Does a man need a beard? opinion. Why is it grown in different nations? What irritates women about men

Complete information on the topic “does a man need a beard? opinion” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

Does a man need a beard?

The undeniable advantage of wearing a beard for men is that it saves them from having to shave every day. But gentlemen need to remember that only 50 percent of women have a positive attitude towards facial hair. The other 50% are categorically against beards.

There are both pros and cons to wearing a beard. And before growing facial hair, a man should weigh everything carefully.

Hiding flaws in appearance

You can justify wearing a beard by saying that it hides flaws in your appearance. Skillfully trimmed hair can change facial features, making them more symmetrical and masculine. A beard especially suits those with a weakly defined chin, because it turns it into a strong-willed one that women like.

Extra warmth and positive associations

In a cold winter, a beard can warm a man better than any scarf. It also evokes a lot of positive associations. When you look at many bearded men, you immediately remember the kindly Father Frost, giving gifts to everyone. The image that each of us associates with a cheerful and carefree childhood encourages further communication.

For young men, a beard gives them respectability. But only if it looks beautiful. Several thin tufts of facial hair sticking out in different directions look comical and not very aesthetically pleasing. For men aged 25 and older, a beard usually makes them look older. With age, this effect increases more and more. For example, a clean-shaven forty-year-old man may look 35, but with a beard he is given the age of 45-50.

Don't forget that a beard is flammable. If you smoke, you might accidentally set yourself on fire one day. A moment's contact of facial hair with the fire of a lighter is enough - and it will turn into a flaming torch.

Employment problems

Yes, yes, this happens. Many large companies have a certain style. This is not only about the dress code, but also about the rules regarding the appearance of employees. According to them, men are required to be clean-shaven. Perhaps someone will call this discrimination, but the fact remains a fact. If you want to work for a reputable corporation, shave your beard.

Collection of dust and germs

Bread crumbs and other food often get stuck in a man's beard. As a result, it turns into a kind of, let’s not be afraid of this word, garbage dump. Facial hair also attracts dust, soot and fumes flying in the air of cities. And the man is forced to breathe in all this muck “stored” right under his nose.

Is it worth growing a beard: what are the pros and cons?

The latest fashion trends have turned men's world upside down, and now bearded men with different styles and types of facial hair are back in fashion. Today, many famous personalities have adorned their faces with beards, mustaches and sideburns, radically changing their image and style. Therefore, the urgent question arose whether it was worth growing a beard, and how justified such changes in appearance would be.

Experts unanimously insist that men experiment with their appearance, try something new, including a beard. But here it is important to provide several criteria and nuances, for example, how quickly, thick and evenly the beard will grow, whether the man will be able to provide his new hair with proper care, and whether the new look will fit into his previous style and lifestyle.

Why do men have a beard?

A beard in men is a normal physiological process for which the sex hormone testosterone is responsible. The level of this hormone can be different for each man, it all depends on lifestyle, health and genetics. In addition to testosterone, androgen produced by the adrenal glands is responsible for beard growth. High levels of such hormones lead to increased facial hair and early hair loss on the scalp.

For most men, a beard is a tool for radically changing their appearance and image. A beard is a sign of good genetics and good health, strength and masculinity of a man. It helps to add age, seriousness and solidity, also attracting a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Thick hair or a neat beard will help correct flaws in appearance, asymmetry or other facial flaws.

Pros and cons of facial hair

To understand whether a man needs a beard, the “pros and cons” are the most convincing arguments for many. For some nations, a beard is a symbol of spirituality and unity; for other nations, any facial hair is not typical. To determine whether a particular man needs a beard, mustache and sideburns, it’s worth first considering its advantageous differences, namely:

  • it highlights a man’s face, attracting the attention of others;
  • if you have a beard, there is no need to shave every day, irritating your facial skin;
  • with the help of a beard you can hide scars, acne and other skin defects;
  • in the eyes of women, bearded men are sexy and masculine;
  • a beard corrects facial asymmetry and corrects its shape.

Thanks to facial hair and its fashionable haircut and shape, a man can demonstrate to others his sense of style, modernity and versatility, and most importantly, show his creative impulse and potential. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account some arguments “against” in this matter, namely:

  • a beard requires daily care (washing, drying, styling, trimming, nutrition and growth stimulation);
  • Not every face shape is suitable for a beard;
  • A beard makes some men look older;
  • the shade of the beard may differ significantly from the color of the hair on the head;
  • For smokers, a beard is a flammable object; it absorbs unpleasant odors;
  • the beard gets dirty and requires frequent washing;
  • Many institutions and workplaces do not accept facial hair, it is worth considering the dress code of many institutions.

In addition, the beard is a reservoir of bacteria and dust, so it must be constantly washed using antibacterial cosmetics. Beard hair is much coarser than scalp hair, so it needs softening, moisturizing and styling.

What's in fashion now?

