South America oceans and seas washing the continent. O. Niemeyer became the main architect of administrative and public buildings. Among Niemeyer's outstanding creations is the Cathedral in Brasilia, the main premises of which are located underground, while with

America is one of the parts of the world that consists of two continents: South and North America. These two continents are connected to each other by the Isthmus of Panama. The peculiarity of America is that it is washed by oceans and seas on all sides. So, what ocean washes America?
Pacific Ocean
If we start listing the oceans that wash America, then, first of all, we should pay attention to the Pacific Ocean. After all, he has the most large area And rich history. The ocean area is close to 178 million square kilometers. This area is almost equal to the area of ​​all the continents on the planet. Such an ocean was first discovered famous traveler Fernand Magellan. It was he who called this ocean the Pacific. But, in fact, it is not as quiet as its name says. The waters of the Pacific Ocean were first studied in the 19th century.

Considering that this ocean washes quite a large part of the continent, many states are engaged in fishing. For some, this activity is the only way survive in such difficult conditions. Not only fish is used for fishing, but also various algae, which are used to prepare various dishes and treat diseases.
Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean

As already mentioned, America is washed by several oceans. Atlantic material can be placed in second place. What ocean separates Africa and America, you ask. Precisely Atlantic. The ocean area is about 92 million square kilometers. Average depth Atlantic Ocean is 3736 meters. Near the coast of America is the deepest depression of the ocean - Puerto Rico. The depth of this depression is more than 8742 meters.
The waters of the Atlantic Ocean contain quite a lot of fish and algae that can be used in fishing. Anchovies, tuna, sardines and much more are widely used for fishing. Now, knowing this information, when you are asked which ocean washes America and Africa, you will definitely say the Atlantic.
The Arctic Ocean

In addition, the shores of America are washed by the Arctic Ocean. IN in this case we're talking about not about all of America, but only about countries such as Canada and the USA. The area of ​​this ocean is almost 15 million square meters. The average depth is 1225 meters, but the deepest point is in the Greenland Sea. Its depth is more than 5527 meters.
The Arctic Ocean is distinguished by its poor fauna and flora. This is due to the harsh climatic conditions. Of course, in some places, such as the Barents Sea, there is quite a variety of fish and algae that can be used for industrial purposes. In such an ocean you can find the largest mussels, jellyfish and corals. IN Lately It was observed rapid growth number of cod fish. This phenomenon is explained by rising temperatures in some regions. This will have a positive impact on the economies of many countries that border this ocean.

South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its area is 17,850 thousand km2 without islands. Together with the islands - 18,280 thousand km2. Most of the continent is located in the southern hemisphere - it crosses it in the northern part. The continent expands its territory from south to north, reaching its maximum parallel length near the equator in the southern hemisphere. South America reaches its greatest width at 5° S - about 5150 km. South of 40° S. The width of the continent does not exceed 600 km.

South America borders only with. Geographical boundary with North America it runs from the Gulf of Darien in the Caribbean Sea to Buenaventura Bay in the Pacific Ocean. Conventionally, the Isthmus of Panama is considered the border between the two continents. South America is separated from the rest of the continents only by oceans. When describing this continent, the meaning “most” is often used. And indeed it is. For example, the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere is Aconcagua; the longest mountain system in the world - ; the highest mountain lake in the world - Titicaca; the highest waterfall in the world - ; The driest coastal desert not only of the mainland, but also of the world is the Atacama.
Extreme points:

  • North - Cape Gallinas
  • South – Cape Froward
  • Trap - Cape Parinhas
  • Eastern – Cape Cabo Branco

South America is washed by the waters of two oceans, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean.

