Why does a drunk person's tongue stick out? Is a drunk telling the truth? What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

Is this so? I never cease to be amazed at how often there are expressions that do not have a clear basis, just with someone’s light hand they begin to wander around the world. Most people simply mindlessly repeat beautiful expressions without understanding the meaning at all. There is such a small instructive parable.

One Chinese emperor called the most famous sages and told them:
- All of you are known in the Celestial Empire as very wise people. I am writing to you with a question to which I have not been able to find an answer for many years. Why, if you put dead fish into a vessel filled to the brim, will water necessarily spill out of the vessel? And if you put a live fish into the same vessel, not a drop will spill out? Find me the answer. I'm expecting you all at my place in a week.

A week passed, the sages again gathered with the emperor, began to take turns expressing their vision of resolving the issue, and giving explanations, one more sophisticated than the other. After listening to the last sage, the emperor summed it up with these words:

“I have no doubt that you are all smart people.” And I really liked your explanations of the paradox. But you know what surprises me? What none of you bothered to check, IS THIS REALLY SO?!

This is our story with some beautiful, but baseless expressions and statements. The ostrich hides its head in the sand. It’s beautiful, but he doesn’t hide his head anywhere. Eve gave Adam an apple. But where does it say that it was an apple? Catherine sold Alaska. But Alexander sold Alaska. Such examples can be given for a very long time.

I can say with confidence, having my own experience and having analyzed the behavior of other people, that the expression: “ WHAT'S ON THE SOBRIELD'S MIND IS ON THE TONGUE OF THE DRUNK", it is nonsense. The behavior of a drunk can be compared to how a person behaves in a dream.

And the work of a drunken and sleeping brain is the same. A drunk person can be compared to a sleeping person. The more a person drinks, the more brain cells fall asleep. But no one will argue that we only dream about what we think about all the time while awake.

Everyone knows that you often dream of things that you can’t pull off on anyone’s head. And it certainly wasn’t even close to my thoughts. Even in Christian religions it is believed that a person is not responsible for dreams. And by and large, asking a sober person why he did this or that while drunk is somehow illogical. He himself has no idea. You can ask why he drinks, since such strange things happen to him. There is logic here, of course. But what he does, already drunk, is already his dream.

At one time I traveled a lot to the cities of Russia, and somehow it turned out that when I met Georgians, I quickly found a common language with them. Maybe because my character is similar to a typical Georgian. I have heard from them more than once that they have such an old law. When a person drinks too much and starts talking nonsense, no one gets offended at him, and no one takes his words seriously.

Then the sober person can be asked if he confirms the words that the drunk person said. As a rule, a person apologizes, and that’s the end of it, without any hidden grudges. When I first heard about this, I was amazed at the wisdom of this nation.

Where did the expression come from: what is on the sober mind, is on the tongue of the drunk? We have plenty of examples where a blind man saw and told a deaf man. Well, the fish are spawning. Everybody knows. There is also an old expression: he vomits and rushes, which means he is very angry. Everything falls into one heap, and then this stylistic gem appears: “>OUR DIRECTOR CAVIAR. Who hasn't heard such an expression? Probably everyone is familiar with it. So what should it look like?

The same is true with the phrase discussed in this article. It can be assumed that initially someone rightly noted that, unlike a sober person, a DRUNK person has WHAT’S ON THE MIND, WHAT’S ON THE TONGUE. Because, like a sleeping person, a drunk person has no control over what is happening, which only a awake and sober mind is capable of.

And just like in a dream, a drunk person takes at face value everything that is born in his head. Well, then, as usual, we’ll figure out what we don’t understand. And an elegant, but absolutely stupid phrase is born: WHAT A SOBRIE HAS ON THE MIND IS ON THE TONGUE OF A DRUNK.

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27 comments on “ What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

    I don’t agree with this statement, WHAT’S IN THE MIND AND IN THE LANGUAGE, just like you, because a drunk says a lot of things impromptu, makes things up and is rude thanks to his drunkenness, it’s good if later in the morning he grabs his head and apologizes for his actions.
    I am more afraid, on my part, especially of drunken Aggression, because when I’m sober, I don’t want to be rude, beat anyone up or cause injury, I constantly tell myself to avoid drunken conflicts, to give in even if I really need to, because a drunk person is almost always to blame.
    My father was imprisoned three times and all because he was drunk and broke people’s arms or legs... and to sit for doing something that you don’t even really remember... in my opinion it’s nonsense... but as you wrote, the person seems to be sleeping and not understands what he’s doing, but he still has to answer... I’m sober, I always instill in myself no aggression, a kind of hypnosis for a drunk, because there were incidents, for example, a drunk man ran into as many as three sober people with his fists... they hit his head from behind with a bottle if it was dark, If there was a day and some woman would not have driven away these thugs and called the police with an ambulance, then a suicide could well have happened..

