What contribution did Charlemagne make to history? Prominent citizens of Russia: list, biographies, interesting facts and achievements. Outstanding personality and contribution to society

Many great reformer rulers, generals, scientists and even philosophers can lay claim to being called the greatest people in human history. But it is difficult to consider a person’s achievements in isolation from the era. Renaissance and Enlightenment eras, as well as scientific revolution The 20th century changed the face of the world, but these breakthroughs in human history were associated with the activities of many outstanding people.

Achievements of some talented people did not survive them themselves. Many reached heights in conjunction with others, and their merits are not shared. Let's try to identify several personalities in world history whose actions and ideas influenced further move historical process. The consequences of their actions are being felt even now.

At the origins of European science: Aristotle

Aristotle – rare example a student who surpassed his brilliant mentor. He did not hesitate to criticize the teacher’s views, and his saying dedicated to this went down in history. Plato was a brilliant philosopher, but his views concerned issues of philosophy, ethics and political science. Aristotle went further.

A native of the insignificant town of Stagira, he came to Athens, where he created his own philosophical school. Her students were many philosophers and even famous politicians, but none of them made a contribution to history comparable to the founder.

Aristotle created the doctrine of the first principles of existence. He introduced the principle of development into world philosophy and created a system of philosophical categories and levels of existence. Stagirite was the founder of logic as a science. He studied ethics and developed the doctrine of virtues. In the field of cosmology, he defended the idea of ​​a spherical Earth.

In his essay "The Republic", Aristotle studied the strong and weak sides different forms board and put forward his own realistic idea of ​​the state. His work on the history of Athens government system- an example of a historical essay.

In addition, the scientist from Athens wrote works on all areas of knowledge available at that time - biology, zoology, poetics (where he studied performing arts). The works of Aristotle were studied by philosophers of the Middle Ages in Europe and the Muslim world. Him with with good reason can be placed at the origins of modern science.

Alexander the Great: Creation of a New World

In world history there have been many commanders whose victories numbered in the dozens. Alexander defeated the army in several battles largest empire, took the most fortified cities of that time and reached Punjab. The empire he created collapsed a few decades after his death, but new states emerged from its fragments.

The King of Macedonia was obsessed with the idea of ​​uniting the West and the East under his rule. The idea was partly a success. After his campaigns, the Mediterranean became a different world. The Greeks had served eastern rulers before. But now the heart Greek civilization began to fight in Asia and Egypt. Alexandria Museum became greatest center intellectual life - philosophers, scientists and poets from all over the Mediterranean lived here. The library contained the most important scientific works. Here on Greek language transferred Old Testament. Pergamon, whose library also became a scientific center, did not lag behind him.

Hellenism brought about revitalization and changes in Hellenic literature, sculpture and architecture. New traditions and ideas associated with Eastern influence appeared. Later, the Roman Republic would join this world, whose culture would be formed under the influence of the Hellenistic one.

Alexander was not directly involved in most of the processes. But it was his conquests that created a world in which the appearance of the Alexandrian Museum and the Pergamon Library was possible.

Prophet Muhammad: the creation of a new religion

Mohammed and the religion of Islam can be viewed in different ways. For many centuries, Arab tribes roamed the vast expanses of Arabia. They were vassals or allies powerful empires. The nomads arranged bloody wars among themselves, composed original and complex poems, and worshiped many gods.

In the first half of the 7th century, Muhammad began preaching in Mecca. He managed to overcome the enmity of his fellow tribesmen and gather a group of supporters. He went with them to Medina, but after a series of battles he defeated the enemies and achieved the unification of the two cities under his authority.

Muhammad's enemies accepted him religious doctrine and became his comrades. The creed of Islam assumed expansion - after the death of the Prophet, the Arab armies left Arabia. Led by the teachings of Muhammad, the Arabs destroyed the Sasanian Empire and conquered vast territories of the Byzantine Empire. They did not stop there and subjugated the territories of Spain, Central Asia and islands of the Mediterranean.

Now Islam is professed by about 1.5 billion people on the planet. It is the state religion of 28 countries, and communities of followers of the Prophet are located in 122 states. This is proof of the influence of the Prophet Muhammad on history, whose actions changed the lives of not only his fellow tribesmen, but also many distant peoples.