To decide whether to wear a beard or not, you should familiarize yourself with the latest fashion trends this year. Today, fashion dictates its own rules, offering several beard options:

  • Russian beard- a full beard covering the face, cheeks, chin, lips;
  • Hollywood beard (bretta) - the hair covers the chin and lower jaw of a man, but does not extend into the sideburns;
  • anchor - a small beard in the shape of an anchor with a thin mustache separated in the center by a shaved stripe;
  • balbo - an anchor-like beard, with thick stripes and a line between the mustache;
  • goatee - a goatee just around the mouth with an elongated tuft of hair on the chin;
  • a curtain- long and thick sideburns turn into a beard, which is missing in the middle of the chin;
  • screen- a beard along the entire chin line to the temples, but without a mustache;
  • Suvorov - a shocking beard with a mustache, starting with sideburns to the very line of the cheekbones, but with a smooth chin.

All of the listed types of beards can be viewed in photos of famous personalities in show business, politics, and sports. You need to choose a beard according to your preferences, tastes, face type and shape. Experts advise consulting with barbershops so that the barber sets the right start in beard modeling.

Nuances that are important to know when growing a beard

Beard growth begins in men of puberty, and the period of puberty occurs at the age of 14-18 years. Initially, the first facial hair may be sparse and grow unevenly. To do this, you need to maintain your health with proper nutrition and active pastime, take vitamins to improve beard growth and provide your beard with comprehensive care.

To grow a beard, you need to give up the razor and trimmer for 4-8 weeks, depending on the rate of facial hair growth. Next, you need to shave the hair on your neck to the line of the Adam’s apple, and also trim the extra hairs sticking out on your beard. It is better to do the first shape of the beard in a barbershop; later, using a trimmer, it will be easier to correct the beard, eliminating stubble and excess hair length.

In order for your beard to grow actively, evenly and thickly, you should evaluate your diet and lifestyle. Bad habits, excess weight, unhealthy food habits and vitamin deficiencies lead to slow beard growth and other problems with it. During the off-season, it is useful to take vitamin complexes to stimulate beard growth. The rest of the time you need to eat vegetables, fruits, and protein foods.

Particular attention should be paid to hormonal levels. To do this, you need to periodically donate blood for analysis, checking the level of testosterone in the body. Only after consulting an endocrinologist can you take any medications to stabilize your hormonal levels. You can increase testosterone through physical activity, proper nutrition, losing excess weight and other methods.

To decide whether to grow a beard or not, a man must evaluate how much patience and time he has to wait for it to grow, and then take care of it daily. Care includes washing, trimming and cutting, shaping, nutrition and moisturizing with cosmetics, styling. In addition, not every face type is suitable for one or another beard shape. A specialist in any barbershop can advise and advise on such issues.

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    6 Scientific Facts About Beards

    Why is a beard needed, what can it tell about the status and character of its owner, and how others perceive it?

    In its history, the beard has repeatedly experienced persecution, and then a return of interest in it. And today - after decades of oblivion - the beard is once again coming into fashion.

    1. It is still unknown whether women like beards

    There are studies that claim that women are crazy about facial hair on men. Some authors even believe that a beard is a noticeable advantage of an applicant when applying for a job, which affects not only women, but also male personnel officers: psychologists showed 228 HR managers photographs of 6 male faces, some of which were decorated with beards, and in As a result, they found that a beard is associated with physical attractiveness, strong personal qualities, competence and confidence. * However, other studies deny the attractiveness of a beard, proving that the sexiest man is a clean-shaven one. A kind of compromise between both is the work of ethological scientists, in which a beard and its absence are associated with two different types of male attractiveness. Abundant facial hair makes women more interested in its owner, but at the same time is associated with aggression and the desire for dominance. The absence of a beard is recognized as a sign of social maturity, wisdom and readiness to care - a clean-shaven man is subconsciously perceived by a woman as a good husband and father. **

    2. Bearded men appear more mature and successful

    Bearded men appear angry, aggressive and have higher social status, according to the authors of a 2012 study. Interestingly, this study was cross-cultural: it involved women not only from European countries, but also from the Samoan archipelago. The authors, by the way, believe that a beard as such does not increase attractiveness - on the contrary, people tend to trust men with facial hair much less often. And strangers are much more willing to enter into conflict with bearded people - in the same situations, bearded people look more malicious than those who strive for a smooth chin and cheeks. *** Let us note that for many peoples, a beard was indeed a symbol of status: for example, the ancient Egyptians, who belonged to the privileged class, wove gold threads into their beards.

    3. Bearded men are kinder to children

    Despite the apparent aggressiveness of bearded men, according to the aforementioned 2012 study, women consider them potentially more caring fathers than those without beards. This is all the more surprising since beards are associated with masculinity, and masculine men are generally considered the worst fathers, refusing to invest time, energy and material resources in their offspring, and being mainly interested in the sexual side of relationships with their mothers. The researchers themselves, speaking about this interesting detail, however, suggested that perhaps this was a random error in their experiment: the fact is that they, completely spontaneously, chose photographs for the test in which bearded men were smiling. It was precisely this circumstance that could attract women - a bearded man, the authors say, seems as touching as a stern fireman holding a kitten in his arms, or a professional wrestler writing poetry - a unique combination of brutality and tenderness.