    There were also outbursts of drunken aggression, but as soon as I began to convince myself that everything was fine for two bastards... I have a friend, also a sluggish drunk, who liked to fight and quarrel, but after the three of them kicked him all the way down, he became silky... and if not? but in general, these were police only in civilian clothes, there would be crime and not weak... so you can develop certain rules for yourself so as not to get into such troubles: 1 do not drink with strangers and their companies, you are a stranger, word for word we eat on the table , 2 drinking in crowded places 3 even though I’m twice as healthy as a person, I’ll tell you to fuck me, spit and don’t touch me, and so on

    Therefore, it’s better to say that you remember everything perfectly and describe it colorfully =) but it’s better not to get to that point, and in the near future you will be able to buy a video recorder the size of a button, which will record all your drunken adventures..

    Oh, well, this is actually one of my (I believe, and not only mine) “masterpieces” in a state of “non-standing”. The thirst for communication is off the charts. Previously, it was the phone and travel. It called everyone and all over the globe. As a rule, I traveled by taxi around the city with friends. Now, after three years of sobriety, I encrypt myself and don’t call my friends (by the way, mostly people who don’t drink) - at the subconscious level, the blocking is already visible. But then correspondence on the Internet.
    Sometimes, when you are sober, you read your beloved self and think: “Oh my God! I couldn’t write this crap - I wouldn’t even dream of it in a nightmare!” I once read an explanation of a priest’s drunken state from a religious point of view. In my opinion, it has been accurately noted that the soul of a drunken person is in some kind of other world, where it can very easily become a victim of demons, which guide the drunken person’s actions. Therefore, as a rule, it is difficult for a person to believe that he was capable of such a thing “yesterday”.

    Alik Reply:
    January 7th, 2014 at 22:03

    You know, from a scientific point of view, everything is a little simpler. 🙂 No other world. If it manifests itself, it is not due to drinking, but during recovery from the binge. 🙂 And when you’re drunk, everything human simply falls asleep and the animal nature becomes more active. That is, a drunk man could easily talk to his dog on an equal footing if it could talk. Something like this. 🙂

    Andrey Reply:
    January 7th, 2014 at 22:12

    Alcohol is somewhat similar to drugs. if you change from alcohol, then the effect from drugs is even stronger, increasingly...

    I don’t know.. I have an attitude deep down in my brain - don’t lie. I can say something like that when I’m drunk, but it will be my truthful thought, expressed in ornate, beautiful phrases using profanity. I just think a lot of people poorly even when sober condition. In a sense, there is truth in this expression: What is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunk person. How many secrets and secrets can be learned from a drunk person. And I myself can tell you something extra.

    Sound is a carrier of biologically active information.
    Such information can be obtained from the blood and placenta of newborns
    or photographs using our method. With the help of certain laser technologies,
    we receive special sound spectra that we use as translators
    human condition from pathology to normal.
    Sound programs are created - matrices that are quantum mappings
    healthy state of a particular person and correct deviations from the normal,
    healthy state. Treatment with wave healing information is carried out
    using sound files.

    More information on the website http://wavegenetics.org/
    Doctor of Biological Sciences.
    Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and RAMTN,
    Garyaev P.P.

    One musician from Kyiv told me about one person. “I don’t know who he was: an alcoholic or a drunkard, but he always drank cheerfully and enchantingly.
    “For example,” some person speaks at the May Day demonstration, and he can shout out. - “Look! Yes, this is a real parasite! I know everything about him!” After this, the entire crowd begins to shout approximately the same thing. And then, sympathizers begin to pour him a drink. 🙂
    - Or at the anniversary of some party boss, he decides to give a speech. “I’ve known the hero of the day for a long time. This is an honest and incorruptible person! This is a very modest person. “He’s been wearing the same suit for 30 years!”... After this, the hero of the day himself comes to his senses, they look back at him and ask: “Is it true that he’s been in one suit for 30 years?”.. In short, it all ends with him being led out under little white hands. However, by that time, he had already had a tasty meal and a good party.

