World education in Bulgaria. How can a foreigner get an education in Bulgaria?

Schools in Bulgaria are a very important topic for parents. Those parents who move to Bulgaria with school-age children. Why don't I say "to the kids"? Therefore... after reading this text you will understand.

Of course, there are schools in Bulgaria, there are many of them and they are different. In the sense that in Bulgaria there are a lot of state secondary schools, and in Sofia and Varna there are private and foreign schools. I don’t know about Burgas, probably there is one too. But, of course, most schools are located in Sofia and this is logical.

School in the center of Sofia 6 OU "Count N.P. Ignatiev". The “basic school” type, that is, up to the 7th grade. It was founded in 1888 and the building was built in 1915.

When you move to Bulgaria for permanent residence with children, you are concerned about choosing a school - where to study for your child, where he will be given the best knowledge, where he will feel good, and so on.

Therefore, for some reason, many parents immediately set their sights on or other “Russian” schools in Burgas and Varna, and at the same time are not at all aware of why they are doing this. They just think it will be better this way. And why? Why do you think that the level of education in the embassy school in Sofia or something else - in the "Russian" Burgas or Varna school - is better than in any other Bulgarian school? Where do you get such confidence? If you don't know anything about the country yet... If you do this because the child doesn't know the Bulgarian language, but then he will never learn it at all.

I don’t understand the desire of people to escape (“evacuate” as they say) from Russia in order to infiltrate the Russian system here. This means replacing awl with soap. This means not respecting the country they moved to and not trusting it.
I mean people who make a conscious choice, who were preparing to emigrate and collecting information, who are “sick of everything in Russia.” Not about expats, refugees and not about those who fell from the moon - there are also those who accidentally arrived at the last moment and need to run somewhere to study.
I’m talking about planned serious emigrants who decided that they were not on the same path with Russia, soberly chose Bulgaria to live and spent a long time looking for schools for their children. And so they went to school at the embassy in Bulgaria, thus deciding to “stay in the system.” Hey, that's what they say. To me.
For what? Why exchange an aquarium for a three-liter jar?

By the way, in the embassy school there are people who study there no longer in the first generation. Interestingly, most of them received higher education at Sofia University.

More details

We must start with the fact that the question of where they teach better in Bulgarian schools or in Russian ones is not correct. Bulgarian schools have a different program and a different method of presenting knowledge. Bulgarian schools in their attitude to the learning process are comparable to Russian universities - they give everyone everything, but whether they take it or not is their problem. Children learn in a state of great freedom, which we are not at all used to. There are no diaries (there are Belezhniki, which is not the same thing), knowledge is tested by tests - whoever has not studied and done the assignments is a fool himself. That's all. This is the Bulgarian education system in a few words.

The rating scale is six-point, but it means little, since tests are mainly assessed and those in fractions (no attention is paid to current assessments). That is, the teacher can give the child no 6 A 5,45 , and three does not mean two according to our system. The academic year begins on September 15 and ends in June. The older the class, the longer the children study, that is, until June 30 inclusive!

Schools in Bulgaria are specialized. For example, in Sofia there is a comprehensive school with a musical focus - they fully teach music and playing musical instruments in parallel with all the necessary sciences. There is also a sports school and art schools.

In Bulgaria, education is divided into three phases: primary, pre-gymnasium and gymnasium. In total it turns out to be 12 years. After 7th grade, children take an exam like our Unified State Exam, only it’s called “ " . Based on the results of this exam, the child chooses a gymnasium or technical school. The higher the matric score, the greater the chances of entering the best educational institution and completing the remaining five years of study there. And, in general, the matura is the European Unified State Exam and its presence is very important for admission to European universities.

Criteria for assessing tests in a Bulgarian school

It’s different in the Russian system and you yourself know how.

But! One should not think that the embassy school is an example of Russian classical education. She is very far from this. This school is only good for the children of diplomats - everything in their lives is already quite clear. This school offers little to everyone else.

First of all, I’ll tell you a secret - the program there is old. I'm talking about the middle classes. The program under which the embassy school operates lags several years behind the program of the secondary school of the regional center in the Russian Federation. I checked this personally.

