Son of False Dmitry 2 Ivan. Faithful wife... of two husbands

Marianna was born in 1588 in the family castle of her father, the Sandomierz governor Jerzy Mniszek. The ordinary life of a Polish lady awaited her with wealth and entertainment, feasts, hunting and family troubles. But in 1604, a stranger unexpectedly appeared on Mnishek’s estate, claiming that he was the miraculously saved son of the Russian Tsar John, Tsarevich Dmitry. The “Tsarevich” fell in love with Marina and asked her to be his wife. The girl was not delighted with such a not very attractive groom, but she was influenced by her father and Catholic Church. The clergy hoped that with the help of Marina they could finally introduce Catholicism into Russian kingdom. The father also put forward a number of conditions to False Dmitry: his daughter became the Russian queen, received the cities of Novgorod and Pskov as her patrimony, maintained Catholicism, and if False Dmitry’s venture failed, she could marry someone else. This was the only way the governor agreed to support the impostor.

False Dmitry I and Marina Mnishek Engraving by G. F. Galaktionov early XIX century

In 1605, the newlyweds were betrothed in absentia; False Dmitry was then represented by clerk Vlasyev. But after False Dmitry occupied Moscow, Marina came to her fiance in pomp and accompanied by a large retinue. About two thousand Poles also came with her. The celebrations began long before the wedding, False Dmitry showered the bride with gifts - only one box cost 500 thousand gold rubles. The “Tsarevich” gave her a carriage decorated with silver, two tents were pitched for her and her retinue near Moscow, balls and dinners followed one another. And so on May 8, 1606, the wedding and coronation of Marina took place, who became the only woman, crowned in Russia before Catherine I. They say that Mniszech brought a fork to Russia for the first time and ate with it at a wedding feast, which displeased the boyars, since in Rus' they ate with spoons. From the wedding day Marina began joyful life queen, but it lasted a little more than a week. Already on May 17, a rebellion broke out, as a result of which her husband was killed, his body was repeatedly mocked and, according to legend, burned and his ashes were thrown towards Poland. Marina managed to miraculously escape death because the rebels did not recognize her.

Wedding of False Dmitry and Marina Mnishek in Moscow on May 8, 1606

Vasily Shuisky settled all the Mnisheks in Yaroslavl, where they lived until 1608. According to the truce between Poland and Russia, Marina ceased to be the Russian queen and was obliged to be brought home. However, along the way she was intercepted by rebels and taken to the Tushino camp. There she was introduced to False Dmitry II, who claimed that he was now twice miraculously surviving Tsarevich Dmitry. Marina, although disgusted with the Tushinsky thief, was forced to recognize him as her husband and even get married secretly. Life in the camp was already hard for her, and with the flight of False Dmitry II from Tushino it became even worse. She was afraid of being killed, therefore, disguised as a hussar and accompanied Don Cossacks, Marina fled to Dmitrov, and then to Kaluga to the Tushinsky thief. Later they move together to Kolomna. There, under the protection of the ataman of the Don Cossacks, Zarutsky, who remained under Mnishek even after the death of the Tushino thief in 1610, she lived until 1611 and gave birth to a son, Ivan, who was called the “warren.”

Marina Mnishek with her father in custody

Marina tries to declare her son heir to the throne, but to no avail. After the zemstvo militia approached Moscow, Mnishek fled first to Ryazan, then to Astrakhan, and then up the Yaik. But at Bear Island the archers caught up with her and, having chained her, they sent her and her son to Moscow (1614). Meanwhile, the three-year-old "crow" represented real threat for Misha Romanov, chosen by the people, he was the son of the queen, born in a legal marriage. It was decided to get rid of the boy, so that no one would even have thoughts about another miraculously saved “Tsarevich John.” The sleeping child was taken from the mother's arms and publicly hanged. They say that Mniszech, distraught with grief, cursed the entire Romanov family and declared that not a single man in their family would die a natural death.

Mnishek with his son Ivan “Vorenko”

As for the queen herself, information about her fate varies. According to Russian ambassadors to the Polish government, “Ivashka and Marinka’s son were executed for his evil deeds, and Marinka died of illness and melancholy in Moscow of her own free will.” Other sources claim that she was hanged or drowned. There is even a version that she was imprisoned in the Round Tower of the Kolomna Kremlin, where Mnishek died. Thus ended the life of the first crowned Russian Tsarina ingloriously.

