Triad Orthodoxy autocracy nationality. Letter to Nicholas I

The theory of official nationality is a designation accepted in literature for the state ideology of the Russian Empire during the reign of Nicholas I. The author of the theory was S. S. Uvarov. It was based on conservative views on education, science, and literature. The basic principles were set out by Uvarov when he took office as Minister of Public Education in his report to the emperor.

Later, this ideology began to be briefly called “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality” as an antithesis to the motto of the Great French Revolution “Liberty, equality, fraternity.”

According to Uvarov's theory, the Russian people are deeply religious and devoted to the throne, and the Orthodox faith and autocracy constitute the indispensable conditions for the existence of Russia. Nationality was understood as the need to adhere to one’s own traditions and reject foreign influence, as the need to fight Western ideas of freedom of thought, personal freedom, individualism, rationalism, which were considered by Orthodoxy as “freethinking” and “troublemaker.”

Guided by this theory, the head of the III department of the imperial chancellery, Benckendorff, wrote that “Russia’s past is amazing, the present is beautiful, and the future is beyond all imagination.”

The Uvarov triad was the ideological justification for the policies of Nicholas I in the early 1830s, and later served as a kind of banner for the consolidation of political forces advocating an original path for the historical development of Russia.

90. Symbols of the Russian State (before the beginning of 1917): coat of arms, flag, anthem.

State flag

Until the second half of the 17th century, nothing was known about the Russian flag. In 1693, the flag of the “Tsar of Moscow” (white, blue and red with a golden double-headed eagle in the middle) was raised for the first time on the yacht “St. Peter”.

In 1858, the first official “coat of arms” flag (black-yellow-white) appeared. The colors of the flag meant the following: Black color- the color of the Russian double-headed eagle is a symbol of a Great Power in the East, a symbol of sovereignty in general, state stability and strength, historical inviolability. Gold (yellow) color- once the color of the banner of Orthodox Byzantium, perceived as the state banner of Russia by Ivan III, is generally a symbol of spirituality, aspiration for moral improvement and fortitude. For Russians, it is a symbol of continuity and preservation of the purity of Christian Truth - the Orthodox faith. White color- the color of eternity and purity, which in this sense has no discrepancies among the Eurasian peoples. For Russians, this is the color of St. George the Victorious - a symbol of great, selfless and joyful sacrifice for the Fatherland, for “friends,” for the Russian Land

In 1883, Alexander III established the white-blue-red flag.

National emblem

The State Emblem of the Russian Empire is the official state symbol of the Russian Empire. There were three variants of the coat of arms: Large, also considered the personal Great Coat of Arms of the Emperor; The middle one, which was also the Great Coat of Arms of the Heir to the Tsarevich and the Grand Duke; Small, whose image was placed on State credit cards.

Great coat of arms of Russia is a symbol of the unity and power of Russia. Around the double-headed eagle are the coats of arms of the territories that are part of the Russian state. In the center of the Great State Emblem is a French shield with a golden field on which a double-headed eagle is depicted. The eagle itself is black, crowned with three imperial crowns, which are connected by a blue ribbon: two small ones crown the head, the large one is located between the heads and rises above them; in the eagle’s paws are a scepter and an orb; on the chest is depicted “the coat of arms of Moscow: in a scarlet shield with gold edges, the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious in silver armor and an azure cap on a silver horse.” The shield, which depicts an eagle, is topped with the helmet of the Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, around the main shield is a chain and the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the sides of the shield there are shield holders: on the right side (to the left of the viewer) is the Holy Archangel Michael, on the left is the Archangel Gabriel. The central part is under the shadow of the large imperial crown and the state banner above it. To the left and right of the state banner, on the same horizontal line with it, are depicted six shields with the connected coats of arms of the principalities and volosts - three to the right and three to the left of the banner, almost creating a semicircle. Nine shields, crowned with crowns with the coats of arms of the Grand Duchies and Kingdoms and the coat of arms of His Imperial Majesty, are a continuation and most of the circle that the united coats of arms of the principalities and volosts began.

The Great State Emblem reflects “the triune essence of the Russian idea: For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland.” Faith is expressed in the symbols of Russian Orthodoxy: many crosses, Saint Archangel Michael and Saint Archangel Gabriel, the motto “God is with us,” the eight-pointed Orthodox cross above the state banner. The idea of ​​an autocrat is expressed in the attributes of power: a large imperial crown, other Russian historical crowns, a scepter, an orb, a chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.
The Fatherland is reflected in the coat of arms of Moscow, the coats of arms of Russian and Russian lands, in the helmet of the Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. The circular arrangement of the coats of arms symbolizes equality between them, and the central location of the coat of arms of Moscow symbolizes the unity of Rus' around Moscow, the historical center of Russian lands.

The middle state coat of arms was the same as the Great one, but without state banners and six coats of arms above the canopy; Small - the same as the Middle one, but without a canopy, images of saints and the family coat of arms of His Imperial Majesty.

National anthem

“God save the Tsar!”- the national anthem of the Russian Empire from 1833 to 1917, replacing the previous anthem “Russian Prayer”.

In 1833, A.F. Lvov accompanied Nicholas I during his visit to Austria and Prussia, where the emperor was greeted everywhere with the sounds of the English march. The emperor listened to the melody of monarchical solidarity without enthusiasm and upon his return instructed Lvov, as the musician closest to him, to compose a new anthem. The new anthem (music by Prince Lvov, words by Zhukovsky with the participation of Pushkin) was first performed on December 18, 1833 under the title “Prayer of the Russian People.” And on December 31, 1833, it became the official anthem of the Russian Empire under the new name “God Save the Tsar!” and existed until the February Revolution of 1917.

God save the Tsar!

Strong, Sovereign,

Reign for glory, for our glory!

