Emperor Alexander 2 reigned. Alexander II - biography, facts from life, photographs, background information

The reign of Alexander II became a period that is often called the “era of reforms” that destroyed feudal remnants, a time of radical transformations of Russian society. Unlike his father, he was prepared to govern the state. The emperor received a good education, and his teachers were V. Zhukovsky, M. Speransky, E. Kankrin, who noted in the heir such qualities as goodwill, sociability, ability for science, but on the other hand, a tendency to retreat in the face of difficulties. Alexander II became emperor at the age of 36, with a well-established system of views and experience in government activities. Having ascended the throne, the emperor was forced to take the path of reform.

Prerequisites for reforms

The prerequisites for the reforms were the constant threat of peasant revolts and the political and economic crisis. Defeat in Crimean War not only reduced Russia’s international authority to the limit, but also showed the need for reforms in the financial, military, medical, and educational spheres. Another prerequisite was public dissatisfaction with the Nikolaev police regime and the constant threat of social protests. A situation favorable for reforms developed in the country - the emperor was supported by supporters of reforms (P. Valuev, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, D. Milyutin, etc.); the liberals and the revolutionary movement were disorganized and were unable to propose an alternative plan for reform; opponents of reforms after the defeat in the Crimean War did not dare to oppose the reforms. Therefore, in 1856, Alexander II made a famous speech to the Moscow nobility, in which he stated that “it is better to abolish serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when it itself begins to be canceled from below.”

Abolition of serfdom

The most important event of the reign of Alexander II, for which he received the name “Liberator,” was the reform of 1861, which abolished serfdom. Preparations for the abolition of serfdom began in January 1857 with the creation of another Secret Committee, completely subordinate to the emperor. By November, a rescript had been drawn up, announcing the beginning of the abolition of serfdom and ordering the creation of noble committees in each province to develop proposals. This served as the beginning of extensive discussions of the peasant issue in the press. In February 1858, the Secret Committee was renamed the Main Committee for Peasant Affairs, which began to consider projects drawn up by provincial noble committees. During the discussions, a project was developed according to which peasants would be given freedom, but without being allocated land. This caused an intensification of the peasant movement in 1858. The government decided to revise the project for the liberation of the peasants and carry out the reform more radically. In order to rework the project, in February 1859, Editorial Commissions were established in St. Petersburg, which included mainly liberals, under the leadership of N. Milyutin. By the autumn of 1859 they had drawn up a draft “Regulations on Peasants”. On February 19, 1861, a reform was carried out that abolished serfdom. Alexander II signed the “Regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom,” according to which peasants were freed from personal dependence. The peasant reform consisted of several parts: the ownership of landowners over peasants was abolished, who could now go to work in the city or be hired by the landowner to work. The landowner lost the right to punish peasants, they became legal entities, that is, they could buy land, real estate, enter into transactions, and open enterprises. However, the peasants remained attached to their place of residence and were bound mutual guarantee in paying taxes, bore duties in kind.

In addition, peasants received arable plots at fairly complex scheme, which also significantly limited their movement. Within two years, statutory charters had to be drawn up - agreements between landowners and peasants, stipulating the terms of the redemption. After this, for 49 years, the peasants became “temporarily obligated” and had to pay the landowner a ransom. Only after this the plots became the property of the peasants. The amount of redemption payments was determined by the size of the peasant quitrent, i.e., it was not the personal dependence of the peasants and not the land that was redeemed, but the duties. This amount, deposited in the bank at 6% per annum, was supposed to bring the landowner an annual income in the amount of labor payments. The state acted as an intermediary between the peasant and the landowner; it paid the landowner, when concluding a redemption transaction, about 75% of the redemption amount. Peasants were required to annually contribute 6% of this amount to the state for 49 years. Household people were declared free without ransom, but for two years they had to serve their masters or pay quitrent. Serf workers of landowner and state-owned factories and factories were transferred to quitrent and received the right to buy out their former plots. State peasants (except for Siberia and the Far East), who were considered personally free, according to the “Regulations”, retained the lands that were in their use. They could continue to pay the quitrent tax to the state or enter into a redemption deal with the treasury. The “Regulation” divided the provinces into three parts (black earth, non-black earth and steppe lands). Within the provinces, localities were allocated, which were divided into plots between landowners - land owners and their peasants. The distribution norms were established so that the landowner could choose the best plots for his share, including wedging his lands into the middle of the peasant fields. This led to the emergence of “stripes”. The peasants' reactions to the reform varied. For example, in the Kazan province, unrest began due to the spread of rumors that the tsar gave land to the peasants for free, and the ransom was “invented” by the landowners. More than 300 people were killed during the suppression of these unrest. In 1861, more than 1,370 performances were recorded, but later the wave of performances began to decline. In general, the liberation of the peasants was a progressive step that destroyed a feudal relic - serfdom, which led to cash injections into Agriculture, undermined the “natural” way of farming and contributed to the development of capitalism.

