Bitter September. Birth number for a man

On September 8, 1999, an explosion occurred in a residential building on Guryanov Street in Moscow, it was preceded by a terrorist attack in the house where the families of 138th officers lived motorized rifle brigade Russian Ministry of Defense, in Buinaksk on September 4. The bombings of residential buildings occurred in parallel with the fighting in the North Caucasus.In August 1999, the invasion of Wahhabi militants from Chechnya into the territory of Dagestan began, which Russian authorities responded by launching an anti-terrorist operation. After the explosions of residential buildings, echoes of the Caucasian conflict were felt in those regions of the country that were far from the source of the confrontation. The terrorists struck civilian targets in early September, when the militants were already being driven out of Dagestan. IN total sabotage groups from Chechnya carried out four major terrorist attacks in September 1999 residential buildings(Buinaksk, Moscow (2 explosions), Volgodonsk). In addition, on September 22, an incident occurred in Ryazan that still causes a lot of controversy - a prevented terrorist attack in a residential building was declared an FSB exercise. "Caucasian Knot" introduces readers to the chronicle of these events and versions of what happened.

Explosion in the Okhotny Ryad shopping center on Manezhnaya Square

Moscow, August 31, 1999

The first explosion in the 1999 series of terrorist attacks occurred on August 31, 1999. A bomb detonated in an underground shopping complex" Okhotny Ryad" on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow, in which one person died and several dozen were injured.

Initially, the explosion was considered a criminal showdown, but was later reclassified as a terrorist attack.

An improvised explosive device was planted in the cabin slot machines, located on the lowest, third tier of the shopping complex. The explosion occurred in the evening, when there were hundreds of people in the slot machine salon and the adjacent fast food restaurant hall.

In all likelihood, it was assumed that after the explosion a fire would break out, and people would die not so much from the blast wave and damaging fragments, but from smoke and fire, but no fire occurred.

On September 2, 1999, responsibility for the explosion in mall militants of a terrorist organization took over Manezhnaya Square" Liberation Army Dagestan." A representative of the organization said that terrorist attacks in Russia will continue until federal troops leave Dagestan.

The perpetrators of the terrorist attack, Khalid Khuguev and Magomed-Zagir Gadzhiakaev, were sentenced to 25 and 15 years in prison. Shamil Basayev, who instructed Khalid Khuguev to organize terrorist attacks in Moscow, died in 2006 due to careless handling of an explosive device (according to another version, he was killed as a result of a special operation by the FSB).

Explosion of a residential building in Buinaksk

Buynaksk (Dagestan), September 4, 1999

The first major terrorist attack in a series of explosions in the fall of 1999 was the bombing of a house in the city of Buinaksk. It is in this city, located in close proximity from the center of the ethno-religious conflict - Chechnya, on September 4, 1999, a residential building was blown up where families of officers of the 138th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ministry of Defense lived.

The house was completely destroyed, and nearby buildings were partially damaged. The detonated explosive device was located in a GAZ-53 truck. As a result of the terrorist attack, 58 people were killed and 146 were injured. varying degrees gravity.

The perpetrators of the terrorist act took part in the invasion of Chechen gangs into the territory of Dagestan in August 1999. The investigation established that the terrorist Khattab, who was in Chechnya at that moment, was behind the crime. Later, the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. In particular, Isa Zainutdinov and Alisultan Salekhov were sentenced to life imprisonment, Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrov and Magomed Magomedov - to nine years in a maximum security colony, Zainutdin Zainutdinov and Makhach Abdusamedov - to three years in prison penal colony(both received an amnesty and were released in the courtroom).

On March 18, 2002, Ziyavutdin Ziyavutdinov appeared before the Supreme Court of Dagestan, accused of organizing the explosion of a residential building in Buinaksk. On April 9, 2002, the Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced Ziyavutdin Ziyavutdinov to 24 years in prison.

Explosion of a residential building on Guryanov Street

Moscow, September 8, 1999

A few days after the explosion in Buinaksk, on the night of September 8-9, 1999, a terrorist attack occurred in one of the residential areas of Moscow, on Guryanov Street.

As a result powerful explosion Two entrances of a nine-story residential building were completely destroyed. According to the Moscow City Health Committee, 380 people became victims of the new terrorist attack, of which 106 people died, 264 people received injuries of varying severity.

Terrorist acts were prepared field commanders illegal gangs of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. The perpetrators of the terrorist attack were trained in militant camps.

Subsequently, the perpetrators of the terrorist act were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Some of them were destroyed during the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya.

The direct perpetrators of the terrorist act were Hakim Abayev, Ravil Akhmyarov, Muratbi Bayramukov, brothers Zaur and Timur Batchaev, Achimez Gochiyaev, Adam Dekkushev, Yusuf Krymshamkhalov, Ruslan Magayaev, Denis Saitakov, Muratbi Tuganbaev, Taikan Frantsuzov, as well as namesakes Aslan and Murat Bastanov.

Magayaev, Bayramukov, Tuganbaev, Frantsuzov and both Bastanovs were sentenced to imprisonment for terms of 9 to 15 years. Yusuf Krymshakhalov and Adam Dekkushev were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Moscow City Court. Achimez Gochiyaev, who directly supervised the execution of terrorist attacks in Moscow, is on the international wanted list.

Explosion of a residential building on Kashirskoye Highway

Moscow, September 13, 1999

A new terrorist attack involving militants from Chechen gangs occurred in the early morning of September 13, 1999 in Moscow, in one of the houses on Kashirskoye Highway.