Reign to the fear of your enemies,

Orthodox Tsar!

God save the Tsar!

Only six lines of text and 16 bars of melody were easy to remember and were designed to be repeated three times in a verse.

91. Rationalism. "Natural Law".

Rationalism in law - The doctrine according to which the rational foundations of law can be understood independently of the will of the legislator.

Option 1. In the eras preceding the Renaissance, law was interpreted in essentially two ways: on the one hand, as a manifestation of God's judgment, and therefore it had the character of necessity, absoluteness and eternity (this approach was the norm for the Middle Ages); on the other hand, law was considered as a product of a contract between people, which can change and is relative (many representatives of the ancient world have this approach). However, there is also a third side of the interpretation, according to which law has human origin, but despite this, it is necessary because its essence follows from the general human nature. The concept of “natural” law was already known to the ancient Stoics and to some scholastics in the Middle Ages (in particular, Thomas Aquinas), but it truly developed only on the threshold of a new era.

One of the proponents of this understanding of law was the Dutch lawyer, historian and politician Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), the ideologist of the Dutch bourgeois revolution, the author of the treatises “The Free Sea” and “Three Books on the Law of War and Peace.”

The philosophical basis of his natural law theory is a rationalistic worldview. Ratio is called upon to resolve social and legal conflicts. Reason has a general critical and all-evaluating significance, it is the “light of reason”, and not a divine revelation, it is the supreme judge.

In human law, Grotius distinguishes between civil (ius civile) and natural (ius naturale) law. Civil law arises historically, determined by the political situation; natural law follows from the natural character of man and is not a subject of history, but of philosophy. The essence of natural law lies in the social character of man (as in Aristotle), from which follows the need for a social contract, which people enter into to ensure their interests and thus form a state union.

Option 2. In the 17th century, the revolutionary overthrow of the class-feudal system began in Western Europe. From the beginning of the revolution in England, the New Age is calculated - the period of history that replaced the Middle Ages.

The ideological banner of anti-feudal movements in Holland, England and other countries was Protestantism. On the basis of Calvinism, a special type of personality was formed - the bearer of a new, Protestant ethic, prescribing personal asceticism, hard work and business honesty. Concentrating in the cities, Calvinist workers, united by religion, common interests and business connections, sought to free themselves from oppression and encroachments on their lives and freedom by the Catholic Church and noble-monarchical states.

The first country to successfully carry out a revolution was Holland (Netherlands, Republic of the United Provinces), which endured a long-term (1565-1609) war of liberation against feudal Spain, which tried to eradicate Calvinism, which had spread in the Netherlands, with sword and fire. The second revolution took place in England (the "Great Rebellion" of 1640-1649 and the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688-1689). Their conceptual expression and outcome were the theories of natural law and social contract, based on rationalism.

Rationalism, i.e. assessment of social relations from the standpoint of “common reason”, application of the rules of logic to them (such as: if all people are equal by nature, what is the meaning and justification of class privileges?) were a powerful tool for criticizing feudal relations, the injustice of which became obvious when applied to them a measure of the natural equality of people.

The social basis of the revolutions of the 17th century. there were townspeople and the peasantry oppressed by the feudal lords.

Natural law theory was the classic embodiment of the new worldview. This theory began to take shape in the 17th century. and immediately became widespread. Its ideological origins go back to the works of Renaissance thinkers, especially to their attempts to build a political and legal theory on the study of the nature and passions of man.

The theory of natural law is based on the recognition of all people as equal (by nature) and endowed (by nature) with natural passions, aspirations, and reason. The laws of nature determine the prescriptions of natural law, which must correspond to positive (positive, volitional) law. The anti-feudal nature of the theory of natural law consisted in the fact that all people were recognized as equal, and this (the natural equality of people) was elevated to a mandatory positive principle, i.e. valid, law.

93. “Popular sovereignty and democracy (democracy).”

The doctrine of popular sovereignty was developed in the 18th century. the French thinker Rousseau, who called the sovereign nothing more than a collective being formed from private individuals who collectively received the name of the people.
The essence of popular sovereignty is the supremacy of the people in the state. At the same time, the people are considered as the only legitimate and legitimate bearer of supreme power or as a source of state sovereignty.

Popular sovereignty is the antagonist of the sovereignty of the monarch, in which the monarch is considered not as a member of the people, but as an individual person - the bearer of sovereign (absolutist, autocratic) state power. The concepts of popular sovereignty and state sovereignty are also different, but not opposed to each other, since in the first case the question of the highest power in the state is revealed, and in the second - the question of the supremacy of the power of the state itself

Popular sovereignty, or democracy, means the principle of a constitutional system that characterizes the sovereignty of a multinational people, recognition of its sole source of power, as well as the free exercise of this power in accordance with its sovereign will and fundamental interests. The sovereignty or full power of the people is their possession of political and socio-economic means that comprehensively and fully ensure the real participation of the people in managing the affairs of society and the state. The sovereignty of the people is the expression of the legal and actual ownership of all power by the people. The people are the only source of power and have the exclusive right to dispose of it. The people, under certain conditions, transfer the authority to dispose of power (but not the power itself) and for a certain time (until new elections) to their representatives.

The power of the people also has other, along with the noted, special properties: it is, first of all, public power. Its goal is to achieve the common good or common interest; The public legal nature of power indicates that it has a general social character and is addressed to the entire society and each individual. An individual (personality), independently or through the institutions of civil society, can, to one degree or another, influence the exercise of such power. Democracy presupposes that society as a whole (the people) or part of it exercises power, i.e. carries out directly or through its representatives the management of the affairs of society and the state, thus achieving the satisfaction of general and private interests that do not contradict them.

N.s. has various forms of manifestation: through representative and direct democracy, direct exercise of rights and freedoms. Properties N.s. appear at various levels.