    4. Men's beards have been preserved despite evolution

    5. The perception of beards depends on their prevalence

    Perhaps a study published this year will put an end to the debate about whether a beard is attractive or not. Its authors found that women's perception of men's beards is strictly dependent on how common they are in society. In years when the fashion for universal beards is passing, men who have this decoration are perceived by women as unusually attractive. On the contrary, in an era of general boom, interest in bearded people is noticeably declining. Apparently, the psychological mechanism underlying this change in the perception of beards is associated with an evolutionary pattern that leads to an increase in the genetic diversity of the population: women try to choose those who are different from others.*****

    6.Beard saves lives. Or does it not save?

    At the end of the article, let's allow ourselves a little humor. Two years ago, many of the world's media published an even more surprising explanation of the evolutionary justification for a beard, which was given in work allegedly carried out by Pentagon scientists. Having selected one hundred soldiers, half of whom were allowed to wear beards, the researchers began to study their future fate. All soldiers took part in the battles in Afghanistan, but the history of the bearded and beardless was different - it turned out that in the first category there were neither killed nor wounded, while in the second there were both. This “research” could have revolutionized our understanding of the role of the beard if, alas, it had not turned out to be an April Fool’s joke. A good example of how easy it is to falsify serious scientific work - and at the same time arouse enormous interest among the journalistic fraternity.

    * Reed, J. Ann; Blunk, Elizabeth M. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, Volume 18, 1990

    ** Frank Muscarella, Michael R. Cunningham. The evolutionary significance and social perception of male pattern baldness and facial hair. Ethology and Sociobiology, 1996.

    *** Barnaby J. Dixson and Paul L. Vasey. Beards augment perceptions of men's age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology, 2012

    ****A.V. Parisi, D. J. Turnbull1, N. Downs, D. Smith. Dosimetric investigation of the solar erythemal UV radiation protection provided by beards and mustaches. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2012.

    ***** Zinnia J. Janif, Robert C. Brooks, Barnaby J. Dixson. Negative frequency-dependent preferences and variation in male facial hair. Biology Letters, 2014

    Why do men need a beard, why do they grow it, and what significance does it have for Muslims?

    There are more and more bearded men. What is this – a craze, a “beardness” virus, a desire to prove something to yourself and others?

    There can be many reasons.

    You really need to look deeper. And there. And historical reasons, and the national characteristics of each people, and genetics.

    Let's try to figure out why and why a beard grows, its meaning among different peoples, and whether there is psychology in it.

    The meaning of a beard in men

    • Gender symbol– the hormone testosterone is the main catalyst for tertiary hair growth, and therefore beard growth. This is one of the main physiological differences between men and women.

    This means that by growing it, a man demonstrates his gender difference, his masculine self in a world where the boundaries of differences between women and men are increasingly blurred. A man must prove his masculinity both through actions and appearance.

  • The desire to stand out- men with a beard are more noticeable, they pay attention to him, especially in a crowd of clean-shaven ones. This way he becomes more noticeable and attractive to women.
  • Symbol of a profession or movement– bearded young men are now classified as part of the so-called “hipster” subculture. These are young people with a certain clothing style and interests (mainly creative).

    Muscles, long hair and a beard are a must. Lambersexuals dress simply - a T-shirt, a loose sweater or jeans, but they carefully monitor their image. This type of man, according to psychologists, is the spirit of the times, a response to overly sleek metrosexuals and a return to conservative roots. Women need strong defenders.

  • Why would a person wear it? Psychology

    The craze for this attribute, which began in Europe, the USA, and Australia 15 years ago, is in full swing here. Everyone wants to be bearded, from youngsters still growing up to men in the prime of life.

    The psychological effect of “imitation” is triggered. Mostly fashion is controlled by young people who are passionate about creativity and respect their clothing style.

    Feeling of strength and masculinity

    The second factor noted by psychologists is that men and young people with a beard convey strength and brutality.

    They use it to say: "I am a man, I can protect".

    Convenience and comfort

    One of the subconscious factors:

    reluctance to shave.

    A man grows it, at the same time forgetting that caring for it is more difficult than daily shaving.

    This attribute gives its owner 5-6-10 years of age at once.

    But that's what they need.

    Then, as women and girls try with all their might to look younger, at this time Guys grow facial hair to appear older and therefore more experienced..

    The last factor is closely related to the previous one.

    Often the beard broadcasts status, experience, wisdom and intelligence.

    Let us remember that many scientists, thinkers and philosophers wore a beard.

    Why is it grown in different nations?

    The reasons are not only deeply psychological, often this attribute is this is a tradition and cultural feature of the people.


    Muslims place special importance on the beard based on their imitation of the Prophet. The Prophet wore a beard, which means modern Muslim men should also wear it. Shaving is considered sinful.