Ivan Dmitrievich(1611, Kaluga - 1614, Moscow) - the young son of Marina Mnishek from False Dmitry II (according to another version - Ivan Zarutsky). Supporters called him Ivan Dmitrievich and was considered a contender for the Russian throne, and opponents called Ivashka Voronok.


Born in Kaluga in December 1610 or January 1611, a few days after the murder of his father by the Nogai prince of Russian citizenship Pyotr Urusov. Initially, the residents of Kaluga recognized him as a prince (heir to the throne).

What a sad and melancholy day this day, December 11, was for the pious Tsarina Marina Yuryevna, is easy to imagine, since both of her spouses, over the course of just a few years, were so pitifully killed one after another: Demetrius I - May 17, 1606 in Moscow, and Dimitri II - here in Kaluga on December 11, 1610, when she was on recent months pregnancy. Soon after this, she gave birth to a son, whom the Russian nobles, with her permission and consent, took from her and promised to raise him in secret so that he would not be killed by his pursuers, and if God grants him life, he would become a sovereign in Rus' in the future. She, the queen, was kept and revered like a king at that time.

Konrad Bussow. Moscow Chronicle.

After the appearance of False Dmitry III question about the rights of the baby has escalated. People appeared claiming that after the death of her husband, Marina Yuryevna falsely declared herself pregnant, and Ivan was not her son. In 1611-12, the baby was with his mother in Kolomna.

Meanwhile, Ataman Zarutsky, who at that time was standing with his Cossack army in the Tushino camp near Moscow, began to actively nominate Ivan as heir to the throne. This development of events was opposed by the Patriarch of Moscow Hermogenes, who addressed the zemstvo people with an admonition “don’t want your son to take over the kingdom of the damned gentleman Marinkin.” In 1612, I.M. Zarutsky retreated to Kolomna, and then to the Ryazan lands, to the city of Mikhailov. Taking Marina Yuryevna and her son with him, he everywhere proclaimed Ivan the true heir to the throne.

At the beginning of 1613, Marina Yuryevna declared the rights of her son as the heir to the throne to the Zemsky Council, which considered her among others (the council decided to call Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom).

“...And the King of Lithuania and Sweden and their children, for their many untruths, and other people on Moscow state don’t rob, and don’t want Marinka and her son.”

S. F. Platonov. Essays on Russian history.

These same great boyars consulted with the bishops, boyars, with the entire synclite, with all the people and the army about the state of the state and regarding the [election] of the tsar. Only Ivan Zarutsky turned out to be disobedient, because out of fear of the boyar Prince Dimitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, he fled in advance with a few Cossacks and, coming to the city of Kolomna, took Queen Maria and her son there and retired to border towns near Tataria. There, the Cossacks who were with him established themselves by force, proclaiming Marina queen and her son, the son of Tsar Dimitri, king, but the cities and people did not submit to them. However, after many days, Ivan Zarutsky and Maria, with her son and followers, took flight and died, because Miron, the commander and governor of Ryazan, with his troops pursued him, Ivan Zarutsky, and Maria, and their adherents to the end.

Arseny Elassonsky. Memoirs from Russian history.

Kazan, Vyatka and other cities, to which the news of the council’s decision did not reach for a long time, took the oath to Ivan Dmitrievich.

On July 29 (according to the old art.), Having suffered a defeat near Voronezh in a battle with the army of Prince Odoevsky, Zarutsky and Marina and the child crossed the Don and went to Astrakhan, where they were supported by the Volga, Don, Yaik and Terek Cossacks.

In 1614, the Kazan Streltsy head Vasily Khokhlov besieged the Astrakhan Kremlin and forced Zarutsky, along with Marina Mnishek, to flee to Yaik. On June 23, 1614, the Streltsy heads Gordey Palchikov and Sevastyan Onuchin besieged Zarutsky in the town of Yaik Cossacks on Bear Island and, after a long and stubborn battle, forced the Cossacks on June 25 to hand over both him and Marina Yuryevna, who was with him, and her son. The prisoners were sent to Astrakhan to Voivode Odoevsky, who immediately sent them under strong escort to Kazan, and from there to Moscow. “In Astrakhan,” he wrote to the Tsar, “we did not dare to keep them for the sake of unrest and instability.”

In Moscow, Zarutsky was impaled, Marina was imprisoned, and three-year-old Ivan was strangled (hanged near the Serpukhov Gate). Contemporaries claimed that the noose did not tighten around the boy’s neck, and he died from the cold only a few hours later.

