Why is City Day held? Significant and interesting events of the city

We all love to celebrate certain holidays. Birthday, New Year, March 8, February 23, Valentine's Day, May 9 and many, many other holidays are marked on our calendar. And of course, every year there is such a tradition - to celebrate City Day!

This holiday has its own date in every city. And if we are accustomed to the fact that, for example, we celebrate March 8 every year on the eighth of March, then such a holiday as the “birthday” of a city is always celebrated at different times. Somewhere it is celebrated in the summer, in some cities in the fall and even winter.

But despite the seasons and the weather outside, we go out into the streets of our city with the same trepidation and joy to congratulate each other on this wonderful date.

Of course, in small towns City Day is not celebrated on such a grand scale as, for example, in big cities, but it is just as fun, with songs, dances, a concert in the square and a small fireworks display. People living in such cities somehow especially appreciate it if, for example, pop stars come to visit them on such a day!

In large cities, of course, such a holiday is celebrated very brightly, beautifully, and more intensely. Citizens can enjoy spectacular fireworks and fireworks displays, singing waterfalls and huge walking cartoon characters! A festive concert is organized for guests and residents of the city with the participation of local artists, as well as Russian and foreign pop stars.

Various competitions and interesting events dedicated to the Day of the Beloved City are held. And, of course, what holiday would be complete without dancing? Young people, and not only others, can dance heartily and with pleasure at the festive disco.

Such holidays bring people together, allow them to take a break from everyday work, relax and have fun with their loved ones and friends. You can meet people you haven’t seen for a long time, visit each other and celebrate this date in an unusual way.

Many people travel outside the city and celebrate the holiday in nature, especially if this day is celebrated in your city in the summer.

If the city plans to anniversary date, in this case, they begin to prepare for it long before the event. They tidy up the streets and houses, landscape and landscape the areas, hang various holiday signs everywhere, decorate the city so that on its “birthday” it shines in a new way, looks festive and elegant!

No matter how old you are hometown years in which we grew up, it will always remain for us the place where we want to return at least for a while, and perhaps stay forever!

The summer festival "Flower Jam" has barely died down when a new city event is just around the corner, which will take place as part of the year-round project "Moscow Seasons" - the celebration of the 870th Anniversary of Moscow or, as we are more often used to calling this holiday - Moscow City Day 2017. From the article you learn about the program of events: about everything free events, which will take place in Moscow at this time. For convenience, we will divide all events by venue.

When will Moscow City Day 2017 be celebrated? We answer: with September 1 to September 10, 2017. This duration is explained by the anniversary. Moscow turns 870 this year. The main events will take place on the weekend of September 9th and 10th.

The main theme of the festival will be the bright personalities who created the 870-year history of Moscow and beyond. In 10 days, it’s as if you’ve flipped through 870 pages of a book called “Moscow - 870 Years”.

A special feature of Moscow's mass events is outdoors is that after visiting each event, you will be left with memorable photographs against the backdrop of memorable installations, gain a lot of new knowledge and skills at lectures and master classes, and be sure to try new unusual dishes that will pleasantly surprise you with their prices.

Moscow City Day 2017 in numbers

  • 42 holiday venues not only in the center, but in almost every district
  • more 1000 events from 1 to 10 September

Opening hours of the sites: from 11 am to 9 pm.

Program of events on Tverskaya

Tverskoy Boulevard is where the main events dedicated to City Day traditionally take place. This year the following sites will start here:

  • Sports grounds future. Come to Tverskoy Boulevard in sportswear and you can learn new games and sports. For example, spaceball- something between billiards and football. Everything will take place outdoors from 11am to 9pm. You can also have a snack in open cafes. The menu will consist exclusively of healthy food.
  • Very close, on Novopushkinsky square, master classes will be held for children telling about the laws of nature and scientific experiments. Here are just some of the topics - Your DNA, Give Paper a Second Chance, High Voltage, Jet Master Class and many others. Detailed schedule for each day with time indication - see.
  • U monument to Yesenin There will be fascinating lectures about the history of Moscow.
  • U monument to Timiryazev- lectures about various megacities.
  • On Tverskaya Square There will be events dedicated to the continuity of generations. These events are especially good for grandparents and grandchildren to attend. Guests will take part in culinary and creative master classes, interactive performances and performances, and watch concerts. They will install art objects - family trees, some of which can be filled with historical photos of your family. Children will be able to learn how to make architectural sketches.
  • Take a walk to Stoleshnikov Lane and sign up for one of the tours of Moscow mansions. On weekdays walks start at 7 pm, on weekends at 2 pm and at 5 pm.

On Kamergersky Lane from 15:00 (on weekdays) and from 12:00 (on weekends) 45-minute classes in classical ballet and opera singing will be held. .

