Which continent crosses all meridians. Which continent is crossed by the equator and the prime meridian?

25.08.2014 7778 0

Goal: to form an idea among students about parallels and meridians, about degree grid and its significance for the decision practical problems; developing the ability to identify meridians and parallels on a globe and map, and to know their basic properties.

Equipment: globes, physical. hemisphere map.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Learning new material.

Teacher. You already know that the Earth rotates around its axis, in 24 hours it does full turn. – What are the names of the points through which an imaginary axis passes? (poles)

Exercise. Define what a pole is?

Poles are the points of intersection of the Earth's imaginary axis of rotation with the Earth's surface.

This is interesting.

Working with the globe.

Look carefully at the globe and map, you see that they are covered with intersecting lines - this is a degree grid.

1) What is the name of the line that is at the same distance from the poles? What is the length of the equator?

The equator is the most long parallel.

How many kilometers are there in 1° along the equator? 40000: 360° = 111km in 1°

Exercise. Working with the textbook.

Find the definition of meridians and parallels.


The lines connecting the two poles are called…..(meridians). They are showing

direction …. (North and South).

Compare their shape on the map and on the globe:

On the map this is... (arcs different lengths, connecting the poles, middle - straight

On the globe this is... (arcs of equal length).

The length of the meridian in kilometers is 20,000 km.

The length of the meridian in degrees is 180°, 1° – 20000: 180° = 111 km, all are equal.

Is it possible to travel around the world by moving north all the time?


What are the lines parallel to the equator called? (Parallels).

When moving towards the poles, the length of these lines remains the same, decreases or increases? (Decreases).

The longest parallel is called... (equator).

Which sides of the horizon do these lines show? (West and East).

The length of the parallels in degrees is 360°.

Which of you played sea ​​battle, he knows that the playing field is divided into 100 cells. All vertical rows are designated by letters, and horizontal rows by numbers. To determine the coordinates of the ship, you need to find the intersection point.

Now look at the map of the hemispheres, which lines will replace the vertical rows - meridians. And horizontal ones are parallels.

All parallels are located at different distances from the equator.

Parallel is the distance from the equator in degrees.

Which point is furthest from the equator?

How many degrees is the pole removed?

What is the latitude?

Task 2.

A) name the point closest to the equator?

B) name the point closest to the pole.

A) 30 N latitude. b) 10 N latitude

B) 40 N latitude. d) 5 S

IV. Consolidation.

1. Using a map of the hemispheres, determine the latitude of the cities:

Mexico City – 19 N

Cairo – 30N.

Beijing - 39 N latitude

Cape Town – 35 S

Is it possible to choose a parallel for making the longest journey?

Is it possible to choose a meridian for the longest trip around the world?

Is there a continent on Earth that is crossed by all meridians?

Using a physical map of Russia, determine which city is east of Khabarovsk

or Vladivostok?

Geographic longitude is the magnitude of the arc in degrees from the prime meridian to a given point.

On the map vertical lines– these are meridians; to distinguish one meridian from another, the concept of “longitude” is introduced

Under prime meridian understand the meridian passing through Greenwich Observatory near London. Since 1884 countries decided to consider Greenwich as the prime meridian.

All points on Earth located east of the prime meridian have eastern longitude, and those to the west have western longitude.

Task 1. Show on the map, and then on the globe the meridians - 10 E, 30 W, 170 W.. 150 E.

Which city is located further east - Tokyo or Sydney?

What continents and oceans does the prime meridian cross?

Where is the point with coordinates – 0 la. and 0 days?

IV. Consolidation.

Task 2. Identify objects knowing their coordinates.

1)0 sh. 33 E. 2)66 N. latitude. 170 W.

3)52 N. latitude 0 d. 4)55 S. 65 W.

Homework: §8, task 7 p.29.

"Mainland Australia"- Density and territory of settlement. In Australia in large quantities Cattle and sheep are raised. Australia. Population of Australia. Population. Well-developed communications: telephone, radio, television, Internet. Australia is the least populated continent. Australia ranks one of the first places in the world in the number of fine-wool sheep.

“Continents 7th grade” - Which continent is the largest in area? Read the material from the textbook “Types of Islands.” World land. Will I be able to answer questions? Let's think! 4.What is the planet's landmass represented by? What is a continent? What is an island? Distribute the continents into hemispheres. Determine which hemisphere has more continents?

“Lesson Continents and Oceans” - Icebergs are common in the Baffin and Greenland seas. Continents. Latin word aprica meaning "sunny". Mainland Eurasia. Africa. An ocean that washes all continents except Australia. Most years the ocean is covered with ice. Most small continent. Indian Ocean. The border between Europe and Asia passes: The continent is divided into two parts of the world.

