Another truth about the Second World War. “Stop rejoicing!”, or victory through the eyes of a commander

Epigraph: L. Ulitskaya: “The pathos blooming around our victory is so great that one forgets at what price it was achieved and what price was paid for many years after.” But war, any war, is not only and not so much heroism, pathos, fanfare, victory, but dirt, blood, stupidity, betrayal, lies, violence, suffering, fear, death, seas of blood, thousands and millions of deaths... According to Nikolai Nikulin, “war is death and meanness, meanness, meanness. And disgusting.”

In your declining years, it is strange to look back at those distant times when you still did not understand many things that later became clearer with all the merciless obviousness. Was it really possible not to see what was before your eyes, not to realize the indisputable truth?

Can. This is a simple matter. That's how it is human nature: We are often blind and deaf to what we do not want to know. Other knowledge causes such pain that the soul rushes to instinctively isolate itself from it. But that doesn’t stop the truth from being true. Trusting optimism, maintained at the cost of self-deception, is worthless; in the end, it only multiplies evil. We must say thank you to those who save us from cowardly blindness, no matter how bitter the insight may be. As for me, I want to offer this tribute of gratitude to the memory famous military leader, Marshal Ivan Stepanovich Konev. And it was like that.

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Victory, Marshal Konev asked me to help him write a custom article for “ Komsomolskaya Pravda" Having covered myself with all kinds of literature, I quickly sketched out the “framework” of the victory report expected by Komsomolskaya Pravda in the spirit of that time, and the next day I came to the commander. It was clear from everything that he was not in a good mood today.

Read,” Konev muttered, and he nervously walked around the spacious office. It seemed like he was tormented by the thought of something painful.

Poised proudly, I began with pathos, hoping to hear praise: “Victory is a great holiday. A day of national celebration and rejoicing. This..."

Enough! - the marshal interrupted angrily. - Stop rejoicing! It's sickening to listen to. You better tell me, did everyone in your family come from the war? Is everyone back in good health?

No. We were missing nine people, five of them were missing,” I muttered, wondering where he was going with this. - And three more hobbled on crutches.

How many orphans are left? - he did not let up.

Twenty-five young children and six frail old people.

So how did they live? Did the state provide for them?

They didn’t live, but vegetated,” I admitted. - Yes, and now it’s no better. There is no money for the missing breadwinners... Their mothers and widows cried their eyes out, and everyone hopes: suddenly at least someone will return. Completely exhausted...

So why the hell are you rejoicing when your relatives are grieving! And can the families of thirty million dead and forty million maimed and disfigured soldiers rejoice? They suffer, they suffer together with cripples who receive pennies from the state...

I was stunned. This was the first time I saw Konev like this. Later I learned that he was infuriated by the reaction of Brezhnev and Suslov, who refused the marshal, who tried to get the state to provide proper care for the unfortunate front-line soldiers, who was trying to get benefits for the poor families of the missing.

Ivan Stepanovich took a memo from his desk, apparently the same one with which he unsuccessfully went to the future marshal, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of Victory and three times ideologist of the Soviet Union. Handing me this document, he grumbled reproachfully:

Find out what it’s like for our defenders of the Motherland. And how their loved ones live. Should THEY rejoice?!

The paper marked “Top Secret” was full of numbers. The more I delved into them, the more my heart ached: “...46 million 250 thousand were wounded. 775 thousand front-line soldiers returned home with broken skulls. There are 155 thousand one-eyed people, 54 thousand blind people. With mutilated faces 501342. With crooked necks 157565. With torn bellies 444046. With damaged spines 143241. With wounds in the pelvic area 630259. With severed genitals 28648. One-armed 3 million 147. Armless 1 million 10 thousand. There are 3 million 255 thousand one-legged people. There are 1 million 121 thousand legless people. With partially torn off arms and legs - 418,905. So-called “samovars”, armless and legless - 85,942.”

Well, now look at this,” Ivan Stepanovich continued to enlighten me.

“In three days, by June 25, the enemy advanced 250 kilometers deep into the country. On June 28, he took the capital of Belarus, Minsk. With a roundabout maneuver, he is rapidly approaching Smolensk. By mid-July out of 170 Soviet divisions 28 were completely surrounded, and 70 suffered catastrophic losses. In September of the same 41st, near Vyazma, 37 divisions, 9 tank brigades, 31 artillery regiments of the Reserve of the High Command and field Directorates of four armies were surrounded.

27 divisions, 2 tank brigades, 19 artillery regiments and field departments of three armies found themselves in the Bryansk cauldron.

In total, in 1941, 92 out of 170 Soviet divisions, 50 artillery regiments, 11 tank brigades and field departments of 7 armies were encircled and did not emerge from it.

On the day of Nazi Germany's attack on Soviet Union, June 22, Presidium Supreme Council The USSR announced the mobilization of military personnel of 13 ages - 1905-1918. Over 10 million people were instantly mobilized.

From 2.5 million volunteers, 50 militia divisions and 200 separate rifle regiments were formed, which were thrown into battle without uniforms and practically without proper weapons. Of the two and a half million militias, a little more than 150 thousand remained alive.”

They also talked about prisoners of war. In particular, about the fact that in 1941 they were captured by Hitler: near Grodno-Minsk - 300 thousand Soviet soldiers, in the Vitebsk-Mogilev-Gomel boiler - 580 thousand, in the Kiev-Uman - 768 thousand. Near Chernigov and in the Mariupol region - another 250 thousand. 663 thousand ended up in the Bryansk-Vyazemsky cauldron, etc.

If you gather your courage and add it all up, it turns out that in the end, during the years of the Great Patriotic War in fascist captivity About four million Soviet soldiers and commanders, declared enemies and deserters by Stalin, died from hunger, cold and hopelessness.

It is also appropriate to remember those who, having given their lives for an ungrateful fatherland, did not even receive a worthy burial. After all, due to the fault of the same Stalin, there were no funeral teams in the regiments and divisions - the leader, with the aplomb of a notorious boaster, argued that they were of no use to us: the valiant Red Army would defeat the enemy on its territory, crush it with a mighty blow, and cost itself with little blood. The retribution for this self-righteous nonsense turned out to be cruel, but not for the generalissimo, but for the soldiers and commanders, whose fate he cared so little about. In the forests, fields and ravines of the country, the bones of more than two million heroes were left to rot without burial. IN official documents they were listed as missing - not a bad saving for the state treasury, if you remember how many widows and orphans were left without benefits.

In that old conversation, the marshal touched upon the causes of the disaster that befell our “invincible and legendary” Red Army at the beginning of the war. It was doomed to a shameful retreat and monstrous losses by the pre-war Stalinist purge of the army command ranks. Nowadays, everyone knows this, except for the incurable admirers of the Generalissimo (and even those, perhaps, know, they are just pretending to be simpletons), but in that era such a statement shocked. And at once it opened my eyes to a lot. What could be expected from a decapitated army, where experienced career military leaders, right up to battalion commanders, were sent to camps or to be shot, and young lieutenants and political instructors who had never smelled gunpowder were appointed in their place...”

Enough! - the marshal sighed, taking it from me scary document, the numbers of which did not fit in my head. - Now it’s clear what’s what? Well, how can we rejoice? What to write about in the newspaper, what kind of Victory? Stalin's? Or maybe Pyrrhic? After all, there is no difference!

Comrade Marshal, I am completely at a loss. But, I think, it is necessary to write in Soviet style..., - I faltered, and clarified: - according to my conscience. Only now you write yourself, or rather, dictate, and I will write it down.

Write, record on a tape recorder, next time you won’t hear this from me!

And with my hand shaking with excitement I began to hastily scribble:

“What is victory? - said Konev. - Ours, Stalin's victory? First of all, this is a national problem. Day of Sorrow Soviet people for the great number of dead. These are rivers of tears and a sea of ​​blood. Millions maimed. Millions of orphaned children and helpless old people. These are millions of distorted destinies, failed families, unborn children. Millions tortured in the fascist, and then in Soviet camps patriots of the Fatherland."

Then the self-recording pen, as if alive, slipped out of my trembling fingers.

Comrade Marshal, no one will publish this! - I begged.

You know, write, not now, but our descendants will publish. They should know the truth, not sweet lies about this Victory! About this bloody massacre! To be vigilant in the future, do not allow one to break through to the heights of power devils in human form, masters of war-mongering .