    This is how he constantly drank at anniversaries, weddings and funerals of complete strangers. — This is not drinking alone or on Skype! It's fun"! 😀

    Alik Reply:
    March 2nd, 2015 at 18:50

    Hello. It can be assumed that the further fate of this remarkable gentleman is not known for certain. But I dare say that he ended badly... :)

    Mikael Reply:
    March 6th, 2015 at 17:29

    @Alik, Not at all necessary. 🙂 — I haven’t seen this person personally, but I dare to assume that he is a type of “artist.” — For such people, alcohol is not an end in itself, but a means of communication.

    Even when I was studying at music school, we sometimes went to the nearest pub. There, sometimes a very colorful person appeared, to whom the nickname “Gorky” was attached. — He really looked like Maxim Gorky (the picture was spoiled by a bruise under his eye). 🙂 — We bought him beer, and he told us interesting facts from history, read poetry, etc….
    — Imagine my surprise when one day, while on tour in Tuva, performing in Kyzyl on the stage of the local republican theater, this same “Maxim Gorky” came to us backstage, completely sober and, moreover, being leading artist of this theater(!). “When I asked him if he had appeared in that pub one hour,” he looked down, smiled and said, “that’s a thing of the past... That’s how it happens.”

    There are also art types who love to cling to celebrities and are with them everywhere. This type is well depicted in the film “Shirley Myrli”. In my opinion, the hero of the film doesn’t even have a name, but he was with conductor Shnipperson the whole time.
    - It’s hard to say which subgroup that Kiev guy belonged to...
    - Artists, they are - artists. 🙂

    Alik, no. He was next to the conductor all the time, with a frill around his neck and shouted: “The leader will take our Schnipperson away!” 🙂

    Something like this: like: - I saw him with Gazmanov backstage. That is, these kind of people - “you never know who,” but all the time in front of celebrities. 🙂

    Alik Reply:
    March 6th, 2015 at 18:49

    I think these are reptilians in disguise. I suspect that in our government every third person is like this... :)

    Mikael Reply:
    March 6th, 2015 at 21:09

    @Alik, The Russian state fools have no fewer of them. And half of the deputies are under suspicion.. :)

    the day without alcohol is coming to an end, everything hurts, my head is cast iron, I’m already tired of standing, I can’t try to sleep, they seem to be movies PPC blood pressure, I drink Corvalol, I eat phenozepam at night, the fool still went out, I smoked, my hands trembled, darkness

Many people believe that drunk man tells the truth. There is even such a saying: .
Is this really so: can you trust a drunk person, or is someone else talking to you?

Is it true that drunk people are telling the truth?

Should you trust a drunk person? Is it really drunk people tell the truth- let's figure it out...

For example: a drunk man says he loves you - is it true? Of course, it is possible that these words are sincere, but most likely, this turns out to be a fiction... a subconscious, innate desire to love and be loved in general, and not specifically you and you.

The same can be said about the “traditional” in a drunken conversation: “You respect me, I respect you.” The subconscious illusory goal is emotional exchange...to give and receive “a piece of love and recognition” - which is often so lacking in a sober life, because many people wear social masks and are not themselves when sober.

Or, what can often be observed in communication with a drunk person - “drunken tears” and repentance - what is this truth...deep sincerity?
No. You have no doubt about it. Tearfulness, excessive emotionality and “drunk” sensitivity are unconscious psychological blackmail. The illusory, subconscious goal of a drunken person is “extortion” of the same, often dissatisfied in childhood, love, recognition, emotional acceptance and respect.

The same can be said about “drunken anger”, irritability and aggressive behavior due to drunkenness... - “hunger for love and respect” - low self-position in life.

And the notorious “drunken generosity”, turning into uncontrollable wastefulness, and ostentatious kindness, bordering on a “disservice” - what is this... this is also an illusory satisfaction of emotional and psychological hunger.

In a word, drunkenness itself: the thinking, feeling and behavior of a drunken person is a “childish” psychological game of an adult, with only one goal - to get what was so lacking since childhood: love, attention, recognition, acceptance and respect... to complete what has been accumulated for years of wearing a mask, negative situations stored in the subconscious... to work out some negatives accumulated in the psyche... simply - a drunk really wants to emotionally devour (he... or she is hungry).

But the problem is that this is an illusion of satisfying hunger - a subconscious fantasy... self-deception. Plus - what often happens - deception of others... (lie detector)... so all this “no business” is repeated...

Proverb: What's on a sober man's mind is on his tongue

Regarding the popular saying: “What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk”- this can be said to be true. True, many interpret it incorrectly - hence the misunderstandings and contradictions.

What's on a sober person's mind? What a person is taught in the process of upbringing to keep within himself, in the depths of his soul... what our “Control Self” does not let out... does not allow us to work it out...