Reforms of the 60s XIX century

Carrying out the peasant reform required changes in other areas of life. Finance reform. In 1860, the State Bank was created to carry out redemption payments between landowners and peasants. In 1862, the Ministry of Finance became the sole manager of public funds, which independently planned the state budget and, together with the State Council, approved the estimates of individual departments. To control funds, State Control was reformed in 1864, which was now independent of the administration and verified the correctness of spending budget funds. In the provinces, control chambers were established that checked financial statements based on primary documents, and not final reports, as before. Direct taxes were partially replaced by indirect ones.

Reform local government(Zemstvo reform).

On January 1, 1864, zemstvos (all-estate bodies in counties and provinces) were established, whose competence included: local economy, distribution of state taxes, establishment of schools, hospitals, shelters, maintenance of prisons and communications. Within the zemstvo there were administrative and executive sectors. Administrative bodies - “meetings of vowels” (deputies) - dealt with economic issues and met once a year. Executive bodies - “zemstvo councils” - were engaged in the execution of decisions of the administrative sector. Funding for the implementation of the regulations was mixed: 80% of the funds came from the state, the rest from local taxes (self-financing). Elections to zemstvo administrative bodies were held on the basis of property qualifications, by curiae. The first curia - deputies from landowners - consisted of owners of land (from 200 to 800 dessiatines) or real estate (worth from 15 thousand rubles). The second curia - deputies from cities - united owners of industrial and commercial establishments (annual turnover of at least 6 thousand). rub.). Elections for the third curia of deputies from peasants are unlicensed, but multi-stage. Zemstvos were elected for three years. The chairman of the zemstvo assembly was to be the leader of the nobility. At the end of the 70s. zemstvos were introduced only in 35 of the 59 Russian provinces. Subsequently, throughout 1870-1880. the competence of zemstvos was gradually curtailed, and the composition became more and more aristocratic. But, despite many shortcomings, the work of zemstvos contributed to the formation of civic consciousness and the solution of some local problems of education and health care. Urban reform began to be developed in 1861. Its project, presented in 1864, was discussed and redesigned for a long time. On June 16, 1870, it was approved “ City situation", according to which the City Duma was created in cities ( Legislature) and City Government ( executive agency) chaired by the mayor. The functions of city government were to take care of the improvement of the city, the guardianship of trade, the establishment of hospitals, schools and city taxation. Elections to the City Duma were held in three electoral assemblies based on property qualifications. The first electoral assembly included only large taxpayers, who contributed a third of city taxes, the second - smaller ones, who paid the other third, and the third - all the rest. Each assembly elected representatives to the City Duma. City councils were under the control of government officials. The mayor (elected by the City Duma for 4 years) was approved by the governor or the Minister of Internal Affairs, they could also suspend the decisions of the City Duma.

Judicial reform. On November 20, 1864, judicial reform was carried out. It included the creation of new judicial statutes that introduced common judicial institutions for persons of all classes, with in general legal proceedings, openness and competitiveness of legal proceedings, equal responsibility of all classes before the law, independence of the court from the administration. The country was divided into 108 judicial districts. The new structure of the court included: a magistrate's court, where criminal and civil cases were heard, the damage for which did not exceed 500 rubles. Justices of the peace were elected by district zemstvo assemblies and approved by the Senate; District Court, where serious civil suits and criminal cases were tried by jury. The Senate was the highest court and appellate authority. The preliminary investigation was conducted by bailiffs. The legal profession was introduced. This system was supplemented by volost courts for peasants, consistories for the clergy, courts for the military, high officials, etc. The most important political crimes were under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Criminal Court, which was appointed by the emperor in exceptional cases. In 1863, a law was passed abolishing corporal punishment by court sentences. From corporal punishment Women were completely freed. However, rods were preserved for peasants (according to verdicts of volost courts), for exiles, convicts and penal soldiers. Education and press reform was carried out in 1863-1865. In 1863, a new university charter was issued, which provided universities with broad freedom and self-government. In the summer of 1864, the “Charter of Gymnasiums and Pro-Gymnasiums” was introduced. The reform of public education proclaimed the principle of general and all-class education. In 1865, according to the press reform, censorship was significantly relaxed, and society was given the right to discuss political events. Military reform began in 1857 with the liquidation of the system of military settlements and the reduction of the service life of lower ranks (from 25 to 10 years). In the 60s The management of the fleet and naval educational institutions was reorganized, and over the course of 12 years, reforms were carried out in the army. In 1862, the reform of military administration began. The country was divided into 15 military districts for the purpose of more efficient command and control of troops. The War Ministry and Main Headquarters. In 1864-1867 the size of the army decreased from 1132 thousand people. up to 742 thousand while maintaining military potential. In 1865, military-judicial reform began. In the 60s For the rapid transfer of troops, a railway was built to the western and southern borders of Russia, and in 1870, railway troops were created. New regulations have appeared in the army. During the reform of the military educational institutions Military gymnasiums and cadet schools were organized for all classes with a two-year training period. Officer training was improved. On January 1, 1874, the “Charter on Military Service” was published, according to which, instead of conscription, universal military service was introduced. Upon reaching the age of 21, all males were required to perform active service. All this made it possible to create a fairly strong, trained army. Further reform activities were interrupted on March 1, 1881 by the assassination of Alexander II as a result of a terrorist attack.

