Who is more important at the university? Positions, degrees and titles at the university Who is more important: rector or vice-rector.

R'EKTOR, rector, male. (·lat. rector - manager) (·source). The person at the head of the management of a higher educational institution, as well as a religious educational institution. Rector of the university. Rector of the Theological Seminary. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • rector - see >> chief Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  • rector - 1. rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors 2. rector, rector, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector, rectors, rector , rectors Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • rector - RECTOR -a; m. [from lat. rector - manager, leader] The head of a university, religious or other higher educational institution. R. Polytechnic Institute. R. Theological Seminary. ◁ Rector's, -aya, -oh. R. order. R. office. R. outbuilding of the university. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Rector - (lat. rector - manager, manager) - in the Roman Empire since the time of Constantine the Great, this was the name in some provinces for a governor subordinate to prefects or exarchs. Since the Renaissance... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Rector - (from Latin rector - ruler, leader) head of a higher educational institution. During the Renaissance, the main teachers and heads of multi-grade schools were called R. In France, R. is also the name of the person who heads an educational district (“academy”). Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • rector - RECTOR m. lat. a superior or senior at a university, training academies, or seminaries; rectors, which is his personally; rector, related to his title. The rector's wife is the rector's wife. Rector, be a rector. Rector's rank, title, position. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • rector - Borrowing in the 17th century from Polish lang., where rector< лат. rector «правитель», суф. производного от regere «управлять». См. директор. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  • rector - rector b. p. -a, for the first time in 1643; see Ogienko, RFV 66, 367; Ukrainian rector. Through Polish rektor from lat. rēсtor "ruler, manager": regō, -ере "to manage". Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • rector - Rector, m. [Latin. rector – manager] (historical). The person at the head of the management of a higher educational institution, as well as a religious educational institution. Rector of the university. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • rector - RECTOR, pl. s, ov, m. A person at the head of the management of a university and certain other higher educational institutions. | adj. rector, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • rector - noun, number of synonyms: 1 manager 13 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • rector - orf. rector, -a Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • The first weeks of study at a university for freshmen are marked by embarrassment and confusion. Who is a curator, methodologist, dean? I am ready to explain to future students all unclear words in advance. Let's start with perhaps the simplest thing - with people. To avoid awkward situations.

    Student- university student.

    Freshman(“pervach”) - first-year student. The university administration insists that what separates a freshman from a student is a baptism of fire in the form of the first session. The way it is!

    Group mate- a student from your group. As a rule, he studies in your specialty, but it also happens that children with related specialties are combined into one group (if the enrollment for each of them was small). Sometimes classmates also turn out to be roommates in the dorm, so in the coming years you will share the hardships and joys of student life.

    Classmate, fellow student- a student who is studying in the same course as you. You can meet your classmates at continuous lectures, when one subject is taught to several groups. You can always find out from a fellow student how this or that teacher administers exams and tests.

    Headman is the student who is the formal head of the group. Typically, a person is selected for this position at the first group meeting.

    Perhaps the most difficult are the job titles of university employees, as well as the degrees and titles of teachers. We explain:

    Rector is the head of a higher educational institution. You definitely need to know the rector by sight.

    Vice-Rector- Deputy Rector. As a rule, large universities have a first vice-rector and many others who specialize in narrower issues: academic work, international cooperation, ideological work, sports, etc.

    Dean— heads the faculty, manages educational, educational and scientific work. It is your duty to know his name and write correctly: all petitions and petitions at the faculty level are sent to his name.

    Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs- is responsible for academic performance at the faculty: the educational process, exams, tests, scientific life - his domain. If you want to go home in the middle of the school week, you go to him.

    Deputy Dean for Educational Work— keeps abreast of the cultural life of the faculty. Any ideas on how to have fun organizing an event? Contact him.

    Head of the department— heads the department at the faculty. If a faculty is a department of a higher educational institution where scientific disciplines of any one branch of knowledge are taught, then a department is a structural unit of a university that provides training within a certain specialization.

    For example, the Faculty of Dentistry has 14 departments, including the Department of Orthodontics, the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, etc.