Charlemagne: at the origins of modern Europe

After the slow decline of the Roman Empire in the west, Europe plunged into darkness Early Middle Ages. The population has decreased: some regions have become depopulated. Several epidemics and destructive wars swept across Europe.

Even under these conditions, the heritage of Roman civilization and science was not forgotten. But the eras of the 5th - 8th centuries stand out as difficult and dark times. In 768, Charles, who went down in history under the nickname the Great, became king of the Frankish kingdom. He was a decisive sovereign who fought a lot with his neighbors and expanded the borders of the Frankish kingdom, and in 800 he was crowned emperor.

His empire included part of eastern Spain, Italy to Rome, the territory modern Germany. Avars and numerous people were dependent on him Slavic peoples: Moravians, Czechs, Obodrites, Serbs.

The Emperor became famous not only victorious wars. He attracted to his court educated people and built schools. An Academy was organized, whose members were the smartest people of his era - the monk Alcuin, the historian Paul the Deacon, the biographer Einhard. Alcuin's student was the author of one of the medieval encyclopedias, Rabanus the Maurus.

Children of nobles and clergy studied in schools organized in the empire of Charlemagne. They studied the seven liberal arts, the canon of which had been formed earlier. "Carolingian minuscule", a method of writing letters that became the basis modern alphabet majority Western countries. At Charles's court there was an admiration for Roman literature, and copies of works in Latin were made.

The death of Charlemagne was followed by the collapse of his empire. The division of the empire into three states, formalized in 843, laid the foundations of modern Italy, Germany and France.

The Ideology That Changed History: Karl Marx

One of the greatest (considered by many) thinkers XIX century- Karl Marx. He was born in Prussia, but most spent his life in Great Britain and died in London. The ideas and works he developed determined the course of history of the next century.

The formation of Marx as a thinker was influenced by the philosophy of Hegel. Marx criticized his predecessor, but, relying on his dialectical method, formed his concept of dialectical materialism. He introduced his own materialistic understanding of the course of the historical process, which continues to be used in modern science.

Finally, Marx created the work “Capital”, in which he examined the contradictions of his contemporary capitalist society. He showed the essence of conflicts between capitalists and workers, as well as within these classes. He substantiated the inevitability of the replacement of capitalism by socialism.

Marx's ideas influenced all left-wing thinkers of the 20th century. Practical application These ideas were made by the builders of the USSR and other socialist states. In the 21st century, socialist states continue to exist, and supporters of this ideology believe in the final victory of socialism. At the basis of this historical process were the ideas of Karl Marx.

The greatest people in human history are individuals who, alone or with the participation of fellow performers, changed the course of history or directed it in the right direction. This influence was manifested in various ways - the development of science, the creation new religion or ideology, change political map world, which created new conditions for the development of civilization. The results of the activities of these individuals were able to fully manifest themselves years and decades after their death.

The 20th century contributed to the history of the development of states new type - welfare state, which replaced the so-called “liberal state” or “night watchman state”. Apologists for the doctrine of liberalism, the most prominent supporters of which were A. Smith, Lassalle, Spencer and others, praised not only individual freedom as greatest value relations between people, but also the economic independence of society and its individual members from the state. The purpose of the state was viewed too narrowly, only as: protecting society from external threats, protecting “citizens from fellow citizens,” performing those works that are unattractive for private business due to low profitability, but are very important for the whole society (construction and maintenance of infrastructure facilities , public buildings and so on.). Material support the state of individual citizens was considered unacceptable for two reasons: 1) providing assistance to the weak, as some sociologists and lawyers believed, is interference with the operation of the law natural selection, ultimately leading to the survival of those who would inevitably die under natural conditions, therefore leading to a “decrease in quality” of the gene pool of humanity; 2) maintaining the disadvantaged part of society is impossible without the financial participation of the prosperous part of society, and this, in essence, means the seizure of “sacred and inviolable” private property.

Since the seventies of the XIX century. such views were gradually recognized as outdated, not meeting the realities and needs of society; and in the worldview of people and in the policy of the state, with great difficulty, gradually, the idea of ​​a social state as an instrument of caring for the individual, protecting and ensuring his rights and interests was strengthened.