Secondly, at the embassy school there is a complex hierarchy of relationships between the director and parents. Here those who have money pay, if they don’t pay they must be geniuses, or problems are guaranteed. This is a sad fact. Unmercenary geniuses are not offended at school, but this status is too rare and does not apply to everyone.

Thirdly, the level of knowledge strongly depends on the teacher, and the teaching staff at the embassy school is in constant turnover.

Fourthly, the embassy school is not at all concerned with the education of your children - they have a different task there. If you understand the status of the school (for children of diplomats) and understand how teachers come there, then it will become clear to you that the embassy school is a place for the secondment of teachers and placement of relatives of diplomats who arrived in Bulgaria on a business trip for work, rest and entertainment.
Of course there are exceptions, but that’s why they are exceptions.

In the latter, only primary education can be considered good in an embassy school. And only if you are lucky with a teacher. The fact is that in Bulgarian schools, primary education is the same level as a Russian kindergarten. But ours teach - they really teach. But after the fourth grade the trouble begins. That is, depending on your luck. If your child is a genius and you are too, and you have money for tutors, and then for legalization of a diploma and admission to European universities, then everything is ok. And if not? Then why do you need all this?

If you have already left the Russian Federation, then let your children immediately immerse themselves in a different environment, learn a language, learn to live differently, they will receive a European school certificate and be able to enter European universities for free. If there are enough points, and if there are not enough, then you will pay, but less and without unnecessary troubles with a Russian diploma.
Who studies at the school at the embassy in Bulgaria: children of diplomats, Bulgarians and people who decided to stay in a three-liter jar, as they say, “in the system.”

Parents who came to BG with their children send their children to Bulgarian kindergartens, because there are no others, and from there they go to Bulgarian schools and do not experience any hesitation or problems with assimilation.

I also advise all new arrivals to enroll in Bulgarian schools. Unless, of course, they have serious intentions for their future lives and the lives of their children.
Which Bulgarian schools are the best? I don't know. But it's not a problem. You can freely move from one school to another completely officially twice during the entire period of study (and as many times as you wish). After primary school and after secondary school (7th grade).

Will your children know Russian grammar and so on? Of course not. What did you want? Now it is your job to solve such problems. But you brought them to a foreign country. For what? For a better life? What does this mean in the first place? First of all, this is successful assimilation, which can only occur in society, that is, at school. And nothing else.
You want your children to become Europeans, so send them to European schools. If you think that Bulgaria is not Europe, then what are you doing here?

This is my personal opinion and it depends only on my own experience and analysis of observations. It’s not my job to please anyone, so there’s no point in being offended by it.

1. At the Russian school at the embassy in Bulgaria they do not teach the Bulgarian language and there is no after-school program. At the same time, in most schools in Bulgaria they teach Russian and have an after-school program.
2. In the embassy school, education is paid for everyone except diplomats; in Bulgarian schools, education has recently been free for Russians too.

The main attraction of the country is the State Library of Cyril and Methodius in Sofia. Students from foreign countries are attracted here by the excellent quality of education, as well as its moderate cost. It should be noted that higher education in this state is recognized throughout the world. Many universities provide the opportunity to study in graduate school or receive a second higher education.

Students from Russia can apply to study at Bulgarian universities as part of a scientific or cultural exchange. Let us note that a medical certificate, a diploma of completion of education, as well as a student’s identity document must be certified, as well as translated and legalized in accordance with the (international) agreements of two countries: Russia and Bulgaria.

Universities in this country provide language and specialized training to students from the Russian Federation who do not know the local language – Bulgarian. Due to the fact that this language is close to Russian, Russian citizens quickly master it. After completing specialized training and language courses, students are enrolled in Bulgarian universities.

There is no compulsory vocational education in the education system of this country. Education at local universities is paid for both students from Russia and Bulgarian students.

Student life in Bulgaria

If you are planning to study in this country, then it will be useful for you to know what monthly expenses await you. Let us note that you are lucky, since prices in this country are reasonable.

Question about housing

The most acceptable option is a student campus for one hundred euros per month. In addition, in the capital of the country there is an expensive quarter (“Student Town”), quite expensive. Part of Sofia's universities is located in this place. To rent a house in this place you need to pay about a thousand euros per month.

Another option is renting an apartment. You will need to pay about 250 euros for it. There is one minus - in the first month you will need to pay, in addition to the rent, 250 euros to a voracious realtor.


