Regulations on the dissertation council. With changes and additions from

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2014 N 7
"On approval of the Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 35, Art. 4137; 1998, N 30, Art. 3607; N 51, Art. 6271; 2001, N 1, Art. 20; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 27, Art. 2715; 2006, N 1, Art. 10; N 50, Art. 5280; 2007, N 49, Art. 6069; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 1, Art. 17; N 7, Art. 786; N 31, Art. 3923; N 52, Art. 6434 ; 2010, N 19, article 2291; N 31, article 4167; 2011, N 10, article 1281; N 30, article 4596, article 4597, article 4602; N 45, article 6321; N 49 , Art. 7063; 2012, N 31, Art. 4324; N 50, Art. 6963; 2013, N 19, Art. 2320; N 27, Art. 3477; N 39, Art. 4883; N 44, Art. 5630 ) and paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 40, Art. 5074) I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

2. The Department of Certification of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers (Shishkanova I.A.), based on the recommendations of the Higher Certification Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, by October 15, 2014, to cease the activities of councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science. , for the academic degree of Doctor of Science (hereinafter referred to as dissertation councils) that do not meet the requirements of these Regulations.

3. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2011 N 2817 “On approval of the Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 31 January 2012, registration N 23080).

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

D. Livanov

The regulations on the council for the defense of dissertations for the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science have been updated.

The dissertation council, in particular, determines the compliance of submitted dissertations with established criteria; awards scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences; gives a number of conclusions. He may, in accordance with the established procedure, cancel the decision to award an academic degree if it is revealed that the applicant provided false information.

Dissertation councils are created with permission from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the basis of educational organizations of higher education, additional vocational education and scientific organizations. The latter must engage in scientific research and carry out experimental design and technological work in areas of knowledge corresponding to scientific specialties and branches of science provided for by the nomenclature approved by the Ministry. In this case, a recommendation from the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and a petition from the organization and the approval of the founder (in relation to the institution) are required.

The dissertation council is created to consider dissertations in no more than 3 scientific specialties.

The total number of its members is at least 19. The composition must include at least 7 doctors of science who are specialists in the problems of each branch of science of each scientific specialty for which the council has the right to accept dissertations for defense.

To increase the independence and objectivity of the state scientific certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, a joint dissertation council is being created. No more than 4 organizations can participate.

The procedures for preliminary examination and defense of a dissertation are regulated. Thus, a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is accepted for defense no later than 2, and a doctor of sciences - no later than 4 months from the date the applicant submits all the necessary documents. Within the same time frame, the applicant is sent a reasoned conclusion about the refusal to accept the work for defense.

A meeting of the dissertation council is valid if at least 2/3 of the payroll takes part in its work. The decision on the issue of awarding an academic degree is considered positive when at least 2/3 of the members participating in the meeting voted for it.

The procedure for holding a meeting of the dissertation council is fixed if a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences meets the requirements for a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science.

A similar provision approved in 2011 was declared invalid.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2014 N 7 "On approval of the Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science"

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

Text of the document as of July 2016

(as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education dated 04.12.2003 N 796, 02.03.2005 N 126, 17.10.2007 N 486, 07.09.2010 N 446)

In order to improve the regulatory legal framework for the certification of highly qualified personnel, I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the dissertation council.

2. The Higher Certification Committee (Kusainov A.K.) should bring regulatory legal documents on the certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in accordance with this order.

3. The Department of Legal Support and Audit (Kuzembaev M.M.) submit this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the prescribed manner.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the First Vice-Minister G.M. Mutanov.

Approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2003 N 14

1. Formation and organization of work of dissertation councils

1. Dissertation councils - councils for the consideration of scientific works submitted for the academic degree of candidate or doctor of sciences, are the main link in the system of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification.

2. Dissertation councils are created by the Committee for supervision and certification in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) at large scientific centers, scientific organizations and higher educational institutions of the republic widely known for their achievements in the relevant branch of science (hereinafter referred to as organizations ), having doctoral studies (postgraduate studies), a department (department, laboratory) in the requested specialty and an existing scientific seminar, based on requests from these organizations.