    It is allowed to trim the mustache a little. An important fact is that Muslims carefully look after it. It is not allowed to appear in the mosque with an unwashed, shaggy and unkempt beard.


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    Since ancient times, the image of a Slavic man is the image of a hero. Strong, powerful and always with a beard. In one of the epics, the strength of the hero was hidden in his beard. It is not for nothing that Pushkin endowed Chernomor with magical properties in the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where his beard is cut off and the gift disappears.

    In Rus', the path of this attribute was different. Before Peter the Great, almost everyone wore it - Orthodox priests, representatives of the upper classes, kings and princes and others.

    Moreover, she had to be treated with respect. Don't grab, don't pull, etc. And for the damage she was entitled to a fine. They were also fined for shaving it off. Men without it were considered inferior.

    In the Orthodox tradition, it was not shaved. This was considered a violation of God's law. That is why all Orthodox priests still wear a beard.

    In Judaism, it is customary to observe the traditions of our ancestors and honor the image of the Creator, to be like him.

    Jews honor religious laws with all their might, so for them this is a symbol of spiritual communion with God. But this applies only to those who truly connect with the spiritual. Modern Jews, as a rule, do not all wear this attribute.

    Medieval Europe

    In the Middle Ages in Europe, attitudes towards beards were very variable. This is due to the fact that wars of conquest between tribes were constantly going on. Therefore, some tribes wore beards as a symbol of health, power, and strength.

    Others wanted to stand out and shaved them off. It is interesting that the modern fashion for beards originated from Europe. There are especially many bearded men in the Nordic countries - Norway, Sweden, Germany, Finland.

    Thus, a beard is both a fashionable attribute, a symbol of time, and a symbol of style. There can be many reasons for men to grow and wear it. These are psychological, religious, and national motives. But one thing is clear - a man with a beard will always remain a man in the eyes of a woman.

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    An online magazine from men for men.

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    A beard is an insidious thing: it can really add brutality to the appearance, but it turns some men into inhabitants of the station square. The life hacker decided to find out what kind of beard you should get in order to increase the chances of success among girls.

    We invited the female half of the editors and readers of our communities on social networks to rate 10 types of beards on a five-point scale: 1 - horror, 5 - beauty. The results were quite unexpected.

    10th place - goatee with mustache

    Strictly speaking, it is the mustache that is in the center of the composition. Beard - insofar as. The approach is interesting, but not very modern - it would not hurt to shorten the mustache.

    However, if you have a fairly bright appearance and pronounced charisma, it makes sense to try on this image. After all, why are you worse than Frank Zappa?

    9th place - bad guy

    It's dangerous to mess with someone like that, just look at his beard! Probably, men are guided by similar thoughts when they carefully wield a razor in an attempt to achieve perfectly even outlines.

    It's the same story here as in the previous paragraph. This beard is not suitable for everyone: it is advisable to have an oval or elongated face shape and darker hair. Chubby blondes are better off looking for other options.

    8th place - skipper beard

    She's English. With this type of beard you can correct your face shape quite well. Short hair around the perimeter of the chin will soften its excessive massiveness.

    The only catch is that such a beard, again, will not decorate everyone. For example, it is clearly not very suitable for the eternally young and delicate Elijah Wood. If your look is stern, and your lower jaw has quite pronounced outlines, it is quite possible that a skipper’s beard will suit you.

    7th place - what has grown has grown

    The clearest explanation of why you need to take care of your beard. It happens that it grows in small islands: thicker here, less dense there. Alas, you cannot order a certain shape and degree of thickness from nature, but you can absolutely always improve what you have.

    Johnny Depp could have had a pretty decent goatee if he had paid a little more attention to it. Neatness is extremely important, so arm yourself with a razor and trimmer to keep your beard in good shape and get rid of any excess in a timely manner.

    6th place - beard with sideburns

    A compromise solution that combines all types of vegetation at once. Not to say that such a beard spoiled Hugh Jackman, but it didn’t make him any better.

    If you have a fairly wide face, choose a different shape: a beard like this will only round it out further.

    5th place - I'm wild with my mother

    Many people strive for such a beard, but nature rewards only a select few with the necessary resources. Kristofer Hivju was incredibly lucky: in addition to his glorious beard, he got a look that could crush concrete. In theory, a killer combination. Or not?

    Unfortunately, the survey participants had doubts about the advisability of having such a beard from a hygiene point of view. And not everyone liked the type of big hairy guy.

    4th place - goatee

    This type has a lot of variations, but the principle is the same: the beard remains only on the chin, the mustache goes exactly along the contour of the lips. The goatee suits almost every face shape; it will look dubious only on openly moon-faced citizens.

    Robert Downey Jr. is definitely not one of them; the chosen beard shape definitely suits him. He would be in first place, but either the competitors are too strong, or the association with Stas Mikhailov is to blame.