You will need approximately 210-760 euros for food, depending on your appetite.

How about travel?

For transport travel per month you will have to pay about 130 euros.


If you are interested in painting and art, then visiting museums, cultural centers, and art exhibitions will cost you approximately 130 euros per month.

Scholarships and work for Russian students in Bulgaria

In the country, education scholarships for citizens of the Russian Federation are provided only to applicants

residence permit and insurance. It does not include the following expenses: food, accommodation and purchase of materials and books.

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • live in the Russian Federation at the time of submitting the application form and during the qualifying rounds;
  • you are studying in the 11th grade of a Russian school;
  • you know English well enough and your academic performance is above average;
  • you are not studying at a higher education institution;
  • After completing the program, you will return to your homeland, that is, to Russia.

First, you must fill out an application form for participation, after which it and other necessary documents must be sent to the American University by registered mail.

All semi-finalists will be informed individually about the exam dates. Free testing is carried out only in test centers in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Based on an assessment of the entire package of documents, a decision is made to provide a scholarship. Applicants who did not receive the above Soros scholarship have the right to receive a partial university scholarship.

Applying for a student visa in this country

To receive education at one of the universities in Bulgaria, a Russian student needs a long-term visa. It is issued at the Consulate of the above country, that is, Bulgaria. The Consulate's representative offices are located in St. Petersburg and also in Moscow. The cost of such a document is 35 euros.

The visa is valid for a maximum of six months from the date of issue. It gives a citizen of the Russian Federation the right to enter the country once. After a student of the Russian Federation arrives in this state, he is obliged to contact the Administrative Control Service at his future place of residence in order to obtain a residence permit.

To obtain a visa, you must submit the following documents (in two copies):

1. Two photographs (color) of standard size – 3.5x4.5 cm.

2. Application of a certain sample.

3. Foreign passport.

4. A copy (certified) of the court decision on the entry in the Trade Register.

5. A copy (certified) of the tax registration document.

6. Registration with the statistical institute (Bulstat) in Bulgaria.

7. NAP certificate: about registration as an insurer; about self-sufficiency; on the provision of jobs on the terms of a legal relationship (labor) to at least ten citizens of a given country and their provision; about the absence of debt to the above organization - NAP.

8. Certificate from the tax service about the declared financial results and paid fees and taxes.

9. Bank certificate: about the cash account and the movement of payments and deposits, as well as the absence of debts.

10. Confirmation that you have a place to live during your stay in the country. You are required to provide an address.

Education in Bulgaria: some details

The current situation with obtaining education in Bulgaria has acquired progressive development. Some time ago, educational services in primary, basic and secondary education programs for foreign citizens with permanent residence permits were paid. Every year, the amount of tuition was approved by a commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic. It should be said that in accordance with the legislation of Bulgaria, education is compulsory for citizens under sixteen years of age. This also applies to foreigners with a residence permit. At the moment, a number of changes to the Law on Education of the Republic are in the process of being adopted, according to which fees for receiving educational services will be abolished until students reach 16 years of age. This will also apply to foreign citizens. Students who have reached the age of sixteen and decide to continue their education are required to pay. Education in most schools and gymnasiums is conducted in the republican language. If we talk about the opportunity to study in private educational institutions, then it is worth clarifying the availability and terms of a license to conduct educational activities and be prepared to fork out some money.

In accordance with the administrative and legislative acts of the Government of the Republic, intergovernmental arrangements and agreements, foreign citizens who have a permanent residence permit are admitted to educational institutions of higher education on a paid basis. However, the provided list of documents: passport, diploma (certificate) of previous education and medical certificate, translated and certified by the legal service, is not enough. In accordance with the established admission rules, only after the procedure for coordinating applicants with educational institutions of other states, the Republican Commission of the Ministry makes a decision on the recruitment of applicants for higher education in Bulgaria.

The annual republican subsidization of places in universities for foreign citizens is calculated on average for 500 people. The procedure for distributing the number of places by universities, majors and specialties is formed from applications and proposals received from higher educational institutions of other states.

The examination schedule and control test materials are developed by the teaching community of universities in Bulgaria. The list of subjects taken includes the following: Bulgarian language and literature, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German), history of Bulgaria, mathematics, biology, chemistry. Applicants for admission to a higher educational institution of culture and sports additionally take major disciplines. In accordance with the principle of the rating scale, those applicants who received the highest score are selected from each state.