Years of life: April 17 (29), 1818, Moscow - March 1 (13), 1881, St. Petersburg
Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish 1855-1881

From the Romanov dynasty.

He was awarded a special epithet in Russian historiography - Liberator.

He is the eldest son of the imperial couple Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna, daughter of the Prussian king Frederick William III.

Biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov

His father, Nikolai Pavlovich, was a Grand Duke at the time of his son’s birth, and in 1825 became Emperor. From an early age, his father began to prepare him for the throne, and considered “reigning” to be his duty. The mother of the great reformer, Alexandra Feodorovna, was a German who converted to Orthodoxy.

He received an education corresponding to his origin. His main mentor was the Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky. He managed to raise the future king as an enlightened man, a reformer, and not lacking in artistic taste.

According to numerous testimonies, in adolescence was very impressionable and amorous. During a trip to London in 1839, he fell in love with the young Queen Victoria, who later became for him the most hated ruler in Europe.

In 1834, a 16-year-old boy became a senator. And in 1835 a member
Holy Synod.

In 1836, the heir to the throne received military rank Major General.

In 1837 he went on his first trip to Russia. Visited about 30 provinces, reached Western Siberia. And in a letter to his father he wrote that he was ready to “strive for the work for which God destined me.”

The years 1838–1839 were marked by travels around Europe.

On April 28, 1841, he married Princess Maximiliana Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt, who received the name Maria Alexandrovna in Orthodoxy.

In 1841 he became a member State Council.

In 1842, the heir to the throne entered the Cabinet of Ministers.

In 1844 he received the rank of full general. For some time he even commanded the guards infantry.

In 1849, he received military educational institutions and the Secret Committees for Peasant Affairs under his jurisdiction.

In 1853, at the beginning of the Crimean War, he commanded all the troops of the city.

Emperor Alexander 2

March 3 (February 19), 1855 became emperor. Having accepted the throne, he accepted the problems his father had left behind. In Russia at that time, the peasant question was not resolved, the Crimean War was in full swing, in which Russia suffered constant setbacks. The new ruler had to carry out forced reforms.

March 30, 1856 Emperor Alexander II concluded the Peace of Paris, thereby ending the Crimean War. However, the conditions for Russia turned out to be unfavorable, it became vulnerable from the sea, it was forbidden to have naval forces in the Black Sea.

In August 1856, on the day of the coronation new emperor declared an amnesty for the Decembrists, and also suspended recruitment for 3 years.

Reforms of Alexander 2

In 1857, the Tsar intends to free the peasants, “without waiting for them to free themselves.” He established a Secret Committee to deal with this issue. The result was the Manifesto for the Liberation of the Peasantry from Serfdom and the Regulations on Peasants Emerging from Serfdom, published on March 3 (February 19), 1861, according to which peasants received personal freedom and the right to freely dispose of their property.

Among other reforms carried out by the tsar was the reorganization of educational and legal systems, the virtual abolition of censorship, the abolition of corporal punishment, and the creation of zemstvos. With him the following were carried out:

  • Zemstvo reform of January 1, 1864, according to which issues of local economy, primary education, medical and veterinary services were entrusted to elected institutions - district and provincial zemstvo councils.
  • The city reform of 1870 replaced the previously existing class-based city administrations with city councils elected on the basis of property qualifications.
  • The judicial charter of 1864 introduced unified system judicial institutions, based on the formal equality of all social groups before the law.

In the course of military reforms, a systematic reorganization of the army was begun, new military districts were created, a relatively harmonious system of local military administration was created, the reform of the military ministry itself was ensured, operational management troops and their mobilization. By the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. the entire Russian army was armed with the latest breech-loading rifles.

During educational reforms 1860s A network of public schools was created. Together with classical gymnasiums, real gymnasiums (schools) were created, in which the main emphasis was on teaching natural sciences and mathematics. The published Charter of 1863 for higher educational institutions introduced partial autonomy of universities. In 1869, the first higher education institutions in Russia were opened in Moscow. women's courses with a general education program.

Imperial policy of Alexander 2

He confidently and successfully pursued traditional imperial policy. Victories in Caucasian War were won in the first years of his reign. The advance into Central Asia was successfully completed (in 1865-1881, most of Turkestan became part of Russia). After long resistance, he decided to fight a war with Turkey in 1877-1878, which Russia won.

On April 4, 1866, the first attempt on the life of the emperor took place. The nobleman Dmitry Karakozov shot at him, but missed.

In 1866, 47-year-old Emperor Alexander II entered into an extramarital affair with a 17-year-old maid of honor, Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgoruka. Their relationship lasted for many years, until the death of the emperor.

In 1867, the tsar, trying to improve relations with France, held negotiations with Napoleon III.

On May 25, 1867, the second attempt occurred. In Paris, Pole Anton Berezovsky shoots at the carriage where the Tsar, his children and Napoleon III were. One of the French guard officers saved the rulers.

