect for the Rector, the Board, if it finds the complaint unfair, has the right to impose a fine on the petitioner in favor of the poor up to 25 rubles; and in the case of a fair complaint, submits its conclusion to the Trustee for consideration and awaits his decision.

§ 154. The verdicts of the Board are immediately executed and there are no appeals:

1) For complaints for which the claim does not exceed 50 rubles.

2) For misdemeanors of Students, for which the established punishment according to the University Rules does not exceed fourteen days’ imprisonment.

3) For complaints against University Officials, whose investigation will result in a reprimand or a fine not exceeding 24 rubles.

4) For complaints against University or University officials belonging to ministers, regarding the punishment that will be imposed for the maintenance of decency.

§ 155. The insolence of Students, causing obvious temptation, is subject to investigation by the Board, at least they are followed by mild satisfaction with the world.

§ 156. In all other cases, litigants, having received at their request a copy of the decision announced by the Board, if they are not satisfied with the decision, have the right to submit an appeal to the University Council, no later than eight days, counting from the date of announcement of this decision, and in this case, execution according to determination of the Board is postponed until the decision of the Council.

Chapter XV.

On the management and supervision of schools.

§ 163. The University, having supervision over the teaching and education in the Provinces, the District of its constituent parts, makes special and tireless care so that Gymnasiums, district and parish Schools, wherever they are supposed to be, are established and equipped with knowledgeable and well-behaved Teachers and teaching aids, and so that we observe the order of teaching everywhere unflaggingly.

§ 164. The University for each Province of its District, electing the Provincial Director of Schools, submits him, through the Main School Board, for approval to the Minister; The University elects and appoints supervisors for district or district Schools, as well as Teachers in the Gymnasium and other Schools directly, or on the proposal of the Provincial Directors of the Schools.

§ 165. For the most convenient handling of affairs related to the Schools, a School Committee is established, annually, by determination of the Council, composed, under the chairmanship of the Rector, of six Ordinary Professors.

§ 166. The School Committee receives all reports from the Directors of the Gymnasiums, supplies them with the requested permissions and resolutions, selects from them in the event of any disorder the necessary explanations, and if they are unable to take decisive measures, submits its opinion to the general meeting of professors.

§ 168. The Committee submits annually to the Council detailed image tests, conditions, in what teaching is the increment of methods public education and the shortcomings that stop it. The University Council, having considered this report, forwards it to the Trustee for the same presentation to the Minister of Public Education.

§ 169. The Council annually sends Visitors from members of the Committee or other Professors, assigning each one or two local provinces for inspection, and provides travel money from the amount allocated by the state. The visitors, having fulfilled all the articles of their instruction and adding their own comments, present a description of the inspection to the school Committee, which, after drawing up a general systematic extract from them, submits its opinion to the general meeting, and it is duly brought to the attention of the Authorities.

Chapter XVI.

About printing and censorship of books.

§ 178. The University has its own printing house, which is owned by the Board, entrusting it to the supervision or maintenance of reliable people.

§ 179. The University Printing House should print primarily books related to the sciences taught at the University and in the Schools of its District, and everything that the Board or Council of the University finds necessary for the dissemination of the sciences.

§ 182. The only things not subject to censorship are what is printed by determination of the University Council or Board, and books submitted for review by the Spiritual Authority.

§ 187. The University and the Professors separately write out without hindrance all works of whatever content they may be; but the Censorship Committee is obliged to review those of them that are assigned to the University Library, and inform the Librarian for remark if they find them seductive or harmful.

50. A higher education institution has autonomy and is responsible for its activities to each student, society and the state.

Autonomy refers to the degree of self-government that a higher education institution needs to effective adoption decisions regarding its statutory activities.

Higher management educational institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Model Regulations, the charter of a higher educational institution and an agreement with the founder on the principles of a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

51. The charter of a higher educational institution, changes and (or) additions to it are adopted by the general meeting (conference) of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students and approved by the founder.

The procedure for electing delegates to the general meeting (conference) of a higher educational institution is determined by the academic council with the participation of all categories of employees, students and members of public organizations. At the same time, members of the academic council should make up no more than 50 percent total number delegates.

A higher educational institution must create conditions for all employees and students to familiarize themselves with the current charter, proposals made for its amendment or addition, and for free discussion of these proposals.

52. A higher educational institution, changes and (or) additions made to its charter are subject to registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2002 N 731)

(see text in the previous edition)

53. The general management of a higher educational institution is carried out by an elected representative body- Academic Council.

ConsultantPlus: note.

The academic council of a state or municipal higher educational institution also includes the president, if such a position is provided for by the charter of the university (Federal Law of July 18, 2006 N 113-FZ).

On the issue regarding the procedure for electing the president of the university, see the letter of the Federal Agency for Education dated September 21, 2006 N 18-02-10/09.

The Academic Council includes the rector, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, and also, by decision of the academic council, deans of faculties. Other members of the academic council are elected general meeting(conference) of a higher educational institution by secret ballot.

The number of members of the academic council is determined by the charter of the higher education institution. The standards for representation in the academic council from structural divisions of a higher educational institution and students are determined by the academic council.

Representatives of structural units and students are considered elected to the academic council or recalled from it if more than 50 percent of those present at the general meeting (conference) vote for them, with at least two-thirds present payroll delegates. The composition of the academic council is announced by order of the rector of the higher educational institution.

In the event of dismissal (expulsion) from a higher educational institution of a member of the academic council, he automatically leaves the academic council.

The term of office of the academic council cannot exceed 5 years. Early re-elections of members of the academic council are carried out at the request of at least half of its members, as well as in cases provided for by the charter of a higher educational institution.

54. A higher education institution may create boards of trustees and other boards in various areas of activity. The procedure for the creation and operation, composition and powers of these councils are determined by the charter of the higher educational institution or regulations adopted by the academic council of the higher educational institution.

55. The charter of a higher educational institution being created or reorganized before the formation of the academic council is approved by the executive body under whose jurisdiction it is located for a period of no more than 1 year. The rector of such a higher educational institution is hired by the relevant executive authority under an employment contract for the same period.

56. Direct management of the activities of a higher educational institution is carried out by the rector.

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the issue concerning the procedure for electing rectors of state and municipal higher educational institutions, see Federal Law No. 113-FZ of July 18, 2006.

The rector of a higher education institution is elected by secret ballot at a general meeting (conference) for a period of up to 5 years based on the results of discussion of the programs of applicants (applicant) for the position of rector or the report of the current rector. The election procedure is established by the charter of the higher education institution.

Approval of a candidate elected to the position of rector is carried out by the executive body in charge of the higher education institution, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education.

If there is a vacant position of rector, the performance of his duties is assigned to one of the vice-rectors by an act of the executive body under whose jurisdiction the higher education institution is located.

The timing and procedure for the election of the rector, the procedure for nominating candidates for the position of rector and the requirements for them are determined by the academic council of the higher education institution.

The powers of the academic council and the rector are determined by the charter of the higher education institution.

Combining the position of rector with another paid leadership position (except for scientific and scientific-methodological leadership) inside or outside a higher educational institution is not permitted. The rector cannot perform his duties part-time.

The rector of a higher educational institution, within the limits of his powers, issues orders and regulations that are binding on all employees and students.

57. The rector, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, determines job responsibilities employees of higher education institutions.

Vice-rectors are hired under an employment agreement (contract), the expiration date of which coincides with the expiration date of the rector’s powers.

The distribution of responsibilities between vice-rectors and other management employees is established by order of the rector of a higher educational institution, which is brought to the attention of the entire staff of the higher educational institution.

58. In the structural divisions of a higher educational institution, by decision of the academic council, elected representative bodies - academic councils (councils) can be created. The procedure for creation and operation, composition and powers of the academic council (council) of a structural unit are determined by the academic council of the higher educational institution.

59. The faculty is headed by a dean, elected in the manner determined by the charter of a higher educational institution, the academic council of a higher educational institution or the academic council (council) of a structural unit by secret ballot from among the most qualified and authoritative employees of a higher educational institution who have an academic degree or title, and confirmed in office by order of the rector.

60. The department is headed by a head elected in the manner determined by the charter of a higher educational institution, the academic council of a higher educational institution or the academic council (council) of a structural unit by secret ballot from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists in the relevant profile, who, as a rule, have an academic degree or title, and confirmed in position by order of the rector.

ConsultantPlus: note.

In a state or municipal higher educational institution, by decision of its academic council, agreed with the executive body or executive administrative body of the city district under whose jurisdiction such higher educational institution is located, the position of president of the higher educational institution may be established (Federal Law of July 18, 2006 N 113-FZ).

On the issue concerning the procedure for electing the president of the university, his status and powers, see the letter of the Federal Agency for Education dated April 10, 2007 N 18-10/174.