The Atlantic coastal part of South America has a generally flat coastline. There are generally no fairly large and deeply protruding bays into the land. However, there are large semicircular bays off the coast. The most famous bay is San Pedros. It is known for the fact that this bay cuts into the land for 10 km, which is framed on both sides by basalt ledges covered with lava limestones. One basalt ledge has a height of 600 m and is called Santiori de Salvador. A figure rises on the edge of this ledge. Another ledge is called Santiori de Palmos and has a height of about 800 m, on the edge of which there is the destroyed Santiori lighthouse, which is still working. This Santiori Bay is quite convenient; quite large ships can enter here. One can also note the Bay of San Matias, near which is the city of San Matias, which is near local population received the name the city of fishermen. This place in South America is famous for the fact that it is home to a large number of herring, which is of commercial importance. A large number of herring is caused by the fact that in coastal Atlantic waters upwelling is observed.

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Upwelling is the rise of cold, and therefore biomass-rich waters. Here you can find not only herring, but also maramish, sprat, nocatus, and red pike. In this regard, this place is the second largest distribution center for all pelican species, after the Namib. To others, me famous bays, can be attributed: San Jorge, San Padre, Chilida. You can also note such an interesting bay as La Plata Bay. This is a bay-estuary that is formed when it flows into the ocean. U west bank In this bay there is a small island called Parana Cuxa. According to modern scientists, this island is a diatreme. A diatreme is an explosion tube or microvolcano. This bay is wide and long in size, with many convenient bays. Small bays also occur at the river's mouth. This mouth forms a fairly wide Gulf of Ispolinida, but there is little convenient places due to the fact that this place is swampy with permangamete silts.

B is quite wide. Almost all the way to the ocean floor, the territory can be disturbed by small underwater canyons. For example, the canyon of the Gigantic Cauldron. There are many legends that it was located here ancient Atlantis. In the Atlantic Ocean near the equator, South America approaches the shores of trade wind current. At Cape San Roqui it is divided into two branches, one of which, called the Guiana Current, heads northwest along the coast of the mainland, to the Antilles, and the other, the Brazilian Current, goes southwest to the mouth. The cold Falkland Current runs off the southeastern coast of the mainland. The meeting of the Brazilian and Falkland Currents occurs between 40 and 35°S. in the La Plata area. Now let's move to the Pacific coast. What can we say about this? First of all, I would like to note that the continental one in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America is quite narrow, and in some places it is completely absent.

IN close proximity a strip of deep-sea waters stretches from the mainland oceanic trenches. This depth in some places can reach up to 7500m. Pacific coast in different places cut up in different ways. For example, a highly rugged coastline is observed in the southwest, where many large and small islands are scattered, which can form archipelagos. For example, the archipelago and Chilean. The bays located here are quite narrow and winding. To the very large bays this place can be attributed to Penas and Corcovado. There are also . The most famous is the Strait of Magellan, which separates the archipelago Tierra del Fuego from the mainland. The northwestern coast of South America is also less rugged up to 5°S. If there are convenient bays along the coast of the mainland, then the most convenient bay in this territory is the Gulf of Guayaquil. This is a fairly wide and comfortable bay.

All along the Pacific coast of South America, the influence of the powerful cold Peruvian Current is felt, which carries its waters from the south to the equator. It also occurs warm current flowing off the extreme northwestern shores, but its influence is not great. Directly to the north, South America is washed by waters. Coast Caribbean Sea cut up quite badly. There are a number of convenient bays that separate significant peninsulas from the mainland. In the east of this sea the bay and the peninsula of Paria are separated. The Gulf of Venezuela is found here, which is the largest here in size. The Gulf of Venezuela forms two peninsulas: Paraguana in the east and Guajira in the northwest. The Gulf of Darien, which is located at the base of the Isthmus of Panama, is also found here. There are not many islands around the mainland of South America.

Open lesson on geography in 7th grade

Physiographic location, oceans and seas washing the shores, exploration of South America


    Contribute to the formation of an understanding of the geographical location of South America ; R take a look at the features geographical location and the coastline of South America; draw conclusions about the influence of the physical and geographical position of the continent on its nature; introduce students to the history of the discovery and exploration of the continent;

    Continue to develop the ability to determine the geographical location of the continent; work with atlas maps; ability to analyze, highlight the main thing;

    Cultivating curiosity, instilling an interest in travel and discovery; formation of independence, ability to work in a group.