In 1867, Alaska (Russian America) and the Aleutian Islands were sold to the United States for $7.2 million in gold. The feasibility of acquiring Alaska by the United States of America became obvious 30 years later, when gold was discovered in the Klondike and the famous “gold rush” began. The Soviet government's declaration of 1917 announced that it did not recognize agreements concluded Tsarist Russia, so Alaska should belong to Russia. The sale agreement was carried out with violations, so there are still disputes about the ownership of Alaska by Russia.

In 1872, Alexander joined the Union of Three Emperors (Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary).

Years of reign of Alexander 2

During the years of his reign, a revolutionary movement developed in Russia. Students unite in various unions and circles, often sharply radical, and for some reason they saw the guarantee of the liberation of Russia only on the condition of the physical destruction of the Tsar.

On August 26, 1879, the executive committee of the People's Will movement decided to assassinate the Russian Tsar. This was followed by 2 more assassination attempts: on November 19, 1879, the imperial train was blown up near Moscow, but again the emperor was saved by chance. On February 5, 1880, an explosion occurred in Winter Palace.

In July 1880, after the death of his first wife, he secretly married Dolgoruka in the church of Tsarskoe Selo. The marriage was morganatic, that is, unequal in gender. Neither Catherine nor her children received any class privileges or rights of succession from the emperor. They were granted the title of Most Serene Princes of Yuryevsky.

On March 1, 1881, the emperor was mortally wounded as a result of another assassination attempt by Narodnaya Volya member I.I. Grinevitsky, who threw a bomb, and died the same day from blood loss.

Alexander II Nikolaevich went down in history as a reformer and liberator.

Was married twice:
First marriage (1841) with Maria Alexandrovna (07/1/1824 - 05/22/1880), nee Princess Maximiliana-Wilhelmina-Augusta-Sophia-Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Children from first marriage:
Alexandra (1842-1849)
Nicholas (1843-1865), raised as heir to the throne, died of pneumonia in Nice
Alexander III(1845-1894) - Emperor of Russia in 1881-1894.
Vladimir (1847-1909)
Alexey (1850-1908)
Maria (1853-1920), Grand Duchess, Duchess of Great Britain and Germany
Sergei (1857-1905)
Pavel (1860-1919)
The second, morganatic, marriage to his long-time (since 1866) mistress, Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukova (1847-1922), who received the title of Most Serene Princess Yuryevskaya.
Children from this marriage:
Georgy Alexandrovich Yuryevsky (1872-1913), married to Countess von Tsarnekau
Olga Alexandrovna Yuryevskaya (1873-1925), married to Georg-Nikolai von Merenberg (1871-1948), son of Natalia Pushkina.
Boris Alexandrovich (1876-1876), posthumously legitimized with the surname “Yuryevsky”
Ekaterina Alexandrovna Yuryevskaya (1878-1959), married to Prince Alexander Vladimirovich Baryatinsky, and then to Prince Sergei Platonovich Obolensky-Neledinsky-Meletsky.

Many monuments have been erected to him. In Moscow in 2005 at an open The inscription on the monument reads: “Emperor Alexander II. He abolished serfdom in 1861 and freed millions of peasants from centuries of slavery. Conducted military and judicial reforms. He introduced a system of local self-government, city councils and zemstvo councils. Ended the many years of the Caucasian War. Released Slavic peoples from the Ottoman yoke. Died March 1 (13), 1881 as a result of terrorist attack" A monument was also erected in St. Petersburg made of gray-green jasper. In the capital of Finland, Helsinki, a monument to Alexander II was erected in 1894 for strengthening the foundations of Finnish culture and recognition Finnish language state

In Bulgaria he is known as the Tsar Liberator. Grateful Bulgarian people for the liberation of Bulgaria, he erected many monuments to him and named streets and institutions throughout the country in his honor. And in modern times in Bulgaria, during the liturgy in Orthodox churches, Alexander II and all Russian soldiers who died on the battlefield for the liberation of Bulgaria in Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878

Alexander II - majestic king Russian Empire. He did a lot for development future Russia. His reign began in 1855. Alexander proved himself to be a courageous and purposeful, self-confident and proactive ruler. The king was interested not only political side empire, but also the fate of ordinary citizens. Next, we invite you to view more exciting and interesting facts about Alexander II.

2. During the reign of the emperor important role played it personal qualities that influenced the course of history.

3. Born in Moscow the last Emperor Alexander II.

4. The birth of Alexander II was a real holiday in the family.

6. The gemstone “Alexandrite” was named in honor of the heir.

7. A gemstone named after an emperor has unique property change color from red to green.

8. The emperor’s talisman was the alexandrite stone, which warded off trouble from him.

10. The Emperor had quite difficult relationships with Father.

11. “I hand over the command to you, but, unfortunately, not in the order I wanted, leaving you with a lot of work and worries” - last words father of the future emperor.