In the ranking of prestigious higher educational institutions of the Republic, the first places are occupied by Sofia University of St. Clement of Orchid, Sofia Technical University, American University in Bulgaria, Paisiy Hilendarski University in E. The highest number of applicants for admission to the American University. The diploma obtained does not require convertibility, and graduates receive offers of employment and internships in companies in Austria, America, and France.

As in all secondary educational institutions in Bulgaria, the educational process in higher educational institutions is conducted in the republican language. Additional classes are a plus to the main educational programs for those who do not speak Bulgarian.

The cost of training for foreign citizens is regulated by an administrative act of the Council of Ministers. This document is a list of all higher educational institutions in Bulgaria with established specialties and disciplines. The Order determines the cost for each form of education at all levels of obtaining an academic degree. As an example, here is some data:

  • the cost of obtaining a Bachelor's degree (training period is 4.5 years) for full-time study is 1800-3000 €, for part-time study (distance learning or evening) - 800-2500 € / year;
  • the cost of obtaining a Master's degree (training period from 4.5 to 6 years) for full-time study is 1800-3000 €, for part-time study - 900-2500 € / year;
  • the cost for obtaining candidate's degrees (or doctoral students) for full-time study is 2500-5000 €/year, for part-time study – 1200-2000 €/year.

It should be added that a foreigner who has received the status of a residence permit becomes the owner of a plastic personal card (“Card for a long-term alien residing in the Republic of Belarus”) with a personal number entered in the register (“personal number for an alien”). All family members automatically receive the same rights. The stipulated maximum period of such stay is one year. The status is subject to annual renewal. After a five-year period, a foreign citizen who has a permanent residence permit acquires the right to obtain permanent residence in Bulgaria.

For successful students of higher educational institutions, the “Citizenship Law” provides for a condition, the content of which indicates an interest in the naturalization of a person of foreign nationality who has particularly distinguished himself before the government of the Republic in the spheres of social and economic life, in the scientific, cultural and sports fields.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria provides competitions and grant programs that allow university students to improve their education ratings and participate in international programs. It is on these competitive platforms that employers in EU countries identify their future interns, and in the future, promising corporate personnel.

For those who want to emigrate to Bulgaria, an important issue may be the features of studying in this country. Education in Bulgaria is based on the principles of the Bologna system, that is, it includes several stages: bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. Admission to universities is carried out without entrance exams. However, studies are paid, both for Bulgarian citizens and for foreign students.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bulgarian education

Speaking about the advantages of Bulgarian education, you should definitely mention:

  • Lack of verification of the level of training of applicants, which significantly increases the likelihood of admission.
  • Relatively low tuition costs compared to other European countries.
  • It is much easier for students who have graduated from a higher education institution in Bulgaria to stay in this country if they decide to live and work there, since the apparatus of the Bulgarian municipality treats graduates of Bulgarian universities favorably;
  • It is possible to receive school education in three languages: Bulgarian, English or Russian.
  • The main disadvantage is the exclusively commercial orientation of education in Bulgaria, and it is paid at all levels - from kindergartens and schools to universities.

    How the educational system works

    The Bulgarian educational system includes pre-school education, school and higher education. In this regard, various types of educational institutions are distinguished.

    Preschool education in Bulgaria includes kindergartens. It is mandatory and lasts four years. Depending on the needs in Bulgaria, you can find different categories of kindergartens:

    • working full or part time;
    • health;
    • specialized – for children with various developmental problems.
    • School education in Bulgaria lasts 12 years. The first four grades are primary education, eight grades are basic education, grades five to eight are considered pro-gymnasium. From the ninth grade to the twelfth - this is already a gymnasium.

      Higher education in Bulgaria is available in more than 40 public and 9 private universities, each of which provides the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree.

      In addition, in Bulgaria there is an educational degree called a professional bachelor. It is received by those students who graduated from technical colleges.

      Top Universities

      Bulgarian universities have been accredited in accordance with accepted European standards. Immigrants from Russia will most likely be interested in Bulgarian universities in Russian. There are no completely Russian-language universities there. But in Varna, the New Bulgarian University (NBU) branch offers a 4-year undergraduate program in International Tourism.