    Curator - a teacher who is assigned to a group as a class teacher at school. He is aware of the academic, social, creative and sometimes even personal life of each student in the group. Don’t be surprised if the curator comes to your dormitory for tea: it is his responsibility to monitor the living conditions of his charges.

    Laboratory assistant— scientific and technical employee, reporting to the head of the department or laboratory. Prepares instruments, preparations, equipment, visual materials for laboratory, seminars or experiments. It is better to be friends with laboratory assistants, because they are a source of information about teachers (how they ask during tests and exams, what they like to catch, how to approach them, where to look for a teacher when he is not in the department, etc.).

    Methodist- a specialist who draws up educational programs and also maintains documentation on educational work. His competence includes, for example, scheduling and recording the session. A good methodologist is a blessing for the faculty. Usually a student comes to him in several cases: to get a certificate from the place of study or to sort out the class schedule.

    Assistant— initial teaching position in universities. It is usually occupied by graduate students. The assistant conducts seminars and practical classes, helps take tests or exams.

    Teacher- a teaching position in universities, which occupies an intermediate position between an assistant and a senior teacher. This specialist is responsible for conducting seminars and laboratory classes. As a rule, teachers without an academic degree with work experience are appointed to this position.

    Senior Lecturer- a teaching position in universities, which occupies an intermediate position between a teacher and an assistant professor. Senior teachers can independently give lecture courses and take tests and exams. As a rule, they become teachers who do not have an academic degree, but have sufficient work experience (usually at least three years).

    Assistant professor— academic title of teachers of higher educational institutions performing the function of university lecturers; position in higher education institutions.

    PhD— academic degree of the first stage. The title of Candidate of Sciences may be assigned indicating the specialization (Candidate of Economic Sciences).

    Ph.D— academic degree of the second, highest level (after Candidate of Sciences). The title of Doctor of Science can be awarded indicating the specialization (Doctor of Economic Sciences).

    Professor— academic title of scientific and pedagogical worker of a higher educational institution.

    Academician- the title of full member of the organization of scientists - the Academy of Sciences, the highest scientific title.

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    In Russia

    The position was restored in 1939. However, until March 1961, according to the Model Charter of a Higher Educational Institution, heads of universities (educational institutes), with the exception of universities, were still called directors, and only with the adoption of the “Regulations on Higher Educational Institutions” the position of director of a university was replaced by rector.

    Requirements for the rector's qualifications

    Higher professional education, additional professional education in the field of state and municipal administration, personnel management, project management, management and economics; availability of an academic degree and academic title; At least 5 years of experience in scientific or scientific-pedagogical work.

    Procedure for electing the rector

    The rector, in the manner established by the charter of the higher educational institution, is elected from among the candidates agreed upon with the certification commission of the relevant authorized executive body or executive administrative body of the city district, by secret ballot at a general meeting (conference) for a period not exceeding 5 years, based on the results discussion of the candidates' (applicant's) programs.

    The procedure for nominating candidates for the position of rector, the timing and procedure for the election of the rector are determined by the academic council of the higher educational institution. The procedure for nominating candidates must provide for the possibility of self-nomination.

    After the election of the rector, an employment contract is concluded between him and the executive body or the executive-administrative body of the city district, which is in charge of such a higher educational institution, for a period not exceeding 5 years.

    Age restrictions

    In state and municipal higher educational institutions, the position of rector is filled by persons whose age does not exceed 65 years, regardless of the time of conclusion of employment contracts. Persons holding these positions and who have reached the age of 65 are transferred, with their written consent, to other positions corresponding to their qualifications. Upon the recommendation of the academic council, the founder has the right to extend the term of the rector in his position until he reaches the age of 70 years.

    see also


    Many people are confused about the positions, degrees and titles of teachers and researchers working at universities. And this is not surprising...

    Let's figure this out.