61. The positions of rector, vice-rectors, head (director) of a branch of a higher educational institution and deans of faculties can be filled by persons who meet the requirements for this position in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Persons who no longer meet these requirements are dismissed from their positions and transferred, with their consent, to other positions corresponding to their qualifications.

Upon the recommendation of the academic council of a higher educational institution, the executive body under whose jurisdiction it is located has the right to establish an individual term of office for the rector in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education.

For other leadership positions, an individual term may be set by the rector upon the recommendation of the academic council of the higher education institution.

dated December 29, 2006 N 836


dated 05/28/2014 N 485)

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached charter of the federal state research institution "Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation".

2. Establish from January 1, 2007 the maximum staffing level of employees of the federal state research institution "Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation" in the amount of 253 units.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2013 N 919)

3. Lost power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50.

4. To recognize as invalid:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1994 N 255 “Issues of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation” (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 14, Art. 1106);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 2, 2003 N 393 “On introducing amendments to the Charter of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of advanced training” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 27, Art. 2814);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2004 N 745 “On amendments to the Charter of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 50, Art. 5077);

from January 1, 2007, order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2005 N 1277-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 35, Art. 3626).

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation


(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50,
dated 08/15/2012 N 835, dated 04/08/2013 N 315,
dated 10/12/2013 N 919, dated 03/29/2014 N 252,
dated 05/28/2014 N 485)

I. General provisions

1. The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is a scientific organization in the form of a federal state research budgetary institution.

2. Names of the Institute:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

a) in Russian:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

full - federal state research institution "Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation";

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

abbreviated - Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, IZiSP;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

b) in English:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

full - Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation;

abbreviated as ILCL.

3. The Institute is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, personal accounts in territorial body Federal Treasury and accounts for accounting for transactions with funds carried out in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its full name, stamps and forms necessary for carrying out activities.

The Institute, on its own behalf, enters into contracts, makes transactions, acquires property and personal non-property rights, bears obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Institute has the right of operational management of federally owned separate property.

(clause 3 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

4. The founder and owner of the property of the Institute is the Russian Federation.

The functions and powers of the founder on behalf of the Russian Federation in relation to the Institute are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Certain functions and powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for State Property Management in accordance with the boundaries established by this charter.

The functions and powers of the owner of the Institute’s property are exercised by the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Control over the activities of the Institute in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for State Property Management.

(clause 4 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

4(1). The Government of the Russian Federation carries out following functions and powers of the founder:

a) approval of the Institute’s charter, as well as amendments to it;

b) conclusion and termination of an employment contract with the director of the Institute;

c) approval of the state task for the provision of public services (performance of work) (hereinafter referred to as the state task) in accordance with the main types of activities provided for in this charter;

d) - e) are no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2014 N 252;

f) making decisions on the creation and liquidation of branches of the Institute, on the opening and closing of its representative offices;

g) making a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the Institute;

h) implementation of other functions and powers of the founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(clause 4(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

4(2). The Government of the Russian Federation may entrust the execution of powers provided for in paragraph 4(1) of this Charter to federal executive authorities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(clause 4(2) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

4(3). The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation carries out the following functions and powers of the founder:

a) formation and submission of a state task to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the main types of activities provided for in this charter;

b) determining the procedure for drawing up and approving the plan for the financial and economic activities of the Institute, as well as drawing up and approving a report on the results of the Institute’s activities in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

c) establishing a procedure for determining fees for individuals and legal entities for services (work) related to the main activities of the Institute, provided by it in excess of the established state assignment, as well as in cases determined by federal laws, within the established state assignment;

d) determination of the maximum permissible value of the Institute’s overdue accounts payable, exceeding which entails termination of the employment contract with the director of the Institute at the initiative of the employer in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation;

e) determination of types of especially valuable movable property.

(clause 4(3) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

4(4). The Federal Agency for State Property Management exercises the following functions and powers of the founder:

a) coordination of the disposal of especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property;

b) coordination of the disposal of real estate assigned to the Institute, including its lease;

c) preliminary approval for the Institute to carry out major transactions that meet the criteria established by paragraph 13 of Article 9.2 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”;

d) making decisions on the approval of transactions with the participation of the Institute, in which there is an interest, determined in accordance with the criteria established by Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”;

e) approval, in cases provided for by federal laws, of the transfer by the Institute to non-profit organizations as their founder or participant of funds (unless otherwise established by the conditions for their provision) and other property, with the exception of especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute by the Federal Agency for State Administration property or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the owner for the acquisition of such property, as well as real estate;

f) approval by the Institute of the contribution by the Institute, in the manner and in cases provided for by federal laws, of funds (unless otherwise provided by the conditions for their provision) and other property, with the exception of especially valuable movable property, as well as real estate, into the authorized (share) capital of business companies or transferring such property to them in any other way as their founder or participant;

g) determining the procedure for drawing up and approving a report on the use of federal property assigned to the Institute in accordance with the general requirements established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

h) approval of the list of especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute by the Federal Agency for State Property Management or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property;

i) approval of the list of real estate assigned to the Institute by the Federal Agency for State Property Management or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2014 N 252)

(clause 4(4) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

5. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation provides, in relation to the Institute, financial support for the state assignment established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the costs of maintaining real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute by the Federal Agency for State Property Management or acquired by the Institute from funds allocated to it founder for the acquisition of such property, as well as expenses for paying taxes, for which the relevant property is recognized as an object of taxation, including land. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation also provides the Institute with subsidies for other purposes in accordance with the established procedure.

(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50, dated August 15, 2012 N 835)

6. Location of the Institute: 117218, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya, 34.

II. Subject and goals of the Institute’s activities

6(1). The subject of the Institute's activities is scientific and legal support for the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.

(clause 6(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

7. The goals of the Institute are:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

a) research into legal problems of institutional development state power and local government;

b) studying legal ways to improve the efficiency of public administration;

c) determining directions for the development of legislative regulation of relations in the economic and social spheres;

d) analysis and preparation of proposals for optimizing legislative regulation of public and public life, mechanism for implementing laws and legal monitoring.

8. The Institute carries out the following main activities within the state assignment:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

a) conducts fundamental and applied research on the development of legislation, its branches and institutions, including developing scientific concepts development of legislation;

b) participates in the preparation of plans for legislative activities of the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) conducts scientific legal examination of concepts and draft technical specifications for the development of draft federal laws, as well as draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation;

d) analyzes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) compiles analytical and information reviews of the state and development trends of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the practice of issuing and applying municipal legal acts;

f) carries out a comparative study of the legislation of foreign states;

g) publishes monographs, collections of articles, other scientific and information materials in the prescribed manner, establishes mass media in the field of legal issues in the prescribed manner scientific knowledge related to the activities of the Institute;

h) participates in scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, schools and other events, as well as organizes such events;

i) develops scientific relations with scientific institutions, as well as higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and other states, concludes, in accordance with the established procedure, agreements on scientific cooperation with foreign scientific centers;

j) carries out educational activities under master's programs, training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, and also creates conditions for the preparation of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences by persons attached to the Institute, and the preparation by scientific and pedagogical workers of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in doctoral studies;

(paragraph "k" as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 N 485)

k) coordinates scientific and methodological support for combating corruption;

(paragraph "l" as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

l) organizes training for executives and specialists in the field of law under programs of additional professional education;

m) popularizes legal knowledge;

o) performs the functions of the secretariat of the delegation of the Russian Federation to the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

(clause “o” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2013 N 919)

8(1). The Institute has the right, in addition to the established state assignment, and also in cases determined by federal laws, within the established state assignment, to perform (provide) to citizens and legal entities work (services) related to its main activities, provided for in paragraph 8 of this charter, for a fee of identical conditions when performing (providing) the same work (services).

(clause 8(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

9. The Institute carries out its main activities in accordance with the state assignment approved in the prescribed manner, plans for research work, formed taking into account the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, social programs economic development country, plans for legislative activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as instructions from the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

10. The right of the Institute to carry out activities for which it is necessary to obtain a license arises from the date of receipt of such a license or within the period specified therein and terminates upon expiration of its validity period, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 10 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 N 485)

11. The Institute has the right to carry out the following other types of activities, which are not the main types of activities, only insofar as it serves the achievement of the goals for which the Institute was created and corresponds to the specified goals:

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

a) carrying out research work, providing consulting services under state and municipal contracts in accordance with the legislation on placing orders for work, provision of services for state and municipal needs;

b) implementation under contracts with individuals and legal entities, state bodies and local government bodies, research work, provision of information and consulting services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

c) carrying out publishing and printing activities in accordance with the established procedure, production, distribution and sale of printed and audiovisual products, information and other materials related to the activities of the Institute;

d) has become invalid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2012 N 50;

e) participation, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the creation and activities of other non-profit organizations;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

f) organization and holding of conferences, other scientific-organizational and scientific-practical events, including international ones;

g) implementation of educational activities under vocational training programs and additional professional programs;

(clause “g” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2014 N 485)

h) ensuring the practical implementation of the results of the Institute’s scientific activities, including through their commercialization.