The petition must contain a justification for the need to create a council and the expediency of its functioning in this organization, guarantees of providing the necessary conditions for the work of the council, and the allocation of funds necessary for the consideration and defense of dissertations. The list of documents submitted by the organization for the opening of the dissertation council is determined by the Committee.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

The Committee controls and coordinates the activities of dissertation councils, revises the network of councils for each scientific specialty, taking into account changes made to the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientific Workers, approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 16, 2001 N 174, and other circumstances.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

Dissertation councils are responsible for the quality and objectivity of the examination of dissertations, for the validity of the decisions made and are called upon to ensure a high level of strictness in determining the compliance of dissertations with the criteria established by the Rules for the Award of Academic Degrees (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Dissertation councils are accountable to the heads of the organizations under which they operate and use the seals and letterheads of these organizations. Leaders of organizations are responsible for ensuring the necessary working conditions for councils.

Payment of expenses associated with the allocation of premises for holding meetings of the council, office equipment, registration of certification files of applicants sent to the Committee, and secondment of non-resident members of the council are assigned to the organizations under which the councils were created. Reimbursement of these expenses at the expense of the applicants themselves is not permitted.

Members of dissertation councils perform their duties on a voluntary basis, without payment.

In order to more active participation of the scientific community in the formation of dissertation councils, the issue of their opening, specialties and composition should be discussed at meetings of scientific (scientific and technical) councils of organizations.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

Candidates proposed for membership in the dissertation council must be voted on by the academic council. Voting on the composition of the joint dissertation council is carried out in those organizations whose employees are candidates for the dissertation council.

The head of the organization (base organization) holds a meeting of selected candidates for the proposed dissertation council, participates in a secret ballot, where by a simple majority of votes, but not less than half of the list of the dissertation council, the chairman and deputy chairman of the dissertation council are elected.

The chairman of the council is elected a scientist who is actively engaged in scientific activities, a doctor of sciences - a specialist in the council's profile (according to the abstract), who is a full-time employee of the organization under which the council is being created. A specialist in the council's profile (according to the author's abstract), a full-time employee of the organization under which the council is being created, is elected as the scientific secretary of the council.

The minutes of the meeting of the academic (scientific and technical) council and the results of the secret vote on the candidacies of the chairman and deputy chairman of the dissertation council are a mandatory attachment to the application for opening a dissertation council.

Replacement of chairmen, deputy chairmen of councils, and other partial changes in their composition are carried out by the Committee on the basis of petitions from the organizations under which the councils were created. The petition lists all proposed changes and justifies their necessity. The application is accompanied by the minutes of the meeting of the academic (scientific and technical) council and the results of the secret vote at the meeting of the dissertation council on the candidacies of the newly elected chairman and (or) deputy chairman of the dissertation council, information about the newly appointed specialists.

Changes in the list of specialties and significant changes in the composition of the council are made by re-approving the council in the prescribed manner.

(as amended 03/02/2005)

3. Only doctors of science are included in the dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science. Councils for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science also conduct the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science. The council for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate of science includes doctors and candidates of science, while the total number of doctors of science must be at least half of the council.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

Dissertation councils for the defense of candidate dissertations in relevant specialties and branches of science can be created in the absence of dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the republic that consider dissertations in these specialties and branches of science.

4. No more than three members - citizens of other states who have a state-issued Doctor of Science diploma - can be included in the council without re-certification. In this case, dissertations that do not contain restricted information are considered at the meetings.

(as amended 03/02/2005)

5. The committee may grant the council the right to defend dissertations, as a rule, in several, but not more than five specialties.

6. The composition of the council must meet the following requirements:

1) the council, with written consent, includes specialists in abstracts, works (no more than three for each specialty of the council) and related specialties (no more than three for each specialty of the council). By works, doctors of sciences are included who have at least 5 scientific works in their specialty, published in specialized scientific publications recommended by the Committee. Related specialties, that is, those close in scientific content to the specialty of the council, are determined by the passport of this specialty;

2) the council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science must include at least six doctors of science in each specialty of the council of the relevant branch of science, of which at least four are for the abstract;

(sub-item amended 10/17/2007)

3) the council for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences must include at least five specialists in each specialty of the council of the relevant branch of science, including at least three doctors of science, of which at least two - on the abstract;

4) members of the council cannot be employees of the Committee, members of the Presidium and expert councils of the Committee;

5) each specialist can be a member of only one council and represent only one specialty in one field of science, while a member of the council who has been awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Science in two specialties is allowed to represent them in the dissertation council on an abstract;

6) the council may include specialists from other organizations, but not more than half for each specialty of the council;

7) the number of council members must be at least thirteen.