On December 24, 1614, it was announced to the Poles that in Moscow “Ivashka was executed for his evil deeds and Marinka’s son, and Marinka died of illness and melancholy in Moscow of her own free will.”

Subsequently, the impostor Ivan Luba (Faustin) pretended to be Ivan Dmitrievich.


Time of Troubles in Rus' - this is a terrible shake-up that shook everything up and brought untold disasters to the people...

The central figures of the Time of Troubles were the Polish beauty Marina Mniszech and her two husbands, the first of whom pretended to be the Russian Tsar Demetrius, and when he was torn to pieces beyond recognition by Moscow residents outraged by his incompetent rule, a second contender appeared in his place. He also called himself Dimitri. Although Marina could have retired to Poland long ago, she really wanted to remain the Russian queen.

Marina shared a bed with False Dmitry and soon gave birth to a child, nicknamed by the people in the womb of her mother “little crow.” True, it was not the child’s fault that his dad was called “thief.” In those days, in Rus' this was the name given not only to representatives of criminal structures, but to all criminals and rebels in general.

False Dmitry II was overtaken by death at the hands of the Tatar prince.

A few days after the death of False Dmitry II, Marina gave birth to a son, who was named Ivan. She demanded that the army and people swear allegiance to him as the rightful heir. But that did not happen.

Marina Mnishek with her son Ivan on Bear Island on the Yaik River. Artist L. Vycholkovsky

For Marina Mnishek, a life full of adventures began in the camp of the Cossack freemen, there, in the ataman’s tent, her child found his first toys, whom Zarutsky and his comrades, without hesitation, proclaimed tsar. However, no one except the Cossacks seriously considered this candidacy.

In October 1612 Moscow was liberated from Polish troops. On July 11, 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich was crowned king. Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky was granted a boyar; Minin received the title of Duma nobleman.

Nevertheless new troubles, which raised its head, could not help but worry the new sovereign. Robber rabble from all over Rus' flocked to Lebedyan, where Ivan Zarutsky set up his camp.

The tsar appointed Prince Ivan Nikitich Odoevsky to suppress the uprising. He was ordered to help the governors of the cities of Mikhailov, Zaraysk, Yelets, Bryansk, as well as Suzdal and Vladimir. They sent collectors to collect netchiks, the children of the boyars, to Ryazan, Tarusa, Aleksin, Tula and other cities. At the end of April 1613, Odoevsky with his collected forces moved to Lebedyan. Zarutsky and his Cherkassy went to Voronezh. Odoevsky chased him, and near Voronezh at the end of May a battle took place between them, which lasted two whole days. Zarutsky was defeated. They took his baggage train, hawsers, and banners. Zarutsky ran across the Don, to the Bear.

Odoevsky returned to Tula, deciding that the job was done. But in the spring next year Zarutsky found himself in Astrakhan.

Zarutsky had far-reaching plans: he planned to call the forces of the Persian Shah Abbas to Rus', drag Turkey into the matter, raise the Yurt Tatars, Nogais, Volga Cossacks, pull together all the wandering gangs of the Moscow state and go up the Volga with everyone, conquering his power cities.

Zarutsky sent an embassy to the Shah and gave Astrakhan citizenship to Persia - by this he thought to drag Persia into a war with the Moscow state. “Lovely” letters were sent to the Volga and Don Cossacks. The Don decided to remain faithful to the Muscovite Tsar, chosen at the request of the Cossacks, along with the zemstvo people, but between the Volga, who consisted of a rabble of various fugitives living in villages along the banks of the Volga, a division occurred: young people were carried away by the “charm” and were preparing to go up the Volga to Samara in the spring . “We,” they said, “would go anywhere, just to make money.”

There were also some of the Volga atamans who did not want to go with Zarutsky, but deceived him: they hoped to lure out a salary from the Thief and waited for the arrival of the Persian ships.

Winter was coming to an end. The Tsar entrusted the cleansing of Astrakhan to the boyar, Prince Ivan Nikitich Odoevsky; His companion was the okolnichy Semyon Vasilyevich Golovin, once Skopin’s brother-in-law and associate; Yudin was their clerk. In March they went to Kazan to gather troops.

Meanwhile, the tsar sent letters to Zarutsky, promising him complete forgiveness if the rebellion was stopped. However, the adventurer decided to play to the end.