Program of events on Revolution Square

Starting your walk from Tverskaya metro station, continue it to the very heart of Moscow, to Revolution Square and to Manezhnaya Square. Here, according to tradition, the main art object of the holiday will be installed and the largest fair will be located.

  • On Revolution Square. What was installed in this place as part of the Moscow seasons - an ice slide with a skating rink, and a huge stuffed doll. This fall a real one will appear here pool for a wakeboard that will last up to October 9. For those who are not afraid of cool weather, master classes in this sport are provided. Everyone else can just watch the performances of professionals who are preparing their show programs on September 9 and 10.
  • We continue to get acquainted with water sports and take a walk to Manezhnaya Square. Here the structure will be assembled to create artificial wave 12 meters high. On September 9 and 10 you will be able to watch performances by flowboarders and bodyboarders.
  • Acting workshops for children will be held next to the pools. Schedule .

Program of events on Kuznetsky Most

Master classes for children on creating cartoons will be held on Rozhdestvenka Street. Children will be told and shown in action such creative professions as animator, cameraman, director, costume designer. Schedule of numerous master classes.

Program of events on Old Arbat

Events on Old Arbat dedicated to Moscow City Day 2017 will be held under the sign of Russian aviation and its heroes. Children will be able to build real model airplanes and learn the basics of the airline business. Everyone will be able to take pictures against the backdrop of unusual airplane wings.

Program of events on Novy Arbat

During the celebrations of Moscow City Day 2017, New Arbat will turn into a seaport or a fishing village. Take a walk down the street and you can stand at the helm and get acquainted with the history of famous navigators, take a photo on the captain's bridge, try yourself in the role of a polar explorer.

Other sites

  • On Kievskaya, Automotive lessons will be held at Europe Square. Attend this event if you are interested in Formula 1 and racing cars.
  • On Tretyakovskaya in Klimentovsky Lane they will install the art composition “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” and organize lessons on the theory and history of painting. Surely, you will want to visit the Tretyakov Gallery again.
  • On the platform near the metro Airport(Leningradsky Prospekt, 62) there will be events dedicated to cosmonauts and chess players.
  • In the northeast of Moscow near the metro Otradnoe(Khachaturyan St., 13) guests will be able to learn about the heroes Russian fleet and aviation, make tin soldier and a model airplane.
  • In South Tushino (metro Skhodnenskaya) on the street of the same name, property 56, you can remember or learn about the best films and performances about Moscow, make circus and theater props with your own hands, and also become an author of the Moscow 870 magazine.
  • IN Zelenograd on Station Square the site will be dedicated to travel and travelers, as well as documentaries about them.
  • In the east of Moscow in Novokosino on Gorodetskaya Street, 14, City Day will be celebrated with sporting events with the opportunity to make your own painting on a T-shirt.
  • IN Kuzminki(Marshala Chuikov St., 3) various sculptures and art objects dedicated to the great figures of Moscow will be located, as well as organized creative lessons by wood burning or liquid stone casting. Everyone will be able to learn the basics of Morse code.
  • Domodedovo. main topic- architects and interesting buildings Moscow.
  • Events dedicated to Moscow City Day 2017 will be held even in Troitsk(Lilac Boulevard, 1). Topic: inventions and inventors. At the master classes they will tell you how photography is developed, how Tetris was invented, and children will be able to assemble 3D models of robots with their own hands.

Events for Moscow City Day 2017 in parks

Moscow parks will compete with the main streets in terms of the scale of the celebration. Perhaps the most interesting program is being prepared by main park Moscow - Gorky Park, the programs of other parks are smaller, but with their own twists.

In Gorky Park

Come on September 10 at 13:00 Fountain Square, this is where it all starts. On City Day in the park starts Festival "Bright People". First a theatrical procession, and then a 10-hour fairy tale “Colorful Dreams”.

At this time, groups from France, Italy and Russia will perform on the main stage with their own show programs, each of which may seem unusual, but very interesting.

Look out for Corona Theater performing on the main stage at 3:30, 4:50 and 8:15 p.m. These performances opened the famous Venice Carnival.

In the Hermitage Garden

On September 9, a 12-hour theater marathon will take place on the main stage of the park, where you can see excerpts from your favorite performances. Good opportunity increase your awareness of the repertoire of Moscow theaters. You will be able to see artists from the following theaters: School of Contemporary Play, Theater on Serpukhovka, Theater named after A.S. Pushkin, Musical Theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Ballet Moscow, Liquid Theatre, Taganka Theater, etc.

On September 10, the holiday will continue with a concert, songs about Moscow, and a poetry performance. The full program for celebrating Moscow City Day in the Hermitage Garden is available on the official website.

In Muzeon Park

The park will turn into a catwalk where guests will feel like models. You can learn about modern fashion trends, make fashion accessories under the guidance of artists and designers, watch performances by the teams “Sketches in Space”, “Freak Factory” and the Artem Gaponenko Theater.

