Planets in astrology: principles, roles and functions of planets. Fast and slow planets

All functionality and calculation results are available after the client registers in his personal account. The program calculates horoscopes and is synthesized according to the concept of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy ().

The program will be interesting:
  • not interested in astrology, but interested in horoscopes.
  • those interested in astrology and wanting to see what a horoscope consists of and how it is calculated.
  • professional astrologers who are not satisfied with their existing astroprogram and want to get away from routine calculations.

VGoroscope is the latest functional set of tools for in-depth analysis " ". With a unified concept of “house interactions and planetary influences,” ORION-online helps users extract “a valuable result format.”

Horoscope for today

Thanks to its unique graphical interface, the service is convenient to use both on a computer or laptop, and on the touch screen of a tablet or smartphone. It displays a quick and intuitive personalized forecast for the current day.

Calculation per city of residence (Local)

Using the Local Map, forecasts are made for any period of life:
  • My Slow Progression
  • My Fast Progression
  • My Transits
  • My Solar
  • My Lunar
  • My Directorate
  • My Reverse Progression
  • My Points of Life

The local horoscope is used to select a new place of residence, which gives a person the opportunity to change his destiny and create the desired events in life.

Events map

Allows you to build horoscopes for other people, companies, important events, presentations, etc.


Compatibility horoscopes by date of birth will help you understand issues of cooperation, love, friendship and marriage.

The diagram shows the degree of influence of your partner on your 12 houses - his (her) involvement in different areas of your life. The more aspects your partner’s planets form to your planets, the stronger his (her) influence on the houses whose elements are the planets in your horoscope.


Slow Progression - current period - interval in year and years

This is the “hour hand” of human destiny. Determines global events in life - getting a job, promotion or salary, emigration, meeting a partner, buying real estate, getting loans, large incomes, etc. It is built on the principle of “one day = one year.” An indication of this method can be found in the Bible: “According to the number of forty days... forty years, a year for a day...”.

Rapid progression - current sub-period of life

This is the “minute hand” of a person’s fate. Fast progression is our motivation concretized on a small time scale. She corrects the slow progression, and verifies the exact time of birth of the horoscope rectification. Fast progression has proven itself well in predictive techniques as a navigator that helps determine timing - the week of the event, the day of the event. Fast progression in itself without slow progression is not considered, but is an addition.

Transits - current period - interval in months and years

This is the “second hand” of a person’s fate. A transit planet, during its movement across the celestial sphere, at a certain moment has an effect, favorable or unfavorable. At such moments, the probability of manifestation of one or another event occurs.

Solarium - for each current year from the new birthday to the next birthday (for any year)

The solar chart is drawn every year on your birthday, when the transiting Sun makes the aspect of the conjunction with the Sun natal. Solar determines the events of the next year of life.

Lunar - for each current month from the moment your Moon returns until the new return (for any month)

An astrological chart constructed for the moment the Moon returns to its natal position. Lunar is calculated monthly for forecasting techniques - this happens every 27 days and 8 hours, and Lunar's work extends over this time interval.

Point of Life (Pars vita) - current position of points (for any period) Uranian and Jupiterian progression).

Forecast for the development of personal potential. Symbolic meanings of 7 and 12 year periods of human life. The movement (transit) of the Points of Life determines the program of life for a given time, the tasks and problems that we face. We consider 2 conditional points that move at a speed of 7 and 12 years Zodiac Sign. A full circle of these points takes 84 and 144 years. When the Life Point aspects a planet, the house cusp, significant events in life occur. It is an auxiliary forecasting method. . * The service has been suspended.


The meaning of the current period of life.

Reverse Progression

Additional forecast for the current period of life.

Interpretations in the My Forecasts service are available:
  • Progressive aspects of planets, planets in signs and houses New
Interpretations of events complement the charts of aspect periods

All features of the My Forecasts service can be viewed .


You can make thematic Event Cards for other people too!

Cosmogram - zodiac house system

A cosmogram is a picture of the Starry Sky at the moment of your birth, taking into account the time, but without taking into account the place-city of birth. The most important thing in a cosmogram is that it determines your psychological potential, strengths, talents, strengths and weaknesses of your inner world.

Karmic horoscope - from the karmic North Node

The fundamental basis of any horoscope and the second most informative horoscope. It is used for any time of birth, even when the exact time of birth is not known at all. Allows you to penetrate deeply into the karmic matrix of fate, that is, to recognize the spheres of accumulated experiences from past lives. Here we really understand more deeply our individual karmic task, the meaning of our life.