Suspecting that Zarutsky was going to commit reprisals against the unarmed population, the Astrakhan residents decided to forestall him and rebelled against the impostor. Zarutsky, Marina and the child fled; for some time they hid in the reeds on two plows. But the fishermen found out about this and informed the authorities.

The archers besieged the Cossacks; They did not expect guests, were not prepared to meet them and, seeing that there was nowhere to go, the next day “they tied up Zarutsky and Marinka with their son and some monk Nikolai, handed them over to the Streltsy heads, and they themselves announced that they were beating them with their foreheads and kissing them.” cross to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich."

“Carry Marina with her son and Ivashka Zarutsky with great care, shackled, and camp carefully so that thieves do not come at them unknown. And thieves’ people will come against them from where, and they will have the power to beat Mikhail and Baim - Marina with Vorenok and Ivashka Zarutsky to death, so that the thieves do not recapture them alive.”

They were brought to Kazan, and from there royal decree Marina arrived in the very Moscow where she once entered with such splendor for the first time in her life, hoping to reign there and receive worship.

Soon after, behind the Serpukhov Gate, the people watched the last scene of their many years of tragedy.

Zarutsky was impaled.

Marina's four-year-old son was executed - he was publicly hanged.

ABOUT future fate Marina Mnishek says different things. It is unknown what punishments and curses the mother whispered in her dungeon, having experienced such a monstrous grief. “We needed her to be alive to expose your untruths,” Zhelyabuzhsky told the Poles at the end of 1614. Most likely, the authorities were preparing some other noisy trial.

After the reprisal against Zarutsky, the Cossacks continued to rage for some time in different parts of the state.

The troubles continued even after, during the reign of Mikhail Feodorovich, as a consequence of the “time of troubles,” but these troubles no longer had those specific aspirations - to overthrow the order of the state and raise the banner of some “thieves’ kings” for this purpose.

The execution of the child did not play any role in history, except perhaps that no “Ivan Dmitrievich” ever laid claim to the role of the Russian Tsar. However, such measures rarely stopped impostors.

The formula of the charge, the verdict, and the composition of the judges remained unknown. It is unclear what crime the three-year-old child could be charged with. Besides the fact that this child could become a cause for trouble sometime in the foreseeable future. Or maybe one of the boyars considered it symbolic - the Time of Troubles began with the death of a child, and it will end with the death of an innocent child...

300 years after the accession to the throne of the first of the Romanov dynasty, the last of his descendants will die in the damp basement of the Ipatiev house. And again these will be innocent children... The curse of Marina Mniszech overtook the killers through the centuries. Maybe they called her a witch correctly...

From book encyclopedic Dictionary(M) author Brockhaus F.A.

Mniszek Mniszek (Marina or in Polish, Marianna Yuryevna) is the daughter of the Sendomierz governor, the wife of the first False Dmitry. Decorated romantic stories M.'s acquaintance with False Dmitry occurred around 1604, and at the same time the latter, after his famous confession, was engaged

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(MN) by the author TSB

From the book 100 Great Adventurers author Muromov Igor

Marina Mniszek (c. 1588 - c. 1614) Polish adventuress. Daughter of Polish tycoon Jerzy Mniszek. Wife of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II. It was given to the Russian rulers by the Yaik Cossacks. She apparently died in captivity. ...Marina was about sixteen when in February 1604

From the book 100 Great Mistresses author Muromov Igor

Marina Mnishek (c. 1588 - c. 1614) Famous adventuress. Daughter of Polish tycoon Jerzy Mniszek. Wife of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II. It was given to the Russian rulers by the Yaik Cossacks. She apparently died in captivity. * * *“Listen to the prayers of love, let me express everything that is in my heart

From the book 100 Great Married Couples author Mussky Igor Anatolievich

False Dmitry and Marina Mniszek ...Marina was about sixteen when in February 1604, in the Carpathian town of Sambir, a man arrived to her father, the Sandomierz governor Jerzy (Yuri) Mniszek, who, by the whim of history, was destined to momentarily ascend to Russian throne. Who

From the book of 100 great plagues author Avadyaeva Elena Nikolaevna

“THE GIRL” – THE SON OF MARINA MNISHECK The Time of Troubles in Rus' was a terrible shake-up that shook everything up and brought untold disasters to the people... The central figures of the Time of Troubles were the Polish beauty Marina Mniszek and her two husbands, the first of whom gave himself away