(clause “z” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2014 N 485)

Income received from the activities of the Institute specified in paragraphs 8(1) and 11 of this charter, and property acquired from these incomes shall be at the independent disposal of the Institute in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

III. Rights and obligations of the Institute

12. To solve statutory problems, the Institute, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right:

a) take part in the formation of state scientific and technical policy in the areas of its activities;

b) carry out international scientific cooperation within its competence;

c) take measures of social support for the Institute’s employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

d) interact with other organizations, including foreign ones, for the purpose of jointly conducting and coordinating research and development, jointly carrying out work and providing services, representing common interests in bodies and organizations, as well as in international organizations;

e) develop and submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals for the necessary amounts of financing of its activities from the federal budget;

f) engage individuals to perform certain works on the basis of civil contracts;

g) accept monetary and other donations from individuals and legal entities, provided that the purpose of the donation corresponds to the goals of the Institute’s activities and carry out activities at the expense of the received property in accordance with the purpose of the donation;

h) receive grants from individuals and legal entities, including from foreign individuals and legal entities, as well as international organizations who have received the right to provide grants on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, to conduct scientific research at the expense of the provided grants on the terms provided by the grantors, to publish monographs, reports, and other scientific works prepared on the basis of the results of scientific research;

i) receive free of charge information on legislation necessary for the activities of the Institute, contained in data banks of state bodies subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation.

13. The Institute is obliged:

a) ensure a high level of scientific research and development and actively promote their widespread application;

b) ensure the preservation, maintenance and updating of scientific technical base, technical re-equipment of fixed assets;

c) ensure, in accordance with the tasks assigned to him and within his competence, the protection of information constituting an official or commercial secret;

d) ensure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the mobilization readiness of the Institute and the functioning of its civil defense system;

e) maintain budget records in the prescribed manner and submit budget reports;

f) submit statistical reports and other information about their activities to the authorities state statistics, tax authorities, other authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

g) comply with established requirements for organizing office work, drawing up, executing and storing official documents.

IV. Organization of activities and management

activities of the Institute

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

14. The Institute is headed by a director, appointed to this position for 5 years. The Director of the Institute is appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

The Director manages the activities of the Institute on the basis of unity of command and is personally responsible for its results.

15. Director of the Institute:

a) approves the structure and staffing of the Institute, determines, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the conditions for the payment of bonuses and additional payments to the official salaries of employees within the limits of the established staffing level and the amount of funds provided for the maintenance of the Institute;

b) approves regulations on the structural divisions of the Institute;

c) implements the personnel policy of the Institute;

d) appoints and dismisses employees of the Institute;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

e) distributes responsibilities among the deputy directors of the Institute, determines the job responsibilities of the Institute’s employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

f) takes incentive measures and disciplinary measures in relation to employees of the Institute in accordance with the established procedure;

g) resolve issues of social support for the Institute’s employees;

h) announces competitions for filling vacant positions of managers scientific departments, researchers, makes decisions based on the results of certification commissions;

i) provides employees of the Institute with regular and other leaves in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, sends them on business trips;

j) approves plans for research work and editorial and publishing activities of the Institute after their approval by the Academic Council of the Institute;

k) ensures the implementation of orders received by the Institute, determines the directions and timing of work;

m) - n) have lost their force. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315;

o) resolves issues related to the disposal of the Institute’s property, within the limits of its powers and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

o) makes decisions on the participation of the Institute in other organizations, including as a founder;

p) opens accounts with the Federal Treasury;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

c) resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts with citizens and organizations for the performance of work and provision of services;

r) approves, in accordance with the established procedure, lists of information related to the activities of the Institute that constitute official and commercial secrets;

s) acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Institute, represents its interests in state, public and other organizations;

t) issues powers of attorney;

x) issues orders, gives instructions and instructions that are mandatory for execution by employees of the Institute;

c) resolves other issues within its competence in accordance with this charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. The Director of the Institute has deputies.

Deputy directors of the Institute carry out their activities in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities approved by the director of the Institute.

16(1). Coordination of the scientific activities of the Institute is ensured by the scientific director of the Institute, who is elected by open voting at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute for 5 years from among the leading Russian scientists who enjoy international authority. scientific community who have made a significant contribution to the development of legal science and the Institute and have experience in leadership positions at the Institute.

The candidacy of the scientific director of the Institute is submitted to the Scientific Council of the Institute by the Board of Trustees of the Institute and (or) at least one third of the members of the Scientific Council of the Institute.

The scientific director of the Institute is considered elected if more than 50 percent of the members of the Academic Council vote for him, subject to the participation of at least two-thirds of its roster in the meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute.

(clause 16(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315)

16(2). Scientific director of the Institute:

a) determines the main directions of scientific activity of the Institute;

b) manages the activities of the Scientific Council of the Institute;

c) coordinates the implementation of scientific research and scientific and expert activities of the Institute, including the consideration and approval of expert opinions on draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts received by the Institute;

d) supervises the work of the scientific structural divisions of the Institute;

e) within the limits of his competence, gives instructions and instructions that are mandatory for execution by employees of the Institute;

f) coordinates efforts to attract and effectively implement scientific grants, scientific programs, agreements (contracts) in order to increase scientific potential and improving the financial and logistical situation of the Institute;

g) promotes the implementation of personnel policy at the Institute for the preparation and attraction of scientists and specialists to scientific activities, the formation and development of scientific schools;

h) submits for consideration to the Director of the Institute proposals for improving the structure of the Institute, including the creation, if necessary, of new and (or) liquidation of ineffective scientific structural divisions of the Institute;

i) participates in resolving issues of the Institute’s entry into other organizations;

j) represents the interests of the Institute within its competence in state bodies, local governments and organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

k) coordinates the activities of the secretariat of the delegation of the Russian Federation to the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

(paragraph “l” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2013 N 919)

(clause 16(2) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315)

17. The organization of scientific work of the Institute is carried out by the scientific secretary of the Institute, appointed by the director of the Institute.

18. The collegial governing body of the Institute is the Academic Council, which includes scientific employees of the Institute with an academic degree, elected by secret ballot at a general meeting of the Institute’s scientific employees for a period of 5 years. Leading scientists who do not work at the Institute may also be elected to the Academic Council.

The Academic Council includes, ex officio, the scientific director of the Institute (chairman of the council), deputy directors of the Institute for scientific work (deputy chairmen of the council), and the scientific secretary of the Institute (scientific secretary of the council). The Academic Council without elections includes those working at the Institute full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315)

The quantitative composition of the Academic Council is determined by the Director of the Institute.

If necessary, the Academic Council forms specialized sections.

The Academic Council acts on the basis of regulations approved by the director of the Institute.

19. Academic Council:

a) considers the main directions of scientific activity of the Institute;

b) approves draft plans for research work and editorial and publishing activities of the Institute, creates editorial boards for the preparation of scientific publications;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315)

c) develops proposals to improve the practice of applying legislation;

d) hears reports from employees of the Institute and invited persons on the most significant and pressing legal issues;

e) reviews the results of scientific work of the Institute’s scientific divisions at least once every 2 years; if necessary, considers reports from the leaders of temporary research teams and working groups;

e) considers issues scientific cooperation Institute with others scientific organizations and educational institutions;

g) evaluates the qualifications of the Institute’s scientific and teaching staff, considers issues of competitive selection of candidates for positions to be filled, discusses issues related to the training of scientific and teaching staff in graduate school, the preparation of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences by persons attached to the Institute, the training of scientific and pedagogical workers of dissertations for the academic degree of Doctor of Science in doctoral studies, obtaining by scientific and teaching staff of the Institute of Further Professional Education;

(clause "g" as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 N 485)

h) in accordance with the established procedure, considers issues of assignment academic titles and makes appropriate decisions;

i) considers issues of conferring honorary titles (statuses) of the Institute and makes decisions in accordance with the procedure established at the Institute;

(paragraphs “and” as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 N 485)

j) considers other issues in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(paragraph “k” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2014 N 485)

20. The agenda of the meeting of the academic council is formed by its chairman.

21. Decisions of the Academic Council on issues within its competence are mandatory for implementation by the structural divisions of the Institute, as well as by all employees and students of the Institute.