The institutions of representative and direct democracy are effective state and legal channels for the implementation of democracy. Moreover, the combination of representative and direct democracy is the highest manifestation of the sovereignty of the people.

Immediate (direct) democracy is the exercise of power by the people through forms of immediate or direct expression of will.

Direct democracy ensures the fullest participation of the masses in governing the country and complements the permanent centralized (institutional) representative system.

Depending on the legal significance (consequences), institutions of direct democracy can be divided into two groups: imperative and consultative. The peculiarity of imperative forms: decisions made by the people are recognized as final, binding and do not require subsequent legal approval by state bodies or local governments. An example of this is the decision taken in the referendum. The consultative form of direct forms of democracy allows us to identify the will of the people or population of a certain territory on a particular issue, which is then reflected in the act (decision) of a state body or local government.

Free elections are an institution of direct democracy that ensures the participation of the people and citizens in the formation of representative bodies of state power and local self-government and the filling of certain positions in the state. Elections remain the most common institution of direct democracy; they represent an act of expression of the will (self-government) of the people, through which collegial bodies of public power are formed - state institutions (parliament, head of state, senior officials of executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the federation, their legislative bodies) and bodies local government (representative, heads of local government, etc.).

Ideological justification for the “theory of official nationality”, which was proclaimed in 1832 by its author, the then newly appointed Comrade Minister (that is, his deputy) of public education, Count Sergei
Semenovich Uvarov (1786-1855). Being a convinced reactionary, he took it upon himself to ideologically ensure the rule of Nicholas I by eradicating the Decembrist legacy.
In December 1832, after his audit of Moscow University, S. S. Uvarov presented a report to the emperor in which he wrote that in order to protect students from revolutionary ideas it is necessary, “gradually taking over the minds of youth, to bring them almost insensitively to the point where, to resolve one of the most difficult problems of the time (the fight against democratic ideas. - Comp.), education must merge, correct, thorough, necessary in our century, with deep conviction and warm faith in the truly Russian protective principles of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, constituting the last anchor of our salvation and the surest guarantee of the strength and greatness of our fatherland.”
In 1833, Emperor Nicholas I appointed S. S. Uvarov as Minister of Public Education. And the new minister, announcing his assumption of office with a circular letter, stated in the same letter: “Our common duty is to ensure that public education is carried out in the united spirit of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality” (Lemke M. Nikolaev gendarmes and literature 1862- 1S65 St. Petersburg, 1908).
Later, describing his activities over 10 years as a minister in a report entitled “A Decade of the Ministry of Public Education. 1833-1843", published in 1864, the Count wrote in its introduction:
“In the midst of the rapid decline of religious and civil institutions in Europe, with the widespread spread of destructive concepts, in view of the sad phenomena that surrounded us on all sides, it was necessary to strengthen the Fatherland on solid foundations on which the prosperity, strength and life of the people are based, to find the principles that constitute distinctive character of Russia and exclusively belonging to it (...)-. A Russian, devoted to the Fatherland, will agree just as little to the loss of one of the tenets of our Orthodoxy as to the theft of one pearl from Monomakh’s crown. Autocracy constitutes the main condition for the political existence of Russia. The Russian colossus rests on it as on the cornerstone of its greatness |...|. Along with these two national ones, there is a third, no less important, no less strong - Nationality. The question of Nationality does not have the same unity as the previous one, but both stem from the same source and are connected on every page of the history of the Russian kingdom. Regarding Nationality, the whole difficulty lay in the agreement of ancient and new concepts, but Nationality does not force one to go back or stop, it does not require immobility in ideas. The composition of the state, like the human body, changes its appearance as it ages; features change over the years, but the physiognomy should not change. It would be inappropriate to oppose the periodic course of things; it is enough if we keep the sanctuary of our popular concepts intact, if we accept them as the main thought of the government, especially in relation to public education.
These are the main principles that should have been included in the system of public education, so that it would combine the benefits of our time with the traditions of the past and with the hopes of the future, so that public education would correspond to our order of things and would not be alien to the European spirit.”
The phrase is a symbol of an official, “speculative ideological doctrine”, launched “from above”, born in the bureaucratic office, which claims to be of a nationwide character, to the title of some “Russian” or “national idea” (ironically).

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  • - the Slavic equivalent of orthodoxy. The term was first used in the 2nd century. as opposed to heterodoxy...

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  • Political science. Dictionary.

  • - a formula that affirmed the “protective principles” in tsarist Russia and expressed reaction. the essence of the theory of official nationality. First formulated by S.S. Uvarov in 1832, it received ironic. name "Uvarov's trinity"...

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  • - one of the main directions of Christianity, along with Catholicism and Protestantism...

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  • - "", the principles of the official national theory, proclaimed by the Minister of Public Education S. S. Uvarov in 1834. Source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland" the guiding principles of the Russian monarchy...

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  • - the name of the Christian faith, to which the Russian, Greek, Serbian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Slavic churches in the Austrian possessions, Greek and Syrian in the possessions currently belong...

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  • - one of the main and oldest trends in Christianity. It arose with the division in 395 of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern...
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  • - Wed. We Russians will not spare blood to defend the faith, the throne and the fatherland. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace. 3, 1, 22. Wed. The motto of his reign was: . Count S. Uvarov...

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  • - Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality. Wed. We Russians will not spare blood to defend the faith, the throne and the fatherland. Gr. L. N. Tolstoy. War and Peace. 3, 1, 22...

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  • - Ideological justification for the “theory of official nationality”, which was proclaimed in 1832 by its author, the then newly appointed Comrade of the Minister of Public Education, Count Sergei Semenovich...