Other parks

We talked about events only in large parks, but do not forget that absolutely every park in Moscow is preparing its own program.

  • Izmailovsky- will honor famous designers, architects, artists.
  • Baumansky will turn into Moscow in the 60s and 70s. Outdoor film screenings, a disco with rock and roll music and a flash mob, which will end with a mass choir, are expected.
  • Fili- literary evenings and a concert of pop stars on September 10.
  • Kuzminki- stargazing and film screenings.
  • Tagansky- sporting events and games, dance training.

What will be free on City Day 2017

All public events on City Day, including participation in master classes, distribution of special equipment and consumables, will be absolutely free, sometimes registration will be required. Below we have indicated the official website where you need to register.

Some venues that typically charge entry fees will also become free. For example:

  • Zoo, September 9, free tours at 9 and 11 am.
  • Gingerbread Museum, tours on September 9 at 10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00, 17:30 and 19:00.
  • Museum of Living Systems, excursions on September 9 and 10 at 10:30 am.
  • Excursions to Kuskovo, September 9, starting at 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00 and 14:30.

Fireworks for Moscow City Day 2017

This year's fireworks show will definitely be memorable, because they will launch into the sky 13 260 volleys The fireworks will be made in the form of figures of flowers and festive items. At the end of the fireworks show, the number 870 will appear in the sky. List of places where the fireworks will be especially visible (13 sites in total):

  • Raushskaya embankment
  • Luzhnetskaya embankment
  • Kadyrov street (wasteland)
  • Victory Park
  • Roslovka street
  • Friendship Park
  • Novgorodskaya street
  • Bauman Park
  • Kuzminki Park
  • Brateevsky Park
  • Moskovsky settlement
  • Lake Alley
  • Sadovo-Krestyanskaya street
  • On the official website of Moscow you can explore the multimedia project “Photos, Videos and Personalities”, dedicated to the most prominent people of Moscow in its entire past history.
  • Official project website: interactive map events, latest news, photos and videos.
  • How public transport will work on City Day.

You have learned about the program of events for Moscow City Day 2017: where to go and what to do. Almost all events are suitable for visiting with children. Almost all sites will have food courts for snacks. A special feature of the festival is a carefully selected menu of cafes and an open-air restaurant. Even fast food is prepared exclusively from farm and fresh products.

Course work


Michurina Ksenia,

student FS-45, full-time department

Scientific director: Parshin.Yu.M,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor



Chapter 1. Holiday as a cultural phenomenon. general characteristics

1.1 Emotional and psychological content of the holiday phenomenon

Chapter 2. Analysis and forecasting of trends in the development of the holiday calendar

2.1 Features of holidays in a modern city

2.3 Analysis of the components of the festive complex using the example of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Samara




An important element modern culture are holidays. Culture is the national memory of a people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life. Holidays perform consolidating and educational functions. This also applies to city holidays.

The emergence of the city as a center of industry and trade, a center of cultural and educational institutions, led to the formation of new realities: a special urban way of life, the mentality of the population; as well as a special festive culture, the manifestations of which often conflicted with traditional rural festivity.

The city as a collection of heterogeneous elements (different social groups, nationalities, forms of activity) over time forms a palette of city holidays that gradually develop into a special system that makes up holiday calendar cities. The existing holiday calendar becomes a kind of people's memory and the festive chronicle of the city. What does it have to do with important role play local thematic or “specific” holidays based on historical events specifically of this city and reflecting its specificity.

Relevance of the topic due, firstly, to the fact that in conditions of erosion of traditions, it is very important to maintain a sense of national identity among the population, an understanding of belonging to a small Motherland. Secondly, the need to consolidate, on the basis of common holiday traditions, a socially and nationally heterogeneous urban population.

Thirdly, because holiday culture tends to develop, people’s perceptions of the holiday are changing, interest in theatrical performances and the importance of being a participant in the mass action are increasing.

Problem is that in last years, especially among young people, interest in the diverse forms and genres of festive activities has noticeably intensified. Return to folk art- an objective and natural process that is more important than ever today due to its unifying and accumulating power, capable of ensuring the preservation of the people as a nation. By the beginning of the 21st century, festive culture had become stratified and sharply differentiated. There has been a clear change in value orientations. The modern holiday calendar is quite chaotic. It is difficult to notice a coherent system in it, and most importantly, trends leading to the streamlining of public leisure in various systems holidays that bring rhythm to social space significant events. The destruction of the system of holiday traditions leads to a state of futility, a break in continuity and a weakening cultural connection generations, the destruction of the unity of social cultural space, unclear status of religious and holiday culture, lack of coordination of new public holidays, an increase in the number of various kinds of local “introduced” holidays.

Object studying is the festive culture of modern society.