“Inhabitants of the Continents” - Famous for the extraordinary beauty of nature. Africa is unique in its fabulousness rich nature. Mosses and lichens are the only land plants in Antarctica. Eurasia. Africa is home to the world's tallest animal, the giraffe. South America. Eucalyptus is Australia's most famous plant. Life on different continents.

"Continent Eurasia"- 3. Length of the continent. "Eurasia is the greatest landmass." Bay, peninsula. Calculate the extent of Eurasia from west to east along 60°N. w. (1° – 55.8 km) and from north to south along 80° east. Islands. The extent of Eurasia. Sea, islands, peninsulas. Extreme points. Physiographic location of Eurasia.

“Life on different continents” - Japan. Eurasia. China. The elephant in India is not afraid of ants. "True False". Rice is “Food of the Gods” in China. Eucalyptus trees grow in Australia. Three habitats. Africa. Prepare a report about interesting animals and plants and illustrate it. Lesson objectives: Giraffes live in Eurasia. The giant panda is a rare and little-studied animal in Eurasia.

Test "Continents"


1. The most big continent on the ground? (Eurasia)

2. The smallest continent on Earth? (Australia)

3. The hemisphere in which the smallest continent is located? (Southern)

4. The continent through which all meridians pass? (Antarctica)

5. An ocean in the southern hemisphere through which all meridians pass? (Southern)

6. Hemisphere in which it is located North Pole? (Northern)

7. The ocean in which the most northern point land? (Arctic)

8. A continent that is crossed by the equator almost in the middle? (Africa)

9. The most big ocean? (Quiet)

11. Continent crossed by the equator in the northern part? (South America)

12. The mainland, which is located to the north South America? (North America)

13. The ocean washing Eurasia, Africa, Australia? (Indian)



1. What is the largest continent on Earth?

3. The hemisphere in which the smallest continent is located?

4. The continent through which all meridians pass?

5. An ocean in the southern hemisphere through which all meridians pass?

6.The hemisphere in which the North Pole is located?

7. The ocean in which the northernmost point of the earth is located?

8. A continent that is crossed by the equator almost in the middle?

9. What is the largest ocean?

10. The second largest ocean on Earth?

11. Continent crossed by the equator in the northern part?

12. The continent that is located north of South America?

13. The ocean washing Eurasia, Africa, Australia?

Multi-level cards

1. Lines indicating the north-south direction are called...... (meridians)

3. Lines of different lengths located on the globe are called...... (parallels)

4. Huge areas of land washed by oceans on all sides are called......(continents)

5. Part earth's surface, visible to humans in open areas, called ...... (horizon)

6. Areas of the earth’s surface that are significantly elevated above the plains are called…….(mountains)

7. Huge bodies of water, separating the continents, are called ...... (oceans)

8. A device with which you can navigate the terrain -…. (compass)

1. The direction shown by the colored Blue colour arrow of the orientation device - ..… (north)
2. How many main sides of the horizon do you know......(4)

3. Which continent has only northern shores? (Antarctica)

4.Which ocean washes Africa on the western side?


5. Which ocean washes only two continents? (Arctic)

6. What continent are they on? Ural Mountains? (Eurasia)

7. The globe is……………………………………………

8. The place where the sky seems to meet the earth's surface... this is (horizon line)

/card for a strong student/

1. The edge is visible, but you can’t reach it (horizon)

2. There are two points on Earth, both wearing white scarves (poles)

3. The Earth rotates around it, and morning and night do not meet (axis)

4. He is an Earth image and does not like distortion (globe)

5. I’m sitting under the glass, looking in all directions.

If you climb into the forest with me, you won’t lose your way (compass)

6. There are seas - you can’t swim,
There are roads - you can’t drive,

There is land, but you can’t plow it. What is this? (map)

Topic: “Globe - model of the Earth”

1. On the globe you can see the finest
lines covering the surface of the globe

A) yes; b) no;

2. These lines are imaginary, in fact.
there are none on the earth's surface

A) yes; b) no;

3.Lines that connect the North Pole
and the South Pole are called parallels

A) no; b) yes;

4. Lines that connect the North Pole
and the South Pole are called meridians.

A) yes; b) no; c) the equator;

5. All meridians intersect at the North and
South Poles

A) yes; b) no;

6. The longest meridian is the equator

A) no; b) yes;

7. The equator is the longest parallel

A) yes; b) no;

8. The equator divides Earth per hemisphere
– North and South

A) yes; b) no;

9. The equator is the line that divides everything
meridians in half

A) yes; b) no;

10. The smallest parallels are the Northern one
And South pole Earth

A) yes; b) no;

11. All meridians of the Earth have different lengths

A) no; b) yes;

12. . All meridians of the Earth have the same length

A) yes; b) no.