Business horoscope is the Sun at MC, true noon

Thematic horoscope when the Sun passed true noon! It is also used when constructing a horoscope for a state, a company, or when the time of birth of a person is unknown.

Horary card - horoscope questions

The map is currently being built. The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that the forecast is made without using the person’s birth data. The horoscope is built at the moment when the question is asked to the astrologer.

Two main house systems for all services:

  • Koch - set by default
  • Placidus - you can recalculate any card
The results of calculations of all horoscopes are presented in the form of interpretations, diagrams and tables:
Interpretations of event indicators complement the diagrams

Unique interpretations of psi factors

Graphs of house connections and the influence of planets in static (natal and local) and dynamic (forecasts) charts

bar chart

Counting the number of connections for each house

Planetary influence diagrams

Comparison mode

Using the comparison mode, you can compare local maps () with each other! This function helps you select the desired cities and compare how different event topics have changed:

  • Planets in houses
  • Event Indicators
  • Psychological factors
  • Graphs and tables, astrological charts

In which houses did the planets remain or where did they move?

Graphs of the load of points on the houses of the horoscope through connections of houses and the influence of planets on houses


The calculation results are presented in the form of tables:

  • Horoscope objects (planet, sign, house element)
  • List of planetary aspects
  • Planets in signs and houses
  • Influence of planets on houses
  • Connections, house combinations
  • Textual interpretation of connections
  • Astrological chart (circle)

The tables are calculated for all services provided to the user. All tables can be copied from the website into a Word editor and used in your work; no installation of astrological fonts is required! In these three tables you can see which connections predominate: blue-harmonious, red-tense, green-neutral.

In order for the event formula to work, 3 instructions are enough: for example, in the amount of +1 −1 ~1 there will already be a total of 3 instructions - which means the formula works.

The higher the sum of 3 indications in (+ or - or ~) the higher the likelihood of being influenced by harmonious or stressful events that may occur in your life. Neutral indications (~) as rules depend on the nature of the planets (evil or good) enhancing both positive and negative readings of the horoscope. Using all 4 tables (in each service), it will immediately become clear to you what influences your horoscope connections the most.

If the table does not contain a total of 3 or more instructions which are a 100% working formula, then 1 indication will be a 30% probability of an event, 2 indications - 70% of the formula’s influence on events, and this is an unreliable basis for forming an “event formula”, since it will be necessary to take into account auxiliary indicators - aspects, co-managers and others horoscope objects, in order to understand whether you will have an event in your life or not.

Unique horoscope interpretations:(various connections in the table, combinations of Houses), from 3 and above indications indicate the presence of some event. from 0 to 20 points weak, from 20 to 30 average, from 30 and above strong House. The strongest houses are important in life.

Convenient list of house connections
with which you independently work with horoscope interpretations. An example of counting house connections in a table and list:

Horoscope objects in double and single charts
  • Planets in signs and houses (degree, minute, second)
  • Map coordinates in Greenwich
  • House cusps
  • House elements for each planet in a static and dynamic chart
List of planetary aspects

The meaning of the aspects lies in the knowledge of human character and human life. A certain number of related aspects create aspect figures. Astrological aspects indicate a resonant connection that exists between certain planets and sensitive points of the horoscope. King of Aspects - a planet with a greater number of aspects, the dominant planet in the horoscope.

Influence of planets on horoscope houses

The influence of the 10 Planets, the Black Moon and Karmic Nodes on the Houses of the Horoscope: + − ~ create the psychological characteristics of your behavior, the strengths and weaknesses of your character. The total number of points determines the color of the events.

3. Astrological chart (circle)

How to use

The calculation options are as follows:

If you want to receive a calculation only at the time of your birth, then you select the Cards you are interested in in the All about birth block.

If you want to calculate Forecasts, i.e. calculation taking into account current time periods or any date, then you select My forecasts. And the selected forecast will be calculated taking into account the established city at the place of residence automatically!

If you want to find out your 210 microhoroscopes simultaneously using 5 cards, log into the service.

So, the astrological program offers the following opportunities

Option 1: Calculation based on date of birth. Click on the desired card and the program will display the calculated data.