      The NBU was founded in the capital of Bulgaria in 1989. The new Bulgarian University in Sofia specializes in the humanities, communications and arts, and is also the exclusive representative of the British Open University in Bulgaria in the field of distance learning.

      NBU is also a full member of the Francophone University Agency and other authoritative international organizations, such as: European League of Arts Institutes, European Association of Student Theaters, International Center for Communication between Television and Film Schools, Union of Informal European Theaters, International Association of Semiotic Studies, International Institute of Administrative Sciences and the Network of Institutes and Schools for Civil Service in Central and Eastern Europe.

      A university specializing in and leading in the fields of agriculture and medicine is the Thracian University of Bulgaria. He also trains veterinarians. The priority areas of scientific activity of the university are research of the environmental situation, the introduction of innovations in the agricultural sector, the study of veterinary diseases, and conducting fundamental research in the field of medicine.

      Universities in Plovdiv

      For those students who are interested in agriculture, there is an Agrarian University in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was founded in 1945 and during this time has gained a reputation as a national center for agricultural education and agricultural science. This university offers many educational programs for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in full-time and part-time forms of study.

      For those interested in medicine, there is a medical university in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was also founded in 1945 and has undergone the necessary accreditation procedure. The Medical University of Plovdiv participates in the Erasmus student exchange program and is a member of the European Association of Medical Schools. This university offers study programs such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, obstetrics and gynecology.

      Universities in Burgas

      Burgas is one of the student cities and may also be of interest to foreign applicants. Universities of Burgas in Bulgaria are represented by:

  1. Burgas Free University. In the educational process of this educational institution, the emphasis is on the development of creative and independent thinking among students.
  2. University "Professor Dr. Asen Zlatarov". This university provides the opportunity to obtain bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in areas such as humanities and arts, social sciences and business, language and culture, medicine and health, science and technology, and engineering.

Universities in Varna

Varna University of Management in Bulgaria (VUM) is one of the best business schools today. It offers dual degree programs as well as an MBA program to its students. Education at VUM is conducted in English, and the university’s partner is the British Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The Economic University of Varna in Bulgaria offers 17 directions in full-time and part-time forms of study. It has one of the oldest university libraries in Bulgaria, as well as an educational and sports base for rowing.

Documents required by a foreigner for admission

Once a particular university has been selected, you need to collect a package of necessary documents and submit it either directly to the selected university or to the Ministry of Education. In Bulgaria, studies begin on October 1, documents must be submitted before September 1. Required:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • medical certificate, translated and certified;
  • a copy of the certificate, translated and certified;
  • academic certificate - for applicants from Russia.

Within a week, the university will give an answer and, if it is positive, you can begin preparing documents for obtaining a visa.

Admission to university for Russians and Ukrainians

Studying in Bulgaria for Ukrainians and Russians provides the opportunity to obtain a European diploma in one of the most convenient ways. Of course, it is advisable to first learn the language, but Bulgarian is based on the Cyrillic alphabet, and if desired, this language can be mastered in a few months.

Study visa

After the university has sent you an acceptance letter, you need to collect a package of documents for a visa, and it looks like this:

  • document confirming payment of tuition;
  • a document confirming enrollment at the university for full-time study;
  • valid, the validity of which must expire no earlier than one and a half years from the start of the visa;
  • photocopy of national passport;
  • color photograph measuring 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • completed visa application form;
  • , valid in Europe for the entire duration of the trip.

The visa is issued for a period of one year; for the second and subsequent years of study, you must provide a valid certificate from the relevant university.

However, you can extend your visa on the territory of Bulgaria.

Russian schools in Bulgaria

In Bulgarian schools, education is conducted in Bulgarian according to the Bulgarian curriculum. The Russian language is studied as a foreign language in many schools, and it appears in the fifth grade. Accordingly, one should not hope that a child will be able to perfectly master the Russian language solely through the school curriculum if no one has taught him at home.

If you want your child to speak Russian at a level worthy of a native speaker, you can either study him on your own or send him to a Russian school.

There are two categories of Russian schools in Bulgaria: schools where the educational process takes place entirely in Russian and according to the Russian curriculum, and ordinary Bulgarian schools where the Russian language is simply studied in depth.