As a result of the explosion, the house was completely destroyed, 124 residents of the house were killed and nine were injured. As in the case of terrorist acts that took place earlier, the initiators and perpetrators of the terrorist attack were Chechen militants. As a result of inspections of residential buildings in Moscow, one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack became known - Achimez Gochiyaev, who rented a place in the basement (using the documents of Mukhit Laypanov, who died six months before the attacks), where he stored explosives under the guise of sugar. Later, other accomplices in the crime were identified.

As it became known, a sabotage group of Chechen militants was involved in the bombings of houses in Moscow (on Guryanov Street and Kashirskoe Highway).

The direct perpetrators of the terrorist act were Hakim Abayev, Ravil Akhmyarov, Muratbi Bayramukov, brothers Zaur and Timur Batchaev, Achimez Gochiyaev, Adam Dekkushev, Yusuf Krymshamkhalov, Ruslan Magayaev, Denis Saitakov, Muratbi Tuganbaev, Taikan Frantsuzov, as well as namesakes Aslan and Murat Bastanov.

Magayaev, Bayramukov, Tuganbaev, Frantsuzov and both Bastanovs were sentenced to imprisonment for terms ranging from 9 to 15 years. Yusuf Krymshakhalov and Adam Dekkushev were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Moscow City Court. Achimez Gochiyaev, who directly supervised the execution of terrorist attacks in Moscow, is on the international wanted list. The result of two terrorist attacks carried out in residential buildings was an anti-Chechen campaign in Moscow aimed at identifying suspicious persons living without registration and possibly involved in the bombings of residential buildings in Moscow.

During mass inspections, a warehouse of explosives was discovered in the basement of one of the houses on Borisovsky Ponds and six electronic timers were found at once, five of which were programmed to specific dates- it was assumed that terrorist attacks were to be carried out in five more Moscow houses.

Terrorist attack in Volgodonsk

Volgodonsk (Rostov region), September 16, 1999

The last in a series of terrorist attacks in September 1999 was the explosion of a residential building in Volgodonsk (Rostov region).

In the early morning of September 16, 1999, an explosive device went off in a GAZ-53 truck parked near a nine-story residential building.

As a result of the explosion, the facade of a residential building was damaged, and residential buildings and buildings located in the immediate vicinity, in particular, the regional police department, were also damaged. A total of 42 houses were damaged.

According to the conclusion of the explosives examination, the power of the explosive device in TNT equivalent was 800-1800 kg.

18 people died, 63 people were hospitalized. Total number the number of victims was 310 people.

As in the case of the above-mentioned events, Chechen militants who carried out bombings of houses in Moscow were involved in this terrorist attack.

Incident in Ryazan: Caucasian trace in Ryazan sugar

Ryazan, September 22, 1999

As it turned out during large-scale inspections in Moscow residential buildings, the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks stored explosives and electronic explosive devices near the site of the alleged terrorist attack, mainly in the basements of residential buildings. Similar checks were carried out in many other cities of Russia.

Among the main versions and officially published reasons for the terrorist attacks, there is also a conspiracy theory, which consists in the fact that the explosions of houses in Russian cities were the work of the FSB, and the organizers of the terrorist attacks were not at all those who appeared in the official reports.

Probably the basis for such an explanation of the causes of the terrorist attacks that occurred one after another in Russian cities, was the case in Ryazan, when on September 22, 1999, in one of the residential buildings, several people were seen placing bags with a certain white substance.

The accidental witness turned out to be Alexei Kartofelnikov, a regular bus driver who lives in this house. Kartofelnikov drew attention to the fact that the VAZ-2107 car parked next to the basement entrance had a digital region code of 62 (code Ryazan region) - on the license plate was written by hand on a glued piece of paper.

A police patrol, called to the address some time later, found three bags of 60 kg each in the basement, containing a substance similar to granulated sugar and wires sticking out. The find was immediately reported to the police department. The residents were hastily evacuated.

The task force of the engineering and technical department of the municipal police, which arrived at the site of the failed terrorist attack, found that in addition to sugar, the bags contained hexogen and explosive devices. The time of the explosion was set at 5.30 am.

Explosive technicians from the Ministry of Internal Affairs took a kilogram of explosives to their test site, where they tried to detonate it, but no explosion occurred. According to experts, when mixing explosives and sugar, the proportions were violated.

By official version, a residential building in Ryazan, was prepared for an explosion as part of an exercise organized by the FSB. As stated by the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, the exercises were planned in advance, and the bags contained ordinary sugar. According to Patrushev, the purpose of the exercise is to “increase the professionalism of security officers and police officers, as well as test the vigilance of the population.” .

It is noteworthy that other official explanations of what happened contained different facts, which fueled doubt and left room for the conspiracy version of what happened.

Thus, the released data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations indicated that three bags of sugar mixed with hexogen, as well as detonators, were found in a residential building. However, as was stated later, the reason for the discrepancy is in error technical means for detecting explosives. Neither the Ryazan FSB Directorate nor the local unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations found high-quality equipment for identifying explosives. During the examination, police twice found traces of hexogen in a bag containing only sugar, Kommersant reported after the terrorist attacks. At the same time, it did not go unnoticed that Vladimir Putin stated on the day of the incident that there was actually a prevented terrorist attack, and not a successful exercise.