22. The main structural divisions of the Institute are scientific centers, scientific departments, sectors and laboratories. The Institute may create branches and representative offices in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and this charter.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

To study individual problems, temporary scientific teams and working groups may be created from among the full-time employees of the Institute.

To support scientific activities, scientific support and support units - departments - are also created.

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50.

23. The rights and obligations of the Institute’s employees are determined in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, job descriptions and other regulations, instructions, internal labor regulations, collective and labor agreements in force at the Institute.

24. By decision of the academic council, approved by the director of the Institute, a board of trustees may be created.

25. Board of Trustees:

a) promotes the expansion of relations of the Institute with government bodies, commercial and non-profit organizations;

b) promotes the Institute’s research work;

c) helps attract extrabudgetary funds to ensure the scientific activities of the Institute;

d) promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for the Institute’s employees;

e) promotes the improvement of the material and technical base of the Institute;

f) considers other issues within its competence.

26. The Board of Trustees may include representatives of government bodies, scientific and educational institutions, representatives of the business community, public associations and other persons interested in improving the activities and development of the Institute.

Members of the board of trustees perform their functions free of charge.

The composition, procedure for creation and activities of the board of trustees are determined by the regulations on the board of trustees, approved by the director of the Institute.

The scientific director of the Institute is a member of the Institute's board of trustees (if it is created) and is the deputy chairman of the Institute's board of trustees ex officio.

(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 N 315)

V. Property and financial support of the Institute

27. Buildings, structures, equipment and other property that is federal property, is assigned to the Institute with the right of operational management and is taken into account on its balance sheet.

28. Lost power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50.

29. The Institute exercises, in relation to the property assigned to it by the right of operational management, the rights of ownership, use and disposal within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the goals of its activities and the purpose of this property.

The Institute, without the consent of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, has no right to dispose of particularly valuable movable property assigned to it or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property, as well as real estate.

The Institute has the right to dispose of other property assigned to the Institute with the right of operational management independently, unless otherwise provided by law.

(clause 29 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

30. A major transaction that meets the criteria established by paragraph 13 of Article 9.2 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” can be carried out by the Institute only with the prior consent of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.

The specified transaction, completed without the prior consent of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, may be declared invalid at the suit of the Institute or the Agency if it is proven that the other party to the transaction knew or should have known about the absence of the Agency’s prior consent.

The director of the Institute is liable to the Institute in the amount of losses caused to the Institute as a result of the said transaction in violation of the requirements of this charter, regardless of whether this transaction was declared invalid.

An interested party transaction, determined in accordance with the criteria established by Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations", can be concluded by the Institute only with the prior approval of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.

(clause 30 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

31. The Institute has the right, with the consent of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, to transfer to non-profit organizations as their founder or participant funds (unless otherwise established by the conditions for their provision) and other property, with the exception of especially valuable movable property assigned to it by the owner or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to him by the owner for the acquisition of such property, as well as real estate.

The Institute, in the manner and in cases provided for by federal laws, has the right to contribute the specified property to the authorized capital of business companies or otherwise transfer this property to them as their founder or participant.

The Institute does not have the right to enter into transactions, the possible consequences of which are the alienation or encumbrance of property assigned to the Institute, or property acquired at the expense of funds allocated to the Institute from the federal budget or the budget of a state extra-budgetary fund, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the case of leasing, with the consent of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute or acquired by the Institute at the expense of funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property, financial support for the maintenance of such property is not provided by the founder.

(clause 31 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

32. Legal protection and use of results intellectual activity created in the process of carrying out scientific activities by the Institute are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property.

(clause 32 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

32(1). The Institute is financially supported by:

a) subsidies from the federal budget for financial support for the implementation of state assignments;

b) subsidies from the federal budget for other purposes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) funds received from income-generating activities;

d) funds received from the rental of property assigned to the Institute in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) voluntary donations and targeted contributions from legal entities and individuals;

f) funds from other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(clause 32(1) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

32(2). The sources of formation of the Institute’s property are:

a) movable and immovable property assigned to the Institute with the right of operational management;

b) land plots transferred to the Institute in the prescribed manner for permanent (indefinite) use or for gratuitous fixed-term use;

c) property acquired from federal budget funds allocated in the form of subsidies and from funds received from income-generating activities;

d) property received on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(clause 32(2) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

32(3). Financial support for the Institute's fulfillment of state assignments is provided in the form of a subsidy from the federal budget.

The provision of a subsidy to the Institute is carried out on the basis of an agreement on the procedure and conditions for providing a subsidy for financial support for the implementation of a state task.

Financial support for the implementation of the state task is carried out taking into account the costs of maintaining real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute by the Federal Agency for State Property Management or acquired by the Institute from funds allocated to it by the founder for the acquisition of such property, as well as the cost of paying taxes, the corresponding property, including land plots, is recognized as an object of taxation.

(clause 32(3) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

32(4). The Institute is liable for its obligations with all property under its operational management, assigned to it by the owner and acquired from income received from income-generating activities, with the exception of especially valuable movable property assigned to the Institute or acquired by the Institute from funds allocated to it by the owner for the acquisition of such property, as well as real estate. The owner of the Institute’s property is not liable for the Institute’s obligations, except in the case established by Part 12 of Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of legal status state (municipal) institutions."

The Institute does not have the right to place funds on deposit with credit institutions, as well as to enter into transactions with securities, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, and to participate in limited partnerships as a depositor.

(clause 32(4) introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

VI. Reorganization and liquidation of the Institute

33. Lost power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50.

34. The reorganization and liquidation of the Institute is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(clause 34 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

35. During liquidation, the property of the Institute remaining after satisfying the claims of creditors, as well as property that, in accordance with federal laws, cannot be foreclosed on for the obligations of the Institute, is transferred by the liquidation commission to the owner.

(clause 35 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 50)

36. In the event of liquidation of the Institute, measures are taken to ensure the safety of the databases available at the Institute containing scientific and scientific-technical information, documented information with limited access, as well as documents on personnel.


1.1. Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute", hereinafter referred to as the Institute, is a non-profit educational private institution of higher professional education.

1.2. The Institute is the legal successor of the Non-state Autonomous Non-Profit Educational Organization "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute", registered in 1996 in the department for registration of non-profit organizations of the Department of Public and Interregional Relations of the Moscow Government on 06.06.96, registration number 5223-2.

1.3. The Institute is a non-profit organization that does not have profit as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute the profits received by the founder and can carry out entrepreneurial activity only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

1.4. The founder of the Institute is a citizen of the Russian Federation Evgeniy Vazgenovich Oganesyan.

Location of the Institute: 124460, Moscow, Zelenograd, proezd 4806, no. 6.

1.5. Full name of the Institute: Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education “Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute”; abbreviated name – NOCHU VPO MSGI.

1.6. The Institute in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”. vocational education", Model regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, other legislative acts and this Charter.

1.7. The Institute is a legal entity from the moment state registration, has separate property, an independent balance sheet, a current account and other accounts in bank institutions, a seal and stamp with its full name, and other attributes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to achieve the goals of its activities, the Institute has the right to make transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

1.8. The Institute’s right to conduct educational activities and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation arise from the moment it receives a license in the prescribed manner.

1.9. The Institute’s rights to issue state-issued educational documents to its graduates and to use a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation arise from the moment of its state accreditation, confirmed by a certificate of state accreditation.

1.10. The Institute includes faculties in the areas of specialist training, departments in branches of knowledge, research units, design bureaus, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, courses of additional professional education, extracurricular and educational work, preparatory courses.

The Institute may create branches and open representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A branch of the Institute is its separate division, located outside the location of the Institute and performing all or part of its functions, including the functions of representation.

A representative office of the Institute is a separate division located outside the location of the Institute, representing the interests of the Institute and protecting them.

The branch and representative office of the Institute are not legal entities; they are endowed with the property of the Institute that created them and act on the basis of the regulations approved by it. The property of a branch or representative office is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the Institute that created them.

The heads of the branch and representative office are appointed by the rector of the Institute and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Institute.

The branch and representative office operate on behalf of the Institute that created them. The Institute that created them bears responsibility for the activities of its branches and representative offices.

1.11. The following branches have been created at the Institute:

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Yegoryevsk; location of the branch: 140301, Moscow region, Yegoryevsk, st. Paris Commune, 1b;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Kazan; location: 420030, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Nikolay Stolyarov, 3;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Kamensk- Shakhtinsky, Rostov region; location: 347800, Rostov region, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, st. Voroshilova, 157;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in the city. Nefteyugansk; location: 628303, Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Yugra, Nefteyugansk, Pioneer zone, st. Mira, building No. 9/3;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Rzhev, Tver region; location: 172381, Tver region, Rzhev, st. Partizanskaya, 26/15;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in the city of Aprelevka, Moscow region; location: 143360, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Aprelevka, st. Avgustovskaya, 1;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Yaroslavl; location: 150044, Yaroslavl, Oktyabrya Avenue, 91;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Novomoskovsk; location: 301650, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, st. Labor reserves, 21;

- branch of the Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Taganrog; location: 347927, Russia, Rostov region, Taganrog city, Polyakovskoe highway, 16.