Item- study of the features of the “City Day” holiday as a modern holiday complex

Goal of the work- by considering the history of the celebration of “City Day”, characterize the current level of festive culture in Samara

In connection with the consideration of this topic, a number of tasks are identified:

1. Expand the content of the concept of “holiday”, showing its functions and structure.

2. Characterize the features of city holidays, highlighting the features that distinguish them from traditional holiday culture.

3. Analyze the formation of local thematic holidays using the example of the city day, showing their significance.

4. Using the example of the history of the celebration of the city day in Samara, show the formation of the event basis of city holidays.

5. Consider the development of festive traditions of the city day. Analysis

6. Practical analysis of the components of the festive complex using the example of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Samara

Chapter 1. Holiday as a cultural phenomenon. general characteristics

1. 1 Emotional and psychological content of the holiday phenomenon

The term “holiday” and its equivalents in other languages ​​belongs to the vocabulary of everyday speech and is often used. As an example, we can refer to the fact that the French equivalent of this term, the word “fete,” belongs to the thousand most frequently used French words; the same frequency of use is the word “fiesta,” denoting a holiday on Spanish. Modern Polish dictionary defines a holiday (“swieto”) as “a day, usually free from work, solemnly celebrated for religious or state reasons.” The Linde Dictionary explains a holiday as “a day that is solemnly celebrated, celebrated, especially in memory of a saint.”

In Russian, the term “holiday” comes from the adjective “idle”, meaning “not busy”, “idle time” - a period when you do not need to work, when you can be idle (if we are talking about time). In the new edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the meaning of the word “holiday” is revealed in the article - “holidays” in the following way: “Days dedicated to outstanding events or traditional dates (2. P. 324).

So, there are a number of definitions of the concept “holiday”. Therefore, let us dwell on a generalized characteristic that implies two approaches to defining the holiday phenomenon:

1. The holiday is viewed from sacred (mystical) positions as special time, during which the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead, between historical time and “this”, mythical time are violated.

2. A holiday is considered as a time period that highlights and marks the most significant events in the life of the state, people, social group (3. P. 31).

Thus, two main approaches to defining the term “holiday” have been identified; of course, there are many more, but for us the above are of greatest importance. In our work, we will make a reservation, we will use the working definition of a “holiday” - an event established in a temporary space, with public functions and a regulated structure. When we use the term “holiday” in our work, we are based on the second, secular or etiquette meaning of this concept.

Even brief analysis the origin and meaning of the term “holiday” in several languages ​​that occupy a prominent place in the history of European culture, reveals elements in it that are important for the researcher. The holiday is semantically connected with free time, with a certain ritual, time of idleness, dance, reception, fun and feasting. It is associated with religious cult and with important dates in the history of the people and the state, with labor law and the organization of production, with traditions social movements, with their aspirations, slogans, celebrations and demonstrations on certain days.

According to Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov (ROC MP): “A secular holiday is the day of remembrance of a saint, celebrated on state level" Due to the many reforms that the Soviet government carried out over the years of its existence, including because of the language reform, the meaning of the word “secular” was distorted in our minds. The holiday as such required different things at different times, but several parameters remain common: respect for the holiday itself (“the holiday is holy - all business is asleep” - you couldn’t work on holidays), transformation of everything around - unusual outfits of the streets and residents were required; respect for each other - the holiday was a peaceful moment, especially a secular one: on holidays they often granted mercy, granted amnesties to criminals, and so on (4. P. 69)..

The holiday allows people to better understand the meaning of life, so we are not talking about the values ​​of the holiday - they are always secondary, transitory - but about the values ​​that permeate all life, which in usual time by necessity, as if hidden from most people and which at a special time, during the holiday, always appear, are confirmed and updated. All past experience of history human culture confirms that the need for a holiday in the life of society is universal and constant, despite all the variability of forms of celebration. In order to penetrate into the essence of spectacular art, it is necessary not only to analyze them as a phenomenon of today's reality, but also to know the stages of formation and development various types spectacles (3. p. 88).

City Day is a holiday of cities (Russia and the former USSR), usually dedicated to weekends (Sundays).

1.2 Components of the holiday complex

The study of holiday traditions has shown that the holiday as a complex phenomenon has a certain composition, or complex, the identification of which reveals the nature and degree of existence of the holiday. The composition of a holiday, or holiday complex, refers to the various components presented in it that carry a certain semantic meaning and function at the level of everyday life. An examination of the festive complex ultimately reveals the degree of its traditionalism.

Isolating the components of a holiday does not mean its mechanical division. All its parts are closely connected and interpenetrated. The composition of a particular holiday, its festive complex, can be more or less complete, which is primarily due to the peculiarities of its formation. In general, the totality of components that make up the holiday complex characterizes the holiday as a cultural and everyday phenomenon.