The facts, so uncertainly commented on in the press, caused a wave of comments about the failed explosion. Thus arose a different explanation from the official version of who carried out the failed “terrorist attack” in Ryazan, as well as those that had already taken place in Buinaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk. The version that the FSB or other government officials were involved in the house explosions remains quite widespread. According to supporters of the “Chekist trace” hypothesis, the effect of the terrorist attacks was used by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to ensure his own popularity and recognition (in 1999, Putin was practically unknown to the mass audience), and to legitimize the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.


  1. Terrorist attack at the Okhotny Ryad shopping center in Moscow on August 31, 1999. Help // RIA Novosti, 08/31/2009.
  2. What terrorist attacks occurred in Moscow on August 31, 1999 and 2004? // Arguments and facts, 08/31/2014.
  3. How they were sentenced for the terrorist attack in Buinaksk // Kommersant, 01/25/2006.
  4. On the 3rd anniversary of the explosion of a residential building in Buinaksk // RIA Novosti, 09/04/2002
  5. To the 3rd anniversary of the explosion of a residential building in Buinaksk // RIA Novosti, 09/04/2002.
  6. Monday in Russia has been declared a day of mourning for those killed in Moscow and Buinaksk // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 09/11/1999.
  7. Only the innocent are quickly caught // Kommersant, 09/15/2001.
  8. Explosion of a residential building on Kashirskoye Highway in September 1999. Help // RIA Novosti, 09/12/2011.
  9. Radical Islamists supported the terrorist attacks in Moscow // Lenta.Ru, 09.14.1999.
  10. Terrorist attack on Guryanov: 13 years as one day //, 09/10/2012.
  11. Explosion of a residential building on Kashirskoye Highway in September 1999. Help // RIA Novosti, 09.12.2011.
  12. Explosion #10 // Kommersant, 08/15/2000.
  13. Seven more houses were going to be blown up in Moscow // Kommersant, 09/18/1999.
  14. Terrorist attack in Volgodonsk. Ten years later // Volga-Don, 09.16.2009.
  15. Explosion of a residential building in Volgodonsk in 1999. Reference // RIA Novosti, 09/16/2009.
  16. Explosion of a residential building in Volgodonsk in 1999. Reference // RIA Novosti, 09/16/2009
  17. The terrorist attack in Volgodonsk is completely exposed //, 12/10/2002.
  18. Response from the Prosecutor General’s Office to a deputy’s request about the explosions in Moscow //, 05/14/2002.
  19. Terrorists always paid in cash // Kommersant, 09.24.1999.
  20. Kommersant, 09/24/1999.
  21. Invasion of militants in Dagestan (1999) // Caucasian Knot, 08.21.2014.
  22. Terrorists always paid in cash // Kommersant, 09.24.1999.
  23. Nobody expected terrorist attacks. Especially from the FSB // Kommersant, 09.29.1999.
  24. The territorial act was carried out by the leadership of the FSB in relation to civilians Ryazan.

A whole series of terrorist attacks took place in Russian cities.

On September 4, 1999, at 21.45, a GAZ-52 truck, which contained 2.7 tons of explosives made of aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate, was blown up in the Dagestan city of Buinaksk next to a five-story residential building No. 3 on Levanevsky Street, in which families of military personnel lived 136 1st motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ministry of Defense. As a result of the explosion, two entrances of a residential building were destroyed, 58 people were killed, of varying degrees of severity. 52 people died immediately (among them 21 children, 18 women and 13 men); six people died from their wounds later.

Subsequently, Isa Zainutdinov and Alisultan Salikhov were convicted of this crime. Two more terrorists, Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrov and Magomed Magomedov, received nine years in prison, and their accomplices, Zainutdin Zainutdinov and Makhach Abdusamedov, were given three years each. Later, the last two were amnestied. In April 2001, the Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced another perpetrator, Ziyavudin Ziyavudinov, to 24 years in prison. Magomed Salikhov was also involved in the case of the explosion of a residential building, but in 2006 the court acquitted him of charges of organizing the explosion of a residential building in Buynaks and manufacturing an explosive device. However, the case was later sent for a new trial. Magomed Salikhov was killed during a special operation in Dagestan.

Eight people were involved in organizing terrorist attacks in Moscow (September 6 and 13) and Volgodonsk (September 16). Most of them were later killed during the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya. It was possible to detain only Yusuf Krymshamkhalov and Adam Dekkushev. The investigation established that they were engaged in delivering explosives to the sites of terrorist attacks. In January 2004, the Moscow City Court sentenced them to life imprisonment.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Fifteen years ago, Russia was shocked by a series of terrorist attacks of unprecedented scale, organized by North Caucasian militants. Then in September 1999, explosions of residential buildings claimed the lives of more than 300 people and injured about two thousand.

Terrorist attack in Buinaksk

The first explosion occurred on September 4 near a five-story residential building No. 3 on Levanevsky Street in Buinaksk. Families of officers who served in the 136th Brigade of the Ministry of Defense lived in this house. More than 200 people were trapped under the rubble.

For three days, the military and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations carried out rescue and search operations. Doctors working at the site of the terrorist attack in Buinaksk literally snatched the victims from the hands of death.

Sometimes all work stopped. Rescuers tried in complete silence to hear calls for help coming from under the rubble.

Despite all their efforts, the terrorist attack in Buinaksk killed 64 people. 58 of them died in the explosion, and six more died in hospital a few days later.