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"Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality" in books

XI. Autocracy and Orthodoxy

From the book Tsarist Russia during the World War author Palaiologist Maurice Georges

XI. Autocracy and Orthodoxy Thursday, January 14, 1915 Today, according to the Orthodox calendar, the year 1915 begins. At two o’clock, in the pale sunlight and dull sky, which here and there cast mercury-colored reflections on the snow, the diplomatic corps departs for Tsarskoe


From the book Diary Sheets. Volume 2 author Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Nationality Dear friend, Your news made us all very happy. You are thinking correctly. Your consideration of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is not only timely, but it is needed more than ever. You are establishing yourself in true nationalism, without which the people cannot prosper. Maybe


From the book Life of the Russian People. Part I author Tereshchenko Alexander Vlasievich

I NATIONALITY Nationality is an expression of love for the fatherland. PROPERTIES OF PEOPLE All the inhabitants of the globe, warmed by one sun, living under one universal sky, present great diversity in their inclinations and actions. A climate that shows itself sharply in everything

2. Nationality

From the book PEOPLE, PEOPLE, NATION... author Gorodnikov Sergey

2. Nationality Suprasocial power had no reason to appear where tribal social power was stronger than the rights of leaders. It appeared among those tribes of farmers in which such a significant division of labor occurred that they began to develop


From the book Social Philosophy author Krapivensky Solomon Eliazarovich

Nationality The basis of the next, higher form of community - nationality - was no longer based on blood relations, but on territorial, neighborly ties between people. V.I. Lenin criticized at one time N.K. Mikhailovsky, who did not understand this fundamental difference between nationality and


From the book History of Religions. Volume 1 author Kryvelev Joseph Aronovich

“ORTHODOXY, AUTOCONTRACTION AND THE PEOPLE” Since the time of Peter, the church has been governed by a Synod headed by the Chief Prosecutor - a secular official. The Synod included some local bishops, who were convened for meetings by special permission of the tsar. Although all the questions on these

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

From the author's book

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality The religious worldview of Emperor Nicholas left its mark both on the political life of the country and on the confrontation of ideas. Perceiving the outside world as an imperfect reflection of the world where the highest truth reigns, the king tried to

Kaya (nationality)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) by the author TSB

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality Ideological justification for the “theory of official nationality”, which was proclaimed in 1832 by its author, the then newly appointed Comrade Minister (that is, his deputy) of public education, Count Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1786-1855).


From the book History of Political and Legal Doctrines [Crib] by Batalina V V

42 ORTHODOXY, AUTOCRACY, NATIONALITY: THE OFFICIAL DOCTRINE OF THE MONARCHY IN RUSSIA An exponent of extreme right-wing sentiments in the 19th century. (the era of the reign of Nicholas I) became the Minister of Education Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1786–1855). He believed that Russia needed an education built on

44. Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality: the official doctrine of the monarchy in Russia

From the book History of Legal and Political Doctrines. Crib author Shumaeva Olga Leonidovna

44. Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality: the official doctrine of the monarchy in Russia The official ideology of Nicholas Russia was the “theory of official nationality,” the author of which was the Minister of Education Count S.S. Uvarov, a highly educated man who set his

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

From the book Would you go... [Notes on the national idea] author Satanovsky Evgeniy Yanovich

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality What an idea! Faith - power - people. A three-core cable cannot be sawed through, torn, or chewed with your teeth. Or, if closer to the roots, the three-headed Serpent Gorynych is like a unity of opposites. The truth, invented exclusively in

II. Autocracy of the Tsar or Autocracy of the People?

From the book Our First Revolution. Part I author Trotsky Lev Davidovich

II. Autocracy of the Tsar or Autocracy of the People? What will be the state system in which the liberal opposition considers it necessary for the people to participate only “if possible”? Zemstvo resolutions not only do not talk about a republic - just a comparison of the zemstvo opposition

Autocracy, Orthodoxy, population

From the book Democracy and Totalitarianism author Alexandrova-Zorina Elizaveta

AUTOCRACY, ORTHODOXY, POPULATION Autocracy is our cross, our destiny. The mysterious Russian soul demands autocracy like vodka. And today we are experiencing the era of deja vu - tsarism, which found its continuation in Stalin’s times in symbiosis with the class struggle and Soviet

Autocracy and Orthodoxy

From the book Orthodoxy author Titov Vladimir Eliseevich

Autocracy and Orthodoxy However, one should not think that the relationship between autocracy and Orthodoxy was idyllic, that they were based only on the principle of “hand washes hand.” Clashes and serious conflicts often arose between them. There were cases when the autocracy

Letter to Nicholas I


From the very moment Your Imperial Majesty identified for me an important and difficult sphere of activity (2), I have felt a keen need to resort to His August person to open my heart to the monarch, to lay at His feet the confession of faith, the statement of my rules, which, at the very least, it will show Your Majesty how I assess the scope of the new responsibilities that His Highest will has entrusted to me. I dare to call His attention to these lines, sketched with boundless confidence, and beg Him to notify me whether I understand His intentions and whether I am able to comply with them.

You know, Sovereign, that twenty years ago I was already in a position, if not quite similar, then at least similar to the one that was recently granted to me. Ten or twelve years of my life, when I was young and full of strength, were given to the Ministry of Public Education (3). Without returning to the special circumstances which forced me from that time on to devote myself both to another branch of public service and to the solitary pursuits in which my last years were partly spent, I will limit myself to only noting: the time has passed since the time when I revered a career in the field of public education, irrevocably closed to itself, was filled with events of enormous importance that had an extremely detrimental impact on the development of education in our fatherland. These events were unfavorable not only for us, but to the same or even greater extent for all countries of Europe: it is a moral infection, the fruits of which have already been felt and are still being felt by everyone. The general excitement of minds is its most characteristic sign; all the guarantees of the existing state of things have been revealed to be untenable, everything that we thought had been achieved is again called into question, society, which it believed had a right to hope for progress, is shaken in its political, moral and religious foundations, and the very social order is daily standing facing a matter of life and death.