    The fact is that university employees are characterized immediately by four directions :

    1. Academic position.

    2. Administrative position.

    3. Academic degree.

    4. Academic title.

    Table 1

    List of academic positions

    Full title


    Full title


    1. Graduate student


    8. Researcher


    2. Assistant


    9. Teacher


    3. Leading researcher


    10. Professor


    4. Chief Researcher


    11. Senior teacher

    senior teacher

    doctoral student

    12. Trainee


    6. Associate Professor


    13. Senior Researcher


    7. Junior Researcher


    14. Student


    Positions are listed in alphabetical order. They give different rights and responsibilities to participate in the educational (academic) process. For example, a student can study, but cannot teach. The assistant can teach, but cannot independently develop his own training course, etc.

    table 2

    List of administrative positions

    Full title


    Academic Secretary


    Graduate student




    Leading Researcher


    Leading Specialist

    leading specialist

    Vice President

    Vice President


    general director

    General designer

    general design

    Chief Researcher


    Chief Editor

    chief editor

    Chief Specialist

    chief special





    Doctoral student

    doctoral student

    Assistant professor


    Head of the department

    head of department

    Station Manager

    station manager

    Deputy academic secretary

    Deputy Academic Secretary

    Deputy general director

    Deputy General Director

    Deputy editor-in-chief

    Deputy Chief Editor

    Deputy dean

    Deputy Dec.

    Deputy directors

    deputy director

    Deputy chairman

    deputy chairman

    Deputy head

    deputy manager

    Deputy leader (manager, chief) of the group

    deputy head of group

    Deputy head (manager, chief) of the laboratory

    deputy head of laboratory

    Deputy head (manager, chief) of the department

    deputy head of department

    Deputy head (manager, chief, chairman) of the department

    deputy head of department

    Deputy head (manager, chief) of the sector

    deputy leader of the sect.

    Deputy head (manager, chief, chairman) of the center (scientific, educational, etc.)

    deputy head of the center



    Laboratory assistant


    Junior Researcher


    Scientific consultant

    scientific cons.



    Head of Department

    start control

    Head of the expedition

    head of expedition



    The president












    Leader (manager, chief) of the group

    hand gr.

    Head (manager, chief) of the laboratory

    head of laboratory

    Head (manager, chief) of the department

    head of department

    Head (manager, chief, chairman) of the department

    head of department

    Head (manager, chief) of the sector

    leader of the sect.

    Head (manager, chief, chairman) of a center (scientific, educational, etc.)

    head of the center



    Specialist (zoologist, programmer, geologist, engineer, etc.)


    Senior specialist (geologist, zoologist, engineer, etc.)

    senior specialist

    Senior Assistant


    Senior Lecturer

    senior teacher

    Senior technician

    senior technical



    Senior Researcher






    Scientific Secretary

    academic secretary

    Other positions


    Positions are listed in alphabetical order. It is in accordance with administrative positions that university employees receive salaries, or rather, official salaries. The higher the position, the higher the salary. These positions are of particular importance to the HR and Accounting departments. They arrange all employees into a hierarchy of superiors and subordinates.

    List of academic degrees

    Russia has introduced two academic degrees:

    1. PhD - primary. For example, a candidate of medical sciences - candidate of medical sciences - candidate of medical sciences.

    2. Ph.D- higher . For example, Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences.

    In order to obtain such a degree, it is necessary to create a special scientific work called “a dissertation for the academic degree of a candidate of such and such sciences” or “a dissertation for the academic degree of a doctor of such and such sciences.” In addition, this dissertation still needs to be “defended” in a specially designated place - the Dissertation Council. Specialists in a related scientific field there will decide whether the submitted dissertation corresponds to the desired degree. So an academic degree may or may not be awarded. Writing and defending a dissertation is not a simple and easy job, therefore the scientific and organizational value of candidates and doctors of science is clearly higher than that of them, but before defending their academic degree.

    True, we are threatened by the emergence of several more degrees, modeled on Western ones, but, naturally, in the Russian way.