Topic: “Continents and oceans on the globe”

1. What is the largest continent on Earth?
a) North America;

B) Eurasia;

B) Africa;

2. The smallest continent on Earth?

A) Australia;

B) Antarctica;

B) Africa;

3. The hemisphere in which the small continent is located?

A) Western Hemisphere;

B) Eastern Hemisphere;

4. The continent through which all meridians pass?
a) Africa;

B) Antarctica;

B) Eurasia;

5. An ocean in the Southern Hemisphere through which all meridians pass?
a) Pacific Ocean;

B) South ocean;
c) Atlantic Ocean:

6. The hemisphere in which the North Pole is located?
a) Eastern Hemisphere;

B) Western Hemisphere;
V) Southern Hemisphere;

7. The ocean in which the northernmost point of the Earth is located?
a) Southern Ocean;

B) Indian Ocean;

B) Arctic Ocean;

8. The continent, which is crossed by the equator almost
in the middle

A) Australia;
b) North America;
c) Africa;

9. What is the largest ocean?
a) Atlantic Ocean;

B) Pacific Ocean;

B) Indian Ocean
10. The ocean washing Eurasia, Africa, Australia?
a) Indian Ocean;
b) Southern Ocean;

B) Pacific Ocean;

Topic: “Continents, oceans”

1) Consider the globe. Find the largest continent, find the smallest continent and write down their names.

2) What is more on Earth: land or water? Which ocean is the smallest and which is the largest?

/card for a strong student/

1) Which ocean, in your opinion, is the warmest and which is the coldest?

2) Guess the continents.

I am the smallest continent, with the driest climate, which is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

And I'm in the Southern Hemisphere, but for some reason people are in no hurry to settle here.

And I am almost entirely between the northern and southern tropics; they call me the hottest continent.

3) Continue with questions. You can make a crossword puzzle.

/card for the average student/

Looking at the globe, choose any travel route. Write it using geographical names, names of horizon sides and vehicles.

/card for a strong student/

1) What changes as the Earth rotates around its axis?

2) What changes as the Earth rotates around the Sun?

3) How does the Earth rotate?

/card for weak students/

1) What shape does the Earth have?

2) How did people in ancient times imagine the Earth?

3) What is the name of the Earth model?

From school we remember that every point on the planet has its own coordinates. Without this data, the movement of planes and ships would be impossible, and, modern life It is difficult to imagine humanity without knowledge of geographical coordinates. The earth's equator and prime meridian, encircling the planet, cross several continents, but only in one of them do they “meet”. We will look at which continent is crossed by the equator and the prime meridian in this short article.

To begin with, let us remember more precisely what the equator and the prime meridian are. Although this knowledge is given in primary school, many people in adulthood do not clearly imagine these concepts.

With the equator everything is quite simple. This conditional line on a surface , perpendicular to the axis rotation of the planet. It is clear that there can only be one equator, this is the longest horizontal line Earth (its length is slightly greater than 40,075 km). The entire surface of the Earth located below the equator (or, to put it correctly, further south) is the Southern Hemisphere. Everything that is located above the equator belongs to Northern Hemisphere. The Earth's equator in its movement crosses two continents: Africa and South America.

Three interesting facts about the equator:

  1. A person standing on the equator rotates along with the surface of the Earth at a speed significantly exceeding the speed of sound.
  2. It is well known that it is always hot everywhere at the equator. But in the country of Ecuador there is a high volcano standing right on the equator line. On the slopes of this volcano there is a glacier that never melts.
  3. In Brazil, there is a city called Macapa, which is crossed by the equator almost in the middle. This, in particular, means that when it is summer in the northern quarters of the city, at the same time it is winter in the southern quarters.

But drawing the prime meridian on the surface of the Earth was not so easy. If the equator has a very obvious physical meaning(it is the longest of the earth’s horizontal lines), then the meridians (lines passing through the earth’s poles) are all the same, and, from the point of view of physics, any of them can be the “starting” one.

For this reason, already in ancient times people started counting down geographic longitude, based on your convenience. For example, Hipparchus considered the longitude of the island of Rhodes as the starting point.

As you might expect, not everyone liked this decision. In the scientific world, there have been discussions for decades about the “legitimacy” of the Greenwich Prime Meridian. At one time, the practice even began to spread when nautical charts Greenwich was used as the prime meridian, and for land maps - some other, “local” ones.

But all disputes pass at some point, and this one passed too. Currently, no one disputes the right of the Greenwich meridian to be considered the starting meridian, zero, when determining geographic longitude.

We have already indicated which continents the equator passes through. And the Greenwich meridian crosses three continents: Eurasia and Antarctica. It is not difficult to notice that Africa is mentioned in both lists. It is the only continent on Earth through which both the equator and the Greenwich meridian pass simultaneously. True, they are not destined to meet on land. Their intersection point is in the Gulf of Guinea, just west of the African mainland.

This place is interesting! A person who finds himself here will not be able to accurately answer which hemisphere of the Earth he is in. All of him geographical coordinates(both latitude and longitude) will be described by solid zeros!