For a long time, the Russian school in Bulgaria at the Russian Embassy was the only school teaching entirely in Russian. The children of diplomats of the Russian embassy study there for free, the rest - for a fee. In 2015, a similar school opened in Burgas, but it does not have official school status. There are also no reliable reviews yet about the quality of teaching in this educational institution.

Currently, only the secondary school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria can administer Unified State Examinations and issue certificates. The educational program of the Russian school places an emphasis on the study of foreign languages: from the first grade they begin to study English, and from the fifth grade two additional foreign languages ​​are introduced.

Tuition fees in Bulgaria

The only chance to get free education in Bulgaria is to win a European-style grant. In all other cases, the cost of the academic year depends on the city and educational institution, as well as the specialty. The average annual payment ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 euros. Medical specialties will cost more.

Since Blagoevgrad has a branch of an American university whose diploma is valued in the United States, the question may well arise, how much does it cost to study at an American university in Bulgaria? The difference with the best Bulgarian universities is colossal: the cost of one year is $10,000.

To enter the American University (AUBG), you need to score a minimum of 1000 points on the SAT exam and 80 points on the TOEFL iBT exam. In turn, the university offers scholarships to those applicants who score high on the SAT. Scholarship amounts can reach 100% of tuition fees.

Residence permit in Bulgaria/obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria: Video

To realize themselves in life, many of our compatriots send their children to study in other countries, or even improve or change their qualifications abroad. Universities in European countries and the USA are popular. But there is a difference between states and states; for example, not so many Russians are seeking education in Bulgaria compared to the number of those who are ready to go to the UK or Germany. Meanwhile, this is a very worthy option.

The first obvious advantage of choosing this particular direction is that after studying you can receive a European diploma. It opens up the chance to look for work in the most developed countries. Unlike a domestic document on education, which will have to be confirmed, or even re-learned from scratch.

The second plus is the price of the issue. The Bulgarian Ministry of Education adheres to a balanced policy in this regard. Therefore, the cost of a diploma is lower than in a number of European countries. It's nice that the quality of education is quite high.

As for the disadvantages, the main problem may be the language barrier. Because you need to be able to speak English or Bulgarian. In the second case, you can take language courses, which are usually offered at universities.

Education system

You can safely move to Bulgaria with your family, as there are all conditions for education for both small children and school graduates. The educational system is developed. There are both public and private institutions. Different levels have their own requirements for foreigners: in some cases it is possible to study for free, but this is not always possible. The Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science puts forward strict requirements for all educational institutions. Including private ones, general standards must be observed when drawing up programs.


There are public and private kindergartens in Bulgaria. Only the first ones are almost impossible to get into: there are long queues. However, they are not free: tariffs are different for visitors and local citizens. Private kindergartens are more expensive. But they also know how to attract parents. As a rule, they are more modern and well equipped. Additional developmental programs are also included in the curriculum.

Secondary education

In Bulgaria, it is customary to divide education in schools into several degrees. The first, primary, includes from 1st to 4th grade. Then the children are required to study for another 4 years - this is called pre-gymnasium education. After this stage, they take exams on knowledge of the Bulgarian language and mathematics, then the child chooses a gymnasium of a certain direction. Studying in Bulgaria at school is considered complete after the 12th grade.

Higher education institutions

Local universities attract quite a lot of interest from visitors. Although their activities are regulated by general laws, they are completely autonomous. Universities can be both private and public. Higher education in Bulgaria is a rather complex system. It is customary to divide establishments at this level into three broad groups:

  • university;
  • specialized higher school;
  • college.

A university can be called an institution where at least three main fields of science are studied. There are strict requirements for it: at least 70% of lectures must be given by certified persons and teaching staff who work on a permanent contract.

The peculiarity of a specialized higher school is that it teaches one of the main types of science. At the same time, it is characterized by scientific research and artistic and creative directions. Colleges offer bachelor's degrees.

Which option should you choose for your studies? It is worth recalling that this is the weak point of the state. It is not so easy to find a job, especially for newcomers. So the direction and type of institution should really be chosen carefully, taking into account the trends of the vacancy market.