1.12. The Institute has established representative offices in the cities of the Russian Federation:

- representative office of the non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory; location: 353680, Krasnodar region, Yeysk, st. Pervomaiskaya, 196;

- representative office of the non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Novorossiysk; location: 353900, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk, st. Admiral Serebryakov Embankment, 61a;

- representation Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute" in Naberezhnye Chelny; location: 423822, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, New town, Naberezhnochelninsky Avenue, 54, office. 12;

1.13. The Institute and its branches can implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary and secondary vocational, higher vocational education, as well as corresponding additional vocational education, subject to the appropriate license.

The activities of the Institute for the implementation of these educational programs (including the development of rules for admission to study, the content of education and the organization of the educational process, the issuance of documents on education, the provision of rights, social guarantees and benefits to students and employees) are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Model Regulations on Educational institutions of relevant types and types.

1.14. The Institute provides training in preparatory courses for admission to higher educational institutions, tutoring, teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines, classes with students with in-depth study of subjects.

1.15. The Institute was created without a limitation on the period of activity.

1.16. The Institute conducts mobilization training activities, civil defense, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation.”


2.1. The subject of the Institute's activities is the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education.

The Institute was created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and managerial goals, in order to satisfy the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens in education, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

2.2. The main objectives of the Institute are:

Satisfying the individual's needs for intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining higher and (or) postgraduate professional education;

Development of sciences and arts through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, use of the results obtained in the educational process;

Training, retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers;

Formation of students' civic position, ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;

Preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society;

Dissemination of knowledge among the population, increasing its educational and cultural level.


3.1. Admission to the Institute is carried out upon applications from persons with secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher education, based on the results of entrance examinations.

Admission to the Institute is carried out in accordance with the legislation and admission rules, which are annually developed by the Institute, agreed upon with the founder and approved by the rector.

The Institute, in agreement with the founder, establishes the size and structure of student admission within the limits of the maximum number of students established by the license.

3.2. The Institute has the right to announce admission only if it has a license to conduct educational activities in the relevant areas of training or specialties. The content of the educational process in each area of ​​training (specialty), the timing of mastering the educational program of higher or postgraduate professional education are determined by the Institute in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education and the corresponding state educational standard.

3.3. The Institute is obliged to familiarize the applicant with the Charter of the Institute, a license to conduct educational activities in the relevant areas of training or specialties, as well as a certificate of state accreditation for each area of ​​training (specialty), giving the right to issue a state document on higher professional education. Familiarization of the applicant with the certificate of state accreditation in his chosen field of study (specialty) or the fact of the absence of this certificate is recorded in admission documents and certified by the applicant’s personal signature.

3.4. Applicants take entrance examinations in Russian or in other languages, depending on the subject being taken.

3.5. For the period of entrance examinations and enrollment, the Institute creates an admissions, subject examination and appeal commissions, the formation procedure, composition, powers and activities of which are regulated by regulations approved by the rector.

3.6. For each applicant, the Institute creates a personal file in accordance with the established procedure.


4.1. Enrollment in the Institute is carried out by order of the Rector. Training at the Institute is provided on a paid basis.

For students at the Institute, a system of tuition benefits is provided. Specific conditions for the provision of the above benefits are established by the founder of the Institute and are provided for in the agreement on paid training between the Institute and the student or in the agreement on paid training between the Institute, the parent (legal representative) and the student.

4.2. The relationship between students and the Institute is regulated by this Charter, an agreement on paid training between the Institute and the student, or an agreement on paid training between the Institute, the parent (legal representative) and the student.

4.3. The language of education and upbringing is Russian.

4.4. Educational programs of different levels are mastered at the Institute in various forms, differing in the volume of compulsory activities of the teacher with students (full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, external studies).

A combination of various forms of education is allowed, including combining full-time education with work at an enterprise, institution, or organization.

For all forms of education, including in the case of their combination within a specific educational program, a single state educational standard applies.

4.5. The academic year for full-time and part-time (evening) students begins on September 1 and ends in accordance with the working curriculum for a specific field of study (specialty).

The Scientific Council of the Institute has the right to postpone the start date school year, but no more than 2 months. The start and end dates of the academic year for distance learning students are established by the working curriculum.

Training sessions are conducted according to a schedule approved by the rector of the Institute, and their duration is determined by the curriculum. The academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with an examination session in accordance with the calendar schedule of the educational process annually approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.

4.6. There are holidays during the school year total duration at least 7 weeks, including at least 2 weeks in winter.

4.7. The training programs for bachelors, diplomas and masters, implemented at the Institute in the areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, are the main educational programs of higher professional education.

The duration of training for educational programs implemented at the Institute is established in accordance with the law, state educational standards and license.

The duration of study in the main educational programs of higher professional education for full-time study is:

to obtain a qualification (degree) “bachelor” - no less than four years;

to obtain qualification " certified specialist» - no less than five years, except for cases provided for by state educational standards;

to obtain a Master's qualification (degree) - no less than six years.

The duration of full-time (evening) and correspondence courses, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of training in the implementation of basic educational programs of higher professional education, increases by up to 1 year, compared with the period of full-time study, based on the decision of the Scientist Council of the Institute. By decision of the Academic Council of the Institute, the duration of study at the Institute may be reduced for persons with secondary vocational education in the relevant profile or higher vocational education at various levels, as well as for persons who are able to fully master the basic educational program of higher vocational education in a shorter period.

4.8. The student’s academic load includes all types of his classroom and extracurricular educational work necessary for mastering the professional educational program in accordance with the approved working curriculum.

The volume of students' academic workload is set at no more than 54 hours per week. Classroom volume training sessions students of all specialties (areas of training) in all forms of education is established by the corresponding working curricula in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards specialties (areas of training).

4.9. Training sessions at the Institute are conducted in the form of lectures, consultations, seminars, practical classes, laboratory work, tests, colloquiums, independent work, research work, practice, course design ( course work), and also by executing qualifying work(graduation project or work, master's thesis). The Institute may conduct other types of training sessions in accordance with the approved working curriculum.

For all types of classroom training academic hour is set to last 45 minutes.

4.10. The Institute, by organizing the educational process, choosing forms, methods and means of teaching, including distance learning, creates conditions for mastering educational programs of a certain level and focus. The use of teaching methods that are dangerous to the life or health of students is prohibited.

4.11. General requirements for the organization of the educational process at the Institute for educational programs at various levels are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The organization of the educational process at the Institute according to the main educational programs of higher professional education is regulated by working curricula for areas of training (specialties) and a schedule of training sessions for each form of training. The Institute develops and approves working curricula, including individual ones, independently on the basis of state educational standards of higher professional education, model educational programs, curricula in areas of training (specialties) and discipline programs approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia. At the same time, the sample curriculum and discipline programs are of a recommendatory nature.

To implement additional professional education programs, appropriate curricula are being developed.

All curricula are approved by the Academic Council of the Institute.

4.12. The Institute evaluates the quality of mastering educational programs through ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification students and final certification of graduates.

When conducting intermediate certification, the level of knowledge of students is determined by the following grades: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”, “passed”, “fail”.

Grades are given in exams or by certifying students based on the results of ongoing monitoring of progress during the semester.

The procedure and conditions for conducting intermediate certification of students are determined by the Regulations on the ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students, approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute.

Students studying at the Institute under higher professional education programs, during intermediate certification, take no more than 10 exams and 12 tests during the academic year. This number does not include exams and tests in physical education and elective disciplines.

Students studying in a shortened period of time and in the form of external studies, during intermediate certification, take no more than 20 exams during the academic year.

4.13. A person studying at the Institute and not certified in the disciplines of the current year’s curriculum without good reason, is not transferred to the next course (stage of training) and may be expelled from the Institute.

Transfers of students within the Institute from one faculty to another and from one form of study to another, the provision of academic leaves are carried out by order of the rector on the basis of motivated applications from students and representations of deans of faculties, and transfer to study with a reduction in the duration of study - in addition, by decision of the Academic Council of the Institute .

4.14. Expulsion of students who have not fulfilled the requirements of the curriculum and final certification is carried out by order of the Rector upon the recommendation of the dean of the faculty.