Option 2: Calculation of forecast data. The calculation involves a local map (for the city of residence) and the selected map in the forecasts. To do this, click on the desired card. The program will calculate local forecasts.

3. You can enter any other city where you plan to live in the column and thus find out your potential opportunities through the moving horoscope. In the atlas of our database, calculations are made for 250,000 cities around the world. You can also change the time of birth (find a more accurate time), if you do not have

4. The program will calculate and offer you to save with template new cities "places of residence" and access them in one click.

Those interested and professionals will be interested in both interpretations and astrological tables, including prognostic ones, which can tell a lot of interesting things about a person’s character and events for any period of life.

Technical base and characteristics

Astrological ephemeris gives the coordinates of celestial objects and the time of occurrence of astrological events according to universal coordinated time (UTC), the outdated analogue of which is the so-called<<среднее время по Гринвичу>> (GMT).

For astronomical calculations, the following initial data are used:
  • the latest theory of the motion of the planets of the solar system and the Moon DE421, created by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 2008;
  • theory of motion of the asteroid Chiron (2060 Chiron), generated using the JPL Horizons system (version 3.32d);
  • JPL NASA's high-precision observations of the Earth's rotation, tilt, precession and nutation of its axis, the difference between ephemeris (ET) and coordinated universal (UTC) time since January 20, 1962;
  • standard constants and expansions of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

All information can be found

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Tags: User manual, functionality, help and calculations, technical capabilities, astrological charts, tables, graph of astroformulas, synthesis of the Shestopalov method

(prognostic supplement to the Russian horoscope)

P After the publication of the Russian horoscope, I propose a visual graph of the “life” of Russia, based on a method that is, rather, not astrological, but cosmobiorhythmological. Probably many astrologers have heard about this method, but very few use it. Basically, everyone is confused by the fact that for any horoscope (be it a natal horoscope, decumbiture, horary, solar, lunar...) the schedule will be the same. But it is not so.

Most often, the sidereal periods of revolution of planets are studied. In some cases, synodic periods of revolution become relevant. In particular, in agricultural and meteorological astrology, it is the synodic periods that are important, since the most important aspect here will be the interaction of the Sun and the Moon. In this case, it is the sidereal periods of revolution of the planets that are important, since the proposed method depends on a certain initial time reference point. This may be the time of birth of the subject (natal horoscope), the onset of the disease (decumbiture), the creation of the state (mundane horoscope) and other events, even particular ones in the life of the subject, defined as events developing over time.

There will be no categorical difference in all these cases, but depending on the time period under study, the cycles of planets of different speeds are applied. For example, in decumbiture, the cycles of slow planets are less important than fast ones, and in the chart of the mundan horoscope, the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus will not even be perceived by the eye. However, for a more in-depth study of a short period of a large period of time, the cycles of fast planets are added.

It is best to build a schedule using ephemeris. In this case, the retrograde motion of the planets will be taken into account, but a precessional error will appear, which in 400-500 years will be more than 6 degrees. In long-term charts, periods of “retrograde” are not so important, but the precessional error for Pluto over the same 400-500 years will be a forecast error of about 4 years, and this is significant.

D To analyze the cycles of the planets of the mundane horoscope, you can build two graphs: natural - transit and fast symbolic - tertiary progression. They can even be combined into one, where transits will be superimposed on tertiary progressions. Using the same principle, you can build a graph that takes into account secondary progressions, along with those mentioned above. But my experience shows the self-sufficiency of the transit schedule.

IDEA. Regardless of the position of the planets in any horoscope, each of them will perform its own natural sidereal cycle and aspect its natal point, so to speak. The cycle of Saturn (shown on the graph as a cyan-colored cosine wave) is 29.45772 years. After 7.36443 years, he will square the point of the celestial sphere from which his sidereal cycle of revolution began. After 14.72886 years, Saturn will conditionally stand in opposition to itself, after 22.09329 years the second square will occur, and after 29.45772 years there will be a conjunction with itself. All these age points symbolize social crises, according to the natural quality of Saturn. Depending on the quality and position of natal Saturn in the birth horoscope, as well as on the quality and position of transit Saturn, these crises are experienced differently, but they are always experienced by everyone. The same thing happens with other planets, but all cycles are different: both in speed and quality. In his short life, a person will survive, at best, a full cycle of Uranus, equal to 84.01529 years. The cycles of the remaining trans-Saturn planets are not relevant for humans, but the first square and opposition of Neptune, nevertheless, will take place and is important. Pluto will only have time to make its first square in its lifetime. In this regard, all trans-Saturn planets and Lunar Nodes must certainly be included in the chart. If desired, exotic lovers can apply the cycles of Chiron, asteroids and all hypothetical planets and fictitious points.