    3rd place - classic of the genre

    Hans Gruber from Die Hard may be an extremely nasty guy, but you can’t deny him good taste. A neat short beard without unnecessary details - the owner clearly takes care of it. Take a look at the hairline: Before going to work, Gruber carefully shaved his cheeks and neck. Honor and praise to him for this.

    If you want the same beard, arm yourself with a razor and trimmer. A steady hand and an excellent eye will not be superfluous.

    2nd place - harsh beard

    As you know, instead of shaving, Chuck Norris simply kicks himself in the face, and behind his beard there is no chin, there is another fist. Moderately long, moderately thick, moderately well-groomed - it seems that this is exactly what a typical male beard should look like.

    You will need a minimum of tools - just a trimmer to keep your beard from getting out of control. Trim once every couple of weeks - and you will be happy.

    1st place - weekly stubble

    In fact, it can’t even be called a full-fledged beard. It looks good, but there may be questions regarding tactile sensations when contacting a stubbled man. However, there is an opinion that the rudiments of the beard become maximum prickly on the second or third day after shaving, and then the stubble becomes softer.

    Whether this fact is the reason for this or the soulful look of David Gandy, it was the week-long stubble that became the leader of our top. If you want to achieve the same amazing result, wait and let the stubble grow quietly. When it grows, periodically shorten it with a trimmer. It is better to choose models in which the step of changing the length of the nozzles does not exceed 1 millimeter.

    What needed to be proven is that ideas about a beautiful beard are very diverse. We have collected the most revealing statements from the participants in our mini-study.

    • “The best is the one that is well-groomed.”
    • “Either have a beard or shave, to hell with half measures.”
    • "A good beard is a neat beard."
    • “I can’t stand a beard that seems to grow around the face. There is nothing on the chin, and there are bushes under it and on the neck. All kinds of curly beards are very individual. Some suit them well, some don’t.”
    • “The best beard is either no beard or a week of being unshaven. You have to hit the hands for sideburns, thick beards (even in a well-groomed state they look like washcloths) and for figuratively made beards. Better than a thin Clark Gable mustache.”
    • “For a curly haircut, get a poodle, and just trim your beard carefully.”
    • “The main thing is not to inject yourself. And so that a man doesn’t have to spend two hours every day in front of the mirror.”
    • “The perception of a beard very much depends on the attitude towards the person who grows it. I personally don’t like beards that show the man is overgrown because he doesn’t care what he looks like or, on the contrary, is overly concerned with how every hair on his face grows. Both are perceived as a signal of complexes.”

    And finally, four rules, adherence to which will certainly help you grow a beard that will be the envy of everyone.

    1. You shouldn’t grow a beard just because it’s growing.

    Nature has a peculiar sense of humor: you dream of a full beard, but instead you end up with some indistinct scraps of fur. Formally, the task was completed, because there was more hair on the face, but there was no increase in beauty and masculinity.

    Remember and pass it on to your descendants: complete naturalness does not benefit any beard.

    If you are determined to say goodbye to smooth cheeks, be prepared for the fact that merciless reality can put an end to this idea.

    2. Stubble is also good

    Slight stubble is cool, in many cases men look much better with it than with perfectly smooth cheeks. In cases where a beard does not fit into your style, and you are simply tired of scraping your face with a razor every day, stubble is a good option. Prickly, true, but beautiful. More precisely, it can be beautiful if the stubble looks neat and does not turn you into a person permanently suffering from a hangover.

    Trimmer to the rescue! Choose models with attachments that allow you not only to trim your beard, but also to maintain a decent appearance of stubble. Philips trimmers combine impeccable cutting quality with innovative technologies such as laser guidance and a vacuum system that prevents shaved hairs from flying in all directions.

    3. A good beard is a well-groomed beard

    If you deliberately refuse to pay attention to her and believe that it is unbecoming for a man to bother with a trimmer, that’s your business. It is naive to expect that such an approach will make you look like a stern Viking. Most likely, you will become a regular at the Grushinsky Festival.

    If you are striving to have a truly well-groomed beard, do not leave things to chance.

    Facial hair, by definition, cannot be perfectly even. Somewhere more, somewhere less - periodically it must be brought to a single denominator. To avoid turning your beard into an asymmetrical joke with a slight movement of your hand, use a good trimmer. Philips BT9290 with laser guidance technology allows you to give your beard and stubble extremely clear outlines.

    4. Beard loves cleanliness

    This is not even discussed; the rules of personal hygiene have not yet been canceled.

    The tobacco-smelling thickets, in which the remains of breakfast or lunch are hidden, make a repulsive impression. To avoid turning your beard into a storage area for supplies, wash it.

    Captain Obviousness claps his hands at such sudden advice, but the fact remains: for some reason many people do not separate this stage into a separate procedure. Shampoo or cleansing gel will do for washing, the main thing is regularity. Women will be very grateful to you.

    A beard can work wonders. It will hide an insufficiently strong-willed chin, help correct the shape of your face and give your image the necessary amount of brutality. True, all this is possible only with due attention to it. An ideal beard should be beautiful and well-groomed, and length is not the main thing here.