12. Before ascending the throne, Alexander II was a staunch conservative.

13. The Crimean War changed the ideological thinking of the emperor.

14. Alexander II was accused of selling Alaska to the United States.

16. Alexander II can safely be called an experimenter.

17. Alexander II dearly loved his wife Maria.

18. Ekaterina Dolgorukaya became official wife Emperor.

19. In 1865, a romance began between Catherine and Alexander.

20. In 1866, the emperor proposed his hand and heart to his future wife.

22. Catherine did not become empress, being the legal wife of the emperor.

24. Received at home basic education future emperor.

25. V.A. Zhukovsky was the mentor of Alexander II.

26. As a teenager, the young emperor was very amorous and vulnerable.

27. In 1839, Alexander was in love with the young Queen Victoria.

28. The young emperor was introduced into the Holy Governing Synod in 1835.

29. Alexander visited 29 provinces of the European part of Russia in 1837.

30. Alexander received the rank of major general in 1836.

31. The young emperor commanded an entire army for the first time in 1853 during the Crimean War.

32. In 1855, Alexander officially ascended the throne.

33. In 1856, the young emperor declared an amnesty for the Decembrists.

34. Alexander II successfully and confidently pursued a traditional imperial policy.

35. In the first years of the reign of the young emperor, victories were won in the Caucasian War.

36. In 1877, Alexander decided to go to war with Turkey.

37. At the end of his reign, Alexander in Russia chose to limit civil representation.

38. Several attempts were made on the life of the Russian emperor.

39. Alexander’s net worth in 1881 was about 12,000,000 rubles.

40. In 1880, the emperor built a hospital in honor of the deceased empress for 1,000,000 rubles.

41. Alexander II entered history as a liberator and reformer.

42. During the reign of the emperor, a judicial reform, serfdom was abolished and censorship was limited.

43. The monument to Alexander II was inaugurated in Moscow in June 2005.

44. In 1861, the emperor abolished serfdom.

45. The monument to Alexander II was erected in 1894 in Helsinki.

46. ​​In honor of the liberation of Bulgaria, a monument to the emperor was built in Sofia.

47. Catherine the Great herself was the great-grandmother of Alexander II.

48. The emperor was on the throne for only 26 years.

49. Alexander had a very attractive appearance and slender posture.

50. During the years of his reign, eight children were born into the emperor’s family.

51. The young emperor had a personal collection of erotic paintings.

52. The young emperor naturally possessed a healthy and sober mind, excellent memory and versatile abilities.

53. During the reign of the emperor in 1864, a national liberation uprising unfolded.

54. In 1876, Alexander issued the Emsky Decree prohibiting printing in the Ukrainian language in the Russian Empire.

55. Jews received the right to settle throughout the Russian Empire in 1859.

56. In 1857, the emperor introduced liberalization of the customs tariff.

57. Alexander contributed to the increase in iron production during his reign.

58. During the reign of Alexander, there was a downward trend in the level of agricultural development.

59. Railway transport- This is the only industry that developed uninterruptedly during the reign of the emperor.

60. For the first time during the reign of Alexander, they began to actively extradite external loans to cover the budget deficit.

62. During the reign of the emperor, the level of corruption increased significantly.

63. On the occasion of the coronation, the emperor declared an amnesty for participants in the Polish uprising.

64. The Supreme Censorship Committee was closed by decree of the emperor in 1855.

65. In 1866, a secret committee was created to discuss government affairs.

66. In 1864, the emperor separated judiciary from the executive.

67. City councils and councils appeared on the basis royal decree in 1870.

68. The creation of zemstvo institutions began in 1864.

69. During the reign of Alexander, three universities were opened.

70. The Emperor promoted the development of the media.

71. Reform Russian army happened in 1874 by order of the emperor.

72. Alexander opened the establishment of the State Bank.

73. The external and internal wars during the reign of the emperor.

74. In 1867, Alexander significantly increased the territory of the Russian Empire.

75. In 1877, the emperor declared war on the Ottoman Empire.

76. During the reign of Alexander, the Aleutian Islands were transferred to the United States.

77. The Emperor ensured the state independence of Bulgaria.

78. Alexander inherited his sensitive and sentimental character from his mother.

79. The young emperor was distinguished by his ingenuity, speed and liveliness in childhood.

80. The military captain was entrusted with raising Alexander at the age of six.

81. Sports and drawing were given priority great attention in the process of educating the young emperor.

82. Alexander already commanded a company at the age of eleven.

84. In 1835, Alexander was introduced to the Synod.

85. During his life, the Emperor visited all German and Italian states, Australia and Scandinavia.

86. In 1842, for the first time, Alexander was entrusted with the decision of all state affairs.

87. In 1850, the emperor sets off on a trip to the Caucasus.

88. On the second day after the death of his father, Alexander ascends to the throne.

89. The first years of his reign became a harsh school of political education for the young emperor.

90. The Peace of Paris was concluded in 1848 by decree of the emperor.

91. During the reign of Alexander, the length of service in the army was reduced to 15 years.

92. The emperor abolished conscription duties for three years.

93. Alexander was constantly under surveillance by police agents.

94. Treaty of Paris prohibited Russia from maintaining a fleet in the Black Sea.

95. The emperor's son George was born in 1872.

96. Charter on general conscription was accepted by the emperor in 1874.

97. In 1879, a third attempt was made to assassinate the emperor.

98. In 1880, the empress and wife Alexandra dies.

99. The emperor truly loved only Princess Catherine.

100. Alexander, as a person, was a deeply Orthodox man and a liberal.

Alexander 2 Nikolaevich (born April 17 (29), 1818 - death March 1 (13), 1881) - Russian Emperor(since 1855), (). In Russian history he is known as Alexander II the Liberator.