Few people remember that right there, not far from the site of the tragedy, security officers managed to prevent another terrorist attack. Immediately after the explosion, they discovered a MAZ car, which contained another 100 kilograms of TNT. A car full of explosives stood between a military hospital and a residential building.

The explosion was supposed to occur late at night - the clock mechanism was set at 1:30. After the discovery of the second car with explosives, the commander of the engineering rescue battalion, Major Oleg Kryukov, personally defused the bomb just 15 minutes before the explosion.

Investigation of the terrorist attack

The Islamic Institute Caucasus (IIC) claimed responsibility for the series of terrorist attacks.

The search for terrorists yielded results almost immediately. The operatives managed to establish their names and trace the routes along which the criminals tried to escape from Dagestan.

The first detainees were members of the Dagestani group Zainutdin Zainutdinov, Magomed Magomedov and Musa Abdusamedov.

Another terrorist, Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrov, managed to leave for Chechnya. But after most of The republic was occupied by federal troops, he returned home, where he was arrested.

On May 20, 2000, criminal investigation officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan detained Isa Zainutdinov and 11 other accomplices in Makhachkala.

Zainutdinov Sr. found a diagram of one of the residential areas of the city, which indicated the location of the explosive device. According to investigators, the terrorists were preparing another terrorist attack. Immediately after his arrest, Zainutdinov claimed that when he drove the truck to Buynaksk, he knew nothing about the true goals of the militants.

"My conscience is clear. The car was loaded with watermelons and was accompanied by people in police uniforms. Anyone could have been in my place,” he said.

However, investigators did not believe the detainee: his son and Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrov had already given evidence opposite Zainutdinov Sr. In addition, his international passport was confiscated in someone else’s name, which indicated the detainee’s intention to escape after another terrorist attack.

On March 19, 2001, the Supreme Court of Dagestan issued a verdict. Although all the defendants denied their guilt and stated that they incriminated themselves under pressure, they were found guilty. Isa Zainutdinov and Alisultan Salikhov were sentenced to life imprisonment, gang members Magomed Magomedov and Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrov received 9 years each. Two more defendants, Zainutdin Zainutdinov and Makhach Abdulsamedov, were released: they were sentenced to 3 years in prison, but were amnestied right in the courtroom.

By that time, Shamil Omarov and Ziyavutdin Ziyavutdinov remained wanted. Already in May 2001, Ziyavutdinov was detained in Kazakhstan, and in April 2002, a court in Dagestan sentenced him to 24 years in prison. Shamil Omarov, who previously headed the “Dagestan diaspora” of terrorists, according to operatives, was killed back in January 2001.

Terrorist attack on Guryanov

Literally 4 days after the tragedy in Buinaksk, on September 8, another explosion occurred in a residential building on Guryanov Street in Moscow, which completely destroyed two entrances of the residential building.

264 people were rescued from the rubble and 106 residents of the house died.

The explosion in house No. 19 on Guryanov Street was recognized as a terrorist attack almost immediately. The FSB established that the terrorist attack was prepared by the leaders of illegal gangs.

The direct perpetrators of the terrorist act were Hakim Abayev, Ravil Akhmyarov, Muratbi Bayramukov, brothers Zaur and Timur Batchaev, Achimez Gochiyaev, Adam Dekkushev, Yusuf Krymshamkhalov, Ruslan Magayaev, Denis Saitakov, Muratbi Tuganbaev, Taikan Frantsuzov, as well as namesakes Aslan and Murat Bastanov, previously who underwent sabotage training in militant camps.

Magayaev was detained in December 1999, Bayramukov, Tuganbaev, Frantsuzov and both Bastanovs - in March 2000. The Stavropol Territory Court sentenced all of them to imprisonment for terms of 9 to 15 years.

Terrorist attack on Kashirskoye Highway

On this day, September 13, mourning was declared in Moscow for the victims of the terrorist attack on Guryanov Street. But at night, on Kashirskoye Highway, another terrorist attack occurs. The same scheme, the same explosives, only this time almost no one was saved.

The eight-story residential building was completely destroyed. Miraculously, only 7 people survived. 124 people died.

On the same day, Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov to check absolutely all residential buildings. In almost all cities not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine and Belarus, unprecedented security measures were taken: people combed the basements and attics of residential buildings, whose residents, in turn, organized round-the-clock watch.

As it turns out later, the terrorist attack on the Kashirskoye Highway could have been prevented.

After the explosion on Guryanov Street, local police officers began checking houses in the territories entrusted to them. In house No. 6 on Kashirskoye Highway, where the explosion occurred, there was a furniture store rented by a certain Mukhit Laipanov. He explained to district police officer Dmitry Kuzov that he was using the premises as a warehouse. Indeed, the policeman found bags of sugar here, but he did not know that explosives were masked in this way.

Nevertheless, on September 12, Kuzov returned to the house for an additional check. But the premises were closed, and the policeman did not break into it without the owner’s permission. Already in the morning next day There was a powerful explosion here.

Terrorist attack in Volgodonsk

The terrorist attack in Volgodonsk, which became the last in a series of explosions of residential buildings in Russia, occurred on September 16, 1999. The explosion occurred early in the morning near house No. 35 on Oktyabrskoye Highway. Just like in Buinaksk, the terrorists used a truck full of explosives.

The explosion destroyed the façade of the house. As a result of the terrorist attack, 19 people were killed and 89 were hospitalized.