    Everyone knows that our forefathers all wore beards. Actually, your great-grandfather probably also had a beard, at least his great-great-grandfather probably did. The constant wearing of a beard in Rus' was abolished by Peter I. More precisely, he removed the tradition and began a gradual reform in changing the appearance of a man. Even now, if they see a bearded man on the street, then people will have the image of a savage, a barbarian. Soviet propaganda played a significant role in “harmlessness.” Try to go out in Soviet times with a beard and even long hair - you’ll immediately arouse suspicion, and they might even detain you! And how many sideways glances you will catch.

    Now this is, of course, easier, but people will still look askance and ask: "What are you, a monk? or shahid?" (if dark) - the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is not capable of more.

    The modern man is increasingly beginning to take on a female appearance, feminine traits, habits, and often already plays the role of a woman in everyday matters. He shaves his armpits (okay, but they don’t stink), shaves his face, uses cosmetics, acquires feminine rounded shapes (due to changes in hormonal levels from drinking beer, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle), feminine behavior, some shave their legs, paint their nails. Is this what a real man should look like, someone who has been a hunter, protector, breadwinner, conqueror, leader, alpha male for thousands of years?

    The growth of a mustache and beard is a natural phenomenon for every man. Why go against nature? Didn’t God (or nature, in the minds of atheists, in this context) create man and woman ugly? No, well, I understand that women shave their legs, it’s natural for them, because for thousands of years women have tried to look beautiful and this action is on a reflex level. And besides, hair growth in women is naturally very poorly developed. There are, of course, hairier women, but this is determined by their hormonal levels, either natural or artificial, from an incorrect lifestyle (masculinity).

    A man’s beard has always been a sign of masculinity, a sign of wisdom, and constantly scraping himself with a razor is an indicator that the man is not happy with himself and his appearance. Just as, for example, transsexuals (or transvestites) are not happy with the body they received from birth, so are shaved men.

    It’s one thing when a man’s occupation is hindered by a long beard (mind you, it’s long) or long hair (and even then, they find ways to hide it), but not everyone is like that. If this continues, it will soon become the norm for men to shave their legs, use cosmetics, etc. - and this will reach the point of absurdity: the man will completely forget about his gender characteristics. It will no longer be clear what a man should be like. Society will lose the usual dipole system with two sexes, and will become, as, for example, in Thailand...

    Well, women, of course, like shaved men more, because they enjoy looking and touching smooth and delicate skin, forgetting that a man should be rough. I didn’t come up with this, it’s been like this for many thousands of years. Again, which women? Those women who see their significant other not as a dominant male, a potential head of the family, but as a kind of toy, a doll. They like to play with these dolls, with these, as they themselves put it, “boys.” A man - not as a man-father, but as a man-women's man, gigolo. In appearance - pumped up, but not at all courageous, cowardly boys who can be controlled. This is the ideal of a masculine woman. Transformation of a man into a playboy, a playful boy.

    It's all because of the postmodern, liberal society. After all, it is worth remembering the famous phrase: “Social existence determines social consciousness.” dictates its own standards, including that all men should be clean-shaven and trimmed. The reality in which a person finds himself dictates the norms of his behavior and determines his consciousness. When propaganda of a certain model of behavior, way of life and what a man (or woman) should look like flows from everywhere, then willingly or unwillingly the average person, the average person, will copy all this behavior, not paying attention to the norms established by traditional society for thousands of years .

    What was unacceptable yesterday is the norm today, this applies, for example, to homosexuality, which in the West, oh, how well they treat it, and they invite Russia with them: “You are welcome to our hut.” Society equates everyone with the same brush, makes people “the same.” When everyone, like clones, walks around with a shaved face, then this bad word just begs to be addressed to them, no, well, judge for yourself, am I not right?! The majority strives to be modern, and liberal society imposes its own ideology of money and consumption: in order to be successful, modern and civilized, follow our norms. Be this and that, dress like this, think like this. Women love such and such men, so be like that.

    Of course, you can see a lot of bearded men, and that is why some say that it is now fashionable to have a beard. Maybe, but isn’t it much more fashionable to walk around with a shaved face and it’s kind of pop? After all, fashion presupposes universal enthusiasm, and the majority just go shaven. Therefore, the absence of a beard is nothing more than just a fashion, and everyone who goes shaved is a follower of this fashion. Many men criticize and scold all sorts of models because they “dress beautifully and look fashionable,” but, sorry, guys, don’t you look fashionable yourself? All these cries of yours after people with a model lifestyle are worthless, because you yourself are one!

    The shaved man is a model, if you like, of Peter I, or, to be even more precise, of the Western modernist model, which Petka, like a monkey, simply copied while in Holland. Who knows what they do there? Now they have become completely homosexual, soon there will be no heterosexual couples left, and such couples will be a minority and outcasts. So, should we now look up to them? Well, you yourself understand perfectly well that it’s not worth it. And shaving a beard is one of the steps into this abyss. It seems funny now, but you just have to start, colleagues! Moreover, we started this a long time ago...