The term “social state” was already widely used in the works of pre-revolutionary Russian legal theorists, and no significant differences were made between the social and socialist states at that time. In legislation, the ideas of a social state began to be consolidated first in acts of labor legislation, within the framework of which a social insurance system began to be formed. Then in the constitutions of individual states (RSFSR, Weimar Germany, United Mexican States) in the 20s. XX century the social rights of citizens and the idea of ​​the state’s responsibility for the social well-being of the nation as a whole and each citizen individually were enshrined. Only in 1949 in the Basic Law Federal Republic Germany was enshrined in the principle of a welfare state. Today, in the constitutions of Russia, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Morocco and other states, the term “welfare state” is used to describe the foundations of the state structure.

The welfare state can be considered as achieved state, fact state life society or as an idea to which the state should strive, but which, like the idea rule of law, has not yet been finally implemented. In the first case, the social state undoubtedly exists historical type state, different from others in priority social function state, the special role of the state in the economy.

One of the features modern state is increased concern for socially vulnerable categories of citizens: children, disabled people, the elderly, the unemployed. It is in their interests that state benefits and subsidies, pensions and subsidies. In turn, the problem of supporting socially vulnerable categories of the population is directly related to the participation of the state in managing the country’s economy. Its participation in the redistribution of economic benefits is a feature characteristic of both the social and socialist states. IN modern societies such redistribution does not lead to a violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and allows us to consider modern Western states not only social, but also legal. However, history shows, using the example of totalitarian regimes, that ignoring the requirements for the state to be bound by law while actively paternalistic policy in relation to the majority of the population leads to very negative phenomena that do not allow these states to be considered truly legal.

The basis of the social state is the idea that it is the state that is responsible for creating such living conditions under which every person would be guaranteed access to basic goods, which can be considered as the creation of equal starting opportunities (or rather, the equalization of these opportunities). That state should be called social, one of priority areas whose activity is to create conditions for the implementation social rights citizens, enshrined in national legislation and meeting international standards in this area.

Certainly, Russian Federation today can hardly be fully attributed to this type of state. Pushed out and having a value element state ideology the slogan “Live within your means” essentially means an admission of inability state power develop a global doctrine social policy and at the same time provide this policy with economic mechanisms.

At the same time, the very attempt to constitutionally consolidate many of the listed features of a modern type of state inspires some optimism. Therefore, it seems legitimate to call Russia a country in a transitional stage to a social state, which acts as an institution of society aimed at organizing normal life and development of the entire society as a whole, protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of all citizens and peoples inhabiting it.

1. Problems of the theory of state and law: textbook. manual / ed.
M.N. Marchenko. – M.: Prospekt, 2008. – 504 p.

2. Problems general theory law and state: a textbook for law schools/ ed. V.S. Nersesyants. – M.: Norma, 2007. – 832 p.

3. Theory of state and law: a textbook for law. universities / ed.
MM. Rassolova. – M.: GOU VPO RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 2004. – 735 p.

Yuri Dolgoruky is considered the founder of Moscow and one of the main “gatherers of lands.” It is believed that this prince pursued a policy of unifying the Russian principalities, but all these ideas turn out to be controversial.

When was Dolgoruky born?

We do not know for sure either the day or even the year of birth of Yuri Dolgoruky. It is known that the name Yuri is a derivative of the name Georgiy. It is also known that Yuri Dolgoruky celebrated his name day in April. If you look at the calendar, it turns out that in April the memory of St. George is celebrated four times, but only once - on the 23rd - in memory of St. George the Victorious, after whom, obviously, the prince was named. It was customary to baptize infants on the fortieth day after birth, but in princely houses this rule was not always observed, therefore among historians it is customary to indicate only the season when Yuri Dolgoruky was born - in the spring.

If in spring, then what year? Vasily Tatishchev indicated the year 1090, but later calculations refute this date. Yuri was the sixth child of Vladimir Monomakh, his older brother Vyacheslav (fifth son) was about 15 years older than Yuri, and he was born between 1081 and 1084. Thus, the year of birth of Yuri Dolgoruky today is still unknown and is determined in the interval between 1095-1097 and 1102.

Whose son?

Who was the mother of Yuri Dolgoruky? Historians have at least some clarity on this matter. The prince could be the son of Vladimir Monomakh’s second wife Efimiya, since Vladimir Monomakh’s first wife, Gita of Wessex, daughter of the Anglo-Saxon king Harold II, died on March 10, probably 1098, while “Gyurgeva’s mother,” which is mentioned in the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh, died May 7, 1107. Obviously there were two different women. Thus, Vasily Tatishchev’s version about the relationship of Yuri Dolgoruky with the Anglo-Saxons is disputed today.