A What's on a drunk's tongue?...and also in feelings and behavior - this is our “Emotional Self”, with its childish, fantastic, illusory and imaginative thinking... And in the drunken person’s language is what the “Control Self” did not allow him to express - the same in emotions and behavior...

However, you still can’t trust a drunk person literally (literally), because... drunk thinking differs from sober thinking, just as adult thinking differs from child thinking - which is precisely why a sober and drunk person cannot understand each other. They just speak different languages.

And yet, you can “get” the truth out of a drunk - the main thing here is to catch what his “Emotional Self” wants - to satisfy this need... and the truth is in your pocket... But this is already in the realm of manipulating a person - this is bad, in that including, and for the manipulator.

Also, if you get a person drunk and talk to him, you can learn a lot about his true “I”, about his internal problems, and about what you can expect from him in life... will you have a happy life with this person...

If you want to know everything about a person - his secrets who has already spoken to you while drunk, then order


    What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk


    lit. what a person thinks sober, he says drunk; what"s on a drunk"s tongue is in his mind when he"s sober; cf. what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals; wine in, truth out; drink loosens the tongue; good ale (liquor) will take a cat speak

    He scolded his wife, Tikhon, me... What does this mean?.. - I don’t know. I was drunk. - This is not the reason! - Alexei almost shouted... - Here it’s different: “what’s on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunk,” that’s what’s here! They don’t shout about family matters in taverns. (M. Gorky, The Artamonov Case)- "You cursed your wife, and Tikhon, and me... What does that mean?"... "I don"t know. I was drunk." "That"s no explanation," returned Alexei, almost shouting now... "There"s something else behind it. What a person thinks sober, he says drunk - that"s what"s behind it! A tavern"s no place to yell about family affairs."

    You need to keep an eye on Fedka Orlanin. He speaks inappropriately about the sovereign-emperor. True, maybe she's drunk. But what is on the tongue of a drunken man is on the mind of a sober man. (M. Alekseev, Cherry Whirlpool)- "Have to keep an eye on Fyodor Orlanin. He"s saying bad things about the emperor. In his cups, true. But what"s on a drunk"s tongue is in his mind when he"s sober."

    2 What's on the sober mind, on the tongue of the drunk

    Set phrase: (thirst) , what the sober man keeps under his hat, the drunken man cries (or shouts, proclaims) from the housetops, wine in, truth out



    ⇒ when a person is drunk he talks freely, says what he would not say when sober:

    - - drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals ;

    - what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals ;

    - the sober hide what drunks confide ;

    - the truth comes out when the spirits go in.

    ♦ [author's usage] [Platonov:] I'm drunk... drunk... My head is spinning... [Glagoliev 1 (aside):] I'll ask! What is in the sober soul is in the drunken tongue (Chekhov 1). [R:] I"m drunk-drunk! My head"s spinning... I"ll ask him. What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals (1a). I"m drunk, drunk. My head"s spinning. I"ll ask my question. The sober hide what drunks confide (1b).

    4 What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

    People when they are drunk tell things they are silent about when sober. See Truth in wine (I), Drunk - what a small fellow: what is on the mind is on the tongue (P)

    Var.: Sober thoughts, drunken speech Cf: Drunken heart won't lie (Am.). Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals (Am. , Br.). A drunken tongue tells what"s on a sober mind (Am.). /Good/ ale will make a cat speak (Br. ). Good liquor will make a cat speak (Am. , Br. ). What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals (Am. , Br. ). When wine sinks, words swim (Am. , Br. ). Wine /is/ in, truth /is/ out (Br.). Wine is the discoverer of secrets (Am.)

    5 What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

    1) General subject: wine is in, truth is out

    2) Set phrase: drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals, good ale will make a cat speak, good liquor will make a cat speak, he speaks in his drink what he thought in his drouth (thirst) , what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals (what a person thinks sober, he says drunk) , what the sober man keeps under his hat, the drunken man cries (or shouts, proclaims) from the housetops, wine in, truth out, the sober man retaineth, the drunkard revealeth, drink loosens the tongue, drunkenness makes a man let out the truth

    3) Saying: What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals

    6 SOBER

    What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

    7 DRUNK

    What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk

    8 sober

See also in other dictionaries:

    What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk- Drunk speech, sober thought. Sober thoughts, but drunken speech. Wed. It’s partly better that he’s drunk; a drunk always talks. Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 10. Wed. Ce que le sobre tient au coeur Est sur langue du buveur. Wed. Quod in animo... ...