Without going too far, it is enough to cast a glance into the past to become imbued with the present state of affairs in Europe and its relation to universal civilization, which has become the center without which modern society, such as it is, cannot exist and which at the same time contains itself the germ of universal destruction.

The July Revolution (4), which destroyed so many phenomena, put an end to all ideas of social progress and political improvement in Europe for at least half a century. It shocked those who most firmly believed in the future of nations, involved them in countless errors, and forced them to doubt themselves. After 1830 there is not a thinking person who did not at least once ask himself with surprise, what is this civilization?

An accomplice to the course of events, she did not even serve as a weak barrier to him; and now she has turned into a ghost, reduced to this sad question, each of us, both as a private individual and as a member of society, has already, in the depths of our souls, overthrown her from the throne. No one has tried to weigh what civilization gives and what it takes away from man and society, the sacrifices it demands and the advantages it guarantees, the relation of enlightenment to private good and public prosperity. Did not one of the creators of the July Revolution, Mr. Guizot(5), a man endowed with conscience and talent, recently proclaim from the rostrum: “Society has no more political, moral and religious convictions”? - and this cry of despair, involuntarily breaking out from all well-meaning people of Europe, no matter what views they hold, serves as the only symbol of faith that still unites them in the present conditions.

Let us hasten to say right away: Russia has so far avoided such humiliation. She still keeps in her chest religious convictions, political convictions, moral convictions - the only guarantee of her bliss, the remains of her nationality, the precious and last remains of her political future. The Government’s job is to gather them into one whole, to form from them the anchor that will allow Russia to weather the storm. But these parts are scattered by a premature and superficial civilization, dreamy systems, reckless enterprises, they are disunited, not united into a single whole, without a center, and moreover, for thirty years they have been forced to confront people and events; how to reconcile them with the present disposition of minds, how to combine them into a system that would contain the benefits of the present order, the hopes of the future and the traditions of the past? - how to begin to make education simultaneously moral, religious and classical? - how to keep up with Europe and not move away from our own place? What kind of art must one have in order to take from enlightenment only what is necessary for the existence of a great state and decisively reject everything that carries the seeds of disorder and upheaval? This is the task in all its scope, a vital question, which the state of affairs itself requires us to resolve and which we have no opportunity to evade. If the question was only about discovering the principles that maintain order and constitute the special heritage of our state (and each state is founded on its own principles), it would be enough to place on the facade of the state building of Russia the following three maxims, suggested by the very nature of things and with which in vain would minds, darkened by false ideas and regrettable prejudices, begin to argue: for Russia to strengthen, for it to prosper, for it to live - we have three great state principles left, namely:

1. National religion.

2 Autocracy.

3 Nationality.

Without a folk religion, a people, like a private person, is doomed to destruction; to deprive him of his faith means to tear out his heart, his blood, his entrails, it means to place him on the lowest level of the moral and physical order, it means to betray him. Even the pride of the people rebels against such a thought; a person devoted to his fatherland will agree just as little to the loss of one of the dogmas of the ruling Church as to the theft of one pearl from the crown of Monomakh.

The power of autocratic power is a necessary condition for the existence of the Empire in its present form. Let political dreamers (I'm not talking about the sworn enemies of order), confused by false concepts, invent an ideal state of affairs for themselves, be amazed by appearances, inflamed by theories, animated by words, we can answer them that they do not know the country, they are mistaken about its situation , her needs, her desires; we will tell them that with this mad passion for European institutions we have already destroyed those institutions that we had, that this administrative Saint-Simonism has already created endless confusion, shaken trust and disrupted the natural relations between the different classes in their development. Having accepted the chimera of limiting the power of the monarch, equality of rights for all classes, national representation in the European style, and a pseudo-constitutional form of government, the colossus will not last even two weeks; moreover, it will collapse before these false transformations are completed. This important truth is more or less obvious to the majority of the nation; it alone is capable of uniting minds that are the most opposed to each other and the most dissimilar in their degree of enlightenment. The study of the state must be deeply imbued with it, or rather, no one can study their fatherland without acquiring this clear and sincere conviction. The same truth should be guided in public education, not in the form of words of praise to the government, which does not need them, but as a conclusion of reason, as an indisputable fact, as a political dogma that ensures the tranquility of the state and is the ancestral property of everyone.

Next to this conservative principle there is another, equally important and closely related to the first - this is Nationality. In order for one to retain all its power, the other must retain all its integrity; whatever the clashes they had to endure, both of them live a common life and can still enter into an alliance and win together. The question of nationality is more complex than that of autocratic power, but it rests on equally reliable foundations. The main difficulty he concludes is the agreement of ancient and new concepts, but nationality does not consist in moving backwards, nor even in immobility; the composition of the state can and should develop like the human body: as a person ages, a person’s face changes, retaining only the main features. We are not talking about resisting the natural course of things, but only about not sticking someone else’s and artificial mask on our face, about keeping the sanctuary of our folk concepts inviolable, drawing from it, placing these concepts at the highest level among the beginnings of our state and, in particular, our public education. Between the old prejudices, which do not recognize anything that did not exist at least half a century ago, and the new prejudices, which without pity destroy everything they replace and violently attack the remains of the past, lies a vast field - there lies solid ground , a reliable support, a foundation that cannot let us down.

Thus, it is in the sphere of public education that we must first of all revive faith in monarchical and popular principles, but revive it without upheaval, without haste, without violence. Enough ruins already surround us - capable of destroying what we have erected?