And don’t forget one more thing,” Konev continued. - What boorish nicknames were given to all disabled people in post-war usage! Especially in social security and medical institutions. Cripples with torn nerves and a disturbed psyche were not welcome there. From the stands, speakers shouted that the people would not forget the feat of their sons, and in these institutions former soldiers those with disfigured faces were nicknamed “quasimodes” (“Hey, Nina, your quasimode has arrived!” - the aunts from the staff called to each other without embarrassment), those with one eye - “flounders”, disabled people with a damaged spine - “paralytics”, with wounds in the pelvic area - “lopsided” " One-legged people on crutches were called “kangaroos.” Those without arms were called “wingless”, and those without legs on homemade roller carts were called “scooters”. Those whose limbs were partially torn off were given the nickname “turtles.” I can't wrap my head around it! - with every word Ivan Stepanovich became more and more inflamed.

What kind of stupid cynicism is this? These people didn’t seem to realize who they were offending! Damn war splashed out a gigantic wave of disfigured front-line soldiers among the people, the state was obliged to create at least tolerable living conditions for them, surround them with attention and care, provide medical care and monetary content. Instead, the post-war government headed by Stalin, having assigned penny benefits to the unfortunate, doomed them to the most miserable vegetation. Moreover, in order to save budget funds, they subjected cripples to systematic humiliating re-examinations in VTEKs (medical labor expert commissions): they say, let’s check whether the poor fellow’s severed arms or legs have grown back?! Everyone strove to transfer the injured defender of the homeland, already a beggar, to new group disability, just to cut the pension benefit...

The marshal talked about a lot that day. And that poverty and fundamentally compromised health, coupled with poor living conditions, gave rise to hopelessness, drunkenness, reproaches from exhausted wives, scandals and an unbearable situation in families. Ultimately, this led to the exodus of physically disabled front-line soldiers from their homes to the streets, squares, train stations and markets, where they often descended into begging and unbridled behavior. The heroes, driven to despair, little by little found themselves at the bottom, but they should not be blamed for this.

By the end of the forties, a stream of disadvantaged military invalids from the periphery poured into Moscow in search of a better life. The capital is overflowing with these now no one the right people. In a vain desire for protection and justice, they began to hold rallies, annoy the authorities with reminders of their merits, demand, and harass. This, of course, did not please the officials of the capital and government agencies. The statesmen began to rack their brains about how to get rid of the annoying burden.

And so in the summer of 1949, Moscow began to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of its beloved leader. The capital was waiting for guests from abroad: it was cleaning itself, washing itself. And here these front-line soldiers - crutchers, wheelchair users, crawlers, all sorts of “turtles” - became so “insolent” that they staged a demonstration in front of the Kremlin. The leader of the peoples did not like this terribly. And he said: “Cleanse Moscow from “garbage”!”

Those in power were just waiting for this. A massive round-up began on the annoying disabled people who “spoil the appearance of the capital.” Hunting like stray dogs, law enforcement agencies, escort troops, party and non-party activists in a matter of days caught the crippled defenders of this war in the streets, markets, train stations and even in cemeteries and took them out of Moscow before the anniversary of “dear and beloved Stalin.” the most festive Moscow.

And the exiled soldiers of the victorious army began to die. It was a fleeting death: not from wounds - from resentment, blood boiling in the hearts, with a question bursting through clenched teeth: “For what, Comrade Stalin?”

So they wisely and easily solved the seemingly insoluble problem with the victorious soldiers who shed their blood “For the Motherland!” For Stalin!".

Yeah, well, our leader did these things masterfully. Here he was not short of determination - he even evicted entire nations,” the famous commander Ivan Konev concluded with bitterness.

Source of publication: Igor Garin “Another truth about World War II, part 1. Documents”


Last year, Nikolai Nikulin, an outstanding St. Petersburg art scholar, front-line soldier and order bearer, passed away in St. Petersburg. He was wounded many times, fought in the 311th Infantry Division, went through the entire war and ended it in Berlin as a sergeant, miraculously surviving. His courageous “Memoirs of War” is one of the most piercing, honest and ruthlessly believable memoirs. This is what, in particular, Nikolai Nikolaevich wrote about our losses, based on own experience battles on Volkhov and near Pogostye station:

“During the war, the meanness of the Bolshevik system was especially clearly demonstrated. How in Peaceful time the arrests and executions of the most hard-working, honest, intelligent, active and reasonable people were carried out, and the same thing happened at the front, but in an even more open, disgusting form. Let me give you an example. From higher spheres the order comes: take the heights. The regiment storms it week after week, losing a thousand people a day. Replenishments are ongoing, there is no shortage of people.

But among them are swollen dystrophics from Leningrad, to whom doctors have just prescribed bed rest and increased nutrition for three weeks. Among them are babies born in 1926, that is, fourteen-year-olds who are not subject to conscription into the army... “Vperrrred!!!”, and that’s all. Finally, some soldier, or lieutenant, platoon commander, or captain, company commander (less often), seeing this blatant disgrace, exclaims: “You can’t ruin people!” There, at a height, is a concrete pillbox! And we only have a 76mm gun! She won’t break through him!”... The political instructor, SMERSH and the tribunal immediately get involved.

One of the informers, who are numerous in every unit, testifies: “Yes, in the presence of the soldiers, he doubted our victory.” They immediately fill out a ready-made form, where you just need to enter your last name and it’s ready: “Shoot in front of the line!” or “Send to a penal company!”, which is the same thing. This is how the most honest people, who felt their responsibility to society, died.

And the rest - “Forward, attack!” “There are no fortresses that the Bolsheviks could not take!” And the Germans dug into the ground, creating a whole labyrinth of trenches and shelters. Go get them! There was a stupid, senseless killing of our soldiers. One must think that this selection of the Russian people is a time bomb: it will explode in a few generations, in the 21st century, when the mass of scum selected and nurtured by the Bolsheviks will give rise to new generations of their own kind.”

Below in the screenshot is a wish for all participants Immortal Regiment:

Source of the article: "The war was... different. The truth about World War II that the Kremlin is hiding"


From time immemorial, it has been embodied on Earth supreme law Prince of Darkness: war is main way slave-holding power, because the killing of a man by a man means the murder of God (Spiritual Laws) in a man, after which he becomes a subhuman beast and a slave, which is identical concepts. War is the embodiment of Hell on Earth and the managerial Matrix of slavery (therefore wars are endless and cyclical), which means that those who kill and fight with each other end up in Hell, in which there are no winners, but only mutual loss, divided in different proportions and variations between the losers (to the Devil). The Highest Spiritual Law of the World can be formulated as follows: everyone who ended up in Hell and became a participant in the war obviously lost to the Devil, regardless of whether he attacked or defended himself, because according to the Law of Similar Acts (mirrors), the defender himself becomes a killer of a person and subsequently the same attacker, only alternately changing places in a closed cycle of “executioner-victim”.

I will repeat the Supreme Spiritual Law once again - “There are no winners in war,” but there is only a nominal or short-term Pyrrhic VICTORY of one of the parties, the devil’s trap of which is that the payment for the VICTORY only stretches out over time and falls on the shoulders of several generations of descendants. Moreover, true victory ALWAYS belongs to the one who is outside of Hell and only CREATES IT FOR OTHERS. The international Zionist-Masonic kahal of Jewish bankers used these Spiritual Laws of slavery and war against the White Race of the Germans and Eastern Slavs, pitting them against each other and generously paying for the military expenses of both sides (see link - 1), and naturally eventually enslaved both participants in Hell. Germany was enslaved immediately after the end of the war as the nominally losing side, the USSR - as a natural consequence of the Pyrrhic VICTOR - after several generations of its descendants.

The Pyrrhic victory of the USSR over Germany and the complete collapse of the USSR half a century later is a direct consequence, a spiritually logical result and retribution for the WINNER, who, as was said above, does not exist in Hell. The Devilish Pit of the War-Hell of 1939-1945, into which the Jewish-Bolshevik kagal drove the Russian people, was, firstly, initially predetermined by the Judeo-Masonic project of the “Red Talmud” - the communist “kingdom of the beast” under the main symbol of the devilish pentagram and the deceitful “ New Sky" for the Country of Fools (See link - 2 ABOUT FALSE SPACE) It must be emphasized that communist China is also following in the footsteps of the USSR and is preparing behind the scenes for the next World War. Thus, the plan to destroy the white Race on the main continent of its existence - in Europe and Russia - was a centuries-old key project of the international Judeo-Masonic kahal of black Semites-foreigners who seized power over Russia in 1917. And like the first World War was used by a gang of Jewish revolutionaries to seize power over Russia - exactly on the same principle, the Second World War was used by the Judeo-Bolsheviks to finally seize power over Russia by eliminating the majority of the men of the White Race - the main competitors of foreign power in Rus'.