IN different holidays existing today, we consider it possible, following E.A. Keller identifies three main components: solemn-official and mass-entertainment, related to public life, and domestic-everyday, inherent in the home sphere (5. P. 60-61).

In modern public holidays, which are dedicated to this chapter, the solemn component directly expresses the ideological foundations of the holiday and serves to strengthen them. Its arena is always public places(palaces of culture, clubs, theaters, parks, stadiums, etc.). The forms of manifestation are specific and well-established. Soviet holidays, for example, are characterized by meetings, rallies, and demonstrations. By their origin they are associated with the international labor movement and mean a certain level formation of revolutionary festivals.

The forms of mass entertainment component are very diverse and have different origins. This festive part is perhaps the most mobile, as it is subject to a constant, both spontaneous and purposeful search for forms, which is caused by the desire to make holiday leisure the most interesting and in keeping with the spirit of the times. (6. P. 82).

The domestic part of the holiday, unlike the first two, takes place in the sphere of family life, and its arena is the home and family, respectively. The forms of this component of the holiday, compared to others, took shape over a long period of time. They are stable and to the greatest extent have ethnic specificity, which is manifested in such elements of material and spiritual culture as festive food, feasting, visiting, etc. Despite a certain conservatism of the domestic component, it is also subject to change (6. P. 83) .

Public holidays form a separate specific sphere of festive life. Its features are associated, first of all, with the nature of public holidays as an ideological phenomenon. The ideological orientation underlying this group of holidays is at the same time the driving force behind their development.

Ritual and game elements of old calendar holidays appear in a traditional or transformed form in new seasonal holidays, specially created and constructed mainly by professional specialists on a traditional basis. The connection with the archaic and later holiday traditions and the forms of connection are very different. This is largely explained by the peculiarities of the formation of such modern celebrations aimed at preserving the national flavor.

One of the components of the cultural space is the festive space. Festive space as a phenomenon of festive culture is of particular interest to us. This is a multifactorial and multidimensional system, a specific phenomenon of festive culture, which determines a special form of social behavior. Festive space is a transformed space, it is determined by the meaning of the holiday and is recognizable by participants in festive actions (3. P. 87). Characteristic Features festive space can be called a clear time frame. It is temporary in relation to everyday, everyday space; its artificiality is fraught with playfulness, decorativeness, and sometimes even feigned aesthetics.

Festive space is a multifactorial and multidimensional system, a specific phenomenon of festive urban culture, which determines a special form of social behavior. The archetype of a festive space is associated with certain constants that transform it and endow it with a festive meaning. These constants are: compositional center, language, tempo-rhythm, color, sound, type of movement.

The characteristic features of the festive space are the time frames designed for holiday time. This space is temporary in relation to everyday, everyday space; it is distinguished by artificiality in relation to everyday space, it is “composed”, created, stylized, specially decorated, dressed up, striving for “beauty”.

The festive space is endowed with a certain meaning, decorativeness and aesthetic function. The entire palette of the festive space (holiday decorations, special temporary buildings, symbolic attributes, etc.) “works” for the festive atmosphere and corresponds to the type of holiday. Each type of holiday has its own special rules, its own structure, aesthetics associated with space. In a technological sense, the functionality of the festive space is determined by the location of the action, determines role functions participants of the holiday, depends on style features everyday space (5. P. 39). Games and play practice are associated with the phenomenon of holidays.

As for holidays in the secular sense, which is inherent modern cultures, then they are characterized not only by solemnity, a special emotional upsurge, but also by the fact that this is a time of active leisure, entertainment, and fun. The ritual component is kept to a minimum and is subordinated to mass entertainment events, festivities and games (11. p. 49).

And, in conclusion, if we consider festive culture as a set of “...communications unfolding in festive space and time,” then, according to the Polish researcher K. Zhigulsky, we can distinguish following components(12. P. 112).

1. Spatio-temporal, including festive space and time.

2. Structural and content component, including decorations, actions (animation events), costumes of participants, festive meals, and a gift system.

3. Ideological component: the holiday should be based on a certain ideologeme, event. It must be connected with real (even if distorted in the minds of descendants) or sacred events of religious and mythological origin. In this case, the event itself should be perceived as a significant and positive symbol (12. P. 112).

A similar, albeit more detailed, description of festive events is offered by culturologist I.I. Shangina (13. P. 111), identifying the following components: a) festive time, b) festive space, c) subjective-personal (participants in the action), d) ritual, e) ideological

1.3 Drama and directing of public holidays

A mass holiday is an unusual phenomenon, synthesizing reality and art, artistically designing one or another real life event.

Mass holidays can be attributed to dual phenomena that preserve the original syncretism of artistic and utilitarian principles. At the same time, obviously, one cannot underestimate the fact that a holiday is a complex phenomenon and some of its components, for example, a mass theatrical performance, represent independent artistic values.