(sub-item amended 10/17/2007)

7. To train and certify highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in priority areas of development of science and technology, joint dissertation councils can be created with the participation of scientists from several organizations in which scientific research is actively conducted in the requested specialties.

Organizations creating a joint dissertation council sign an agreement on the general responsibility and conditions, including financial ones, for ensuring its activities, and indicate the base organization that, on their behalf, applies to the Committee. The Joint Dissertation Council is considered to function under these organizations, with the base organization listed first.

The head of the base organization is responsible for the current activities of the joint council, and the management of the council is accountable to him. The documents of the certification case sent to the Committee are affixed with the appropriate seal of the base organization.

The head of the base organization acts as a coordinator of the council’s activities and at least once a year holds meetings of the heads of organizations participating in the joint dissertation council on issues of its work.

The joint council must include doctors of science (one or more abstracts) in each field of each specialty of the council, working in the organization on the basis of which the council is being created.

The composition of the council must meet the requirements of these Regulations.

8. To conduct a one-time defense of a dissertation in the cases provided for in paragraph 18 of the Rules, doctors of sciences based on the author’s abstract must be included in the council for the missing specialty of the relevant branch of science: three for a doctoral dissertation and two for a candidate’s dissertation. At the same time, the number of council members appointed for one-time defense can be reduced due to the existing doctors of science in the relevant branches of science in these specialties. Inducted doctors of science cannot be official opponents. The Chairman of the Council shall send to the Committee in advance a petition for the introduction of additional members to the Council, attaching the necessary information. After receiving the corresponding decision of the Committee, the council in its supplemented composition accepts dissertations for defense and conducts the defense.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

A one-time defense of a doctoral or candidate's dissertation can be carried out only in councils that have the right to accept doctoral dissertations.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

9. The dissertation council works in conditions of openness. The staff of the organization in which it operates and the scientific community are widely informed about its meetings. The activities of the dissertation council should be covered on the official website of the organization under which the dissertation council was created on the Internet. The following should be published on the website: orders of the Committee relating to the activities of the council; information about council members; reports; passports of specialties for which dissertation defenses are permitted; a list of organizations to which dissertation abstracts are sent; programs of candidate examinations in special disciplines and general courses; schedules for candidate examinations in the specialty and general course; schedules and announcements of upcoming defenses; abstracts of dissertations.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

With all its activities, the council must contribute to the creation of the most favorable conditions for the applicant to defend his thesis prepared by him. The applicant should be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with all materials available in the council regarding the defense of his dissertation, and to receive qualified assistance from the leaders of the council on issues related to the defense of his dissertation.

The Council has the right to request from relevant organizations the materials necessary for a full, comprehensive and objective consideration of the dissertation and making an informed decision.

10. At one meeting of the council, one dissertation may be defended or one additional conclusion may be prepared (collective review).

During the day, one doctoral or two candidate dissertations can be defended. The Council has the right to defend no more than two doctoral dissertations and four dissertations within a month.

(as amended 09/07/2010)

11. When setting deadlines for defending dissertations, the order of receipt of applications from applicants for acceptance of dissertations for defense must be observed. The right of extraordinary defense is enjoyed by postgraduate students who have submitted their dissertations on time before the end of their postgraduate studies.

12. The heads of the councils report on the work done to their organization and the Committee. At the end of the calendar year, the council submits to the Committee a report on the work done within a month in the form established by the Committee.

13. If a council member was not present at half or more of the meetings during the reporting year, he is removed from the relevant dissertation council.

14. Violation by the council of the requirements of these Regulations or the Rules for the Award of Academic Degrees is the basis for the Committee to make an appropriate decision, replace the management and members of the council, suspend or terminate the activities of the council before the end of its term of office.