The eldest son of Nicholas I. Abolished serfdom and carried out a number of reforms: military (by making army service compulsory for everyone, but reducing the time of service from 25 to 6 years), judicial, city, zemstvo, (by entrusting elected local authorities- “zemstvo” schools, hospitals, etc.)

After Polish uprising 1863-1864 switched to a reactionary domestic political course. Since the late 1870s, repressions against revolutionaries intensified. During the reign of Alexander 2, the annexation of the territories of the Caucasus (1864), Kazakhstan (1865), and most of Sr. to Russia was completed. Asia (1865-81) A number of attempts were made on the life of Alexander 2 (1866, 1867, 1879, 1880); killed by Narodnaya Volya.

Origin. Upbringing

Alexander 2 Nikolaevich - the eldest son of first the grand ducal, and since 1825, the imperial couple Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna (daughter of the King of Prussia Frederick William III),

Received an excellent education. His main mentor was the Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky. He managed to raise the future sovereign as an enlightened man, a reformer, and not lacking in artistic taste.

According to multiple evidence, in early years was quite impressionable and amorous. While in London in 1839, he fell in love with the young Queen Victoria, who would later become the most hated ruler in Europe for him.

Government activities

1834 - Senator. 1835 - member of the Holy Synod. 1841 - member of the State Council, since 1842 - member of the Committee of Ministers. Major General (1836), full general since 1844, commanded the Guards infantry. 1849 - head of military educational institutions, chairman of the Secret Committees on Peasant Affairs in 1846 and 1848. During the Crimean War of 1853-1856. with the declaration of martial law in the St. Petersburg province, he commanded all the troops of the capital.

Years of reign. Reforms 1860-1870

Neither in youth nor in mature age Alexander did not adhere to any particular concept in his views on Russian history and tasks government controlled. When he came to the throne in 1855, he received a difficult legacy. None of the cardinal issues of his father’s 30-year reign (peasant, eastern, Polish, etc.) were resolved; Russia was defeated in the Crimean War. Not being a reformer by vocation and temperament, the emperor happened to become one in response to the needs of the time as a person sober mind and goodwill.

His first important decision is the conclusion Parisian world in March 1856. With the accession of Alexander to the throne, a “thaw” came in the socio-political life of Russia. 1856, August - on the occasion of the coronation, he declared an amnesty for the Decembrists, Petrashevites, and participants in the Polish uprising of 1830-1831, and recruitment was suspended for three years. 1857 - military settlements were liquidated.

Having understood the primary importance of the decision peasant question, for four years (from the establishment of the Secret Committee of 1857 to the adoption of the law on February 19, 1861) he showed a steady will in striving to abolish serfdom. Adhering to 1857-1858. “Bestsee version” of landless emancipation of peasants, by the end of 1858 he agreed to the purchase of allotment land by peasants into ownership, i.e., to a reform program developed by the liberal bureaucracy, together with like-minded people from among public figures (N.A. Milyutin, Ya. I. Rostovtsev, Yu. F. Samarin, V. A. Cherkassky, etc.). With his support, the following were adopted: Zemstvo Regulations of 1864 and City Regulations of 1870, Judicial Charters of 1864, military reforms of the 1860-1870s, reforms of public education, censorship, and corporal punishment was abolished.

The emperor was unable to resist traditional imperial policies. Decisive victories in the Caucasian War were won in the first years of his reign. He gave in to demands for advancement into Central Asia (in 1865-1881, most of Turkestan became part of the Empire). After prolonged resistance, he decided to go to war with Turkey in 1877-1878. After the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864. and assassination attempts by D.V. Karakozov on his life on April 4, 1866, the sovereign made concessions to the protective course, which were expressed in the appointment to the highest government posts YES. Tolstoy, F.F. Trepova, P.A. Shuvalova.

Reforms continued, but rather sluggishly and inconsistently; almost all reform leaders, with rare exceptions, were dismissed. Towards the end of his reign, the emperor was inclined to introduce limited public representation in Russia under the State Council.

Assassination attempts. Death

There were attempts on the life of Alexander 2 several times: D.V. Karakozov, Polish emigrant A. Berezovsky May 25, 1867 in Paris, A.K. Soloviev on April 2, 1879 in St. Petersburg. 1879, August 26 - the executive committee of “Narodnaya Volya” made a decision to kill the sovereign (an attempt to blow up the emperor’s train near Moscow on November 19, 1879, an explosion in the Winter Palace, which was carried out by S.N. Khalturin on February 5, 1880)

For security public order and fight against revolutionary movement created the Supreme Administrative Commission. However, this could not prevent his violent death. 1881, March 1 - the sovereign was mortally wounded on the embankment Catherine Canal in St. Petersburg with a bomb thrown by Narodnaya Volya member I.I. Grinevitsky. He was killed precisely on the day when he decided to make a move constitutional project M.T. Loris-Melikova, telling his sons Alexander (the future emperor) and Vladimir: “I do not hide from myself that we are following the path of the constitution.” Great reforms remained unfinished.