The art of a mass celebration, performance, spectacle is the art of high ideas, purposefulness and civic pathos, which at the same time requires vivid imagery, associativity, an original, bold creative concept, which is the first guarantee of success and interest of the viewer.

Means of ideological and emotional impact of a mass holiday:

A living word that creates images that can directly embody and convey the actions, feelings, moods, and experiences of people. It is the living word that creates an atmosphere of communication between the stage and any audience. The poetic word is also an effective tool for the screenwriter and director.

Musical dramaturgy of the script, which is based on the synthesis of ready-made musical works belonging to different composers.

Feature and documentary films. It is used especially successfully in the prologue; it helps, as it were, to transport the participants to the era of certain historical events.

Choreography and sports. The synthesis of sports, choreography and pantomime is an extremely strong and vibrant means of expression in the palette of the screenwriter and director of the mass festival.

Visual media, the role of visual solutions, sound and light, acting as one of essential components theatrical action.

Chapter 2. Analysis and forecasting of holiday calendar development trends

1.3 Features of holding holidays in a modern city

Thus, a traditional folk holiday is semantically connected with free time, a time of idleness, rest, and with joy, fun, with a certain ritual, dance, reception, feasting, consumption, waste. It is appropriate to note that holiday traditions, their composition, ideological orientation, nature of existence, methods of implementation generally reflect the level of development of the material and spiritual culture of the people and at the same time contain rich and varied historical experience accumulated over many centuries of their existence.

A holiday is a prerequisite social existence, exists in all societies since ancient times, “celebration (of all kinds) is an important primary form of human culture.”

City Day is the most widespread holiday in terms of scale, the largest in scope of preparation, because it affects all residents of every city. On this day, festive events are held - speeches by city leaders, parades, processions, fairs, holiday concerts. City Day usually ends with fireworks. As a rule, the celebration begins on the Saturday preceding Sunday (that is, two days: Saturday and Sunday).

The city, as a collection of heterogeneous elements, entailed a diverse palette of city holidays, which gradually took shape into a special system that makes up the city’s holiday calendar. It became a kind of folk memory, a festive chronicle of the city. The city's holiday calendar is based on the traditional calendar, which is based on folk and religious holidays. The traditional holiday calendar is the result of a long cultural process, its structure and form are constantly evolving and improving.

Crowded festivities and holidays have always been part of city life, but for a long time they completely copied the peasant tradition: they were organized on the same calendar dates and in the same forms (mummers at Christmastide, horseback riding and from the icy mountains at Shrovetide, swings at Easter , curling wreaths and round dances “in nature” for Trinity, etc.). The festivities themselves were popularly called “under the mountains” or “under the swings.”

Urban culture (meaning big cities) turned a folk holiday into a folk festival, in which the meaning of the main elements changed: instead of a ritual - a game, instead of a local tradition - a mass averaged culture, and the folklore interpretation of the holiday is replaced by the need for general fun, festive unity and switching from everyday life to holidays. Therefore, folk festivities are close to square fair festivities - the product of the city (16. P. 97). Celebrations in their essence cannot provide a single festive group with the same traditions and attitudes, which is present in a classic folk holiday.

National holiday does not involve outside observers, spectators, here each participant is the creator of the holiday, knowledgeable and actively implementing folk traditions. The party naturally includes outside observers and people who are new to such an atmosphere. The festivities seem to draw all these people in, absorb them and do not emphasize their foreignness (16. P. 98). The folk holiday is not directed; tradition acts as the director. In the festivities there are certain ways entertainment, so its mandatory elements are attractions, displays of all sorts of outlandish things and other spectacles.

The party requires a scriptwriter and a director, that is, special people who provide the action. At the rural festival, as in the city, there were people who, for example, built ice mountains, but they were obligatory participants in the holiday; There were no people in the village who financed the holiday or specifically gave money (treasury, merchants, etc.). To set up booths and fairground buildings in the city, there were special artels of carpenters, painters, etc., special professional entertainers worked, professional police officers monitored the observance of order, individuals provided drinking and food establishments and much more (16. P. 99).

The above constitutes the specifics of organizing and holding festive events in modern cities. The places and times of festive events are regulated by regulatory documents, and the preparation and conduct of the events themselves is carried out by professionally trained specialists.

Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted that within the framework of the traditional folk (ethnic) culture of any nation, traditions of leisure and holidays have developed. Reflecting the specifics of the historical development of a particular people, they formed complex systems that included customs and rituals, games and competitions, fortune telling, different shapes folklore, etc. Most often, when speaking about the traditional origins of animation, it should be recognized that we are talking about the realities of spiritual culture. All types of animation activities, about which we'll talk below are associated with traditional culture, the realities of which are used in modern practice organization of leisure.