4.15. A student, in accordance with this Charter, may be expelled from the Institute:

a) by at will, including in connection with transfer to another educational institution;

b) at the initiative of the Institute’s administration, including:

- for violation of the provisions of this Charter and internal rules
regulations of the Institute of duties;

- behind low level academic performance that does not meet the requirements of the curriculum, based on the results of intermediate and final certifications, tests, exams and other forms of assessment, for academic failure;

c) for violation of the training conditions provided for in the relevant agreement;

d) in case of medical contraindications.

Students are expelled for academic failure:

- those who did not pass exams in three or more disciplines;

- having academic debt in three or more disciplines based on the results of the session;

- those who did not appear for the exam for unjustifiable reasons three times during one session;

- failed to liquidate academic debt within the established time frame;

- those who received an unsatisfactory grade when retaking the exam in the discipline of the certification commission approved by the dean of the faculty;

- those who have not completed the practical training program or received an unsatisfactory grade on it, if they have two academic debts;

- those who have not completed the pre-diploma internship program or received an unsatisfactory grade on it;

- those who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory assessment on the exam during the final certification of the graduate.

4.16. Deduction at one's own request is made within no more than 1 month from the date the student submits the application.

4.17. The student has the right to be reinstated to the Institute within five years after expulsion from it if there are vacancies.

Reinstatement is formalized by order of the Rector based on the decision of the dean of the relevant faculty, agreed with the Academic Council.

4.18. The final certification of a graduate of the Institute is mandatory and is carried out after mastering the educational program in full.

The final certification of the Institute graduate is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the relevant Regulations approved by the Rector of the Institute.

After state accreditation of the Institute, the final certification of the Institute graduate is carried out by the state certification commission in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia.

4.19. Persons who have completed training in educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education and have passed final certification, documents on appropriate education are issued.

The Institute, if it has a Certificate of State Accreditation, issues state-issued documents to its graduates on the appropriate education with the official symbols of the Russian Federation.

Before receiving the Certificate of State Accreditation, the Institute issues graduates with a document on the appropriate education and (or) qualifications established by the Institute.

The following types of documents have been established that certify the completion of higher professional education at various levels:

Bachelor's degree;

specialist diploma with higher professional education;

master's degree;

diploma of incomplete higher professional education;

academic reference.

A graduate of the Institute and a student who left the Institute before graduation is issued a document from his personal file on education, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the Institute. A certified copy of the document remains in your personal file. All other documents (extracts from orders of enrollment, graduation or departure, record book, student ID, etc.) remain for storage in your personal file.


5.1. The research activities of the Institute are aimed at conducting scientific research on problems and areas related to educational activities, and are carried out in the manner prescribed for higher educational institutions in accordance with annual plans approved by the Rector after their consideration by the Academic Council and agreement with the Founder.

5.2. The Institute must carry out research work on topics determined independently or proposed by the Founder.

5.3. The main objectives of research work at the Institute are:

Effective use of the Institute’s scientific potential in solving scientific, technical and economic problems, problems of additional professional education of personnel;

Introduction of the results of scientific research and development into the practical activities of organizations;

Providing advisory and information services;

Improving the educational process at the Institute by using the results of scientific research, as well as familiarizing students with the organization of scientific research and involving them in carrying out research work;

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, constant improvement of their professionalism and scientific qualifications.

5.4. Research work at the Institute is carried out within the framework of funding allocated by the Founder, as well as from funds from paid educational activities and other sources not prohibited by law.

5.5. The structure and staff of the Institute's research units are developed and approved by the Rector in agreement with the Founder.

5.6. Structural divisions ensuring the organization and conduct of scientific work are guided in their activities by the Regulations approved by the Rector of the Institute.

5.7. Agreements for the implementation of research work are concluded between customer organizations and the Institute represented by the Rector, who assumes full responsibility for the implementation of the work.

5.8. The procedure for filling positions of scientific workers of the Institute is determined by the Regulations on scientific departments.


6.1. The management of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter of the Institute on the principles of a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

The Institute is independent in the selection and placement of personnel, implementation of educational, scientific, financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation and the Charter of the Institute. Interference by anyone in the educational, scientific, economic or other activities of the Institute is not allowed, unless the legislation of the Russian Federation is violated in the process of this activity.

The governing bodies of the Institute are:


General meeting (conference) of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other workers and students;

Scientific Council of the Institute;

6.2. The highest governing body of the Institute is the Founder. The exclusive competence of the Founder includes:

- approval of the Charter, amendments and additions to the Charter of the Institute.

- development of a development strategy for the Institute;

- appointment and dismissal of members of the audit commission, the Rector of the Institute;

- approval of candidates for vice-rectors and chief accountant of the Institute on the recommendation of the Rector of the Institute;

- control over the financial and economic activities of the Institute’s administration;

- making a decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the Institute, appointing a liquidation commission, approving the liquidation balance sheet;

- creation of branches and opening of representative offices of the Institute, as well as their closure;

- determination of priority areas of activity of the Institute and the procedure for the formation of its property;

- approval of balance sheets and the annual report of the Institute;

- establishment of benefits for tuition fees and their sources;

- approval of the staffing table and structure of the Institute.

6.3. The governing body of the Institute is the General Meeting (conference) of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other workers and students (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting), the competence of which includes the election of the Academic Council. The procedure for convening the General Meeting and the rules of its work are determined by the Regulations on the General Meeting, approved by the Rector.

6.4. The general management of the Institute is carried out by an elected representative body - the Scientific Council of the Institute. The Academic Council includes the Rector of the Institute, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, and, by decision of the Academic Council, deans of faculties and heads of departments. Other members of the Academic Council are elected by the general meeting by secret ballot.

The number of members of the Academic Council is up to 20 people.

The standards for representation in the Academic Council from the structural divisions of the Institute and students are determined by the Academic Council.

Representatives of structural units and students are considered elected to the Academic Council or recalled from it if more than 50 percent of those present at the general meeting vote for them and at least two-thirds of the list of delegates is present. The composition of the Academic Council is announced by order of the Rector of the Institute.

In case of dismissal (expulsion) from the Institute of a member of the Academic Council, he automatically leaves the Academic Council. If members of the Academic Council leave (recall) before the end of their terms of office, replenishment of the Academic Council to the established number can be done at the beginning of the academic year in the same manner as when forming its composition.

The term of office of the Academic Council cannot exceed 5 years. Early re-elections of members of the Academic Council are carried out at the request of at least half of its members.

6.5. The competence of the Scientific Council of the Institute includes:

- discussion of changes and additions to the Charter of the Institute;

- discussion of concepts and plans for economic and social development of the Institute;

- discussion of the Regulations on the structural divisions of the Institute;

- establishing areas of activity for administrative and managerial personnel;

- approval of plans for the long-term financial and economic development of the Institute;

- approval of the procedure for developing curricula and programs, plans for publishing activities;

- consideration of issues of educational, scientific-methodological, research work of the Institute;

- approval of the procedure for competitive selection of teaching staff;

- discussion of the Institute’s budget, hearing of the annual balance sheet and report;

- making a decision on the inclusion of deans of faculties and heads of departments in the Academic Council without election at a general meeting;

- election of heads of departments and deans of faculties, determination of the procedure for their election; if necessary - election of teachers to positions through competition (in the absence of opportunities on the Councils of the relevant faculties);

- discussion and approval of reports of the Rector and vice-rectors of the Institute;

- consideration of issues of awarding academic titles in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.6. The current management of the Institute’s activities is carried out by the Rector. The rector is appointed by the Founder. When appointing a Rector, an employment contract is concluded with him, which defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Rector, the terms of payment for his work, the term of the employment contract, the conditions for release from his position and other issues in accordance with the law.

6.7. Rector of the Institute:

Acts on behalf of the Institute without any special power of attorney, representing it in all government bodies, organizations, enterprises and institutions;

Organizes the preparation and implementation of decisions of the Founder, the Academic Council of the Institute and submits reports on their implementation;

Opens accounts in banking and other credit institutions;

Concludes various kinds transactions;

Organizes the work of the rector’s office and other governing bodies, as well as auxiliary divisions of the Institute, taking into account the decisions of the Academic Council of the Institute;

Within the limits of his powers, issues orders, instructions and orders that are mandatory for all employees and students of the Institute;

Conducts personnel policy;

In accordance with the law, hires and dismisses employees of the Institute and its divisions;

Approves educational programs (plans, schedules, training schedules), in agreement with the Academic Council, approves the teaching load standards for teaching staff, tuition fees, software and other products;

Establishes forms of organization and systems of remuneration and bonuses for employees of the Institute, and also resolves other issues related to remuneration at the Institute;

Approves the rules internal regulations Institute;

Approves accounting and reporting at the Institute;

Submits the annual report and balance sheet of the Institute to the Founder for approval;

Performs other actions not prohibited by law, unless they are the exclusive competence of other management bodies.