    Bachelor- in fact, this is our same graduate of a technical school or a dropout student from a university with an “incomplete higher education”, but who defended his thesis, for which he receives a bachelor’s “degree”. This is the lowest possible academic degree.

    master- in the recent past, it was simply a university graduate who defended his thesis, and not just passed state exams. But now the student's thesis began to be called the VKR ("graduate qualifying work") and ceased to give a master's level. Now you will have to spend an additional 2 years (for additional money) at the university and do, essentially, a second thesis, now a master’s thesis. Only then will it be possible to be called a “master”. And this work will be called a “master’s thesis”, like a candidate’s or doctoral dissertation. A master's degree is an academic degree that reflects the appropriate educational level of the graduate, readiness for research and scientific-pedagogical activities. The master's degree is awarded based on the results of the defense of the master's thesis.

    "Doctor of Philosophy" or "PhD"- a degree popular abroad, in terms of scientific weight it is something intermediate between a graduate thesis and a classic Soviet candidate's dissertation. True, pessimists fear that over time they will begin to demand a hybrid of a higher level - something between a candidate’s and doctoral dissertation. Life will show what will actually hatch from this gilded egg: a chicken or a crocodile...

    An approximate analogue of the academic degree of Doctor of Science in countries with a “single-stage” system of academic degrees is the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree, in countries with a “two-stage” system (for example, in Germany) - a habilitated (habilitated) doctor. After completing the habilitation procedure, i.e. defense of the second doctoral dissertation (more significant than the first), the applicant is awarded the title of habilitated doctor (doctor habilitatus, Dr. habil.)

    There is also a system of academic degrees for “professional” rather than scientific research work. Thus, for example, Doctor of Laws (DL), Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc. degrees are considered in many countries to constitute a professional rather than an academic/research doctorate, i.e. the holder of such a degree is expected to engages in relevant practical activities, not science. Because these degrees do not require independent scientific research, a professional doctorate is not generally considered an advanced degree. Whether a degree is classified as a professional or research doctorate varies by country and even by university. For example, in the USA and Canada the degree of Doctor of Medicine is professional, and in Great Britain, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth it is research.

    Honorary degree
    There is also a workaround for obtaining an academic degree without scientific work. This is the so-called “honorary degree” of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa). It is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching and give lectures at the best universities in many countries around the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine. An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

    So, an academic degree confirms the scientific qualifications of its holder and his ability for fruitful scientific activity.

    List of academic titles

    In Russia, according to the unified register of academic degrees and titles, approved in 2002, the following are provided:academic titles:

    1. Assistant professor by specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers or by department of an educational institution.Academic title of associate professor assigned to employees of scientific organizations for research activities, and to employees of higher educational institutions - for scientific and pedagogical activities.

    2. Professor by specialty or department.Academic title of professor awarded to employees of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations for scientific and pedagogical activities and training of graduate students.

    3. Corresponding Member(corresponding member) of the Academy of Sciences.

    4. Full member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences.

    System academic titles more confusing than the system academic degrees . So, there are different titles by specialty And by department. In addition, there are only scientific degrees (scientists), and titles - both scientific and pedagogical (teaching). Academic degrees are officially registered only by the Higher Attestation Commission (Higher Attestation Commission), and all academic titles are officially registered by the Higher Attestation Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    How can we distinguish between the concepts of “academic degree” and “academic title” in order to reduce the often observed confusion in this regard?

    Speaking about academic titles, one should distinguish title or simply the position held from academic title, which you can have without holding a similar position. Yes, you can borrow job title professor or associate professor, but not have the same ranks, confirmed by the presence of a certificate. On the contrary, you can have rank professor or associate professor, have the appropriate official certificate, but work not as a professor, but, for example, as a house manager, or even not work at all. So professors with the title of professor can work, alas, not as professors at all.

    The matter is further complicated by the fact that people who work as professors, but do not have the same academic title, tend to call themselves professors, although in reality they only occupy professorship. It is curious that the military is more modest in this regard: for example, a colonel holding a general's position job title, does not call himself a general until he receives a general's title rank.

    So, ranks "Associate Professor" or "Professor"supported by official certificates. Purely job titles "Associate Professor" or "Professor", are not associated with the official assignment of the same academic title.

    At the same time, in order to occupy a decent position in a university or research institution, it is desirable (and sometimes mandatory) to have academic degree. The presence of an academic degree, position and required activities in this position give the right to receive academic title.