Portrait of Ursula Mnischek 1782. State Tretyakov Gallery, MoscowNiece of the latter Polish king Ursula Mniszech (c. 1750–1808) appears in the portrait as an exquisite, coldish “porcelain” beauty. A secular smile plays on her rouged face, tough,

From the book The Office of Doctor Libido. Volume V (L – M) author Sosnovsky Alexander Vasilievich

The fate of Tsarevich Ivan Dmitrievich (years of life 1611 - 1614), who in Moscow was called nothing more than “little crow” and “bastard,” turned out to be tragic. His father, who proclaimed himself a second time miraculously saved by Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible, historical literature usually called False Dmitry II, and also " Tushino thief" He showed up in the city of Starodub in the spring of 1607, a year after the overthrow and death of the first impostor, and began to pose as the surviving king.

The new adventurer was human unknown origin, although there are many versions on this matter. Some claim that this is the priest’s son Matvey Verevkin, others that he is the son of the Starodub archer. There is also a version that the impostor was the son of a Jew from the city of Shklov in present-day Belarus.

Marina Mniszek’s meeting with the “resurrected” Tsar brought disappointment. He was a rude and ill-mannered man, but she recognized him as her husband. Despite her youth (she was 19 years old at the time), she decisively chose the dangerous path of fighting for the return of the Moscow throne. However, in December 1610, the second impostor was killed by one of his confidants. A month later, Marina gave birth to a son, who was baptized according to the Orthodox rite and named Ivan, and the Cossack-noble army and its leaders declared the baby the legal heir to the Moscow throne.

Marina now has a faithful and devoted person to her - Ivan Martynovich Zarutsky, ataman Cossack army, a determined opponent of the Polish interventionists, one of the leaders of the first people's militia.

After Mikhail Romanov was confirmed on the throne, new dynasty Most of all she feared Ataman Zarutsky, Marina Mnishek and her son, a potential contender for the Muscovite kingdom.

The last act of the tragedy took place in 1614. Cossack chieftain fled from Astrakhan, which was approached by tsarist troops superior in numbers and weapons. Among the fugitives, his long-time associate Trenia Us began to lead. They leave for Yaik, but, saving their heads, best friend The ataman hands over Zarutsky, Marina and her son to the royal governors. He himself managed to escape.

I.M. Zarutsky, after interrogation and torture, was subjected to terrible execution- impaled Marina Mnishek’s young son was also executed. You can read about this in the notes of the Dutch traveler Elias Herkman, who used eyewitness accounts that he collected during his stay in Moscow during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich. The quote is a bit long, but it's worth reading.

“Then they publicly hanged Dimitri’s son... Many trustworthy people saw how this child was carried with bareheaded[to the place of execution]. Since there was a snowstorm at that time and the snow was hitting the boy in the face, he asked several times in a crying voice: “Where are you taking me?”...

But the people carrying the child, who had not harmed anyone, calmed him down with words until they brought him to the place where there was a gallows, on which they hanged the unfortunate boy, like a thief, on a thick rope woven from sponges. Since the child was small and light, it was impossible to properly tighten the knot with this rope due to its thickness, and the half-dead child was left to die on the gallows." E. Herkman. "Tales of Massa and Herkman about the Time of Troubles in Russia." St. Petersburg, 1874 , page 331.

Killing people, including children, who could interfere with the consolidation of power, especially new government, forced to prove the legitimacy of their claims, a common occurrence in the Middle Ages. This happens, although not often, in our time. But also for those cruel years What was unusual in the Troubles was that the execution of a four-year-old child was carried out in public. And Mikhail Romanov’s entourage did not stop the fact that the Tsar’s father Filaret was proclaimed patriarch by False Dmitry II, the father of the unfortunate child.

Son of Marina Mnishek and the impostor.

After the execution of the Romanov royal family in 1918, historians involuntarily drew attention to some impressive coincidences that marked the beginning and end of the reign of the House of Romanov. It is known, for example, that in 1612, immediately after the Kremlin was liberated from the Poles, where they were located during its siege people's militia, Mikhail Fedorovich and his mother left for Kostroma and hid in the Ipatiev Monastery. And in the summer of 1918 royal family Romanovs (former Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his family and servants) was shot in the basement of the house with the same name, in the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

And the second coincidence is that the dynasty began with the murder of a four-year-old child and ended with the murder, including the emperor’s fourteen-year-old son.