    Don't go against nature - it's unnatural! The sun rises every morning and goes to bed every evening. Likewise, a beard grows in men in normal health, but not in women. This is normal, this is how it should be! And to resist nature is not normal, because the norms here are set not by some Dutch pederasts or Brussels commissars of the Euro Sodomy Union, but by nature itself, if in the understanding of atheists, or by God Himself - for believers! And arguing with this is simply stupid!

    I agree, there are people for whom a beard “does not suit”, due to its poor growth and poor development of the tertiary hairline. But this is determined only by national and racial characteristics. For example, poor beard growth is observed among some representatives of the peoples of the Far North, among representatives of the Mongoloid race, and, in my opinion, among some Indians of South and North America. The mustache and beard of such people grow with sparse hair, which does not look very elegant, while among the Slavs, Germans, Scandinavians and others, the beard grows smooth and beautiful. But wait, is it all about elegance? More precisely, what do we care about elegance if I was born a representative of the Mongoloid race, a descendant of the great Khan Temujin (Genghis Khan), or if I am a native Taimyr resident? Actually, what next? Well, my beard is not beautiful and not elegant enough, in combination with a formal suit it will look “not very good”, so why should I now, sorry, go cry into my pillow, hating myself for it? Hating myself for not being like other white people and looking different in their company. Well, isn’t this nonsense, judge for yourself, colleagues? Whoever doesn’t grow a beard, let it not grow, but whoever grows it, then why shave it?

    Now look. I am addressing specifically the shaved men reading this article. Ask yourself right now: “Why don’t I wear a beard and why do I shave periodically?” You will immediately, with a slight grin, give an automatic answer: “Yes, because I just don’t like her!” I guessed? But have you ever thought about why you don't like it? Those. I don’t like it not because “just because”, but due to some circumstances. And, in fact, what circumstances could this be? Yes, everything is as simple as two and two. I have already reminded you of the famous phrase: “Existence determines consciousness.” And he said that the reality in which a person lives forms in this person this or that consciousness, way of life and thinking.

    Let’s assume that in percentage terms in an average metropolis, now about 90% of post-pubertal men go without a beard, and 10%, respectively, with a beard. Well, something like this, huh? Well, now let’s assume that it’s the other way around: 90% have a beard, and 10% without a beard. Those. Almost all adult men you see anywhere have beards. At work, in the store, on TV, ordinary passers-by on the street. Even the Mansi hunters who came to sell furs to the regional center had only a frail little beard with three hairs. Those. in order to meet a shaved man, you have to try harder, i.e. It’s not a fact that you’ll even see it in a day, unless you specifically walk around the city and look for it.

    So, did you then, oh, dear colleague, shave your courageous face every day, thereby trying to look like a modern, civilized, progressive person? If you say yes, then you are blatantly lying. No, buddy, no. You would not shave, because the need for this act would disappear completely. Your consciousness would begin to form a new reality, a new existence, in which the majority no longer shave, but wear beards. And the most interesting thing is that your beloved wife (or friend) would like you just as much as she likes you now, because her consciousness is formed by the same reality in which she lives. She would have similarly observed the abundance of bearded men since her childhood. She would have grown up with a bearded dad, the kids from high school would have already started to grow mustaches, and she would have seen this and considered it the norm and would have fallen for such guys in the same way as she now falls for shaven ones. Like all women without exception, an “image of the man of her dreams” would form in her head, and I don’t know what he would be like, but I can only say that he would definitely have a beard.

    So what you call “I just don’t like a beard” is nothing more than an image formed in your head of what a man should be. This image was forced upon you throughout your entire growing up until this day from the various visual images that you saw everywhere.

    Well, if you dot all the i’s, then a shaved man looks exactly the same as a shaved cat or a shaved dog. You don't think about shaving your cat or dog, do you? Well, I mean, not just as a joke, but because you thought that your pet doesn’t need hair at all and he should have smooth skin. Although there are those who give their pets haircuts. But who is this again? These are women. What kind of women (so as not to offend all women)? It is those who see in their pet not a friend, as some dog handler treats his dog, but see only a toy, an object for joy, pleasure, just fun. After all, this is exactly why they get all these little animals. In the same way, in men they see not alpha males, dominant leaders, but toys, dolls, playful playboy boys. And is it worth it to indulge such young ladies by crawling under their glamorous heels?

    Personally, I decided for myself that I don’t want to comply with these norms, I don’t want to be civilized, modern. I want to be a barbarian, a savage. Live in your own way, by your own work and on yourself and be free (at least from this). To breathe the wind, not the one that liberals are trying to impose on us, but real freedom - liberation! So wearing a beard is even a kind of principle for me!

    Incredible facts

    With the exception of a few men on Earth, most of the stronger half of humanity have facial hair.