2.2 History of the celebration of City Day in Samara

The first mention of Samara dates back to 1367, this is a fact. Even then, the city of Samar was marked on Italian maps on the site of modern Samara, by the way, with the mark “a particularly violent place”... And the fact that Samara celebrates City Day in May is largely an accident. This was the initiative of several officials of the Kuibyshev City Executive Committee, who in 1986 decided that the proletarian month of May was suitable for them to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the city. Historians know that before the revolution, City Day in Samara was celebrated on August 29, that is, September 11 in the new style. This was the case from 1886 to 1917

By decree of Fyodor Ivanovich in 1584, it was decided to found the Samara fortress (renamed a city in 1689). tercentenary of the Decree of Fyodor Ioannovich (a direct relative of the Romanov dynasty), falling in 1886. At the same time, however, two centuries of Samara’s pre-Romanov history were left out of the equation - but how could there be history in the Wild Field, which had not yet become part of Russia? Alabin’s undoubted merit was that before him no one had even thought about how old Samara was - 200, 300, 400, 500, not to mention having its own city historical calendar and celebrate its dates. Alabin carried out a colossal propaganda campaign on the occasion of the discovered anniversary, contributing to the growth of interest in the past of Samara.

He also achieved political goals - the attention of Emperor Alexander III, who graciously issued a special permission to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city in 1886.

Choking in loyal feelings, the Samara City Duma, headed by Alabin, went further, and in order to surely connect the history of the city with ruling dynasty decided “to establish for this celebration a day that for some reason would be especially memorable and dear to the city of Samara,” namely August 29, the day of Alexander II’s visit to the city, who founded the Cathedral, and the name day of Alexander III himself. For which they also received royal permission. Celebrations on the occasion of the suddenly discovered anniversary were a success, becoming one of the most notable events in the pre-revolutionary history of the city: there were eminent delegations, fireworks and a telegram to His Imperial Majesty, and His response Imperial Majesty, and answer to answer, and answer to answer to answer (“Thanks”), etc. - and at the head of all this, all in a white uniform, is the actual state councilor P.V. Alabin.

But having created this system historical coordinates, Alabin not only presented his contemporaries with the celebration of the 300th anniversary (and we are the 400th anniversary) of the city, having done all those wonderful things that are mentioned above, but also “closed” the topic of Samara of the 14th-15th centuries for a long time, shortening the history of the city at least for two centuries. Until 1986, City Day was celebrated in the fall, and after 1986, with the 400th anniversary of Samara, this holiday began to be celebrated in May.

In 1986, the city of Kuibyshev turned 400 years old. This date is also significant because for the first time this year, residents of Kuibyshev celebrated City Day. Colleagues from the organizational department came to Zolotarev and offered to organize a holiday. The first secretary of the city committee supported the initiative. The celebration took place. A performance on the water dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city was staged on the Volga. Many still remember this grandiose holiday. The entire Volzhsky Prospekt was packed with people, even

there was no room on the roofs of the houses. For the first time, fireworks were held on the Volga. In the same year, the Grushinsky Festival experienced a rebirth. The week of original song on the banks of the Volga was an invaluable gift to the Kuibyshev residents for the anniversary of their hometown.

But we will analyze the last 3 years of city day celebrations.

City Day is a holiday of cities in Russia and the CIS countries. City Day is usually held on weekends. If the city day falls on a weekday, it is often celebrated on the following weekend. City Day is the largest celebration of any city. Many cities hold their City Days on state or national days. professional holidays. For others, this day coincides with the date of liberation from the Nazi invaders during the Second World War. Finally, for some cities, the city day is the day of its foundation or the day it received city status.

In Samara, City Day takes place on the last Sunday of May. Various events are held to mark this event. These could be speeches by city authorities, holiday parades and processions. Most often, the opening of new monuments, the completion of repairs of old ones or the construction of new objects is timed to coincide with the city day. On this day, fairs and festive concerts are held with the participation of pop stars. On the evening of the city day, volleys of festive fireworks sound.

In 2009, the city of Samara turned 423 years old. The traditional holiday dedicated to the birthday was celebrated by the townspeople at the very end of May - on the 30th. This year, the Samara administration prepared a special program, the culmination of which was a laser show of an unprecedented scale. City festivities began on Krasnoarmeysky Descent with a costume ball called “Russia Begins with Pushkin and Gogol.” All interested residents of Samara were taught ancient classical dances - mazurka, polonaise, minuet, krakowiak, children read poems by famous Russian poets and became acquainted with the history of art in Russia and Samara in particular, and adults could try on the image of a city dweller of the past, and even the year before century.