The accession to the throne in 1613 of Mikhail Romanov, the first of this dynasty, forced the “empress” to flee persecution royal troops. It was July 1614. The Time of Troubles cost the Russian state dearly. And they draw a parallel with the murder of Tsarevich Alexei in July 1918 and the last king from the Romanov family, also Mikhail. After all, it was in his favor that Nicholas II abdicated the throne. According to legend, Marina Mnishek, in despair, after the execution of her son, cursed the entire Romanov family, predicting that not one of them would die a natural death. The Romanov family, which began with the execution of an innocent three-year-old child, ended with the murder of a child, fourteen-year-old Alexei.

It seems that the legend itself is similar to a literary work that appeared after 1918. It fits within the framework of mystical works. For literary works The plot is certainly interesting, even exciting. But if you keep in mind real knowledge real events history, then it is preferable to remain on the basis of more or less obvious facts, which are already extremely dramatic.

As for the fate of Marina Mnishek, it seems to me not very convincing official version the then rulers of Russia, which was reported to the Poles during the exchange of prisoners, that Marina died in Moscow, in prison from illness and “out of melancholy of her own free will.” It's hard to believe that a 26-year-old woman died of melancholy in less than six months. Most likely, closer to the truth (considering the prevailing customs of that time) were the rumors that spread among the Poles that Marina was either drowned or strangled.

Marina Mniszek and her father Jerzy are under arrest in Yaroslavl.

Marina (Marianna) Yuryevna Mniszek is a political adventurer, daughter of the Polish governor Jerzy (Yuri) Mniszek, one of the organizers of the intervention against Russia in early XVII century, born in 1588, in the town of Sambir, Poland. During the “Time of Troubles,” the famous Polish adventurer was alternately the wife of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II, dreaming of becoming a Russian queen.

The beginning of the career of Marina Mnishek

Marina was about sixteen when, in February 1604, a man arrived in the Carpathian town of Sambir to visit her father, who, by a whim of history, was destined to momentarily ascend to the Russian throne. It is known that the contender for the throne first “opened up” to the Orthodox Ukrainian magnates, the Vishnevetsky princes, Mniszek’s relatives.

Jerzy Mniszek became the organizer of the expedition of “Prince Dimitri”, whose name was allegedly taken by the fugitive monk Grigory Otrepiev, having obtained from him numerous promises, and above all a wedding contract. The document, signed in Sambir on May 25, 1604, stated that after ascending the Moscow throne, the “prince” would marry his daughter Marina.

After marriage, Marina was supposed to receive Novgorod and Pskov into her personal possession, and she was also given the right to profess Catholicism and marry another in the event of False Dmitry’s failure. Jerzy Mniszek was promised a million Polish zlotys.

Expedition of the first impostor for a long time It was customary to portray it as an attempt by the Polish government and the Roman Curia to subjugate Rus'. Historians claim that in fact this whole adventure was started primarily by Mniszek himself, his immediate family and allies because, firstly, greed, burdened by hefty debts, and secondly, the same family pride, the dream of elevation at any cost.

False Dmitry and Marina Mnishek

Marina herself was unlikely to be fully aware of her father’s true plans, and there is an assumption that she voluntarily agreed to marry the “prince.” It is possible that False Dmitry was nice future wife. “He is witty and pleased with book learning, he is bold and eloquent, he loves the horse lists, he takes up arms against his enemies, he dares, he has courage and great strength,” it was noted in the Russian chronicles about False Dmitry. There is a claim that the future spouses were attracted to each other.

In November 1605, Marina Mnishek was engaged to clerk Vlasyev, who portrayed the face of the groom-tsar. Marina received rich gifts from her husband. It was expected that she would soon go to Moscow, but her departure was postponed several times: Pan Yuri complained to his son-in-law about the lack of funds and debts. And only on May 3, 1606, she entered Moscow with great pomp, accompanied by her father and a large retinue.

False Dmitry I

Meanwhile, Marina’s unusual career became known not only throughout Poland, but also beyond its borders. In distant Spain, Lopede Vega wrote the drama " Grand Duke Moscow and the Emperor”, where he called Maria Mniszech Margarita.

Five days after Marina’s arrival in Moscow, the wedding and coronation took place. Breaking the centuries-old traditions of the Russian autocracy, the wedding of the “tsar” was scheduled for Thursday, May 8, although there was a custom not to get married before the fast day - Friday. Another violation of the established foundations was that when Marina was anointed to reign in the Assumption Cathedral, Patriarch Ignatius raised the Monomakh’s cap over her - the crown of kings, not queens.