As it turned out later, the truck belonged to Abbaskuli Iskenderov. Unaware of the terrorists’ plans, he met Adam Dekkushev, Yusuf Krymshamkhalov and Timur Batchaev in the parking lot, who arrived in the city in a KAMAZ-5320 truck loaded with “potatoes for sale.” They asked Iskenderov to drive the truck to a residential building and keep watch there at night.

The driver did not die during the explosion. At the time of the terrorist attack, Iskenderov returned home to warm up.


18 years ago, on September 8, 1999, house number 19 on Guryanov Street in the southeast of Moscow was blown up in Moscow. This tragedy was the second in a series of house explosions that occurred in one month: the first explosion occurred on September 4 in Buinaksk, on September 8 a house on Guryanova Street was blown up, on September 13 a residential building on Kashirskoye Highway was blown up, on September 16 a house in Volgodonsk Rostov region. As a result of the four explosions, according to official data, 307 people were killed and more than 1,700 were injured.

“Doubts are creeping into the minds of citizens...”

The official investigation into all the episodes was completed several years later: 10 people involved in the organization and execution of the terrorist attacks were convicted and sentenced to prison terms, four are believed to have been killed during special operations in the North Caucasus. One of the key perpetrators of the terrorist attack, Achemez Gochiyaev, is still on the international wanted list.

In addition to the official version that the house explosions were planned and carried out Chechen militants, over 18 years several alternative versions about the organizers and causes of terrorist attacks. One of the most famous was the version former officer FSB Alexander Litvinenko and historian Yuri Felshtinsky about the direct participation of state security in the explosions that occurred: in their opinion, a series of explosions in residential buildings could justify the introduction of troops into Chechnya and raise the rating of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the eve of the presidential elections in 2000. The book “The FSB Blows Up Russia,” in which Litvinenko and Felshtinsky substantiate this version, is recognized as extremist in Russia, and Litvinenko himself died of polonium poisoning in 2006.

Many who also tried to independently investigate the terrorist attacks - Sergei Yushenkov, Yuri Shchekochikhin, Paul Klebnikov and Alexander Lebed - were killed or died under strange circumstances in the years after the tragedy.

In the tenth year since the tragedy, sisters Tatyana and Alena Morozov, who lived in a house on Guryanov Street and lost their mother in a terrorist attack, appealed to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a call to initiate an independent and open investigation into the terrorist attacks ten years later. Over the years, many survivors of the tragedy and human rights activists have demanded the disclosure of investigation data, but all trials in the case of the terrorist attacks were closed, and most of the case materials remain classified. “Restricting access to court contributes to the fact that doubts (often justified) creep into the minds of citizens regarding the legality and impartiality of judges. This does not contribute to the perception of the court as the only civilized method of resolving conflicts,” addressed the chairman Supreme Court RF Vyacheslav Lebedev, lawyer Igor Trunov, who represented the interests of five victims from Volgodonsk.

Doubts that the investigation into the terrorist attacks was independent and impartial also arise against the background of the fact that a number of questions to the investigation still remain unanswered, and some well-known facts about the terrorist attack have not been received official assessment. Open Russia recalls which episodes of house explosions in Moscow and Volgodonsk indicate the suppression of the truth about the terrorist attack.

Houses on Guryanov Street were hastily demolished

The explosion on Guryanov Street, which occurred on September 8 at house number 19, completely destroyed two entrances and also deformed the structures of the neighboring house. It was planned that on the site of the destroyed building a park would be created in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, and new residential buildings would be built nearby. House No. 17 was planned to be reconstructed.

However, both houses were soon demolished. The remains of house No. 19 and house No. 17 were destroyed by explosion in record time - ten days after the tragedy. By that time, not all the relatives of the victims had been able to find the bodies of the explosion victims in the rubble. Everything that was left was taken away very quickly, while in the pile of garbage people still found their belongings, documents and even unidentified remains of bodies. A foundation pit was hastily dug at the site of the tragedy, and construction of new high-rise buildings began.

Replacing readings

It is also known that Mark Blumenfeld, the administrator of building No. 19 on Guryanov Street, changed his testimony under pressure from FSB officers. According to Blumenfeld's testimony law enforcement agencies a composite sketch of the person who rented the basement where the explosives were brought was drawn up and introduced himself as Mukhit Laipanov. Later, the investigation will announce that the real name of this man is Achemez Gochiyaev, who will become the main accused in the case. The identikit, compiled according to Blumenfeld, was almost immediately published in the media, but after some time it was replaced by another.

In 2003, Mark Blumenfeld told the Moscow News newspaper that, under pressure from the FSB, he identified Gochiyaev in a completely different photograph: “In Lefortovo, they showed me a photograph of some person, they said that it was Gochiyaev, and that it was I who allegedly rented out the basement to him . I replied that I had never seen this man. But I was strongly recommended to recognize Gochiyaev. I understood everything and didn’t argue anymore, I signed the testimony. In fact, the person whose photograph they showed me and who was called Gochiyaev was not the same person who came to me.”

After that, that first sketch, compiled according to Blumenfeld’s testimony, disappeared from the case materials. In 2003, Mikhail Trepashkin, former employee The FSB publicly stated that it identified the person depicted in the first sketch as former colleague according to the FSB of Vladimir Romanovich: “When, after the explosion of a house on Guryanov Street, a photo identikit of the man who rented the basement in which the explosives were placed was published, I recognized him as Romanovich. In any case, the lease was issued in the name of Mukhit Laipanov, who, as it later turned out, was actually dead, was issued by a person very similar to him. Having made an unexpected discovery, I reported it to my former leaders from the FSB, giving them a photograph of Romanovich that I had. Soon I noticed that the identikit, very similar to Romanovich, was transforming: the face was becoming more and more elongated. And six months later I found out that Romanovich, who by that time had left for Cyprus, was allegedly run over by a car,” Trepashkin said in an interview with Moscow News. Some time after the interview, Trepashkin was arrested and then sentenced to 4 years in prison for disclosing state secrets and illegal possession of ammunition.

State Duma speaker Gennady Seleznev accidentally let slip about the explosions in Volgodonsk three days before the terrorist attack

On September 13, 1999, on the day when a house explosion occurred on Kashirskoye Highway, State Duma Speaker Gennady Seleznev announced at a meeting that houses had exploded in Volgodonsk, although this terrorist attack occurred only three days later - on September 16.

The day after the explosion of a house in Volgodonsk, at a State Duma meeting on September 17, the leader of the LDPR faction, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, pointed out this misunderstanding: “Remember, Gennady Nikolaevich, you told us on Monday that a house in Volgodonsk was blown up. Three days before the explosion. This can also be regarded as a provocation if The State Duma knows that the house was blown up on Monday, and it will be blown up on Thursday. And at this time, you and I are doing completely different things. Let's do this better! How did it happen that they report to you that at 11 am on Monday a house was blown up. And what, the administration of the Rostov region did not know about this, that they reported it to you? Everyone sleeps, three days later they blow it up, and then we have to take action.” A few seconds later, Zhirinovsky’s microphone was turned off.

The only time Vladimir Zhirinovsky commented his statement in the State Duma in 1999 in a recent interview with journalist Yuri Dudu: “The situation was the most tense: explosions could happen at any moment, at any point. The FSB was monitoring where this could happen, and they knew that certain group came to Volgodonsk, Ryazan or somewhere else. Perhaps, technically, the information that a terrorist attack was being prepared in Volgodonsk, by inertia, someone transmitting it wrote as “a terrorist attack occurred.” It was a technical failure, because the situation throughout the country was extremely tense.”

Exercises in Ryazan

The episode in Ryazan, which occurred exactly two weeks after the explosion of a house on Guryanov Street, still raises the most questions. On the evening of September 22, 1999, a resident of house No. 14/16 on Novoselov Street in Ryazan saw several strangers carrying bags from a car parked near the house to the basement. The police, called by a vigilant resident, found three 60-kilogram bags of a substance similar to sugar in the basement of the house. Investigators later confirmed that the bags contained RDX and an explosive device with a timer set for 5:30 am.

Throughout the next day, the media broadcast reports about the prevention of a terrorist attack in Ryazan, and all officials confirmed the presence of RDX in the bags found. This version was last voiced by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Rushailo, on September 24, but half an hour later, the head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, said that anti-terrorism exercises were being held in Ryazan and there was no hexogen or other explosives in the houses. At that time, many assumptions were made about the inconsistency and inconsistency of the “exercise” version: it is unknown how the Ryazan FSB Directorate, involved in the study of the discovered bags, and Vladimir Rushailo were not informed about the exercise.

The book by Litvinenko and Felshitinsky also describes an episode of how Ryazan telephone operator Nadezhda Yukhanova intercepted phone conversation with Moscow, in which callers from Ryazan were advised to leave the city one at a time. The authors of the book claimed that the typed phone number began with the numbers “224” - this is an automatic telephone exchange serving the FSB.

After the incident in Ryazan, the series of explosions stopped.

Birthday number 5 symbolizes an enthusiastic nature, loving adventure and risky activities, prone to everything unusual. You are active, love trips and travel, and feel at home everywhere.

You are quick and easy to learn foreign languages, traditions of other peoples. Often your actions and behavior turn out to be completely sudden and unexpected, with unpredictable consequences.
With all the difficulties, you usually get away with it. In many ways, resourcefulness, wit, and cheerfulness help you in life. Love for frequent changes can prevent you from appreciating the present and seeing real prospects.

5 is the number of feelings. And people of this number are indeed extremely sensitive. By nature they are very lively, impulsive, frivolous, prone to risk, and value pleasure very much. As a rule, they are easily excitable and are often prone to nervous disorders. In business, people of number 5 tend to succeed and recover very quickly from failures. Best Relationships they add up with the owners of the same number.

The lucky day of the week for the number 5 is Thursday.

Your planet is Jupiter.

Advice: You are always focused only forward, although sometimes it is useful for you to see what is at hand.


The desire for freedom, liveliness, sociability.
Five makes a person sexy and nervous, adventurous and lively. Encourages you to always be on the side of the law, protect the weak, and expose any injustice.

Five patronizes rulers, missionaries, teachers, philosophers, lawyers, bosses and travelers.

Love and sex:

When looking for a sexual partner, these people usually show reckless courage and can have many affairs before deciding to take the final step.

They love to experiment in this area and take a wait-and-see attitude for a long time. Will their marriage be successful or unsuccessful? intimate relationships depends on the extent to which the partners understand each other and whether they are ready to fill their love affair with spiritual content. They are usually confused external manifestation feelings.

Words play more for them important role, rather than caresses, kisses, and sometimes sex itself. But over the years, they understand that words alone are not enough for harmony.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 5 for a woman Such a woman is very attractive, artistic, and charming. She is partial to flattery, can be selfish, and prone to flirting. She is very sensitive and acutely perceives her surroundings. She needs to be admired, respected, approved. She has an ostentatious demeanor. It is impossible to resist her manifestations of tenderness and love. She is both sensual and soulful. She likes open relationships so that others can see the beauty and dignity of her chosen one. She is attracted to people who have a certain life experience and sufficient intelligence. She makes her own decisions and acts in her own way. Don't hurt her pride or try to control her habits. Such a woman strives to participate in various events, evenings, receive numerous guests in the house, and be a member of societies and clubs. She brings with her a bright perception of life, a fresh wind of freedom. Her partner never knows what she is really thinking about and what she will do in the next moment. IN love relationships she is skillful. Takes care of those he loves. It’s good if there is a pragmatic partner nearby who accepts and restrains this overflowing vital energy.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 5 for a man Confident, charming, independent man, does not like to ask or back down. His sexuality involves all five senses, especially touch. He enjoys the present moment. Prefers peace and serenity rather than drama or inspiration over aspiration. In love, he wants to see tangible results of his efforts. He likes to be the leader in a relationship when he is loved and respected. Lack of self-criticism and laziness are its negative aspects. He needs a sociable woman, a relationship with whom would be open, with whom he can discuss almost all issues. What attracts him to a woman is her appearance, her intellect, and her spiritual world. She must look attractive in the eyes of her friends. It's good if a woman shares or accepts his passion for travel and adventure. Pleasure and freedom of action are perhaps the main goal of his life. To a woman who shows him her love, talks about her, treats him to delicious food, nurtures his pride, makes him comfortable, he will give sensual responsiveness and tender attention. He will fulfill her every need with thoroughness and skill. He is characterized by romance and generosity.

Birth number 4

Their main characteristics are intelligence and pessimism. These people usually do brilliant academic career. They have good powers of observation and are receptive to learning. They are extremely efficient workers, albeit without trying too hard. They do any work methodically, without hesitation. They are not quick-tempered and rarely quarrel. They are wasteful, money leaves them as quickly as it comes.

It's not easy to fall in love, but once you fall in love, it's for life. They are loyal not out of obligation, but because it is very difficult for them to love. Sexual appetite is average.

Being born pessimists, they live in constant sadness, which is very difficult for others to bear. Unsure of people. Not having much faith in themselves, they need constant encouragement. If they receive support, they feel great; if not, they become prickly and hot-tempered. Pessimism harms them because... because of this they often fail to achieve great success, miss good opportunities, believing in advance that nothing will come of it.

They do not know how to save, and in times of need they are extremely depressed if they cannot find funds.
Partners, spouses, friends should encourage them, because... deprived of support, they are lost. Everyone around you should be the embodiment of patience and strength. In return, they can receive impeccable devotion, affection and reliability from such people.

They need to overcome at all costs the feeling of inferiority from which they themselves suffer (missing opportunities, blaming the world for injustice). Most often, the reason for failure is themselves. They need to believe in themselves, in their intelligence and abilities.
They may have kidney problems, back pain and headaches.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 2

Energy, charisma - 0

Cognition, creativity - 2

Health, beauty - 2

Logic, intuition - 1

Hard work, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 4

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 4

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 4

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 4

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 4

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 1

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 7

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 7

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 3

Chinese zodiac sign Rabbit

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Rabbit elements Earth of the year Yin

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to twelve signs Chinese zodiac. The Chinese birth horoscope sign corresponding to the time of birth, so it is very important to know exact time birth it has strong impact on a person's character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Virgo

Dates: 2013-08-23 -2013-09-23

The Four Elements and their Signs are distributed in the following way: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to create more full view about this or that person.

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.
The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then mostly due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and a bright, lively imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they do not have utopian ideas like the signs of Fire, but they persistently pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.
People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that prevents them from quickly switching to the new kind activities or relationships. This shows their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo.
People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material assets, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, they can be successful in applied sciences And applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative traits character, such as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutable cross is the cross of reason, connection, adaptation, distribution. The main quality is the transformation of ideas. He is always here and now, that is, in the present. It gives mobility, flexibility, adaptability, flexibility, duality. People in whose horoscopes the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in mutable signs have diplomatic abilities. They have a flexible mind and subtle intuition. They are usually very careful, prudent, vigilant and constantly in a state of anticipation, which helps them adapt to any situation. The main thing for them is to have information. When they feel not very competent or informed in any matter, they are excellent at evading and dodging everyone and everything, although they are considered the most knowledgeable of the entire Zodiac. They are sociable, courteous, talkative, interesting interlocutors. They easily and skillfully give up positions, admit their mistakes and blunders, and agree with their opponents and interlocutors. People of the mutable cross strive for inner harmony, agreement, mediation and cooperation, but are subject to strong internal anxiety and external influence. Their greatest passion is curiosity, which drives them to be in constant movement. Their views and worldview are rather unstable and depend on the environment. Often they lack own point vision. This partly explains the reasons for their imbalance and inconstancy, the changes in their lives. The true goals and plans of these people are difficult to predict, but they almost accurately guess the plans of others. They take advantage of every opportunity that can bring them benefit or profit, and skillfully manage to circumvent the blows of fate. People with a mutable cross are born realists. To achieve their goal, they use numerous friends, acquaintances, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, even strangers. Life crises are easily experienced and quickly forgotten. If not straight path To life goal, then they will go in a roundabout way, thinking about every step, bypassing all visible sharp corners, avoiding all the pitfalls. What helps them is their natural cunning and slyness, flattery and deception, and ability to deceive. Mutable signs will help out of any abnormal, unusual situation; such a situation will not make them nervous, they will only feel their element, in which they can finally act. At the same time, their psyche and nervous system very unstable. Serious obstacles can quickly incapacitate them, unsettle them and delay the achievement of their goals. In this case, they do not resist, but go with the flow.

Virgo is the sign of the element of Earth, which here gives stability, strength and fundamentality. Its main formative planets are Proserpina and Mercury. The element Earth in Virgo is very static, so Virgos can be distinguished by extreme conservatism, strong rationalism, scrupulousness and pedantry. From Mercury, Virgos have prudence and perception of everything through the mental plane. Virgos are capable of remembering very large amounts of information and can process and analyze this information almost accurately. However, sometimes they lack creative initiative and intuition, that is, those main qualities that are necessary for creative synthesis.

Virgo, as a rule, is an excellent analyst, but they are usually weak in synthesis, so among Virgos you can find many experimental scientists and picky researchers who delve into details and build their system from small facts (For example, Butlerov, Rutherfod, Galvani, Faraday , Darwin). Among the Virgos we also find compilers of dictionaries - Brockhaus, Vladimir Dal. There are also Virgo writers, very gifted and who created monumental works - Goethe, L. Tolstoy.
Born under the sign of Virgo, you can be a philosopher, as you have a fairly strong mentality. In general, you study well and perceive any information. You can achieve great heights with hard work and consistency. For you, perhaps harmony consists of many small details and individual components, that is, harmony for you consists of little things. Therefore, you can be a good statistician, accountant or librarian.

In case of low spiritual development, in the worst case, qualities such as coldness and rationality may appear. An example of a strong Virgo logician is Hegel, whose iron logic to some extent compensated for his low abilities for synthesis. IN worst case you can be a dry pedant, but still with some creativity.
Among Virgos we also find people with a “ little man" They are very efficient and honest, they never get into trouble and do not conflict with their environment. Gogol loved and described such people very much. Yours worst traits when low level- this is service and servility, manifested in communication and at the same time strong self-interest, which you may be guided by.

In the case of the average level, Virgos are most often selfless. Some tediousness and pedantry are characteristic of you in any case, even at top level development. At the highest level, you are full of information and are a living walking dictionary, very erudite. It’s better not to argue with you - you can crush them with your erudition. In general, you probably love it when people admire your intelligence and abilities, and work for you is probably the most important thing in life.
Your innermost essence and development system is analysis, and you develop through the analysis of everything. You build your system from small details, and in its highest manifestations, realizing the vibrations and qualities of Proserpina, you build a kind of supersystem, which is sometimes understandable only to you alone, that is, it is ahead of its time. Your main problem is the problem of “taming” your talkativeness, as well as the possibility of directly expressing your feelings. As a rule, you have a Venus complex - love is given to you with great difficulty, because you perceive feelings and emotions mentally, through the mind. This may cause you to experience coldness in love, coldness in general, tightness and complexes. Do you sometimes suffer in your personal life or things aren't going well for you family life, you may well be a bachelor or an old maid.

When raising children with the Sun in Virgo Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to aesthetics, because in the worst case, the lack of Venusian qualities can lead to the fact that they go to the other extreme: from coldness to complete revelry. Virgos begin to explore love from a mental point of view, becoming cold experimenters in love and sex. For example, you can choose your partner by zodiac sign, by degree, by decade and experiment with what and how it will turn out, that is, you go harsh in a practical way.
Yours karmic task- do the most difficult and hard work on earth, the most thankless job that all other signs of the Zodiac provide her with. Therefore, you can work in hospitals: as a nurse, a nurse, a surgeon, where there is a lot of sewage and dirt - you tolerate everything easily, you are not squeamish. You belong to a very responsible, serious and high zodiac sign.
Among the countries under the sign of Virgo are Germany, primarily Prussia, where pedantry, accuracy and precision were very high. Japan is also the country of Virgo, where details are developed very precisely and in detail, unique instruments are created, very small and precise.
Among the Virgos was Tomaso Campanella, a man with amazing powers of regeneration.

Famous Virgos: Arafat, Botkin, Gaft, Galvani, Hegel, Goethe, Gere, Gamzatov, Humboldt, Gundareva, Helmholtz, Garbo, O'Henry, Ivan the Terrible, Dolina, Doronina, Jackson, Dovlatov, Dzerzhinsky, Dvorak, Jean-Michel Jarre , Zemfira, Sean Connery, Kobzon, Kuprin, Cooper, Christie, Kutuzov, Karelin, Copperfield, Kostolevsky, Kosmodemyanskaya, Leonov, Mercury, Mother Teresa, Lauren, Lagerfeld, Lem, Levitan, Mitkova, Montoya, Proklova, Pinkerton, Ranevskaya, Rosenbaum , Reeves, Rutherfod, Rodnina, Rutskoy, Rourke, Richelieu, Spivakov, L. Tolstoy, A. Tolstoy, Terekhova, Wells, Farmer, Faraday, Zeiss, Schiffer, Ingres, Yablochkov.

Watch a video:

Virgo | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the corresponding websites.