I foresee the question: why, in fact, are we talking only about connections, quadratures and oppositions? I will answer. In the above graph, all maxima are connections, all minima are oppositions, all intersections of the 0 (zero) axis are quadratures. Intersections with axes 0.5 and -0.5 are semi-quadratures and sesquiquadratures. You can have as many of these horizontal axes for fun as you like: for trines and sextiles, for septiles, deciles... But what is important on the chart is the total maximums and minimums, when several planets simultaneously create connections or oppositions to themselves. For example, from 42 to 47 years you can observe the minima (oppositions) of several planets. When all these lows are summed up, an even deeper “failure” will result. It can be observed on the graph of the planetary cycles of the Russian horoscope in 1590-1594. When plotting a graph using trigonometric functions, one condition is necessary: ​​you need a cosine wave. Otherwise, the chart will turn over and the opposition will show the tops, which is not logical.

No special interpretation of the graph is required. On the Russian chart I have marked historical crises in color. I hope they are clear.

Let me note that this method not only assumes, but also proves the equal strength and significance of connections and oppositions - the most important aspects of events. In addition, it can be assumed that temporarily A I friendship and enmity of planets in Indian astrology originate from the principle of cyclic distance of planets. In Indian horoscopes, planets located in the 10th, 11th, 12th, 2nd, 3rd and 4th derivative houses from the actual planet are friends with it, while other planets are at enmity with it. Planets in the same house as the current one (in conjunction) are not clear in their relationship with it. In Indian astrology there is no concept of “expulsion”, since any planet aspects the opposite house and the planets in it. Therefore, the opposition, like all other aspects, is not perceived as unequivocally negative by Indians. So it is in graphics: connections are often negative, while oppositions are positive. In the chart of any planet, 90 degrees will always be a turning point either from (+) to (-) or from (-) to (+).

N The graph of the planetary cycles of the Russian horoscope shows the total curve formed by the sidereal periods of revolution of the planets from Pluto to Jupiter, including the 18.6-year period of the Lunar Nodes. Extreme years are marked in color: revolutions, wars, default and 2002. The coming “failure” of 2004-2005. formed by a combination of cyclic oppositions of several planets. The plotting of the chart does not take into account the periodic retrograde of planets, so actual conjunctions and oppositions may deviate slightly from the graphical minimums. But in general, the schedule coincides with reality. It is clearly seen here that all crises begin from the top. Subsequent declines to lows are only a consequence of events at the peaks. The most striking examples: the peak of 1900-1904 - the beginning of a long-term decline, which included the period of revolutions and the war of 1914; the peak of 1935-1941 led to the Great Patriotic War; the period 1996-1998 led to default and subsequent socio-economic problems. From 2005-2006, a socio-economic rise begins until 2048, when the graph shows historical (! ) top.

Here are two formulas for calculating a cycle graph in Excel:

  1. =360/X*IN 1; Where X- sidereal period of the planet; B1 - age in years.
  2. =(COS(B1*PI()/180-PI()*2))

I encourage those wishing to work in the fields of world astrology and cosmobiorhythmology to further improve the proposed method and mathematical debugging of the graphical analysis of horoscopes.

Planets in astrology are key figures in the horoscope. It is the movement of the planets along the zodiacal circle that sets the main cosmic rhythms. Their position in the sky at each moment of time forms a unique pattern (cosmogram). A personal birth chart or natal chart is a cosmogram superimposed on the geographic longitude and latitude of a person’s place of birth.

Planets in astrology are symbols that are specifically displayed in a particular situation. For example, the Sun in a personal birth horoscope symbolizes creativity, will or spirit, a person’s individuality, his ability to love, create, and enjoy life. In turn, in mundane astrology, which studies the influence of astrological factors on world processes, the Sun can indicate the highest power of the state. Mars in natal (personal) astrology can tell the astrologer about physical strength, initiative, ability to act, some dynamic qualities of an individual, and in mundane astrology it can give information related to the army and power structures. However, no matter how great the symbolic diversity, each planet in astrology, like any number, letter or musical note, has its own unique basic principle, a property from which a certain function and role follows. Just as the number 1 will always be one, the note “A” will always be “A”, so the Moon will always be the Moon, and Venus will be Venus.