How to enter college

To successfully become a student in Bulgaria, you have to make a timely decision about where to study, collect and submit documents. This can be done as early as mid-summer. Since universities review the papers and make a decision, they accept the applicant for training before the start of the educational process. And it starts in different ways: approximately from September 15 and over the next month. But some institutions recruit twice a year. The second time, in February, they admit students, focusing on immigrants from Asian countries.

Collection of documents

The key point is preparing a package of papers. What documents do Bulgarian universities require? You will need to fill out a form and attach a copy of your passport. It is necessary to obtain a medical certificate and have it translated into Bulgarian, certified by a notary. You will also need a copy of your high school diploma. You will need to pass an international English language exam and attach a document with the recorded result. If the applicant previously studied at another university (for example, in his home country), he will be required to provide an academic certificate.

Conditions for foreigners

In most cases, you have to pay to study in Bulgaria. Moreover, money will be needed for kindergarten, school, and university. However, conditions for foreigners are different. According to the general rule, education in Bulgaria for Russians and other migrants is paid by default. But exactly how much needs to be contributed to the educational institution depends on the situation.

Thus, studying can be cheaper if a foreigner has a residence permit, has passed exams and knows the Bulgarian language. By the way, no one is stopping you from applying for a scholarship. Successful students also have broad prospects. For example, they may be offered free additional courses, sometimes even a second higher education. This is very profitable, especially if you plan to get comfortable here and get .

Bulgaria is a member state of the EU. As in most other EU countries, education here is free and secular.

Despite the fact that the government has submitted an application to join the Schengen zone, other participants have not yet approved it due to the high level of corruption.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The Bologna system, which gives a European-style diploma upon graduation, formally accepted throughout the EU.
  • Programs in English, French, German.
  • Acceptable quality of knowledge.
  • Employment prospects after graduation, which opens the door to naturalization and EU citizenship.
  • The similarity of language, religious and everyday traditions, the complementarity of the population, which contributes to adaptation.


  • Low prestige of the diploma.
  • Relatively low level of teaching.
  • It is not possible to move freely within the Schengen area.
  • Limited scholarship programs and grants.

Structure of primary and secondary education


  • There are public and private kindergartens in the country.
  • The first type is cheaper, but not free, but it is difficult to assign a child there, since there are long queues. In addition, payments for foreigners are higher than for children of residents.
  • Private institutions offer expanded education and training programs, including foreign languages ​​and subjects that develop creative abilities.

Basic and intermediate


Stage / Stage



Basic education: 8 years Mandatory, free. However, there are problems with textbooks. They are given free of charge only to first grade students. The rest have to buy books and supplies at their own expense. Municipal subsidies are provided for poor families.
· initial 1–4 From the 2nd grade, one foreign language is studied, from the 5th grade a second one is added.

After each year a diploma is issued.

· pro-gymnasium 4–7 or 8 From the 7th grade, professionally oriented disciplines begin to be studied.

Upon completion, final exams are taken, which give the right to admission to the next level.

Average: 12 years Voluntary, free.
· gymnasium 5 Academic program in a wide range of humanities and natural sciences.
· vocational and technical 5 Special education in work areas.

How can a Russian leave the Russian Federation? Immigrating to Bulgaria does not always mean returning to his historical homeland?

Types of schools:


Comprehensive schools Education runs from grades 1 to 12 with transition from level to another within the educational institution. Academic and vocational programs are available.
Gymnasiums They enter on the basis of exams after graduating from the 7th grade of a comprehensive school. In the first year the emphasis is on a foreign language. The program is aimed at entering a university.

There are two types:

  • Humanities;
  • mathematical.
Vocational schools Analogue of Russian vocational schools. You can enroll after 7th or 8th grade without exams.

Narrowly focused knowledge and skills in a working specialty and a complete secondary education program are provided.


Pan-European systems


After joining the EU in 2007, the Bologna Agreement was signed, but Bulgaria has certain features:

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  • The European system for accumulating and transferring points allows you to freely transfer from one educational institution to another within the EU.
  • It consists of a unified approach to assessing student work on a par with the national six-point system.
  • There is a minimum number of ECTS for each level. You must recruit at least 60 per year.
  • To obtain a bachelor's degree you will need at least 180 points, a master's degree requires 300 points.
  • Evaluation criteria:
  • According to ECTS, after receiving the results of the session, students are divided into seven groups according to their degree of achievement. Those who fall into clusters A to E are awarded “credits”. The last two clusters Fx and F correspond to an unsatisfactory result; they differ only in that the first gives the right to retake, and the second does not.
  • Correspondence:

Types of educational institutions:


  • Academic education in a wide range of scientific disciplines.
  • Attention is paid to scientific research.
  • There are programs for all three levels of the Bologna system.