14-1. The Committee decides on the early termination of the dissertation council’s activities in the event of two negative decisions of the Presidium of the Committee on the works defended in this council.

(item introduced 10/17/2007)

2. Preliminary examination of the dissertation by the dissertation council

Advertisement and the review of the supervisor (consultant) and submit to the council a conclusion on the compliance of the dissertation with the specialties and branches of science for which the council is granted the right to defend dissertations, on the completeness of presentation of the dissertation materials in the works published by the author (according to paragraph 11 of the Rules), as well as proposals for appointment on the dissertation under consideration from the leading organization, official opponents, and, if necessary, on the introduction of additional members to the council. In this case, the commission must pay attention to the validity of appointing a scientific supervisor, attracting a scientific consultant, presenting a dissertation at the intersection of specialties, and assigning restrictive marks.

The basis for submitting a dissertation at the intersection of specialties is the presence of an appropriate scientific contribution in each of the specialties.

When reviewing a doctoral dissertation, the commission must determine to what extent the materials and conclusions of the applicant’s thesis were used. The protected provisions and scientific results that were submitted by the applicant for defense in his candidate’s dissertation cannot be submitted again for defense in his doctoral dissertation.

If the dissertation was not completed in the organization where the council was created, the latter sends it for additional discussion of the department (department, laboratory, scientific seminar) on the profile of the work performed.

The period for preliminary examination of dissertations by the dissertation council should not exceed two months for a candidate’s dissertation and three months for a doctoral dissertation from the date the applicant submits documents.

16. The Council, on the basis of the conclusion of the commission at its meeting, accepts the dissertation for defense and appoints official opponents, the leading organization, the date of defense, determines an additional mailing list for the abstract, authorizes printing the abstract as a manuscript and, in necessary cases (one-time defense), decides on the introduction of composition of the council in the prescribed manner of additional members.

The Council is strictly guided by the principle of independence from each other of official opponents, the leading organization, the supervisor (consultant) of the dissertation work, and is responsible for the objectivity and quality of the dissertation reviews they prepare.

The validity of a meeting of the dissertation council is determined in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 28 of the Rules. The decision of the council to accept the dissertation for defense is considered adopted if a simple majority of the council members who participated in the meeting voted for it.

In the event of a positive decision of the council on accepting the dissertation for defense, the commission specified in paragraph 15 prepares a draft conclusion of the council on the dissertation, and also makes a selection of classification criteria. If necessary, the commission may involve specialists from departments, laboratories, sectors or departments of a given organization in the preparation of a draft conclusion.

17. The Council does not accept the dissertation for defense in one of the following cases:

1) when the main content of the dissertation does not correspond to any of the specialties and branches of science for which the council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense;

2) if the requirement of paragraph 11 of the Rules regarding the completeness of publication of the main results of the dissertation is not met;

3) facts of scientific dishonesty of the applicant have been established (use of someone else’s material without reference to the source, repeated presentation for defense in a doctoral dissertation of provisions and scientific results that were presented for defense in a candidate’s dissertation).

In this case, the applicant, within the time limits established in paragraph 15 of these Regulations, is given an extract from the minutes of the council meeting with the motivation for refusing to accept the dissertation for defense and all materials submitted to the council are returned.

18. Notification of the upcoming defense, indicating the address, date and time, is carried out by sending abstracts in advance, no later than one month before the defense, to the list approved by the Committee and an additional list approved by the council. At the same time, the abstract of the dissertation and the text of the announcement are posted on the official website of the organization under which the dissertation council operates on the Internet.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

When accepting a doctoral dissertation for defense, the council, no later than 2 months before the defense, submits to the Committee for publication in the Bulletin and on the official website of the Committee on the Internet an announcement that contains the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, the title of the dissertation, the branch of science for which the award is awarded academic degree, specialty code, date and time of defense, name and address of the council where the dissertation defense will be held, name of the leading organization, names of the supervisor (consultant), official opponents, place of work of the applicant, supervisor (consultant), opponents, as well as copies of title pages of opponents' doctoral abstracts. The text of the advertisement is included in the applicant's file.