Lesson type: learning new material

Methods: verbal, visual, research, partially search, reproductive

Equipment: atlases for grade 7, map of the hemispheres, task cards, illustrations, office design, Balloons two colors.

During the classes

    Organizing time

1) Greeting. Emotional mood.

Hello sun! Hello day!

Give each other smiles. If you learn to smile at beauty and goodness, then your smile will return to you with joy. After all the world- This is a large magic mirror.

Checking those present.

Division into groups

teacher holding air balloons in front of himself and addresses the participants who are holding on to each other in the group behind the leader. The host then throws the balls one after another, just like a bride does when she throws her bouquet. The participant who caught the ball leaves the group. Participants who caught balls of the same color are on the same team.

2. Check homework

Division into pairs.

Geologists, climatologists, biologists.

3. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson

Group work

Guys, have you noticed that your balls are of two colors? This means we have two groups: orange and green (Africa and Australia)

Sit down at your desk.

On the board hang two pictures with a basketball hoop and the inscriptions “Africa” and “Australia”

The characteristics of the continents are written on basketballs. Groups must select balls related to their continents and glue them to the rings.

    driest continent

    wettest continent

    hottest continent

    most distant continent

    the deepest river on the mainland

    most sparsely populated continent

    the longest Mountain chain on the land


    the equator passes almost in the middle

    hottest continent

    ranks second in area

    The largest desert in the world is located


    driest continent

    most distant continent

    most sparsely populated continent

    smallest continent by area

- Cards with what characteristics do you still have?

    the wettest continent;

    the longest mountain range on land is located;

    the deepest river on the mainland;

    The highest mountain lake is located on the mainland

- What continent do you think they are suitable for?

Absolutely true for South America

What do you think we will study in class today? What is the purpose of the lesson?

4. Learning new material

What fruit do you think the continent resembles according to scientists?

On what geometric figure?

South America is the continent of many records. Here stretches the longest mountain range on Earth - Andes, from the very high peak in the western hemisphere - mountain Aconcagua and the largest alpine lake in the world - Titicaca. Here is the world's highest waterfall - Angel, the largest lowland by area - Amazonian. Along it, among the world's most extensive evergreen forests, flows the deepest river in the world - Amazon.

We will explore the mainland by standard plan on page 232.

And let's start from the first point.

Work in pairs

    1. couple - GP

Plan for characterizing the geographical location of the continent.

(use the atlas, textbook on pp. 138-139)

1 pair – the position of the continent relative to the equator, prime meridian, tropics and polar circles.

    Can you tell how the location of the mainland will affect it

nature. Find out which climatic zones there is a mainland.

Conclusion: The equator crosses the continent in the northern part, most of mainland is located in Southern Hemisphere. Prime Meridian does not cross the mainland, it is entirely located in the western hemisphere. The southern tropic crosses the continent almost in the middle. Between the equator and the southern tropic lies most of the continent. This territory will receive the most large quantity solar heat. The territory located south of the South Tropic is also significant and its nature will differ from the nature of the hot zone. South America is located in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate climate zones. That is, the nature of South America is quite diverse.

2 pair – extreme points continents and their coordinates


m. Gallinas – 12° N; 72° W;
m. Froward – 54° S; 71°W;
m. Parinhas – 5° S; 81°W;
m. Cabo Branco – 7° S; 35°W

3 pairs – the length of the continent from north to south, from west to east (in degrees and km.)

    Can you tell how the length of the continent affected

nature of South America.



from north to south along 70° W. ~ 7350 km;
from west to east along 10° S ~ 4655 km.

The extent of South America from north to south is greater than from west to east (even at its widest part), which means natural conditions V to a greater extent will change from north to south.

Students draw conclusions from their work and exchange information. The teacher helps to make the right conclusions

The teacher tells the position of the continent relative to other continents.

    Can you tell if nearby continents will provide

influence on the nature of South America.