Specialized higher schools:

  • Provides in-depth knowledge in a specific area:
  1. specific scientific or technical discipline;
  2. warfare;
  3. sport and physical culture;
  4. pedagogy;
  5. art.
  • Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs.

Vocational colleges:

  • The emphasis is on acquiring professional skills in the chosen specialty.
  • Theoretical training in basic general education disciplines.
  • A professional bachelor's degree is awarded.
  • In fact, this is an analogue of a Russian technical school.
  • The diploma gives the right to continue studying at a university or higher school.

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Forms of training:

  • hospital;
  • extramural.

Academic year:

  • The scope is 32 weeks.
  • Consists of two semesters:
  1. autumn: September (October) – December;
  2. spring: January-May (June).
  • The dates of sessions and vacations are set by the university administration.

Languages ​​of instruction

In addition to Bulgarian, there are programs:

  • German;
  • in English;
  • in French.


Average prices

  • For the year in euros:
  • The most expensive medical faculties: 5000-7000 €.

Grants and scholarships

For Russian citizens, the opportunity to receive education free of charge, in whole or in part, is provided only at the American University.

Grants for studying at this university are paid for by the Soros Foundation. To receive funding, you must submit documents and meet the following criteria:

  • 11th grade school student.
  • Passport of the Russian Federation.
  • On the date of filing the application and the time of passing the competitive stages, reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Academic performance is above average.
  • Guaranteed return to home country after training.

Conditions in case of victory:

  • Coverage of tuition fees for four years.
  • Visa application.
  • Payment for travel.
  • Medical insurance.

Graduates receive 2 diplomas:

  • American;
  • European.

Internship and student exchange

At the interstate level, there is an agreement between Russia and Bulgaria from 1993, which provides for the possibility of exchange, internships, joint conferences and seminars. On its basis, universities must enter into bilateral agreements.

The following directions are considered priority:

  • atomic and space research;
  • cultural connections.

Admission for Russians and other CIS citizens


  • Bachelor's degree:
  • Complete secondary education.
  • The average score of the certificate is at least 62% of the maximum on the scale adopted in the home country. For the Russian Federation:
  1. According to a 12-point system: 7.5;
  2. For 200 points: 195.
  • No health contraindications regarding the chosen profession.
  • Knowledge of language of instruction:
  • For programs in Bulgarian, you will have to complete nine-month courses at the university.
  • For English, tests are taken according to the following systems:
  1. TOEFL (from 80);
  2. IELTS (from 6.0) – preferred.

Master's degree:

  • Instead of a certificate, a bachelor’s diploma from a Bulgarian university with an average score of at least “4”.

Universities may set additional requirements.

Plastic bag:

  • Statement. Filled out by hand under the supervision of a member of the admissions committee.
  • A copy of a foreign passport with a validity period exceeding at least 6 months the expected date of graduation from the university.
  • Medical examination results.
  • Certificate or diploma with inserts on disciplinary performance. If these documents are not yet on hand, attach a certificate of completed subjects indicating hours and grades.


  • All documents are submitted in copies with a notarized translation into Bulgarian.
  • Education documents are certified at the consulate.
  • The finished package is submitted to the university or the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus before September 1.
  • The result is reported within 7 days.
  • If the decision is positive, a student visa is issued.

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Entry document:

  • A student visa category D is issued at the consular section of the embassy.
  • Grounds for accepting the case for proceedings:
  1. university acceptance letter;
  2. receipt for payment of educational services.
  • More details about the process: here.

Cost of stay



Best educational institutions

QS World University Rankings® 2019

According to the forecasts of the experts of this prestigious world ranking, only one university made it into the top 100: Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridski (



The oldest public higher education institution in Bulgaria, founded on October 1, 1888. The university building was built between 1924 and 1934 with the financial support of the brothers Evloga and Hristo Georgiev. The current rector is Anastas Gerdzhikov.