    Academic degrees are awarded as a result of defending dissertations, and academic titles assigned based on the results of scientific and pedagogical activities.

    About availability academic degree testifies diploma candidate or doctor of sciences, but about the availability academic title - certificate associate professor, professor. So official supporting documents for degrees And ranks are called differently.

    Non-state degrees and titles

    And you should definitely know about one more interesting detail. In Russia there are many non-state educational institutions: academies, universities, institutes, which sometimes have their own non-state dissertation councils. Some of them dare to completely separate from the state in the person of the Higher Attestation Commission and begin to award academic degrees, not just candidates, but even doctors of sciences without the participation of the Higher Attestation Commission , in the same way as is customary abroad, but in completely different conditions. After protection like this "non-state" Scientists are immediately issued diplomas sealed with seals, popularly called “crusts,” the forms of which are not difficult to produce or buy. The question of their legal force raises reasonable doubts...

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 No. 74, only diplomas issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or other authorized state bodies are valid as documents for the award of academic degrees provided for by the state certification system.

    Academicians and Corresponding Members

    Now in Russia scientific academies with their academicians and corresponding members form a whole pyramid.

    On first level, at the top of this academic pyramid is created by Peter the Great in 1724. Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) , which includes about a thousand corresponding members and full members (academics). This is the holy of holies of Russian science.

    On second level academic pyramid are state branch academies , such as the Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Architecture and Construction, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Academy of Arts and, to some extent, the Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN). They also include full members (academicians) and corresponding members, but their state academic “scholarships” are one and a half, or even two times lower than in the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, in general, only the Academy itself has the right to pay money, without state support.

    On third level so many have already arisen non-state , public academies , and in them"public" academicians and corresponding members that it is not easy to count them. But in these"academies" state academic scholarships are not paid at all, and even, on the contrary, in order to become a participant, one must pay an entrance fee - as a kind of payment for the right to bear the title of corresponding member or full member of such a non-state public Academy.

    Related « public academies» the abroad our former compatriots. They quickly trade in titles, diplomas and certificates, making money on this, and not on science. And in Russia the number is growing"foreign academicians ", having beautiful"candy wrappers ", with notes in a foreign language, as if confirming their mythical international scientific status...

    Any student knows the indisputable truth: while studying at a university, there is only one king and god in his life - the rector. At the same time, if during the entire period of study you do not have the opportunity to personally meet the head of your alma mater, his spirit is so materialized in all spheres of student life that the acquaintance can well be considered completed.

    However, the time of the rectoral monarchy in universities seems to be over.

    From now on, rectors and presidents will manage domestic higher educational institutions. Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education,” thereby ending the era of autocracy in higher education. As stated in the reference to the legislative document, “combining the positions of rector and president in state and municipal higher educational institutions is not allowed.”

    According to the innovation, the rector must now head the management of the university. In other words, this is a manager-administrator who will serve as a financial and economic coordinator, taking care of the material well-being of the educational institution.

    The president concentrates his efforts on leading the educational and scientific process and performs representative functions, heading the academic council and engaging in research projects of the university. It follows from the document that a person “usually with experience as a rector of a higher educational institution” can apply for the position of president. In other words, an honored, albeit capable, retired rector. Government officials of the Ministry of Education and Science believe that this approach to resolving the issue is quite humane, since in this case the ideological inspirer of the scientific process, based on his rich experience, will continue to serve for the benefit of the prosperity of the university. In this case, real power will be concentrated in the hands of the current rector.

    The democratic principle of choosing a rector, established in recent years, whose candidacy was determined by a vote by the university conference, and only then approved by government officials, has also been archived. In fact, now a candidate for a high position will be appointed by government bodies depending on the subordination of the university or academy.

    Anyone applying for the position of rector must first undergo professional certification. In accordance with the law, his candidacy will be proposed for approval by the academic council of the university and then subject to approval by the ministry.

    Naturally, the amendments made change not only the status of the main person at the university, but also his powers. Even at the stage of discussion of the project, representatives of the local educational system management expressed their opinion on the innovations, sending their proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Education Committee of the Murmansk Region did not agree with all the provisions.