Secondly, this Hellish Pit itself of 1939-1945 was the main reason and system condition for the collapse of the USSR in 1985-1991, because communist Judeo-Bolshevism literally won Victory over the Russian people with the “dialectical-enemy help” of Hitler. Indeed, under the COVER OF WAR, the Judeo-Bolsheviks carried out their centuries-old general plan - they destroyed war in this hellish meat grinder FIVE TIMES MORE WHITE MEN THAN POSSIBLE WITH SOUND WAR STRATEGY AND TACTICS, and other authors talk about 7 times the power Pyrrhic victory(see link - 3). Man is the basis of the state, its protector, official manager, its scientific and theoretical Logos and the Spiritual and moral core for each family, which means for the Judeo-Bolshevik kahal, the white Russian man was the MAIN COMPETITOR in the struggle for power over Russia, whom these zoologically hated black Semitic-Khazar monkeys led by the same foreigner - the Caucasian Dzhugashvili (Jews and Caucasians have the same haplogroups).

In other words, to enslave any state means to physically destroy, cripple and demoralize as much as possible the ethnic majority of MEN of this state, which potentially prevented them from enslaving and raping Rus', doing with it everything that was needed by the Judeo-Khazar gang of Bolshevik revolutionaries who seized power in 1917 year. Therefore, the power of the Caucasian foreigner Dzhugashvili became only a state INSTRUMENT OF EXECUTION OF THE WHITE RACE RUSSIANS under the cover of an external war, which, with the “dialectical-enemy help” of Hitler, made it possible to physically exterminate, cripple, mentally disfigure and morally destroy tens of millions of Russians who made up the state-forming ethnic core of Russia and a triune East Slavic core at the heart of the USSR. This means that the fall of headless Rus' (a man is the spiritual head of the state) was only a matter of time...

I will give the most obvious fact of that diabolical Pyrrhic victory, which in reality was only a long-term defeat of the ethnic core of the Rus crippled by the war. All post-war generations of Russian men, who drank themselves to death en masse and died out in all the years after the collapse of the USSR, paid the price for this. The devil’s trap (pit) and the mechanism of descendants’ retribution for the “victory” in 1945 is outrageously simple: the war physically destroyed more than 25 million Russian men ( total losses, finally revealed and voiced in the State Duma - 41 million) and left the same number of cripples, making them mentally and morally defective. When the war destroys men, and the best men and the entire moral color of the nation (leaving all the moral carrion and rear rats), then WOMEN WERE FORCED TO BE ENGAGED IN RAISING BOYS and millions of post-war street children, which is why entire generations of Russian men, raised fatherless and without a man’s spiritual and moral the core in most Russian families, grew up WILLLESS and began to become drunkards en masse already in the 80s, because a woman cannot raise a real strong-willed man - this is an immutable truth, which Vladimir Bazarny writes about in all his materials (see link - 4). This is how the Devil of War defeats the descendants of the Pyrrhic victors and also disfigures the nature of the women themselves, turning them into generations of louts who, due to the extermination of men, are forced to do men's work and literally become rude, powerful men in pants - especially in villages and collective farms, taking on everything men's responsibilities. I believe that all post-military generations are familiar with the archetype of such a proletarian-collective farm “tyrannical woman” and a weak-willed, drunken henpecked peasant in every third Russian family. Against their background, compare the education of tribal Caucasian males...

So, the Caucasian black foreigner on the throne of Rus' - the neo-Khazar godfather Dzhugashvili and his Zionist priest behind Lazar Kaganovich - purposefully drove white Russian men like cattle for slaughter into the meat grinder of war, and for all black foreigners and nationalities they secretly created savings conditions that did not were advertised and carefully hidden by the Judeo-Bolshevik authorities of the NKVD in secret orders and in the chaos of military confusion. Here is just a small grain of those orders (see photo below) that have long been destroyed in the KGB archives, and their remains will be destroyed by the same criminal-thieve regime of Putin by order of the world behind the scenes and will never become the property of researchers.

With the same purposeful intent, the Judeo-Bolshevik kahal, at the hands of the German occupiers, destroyed the cultural capital of Russia under the official cover of the enemy blockade of Leningrad, in which the majority of the Russian population lived (see link - 5). Moreover, the Judeo-Bolshevik power in the Kremlin had a very significant secret goal for the complete destruction of the entire population of Leningrad, because in the former capital of the Russian Empire there were generations of living witnesses to what the filthy Jewish terrorist revolutionaries did to Petrograd and what a monstrous pogrom they staged there after October 25, 1917 (see link 6 about this).

In the photo in the table: ethnic composition rifle divisions- main cannon fodder - IN PERCENTAGE.

And in conclusion, (see link - 8) it is also possible to shed only a small amount of light on how the neo-Khazar godfather Dzhugashvili and the top executioners of the NKVD saved the “God’s chosen Jews”, first of all by evacuating them from the front line and resettling them throughout Russia for now White race The Eastern Slavs were liquidated in the meat grinder of war; the Jewish clans managed to occupy all the key positions and niches of the rear infrastructure and socio-economic spheres of post-war Russia. It remains only to emphasize that the inflated myth of Babyn Yar, like the myth of the LOHOCAUST, is already a post-war product of Zionist propaganda in line with a single political technology of creating a “cult of the unfortunate victim” from that devilish tribe that was the main Judeo-Masonic executioner of the white Race in the 20s. m century, especially in Russia.

After World War II, the USSR was left bloodless: millions of young people died at the front. The lives of those who did not die, but were injured, were ambivalent. Front-line soldiers returned home crippled, and to live a “normal” and full life they couldn't. There is an opinion that, to please Stalin, disabled people were taken to Solovki and Valaam, “so as not to spoil the Victory Day with their presence.”

How did this myth come about?

History is a science that is constantly being interpreted. Classical historians and alternative historians broadcast polar opinions regarding Stalin’s merits in the Great Patriotic War. But in the case of disabled people, the Second World War is unanimous: guilty! He sent disabled people to Solovki and Valaam to be shot! The source of the myth is considered to be the “Valaam Notebook” by Evgeny Kuznetsov, a tour guide of Valaam. The modern source of the myth is considered to be a conversation between Natella Boltyanskaya and Alexander Daniel on Ekho Moskvy on May 9, 2009. Excerpt from the conversation: “Boltyanskaya: Comment monstrous fact, when, by order of Stalin, after the Great Patriotic War, disabled people were forcibly exiled to Valaam, to Solovki, so that they, armless, legless heroes, would not spoil the victory holiday with their appearance. Why is there so little talk about this now? Why aren't they called by name? After all, it was these people who paid for the victory with their blood and wounds. Or can they now also not be mentioned?

Daniel: Well, why comment on this fact? This fact is well known and monstrous. It is completely understandable why Stalin and the Stalinist leadership expelled the veterans from the cities.
Boltyanskaya: Well, they really didn’t want to spoil the festive look?
Daniel: Absolutely. I'm sure it's for aesthetic reasons. Legless people on carts did not fit into the work of art, so to speak, in the style of socialist realism, into which the leadership wanted to turn the country. There is nothing to evaluate here"
There is not a single fact or reference to a specific historical source. The leitmotif of the conversation is that Stalin’s merits are overstated, his image does not correspond to his actions.

Why a myth?

The myth about prison boarding schools for disabled veterans did not appear immediately. Mythologization began with the mysterious atmosphere around the house on Valaam. The author of the famous “Valaam Notebook”, guide Evgeny Kuznetsov, wrote:
“In 1950, by decree of the Supreme Council of the Karelo-Finnish SSR, the House of War and Labor Disabled Persons was formed on Valaam and located in the monastery buildings. What an establishment this was! It’s probably not an idle question: why here, on the island, and not somewhere on the mainland? After all, it’s easier to supply and cheaper to maintain. The formal explanation is that there is a lot of housing, utility rooms, utility rooms (a farm alone is worth it), arable land for subsidiary farming, orchards, and berry nurseries. And informal, the real reason- Hundreds of thousands of disabled people were too much of an eyesore for the victorious Soviet people: armless, legless, restless, begging in train stations, on trains, on the streets, and you never know where else. Well, judge for yourself: his chest is covered in medals, and he’s begging near a bakery. No good! Get rid of them, get rid of them at all costs. But where should we put them? And in former monasteries, to the islands! Out of sight, out of mind. Within a few months, the victorious country cleared its streets of this “shame”! This is how these almshouses arose in Kirillo-Belozersky, Goritsky, Alexander-Svirsky, Valaam and other monasteries...”
That is, the remoteness of the island of Valaam aroused Kuznetsov’s suspicion that they wanted to get rid of the veterans: “To the former monasteries, to the islands! Out of sight...” And immediately he included Goritsy, Kirillov, and the village of Staraya Sloboda (Svirskoe) among the “islands”. But as, for example, in Goritsy, which in Vologda region, was it possible to “hide” disabled people? It's big locality, where everything is in plain sight.