The next day, the newlyweds, according to eyewitnesses, got up very late. The celebrations continued. Dressed in Polish dress, the tsar danced with his wife “in the hussar style,” and his father-in-law, filled with pride, served his daughter at the feast. Meanwhile, the city was becoming alarmed. Tsar Dmitry was still popular among Muscovites, but they were irritated by foreigners who arrived in the capital in the Mnishek retinue.

Danger for Marina Mnishek

The rebellious boyars led by Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky very skillfully took advantage of the sprouts of popular discontent. The “Tsar,” carried away by the festive celebrations on the occasion of his marriage, did not pay attention to this in time, for which he paid with his life. On the night of May 17, bells rang in the Kremlin.

The personal guard of False Dmitry I, consisting of streltsy, initially wanted to fulfill their duty by “laying down their heads for the Tsar,” but the rebels threatened them with burning the Streltsy settlement, and the only defenders of the sovereign retreated. Having overtaken the impostor in one of the royal chambers, the rebels immediately brutally dealt with him. The body of the murdered man was put on display on Red Square for public viewing. The mastermind of the rebellion, Vasily Shuisky, was declared tsar.

Marina failed to escape. She hid in the room that served as a bedroom for the women of her retinue when heated rebels burst into her chambers. The crowd was driven out of the chambers by the boyars who arrived in time, and guards were stationed to protect the queen, who soon began to guard her as a captive. True, she was kept in custody quite decently.

In August 1606, Shuisky settled all the Mnisheks in Yaroslavl, where they lived until July 1608. The situation allowed them not only to live more or less tolerably, but also to weave intrigues against Shuisky, main task which was to convince everyone that False Dmitry was alive and that he was still in hiding, waiting for the right moment before entering the fight with his enemies.

Thunder among clear skies was the appearance of the next impostor - False Dmitry II, known as the Tushinsky or Kaluga thief. Sources disagree about the origins of False Dmitry II. According to some sources, this is the priest’s son Matvey Verevkin, originally from the Severskaya side, according to others, he is the son of the Starodub archer. Some even claimed that he was the son of Prince Kurbsky. There is also a version that False Dmitry II was the son of a Jew from the city of Shklov.

False Dmitry II

The troops of the second impostor defeated Shuisky's army near Volkhov. News of the successes of “Tsar Dmitry” reached Yaroslavl almost simultaneously with news from Moscow. According to the truce with Poland, signed on July 13 (23), 1608, Tsar Vasily undertook to release all detained Poles and unite Marina with her husband.

Marina was read the decree of her “husband”, according to which she had to go to him. According to eyewitnesses, the deposed “queen” was looking forward to the upcoming meeting with sincere joy. But on the way, one of the Polish soldiers told her the truth about the second impostor. She was shocked to the core because there was no doubt in her mind that her husband was alive.

New promises for Marina Mnishek

Meanwhile, the tireless Mniszech was bargaining with yet another “son-in-law.” False Dmitry did not spare promises. Mniszek was promised 300 thousand zlotys (but only on condition of the capture of Moscow), and in addition the entire Seversk land and most of Smolenskaya. On September 14, the agreement was concluded. Apart from generous promises, the “father-in-law” received practically nothing. But a dream about the future appanage principality and Moscow gold forced Pan Yuri to sacrifice his daughter.

On September 20, 1608, the Pole was sent to False Dmitry II. Three days later, the Catholic priest secretly married Marina to the “king”, although he needed her as a wife. last resort, firstly - as a living and true confirmation of his legitimate claims to the throne. The couple agreed on everything, and what followed was a well-performed play of Marina’s ceremonial entry into the Tushino camp.

Guns thundered in honor of the queen, while Marina “acted so skillfully that the audience was touched by her tenderness for her husband: joyful tears, hugs, words inspired, it seemed, by true feeling - everything was used for deception.” False Dmitry began receiving “political dowry” from Marina very soon - the number of fugitives from Moscow increased sharply. But the Tushino camp, and False Dmitry II himself, were almost entirely in the hands of the Poles.