    As you know, previously a person was nominated for the position of rector by an initiative group or independently, after which the decision of the academic council on elections was approved by the founder. Now candidates for the position of rector are reviewed by the certification commission and recommend that the academic council accept one or another candidate for this post. This is a significant change that we support. At the same time, we recommended that the rector’s candidacy be coordinated with the executive body of the Russian Federation on whose territory the higher education institution is located,” emphasized Deputy Regional Education Committee Viktor Shtykov.

    As for the second part of the amendments - on the introduction of the position of president, I have not changed my opinion: it is inappropriate to establish this position in a higher educational institution, since this will lead to a violation of the principle of unity of command in the management of the university, will reduce the level of powers and responsibility of the rector, and will contribute to the creation of conditions for rivalry between the “rector’s” and “presidential” control centers. With the introduction of the position of president, “ambiguity also appears in the university’s relations with external partners.

    The doubts of opponents of the innovation about the productivity of the introduced mechanism for managing universities are based on the fact that the new amendments can become a convenient method of removing rectors from their traditional responsibilities. Moreover, it seems that correctness towards them will be observed, since they will be offered a presidential post in place of their previous post.

    Such presidents have already appeared at Petrozavodsk State University, St. Petersburg Technical University (former Polytechnic Institute), and so it will come to Moscow State University, says Viktor Shtykov. - This can only be explained by one thing - a group of influential people is preparing a springboard for themselves. There are many different forms of using the authority of these people. For example, without interfering with the responsibilities of the rector, they can head a public council that draws up forecasts and conducts an examination of projects and other important documents. That is, both sides will resolve practical issues, and God forbid, if at odds. That is, the situation is quite ambiguous, the vertical of power is being violated - that’s what’s most important.

    The concerns of supporters of the classical structure of the domestic alma mater can be understood. According to the plan of Russian legislators, the president of a domestic university is entrusted with the most precious thing - intellect, freeing the most worthy sage from the mortal problems of maintaining the university. Discussing the draft document at a meeting of the union of rectors, held recently in Moscow, many heads of the country's largest universities agreed that the establishment of the post of president is not only logical, but also an urgent necessity.

    For rectors of Russian universities, there is an age limit for this position - 65 years. But, as a rule, these are all people with a wealth of experience who have well-deserved authority, and not only in the scientific community,” explained the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University Roman Tripolsky, a participant in the meeting. - Upon reaching this age, transferring such people, say, to departments, is the same as burying the most powerful potential of a university in the ground. Therefore, recently, many universities, on their own initiative, began to introduce the position of president, and to update the rectors’ staff with people of the younger generation, who can carry out leadership much more productively. After all, now the activities of universities and academies are associated with extensive research activities, work on grants, and so on. All this requires competent financial management. And the amendments made to the law precisely meet a long-standing need - to delimit the powers of the two heads of the university. Therefore, I only welcome this initiative.

    However, despite the authoritarian nature of the domestic education system, the developers of the new document also preserved its democratic foundations. Whether or not to introduce the position of president for the outgoing rector - this choice remains with the university. If there is no need for a president, then the system of his leadership remains the same, as well as the traditional elections of the rector, since the Federal Law “On the Status of the Rector” remains in force.

    The fact that the state will participate in the appointment of a rector where the presence of a president is expected, according to Roman Tripolsky, is still a very significant positive factor.

    This really makes it possible to insure against unscrupulous raiders coming to the university, as happened in some capital universities. In addition, the academic council of the university has all the powers to reject a candidate for the post of rector recommended by the ministry and propose its own.

    True, there is one “but” in the transition to a foreign model of university management. In world practice, the president of an educational institution has a more significant status. He even has the power to suspend the rector's decision. All relationships with external parties, including international ones, are also carried out by the president, while the rector manages only the educational process, participates in the work of the board of trustees and public organizations, by analogy with the existing monarch in a parliamentary republic.

    However, in Russia they decided not to abandon classical traditions - the main person at the university still remains the rector.