IN open access There are no documents that directly indicate that disabled people are exiled to Solovki, Valaam and other “places of detention.” It may well be that these documents exist in archives, but there is no published data yet. Therefore, talk about places of exile refers to myths.

The main open source is considered to be the “Valaam Notebook” by Evgeny Kuznetsov, who worked as a guide on Valaam for more than 40 years. But the only source is not conclusive evidence.
Solovki has a grim reputation as a concentration camp. Even the phrase “send to Solovki” has a menacing connotation, so linking the home for the disabled and Solovki means convincing that the disabled suffered and died in agony.

Another source of the myth is the deep conviction of people that disabled people of the Second World War were bullied, forgotten about and not given due respect. Lyudmila Alekseeva, chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group, published an essay on the Echo of Moscow website “How the Motherland Repaid Its Winners.” Historian Alexander Daniel and his famous interview with Natella Boltyanskaya on radio “Echo of Moscow”. Igor Garin (real name Igor Papirov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) wrote a long essay “Another truth about the Second World War, documents, journalism.” Internet users reading such materials form a clearly negative opinion.

Another point of view

Eduard Kochergin, a Soviet artist and writer, author of “Stories of the St. Petersburg Islands,” wrote about Vasya Petrogradsky, a former sailor of the Baltic Fleet who lost both legs in the war. He was leaving by boat for Goritsy, a home for the disabled. Here is what Kochergin writes about Petrogradsky’s stay there: “The most amazing and most unexpected thing is that upon arrival in Goritsy, our Vasily Ivanovich not only did not get lost, but on the contrary, he finally showed up. In the former convent Complete stumps of war were brought from all over the North-West, that is, people completely devoid of arms and legs, popularly called “samovars”. So, with his singing passion and abilities, from these remnants of people he created a choir - a choir of “samovars” - and in this he found his meaning of life." It turns out that the disabled did not live last days. The authorities believed that rather than begging and sleeping under a fence (and many disabled people did not have a home), it was better to be under constant supervision and care. After some time, disabled people remained in Goritsy who did not want to be a burden to the family. Those who recovered were released and helped with getting a job.

Fragment of the Goritsky list of disabled people:

“Ratushnyak Sergey Silvestrovich (amp. cult. right thigh) 1922 JOB 01.10.1946 to at will to Vinnytsia region.
Rigorin Sergey Vasilyevich worker 1914 JOB 06/17/1944 for employment.
Rogozin Vasily Nikolaevich 1916 JOB 02/15/1946 left for Makhachkala 04/05/1948 transferred to another boarding school.
Rogozin Kirill Gavrilovich 1906 JOB 06/21/1948 transferred to group 3.
Romanov Pyotr Petrovich 1923 JOB 06/23/1946 at his own request in Tomsk.”
The main task of the home for the disabled is to rehabilitate and integrate into life, to help master new profession. For example, legless disabled people were trained as bookkeepers and shoemakers. And the situation with “catching disabled people” is ambiguous. Front-line soldiers with injuries understood that life on the street (most often this was the case - relatives were killed, parents died or needed help) was bad. Such front-line soldiers wrote to the authorities with a request to send them to a nursing home. Only after this they were sent to Valaam, Goritsy or Solovki.
Another myth is that relatives knew nothing about the affairs of disabled people. In the personal files there are letters to which the administration of Valaam responded: “We inform you that the health of such and such is as before, he receives your letters, but does not write, because there is no news and there is nothing to write about - everything is as before, but he sends greetings to you "".

Igor Garin

writer, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Igor Garin, writer, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

One of the purposes of disinformation is to sow confusion and distrust of reliable sources of information. The author writes about this on the website.

Mass disinformation is destructive and toxic in itself, but in totalitarian countries it is somehow associated with mass violence, man-made famines, death camps, lawlessness and terror of the authorities. All these factors lead to a sharp decline in population and life expectancy.

Take, for example, the DPRK, where mass disinformation is organically intertwined with the above destructive factors. So, even if we ignore the sharp decline in population (between 1994 and 1998, about 3.5 million people died of starvation in North Korea - more than 10% of the country's population), the life expectancy of the population of the DPRK is 12-13 years (!) lower than in South Korea. This means that the population of the DPRK integrally “does not live out” 318 million years of life.

Even more striking results are obtained when comparing the number of “stolen lives” of Russians. Again, not to mention the multi-million victims of Bolshevik repression and famine, at the beginning of the 21st century, with a population of 146.6 million, the average life expectancy in Russia was about 65 years. In other words, the population of Russia integrally “did not survive” 1 billion 700 million years - an apocalyptic figure, clearly comparable to the losses of World War II.

Disinformation has always been a powerful weapon of any war, but now in Russia it has become integral part hybrid wars, an instrument of interference in the internal affairs of other countries, a threat to their internal and external security. The hybrid wars unleashed by the country begin not with military operations, but with the dispatch of large groups of journalists and communication specialists. Then the soldiers follow. Disinformation is widely used in all types of psychological operations. Spreading false information is actually a terror tactic. Russian media is a powerful weapon of war. If a state supports the use of terror tactics, then, as a rule, it also controls the means to a greater or lesser extent. mass media. But in fact, it hits their compatriots, distorting their brains, deforming their lives and dooming them to a miserable existence.

Mass disinformation widely uses human suggestive abilities for subordination, delusion, suggestion, and also contributes to irreversible deformations of the consciousness of the masses. In the Russian Federation (as earlier in the USSR), propaganda focuses on the basest qualities of a person, exploits his weaknesses and shortcomings, incites negative emotions and destructive passions, gives rise to national intolerance, racism, xenophobia, etc. Mass disinformation one way or another fuels suspicion, aggressiveness, cynicism, arrogance, shamelessness, hypocrisy, numerous negative qualities of people.

Disinformation is Putin’s well-conscious policy, and leaders of influence, prominent representatives of the intelligentsia and “devil’s advocates” who do not care about their own reputation are drawn into the sphere of permanent deception. Dictators and leaders never focus on intellectuals; their main subject is the crowd, the mass, so to speak, the “intellectual majority,” whose consciousness is mythological, malleable and labile. Therefore, under all totalitarian regimes, society degrades to the level of the current consciousness of North Koreans or Russians.

Disinformation is used to slander dissidents, discredit free public and political movements, arouse suspicion and hatred of individuals and social groups (especially dissidents), open old wounds and arouse a thirst for revenge. When lies are ingrained in the minds of the masses, any expression of disagreement or doubt can be perceived as conspiracy, radicalism or lies. If a lie can be exposed, it is seen as a single phenomenon that does not call into question all other interconnected facts. Misinformation is becoming the norm. And the truth is a kind of “collateral damage.”

Disinformation widely uses means of intimidating the population, spreads panic rumors, horror stories, threats, disasters, exploits conspiracy theories, and does not disdain complete nonsense. It is known from psychology that the more a society is closed in information plan, the more they will trust the rumors. Rumors are also a semantic weapon, and social networks are a tool for their mass dissemination. Today we know that syntax (or simply hacker) attacks can change the algorithms of computers and networks, thereby influencing the behavior of large target groups of the population. Experts predict that in the future, semantic attacks will cause damage that significantly exceeds losses from material disasters. A type of semantic attack has already been created: astroturfing - the artificial formation of public opinion using many fake or anonymous accounts on social networks. Such accounts are managed by bot programs or paid Internet trolls (“sock puppets,” as they are often called in the West).

Other forms of disinformation can also be mentioned - open incitement to violence and genocide, propaganda of terrorism and destructive ideas, work totalitarian sects, inciting infernal passions. For example, terrorist tactics are almost entirely based on the dissemination of deliberately false information.

One type of disinformation is “half-truths” or “lies by omission.” For example, under authoritarianism, there is a desire on the part of lower authorities to report only good information “to the top,” hiding and hushing up failures, mistakes and failures. “Lies by omission” are widely used by pro-government media to create illusions of “successful progress,” when in reality regression is occurring. IN Lately In the Russian Federation, disinformation technology, known as “information noise,” is increasingly being used. When there is no way to hide “inconvenient” information, they diversify it, that is, they create a set of versions that chaoticize what happened in order to “cover the tracks” of their own crimes. One of the purposes of disinformation is to sow confusion and distrust of reliable sources of information.

Propaganda, manipulation, brainwashing, mass disinformation aims to turn the masses into a dark crowd, into mankurts, easily manipulated and controlled by zombies, to make them a weapon in global politics or an instrument in solving geopolitical problems. When the government is unable to build a normal democratic society capable of self-development, it bases its policy entirely on deception, fooling, and manipulation of public opinion both within its own country and its allies, and in the enemy camp.