    Men's beards (photo)

    10. Growing facial hair is called " pogonotrophy".

    11. In the Middle Ages touching a man's beard was considered offensive and could be a reason for a duel.

    12. According to surveys, both men and women perceive bearded men (compared to non-bearded men) as:

    · Older in age

    · More respected

    · High status

    13. On average, a man spends in his entire life 3,350 hours of shaving.

    14. In 345 AD Alexander the Great prohibited soldiers from wearing beards, as opponents could pull the beard during battles.

    15. Longest beard belongs to a Norwegian Hans N. Langseth(Hans N. Langseth), and its length was 5.3 meters in 1927.

    16. A beard helps filter out dust and pollen if you suffer from allergies.

    17. In ancient Egypt, metal beards were considered a sign of divinity and status, and even some women wore them.

    18. Have you ever wondered how long a beard can grow? According to calculations , if you didn’t shave your whole life, it would grow to 9 meters.

    19. Peter I tried to encourage the absence of facial hair and introduced beard tax, which ranged from 60 to 600 rubles per year, depending on class. For control, a token was introduced, which served as a kind of license to wear a beard.

    20. Longest female beard belongs to Vivian Wheeler from the USA and its length is 25.5 cm.

    Beard styles

    The beard doesn't come alone. It brings with it attention and interest from the opposite sex and, as a result, makes the dating procedure easier and more relaxed (naturally, with such and such a trump card!). In our “Question to a Dude” section, we already answered the question, and now we decided to develop this topic and found a whole list of reasons why you won’t be left without a girl if you have well-groomed and thick facial hair.

    Of course, a beard should come with a few more real masculine virtues, but start with a beard, and then you will see how your life will change.

    1. Beard is sexy

    A man with a well-groomed beard (provided it suits him) certainly has a more stern and masculine appearance compared to other bald men. And, of course, this does not go unnoticed by women. Characters like Wolverine from the X-Men series, Thor from the Marvel universe, Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones are forced to put up a warning sign “Caution, wet floor!” in the houses of many girls. Plus, a beard helps to perfectly disguise some facial defects, from acne and scars to a weak-willed small chin.

    2. Beard is synonymous with prestige

    In old Celtic times, Otto the Great often swore an oath on his beard. In the Middle Ages, a man touching a fellow man's beard was considered a direct challenge to fight. Nowadays, a beard is strongly associated with a certain brutality and a symbol of strength and self-respect. The bearded man declares his alpha status and lets the woman know (albeit on a subconscious level) that he is a good protector.

    3. Bearded men are considered the best lovers

    When it comes to exquisite foreplay, a beard is a universal tool. Rub or tickle it in strategic places, and it will give your girlfriend an unforgettable and definitely pleasant sensation.

    4. Bearded men are considered more masculine.

    As boys approach puberty, their bodies naturally change. One of these changes is the appearance of hair on the body and, in fact, on the face. Surveys of many women have confirmed the fact that a bearded man is perceived by the opposite sex as a person who is physiologically ready to make children. If a guy has a nice thick beard, it means he has no problems with testosterone and in general he is able to give this world genetically strong offspring.

    5. They are more patient

    For most men, growing and maintaining a beard is a task that requires patience and keeping the big picture in perspective. The Bearded Man is calm, collected, calculating and in most cases does not tend to show haste when it comes to making decisions.

    6. Bearded men stand out from the crowd

    The beard is universal, timeless and will never go out of style. And even if you don’t care about fashion trends, you will still be in trend, and you know what you’re going to meet, based on your clothes.

    7. A beard is associated with wisdom.

    Probably everyone knows the theory that almost every woman looks for the image of her father in a potential partner. A well-known study showed that women, looking at photographs of men with varying degrees of facial hair, categorically rejected those who were clean-shaven and looked with interest at faces covered with thick stubble. During the survey, the girls admitted that bearded guys caused them a strong association with reliability and wisdom, the possession of excellent fatherly qualities or the makings of such.

    8. A bearded man is a healthy man

    Most likely, a man with a beard leads an active and adventurous lifestyle. He enjoys outdoor sports such as camping, fishing and hunting. Did you know that a beard can block 90 to 95% of ultraviolet rays, while slowing down the aging process and minimizing the risk of cancer?

    And now you already imagine yourself with a thick beard, but for some reason the hair on your face grows poorly or does not grow at all. What to do? There is a fairly well-known drug in the West called Minoxidil, which, by the way, is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. In the store you can buy Minoxidil Kirkland 5%, which is great for those who have a beard, but it is not thick enough. And if nature has not endowed you with even a little fluff and you look like a schoolboy, then Minoxidil 15% is suitable for you. Three times the concentration - three times more powerful. Well, if you combine Minoxidil 15% with a five percent product or with a dermaroller, which, by the way, can also be bought in the store, then the effect will be even stronger.

    Within a month you will notice a positive result and will finally be able to grow a beautiful beard. The store has 100% original products. That is, this is a real American drug, and not a Chinese counterfeit. If you have any questions about using the product, you can ask them to the store’s specialists - they know everything about beards and hair. ships goods anywhere in the world.