The basic principle of a planet is an astrological characteristic of a planet, unique to it, which is the key to a general understanding of its sacred meaning, unique properties and “behavior.” For example, when analyzing a personal horoscope, in particular its informative part relating, for example, to the professional activity of the person under study, the astrologer necessarily pays attention to the Sun, since CREATIVITY is the main principle that the daylight expresses. That is, based on how pronounced and strong the position the Sun occupies in the horoscope, one can already determine the creative capabilities of a person. Similarly, the fundamental essence of all other astrological objects is taken into account.

For clarity, let’s imagine all the planets as a motley troupe of actors, in which each “actor” has his own “role” (principle). From the principle it logically follows the action or function performed by one or another “participant in the performance” (the planet) and the role that reflects the specificity of the principle of the planet. Figuratively speaking: the role is a comedian, his function is to play in a comedy, the appropriate role is some kind of funny guy. The signs of the Zodiac in this diagram are the stage on which our “show stars” have to perform, and the scenery is the so-called houses of the horoscope, which are the subject of a separate article.

The trinity of the description of the planets is directly related to the classification of the Zodiac by crosses, which makes it possible to identify the “behavior” of the planets by comparing their characteristics and the properties of the Zodiac crosses. In total, in astrology there are three crosses of the Zodiac: cardinal, fixed and mutable (movable), describing three ways of implementing tasks. That is, the roles of the planets are a reflection of their cardinal properties, the basic and unchanging characteristics - principles - are associated with a fixed cross, and changing functions - with a mutable one.

If the planet has a universal principle, and universality implies diversity, then depending on the specifics of the task or situation, its functions and roles may change.

Next, we will consider the principles, roles and functions of the planets in the most general astrological expression, since this allows us to connect each planet with its numerical symbolism. To get acquainted with the description of any planet, follow the link to the page with the material, selecting the planet that interests you.

At certain ages a person goes through the influence of the corresponding planets. The events described by these planets are common to all people - they happen to everyone at the same age.

7 years- the seven-year cycle of the White Moon, our guardian angel. Every 7 years, the White Moon (a fictitious point in the sky) returns to the place where it was at the time of a person’s birth. We can say that all ages divisible by seven are happy. Even if something bad happens, our guardian angel helps us and smoothes out unpleasant moments. The White Moon helps us most actively in the area that corresponds to the horoscope house where it is located.

8 years- cycle of Venus. Every 8 years we are under the influence of Venus, the planet of love, beauty and wealth. We feel the positive influence of Venus. These are years of a person’s monetary success, years of intensifying the theme of love and relationships, years of pleasant events.

9 years- Black Moon cycle. The Black Moon (Lilith, a fictitious point in the sky) carries temptation for a person. What the temptation will be will be shown by the zodiac sign and the house where Lilith is located in the horoscope. Not everyone experiences the Black Moon. It is more likely to manifest itself in those who have it aspects other planets in their natal chart. A person can first feel its influence at the age of 9. This is a dangerous age for a child, and parents need to closely monitor their child’s behavior. If the Black Moon awakens in a child at the age of 9, then every 9 years it will have a negative impact on him. But if at the age of 9 the child is still under the supervision of adults, then at the age of 18 the person becomes more or less independent and the influence of Lilith can be destructive. At this age, its influence coincides with the riot of the body’s hormones, and it is difficult for a person to control the manifestations of the Black Moon in himself. Further, at the age of 27 it becomes less dangerous, because the personality is already formed, the person is able to control himself.

The most dangerous manifestations of Lilith are at 36 and 45 years old. At the age of 36, a person feels the influence of the Black Moon and Jupiter at the same time. At this age, a person tends to overestimate himself, his strengths and capabilities, which can lead to sad consequences in his career and personal life. Let's remember Princess Diana, who died at the age of 36 because she overestimated what she was allowed to do. She fell in love with a billionaire, planned to have a child with him and convert to Islam. Naturally, the “top” of England would never accept this. Diana did not understand the limits of what was permissible, and as a result, she paid for it with her life. 45 years is also a dangerous age, bearing the influence of the Black Moon. It is especially dangerous for women. It’s not for nothing that they say “45 is the old berry again.” A woman experiences a hormonal surge, and a strong desire to feel attractive and sexy again pushes her to search for a man who is ready to appreciate her feminine qualities, because her relationship with her husband has long become boring and gray. This is the last fatal turn that the Black Moon makes in a person’s life. In the future, its influence is no longer so significant.