Conclusions: South America is located north of Antarctica, south of North America, west of Eurasia and Africa. The continents of North and South America form part of the world “America”. The continents are connected by the Isthmus of Panama. Mainland North America has virtually no effect on the nature of South America. But the “cold breath” of Antarctica is felt at the southern tip of the continent. Coastline South America is poorly indented. Large island– Tierra del Fuego. Islands: Falkland Islands, Lesser Antilles. Straits: Magellan, Drake, Panama Canal. Bay: La Plata.

What oceans wash the continent?

Which ocean will have a greater impact on the nature of the continent? Why?

Speech by a gifted student with the message “El Niño Current”

What is El Niño?

What current does it replace?

What changes does this current bring?

What is the frequency of repetition of the flow?

And other questions.

Independent work with the textbook on pp. 139-141, filling out the table

Checking the notebook to choose from.


Snowball". Just as a snowball grows, so does this one. methodical technique attracts to active work an increasing number of students. The algorithm for this technique can be briefly described as follows: Word - sentence - question - answer.

Option 1. The teacher points to the student and says: “Word!” He says a word that relates to the topic of the lesson. Points to another student and says: “Proposal!” The second student makes a sentence with this word. The third student offers questions to this sentence, the fourth the student answers it.

    Lesson summary. Reflection

Review the objectives of the lesson again. Have you achieved your goals?

In what degree?

What was stopping you?

Continue the sentences:

    I liked (disliked) the lesson because...

    Was it comfortable to work in a group...

    My progress...

    My mistakes...

    How would I like to see myself in class...


P 37, mark the extreme points of SA on the k/k, label the oceans washing the continent.

    Rating with commenting

Only the archipelago, located in the south of the mainland, claims to be more or less significant. In terms of area, the continent ranks fourth - 18.3 million km2.

The largest river flows in South America. River basin its area is equal to . The second largest river on the mainland is . Flowing from the Brazilian plateau, it forms a height of 72 m. It is a whole system of waterfalls stretching for 3 km. Their roar can be heard 20-25 km away. In its lower reaches, the Parana is called the "silver river" in Spanish. The third largest river on the mainland is the Orinoco. On one of the tributaries of this river there is the highest waterfall in the world - which means “angel” in Spanish. Its height is 1054 m. South America is rich in lakes. The most remarkable thing is Lake Titicaca. This is the largest alpine lake, located in the Andes. This lake contains more salt than other freshwater lakes, since 45 rivers and streams flow into it, but only one flows out. The water temperature in the lake is constant (+14°C).

The main wealth of the continent is vegetable world. He gave humanity such valuable crops as potatoes, chocolate trees, and Hevea rubber plants. The main decoration of the mainland is the wet, where they grow different kinds palm, melon tree, ceiba. The crowns of trees, grass, and shrubs are located in 12 tiers, and the highest of them sometimes rise above the ground up to 100 m. In South America you rarely see a large animal. Sloths, armadillos, anteaters, exotic birds, snakes, countless hordes of insects - this is the basis of the animal world of this continent. The Amazon rivers are dangerous; they abound with crocodiles and predatory fish piranhas.

More than 300 million people live in South America, and the population consists of indigenous Indians, blacks who were brought as slaves from, and Europeans. The mainland's colonial past is reflected in the dominance of Spanish and Portuguese languages and in the socio-economic backwardness of many countries on the continent.

Geographical position: Western Hemisphere, South part America.

Square: 17.65 million km2

Extreme points:

  • extreme northern point– Cape Gallinas on the Guajira Peninsula, 12° 28` N. sh.;
  • extreme southern point– Cape Forward on Brunswick Island, 53° 54` S. sh.;
  • extreme western point– Cape Parinhas, 81° 20` W. d.;
  • extreme eastern point– Cape Cabo Branco, 34° 47` W. d.

Additional Information: South America is washed by the Pacific and,; the world's largest river, the Amazon, flows here; More than 355 million people live in South America.