6.8. The Rector of the Institute is obliged:

Monitor compliance with state educational standards in the educational activities of the Institute;

To comply with the requirements of the law in the activities of the Institute, in particular, to prevent violation of the legal rights and interests of participants in the educational process; - submit a report on the expenditure of funds of the Institute to the Founder.

6.9. The functions of vice-rectors are determined by the areas of activity of the Institute they lead. Vice-rectors act in accordance with the Charter of the Institute, issue orders on the subject of their activities, which are binding on all employees and students of the Institute. Vice-rectors are hired under an employment contract.

6.10. The dean manages the activities of the faculty. He acts in accordance with the Charter of the Institute, issues orders and instructions that are binding on all employees and students of the faculty. Deans of faculties are responsible for the direct conduct of the educational process, student performance, and the implementation of educational and scientific programs by departments of the Institute. The Dean is elected at a meeting of the Academic Council by secret ballot for a term of up to 5 years and confirmed in office by order of the Rector. A candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes of the members present in the presence of at least two-thirds of the list of members of the Academic Council is considered elected to the position of dean of the faculty. The rector has the right to veto the decision of the Academic Council to elect the dean of the faculty. The procedure for electing the dean of the faculty is determined by the Academic Council of the Institute.

6.11. Basic structural unit is a department that conducts educational and scientific work and educational work with students. The department's activities are managed by the head, elected by secret ballot by the Academic Council for a term of up to 5 years, and confirmed in office by order of the rector. A candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes of the members present in the presence of at least two-thirds of the list of members of the Academic Council is considered elected to the position of head of the department. The procedure for electing the head of the department is determined by the Academic Council of the Institute.

The head of the department bears full responsibility for the results of the department’s work.

6.12. The management of departments, dean's offices and other divisions that are part of the Institute is carried out in accordance with their Regulations.

6.13. The heads of the structural divisions of the Institute are appointed (dismissed) by order of the Rector.

6.14. The divisions of the Institute providing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary and secondary vocational education, higher, as well as relevant additional professional education, are organized by decision of the Academic Council. The regulations governing the activities of these departments are approved by the Rector of the Institute.

6.15. For the purpose of regulating work, study, leisure, etc. workers and students at the Institute, local regulations are adopted and approved: rules, orders, instructions, regulations, etc.

6.16. For preliminary review specific issues activities of the Institute, educational, methodological, scientific, editorial and publishing and other councils can be created. The procedure for the formation and operation of councils is determined by the Regulations on them, approved by the rector of the Institute.


7.1. Students at the Institute include undergraduates, graduate students, trainees and other categories of students.

7.2. A student of the Institute is a person enrolled in studies by order of the Rector, who is issued a student card and grade book. No stipend is paid to students.

A postgraduate student is a person who has a higher professional education and is enrolled in the prescribed manner by order of the Rector for postgraduate study.

A doctoral student is a person who has an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and is enrolled in doctoral studies in accordance with the established procedure by order of the Rector.

7.3. Students of the Institute are persons studying in preparatory courses, faculties of advanced training and retraining of specialists, as well as those receiving a second professional education in parallel and who are students of another higher educational institution.

The legal status of students in terms of receiving educational services corresponds to the status of a student at the Institute of the corresponding form of education.

7.4. Persons admitted to the Institute to obtain primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary and secondary vocational, as well as higher education are students.

7.5. The student receives higher professional education in the chosen area of ​​training (specialty) within the relevant state educational standard by mastering the corresponding educational program of higher professional education.

A student can combine study with work and enjoy the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and education.

7.6. Students of the Institute have the right:

Select optional (optional for this direction preparation (specialty) and elective (mandatory) courses offered by the relevant faculty and department;

Participate in shaping the content of your education, subject to compliance with the requirements of state educational standards for higher professional education. This right may be limited by the terms of the agreement concluded between a student of the Institute and an individual or legal entity assisting him in obtaining education and subsequent employment;

In addition to academic disciplines in selected areas of training (specialties), master any other academic disciplines taught at the Institute, in the manner prescribed by its Charter, as well as taught in other higher educational institutions (as agreed between their heads);

Take part in research activities, as well as in other activities of the Institute provided for by this Charter;

Create self-government bodies, elect and be elected to their composition, participate through these bodies in the work of the Academic Council;

Participate in discussion and decision critical issues activities of the Institute, including through public organizations and governing bodies of the Institute;

Submit your works for publication, including in Institute publications;

Appeal orders and instructions of the Institute administration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.7. Students of the Institute are obliged to:

Comply with the requirements of this Charter and comply with the Internal Regulations;

Fulfill all the requirements of the educational program and curricula of higher professional education in the chosen direction and specialty;

Complete all types of educational work provided for in the relevant curricula and programs in a timely manner;

Constantly strive to improve general culture, mental and physical improvement.

7.8. For failure to complete the curriculum in a specialty (direction of training) within the established time frame for unexcusable reasons, or for violation by a student of the duties provided for by the Charter of the Institute and its internal regulations, disciplinary measures may be applied to the student, up to and including expulsion.

Disciplinary action, including expulsion, may be imposed on
student by order of the Rector on the proposal of the dean of the faculty or the director of the branch after receiving a written explanation from the student.

Disciplinary sanctions can be imposed no later than one month from the date of discovery of the misconduct and no later than 6 months from the date of its commission, not counting the time the student was ill and (or) on vacation.

Expulsion of students during their illness, vacation, academic leave or maternity leave is not allowed.

7.9. For medical reasons, as well as family circumstances or in other exceptional cases, students of the Institute are provided academic leave in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

7.10. For academic success and active participation in research and social work, students are awarded various shapes moral and material encouragement, including the right to provide benefits for training costs, which are determined by the administration of the Institute within the limits of funds available at the Institute.

7.11. The Institute provides for scientific and pedagogical positions (faculty, teaching staff, scientists), engineering, technical, administrative, production, educational, support and other personnel. The teaching positions include the positions of dean of the faculty, head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher and assistant.

7.12. All positions are filled under an employment contract in accordance with the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. All positions of scientific and pedagogical workers at the Institute are filled under an employment contract concluded for a period of up to five years.

When filling positions of scientific and pedagogical workers at the Institute, with the exception of the dean of the faculty and the head of the department, the conclusion of an employment contract is preceded by a competitive selection. The positions of dean of the faculty and head of the department are elective. The procedure for their elections is provided for by this Charter.

7.13. Teaching staff of the Institute, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to reduced working hours and extended annual paid leave.

The teaching load for members of the teaching staff is established by the Institute independently, depending on their qualifications and the profile of the department. Load specifically for everyone teaching staff is established annually and should not exceed the maximum permissible - 900 hours per academic year.

7.14. Scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute have the right:

To support your professional activities;

Use in the prescribed manner information funds Institute, services of educational, scientific, social, medical and other departments of the Institute;

Choose methods and means of teaching and conducting scientific research that best suit their individual characteristics and ensure high quality educational and scientific processes in accordance with the plan, programs and decisions of the departments;

Appeal orders and instructions of the Institute administration in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7.15. Scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute are obliged to:

Provide high efficiency pedagogical process, develop students’ independence, initiative, and creative abilities;

Respect the personal dignity of future specialists, take care of their moral, cultural and physical development;

Conduct scientific research that ensures a high scientific level of education, actively involving students in it;

Constantly improve your professional and cultural level, regularly, at least once every five years, undergo various forms of advanced training, including abroad;

Comply with this Charter and Internal Rules.

For success in educational, scientific, educational work and other statutory activities, various forms of moral and material incentives are established for employees of the Institute within the limits of available funds.

Dismissal of scientific and teaching staff due to staff reduction at the initiative of the administration is allowed after the end of the academic year.

7.16. In addition to the grounds for termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the administration, provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the grounds for the dismissal of a scientific and pedagogical employee of the Institute on the initiative of the administration before the expiration of the employment contract are:

Repeated violation of the Institute’s Charter within a year;

The use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality;

- appearing at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.

7.17. The rights and responsibilities of the administrative, economic, engineering, technical, production, educational, support and other personnel of the Institute are determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the Internal Regulations of the Institute and job descriptions approved by the rector.

7.18. Other aspects of activity not reflected in this Charter are regulated by internal local acts approved by the Institute’s governing bodies in terms of their competence.



8.1. Preparation of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel carried out at the Institute in the following forms:

Postgraduate studies;

Doctoral studies;

Transfer of teachers with a PhD degree to senior research positions for the preparation of doctoral dissertations;

- attachment to the Institute of candidates for the academic degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences to pass candidate exams and work on a candidate or doctoral dissertation;

- scientific, pedagogical, creative internship, including at enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, in other universities, including foreign ones;

Sabbatical leave to complete work on a dissertation.