Disinformation is necessary for the Russian regime to maintain a weakening vertical of power. Its function is to distract Russians from social problems, fill the spiritual void with endless chewing gum, ensure a decent appearance for the authorities and mask the humanitarian (and often economic) catastrophe.

Disinformation is rarely targeted - it is a process of accumulation of lies in which people are increasingly isolated from the truth and forced to unknowingly participate in violence. The masses are isolated from the past, from each other and from participation in world events. Disinformation tends to reproduce itself ad infinitum. Creating a fictitious “alternate reality” through big lies is becoming an increasingly common propaganda practice. As long as disinformation works, there will only be more of it, and the degree of aggressiveness of disinformation is increasing all the time, and violence or the threat of violence will increase.

For this purpose, the Russian Federation uses a huge range of well-developed means: demagoguery, double standards, manipulation of public opinion, misleading, deliberate self-serving lies, silence, fabrication of fakes and “fake news”, information pressure, custom smear campaigns, repeated and persistent repetition of fabricated stereotypes, distortion and twisting of political events, troll industry, creation of fake accounts , creating the necessary power of public opinion, using hypnotic suggestion techniques.

There are an incredible variety of forms of lies and propaganda deceptions - they all challenge humanity, goodness, honor, human values ​​and human dignity, distorting and undermining them in various ways. All of them, in one way or another, contain elements of deceit, betrayal, desecration of such wonderful and high quality and values ​​like trust, openness, participation, cooperation, empathy, compassion... When all this works, how individual, so the people as a whole lose as much of their authenticity as the lies the “servants of the devil” were able to “transplant” into them.

Andrei Malgin, in an article published in The Moscow Times, wrote: “When authorities base their propaganda solely on lies, they achieve the desired result faster and leave no room for doubt.” Therefore, it is not without reason that in many locations and in democratic countries, media of disinformation are equated to weapons of mass destruction and are prohibited by law. Western governments and scientists have already begun developing a set of measures to counter Russian disinformation, including the creation special forces, which will engage in defensive and retaliatory operations and increase the level of media literacy of the population (for example, the projects “Current Time” and “”).

John Lansing, director of the Council that oversees Voice of America and Radio Liberty, recently said: “Essentially, the Russian strategy is to destroy the very idea of ​​objective, reliable facts. In their world, the death of facts is the first step towards creating an alternative reality that helps them gain authority without any responsibility. If everything around is a lie, then the biggest liar wins. And that's what we're against."

The opinions expressed in the "Opinions" section reflect the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily reflect the position of the editors. The site's editors are not responsible for the accuracy of such materials, and the site serves solely as a carrier

The war is not over until the whole truth about it is told.

I was born in 1937 and according to the law of Ukraine dated November 18, 2004, I belong to the category of “children of war.” My childhood impressions of the war are completely insufficient to create any complete picture of the world tragedy, but, having learned to read and write, I realized quite early that even the little that I happened to see and experience then was in blatant contradiction with pathos and heroism Russian military literature. By the way, this literature itself did not begin to appear immediately after 1945, and even in Stalin’s times the war was rather hushed up than glorified: the memory was too fresh, too bitter and terrible, too painful... And then, two decades later, it seemed that the the heavens and a squall, a tornado, a typhoon of greatness and heroism fell...

L. Ulitskaya: “The pathos blooming around our victory is so great that one forgets at what price it was achieved and what price was paid for many years after.” But war, any war, is not only and not so much heroism, pathos, fanfare, victory, but dirt, blood, stupidity, betrayal, lies, violence, suffering, fear, death, seas of blood, thousands and millions of deaths... According to Nikolai Nikulin, “war is death and meanness, meanness, meanness. And disgusting.”

We are told that true story The Second World War is generally impossible, because it undermines the sense of patriotism, reduces the level of group self-esteem, and denigrates the country and people. “But a person is disgusted, it is unacceptable to reduce group self-esteem. All military stories (and indeed all histories of all peoples) are idealized. Every nation idealizes itself. This applies to any nation." This is true, but not the whole truth. Because historical truth sooner or later it still triumphs, but historical lie remains a lie forever. I also don’t believe in the theory of “two truths” - positive and negative, the general’s and the soldier’s. The truth is not only multifaceted and multi-level, but evolutionary: time peels off everything servile, service-minded, pathetic, and in the end humanity will learn who the people who fought according to the vile principle “War will write off everything” really were.

I'm not even talking about the long-forgotten attack of the USSR on small Finland (1939-40), when the ratio of victims of a grandiose and militarized country to small unarmed Finland was 7.5:1, and the USSR as a military aggressor was excluded from the League of Nations...

What is the historical truth when even the diaries of the Leningrad siege survivors are to this day locked in special storage facilities and actually removed from circulation... How do we know that the mortality rate of the siege survivors sometimes reached 10 thousand people a day? As long as history is in the hands of falsifiers, pathos will completely replace tragedy and horrific losses. Neglecting all this, according to the historian N. Sokolov, nowhere in the world did victory in this war become almost the only bond of civil society, as it is in our country now.

The official military history of the USSR was a branch of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee. Therefore, it is natural that it is woven from military-patriotic mythology, that is, it is parahistory, just as most of the Soviet literature about the war is paraliterature. Why did V. Suvorov and M. Solonin wildly irritate, I would say - into a frenzy - the official Soviet historical school, is this a kind of division of the Ministry of Defense? Because she faithfully and vilely carried out the military-political order. Because parahistory was not written by historians, but by fraudulent falsifiers who did what they were told. And when they ordered something else, they wrote something else. It is difficult for me to judge whether Suvorov’s version of Stalin’s preparation for war is true or not, although I know that it is supported by many Western historians. Personally, I mean something different: after the “general purge” of the senior command staff of the Red Army, Stalin was terribly afraid of the outbreak of war in 1941, and it seems that Hitler used this fear to his advantage.

During wartime, this false mythology was created by war correspondents and then by biased writers. The servility, service, and corruption of our historians and writers over the many years that have passed since 1945 led to the strongest, most enormous deformation of the events of the war years, making the war almost ceremonial, domestic, victorious, heroic. In fact, it was painting on unburied corpses, on seas of blood, on the suffering of millions and millions of people - views from the Kremlin, from generals and marshals' offices, from Peredelkino dachas and Tsekovsky “distributors”... Worse, the war with Nazism was not a war for freedom, and this was not even hidden by the authorities, one of whose representatives (Molotov) directly admitted: “The war against Hitlerism under the flag is not only senseless, but criminal fake fight for democracy."

As we move away from the horrors of World War II official books Victory reports and fanfare were increasingly reminiscent of her. According to the writer M. Weller, our historians poured varnish on the history of the Second World War (for example, Ozerov’s film epic “Liberation”) in barrels. One of the Ukrainian historians said: “We - historians - are like a guild of fakirs. We know all the secret pages, we know how it really was. And society needs to be given a digestible and healthy product. They should know only what they know - and no more.” So in the end it turned out that in fact everything was not quite like that, but not like that at all. And only occasionally did droplets of soldier’s and people’s truth fall into this sea of ​​deceptions, party cries and general’s memoirs... I tried to assess the relationship between truth and heroism, bitterness and fanfare, sincere confessions and general-historical pathos, “soldier’s and lieutenant’s prose” and views from the Kremlin - the result was something incredible, unthinkable, incomparable: for thousands and thousands of books, general’s memoirs, heroic novels and stories, biased works of historians - only a few dozen truly truthful books, immediately branded “patriots” by “SMERSH” and “barrier detachments” treacherous, Russophobic, paid for by the West. By the way, why did the West need to pay them, where historical truth and honesty dominated the sea of ​​literature about World War II. But the Bolshevik-KGB zombification of the population of the USSR was doing its job: it was precisely those forces, through whose fault the war turned out to be so mediocre, bloody, destructive, disastrous, that now accused honest authors of betrayal, Russophobia and being paid for from abroad.