Arguing that these three great levers of religion, autocracy and nationality still constitute the treasured heritage of our fatherland, which several years of special studies allowed me to get to know more closely, I consider myself entitled to add that an insane addiction to innovation without a rein and a reasonable plan, to thoughtless destruction constitutes in Russia, belonging to an extremely small circle of people, serves as a symbol of faith for a school so weak that it not only does not increase the number of its adherents, but also loses some of them every day. It can be argued that in Russia there is no doctrine less popular, for there is no system that would offend so many concepts, would be hostile to so many interests, would be more sterile and more surrounded by mistrust.

By betraying all of myself, Sovereign, to the will of Your Imperial Majesty, I consider my real duty fulfilled both in relation to my fatherland and in relation to the August Person of the Monarch, to whom, I dare say, I am tied by bonds of reverent affection and deep veneration , independent of His high purpose. I will not renew, Sovereign, assurances of my fidelity, zeal and devotion; Without hiding from myself the many difficulties of the field destined for me, I find myself all the more determined to exert all my strength to justify in your own eyes the choice that Your Imperial Majesty has deigned to make. Either the Ministry of Public Education represents nothing, or it constitutes the soul of the administrative corps. The happiest days in my life will be the days when I see this task resolved to the glory of Your Imperial Majesty, to the benefit of the fatherland, to the pleasure of all people devoted to the monarchy, imbued with the same feeling of affection and respect for the throne, equally ready to serve it with the same ardor and the number of which is not as limited as they try to claim.

You command me, Sovereign, to close the gap with yourself (there is no exaggeration in this word, for never before have conservative ideas been so brutally attacked and defended so weakly). Your Majesty can be sure that I will stand there until the last.

At the same time, I dare to hope that you will deign to take into account the circumstances in which the Ministry of Public Education was once again opened to me; the state of institutions, the state of minds and, in particular, the generation that is emerging today from our bad schools and for whose moral neglect we, perhaps, must admit, must reproach ourselves, a generation lost, if not hostile, a generation of low beliefs, deprived of enlightenment, grown old before it had time to enter into life, dried up by ignorance and fashionable sophisms, the future of which will not bring good to the fatherland. In this state of affairs, I dare to hope that Your Majesty will deign to take on the role of my guide and will show me the path that He considers necessary for me to follow; on the other hand, I dare to hope that if, like so many others, I am overwhelmed by the force of things, I find myself unable to cope with it, I bend before the magnitude of events and under the weight of my mission, if my successes do not correspond to my opinion and the expectations of Your Majesty , whose confidence can only be justified by success, in which case I dare to hope that He will deign to allow me to confess my weakness and impotence with the same sincerity and self-forgetfulness that guide my conduct and guide my pen to-day. Then I will allow myself to ask His Supreme Justice for permission to retire again with honor and take with me the conviction that, to the best of my ability, I have paid my tribute to devotion to the maintenance of order and the glory of the reign of Your Imperial Majesty.


1. The draft autograph of a letter (in French) from S.S. Uvarov to Nicholas I, stored in the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum (OPI GIM), dates back to March 1832 and is thus the first known case of Uvarov using the formula “Orthodoxy” . Autocracy. Nationality." Being then still a comrade (deputy) of the Minister of Public Education, the author of the letter addresses the emperor outlining his plans to transform - through the activities of the Ministry of Public Education - the intellectual and moral state of Russian society in order to form strong spiritual foundations for the future great and independent development of the Russian Empire. The most significant fragments of the memorandum were later included almost unchanged in the official documents of the ministry headed by Uvarov - the report “On some general principles that can serve as a guide in the management of the Ministry of Public Education” (1833) and the report “A decade of activity of the Ministry of Public Education” (1843). The text of the document was prepared for publication by A. Zorin (with the participation of A. Schenle) and under the title “Letter to Nicholas I” was first published in 1997 in the journal “New Literary Review”, No. 26. Published here according to this edition: Uvarov S. WITH. Letter to Nicholas I // New Literary Review. M., 1997. N 26. P. 96-100.

2. Uvarov speaks of his appointment at the beginning of 1832 as a fellow minister, and from 1833 as minister of public education.

3. This refers to the period of service of S.S. Uvarov in the Ministry of Public Education as a trustee of the St. Petersburg educational district.

4. We are talking about the revolution in France on July 26-29, 1830, which overthrew the restoration regime of the Bourbon dynasty and established a bourgeois monarchy led by Louis Philippe.

5. Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874), French statesman, historian, publicist. One of the founders of the theory of class struggle within the framework of the so-called. "bourgeois historiography of the Restoration period". Ideologist and prominent figure in the July Revolution, member of the cabinet of several French governments after 1830.

Notes by D.V.Ermashov

On some general principles that can serve as a guide in the management of the Ministry of Public Education

Upon my assumption of the post of Minister of Public Education by Your Imperial Majesty’s highest order, I used, so to speak, the main place, the slogan of my administration, the following expressions: “Public education must be carried out in the united spirit of Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality.”

At the same time, I consider myself obliged to present to Your Majesty a brief but sincere account of my understanding of the important principle that I am taking into leadership:

In the midst of the general collapse of religious and civil institutions in Europe, notwithstanding the widespread spread of destructive principles, Russia has fortunately retained a hitherto warm faith in certain religious, moral, and political concepts that exclusively belong to it. In these concepts, in these sacred remnants of her people, lies the entire guarantee of her future lot. The government, of course, especially the Ministry entrusted to me by the Highest, belongs to collect them into one whole and to tie with them the anchor of our salvation, but these principles, scattered by premature and superficial enlightenment, dreamy, unsuccessful experiments, these principles are without unanimity, without a common focus, and by which Over the past 30 years, there has been a continuous, long and stubborn struggle, how to reconcile them with the current state of mind? Will we have time to include them in a system of general education that would combine the benefits of our time with the legends of the past and the hopes of the future? How can we establish a national education that corresponds to our order of things and is not alien to the European spirit? What rule should we follow in relation to European enlightenment, to European ideas, without which we can no longer do, but which, without skillful curbing, threaten us with inevitable death? Whose hand, strong and experienced, can keep the aspirations of minds within the boundaries of order and silence and throw away everything that could disturb the general order?