(paragraph amended 10/17/2007)

19. Feedback from the leading organization and official opponents must be submitted to the council no later than 10 days before the date of defense.

20. The leading organization conducts a scientific seminar with an invitation to the applicant to present the main scientific provisions of the dissertation, the review of the leading organization is signed by the specialist who prepared it and the head of the unit, who should not be members of the Presidium, the expert council of the Committee and the council where the defense of the dissertation will take place, approved by the head of the leading organization or his deputy and is sealed with the seal of the organization.

(as amended 03/02/2005)

20-1. The Committee decides to exclude an organization from the list of leading organizations in the event of two negative decisions by the Presidium of the Committee on works that have received positive feedback from this organization.

(item introduced 10/17/2007)

21. It is not allowed to postpone the date and time of defense to an earlier date than specified in the abstract.

22. In the event that, for objective reasons, a meeting of the council on the appointed day cannot take place, the council has the right to set a later date for the defense of the dissertation, but not earlier than ten days, having notified the Committee about this.

(item amended 10/17/2007)

23. Replacement of official opponents for objective reasons is allowed at a council meeting no later than ten days before the defense of the dissertation, with notification to the Committee.

24. A meeting of the council during the defense of a dissertation is held under the leadership of the chairman of the council or, in his absence, the deputy chairman of the council and is recorded on magnetic tape.

The chairman (deputy chairman) of the council cannot perform the duties of presiding at a meeting of the council in the case when the dissertation of an applicant for whom he is a scientific advisor (consultant) is being considered. If the chairman of the council and his deputy cannot fulfill these duties, a member of the council - a full-time employee of the organization under which the council functions - is appointed to preside over this meeting of the council. His appointment is formalized by order of the head of the organization. In the absence of the scientific secretary of the dissertation council or in the case when the dissertation of an applicant for whom he is a scientific supervisor (consultant) is being considered, the performance of his duties may be assigned to one of the council members by order of the head of the organization indicating a period (but not more than two months). In cases of simultaneous absence of the chairman, deputy chairman and scientific secretary, a meeting of the council cannot be held.

25. Before the opening of the council meeting, council members are given a draft conclusion prepared in accordance with paragraph 16 of these Regulations.

When opening a meeting of the council, the chairman, based on the attendance sheet and the presence of opponents, notifies the members of the council about the competence of the meeting (clause 28 of the Rules). The presence of council members and official opponents must be reflected in the transcript of the meeting, indicating their specialty, field of science and academic degree.

After the opening of the council meeting, the chairman announces the defense of the dissertation by the applicant, indicates the title of the dissertation, the names of official opponents, the leading organization and reports that the dissertation is being defended for the first time (repeatedly). Then the floor is given to the scientific secretary, who briefly reports on the main content of the documents submitted by the applicant and their compliance with the established requirements.

26. The applicant sets out the essence and main provisions of the dissertation. The applicant is then asked questions orally or in writing. After the applicant’s answers, the floor is given to the scientific supervisor (consultant) or, in his absence, his review is read out, the conclusions of the organization where the dissertation work was carried out or to which the applicant was attached, and the organization where the dissertation council functions, the review of the leading organization and other received to the council, reviews of the dissertation and abstract. If there are positive reviews of the dissertation or abstract, the scientific secretary, with the consent of the council members, instead of reading them, makes a review of them, indicating the comments noted in them. Negative reviews are read in full.

27. After reading the reviews, the applicant is given the floor to respond to the comments contained in the reviews.

28. Then the official opponents speak, after which the applicant gets the floor to answer. At the request of the applicant, the floor for an answer may be given after the presentation of each opponent. All those present at the defense have the right to participate in the subsequent discussion. At the end of the discussion, the applicant is given the final word.

(item amended 10/17/2007)

29. After the final speech of the applicant, the council holds a secret vote on the issue of awarding an academic degree in accordance with the procedure established in Section 4 of these Regulations. The council's decision is considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the council members who participated in the meeting vote for it.