Founder of Moscow?

If you ask any person who Yuri Dolgoruky is, they will most likely answer you: “He founded Moscow.” And this would be a mistake, since Yuri Dolgoruky was not the founder of Moscow. His name is associated with ancient history Russian capital only for the reason that the first mention of Moscow in Ipatiev Chronicle occurs in connection with the letter Dolgoruky Prince Novgorod-Seversky Svyatoslav Olgovich, whom Yuri calls “to his place in Moscow” to stay.

However, Yuri Dolgoruky was not the founder of Moscow. The chronicle says that the prince gave his guest “a strong lunch.” This means that Moscow not only already existed, but was also a city in which it was possible to place a squad and organize a feast. It is known that in the Moscow region there were villages and hamlets that belonged to the boyar Stepan Ivanovich Kuchko. By the way, Dolgoruky killed the boyar himself, and subsequently married his daughter Ulita to his son Andrei Bogolyubsky. By the way, the “Kuchkovich conspiracy” is one of the main versions of the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Why Dolgoruky?

The situation with historical nicknames has always been and remains interesting. They can be interpreted in different ways, in contrast to the opportunistic preferences of a particular era. Thus, Ivan Kalita was at one time positioned as a greedy prince who carried a wallet with him because of his stinginess, then the same wallet became an attribute of a generous man who gave alms to everyone.

A similar situation exists with the nickname “Dolgoruky”. The 18th century historian Mikhail Mikhailovich Shcherbatov wrote that Prince Yuri was nicknamed Dolgoruky by analogy with Persian king Artaxerxes - for “greed for acquisition.” In current history textbooks, the origin of the nickname is explained by the fact that Yuri Dolgoruky was a “gatherer of lands.”

It must be said that besides Yuri, there were two more “Dolgorukys” in the Rurikovich family. This is the ancestor of the Vyazemsky princes, a descendant of Mstislav the Great, Andrei Vladimirovich Long Hand, who is mentioned only once, in 1300, in chronicles; and a descendant of Saint Michael Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, Prince Ivan Andreevich Obolensky, nicknamed Dolgoruky, the ancestor of the Dolgorukov princes. In all cases, the interpretation of nicknames cannot be proven.

Where did the cult come from?

Until the middle of the 20th century, Yuri Dolgoruky appeared in historical science one of the “regional” princes, whose activities in general for the history of the Russian state were of little significance. He did a lot for Rostov-Suzdal land, pursued an active urban planning policy, but without the chronicle “link” to Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky would have remained one of many talented and active, but far from great princes.

Here is what Karamzin writes about him in his “History of the Russian State”: “Our modest Chroniclers rarely talk about the evil qualities of the Sovereigns, diligently praising the good ones; but George, without a doubt, was the first to distinguish himself when, being the son of a so beloved Prince, he did not know how to deserve the love of the people. We saw that he played with the sanctity of oaths and worried Russia, exhausted by internal disagreements, for the benefit of his ambition.”

Vasily Tatishchev was no less categorical: “This Grand Duke He was of considerable height, fat, white in face, not very large eyes, long and crooked nose, small beard, a great lover of women, sweet food and drink; He was more concerned about fun than about governance and warfare, but all of it consisted in the power and supervision of his nobles and favorites... He himself did little, more and more children and allied princes...”

The cult of Yuri Dolgoruky is of late, Stalinist origin. It was prepared for the 800th anniversary of Moscow, in 1947. At the same time they issued a medal with the image of the prince, and made a monument (installed in 1954). The advantage of Yuri Dolgoruky as a symbol of the city was that he was ideally combined with the patron saint of Moscow, George the Victorious.

The position of the respected Kirill Martynov is clear and quite common. Castaneda, they say, ate too much mushrooms, came up with everything and made a fortune from it. Well, it may very well be. But this does not negate the amazing depth, harmony and coherence of the picture of the world that he describes in his books. In addition, it is clearly noticeable how he himself changes from book to book: before the reader’s eyes, a naive, narcissistic fool turns into a completely different person. It would have been easy to do this in hindsight by scheduling all the books at once, but to do it in a straight line required either real change or a genius.