Here the State task is presented in its entirety, which we are forced to solve without delay, a task on which the fate of the Fatherland depends - a task so difficult that one simple presentation of it amazes every sane person.

Delving into the consideration of the subject and seeking those principles that constitute the property of Russia (and every land, every nation has such a Palladium), it becomes clear that there are three main ones without which Russia cannot prosper, strengthen, live:

1) Orthodox Faith.

2) Autocracy.

3) Nationality.

Without love for the Faith of their ancestors, the people, as well as the individual, must perish; weakening their Faith is the same as depriving them of blood and tearing out their heart. This would be to prepare them for a lower degree in moral and political destiny. This would be treason in the extended sense. People's pride alone is enough to feel indignation at such a thought. A person devoted to the Sovereign and the Fatherland will agree as little to the loss of one of the dogmas of our Church as to the theft of one pearl from the crown of Monomakh.

Autocracy represents the main condition for the political existence of Russia in its present form. Let dreamers deceive themselves and see in vague terms some order of things that corresponds to their theories, their prejudices; we can assure them that they do not melt Russia, they do not know its situation, its needs, its desires. We can tell them that through this ridiculous predilection for European forms we are harming our own institutions; that the passion for innovation upsets the natural relations of all members of the State among themselves and impedes the peaceful, gradual development of its forces. The Russian Colossus rests on autocracy as its cornerstone; a hand touching the foot shakes the entire composition of the State. This truth is felt by the innumerable majority of Russians; they feel it fully, although they are placed among themselves at different degrees and differ in enlightenment and in their way of thinking, and in their attitudes towards the Government. This truth must be present and developed in public education. The government, of course, does not need words of praise for itself, but can it not care that the saving conviction that Russia lives and is protected by the saving spirit of the Autocracy, strong, philanthropic, enlightened, turns into an indisputable fact that should animate everyone in the days calm, as in moments of storm?

Along with these two national principles, there is a third, no less important, no less strong: Nationality. In order for the Throne and the Church to remain in their power, the feeling of the Nationality that binds them must also be supported. The question of Nationality does not have the unity that the question of Autocracy represents; but both stem from the same source and are combined on every page of the History of the Russian people. Regarding Nationality, the whole difficulty lies in the agreement of ancient and new concepts; but Nationality does not consist in going back or stopping; it does not require immobility in ideas. The composition of the state, like the human body, changes in appearance as it ages: the features change with age, but the physiognomy should not change. It would be crazy to resist this periodic course of things; It will be enough if we do not voluntarily hide our faces under an artificial mask that is not akin to us; if we keep intact the sanctuary of our popular concepts; if we accept them as the main idea of ​​the Government, especially in relation to National Education. Between the dilapidated prejudices, which admire only what we have had for half a century, and the newest prejudices, which without pity strive to destroy what exists, in the midst of these two extremes, there is a vast field on which the building of our well-being can be firmly and unharmed.

Time, circumstances, love for the Fatherland, devotion to the Monarch, everything should assure us that it is time for us, especially regarding public education, to turn to the spirit of Monarchical institutions and in them to look for that strength, that unity, that strength that we too often thought to discover in dreamy phantoms equally alien and useless to us, following which it would not be difficult to finally lose all the remnants of the Nationality, having not achieved the imaginary goal of European education.

Many other subjects belong to the general system of National Education, such as: the direction given to Russian Literature, periodical works, theatrical works; influence of foreign books; patronage provided to the arts; but an analysis of all the forces of the individual parts would entail a rather extensive presentation and could easily turn this short note into a lengthy book.

Of course, the adoption of such a system would require more than the life and strength of one or more people. It is not determined by Providence for the one who sows these seeds to reap the fruits thereof; but what does the life and strength of one mean when it comes to the good of all? Two or three generations quickly disappear from the face of the earth, but States are durable as long as the sacred spark of Faith, Love and Hope remains in them.

Is it possible for us, in the midst of the storm that is troubling Europe, in the midst of the rapid collapse of all the supports of Civil Society, in the midst of the sad phenomena surrounding us on all sides, to strengthen with weak hands the dear Fatherland on a sure anchor, on the solid foundations of a saving principle? The mind, frightened at the sight of the general misfortunes of peoples, at the sight of the fragments of the past falling around us, and not seeing the future through the gloomy veil of events, involuntarily gives in to despondency and hesitates in its conclusions. But if our Fatherland - as we are Russian and there is no doubt about it - protected by Providence, which has given us in the person of the magnanimous, enlightened, truly Russian Monarch, the guarantee of the unharmed strength of the State, must withstand the gusts of the storm that threatens us every minute, then the education of present and future generations in united spirit of Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality constitutes undoubtedly one of the best hopes and the most important needs of the time and at the same time one of the most difficult tasks with which the power of attorney of the Monarch could honor a loyal subject, comprehending both the importance of it, and the price of every moment and the disproportion of his forces, and his responsibility to God, Sovereign and Fatherland.

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

The ideological basis for the “theory of official nationality,” which was proclaimed in 1832 by its author, the then newly appointed comrade minister (that is, his deputy) of public education, Count Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1786-1855). Being a convinced reactionary, he took it upon himself to ideologically ensure the rule of Nicholas I, eradicating the Decembrist legacy.

In December 1832, after his audit of Moscow University, S. S. Uvarov presented a report to the emperor in which he wrote that in order to protect students from revolutionary ideas it is necessary, “gradually taking over the minds of youth, to bring them almost insensitively to the point where, to resolve one of the most difficult problems of the time (the fight against democratic ideas. - Comp.), education must merge, correct, thorough, necessary in our century, with deep conviction and warm faith in the truly Russian protective principles of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, constituting the last anchor of our salvation and the surest guarantee of the strength and greatness of our fatherland.”