It is home to many countries, such as Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil. Almost each of them has access to the sea, since the size of the mainland is not too large. What kind of waters is it washed by?

Pacific Ocean

We should start listing the oceans that wash us from the Pacific. It is the oldest and largest on the planet, with an area of ​​178 million kilometers. In such a territory it would be easy to accommodate all the continents at the same time. The name is associated with a traveler who first visited the ocean in beautiful weather and was captivated by its tranquility. It has an oval outline with the widest part at the equator. It was truly widely explored only in the nineteenth century, although the first expeditions to study the coastline of South America were carried out by James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan. Now a special international organization is dealing with these issues.

Near the Tuamotu Islands, the ocean is often stormy, but off the coast of South America the weather is stable, with light winds. Calm areas are characterized by periodic showers. The Pacific Ocean significantly influences life in South American countries. Many states engage in fishing in the water area, harvesting shellfish and crabs, and in some regions they grow edible algae.

Atlantic Ocean

When listing the oceans that wash South America, the second one worth mentioning is the Atlantic. It covers an area of ​​92 million square kilometers and is distinguished by the fact that it unites the polar regions of the earth. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs through the center of the ocean, along which various volcanic islands rise from the water. The most famous of them is Iceland. The deepest part is located off the coast of South America: the Puerto Rico depression reaches a depth of 8742 meters. In the tropical part, southeast trade winds blow and there are no cyclones; off the coast of Brazil they have green color, and in other areas dark blue predominates. Where the Amazon flows into the Atlantic, the water appears cloudy, and it is also a place of low salinity, which is why corals are not found here, but other animals and plants flourish in abundance. During the Great geographical discoveries the ocean was the most important by water to South America.

Unofficial Southern Ocean

Even now there are many controversial topics in geography. The traditional answer to the question of which oceans wash South America involves two names. But there is another theory. According to it, the ring of waters separating the continent from Antarctica has the characteristics of a separate ocean. Despite the fact that the issue of borders remains complex, some scientists single out this territory. South ocean covers 86 million square kilometers, its average depth is about 3 kilometers, and its lowest point is the South Sandwich Trench. The coast of America has fairly gentle slopes, and at the bottom there are small ridges and basins. Currents and bottom sediments mainly affect Antarctica. In South America, it is difficult to detect the influence of this hypothetical ocean.

Caribbean Sea

The position of the continent greatly affects the lives of its inhabitants, industry and even climate. Studying the seas and oceans washing South America, it is not difficult to verify this. For example, the Caribbean Sea is a popular region for holiday travel and an oil-rich area. It is located in the north of South America, covering an area of ​​2 million square kilometers. It washes the shores of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. There are many coral reefs here. The coastline of South America is full of all kinds of bays and bays. This territory is the only answer to the question of which seas wash South America, and is located in tropical climate with periodic hurricanes and precipitation from 250 to 9000 millimeters. Many fish and amphibians live here, and on the banks you can find a variety of birds. The stunning beaches ensure the Caribbean's continued popularity. The waters surrounding South America are popular among divers. However, ordinary travelers from Brazil, the USA and Canada also like to relax here.

Warm currents

When listing the seas and oceans that wash South America, many forget about currents. Meanwhile, this can be called a serious mistake, because it is they who often determine the climate on the coast. The warmest parts of South America can be called the Atlantic regions: this ocean is warmer than the Pacific. Particularly noteworthy are the shores washed by the Guiana and Brazilian currents; they are the most comfortable and make eastern part The mainland is a more popular destination for tourism.

Cold currents

The seas and oceans surrounding South America are quite warm, but still the difference in the waters can be extremely noticeable. There are much more in the Quiet, many of which pass near the mainland. For example, near Antarctica, South America is washed by the Falkland Current and the Western Wind Current. The latter was named so back in the era of great geographical discoveries. West Coast It is also washed by the cold, which is why the climate and fauna in Peru are noticeably different from those in Brazil. At the same time, the location of the countries is quite similar. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the seas and oceans washing South America, but also currents.