11 years- cycle of the Sun. Every 11 years a person climbs to some peak. The position of the Sun in the house of the horoscope will show in which area of ​​life the peak will be reached.

12 years- cycle of Jupiter. At ages divisible by 12, you need to wait for everything and to the maximum, because... Jupiter is the planet of Great Happiness. The happiest ages can be called 24 years and 48 years old - the ages when two cycles coincide - Venus and Jupiter, the two happiest planets in astrology. Only at 24 years old is the influence of Venus, the planet of “Small Happiness” - happiness in personal life, more felt, and at 48 - the influence of Jupiter, the planet of "Great Happiness" - happiness in public life, public recognition. 60 years - the coincidence of the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn - can be called the age of summing up. Of course, life does not end there, but enough has already been lived so that we can take stock of what we have lived.

18.6 years- cycle of the Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes answer the question - “Why are you here? What should you do and what should you not do? The North Node shows us what we need to strive for. South Node - what you need to run from. Rare people live along the North Node, because... Living in Yuzhny is much easier. Ages divisible by 18 and a half years are the ages of karmic checks. The Lunar Nodes check whether a person lives correctly, whether he follows his karmic task. If a person lives correctly, the test goes smoothly. If a person lives incorrectly, the Nodes make a negative decision - and the person experiences troubles that can last a long time, several years. The first test occurs at 18.6 years old - not too strict, because... Usually by this age a person has not yet had time to do anything significant. Further checks occur at 37, 56, 74, etc. On the eve of the test, the South Node begins to attract a person more and more, and one needs to have great willpower to resist this temptation.

29.5 years- Saturn cycle. For the first time, a person feels the influence of Saturn at 29.5 - 30 years old - this is a feeling of all the heaviness, cruelty and severity of life. For those who live according to the Saturn principle - the principle of limitations - it will be easier during this period. The horoscope house where it is located will tell you what exactly a person should limit himself to. You need to try to have fewer attachments and desires.

50 years- Chiron cycle. Chiron is the planet of strangeness, duality and paradox. For those who have an evil character in their horoscope, it is not advisable to celebrate their 50th anniversary, because... the celebration can end in quarrels, ridiculous gifts and situations, the anniversary can turn into a farce that everyone will laugh at.

84 years old- Uranus cycle. In some cases, a half-rotation of Uranus appears - 42 years. Since Uranus is also the planet of divorces and breakups, many at this age take on a mistress/lover or leave the family altogether. Most often this happens to men. They even came up with a name for this phenomenon: “the seventh anniversary of the revolt of married people.” The algorithm of actions of men is as follows - they announce their departure, leave their wife (sometimes friends, work) and go to a young girl. A person's whole life is ruined. During the first years, these men live happily with their new partner, but then symptoms of physical exhaustion appear, because... Life with a young lady requires a lot of strength. As a result, most often this union breaks up and the man tries to return to his family. Previously, this syndrome was not as widespread as it is now (apparently, this is due to the entry into a new era - the era of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus).

How to smooth out the negative impact of planetary cycles?

It is important to know how to properly celebrate a birthday in the years of certain cycles.

Let's start with the fact that the tradition of putting candles on a birthday cake is categorically unacceptable, because... Symbolically, this is like a magical procedure for blowing out the fire of one's own life. Birthday cake with candles can only be used in childhood. If you are presented with such a cake, ask the guests to blow out the candles themselves - they will not suffer from this.

You can't celebrate your 40th anniversary. Symbolically, 40 years correspond to 40 days. Giving the birthday person a gift on this day is also undesirable. It's better to do this a little later.

It is better to celebrate the age corresponding to the White Moon cycle by making maximum use of white attributes.

The age of the Venus cycle is in pink and green colors, in beauty and harmony, with music, sweets, flowers.

The age of the Black Moon is to be celebrated in black clothes, avoid ambiguity.

The age of the Sun is to be celebrated in a pompous, chic manner, and by giving gold items.

The age of Jupiter should be noted widely, so that the table is bursting with treats. Invite a lot of guests. It is better to give the birthday boy something spiritual (depending on his interests).

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