In 1833, Emperor Nicholas I appointed S. S. Uvarov as Minister of Public Education. And the new minister, announcing his assumption of office with a circular letter, stated in the same letter: “Our common duty is to ensure that public education is carried out in the united spirit of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality” (Lemke M. Nikolaev gendarmes and literature 1862- 1865 St. Petersburg, 1908).

Later, describing his activities over 10 years as a minister in a report entitled “A Decade of the Ministry of Public Education. 1833-1843", published in 1864, the Count wrote in its introduction:

“In the midst of the rapid decline of religious and civil institutions in Europe, with the widespread spread of destructive concepts, in view of the sad phenomena that surrounded us on all sides, it was necessary to strengthen the Fatherland on solid foundations on which the prosperity, strength and life of the people are based, to find the principles that constitute distinctive character of Russia and exclusively belonging to it [...]. A Russian, devoted to the Fatherland, will agree just as little to the loss of one of the tenets of our Orthodoxy as to the theft of one pearl from Monomakh’s crown. Autocracy constitutes the main condition for the political existence of Russia. The Russian colossus rests on it as on the cornerstone of its greatness [...]. Along with these two national ones, there is a third, no less important, no less strong - Nationality. The question of Nationality does not have the same unity as the previous one, but both stem from the same source and are connected on every page of the history of the Russian kingdom. Regarding Nationality, the whole difficulty lay in the agreement of ancient and new concepts, but Nationality does not force one to go back or stop, it does not require immobility in ideas. The composition of the state, like the human body, changes its appearance as it ages; features change over the years, but the physiognomy should not change. It would be inappropriate to oppose the periodic course of things; it is enough if we keep the sanctuary of our popular concepts intact, if we accept them as the main thought of the government, especially in relation to public education.

These are the main principles that should have been included in the system of public education, so that it would combine the benefits of our time with the traditions of the past and with the hopes of the future, so that public education would correspond to our order of things and would not be alien to the European spirit.”

The phrase is a symbol of an official, “from above”, speculative ideological doctrine born in the bureaucratic office, which claims to be of a nationwide character, to the title of some “Russian” or “national idea” (ironically).

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality
Ideological justification for the “theory of official nationality”, which was proclaimed in 1832 by its author, the then newly appointed Comrade Minister (that is, his deputy) of public education, Count Sergei
Semenovich Uvarov (1786-1855). Being a convinced reactionary, he took it upon himself to ideologically ensure the rule of Nicholas I by eradicating the Decembrist legacy.
In December 1832, after his audit of Moscow University, S. S. Uvarov presented a report to the emperor in which he wrote that in order to protect students from revolutionary ideas it is necessary, “gradually taking over the minds of youth, to bring them almost insensitively to the point where, to resolve one of the most difficult problems of the time (the fight against democratic ideas. - Comp.), education must merge, correct, thorough, necessary in our century, with deep conviction and warm faith in the truly Russian protective principles of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, constituting the last anchor of our salvation and the surest guarantee of the strength and greatness of our fatherland.”
In 1833, Emperor Nicholas I appointed S. S. Uvarov as Minister of Public Education. And the new minister, announcing his assumption of office with a circular letter, stated in the same letter: “Our common duty is to ensure that public education is carried out in the united spirit of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality” (Lemke M. Nikolaev gendarmes and literature 1862- 1S65 St. Petersburg, 1908).
Later, describing his activities over 10 years as a minister in a report entitled “A Decade of the Ministry of Public Education. 1833-1843", published in 1864, the Count wrote in its introduction:
“In the midst of the rapid decline of religious and civil institutions in Europe, with the widespread spread of destructive concepts, in view of the sad phenomena that surrounded us on all sides, it was necessary to strengthen the Fatherland on solid foundations on which the prosperity, strength and life of the people are based, to find the principles that constitute distinctive character of Russia and exclusively belonging to it (...)-. A Russian, devoted to the Fatherland, will agree just as little to the loss of one of the tenets of our Orthodoxy as to the theft of one pearl from Monomakh’s crown. Autocracy constitutes the main condition for the political existence of Russia. The Russian colossus rests on it as on the cornerstone of its greatness |...|. Along with these two national ones, there is a third, no less important, no less strong - Nationality. The question of Nationality does not have the same unity as the previous one, but both stem from the same source and are connected on every page of the history of the Russian kingdom. Regarding Nationality, the whole difficulty lay in the agreement of ancient and new concepts, but Nationality does not force one to go back or stop, it does not require immobility in ideas. The composition of the state, like the human body, changes its appearance as it ages; features change over the years, but the physiognomy should not change. It would be inappropriate to oppose the periodic course of things; it is enough if we keep the sanctuary of our popular concepts intact, if we accept them as the main thought of the government, especially in relation to public education.
These are the main principles that should have been included in the system of public education, so that it would combine the benefits of our time with the traditions of the past and with the hopes of the future, so that public education would correspond to our order of things and would not be alien to the European spirit.”
The phrase is a symbol of an official, “speculative ideological doctrine”, launched “from above”, born in the bureaucratic office, which claims to be of a nationwide character, to the title of some “Russian” or “national idea” (ironically).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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    The principles of the official national theory, proclaimed by the Minister of Public Education S. S. Uvarov in 1834. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland, the guiding principles of the Russian monarchy. First formulated by Nicholas I in the instructions given to the minister ... Russian history

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  • Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality, Uvarov Sergey Semenovich. Count Sergei Semenovich Uvarov (1786-1855) is one of the leading Russian statesmen of the first half of the 19th century, a landmark figure for understanding social and political processes...