    What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk- What is on a sober person’s mind is on the tongue of a drunken person. Drunk speech, sober thought. Sober thinking, but drunken speech. Wed. It’s partly better that he’s drunk; a drunk always talks. Dostoevsky. Humiliation and offended. 3, 10. Wed. Ce que le sobre tient au… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    What is on the mind of a reader is on the tongue of a drunk.- What is on the mind of a drunk (sober) is on the tongue of a drunk. See DRUNKENNESS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    TURN ON YOUR TONGUE- 1. what is ready to come out of someone’s mouth. This means that person (X) has a strong desire to pronounce, say, ask, express something. (p). speech standard. ✦ (1) Inactive long-term situation: P is on the tip of X’s tongue. The nominal part is unchangeable... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    language- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? language, why? tongue, (see) what? language, what? language, about what? about language; pl. What? languages, (no) what? languages, why? languages, (I see) what? languages, what? languages, about what? about languages ​​1. The tongue is a soft organ in ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    stupid and small (drunk) tell the truth- (Drunk, what) guy: what’s on the mind is on the tongue. Wed. And the folder’s money is all piled up! shouts the eldest son, a kind of enfant terrible, whom some bilious gentleman taught to repeat this phrase. Saltykov. Gubernsk. very good 7. Buerakin. Wed. Kinder und… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    sober- adj., used compare often Morphology: sober, sober, sober, sober and sober; more sober; adv. sober 1. Sober is a person who is not drunk. Always sober. | Rarely sober. | Not quite sober. | Completely, completely sober. |… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky- Mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky. Rice. P. Boklevsky, 1910. Anton Antonovich Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky character of Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”, mayor ... Wikipedia

    Proverb- a short, stable in speech, rhythmically and grammatically organized saying of an edifying nature, which records the practical experience of the people and their assessment of certain life phenomena. P. appears in speech, in contrast to ... ... Pedagogical speech science

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    the whole truth is in the wine- Wed. Indeed, it is not without reason that the proverb says that the truth is in the wine. Turgenev. Yakov Pasynkov. 1. Wed. ...Someone, Having first thought about wine, And having drained the cup to a drop, Saw the truth at the bottom. A.S. Pushkin. True. Wed. Im Wein ist Wahrheit nur allein. A. Lortzing.… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

Question to a psychologist

We have been dating for 1.5 years.. and both are Aquarius.. he plays sports professionally.. and of course he rarely drinks.. but when he has the opportunity to drink, he doesn’t always know when to stop.. and in general, we basically have an excellent relationship, we live together.. we have dog and planning a wedding.. but the last situation “killed” me.. he drank a lot on New Year’s Eve.. and said things to me that I was simply in shock.. and that he didn’t want to live with me and kicked me out of the house. that I'm scary (even though I'm a model appearance and I always dress well and expensively) that I’m almost the last person in life.. What should I wear? I just do not understand? Does he think so when he’s sober? I just don't know the explanation for this...

Hello, Yana! rather, what is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunk person - when a person drinks, then alcohol allows you to remove all prohibitions and barriers and everything that is inside comes out outside - a kind of - in a state of intoxication, a person’s face is visible - how he behaves (aggressive or not), what he says, how he communicates, etc. and your young man also abuses alcohol - rather, sport is only a deterrent to him! and in a state of intoxication, he allows himself to do this (and there is no need to cover it up and justify it with this state!) - You should think about whether you are ready to accept him as such? accept this attitude towards yourself? accept what he allows himself when he drinks? that he doesn’t want to answer for himself? are you worthy of this? and do you need such a partner next to you? look back and look at the relationship as a whole - what is happening in it? what kind of partner is he? what relationships? talk to him, voice what you are worried about - what will he answer you (will he take responsibility or hide behind his condition?)

Good answer 3 Bad answer 1

Hello, Yana. Most likely, your young man’s attitude towards women is not entirely gentle. He probably had conflicts and humiliations with his mother in childhood. And now he has some inappropriate anger at you. Maybe even due to envy of You either have a feeling of greater integrity than he. And this displeasure accumulates for months. And when you are drunk, it all breaks through, since the dam cannot withstand. Be loyal to this, since, fundamentally, you have a good relationship. Just be attentive to the dynamics of his aggression. If it grows over the years, minor conflicts need to be brought to the surface and spoken out. Then he will comprehend them and change. And you encourage him. If the relationship is warm, try not to pay serious attention to these rare antics. This is revenge on your mother. Be offended, but don’t keep it to yourself for long. Give it back to him.

Good answer 1 Bad answer 2