Castaneda's world differs significantly from most mystical views. The main difference, perhaps, is that it is ruthless, and the person in it is lonely and defenseless. There is no one to rely on, no one will offer saving help: only by overcoming selfish feelings, a person can stop feeling sorry for himself and take the “path of the warrior”, in an attempt to avoid the absorption of his awareness after death by the Eagle - an unknown creature that feeds on the experiences of living beings. But it is precisely such a cruel world that can motivate a person to amazing feats and discoveries.

In Castaneda's books there is no blissful bleating in the style of New Age and Coelho, that “we are all one”, or “we are gods”, there are no calls for permanent happiness and promises of help. Therefore, only those who have not actually read him can confuse Castaneda with near-mystical verbiage.

It is also unlikely that those who write about “imitation of cognitive processes under the influence of trance” have read it. Castaneda, through the mouth of his teacher Don Juan, expounds a completely different idea of ​​the world. He says that people are designed in such a way that they are able to perceive only a microscopic fraction external influences. In addition, after signals from the senses enter the brain, there they undergo additional filtering and “glossing” - the process of comparing signals with an existing “dictionary” and identifying all sensations in accordance with it. This mechanism is well known to those who in the dark mistook a package moving on the road for a dog.

This nature of perception, obviously, was formed in people in an evolutionary way, allowing them not to overload their perceptual apparatus and quickly react to danger. Its downside is that a person finds himself a prisoner of a small channel of perception, to which he is accustomed from childhood. The purpose of training according to the “ancient Toltec” system is precisely to first make the perceptual apparatus more flexible, allowing it to perceive other sets of signals, and then, as latest achievement, begin to perceive everything at once, thus gaining freedom from the limitations of this world.

This training has specific steps, including working on own personality, bodily exercises, education special way behavior and sleep. All of them are explained and justified in some detail, and form a fairly coherent system of working on oneself.

Another one distinguishing feature, which is rarely seen anywhere - this is an unusually sharp, constant and often quite rude humor that accompanies all the events of the book. Typically, all gurus assume an aura of radiant majesty that demands reverence. Don Juan and his friends, on the contrary, are only looking for opportunities to laugh at themselves or make fun of their students.

And all this together - a system of knowledge, mystery and beauty cruel world, the severity of loneliness and rude jokes about all this forms a wonderfully poetic, deep and strong worldview that everyone should get to know.

Castaneda also has serious followers. Of the Russian authors, I would especially like to mention Alexey Ksendzyuk. In his book "The Secret of Carlos Castaneda" he gives a wonderful overview of the teachings of don Juan, analyzing it with different sides and comparing with other philosophical schools and practices. You can also find an extensive list of other authors who have dealt with this topic.

Have you ever taken any action that turned a situation around and left you feeling as if you had just defied fate itself and defeated it? But, despite all the results, your action could only be decisive in some small situation and could not in any way influence society and, especially, the whole world. Although, there were those in history who were able to turn its course and make it go according to their own scenario.

Here is a list of 10 outstanding personalities who, through their actions, were able to change the whole world and history to such an extent that we still see the consequences of their actions. This is not a top or even a comparative article, historical figures arranged according to the dates of their lives and deeds.

Euclid, father of mathematics

Numbers, addition, division, tens, fractions - what do these words refer to? That's right, back to math! It is impossible to imagine the modern world without many calculations, because at a minimum we are forced to count the money spent on buying groceries in the store. But there were times when there was not even the concept of “unit” in people’s minds. Where did this one come from? great science called “mathematics”? Euclid is the founder of this science and its founder. It was he who gave the world mathematics in the form in which we see it. “Euclidean geometry” was taken as a basis by ancient, and later by medieval scientists as a model of mathematical calculations.

Attila, King of the Huns

The great king of the Huns left a noticeable mark on history. If not for him, the Western Roman Empire could have collapsed earlier. Attila's invasion of Gaul and his meeting with the Pope left a rich mark on Catholic literature. In medieval writings, Attila began to be called the Scourge of God, and the invasion of the Huns itself was regarded as punishment for insufficient service to God. All this, one way or another, was reflected in the subsequent development of Europe.

Emperor of the steppes Genghis Khan.