8.2. The training of postgraduate students at the Institute is carried out in areas and specialties in accordance with the license.

8.3. Enrollment in doctoral and postgraduate studies is formalized by order of the rector.

For the use of all information funds of the Institute, its research base, cultural, educational and medical departments;

For annual holidays lasting two months;

To perform any paid work, subject to the implementation of an individual training plan;

To participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the Institute;

To participate in all types of research work, in conferences, in symposiums, and to publish their works, including in publications of the Institute.

Fully execute individual plan work, complete the dissertation and submit it to the department for examination;

Annually submit a report on the work done to the academic council of the faculty, based on the results of which a decision is made on further stay in doctoral studies.

A doctoral student who does not fulfill the individual plan or who has violated the Internal Regulations of the Institute is expelled from doctoral studies by order of the Rector.

8.6. Graduate students are required to:

Master professional knowledge, methodology for conducting scientific research, acquire skills of independent research work;

Pass candidate exams;

Complete the individual work plan, complete the dissertation and submit it to the department for examination.

Postgraduate students who have not completed their individual plan within the established timeframe or who have violated the Charter of the Institute or the Internal Rules of the Institute are expelled from graduate school by order of the rector.

8.7. Applicants are persons who have a higher professional education and are attached to the Institute to pass candidate exams or prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, as well as persons who have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and are attached to the Institute to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Doctor of Science .

8.8. Employees of the Institute who successfully combine teaching or production activities with scientific work may be granted sabbatical leave:

To complete a doctoral dissertation within six months;

To complete a PhD thesis in up to three months.

8.9. Persons who have completed a full course of study in doctoral or postgraduate studies are not granted sabbatical leave to complete work on a dissertation.

8.10. Employees of the Institute at least once every 5 years have the right to improve their qualifications in educational institutions of the system of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel, in universities, in leading Russian and foreign scientific and industrial organizations through training, internships, preparation and defense of dissertations, participation in work seminars, as well as using other types and forms of advanced training.

8.11. Advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute can be financed from the funds of legal entities or individuals under agreements with higher educational institutions and scientific institutions or organizations.


9.1. The property transferred to the Institute by its founder is the property of the Institute. The founder of the Institute does not retain rights to the property transferred by him to the ownership of the Institute.

9.2. The Institute, within the framework of the Charter, independently plans its activities, determines development prospects based on the demand for educational services and the need to ensure the industrial and social development of the Institute.

9.3. The sources of formation of the Institute’s property in monetary and other forms are:

Regular and one-time receipts from the Founder;

Voluntary property contributions and donations;

Revenue from the sale of goods, works, services;

Dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;

Income received from the property of the Institute;

Other receipts not prohibited by law.

9.4. The Institute has the right of ownership to funds, property and other objects of property transferred to it by individuals and (or) legal entities in the form of a gift, donation or by will, to products of intellectual and creative labor that are the result of its activities, as well as to income from its own activities of the Institute and property acquired with these incomes.

9.5. The Institute is liable for its obligations with its property, which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be foreclosed on. The Founder is not responsible for the obligations of the Institute, and the Institute is not responsible for the obligations of its Founder.

9.6. The Institute has the right to charge students for educational services, including for training within the limits of state standards.

The Institute's paid activities are not considered entrepreneurial if the income received from it goes entirely to reimburse the costs of providing the educational process (including wages), its development and improvement at the Institute.

9.7. The relationship between the Institute and the student, his parents (legal representatives) is regulated by an agreement determining the level of education, terms of study, amount of tuition fees, and other conditions.

9.8. The Institute has the right to act as a tenant and lessor of property. The funds received as rent are used to support and develop the educational process at the Institute.

9.9. The Institute has the right to participate in the authorized funds of business companies and other organizations only with its own property.

9.10. Not used in current period(year, quarter, month) funds cannot be withdrawn from the Institute.

9.11. The Institute carries out business activities in:

Sales and rental of fixed assets and property of the Institute;

Providing intermediary services;

Share participation in the activities of other institutions and organizations;

- acquisition of shares, bonds, other valuable papers and receiving income from them;

Conducting income-generating other non-sales operations that are not directly related to the own production of products, works, services and their sales.

Types of activities that require obtaining an appropriate license can be carried out after obtaining it.

The activities of the Institute, its structural divisions, organizations for the sale of products, works and services provided for in the Charter relate to entrepreneurial activity only to the extent that the income received from this activity is not reinvested directly to reimburse the costs of the educational activities of the Institute.

9.12. The founder has the right to suspend the business activities of the Institute if they are to the detriment of the statutory educational activities.

9.13. The Institute has accounts in any banks and other credit institutions (including foreign exchange) for storing funds and carrying out all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions.

9.14. The Institute, within the limits of its available funds for remuneration, independently determines in the established manner the form and system of remuneration, the amount of additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, as well as the size of official salaries of all categories of employees (without restrictions on their maximum amounts), but not lower than those established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.15. The Institute independently resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts, determination of obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Institute.



10.1. The Institute has the right to participate in international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education through:

Participation in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs for students, graduate students, doctoral students, scientific and pedagogical workers;

Conducting joint scientific research, as well as congresses, conferences, symposia and other events;

Carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research, as well as development work on orders from foreign legal entities;

Participation in international programs for improving higher and postgraduate professional education;

Participation in foreign and international exhibitions, conferences, congresses, symposia and other events held by third parties.

10.2. Training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens at the Institute, teaching and research work of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute outside the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out under direct agreements concluded by the Institute with foreign citizens and foreign legal entities.

10.3. The Institute has the right:

Join non-governmental international organizations;

Conclude agreements on joint activities with foreign partners, which cannot be considered as international treaties of the Russian Federation;

Create structural units (centers, laboratories, technical parks and other units) with foreign partners.

10.4. The Institute, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to engage in foreign economic activities aimed at fulfilling the tasks provided for by the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, as well as the development of international contracts.

10.5. Funds received by the Institute as a result of foreign economic activities are not subject to withdrawal and taxation, including mandatory sale, if they are spent on performing the main tasks of the Institute, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


11.1. Control over the activities of the Institute is carried out by the Founder, as well as authorized government bodies within the competence defined for them by law, these include tax authorities, education authorities, registration authorities and others in accordance with legislation.

11.2. The Institute is obliged to provide the Founder with annual reports on its activities, in particular on the receipt and expenditure of funds.

11.3. The Institute carries out operational and accounting records of the results of its work, maintains statistical and accounting reports in the established form within financial year and for a year.

11.5. An audit of the Institute’s activities is carried out by the Founder, authorized financial authorities, as well as an audit organization by decision of the Founder.

The founder himself or through his representatives on the basis of a power of attorney has the right to check the accounting documentation of the Institute at any time.

The Audit Commission has the right to require all officials of the Institute to submit all necessary documents. The Audit Commission carries out inspections both on its own initiative and on behalf of the Founder and the Academic Council of the Institute. The procedure for the activities of the audit commission is approved by the Founder.

Irregularities in the financial activities of the Institute identified during inspections must be eliminated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

All disagreements that arise between the Institute and inspection organizations are subject to resolution in accordance with the procedure established by law.

11.6. Officials of the Institute are responsible established by law Russian Federation disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability for distortion of state reporting.


12.1. The Institute may be reorganized into another educational institution by decision of the Founder, if this does not entail a violation of the obligations of the Institute or if the Founder assumes these obligations.

12.2. In case of reorganization (change of organizational and legal form, status) of the Institute, this Charter, license and certificate of state accreditation lose force.

12.3. Liquidation of the Institute is carried out:

By decision of the Founder;

By a court decision in case of carrying out activities without a proper license, or activities prohibited by law, or activities that do not correspond to its statutory goals.

12.4. The founder of the Institute or the body that made the decision to liquidate the Institute appoints a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establishes the procedure and timing for the liquidation of the Institute in accordance with the law. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the Institute are transferred to it. The liquidation commission acts in court on behalf of the liquidated Institute. The liquidation commission identifies creditors and debtors and settles accounts with them. Upon liquidation of the Institute, funds and other objects at the independent disposal of the Institute, minus payments to cover its obligations, are transferred to the Founder. If it is impossible to transfer property to the Founder, it is transferred to his heirs in the manner prescribed by current legislation. After completing settlements with creditors, the liquidation commission draws up a liquidation balance sheet, which is approved by the founder of the Institute or the body that made the decision to liquidate the Institute.

12.5. The liquidation of the Institute is considered completed, and the Institute is considered to have ceased to exist after making an entry about this in a single State Register legal entities.

12.6. During the reorganization of the Institute, all documents generated in the process of activity, including documents on personnel, are transferred for storage to the legal successor, and in case of liquidation - to the State Archives.

FOUNDER E.V. Oganesyan