Marina Mnishek's career is under threat

As events develop into conflict within Russian state The Polish king Sigismund III became involved. The impostor, fearing the advancing troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, fled from Tushino to Kaluga. His wife, left alone in an abandoned camp, turned to the king asking for help. In one of her messages to the Polish king, Marina, emphasizing her rights to the Moscow throne, noted that the return of power to her “will serve as an undoubted guarantee of mastering the Moscow state and attaching it to a secured union.” She did not consider False Dmitry II a contender for power.

Sigismund delayed the negotiations in every possible way, and then the “queen without subjects” tried to influence his army. She almost succeeded (most of the Don Cossacks joined her), but Hetman Ruzhinsky managed to prevent this action at the last moment. Afraid of being killed, she, in a hussar dress, with one maid and several hundred Don Cossacks, fled in February 1610 to Kaluga to the Tushinsky thief.

Maryana Mnishkovna Voivode of Sandomierz, daughter, wife of the Emperor of Muscovy

Why did she risk herself, rushing to her previously hated husband, thrown onto a false throne? She was driven by the same pride. Marina could not, did not want to admit herself defeated. In a message to the army, left in her tent, she wrote: “I am leaving for protection good name, virtue itself, - for, being the mistress of peoples, the queen of Moscow, I cannot return to the class of Polish noblewoman and become a subject again ... "

No, Marina was not capable, having tasted royal power, turn again into a “voivodeshka” (it was not for nothing that she was so indignant one day when one of her Polish relatives called her “the noble lady”). The shine of the royal crown was fleeting, like sunny bunny, but there was no turning back.

Greetings from Marina Mnishek

In Kaluga, residents joyfully greeted the queen who appeared before their eyes young warrior wearing a helmet and shoulder-length hair. Kaluga life began, calmer than Tushino, because there were no prim Polish leaders here, there were no military training, the initiators of which were Polish companies. Feasts were held here and there was contentment. Only her husband’s behavior complicated Marina’s life, but even in this situation she tried to extract positive things for herself, because against his background she tried to look as good as possible.

A few months later, after the victory of the Poles over the Russian troops, she appears with her husband near Moscow, in Kolomna, and after the overthrow of Shuisky, she negotiates with Sigismund for help to occupy Moscow. Meanwhile, Muscovites swore allegiance to Vladislav, the son of the Polish king Sigismund, and Marina was asked to renounce the Moscow throne, for which they were promised various favors. Having refused the ambassadors, False Dmitry and Marina left for Kaluga. Ataman Zarutsky also left with them. This was a significant acquisition, for the chieftain was a well-known and strong figure.

In Kaluga, False Dmitry, out of grief, indulged in revelry and drunkenness, and on December 11, 1610, he died hunting. Marina had to almost completely say goodbye to the dream of the Moscow throne. True, she hoped that her son, who soon appeared, named Ivan (“Vorenok”), called Dmitrievich, would give her the opportunity to still remain a queen. But her connection with Zarutsky was known to everyone, and the Moscow boyars who were under False Dmitry II did not want to serve either the widow or her son.

All questions about who would hold power in Russia disappeared after the second militia of Minin and Pozharsky expelled the Poles. At the beginning of 1613 he gathered Zemsky Sobor, who confirmed Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov on the throne. The "Time of Troubles" is over."

Marina's flight with her son

Zarutsky, Marina and his four-year-old son were forced to flee along with six hundred Cossacks. A detachment of archers sent after them, led by the royal governor Odoevsky, captured them and took them in shackles to Moscow. Here Zarutsky was impaled, Marina’s four-year-old son was hanged and she, according to Russian ambassadors to the Polish government, at the end of 1614 “died of melancholy of her own free will,” according to other sources, she was hanged or drowned.

Marina Mnishek in the memory of the people

In the memory of the Russian people, Marina Mnishek is known under the name “Marinka the atheist,” “heretic” and “sorceress”: “And his (False Demetrius) evil wife Marinka the atheist “turned into a magpie,” and she flew out of the chambers.

Interesting facts about Marina Mnishek

Pushkin once said that Marina Mnishek “was the strangest of all pretty women, blinded by only one passion - ambition, but with a degree of energy and fury that is difficult to imagine.”

In 1605, Marina Mnishek brought a fork to Russia for the first time. At her wedding feast in the Kremlin, Marina with a fork shocked the Russian boyars and clergy. Subsequently, the fork became a reason for discontent among the opponents of False Dmitry. They argued this in the following way: since the Tsar and Tsarina eat not with their hands, but with some kind of spear, it means that they are not Russians and not monarchs, but the offspring of the devil.