As soon as the Europeans recovered from the invasions of the Huns, the threat from the nomads once again hung over Europe. A huge horde that wipes out entire cities from the face of the earth. An enemy that both German mercenaries and Japanese samurai fought at the same time. It's about about the Mongols, led by the rulers of the Genghisid dynasty, and the founder of this dynasty is Genghis Khan.

The Genghisid Empire is the largest continental empire in the entire history of mankind. European rulers united in the face of the danger of the Mongols, and conquered peoples created their own unique culture from the influence of the conquerors. One of these peoples were the Russians. They will be freed from the power of the Horde and form a state, which, in turn, will also change history.

Discoverer Columbus

All in modern world, one way or another, is connected with America. It was in America that the first colonial power appeared, in which not indigenous people, and the colonists. And about the US contribution to world history we can talk for a very long time. But America didn’t just appear on the map. Who discovered it for the whole world? The name of Christopher Columbus is associated with the discovery of this land for the whole world.

The genius of Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa is a painting known all over the world. Its author is Leonardo Da Vinci, a Renaissance figure, inventor, sculptor, artist, philosopher, biologist and writer, such people were called geniuses in his time. great person with a great legacy.

Da Vinci's influence on art and science is enormous. Being the most outstanding figure Renaissance, he made a huge contribution to the art of subsequent generations. Based on his inventions, new ones were invented, some of which still serve us today. His discoveries in anatomy radically changed the concept of biology, because he was one of the few who, despite the prohibition of the church, opened and examined corpses.

Reformer Martin Luther

In the 16th century, this name evoked the most contrasting emotions. Martin Luther is the founder of the Reformation, a movement against the power of the Pope. The formation of a new confession, supported by the masses, is already a major undertaking, capable of changing the world. And when this denomination is formed from another in a separatist manner, then war is not far away. Europe is swept by a wave religious wars that lasted more than a century. The biggest conflict was Thirty Years' War, one of the most bloody wars in history. Let us not forget that, despite the end of all wars over religion, religious differences further divided Europe. Protestantism has become state religion in some countries and even remains so in a few of them to this day.

Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of France

"Through hardship to the stars". This quote describes this man perfectly. Starting his journey as an ordinary Corsican boy, Napoleon became Emperor of France and excited all the European powers, which had not seen such people for hundreds of years.

The name of the emperor-commander was known to every European. Such a person could not disappear without a trace from the pages of history. His military successes will become an example for many commanders, and his personality will be equated with God. Guided by his “guiding star,” Bonaparte changed the world the way he wanted.

Leader of the revolution Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Every citizen of Russia has ever heard about the “Great October Revolution” - the event that marked the beginning of the formation of new power. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin created the world's very first socialist state, which in the future will have a huge impact on world history.

Great October Revolution considered the most significant event throughout the world to this day, because it proved that the establishment of a communist state is possible. Soviet Union who replaced Russian Empire, changed the world in ways that many could not even imagine.

Founder of modern physics Albert Einstein

1933: German-Swiss-American mathematical physicist Albert Einstein(1879 - 1955). (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

The name of Albert Einstein is known even to those who don’t really understand anything about physics. This is understandable: his very name is a common noun. Creator famous theory relativity and countless works, Albert Einstein changed the very concept of the word “physics”.

The general theory of relativity caused a stir among scientists, but it was not the only work of this scientist. All those who have taken root scientific theories and opinions were literally crushed into dust by just one person. Modern physics still stands on the statements of Albert Einstein and, perhaps, will stand for hundreds of years.

Adolf Gitler

Second World War is the most bloody conflict throughout the history of mankind. More than 70 million people lost their lives, and more more lives was broken. Everyone knows the name of the one who started this war. Adolf Hitler is the leader of the NSDAP, the founder of the Third Reich, a man whose name is inextricably linked with the concepts of the Holocaust and the Second World War.

No matter how much everyone hated Hitler, his influence on world history is recognized and undeniable, because the results of the Second World War still echo across our world, sometimes revealing various details. To be more specific and simpler, it was because of Hitler that the UN was formed and the Cold War and many inventions were created that passed from the army into human life. But we shouldn’t forget about the destruction of entire nationalities just because they simply exist, we shouldn’t forget about the 70 million who gave their lives to end this terrible conflict, we shouldn’t forget about the tragedy that the whole world had to put an end to.