I agree that historical truth is complex and multi-layered, that it cannot be simplified or illuminated one-sidedly, but it was the Soviet history of World War II that became a vivid example of one-sidedness and universal lies. Mark Solonin’s attempt to debunk the grandiose Military Lie made the ascetic an outcast and a “traitor” whose goal is “to justify the fascist aggression against the USSR, to discredit, or even refute the victory of the Soviet Union.” Faithful Ruslans from Soviet history, all these Gavrilovs, Telmans, Nikiforovs, Kumanevs, Ermolaevs, Isaevs are modern falsifiers. Meanwhile, it was Mark Solonin who radically revised the origins of the defeat of the Red Army at the beginning of the war, showing that its cause was not inequality of forces, but the full-scale collapse of the army, expressed in mass desertion and surrender: “Mass desertion and mass surrender were simultaneously and the cause, and the effect, and the main content of the process of turning the Red Army into an uncontrollable crowd.” Another reason was the sharply negative attitude of a significant part of the population towards the Soviet government, which deceived the people, turned collective farmers into new serf slaves, and organized dispossession and famine. Mass repression 1937-1938 in the army, according to M. Solonin, “turned a significant part of the command cadres of the Red Army into mortally and lifelong frightened people” who were afraid to take any initiative and were only transmission gears” of the great commander”: “... Participation of a comrade Stalin in the war is something similar to the fact that a drunken idiot got drunk, set fire to a house in a drunken stupor, then woke up and rushed to put it out ... "

M. Weller testifies: “You cannot write lies about the war. This is extremely vile, among other things.” When Nikulin says: “The most harm came from these editors of divisional newspapers, who were sitting somewhere in corps army headquarters 50 kilometers from the front line and wrote their articles - pink water, unrelated to reality and a complete lie." The correspondents themselves got used to this lie. And when Konstantin Simonov in his diaries " Different days war" - one of the best books that came out in our country in the post-war Soviet decades - wrote that his photojournalist Yasha Khalip, in order to get the right pictures, always had with him a helmet, a razor with soap and a shaving brush, a white collar (a white rag ) and a thread and a needle. Because the fighter who was filming... He personally sometimes shaved him, put a helmet on him. The fighter hemmed his collar and sat like that in the photograph. But in reality, it was all quiet horror... All this abomination, all this dirt, all this torment and horror - this is war, which you have to see in order not to want to.”

The war is not deceitful military correspondence and not the myth of the 28 Panfilovites, invented by Red Star correspondent Alexander Krivitsky and corrected by editor-in-chief David Ortenberg, but, say, the truth that almost the entire civilian population of Stalingrad died and was doomed to death , because the command carried out the order to transport only the wounded beyond the Volga. “And all the books about Stalingrad wrote about battles that took place as if on the Moon. As if the people, residents, civilians - children, old people - were not there.” Releasing the book “My Lieutenant” 60 years after the war, Daniil Granin admitted: “Before, I did not want to write about the war, I thought that there were already many wonderful books about it. But they don’t contain MY war, and it was special.”

In the winter of 1941-42. The REGISTRY OFFICES of Leningrad not only did not register deaths during the siege of the city, but also allowed mass burials “according to the lists.” The officialdom not only introduced into circulation the false number of victims of the Leningrad siege of 191 thousand people, but instructed historians not to deviate from this figure. And everyone who had the courage to “depart,” that is, to tell the truth about the million who died from hunger, was immediately labeled as a falsifier of history. There were prohibitions on many topics of the siege - the true mortality of the civilian population, the scale of cannibalism, desertion, betrayal, the supply of letters to the party bons, responsibility for the miscalculations and crimes of the latter, even on the publication of “living history”, “siege diaries”, “siege records”, etc. etc., etc. I only recently learned that it was at that very terrible moment of the blockade, when dependents were entitled to 125 grams of “bread,” that at that very moment 346 tons of meat, smoked meats, 51 tons of chocolate, 18 tons of butter, 9 tons of cheese were delivered to Leningrad by plane. Can you guess who? In the winter of 1941-42.

Even the name of one of the recent scientific conferences- “The blockade has been declassified”... I’m not even talking about other “forbidden topics” or regular “cleansing” of archives (the destruction of many regrettable or shocking documents and the classification of less “dangerous” ones). Also, about the speeches of the head of state on historical topics, which become “guidance” for historians or warn them against “ideological garbage” (the terminology of the head himself)...

By the way, about archives and historical documents. I strongly recommend readers to read Valery Lebedev’s wonderful article “Blind Archives of Russia”, published in the Independent Boston Almanac ( A detective and exciting story will open before you Russian history generally illustrated unique examples, for example, related to the stories of the murder of Stalin and Beria. I guarantee great pleasure and novelty.

Here it is, the truth about the war: the average life expectancy of a Russian soldier on the front line in the battle of Stalingrad did not exceed a day... That is, every day a huge number of soldiers were sent to Stalingrad and almost all of them were sent one way. They were even sent more quantity dead, because in addition to the dead, the wounded had to be replaced on the front line. There was no time for the civilian population...

The level of horror of the Battle of Stalingrad was such that even non-classified historical documents from the war are now almost completely taken out of circulation. Even according to official data, during the Battle of Stalingrad, the losses of the Red Army amounted to 1,347,214 people (excluding NKVD troops, people's militia and civilian population). According to unofficial data, this figure may be one and a half times higher.

Of the 750 thousand civilian population (residents and evacuees) by February 1943, only 28 thousand people remained in Stalingrad... Moreover, no one accurately counted the number of evacuees, and the figure of 250 thousand is more ideological than real. It is very possible that the Germans evacuated even more city residents to Belaya Kalitva than the Stalingrad district party committees.

During the Battle of Stalingrad alone, 13,500 Soviet military personnel were sentenced to death by a military tribunal. They were shot for desertion, going over to the enemy's side, self-inflicted wounds, looting, anti-Soviet agitation, and retreating without orders. Soldiers were considered guilty if they did not open fire on a deserter or a soldier intending to surrender. The huge number of defectors in the first phase of the battle instilled unjustified optimism in the Germans.

Viktor Nekrasov was no matter how much they scolded and spread rot, but as soon as he, in spite of everything, told the truth about the war, he immediately turned out to be persona non grata and could then speak inaudibly only from Paris. Finding himself in exile, Viktor Nekrasov wrote an article “ Soviet literature and balancing act" - in a sense, almost all literature about the war turned out to be just like that. And long before that, the writer, with his mouth clamped shut by power, wrote: “Untruth is the main scourge of art. It can be different - in the desire to see what is not, or not to see what is. I don't know which is worse."

When Marshal S.K. Timoshenko raised the question of evacuating the civilian population and refugees in Stalingrad to the Supreme High Command, Stalin not only did not give effect to this proposal, but warned of strict responsibility for the spread of defeatist and evacuation sentiments. At the same time, Stalin’s phrase went down in history: “Soldiers do not defend empty cities.” Although there was no order prohibiting the evacuation of civilians from Stalingrad, in Stalin's times it - after what the leader said - was unnecessary. In addition, transports plying across the Volga in blockaded Stalingrad could only transport military cargo. All sentimentality was discarded, soldiers and civilians were warned: “Those who do not help the Red Army in every possible way, do not maintain discipline and order, are traitors and must be mercilessly destroyed.” The result is known - more than 200,000 (according to other sources - almost twice as many) civilians killed in Stalingrad. In one case or another, more than in Hiroshima. The exact number of victims of this terrible battle with absolute confidence cannot be determined. According to various sources, it ranges from 700,000 to 2 million military personnel and civilians, and the enormity of this interval itself is clear evidence of the Bolsheviks’ attitude towards people as cattle. By the way, about livestock: according to some sources, the Bolsheviks were much more attentive to the evacuation of livestock during the war than to the evacuation of people: for non-evacuated livestock one could be punished, but for non-evacuated people no one was in danger...

Mark Solonin: “That country in which from 17 to 41 they broke society over the knee, exterminating entire social groups, and that artificial, targeted negative selection that was carried out at all levels of the managerial ladder, could not defeat Hitler without monstrous colossal human losses. This is how this country was made, and in this state it approached the moment the war began.”

Documents of the country's top leadership during the Second World War are classified to this day and are almost 100% classified. I'm not even talking about the classified millions of cases in Podolsk and the seizures from these documents that continue to this day. This is the “true” story...

Sacramental question: why is the Russian Ministry of Defense still hiding a huge array of documents on the history of the Second World War? Embarrassed to open? Will some things come to light that could become a stain on the descendants of many then-famous people? If unhindered access to all TsAMO documents opens up, including those stored outside the actual archive in Podolsk, will the version of the war that Stalin created for us turn out to be completely untenable?

The most amazing thing about the war is the total concealment of historical documents about the most important moments of the war, giving rise to the most extravagant versions of its beginning. The situation here is literally as if World War II began before the new era.

Serving and engaged historians to this day squirm and grind out Stalin’s crap about the military and technical superiority of the Wehrmacht over the Red Army on the eve of the war. Why crap? - Because according to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany's armed forces were limited to a 100,000-strong land army, compulsory military service was abolished, the bulk of the remaining navy was to be transferred to the victors, and Germany was prohibited from having many modern views weapons. Mobilization into the army and rearmament of the country by Hitler began not even after the latter came to power, but only 3-4 years (!!!) before the start of World War II. There really was superiority, but - the Red Army over the Wehrmacht...