Personal life

Men from the Romanov dynasty were not generally distinguished by marital fidelity, but Alexander Nikolaevich stood out even among them, constantly changing his favorites.

The first time he was married (from 1841) to the Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt Maximilian Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria (in Orthodoxy Maria Alexandrovna, 1824-1880) Children from his first marriage sons: Nicholas, Alexander III, Vladimir, Alexey, Sergei, Pavel ; daughters: Alexandra, Maria.

At the end of the 1870s. An amazing picture emerged: the sovereign lived in two families, not particularly trying to hide this fact. This, of course, was not reported to the subjects, but members of the royal family, high-ranking dignitaries, and courtiers knew this very well. Moreover, the emperor even settled his favorite Ekaterina Dolgorukova with her children in the Winter Palace, in separate chambers, but next to her legal wife and children.

After the death of his wife, without waiting for the end of a year of mourning, Alexander II entered into (from 1880) a morganatic marriage with Princess Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgoruka (Princess Yuryevskaya), with whom he had a relationship since 1866, from this marriage there were four children. In 1880, from his personal funds, he donated 1 million rubles to establish a hospital in memory of the late empress.

Selling Alaska

What Alexander Nikolaevich has always been blamed for is the sale of Alaska to America. The main claims were that the rich region, which brought furs to Russia, and with more careful research could become a gold mine, was sold to the United States for some 11 million royal rubles. The truth is that after the Crimean War, Russia simply did not have the resources to develop such a distant region, and besides, the Far East was a priority.

In addition, even during the reign of Nicholas, the Governor-General eastern Siberia Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky presented the emperor with a report on the necessary strengthening of ties with the United States, which sooner or later would raise the question of expanding its influence in this region, which was strategically important for America.

The emperor returned to this issue only when the state needed money for reforms. Alexander 2 had a choice - or decide pressing problems people and the state, or dream about the long-term prospect of the possible development of Alaska. The choice turned out to be on the side of pressing issues. 1867, March 30 - at four o'clock in the morning, Alaska became the property of America.

Few monarchs in history have been honored with the epithet “liberator.” Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov deserved such an honor. Alexander II is also called the Tsar-Reformer, because he managed to change dead center many old problems of the state that threatened riots and uprisings.

Childhood and youth

The future emperor was born in April 1818 in Moscow. The boy was born on a holiday, Bright Wednesday, in the Kremlin, in the Bishop's House of the Chudov Monastery. Here, on that festive morning, the entire Imperial family gathered to celebrate Easter. In honor of the boy’s birth, the silence of Moscow was broken by a 201-volley cannon salute.

Archbishop of Moscow Augustine baptized the baby Alexander Romanov on May 5 in the church of the Chudov Monastery. His parents were Grand Dukes at the time of their son's birth. But when the grown-up heir turned 7 years old, his mother Alexandra Feodorovna and father became the imperial couple.

The future Emperor Alexander II received an excellent home education. His main mentor, responsible not only for training, but also for education, was. Archpriest Gerasim Pavsky himself taught sacred history and the Law of God. Academician Collins taught the boy the intricacies of arithmetic, and Karl Merder taught the basics of military affairs.

No less famous teachers Alexander Nikolaevich also had lessons on legislation, statistics, finance and foreign policy. The boy grew up very smart and quickly mastered the sciences taught. But at the same time, in his youth, like many of his peers, he was amorous and romantic. For example, during a trip to London, he fell in love with a young British girl.

Interestingly, after a couple of decades, it turned into the most hated European ruler for the Russian Emperor Alexander II.

The reign and reforms of Alexander II

When Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov reached adulthood, his father introduced him to the main state institutions. In 1834, the Tsarevich entered the Senate, next year- to the Holy Synod, and in 1841 and 1842 Romanov became a member of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers.

In the mid-1830s, the heir made a long familiarization trip around the country and visited 29 provinces. In the late 30s he visited Europe. And it was also very successful military service and in 1844 became a general. He was entrusted with the guards infantry.

The Tsarevich leads military educational institutions and chaired the Secret Committees on Peasant Affairs in 1846 and 1848. He delves quite well into the problems of the peasants and understands that changes and reforms are long overdue.

The outbreak of the Crimean War of 1853-56 becomes a serious test for the future sovereign on his maturity and courage. After martial law was declared in the St. Petersburg province, Alexander Nikolaevich assumed command of all the troops of the capital.

Alexander II, having ascended the throne in 1855, received a difficult legacy. During his 30 years of rule, his father failed to resolve any of the many pressing and long-standing issues of the state. Besides difficult situation the country was aggravated by the defeat in the Crimean War. The treasury was empty.

It was necessary to act decisively and quickly. Foreign policy Alexander II's goal was to use diplomacy to break through the tight ring of blockade that had closed around Russia. The first step was the conclusion of the Paris Peace in the spring of 1856. Conditions, adopted by Russia, cannot be called very profitable, but the weakened state could not dictate its will. The main thing was that we managed to stop England, which wanted to continue the war until complete defeat and the dismemberment of Russia.