30. After approval of the protocol of the counting commission, a discussion of the draft conclusion of the council is held. If the decision on the award of an academic degree is positive, the draft conclusion reflects the most significant scientific results obtained personally by the applicant, an assessment of their validity and novelty, significance for theory and practice, recommendations on the use of the results of the dissertation research, and also indicates in accordance with what requirements The rules assessed the dissertation. If the decision on awarding an academic degree is negative, the conclusion is not accepted. The text of the conclusion indicating the classification criteria is adopted by open vote by a simple majority of votes of the council members participating in the meeting, after which it is announced to the applicant. At this point, the council meeting is considered over.

31. If the decision on the results of the dissertation defense is positive, the council sends the first copies of the applicant’s dissertation and certification file to the Committee within a month in accordance with the established list of documents. The scientific secretary of the council bears personal responsibility for the implementation of this norm. Within a week from the date of defense, the second copy of the dissertation in loose form on paper and electronic media, together with the abstract and two copies of the dissertation registration card in the state and Russian languages, is sent for state registration at JSC "National Center for Scientific and Technical Information". The second copy of the certification file for awarding an academic degree is kept by the council for ten years.

(item amended 10/17/2007)

32. If the decision on the voting results is negative, the council, within one month from the date of defense, sends to the Committee a covering letter on the organization’s letterhead, signed by the chairman of the council, with two copies of the registration card of the rejected dissertation attached, as well as an abstract and a transcript of the council meeting, signed chairman and scientific secretary of the council.

The applicant is returned a copy of the diploma, a certificate of passing the candidate exams, a personal personnel record sheet, a conclusion from the organization where the dissertation was carried out or to which the applicant was attached, reprints of scientific works and the dissertation. One copy of the dissertation and abstract is removed from the library stock and transferred to the council, where it is stored for ten years.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2017 N 1093 “On approval of the Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences, (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5, 2017 N 49121)


The dissertation council determines the compliance of submitted dissertations with established criteria; awards scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences; gives a series. He may, in accordance with the established procedure, cancel the decision to award an academic degree if the facts of the applicant’s submission are revealed. Dissertation councils are created with permission from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the basis of educational organizations of higher education, additional vocational education and scientific organizations. The latter must engage in scientific research and carry out experimental design and technological work in areas of knowledge corresponding to scientific specialties and branches of science provided for by the nomenclature approved by the Ministry. In this case, a recommendation from the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and a petition from the organization and the approval of the founder (in relation to the institution) are required. The dissertation council is created to consider dissertations in no more than 3 scientific specialties. The total number of its members is at least 19. The composition must include at least 7 doctors of science who are specialists in the problems of each branch of science of each scientific specialty for which the council has the right to accept dissertations for defense. To increase the independence and objectivity of the state scientific certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, a joint dissertation council is being created. No more than 4 organizations can participate. The procedures for preliminary examination and defense of a dissertation are regulated. Thus, a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is accepted for defense no later than 2, and a doctor of sciences - no later than 4 months from the date the applicant submits all the necessary documents. Within the same time frame, the applicant is sent a reasoned conclusion about the refusal to accept the work for defense. A meeting of the dissertation council is valid if at least 2/3 of the payroll takes part in its work. The decision on the issue of awarding an academic degree is considered positive when at least 2/3 of the members participating in the meeting voted for it. The procedure for holding a meeting of the dissertation council is fixed if a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences meets the requirements for a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science.

Document overview

A new Regulation on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate or Doctor of Sciences has been approved.

Thus, an organization’s application for the creation of a council and the documents attached to it are now submitted electronically through the federal state scientific certification. Previously, the Unified Government Services Portal was used for this.

The organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created, among other things, provides two-way simultaneous translation of the public defense of a dissertation by a foreign citizen in a foreign language at the request of council members or official opponents.

It has been established that a member of the dissertation council cannot be a specialist who was the scientific supervisor (consultant) of a person in respect of whom the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, within five years preceding the submission of the organization’s application for permission to create a council or to change its composition, made a decision to deprive the scientist degrees.

When the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision to refuse to issue a permit, the organization’s petition to create a dissertation council in the same scientific specialty and branch of science can be submitted no earlier than a year later (and not 3 years).

The specifics of forming the composition of the council for the defense of a dissertation are described, the topic of which covers several scientific specialties, not all of which the council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense.