Can Western democracy really be ruined by a passion for political and sexual scandals: opinions. What determines the path to success in practical life

  1. Economic knowledge is necessary for every person as a consumer and as an employee. An economically literate person knows how to make decisions about purchasing goods and hiring, how to protect himself from the consequences of rising prices, how best to use his savings, what profession to choose so as not to end up unemployed later.

    Flaw economic knowledge and skills to accept based on them rational decisions turns around for participants economic activity decline in well-being, financial losses, dissatisfaction and disappointment in professional activity, reducing opportunities to competently defend their economic rights.

  2. The development of market relations in our country required new economic knowledge from their participants, without which successful practical activity and the ability to make the right economic choice in conditions of limited resources are impossible. Understanding general the functioning of the economy helps its participants to competently determine their economic policy and make reasonable economic decisions even in the most unfavorable periods of the enterprise’s activity.
  3. The modern economic development of Russia depends to a large extent not only on officials or politicians, but also from the active participation of its citizens in governing the country. Your choices as a voter can influence the economic policy of the country, and your choices as a worker or consumer will determine not only your well-being, but also how the people around you will live.


    Reflections on Features Russian school economic thought Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. I. Abalkin (from a report at scientific conference Institute of Economics RAS and Volny economic society Russia).

    Globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development, does not eliminate, but in many ways exacerbates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own merits and advantages, its own value system and its own understanding of progress... In this regard, we must once again return to understanding the special role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought... Huge influence on the self-determination of the Russian school of economics thoughts, both in domestic and world science, have influenced the originality and uniqueness of the civilization that has developed in our country. No other civilization, if we exclude the still poorly studied specifics of Asian civilization, has had approaches, moral values, and perceptions of the surrounding world and man’s place in it so different from the West. This could not but affect culture and science, especially the humanities. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth that removes all restrictions as insignificant, is perceived quite differently and often fundamentally differently in Russian economic thought.

    The economic world is not interpreted as eternal struggle individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, initially multi-colored complex of complementary and thereby mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods... The state is not rejected, but is organically combined with the market, the common social good is higher individual success.

    Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did this, it was successful. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) were disappointed. 20th century, including its last decade, bright that certificate.

Questions and tasks for the document

  1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place of the Russian school of economic thought in science? What determines the uniqueness of this scientific school?
  2. Which are different from Western approaches, moral values, views on the place of man in the world are characterized, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
  3. Can we agree with the author that the use of these approaches by economic science could ensure success? economic development countries?
  4. Using knowledge Recent history and the facts of the socio-economic life of Russia in the last decade, give examples that confirm the scientist’s conclusion that deviations from the approaches and values ​​​​developed by Russian economists led to failures.

Self-test questions

  1. What is the reason for the appearance economic science?
  2. What are the main problems of economic science? Name and describe them.
  3. What do macroeconomics and microeconomics study?
  4. What is necessary for natural objects to be transformed into consumer goods? What is the role of economic activity in this process?
  5. How can gross domestic product be measured and determined?
  6. In what ways can the volume of production be increased with the limited resources available?


Thoughts of the wise

“Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.”

L. Peter (1919-1989), American writer

The average person always submits to the one who declared his superiority over him, because he does not have the strength and courage to oppose himself to him. But at the same time he hates the one to whom he obeys precisely for this reason, and rejoices in everything that reduces the latter to his level

Political scientist, doctor political sciences Sergei Chernyakhovsky in the article “Western democracy will be destroyed by a passion for political-sexual scandals” emphasizes the unhealthy passion of Western society for political-sexual scandals. “A healthy person, assessing Napoleon or Peter the Great, evaluates the number of his victories and what they did for the country; unhealthy - finds out how many mistresses they had. The average person always submits to the one who declared his superiority over him, because he does not have the strength and courage to oppose himself to him. But he simultaneously hates the one to whom he obeys precisely for this reason, and rejoices in everything that reduces the latter to his level. It's no secret, and those who lead political struggle, they know this and know how to use it,” notes the political scientist.

: Is not it Western democracy can the passion for political and sexual scandals ruin it? Can we agree with the author that citizens should be concerned about the results of the leader’s reign, and not about his sexual “adventures”?

Lev Vershinin, political scientist and historian, candidate of historical sciences:

This time, the wise Sergei Chernyakhovsky simply lays out the obvious. In fact, the so-called “publicity” of the lives of famous people, in essence, the most effective technique, allowing those in power, showing off on the proscenium, to manipulate the stupid masses, who like to consider themselves at least equal to their superiors, and those with real power - staying in the shadows, pulling the strings, controlling the dolls dancing on the proscenium. The true rulers of the “free world” built this system for a long time, trying, making mistakes and trying again, but in the end they built it, and will not rest until they have modeled the whole world according to this pattern. Simply because leaders who do not agree to play the role of puppets set a disgusting example for those who agree, but are burdened and would like to break the strings. And there are many of them.

Yuri Yuryev, political constructor:

Something completely incomprehensible is going on there. In fact, the Italian ruler turned out to be a pedophile. And, suddenly and simultaneously, his adventures coincided with a campaign for the EU authorities to recognize homosexuals and pedophiles as “simply another form of self-expression,” and not at all a crime against the family and the people. It looks like someone framed the old man as a guide on the topic, and framed it indicatively, as one of the top officials in Europe. It’s scary to imagine how many homosexuals and pedophiles there are in the West, since they were able to lobby for legislation that they are the norm, not a disease, and are capable of conducting operations with the elites, and also in conflict. And it is not the passion for scandals that will destroy the West, the scandals themselves are a show and they do not give rise to threats that can be calculated as force. The West will be destroyed by the same thing that destroyed more than one Mediterranean power, complete distrust and complete immorality, and, as a result, the complete unwillingness of everyone to protect those around them, each of whom has the right to behave like a pederast or pedophile.

There is an opinion quite famous person, John Rockefeller, billionaire: the path to success is determined by the absence of selfish goals.

If I had to give you some parting words young man about to embark on the path practical life, I would give him advice in the following terms: “If you are going to achieve great, generally recognized success, then, whether you are on your own or forced to sell your work, do not at all begin practical life with the thought of knocking out of work, at any cost, as Can more money. When choosing a vocation in practical activities, imagine the solution to your need, first thoughts: where should I settle down so that I can most actively use my strengths for the benefit of society? Where will my work in the interests of the same society be most effective? With these thoughts, enter practical life and your first steps in it will be the first steps towards success!

The world around us repeats from all sides: “To be successful and rich, you need to focus on earning all the money in this world. And now, when you have the money of the whole world, then you will feel rich, successful and at the same time happy.”

And John Rockefeller writes in his memoirs that you need to focus on something completely different - on the benefit of the world and society, the world and society are ready to pay generously for this.

Can we agree with the author that the absence of selfish goals paves the way to success?
John Rockefeller, the billionaire, was never interested in competitors. He was always interested in hired labor. His interest was:
A. hire workers
b. hire as many qualified workers as possible
With. hire them as cheaply as possible

Here's a., b. and s. - this is one of the components of his path to wealth. But D. Rockefeller did not focus on this aspect. He focuses on the qualities he wants to see in his employees. Of course, he expects greater returns from workers who are willing to work hard and unselfishly. Such workers actually have more chances get a job in one of D. Rockefeller's enterprises and achieve success. He may entrust some to manage these enterprises. And how will they turn out? further fate- I think in different ways. One thing is almost certain: they will not compete with D. Rockefeller himself. This is the path to success.

How do you like this parting word for someone starting out in life?

May 10, 2017 Tags: 474

Reflections on the features of the Russian school of economic thought by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. I. Abalkin (from a report at a scientific conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Free Economic Society of Russia).

Globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development, does not eliminate, but in many ways exacerbates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own merits and advantages, its own value system and its own understanding of progress... In this regard, it is necessary to return once again to understanding the special role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought... The identity and uniqueness of the civilization that has developed in our country had a huge impact on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic thought, both in domestic and in world science. No other civilization, if we exclude the still poorly studied specifics of Asian civilization, has had approaches, moral values, and perceptions of the surrounding world and man’s place in it so different from the West. This could not but affect culture and science, especially the humanities. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth that removes all restrictions as insignificant, is perceived quite differently and often fundamentally differently in Russian economic thought.

The world of economics is interpreted not as an eternal struggle of individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, initially multi-colored complex of complementary and thereby mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods... The state is not rejected, but is organically combined with the market, the common social welfare stands above the individual success.

Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did this, it was successful. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) were disappointed. The 20th century, including its last decade, is clear evidence of this.


1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought? What determines the identity of this scientific school?
2. What approaches, moral values, and views on the place of man in the world that differ from Western ones characterize, in the opinion of L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
3. Can we agree with the author that the use of these approaches by economic science could ensure the success of the country’s economic development?
4. Using knowledge of modern history and the facts of the socio-economic life of Russia in the last decade, give examples that confirm the scientist’s conclusion that deviations from the approaches and values ​​​​developed by Russian economists led to failures.

economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Free Economic Society of Russia). Globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development, does not eliminate, but in many ways exacerbates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own merits and advantages, its own value system and its own understanding of progress... In this regard, it is necessary to return once again to understanding the special role and place in science of the Russian school of economic thought... The identity and uniqueness of the civilization that has developed in our country had a huge impact on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic thought, both in domestic and in world science. No other civilization, if we exclude the still poorly studied specifics of Asian civilization, has had approaches, moral values, and perceptions of the surrounding world and man’s place in it so different from the West. This could not but affect culture and science, especially the humanities. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth that removes all restrictions as insignificant, is perceived quite differently and often fundamentally differently in Russian economic thought. The world of economics is interpreted not as an eternal struggle of individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, initially multi-colored complex of complementary and thereby mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods... The state is not rejected, but is organically combined with the market, the common social welfare stands above the individual success. Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did this, it was successful. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) were disappointed. The 20th century, including its last decade, is clear evidence of this. QUESTIONS AND TASKS FOR THE DOCUMENT 1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place of the Russian school of economic thought in science? What determines the identity of this scientific school? 2. What approaches, moral values, and views on the place of man in the world that differ from Western ones characterize, in the opinion of L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization? 3. Can we agree with the author that the use of these approaches by economic science could ensure the success of the country’s economic development? 4. Using knowledge of modern history and the facts of the socio-economic life of Russia in the last decade, give examples that confirm the scientist’s conclusion that deviations from the approaches and values ​​​​developed by Russian economists led to failures.

Detailed solution Paragraph § 2 on social studies for 11th grade students, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. Is the economy capable of satisfying all people's needs? Can economic activity be measured? How does the economy develop - spontaneously or according to its own laws? Is competition between producers beneficial to consumers?

The economy cannot satisfy all needs. Economic activity is a set of actions on different levels management, as a result of which people satisfy their needs through production and exchange material benefits and services. An activity becomes economic when it aims or has the effect of producing and exchanging goods or services that are recognized as either useful or rare. Economic activity has a certain sphere of application of forces: agricultural, industrial, handicraft, activities in the field of import, export, activities of liberal professions, etc.

Economic laws are stable, significant cause-and-effect, repeating relationships between economic phenomena and processes. In other words, economic laws are a manifestation sustainable relationships between people, emerging in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption, which at the same time manifest themselves as interests.

Competition is the struggle between economic entities for the maximum efficient use factors of production. In economics, we talk about business competition between economic entities, each of which, by its actions, limits the ability of a competitor to unilaterally influence the conditions of circulation of goods on the market, that is, the degree to which market conditions depend on the behavior of individual market participants.

Competition benefits the consumer. The more active the competition, the cheaper and better quality the manufacturer makes his product (service) in order to sell exactly his product (service).

Questions and tasks for the document

Globalization, which has become the leading trend in world development, does not eliminate, but in many ways exacerbates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own merits and advantages, its own value system and its own understanding of progress.

Question 2. What approaches, moral values, and views on the place of man in the world that differ from Western ones characterize, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?

The economic world is interpreted not as an eternal struggle of individuals optimizing their well-being, but as a complex, initially multi-colored complex of complementary and thereby mutually enriching processes, forms of organization and management methods. The state is not rejected, but is organically combined with the market; the common social good is higher than individual success.

Yes, we can agree. Science was called upon to absorb this approach, and where it did this, it was successful. Where she deviated from this rule, she (and the country) were disappointed. The 20th century, including its last decade, is clear evidence of this.

Question 4. Using knowledge of modern history and the facts of socio-economic life in Russia in the last decade of the 20th century, give examples that confirm the scientist’s conclusion that deviations from the approaches and values ​​​​developed by Russian economists led to failures.

The economic crisis of 1998 in Russia was one of the most severe economic crises in Russian history.

The crisis occurred against the backdrop of severe economic situation in a country exacerbated by ineffective macroeconomic policies implemented by the authorities in the mid-1990s. In those years, a tight monetary policy (containing inflation by refusing emission financing of the state budget and by maintaining an overvalued ruble exchange rate) was combined with a soft budget policy (unreasonably inflated budgets adopted by the State Duma and signed by President Yeltsin). The impetus for the crisis came from two external factors: a sharp decline in world prices for goods of the fuel and energy complex (the main item of Russian export) and the crisis in South-East Asia, which broke out in mid-1997.


Question 1. What is the reason for the emergence of economic science?

This is due to the fact that for most of human history, basic economic issues (what, how and for whom to produce) were most often decided either in accordance with traditions and customs, or by order of the head of state. Therefore, people's actions were predetermined and predictable and there was no need for economic science. IN market economy decisions on basic economic issues began to be made by a free, independent producer. Scientists became interested in how this “free” and “self-regulating” economic system works.

Economists have sought to study how the general interrelationships of large elements of a market economy (for example, employment, international trade, economic policy states) and individual problems(e.g. supply and demand, market competition).

Question 2. What are the main problems of economics? Name and describe them.

The subject of attention of scientists has become such universal problems as limited resources and economic choice. (Remember what you learned about these concepts from social science course basic school.)

The needs of society in connection with the increase in population, acceleration scientific and technological progress, deepening cultural relations constantly increase and become almost limitless. On the contrary, economic opportunities - those real resources that society can direct to satisfy needs - are always limited at any given moment. Society is constantly faced with the need to resolve this contradiction and the problem of economic choice. How to more fully satisfy, given the amount of resources available, existing needs? Economics is trying to solve this problem.

Economics studies various areas and laws of economic development at different levels. Thus, the part of economic science that studies the economy as a whole is called macroeconomics. Its subjects include, for example, the problems of unemployment, poverty, economic growth, the role of the state in regulating the economy and protecting the interests of society.

Question 3. What do macroeconomics and microeconomics study?

Microeconomics is a part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual economic entities (consumers, workers, firms), their activities and impact on the national economy. It studies the choice problems faced by individual economic actors. For example, the interaction of consumers and producers in the market for goods and services, entrepreneurs and hired workers in the labor market, etc. At the same time, microeconomics studies the functioning of individual markets and industries. It explains how prices for individual goods are set, what funds and why are allocated for the construction of new enterprises, the development of industries, how the activities of industries and markets are influenced by state policy.

Both levels economic analysis(macro- and microeconomics) are interconnected. For example, if the reasons for the rise in prices for the products of an oil refinery are analyzed, then this is a microeconomic problem. Analysis of the decision on the state's antimonopoly policy in relation to enterprises in the oil industry is the subject of macroeconomics. At the same time, the behavior of individual participants in economic activity (manufacturers, firms) largely depends on the state of affairs in the economy of the entire country.

The current stage of economic development is characterized by high interdependence of national economies on a global scale. That's why economic theory necessarily involves consideration of the problems of the relationship of national economies with the world economy. Studies the laws of development of the world economy independent part economic science - world (international) economics. The subject of her research is international trade goods and services, capital movement, exchange and trade of results scientific and technical activities, international monetary relations, etc.

Question 4. What is necessary for natural objects to be transformed into consumer goods? What is the role of economic activity in this process?

IN in a broad sense The word economy is a set of methods for creating conditions for the survival and progress of humanity. From this we can conclude that economic activity represents all types economic activity people to meet their needs and provide material living conditions.

Economic activity is necessary in order to transform resources into the necessary economic benefits - goods and services that satisfy one or another human need and are available to society in limited quantities. Schematically, the process of transforming natural objects into consumer goods can be represented as follows:

Production – Distribution – Exchange – Consumption

To measure economic activity, various economic quantities and indicators are used that characterize the state, properties, and quality of the economy, its objects, and processes. These quantities make it possible to find out how the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption are going, and what their results are.

Let's meet some economic indicators, used to assess the level of production and development of the country's economy.

Economic quantities are divided into two large classes - absolute and relative.

Question 5: How can gross domestic product be measured and defined?

This indicator of the volume of national production is defined as the value of all final products (goods and services) produced during the year in the country. By dividing a country's GDP by the number of citizens, we get an indicator called GDP per capita.

GDP is calculated both in unchanged (constant) prices of the base year and in current (effective) prices. That is, economists distinguish between two indicators: real GDP, when its volume is expressed in constant prices of manufactured products; nominal GDP, when its volume is measured in current prices.

When calculating the real GDP indicator, as a rule, an adjustment is made for the value of inflation (the rate of price growth), and it will depend only on changes in real output. When the prices of goods and services rise, nominal GDP (based on current prices) may rise even if the level of output remains unchanged or falls.

Let's assume that nominal GDP increased during the year from 200 to 500 billion rubles. But during the same period, prices doubled, and 1 ruble during this period had purchasing power, equal to half former. We can say that GDP increased only to 250 billion rubles. (RUB 500 billion: 2). For example, in Russia from 1990 to 1999, the GDP indicator increased by more than 7 thousand times. During this time, prices increased 13,750 times (that is, almost twice as much as GDP). Thus, real GDP also decreased by almost 2 times.

Since economic growth in a country is usually judged on the basis of data on the volume and dynamics of GDP, it is necessary to use the indicator of real gross domestic product.

Question 6. In what ways can the volume of production be increased with the limited resources available?

The forecasts being developed reflect priority areas modernization: increased investment, creation of a favorable competitive and business environment, search for new sources of economic growth, overcoming the technological gap and stimulating high-tech production, development of the innovative sector of the economy.

There are two ways to increase results: extensive and intensive. In the first case, growth occurs due to involvement in production more resources: work force, time, equipment, material resources and so on. In the second case, production growth occurs due to more efficient (rational, economical) use of available resources, or even by reducing the amount of resources. In conditions of limited resources, development, of course, should only be intensive.


Question 1: China's GNP is higher than France's GNP. Is it possible to draw a conclusion on this basis? better position affairs in its economy? Explain your answer.

In most countries, annual production volume national economy measured through the gross national product (GNP).

GNP is defined as the value of all final products (goods and services) created by producers in a given country during the year, both domestically and abroad.

GNP is considered a measure of the economy as a whole, because it actually includes the value of all goods and services produced during the year. Based on GNP, several more indicators are calculated: gross domestic product, net national product, national income.

The size of GNP is not the main criterion in determining the success or failure of any country. Big role plays a role in population size. In China it is 1.3 billion, in France - 65.4 million. On a per capita basis, France will be in a better position, since its population is tens of times smaller. And the standard of living in France is many times higher than in China.

Question 2. Fill out the table “Sections of economic science” in your notebook.

Microeconomics: conditions for concluding a business transaction, competition between producers, interaction between consumers and producers in the goods market, costs and profitability of the enterprise.

Macroeconomics: decline in economic growth, employment, level and rate of inflation, reasons for growth wages in the oil industry.

World economy: turnover of the international currency market, deepening of the international division of labor, foreign trade policies of countries, reasons economic crisis.

Enter the listed problems in the appropriate columns of the table: conditions for concluding a business transaction, turnover of the international foreign exchange market, competition among producers, slowdown in economic growth, interaction between consumers and producers in the goods market, deepening the international division of labor, employment, costs and profitability of the enterprise, foreign trade policy of countries , level and rate of inflation, causes of the economic crisis, reasons for wage growth in the oil industry.

Question 3. In 2004, compulsory car insurance was introduced in Russia. This process had both supporters and opponents among car owners. Which position would you support? Give reasons for your answer.

Auto insurance is a type of insurance protection that is designed to protect the property interests of the insured associated with restoration costs vehicle after an accident, breakdown or purchase of a new car after theft or theft, compensation for damage caused to third parties during the operation of the car.

Many questions are raised by the interaction of insurance companies with Russian Union auto insurers, where instructions are developed for companies on the application of specific provisions of the law. By the time the law comes into force, all the necessary papers must be ready, but how they will work is not always clear. They will be checking on Russian drivers.

The second problem is how insurers will be able to cope with traditional Russian troubles like the rudeness of traffic cops, “set-ups” on the roads and the dubious quality of car services. Foreign colleagues will not be able to cope with this issue.