That same spring, Alexander II visited Berlin and met with King Frederick William IV. Frederick was the emperor's maternal uncle. They managed to conclude a secret “dual alliance” with him. The foreign policy blockade of Russia was over.

Domestic policy Alexandra II turned out to be no less successful. The long-awaited “thaw” has arrived in the life of the country. At the end of the summer of 1856, on the occasion of the coronation, the tsar granted amnesty to the Decembrists, Petrashevites, and participants in the Polish uprising. He also suspended recruitment for another 3 years and liquidated military settlements.

The time has come to resolve the peasant question. Emperor Alexander II decided to abolish serfdom, this ugly relic that stood in the way of progress. The sovereign chose the “Baltsee option” of landless emancipation of peasants. In 1858, the Tsar agreed to the reform program developed by the liberals and public figures. According to the reform, peasants received the right to purchase the land allocated to them as their own.

The great reforms of Alexander II turned out to be truly revolutionary at that time. He supported the Zemstvo Regulations of 1864 and the City Regulations of 1870. The Judicial Statutes of 1864 were put into effect and the military reforms of the 1860s and 70s were adopted. Reforms took place in public education. Finally, the shameful for developing country Physical punishment.

Alexander II confidently continued the traditional line of imperial policy. In the first years of his reign, he won victories in the Caucasian War. Successfully advanced in Central Asia, annexing to the territory of the state most Turkestan. In 1877-78, the tsar decided to go to war with Turkey. He also managed to fill the treasury, increasing the total income of 1867 by 3%. This was done by selling Alaska to the United States.

But in last years During the reign of Alexander II, the reforms “stalled.” Their continuation was sluggish and inconsistent. The emperor dismissed all the main reformers. At the end of his reign, the Tsar introduced limited public representation in Russia under the State Council.

Some historians believe that the reign of Alexander II, for all its advantages, had a huge disadvantage: the tsar pursued a “Germanophile policy” that did not meet the interests of the state. The monarch was in awe of Prussian king- his uncle, and contributed in every possible way to the creation of a united militaristic Germany.

A contemporary of the tsar, chairman of the Committee of Ministers Pyotr Valuev, wrote in his diaries about the strong nervous disorder sovereign in the last years of his life. Romanov was on the verge nervous breakdown, looked tired and irritated. “Crown half-ruin” - such an unflattering epithet given by Valuev to the emperor, accurately explained his condition.

“In an era where strength is needed,” the politician wrote, “obviously, one cannot count on it.”

Nevertheless, in the first years of his reign, Alexander II managed to do a lot for the Russian state. And he really deserved the epithets “Liberator” and “Reformer”.

Personal life

The emperor was a passionate man. He has many novels to his credit. In his youth, he had an affair with his maid of honor Borodzina, whom his parents urgently married off. Then another novel, and again with the maid of honor Maria Trubetskoy. And the connection with the maid of honor Olga Kalinovskaya turned out to be so strong that the Tsarevich even decided to abdicate the throne for the sake of marrying her. But his parents insisted on breaking off this relationship and marrying Maximilianna of Hesse.

However, the marriage with, nee Princess Maximiliana Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt, was a happy one. 8 children were born there, 6 of whom were sons.

Emperor Alexander II mortgaged the latter's favorite summer residence for his tuberculosis-stricken wife. Russian tsars- Livadia, having bought the land along with the estate and vineyards from the daughters of Count Lev Pototsky.

Maria Alexandrovna died in May 1880. She left a note containing words of gratitude to her husband for a happy life together.

But the monarch was not faithful husband. The personal life of Alexander II was a constant source of gossip at court. Some favorites gave birth to illegitimate children from the sovereign.

An 18-year-old maid of honor managed to firmly capture the heart of the emperor. The Emperor married his longtime lover the same year his wife died. It was a morganatic marriage, that is, concluded with a person not royal origin. The children from this union, and there were four of them, could not become heirs to the throne. It is noteworthy that all the children were born at a time when Alexander II was still married to his first wife.

After the tsar married Dolgorukaya, the children received legal status and a princely title.


During his reign, Alexander II was assassinated several times. The first assassination attempt occurred after the suppression of the Polish uprising in 1866. It was committed in Russia by Dmitry Karakozov. The second is next year. This time in Paris. Polish emigrant Anton Berezovsky tried to kill the Tsar.

A new attempt was made at the beginning of April 1879 in St. Petersburg. In August of the same year, the executive committee of Narodnaya Volya sentenced Alexander II to death. After this, the Narodnaya Volya members intended to blow up the emperor’s train, but mistakenly blew up another train.

The new attempt turned out to be even bloodier: several people died in the Winter Palace after the explosion. As luck would have it, the emperor entered the room later.

To protect the sovereign, the Supreme Court was created administrative commission. But she did not save Romanov’s life. In March 1881, a bomb was thrown at the feet of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya member Ignatius Grinevitsky. The king died from his wounds.

It is noteworthy that the assassination attempt took place on the day when the emperor decided to launch the truly revolutionary constitutional project of M. T. Loris-Melikov, after which Russia was supposed to follow the path of the constitution.