How, in this case, can we explain its crushing defeat, one might say, the defeat of 1941 and early 1942? The fact is that Hitler tricked Stalin like a sucker: he cheated him not only with a non-aggression pact, but with the deeply instilled idea that main enemy Germany - England and that they need to unite to defeat it. And the “great commander” not only believed his “brother,” but even on the day of the German attack on June 22, he forbade his soldiers to shoot at the enemy. Until July 12, Stalin generally believed that there was not a war going on on the country’s western border, but a distracting conflict and hoped to resolve it through negotiations.

On the eve of the war, our troops were not on the border. They were concentrated in a zone from 30 to 300 kilometers from it, while the Wehrmacht before the attack was at a distance of 800 meters from the borders of the USSR... How could such military savagery even occur in an atmosphere when only the blind and deaf could not know about the approaching war ? Not to mention the fact that on the eve of the war, German specialists were taken around our military factories, showing in detail the production lines for creating the latest weapons. The historian testifies: “Here are the registers of the German aviation delegation, which tours our aircraft factories, and they are shown only two aircraft, full cycle them, the Pe-2, our best, so to speak, dive bomber, and the MiG-3, the highest altitude that can reach aircraft flying at altitudes where the Germans do not fly, but the British fly. They are allowed everywhere."

Realizing that Germany alone could not defeat England, Hitler tricked Stalin ahead of time by offering to participate in the war against the British. The Berlin negotiations in November 1940, which supposedly ended in nothing, most likely ended in a secret agreement between the Soviet and German leadership to jointly conduct this operation. From that moment on, the main idea for Stalin was to bring his armies to the shores of the North Sea with the help of the Germans, and then decide where to strike: London - together with the Germans - or Berlin - together with the British.

On the eve of the invasion of the USSR, Hitler, through Ambassador Dekanozov, conveyed to Stalin the plan for Operation Barbarossa (!), inspiring his “friend” that this plan was just a distracting fake created to deceive the British. And the “ally” took the bait, perceiving all the data from his own intelligence about the Germans preparing for war as English sabotage. He believed Hitler, but not his own agents!

This was the dictatorial style of leadership: the leader knows everything, the “false” plan for Operation Barbarossa is on his desk, a friend-ally will not let him down, and everyone else is traitors and saboteurs. Even Lavrentiy Beria did not know then what Stalin’s plans were for ’41...

Germany suffered crushing defeat in the First World War due to the fact that it fought on two fronts. “Brother” Hitler would never repeat this mistake, Stalin believed. It simply did not fit into the head of the “Marxist” that the “genius of Hitler” - this is how he perceived his “brother” - was capable of such a deadly mistake.

The historian testifies:
And something happened that had never happened in history: the Russians were completely defeated. During the 41st year, 3.8 million people were captured, a million died, that’s 4.8. Our entire army at the beginning of the war was 5.2 million. That is, the entire army was actually destroyed... The second most striking thing is that Germany, starting in 1919, did not have an army. She was forbidden to have an army, and she became... Hitler passed a law on conscription in 1935 only. And therefore, Germany in 1939, in 4 years, could not create an army superior to the colossal army of the USSR, in principle.
If you put it on two palms, on one on June 22, and what happened, well, of course, with the consequences, on that day, and on the second - all the other days of the war, I’m still not sure which hand will win. Because 50% of all our supplies that were brought to the border were captured or undermined, blown up, or disappeared. That is, it was an unheard of defeat... A thousand planes on the first day, in two days - two and a half thousand planes. This is completely unheard of in history.

I am not a professional historian, but I know for sure that no one has ever managed to hide the unpleasant truth, especially when it came to the great historical events. The truth can be secreted, hidden in archives, deformed, destroyed, but not a single tyrant has yet managed to go down in history in the mantle of a “blesser” and not a single necrophiliac has been able to appear in the toga of a humanist. The truth about the monstrous crimes of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Himmler, Mao, Pol Pot cannot be hidden precisely because of their monstrosity, and no amount of lies and violence can turn blood into “splashes of champagne”... In a similar way no state-Bolshevik policy of zombifying the population, no pretentious books and films can hide the terrible realities of the Second World War, the complete unpreparedness of the country and the army for it, overwhelming the enemies with the corpses of our boys, grandiose, sky-high losses, the mediocrity of the newly-made commanders (when the divisions were commanded former captains, because senior officials were arrested) or, in short, the terrible, inhuman price of victory.

Consider just one terrible fact: by the end of October 1941, that is, 4 months after the start of the war, only 8% (!) of the participants in the battles on June 21, 1941 remained in the Red Army. The army lost only prisoners in three months of fighting over 3 million. The total losses of the Red Army from June 22, 1941 to April 1, 1942 amounted to 6,328,592 people, including irrevocable losses - 3,812,988 people. For comparison, I will give the total losses of Germany from June 22 to the end of February 1942 - 1,005,636 people, a ratio of 6:1.

By the way, not a SINGLE TRUE FACT of the war from the new books about it was reflected in the new pro-Putin history textbook. The Medvedev-Putin concept of “heroic” history actually forces teachers to openly lie, say, falsify the history of the Second World War, that is, from a young age they accustom them to the normality of state lies. I’m leaving out the forced bias of history teachers.

When the Wehrmacht captured western regions USSR, mass executions began everywhere - it was the NKVD troops who destroyed the “political” so that the latter would not be captured by the enemy. Why has no one ever demanded an investigation into the military atrocities in East Prussia, so vividly described by Leonid Rabichev in the book “War Will Write Off Everything”?.. And is the words “holy vengeance” enough to justify them? The monstrous crimes of Nazism were condemned by the Nuremberg trials, and who and when condemned the barbarity of the carpet bombings of Dresden, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or mass rape and murders German women and children on the territory of Germany itself?..

I had long planned the book “Another Truth about World War II,” but the realities of life pushed back and pushed back the implementation of the plan: intensive scientific work, scientific monographs, many books on the restoration of layers of culture destroyed by totalitarianism... In short, when I returned to my plan and began to accumulate material, I quickly realized that “my train has left”: there is no point in repeating what was written. But since the material for the book had already been largely collected, one fine day I realized that there was no need to write a book for another reason: what I had collected in itself was already a book to which I had nothing to add. All that remained was to arrange the collected material according to certain conventional headings - and the result was an anthology, which I submit to the harsh judgment of the reader. Why harsh? Because the Russian reader, brought up on the pathos and heroics of the war, has already managed to speak out about the essence of honest coverage of the war, and this statement is absolutely clear: evil slander, paid for from abroad. Since from abroad, as well as from own country, I didn’t “befall” anything, I find consolation in the fact that the only thing that spiteful critics cannot accuse me of is voluntarily accepting the upcoming slander, slander and slander.

The book includes four sections of different sizes: DOCUMENTS, FICTION AND MEMOIRS, PUBLISHING AND POETRY.

Before moving on to the documents themselves, I would like to bring to the attention of readers two materials of a documentary nature, written by caring and honest people.

President of the Center for Search and Perpetuation of Missing and Dead Defenders of the Fatherland, academician, Colonel General, Admiral Stepan Savelyevich Kashurko.

Stepan Kashurko - former assistant special assignments Marshal Ivan Konev, Colonel General, President of the Center for Search and Perpetuation of Missing and Dead Defenders of the Fatherland:

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Victory, Marshal Konev asked me to help him write a commissioned article for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Having covered myself with all kinds of literature, I quickly sketched out the “framework” of the victory report expected by Komsomolskaya Pravda in the spirit of that time, and the next day I came to the commander. It was clear from everything that he was not in a good mood today.

“Read,” Konev muttered, and he nervously walked around the spacious office. It seemed like he was tormented by the thought of something painful.

Poised proudly, I began with pathos, hoping to hear praise: “Victory is a great holiday. A day of national celebration and rejoicing. This..."

- Enough! - the marshal interrupted angrily. - Stop rejoicing! It's sickening to listen to. You better tell me, did everyone in your family come from the war? Is everyone back in good health?

- No. We were missing nine people, five of them were missing,” I muttered, wondering where he was going with this. - And three more hobbled on crutches.
- How many orphans are left? - he did not let up.
- Twenty-five young children and six frail old people.
- Well, how did they live? Did the state provide for them?
“They didn’t live, but vegetated,” I admitted. - And now it’s no better. There is no money for the missing breadwinners... Their mothers and widows cried their eyes out, and everyone hopes: suddenly at least someone will return. Completely exhausted...

- So why the hell are you rejoicing when your relatives are grieving! And can the families of thirty million dead and forty million maimed and disfigured soldiers rejoice? They suffer, they suffer together with cripples who receive pennies from the state...

I was stunned. This was the first time I saw Konev like this. Later I learned that he was infuriated by the reaction of Brezhnev and Suslov, who refused the marshal, who tried to get the state to provide proper care for the unfortunate front-line soldiers, who was trying to get benefits for the poor families of the missing.

Ivan Stepanovich took a memo from his desk, apparently the same one with which he unsuccessfully went to the future marshal, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of Victory and three times ideologist of the Soviet Union. Handing me this document, he grumbled reproachfully:

- Find out what it’s like for our defenders of the Motherland. And how their loved ones live. Should THEY rejoice?!

The paper marked “Top Secret” was full of numbers. The more I delved into them, the more my heart ached: “...46 million 250 thousand were wounded. 775 thousand front-line soldiers returned home with broken skulls. There are 155 thousand one-eyed people, 54 thousand blind people. With mutilated faces 501342. With crooked necks 157565. With torn bellies 444046. With damaged spines 143241. With wounds in the pelvic area 630259. With severed genitals 28648. One-armed 3 million 147. Armless 1 million 10 thousand. There are 3 million 255 thousand one-legged people. There are 1 million 121 thousand legless people. With partially torn off arms and legs - 418905. The so-called “samovars”, armless and legless - 85942.”

“Well, now look at this,” Ivan Stepanovich continued to enlighten me.

“In three days, by June 25, the enemy advanced 250 kilometers deep into the country. On June 28, he took the capital of Belarus, Minsk. With a roundabout maneuver, he is rapidly approaching Smolensk. By mid-July, out of 170 Soviet divisions, 28 were completely encircled, and 70 suffered catastrophic losses. In September of the same 41st, near Vyazma, 37 divisions, 9 tank brigades, 31 artillery regiments of the Reserve of the High Command and field Directorates of four armies were surrounded. 27 divisions, 2 tank brigades, 19 artillery regiments and field departments of three armies found themselves in the Bryansk cauldron. In total, in 1941, 92 out of 170 Soviet divisions, 50 artillery regiments, 11 tank brigades and field departments of 7 armies were encircled and did not emerge from it. On the day of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, June 22, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced the mobilization of military personnel of 13 ages - 1905-1918. Over 10 million people were instantly mobilized. From 2.5 million volunteers, 50 militia divisions and 200 separate rifle regiments were formed, which were thrown into battle without uniforms and practically without proper weapons. Of the two and a half million militias, a little more than 150 thousand remained alive.”

They also talked about prisoners of war. In particular, about the fact that in 1941, 300 thousand Soviet soldiers were captured by Hitler: near Grodno-Minsk, in the Vitebsk-Mogilev-Gomel cauldron - 580 thousand, in the Kiev-Uman cauldron - 768 thousand. Near Chernigov and in the Mariupol region - another 250 thousand. 663 thousand ended up in the Bryansk-Vyazemsky cauldron, etc. If you gather your courage and add it all up, it turns out that in the end, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, about four million Soviet soldiers and commanders, declared enemies and deserters by Stalin, died of hunger, cold and hopelessness in fascist captivity.

It is also appropriate to remember those who, having given their lives for an ungrateful fatherland, did not even receive a worthy burial. After all, due to the fault of the same Stalin, there were no funeral teams in the regiments and divisions - the leader, with the aplomb of a notorious braggart, argued that we had no need for them: the valiant Red Army would defeat the enemy on its territory, crush it with a mighty blow, and cost itself with little blood. The retribution for this self-righteous nonsense turned out to be cruel, but not for the generalissimo, but for the soldiers and commanders, whose fate he cared so little about. In the forests, fields and ravines of the country, the bones of more than two million heroes were left to rot without burial. In official documents they were listed as missing - a good saving for the state treasury, if you remember how many widows and orphans were left without benefits.

In that old conversation, the marshal touched upon the causes of the disaster that befell our “invincible and legendary” Red Army at the beginning of the war. It was doomed to a shameful retreat and monstrous losses by the pre-war Stalinist purge of the army command ranks. Nowadays, everyone knows this, except for the incurable admirers of the Generalissimo (and even those, perhaps, know, they are just pretending to be simpletons), but in that era such a statement shocked. And at once it opened my eyes to a lot. What could be expected from a decapitated army, where experienced career military leaders, right up to battalion commanders, were sent to camps or to be shot, and young lieutenants and political instructors who had never smelled gunpowder were appointed in their place..."

- Enough! - The marshal sighed, taking away from me the terrible document, the numbers of which did not fit in my head. - Now it’s clear what’s what? Well, how can we rejoice? What to write about in the newspaper, what kind of Victory? Stalin's? Or maybe Pyrrhic? After all, there is no difference!
- Comrade Marshal, I am completely at a loss. But, I think, it is necessary to write in the Soviet way..,” I faltered, and clarified: “according to my conscience.” Only now you write yourself, or rather, dictate, and I will write it down.
- Write, record on a tape recorder, next time you won’t hear this from me!

And with my hand shaking with excitement I began to hastily scribble:

“What is victory? - said Konev. - Ours, Stalin's victory? First of all, this is a national problem. The day of mourning of the Soviet people for the great multitude of those killed. These are rivers of tears and a sea of ​​blood. Millions maimed. Millions of orphaned children and helpless old people. These are millions of distorted destinies, failed families, unborn children. Millions of patriots of the Fatherland tortured in fascist and then in Soviet camps.” Then the self-recording pen, as if alive, slipped out of my trembling fingers.

- Comrade Marshal, no one will publish this! - I begged.
- You know, write, not now, but our descendants will publish it. They must know the truth, not sweet lies about this Victory! About this bloody massacre! In order to be vigilant in the future, not to allow devils in human form, masters of inciting wars, to break through to the heights of power.

“And don’t forget one more thing,” Konev continued. — What boorish nicknames were given to all disabled people in post-war usage! Especially in social security and medical institutions. Cripples with torn nerves and a disturbed psyche were not welcome there. From the stands, speakers shouted that the people would not forget the feat of their sons, and in these institutions, former soldiers with disfigured faces were nicknamed “quasimodes” (“Hey, Nina, your quasimode has arrived!” - the aunts from the staff called to each other without hesitation), the one-eyed ones - “flounders” ”, disabled people with a damaged spine - “paralytics”, with wounds in the pelvic area - “lopsided”. One-legged people on crutches were called “kangaroos.” Those without arms were called “wingless,” and those without legs on homemade roller carts were called “scooters.” Those whose limbs were partially torn off were given the nickname “turtles.” I can't wrap my head around it! - with every word Ivan Stepanovich became more and more inflamed.

- What kind of stupid cynicism? These people didn’t seem to realize who they were offending! The damned war splashed out a gigantic wave of disfigured front-line soldiers among the people; the state was obliged to create at least tolerable living conditions for them, surround them with attention and care, provide them with medical care and financial support. Instead, the post-war government headed by Stalin, having assigned penny benefits to the unfortunate, doomed them to the most miserable vegetation. Moreover, in order to save budget funds, they subjected cripples to systematic humiliating re-examinations in VTEKs (medical labor expert commissions): they say, let’s check whether the poor fellow’s severed arms or legs have grown back?! Everyone tried to transfer the injured defender of the homeland, already poor, to a new disability group, just to cut his pension benefits...

The marshal talked about a lot that day. And that poverty and fundamentally compromised health, coupled with poor living conditions, gave rise to hopelessness, drunkenness, reproaches from exhausted wives, scandals and an unbearable situation in families. Ultimately, this led to the exodus of physically disabled front-line soldiers from their homes to the streets, squares, train stations and markets, where they often descended into begging and unbridled behavior. The heroes, driven to despair, little by little found themselves at the bottom, but they should not be blamed for this.

By the end of the forties, a stream of disadvantaged military invalids from the periphery poured into Moscow in search of a better life. The capital is overflowing with these now useless people. In a vain desire for protection and justice, they began to hold rallies, annoy the authorities with reminders of their merits, demand, and harass. This, of course, did not please the officials of the capital and government agencies. The statesmen began to rack their brains about how to get rid of the annoying burden.

And so in the summer of 1949, Moscow began to prepare for the celebration of the anniversary of its beloved leader. The capital was waiting for guests from abroad: it was cleaning itself, washing itself. And here these front-line soldiers - crutchers, wheelchair users, crawlers, all sorts of “turtles” - became so “insolent” that they staged a demonstration in front of the Kremlin. The leader of the peoples did not like this terribly. And he said: “Cleanse Moscow from ‘garbage’!”

Those in power were just waiting for this. A massive round-up began on the annoying disabled people who “spoil the appearance of the capital.” Hunting like stray dogs, law enforcement agencies, escort troops, party and non-party activists in a matter of days caught the crippled defenders of this war in the streets, markets, train stations and even in cemeteries and took them out of Moscow before the anniversary of “dear and beloved Stalin.” the most festive Moscow.