Special attention The program for celebrating the city day in 2009 focused on children. Football celebration, launch balloons, sports competitions with valuable prizes and the opportunity to go on rides for free - the city administration made sure that the little townspeople would remember this day for a long time. Adults were also not left out of attention - concerts of famous Samara artists and invited stars, open summer cafes - everything guaranteed a wonderful festive mood for the whole day. Thoughtful entertainment for youth and adults was divided into 5 platforms, each of which found its audience. The rock concert with the participation of young stars was most popular among young residents of Samara.

However, the main surprise awaited the townspeople in the evening. The laser-fountain-pyrotechnic show was held in Samara for the first time. To ensure that no one missed anything, a large LED screen was installed near each site, broadcasting everything that was happening online.

2010 Concerts will be held at several venues - performances by a brass band, children's groups, representatives of the city's creative intelligentsia, a gala concert will take place in the evening at Ladya, after which fireworks will go off at 23:00.

The “highlight” of the program will be an innovation that has never been held in Samara before - a retrospective will appear in the morning program of the holiday. “Since this is a purely city holiday, we must show the townspeople what the city has at its heart. Therefore, columns of workers will pass through Kuibyshev Square - representatives of all nine districts of the city and representatives of large municipal enterprises - such as the Samara Metro, Samaravodokanal. 5 thematic platforms will be organized on Krasnoarmeysky Spusk: “Samara children are the best in the world”, “Samara is strong through the friendship of peoples”, “Sports love to be strong”, “Create, invent, try”, and also for the first time the “Cheerful Kids” site will open for preschoolers and their parents.

Traditionally, a youth audience will gather in front of the pool of the CSK VVS. This year the site will have a sports focus: streetball tournaments will be held here.

On Mayakovsky Spusk from 11:00 to 15:00 there will be a concert program with a performance by the municipal children's theater "Zadumka", and from 12:00 to 19:00 there will be a promotion“Swap a cigarette for candy”, as well as an arm wrestling competition.

From 11:00 to 21:00, creative groups from municipal cultural centers will perform on Chkalovsky Spusk. Here, for the first time, youth audiences can take part in the “Dance for Life” campaign aimed at preventing AIDS, as well as learn modern dance. At 18:00 a brass band and a ballroom dance ensemble will perform for the guests of the celebration. A children's party will be held at the site near the Otdykh cafe.

This year, on the 4th stage of the embankment (Ladya), a program of the best creative teams cities. The festive event will end with fireworks at 22:30.

Holiday program 2011

On May 29, Samara celebrates her birthday. About what, where and when you can see. This year the holiday will be opened by a solemn procession, with the participation of representatives of the city and district administrations, as well as municipal enterprises. More than 12 thousand people will march in columns from the CSK VVS Sports Palace along the street. Molodogvardeyskaya to Kuibyshev Square. The spectacle will be reminiscent of the May Day demonstration. Demonstrators will form into columns from 10.30 and will be on the square at 12.00. For those who cannot take part in the procession, the GIS TV channel will broadcast the event live.

From 11.00 to 14.00 in the Strukovsky Garden on the seventeenth times will pass traditional journalistic Festival "Press-2010", organized by Samara regional organization The Union of Journalists of Russia together with the Administration of the Samara City District.

From 11.00 the sites on Mayakovsky and Chkalovsky descents will begin work. The Zadumka municipal theater group will perform on Mayakovsky Spusk, and a children's entertainment area will begin operating on Chkalovsky.

From 12.00 the entire embankment will be open. A very rich program awaits Samarans. 5 thematic platforms will be organized on Krasnoarmeysky Spusk.
One of them is the concert and creative platform “Samara’s children are the best in the world.” Residents will be presented with a gala concert with the participation of laureates of city competitions dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory. Performances by creative groups of children and teachers will alternate with classes at the ballroom dance school. Everyone who comes to the holiday will be able to learn how to dance the polonaise, krakowiak and other dances.

On the same site there will be an exhibition of children's and teachers' arts and crafts, fine art and photography, “I Love You, My Samara.”

18 young artists will paint pictures in the open air dedicated to the feat of their fellow countrymen in the Great Patriotic War.

A competition among nature experts will also be held here. native land environmental issues.

The “Friendship of the Peoples of Samara is Strong” venue, which will host performances by national groups of the city, students and teachers of national cultural centers and national Sunday schools of the city. The “Sloboda of Crafts Workshops” will also operate here.

"Sports, love, be strong" platform. The family sports and games relay race “Dad, Mom and I – a Glorious Samara Family” will take place here, as well as a children’s city chess tournament. Viewers will also be able to watch demonstration performances of the Youth Sports School - in aerobics, sports dancing, hand-to-hand combat, sports acrobatics, as well as the winners of city breakdancing competitions will demonstrate their skills.

Children's playground technical creativity“Create, invent, try.” There, young modelers will show their radio-controlled and track cars and, for the first time, throwing gliders.

This year, the “Jolly Kids” Playground for preschoolers and their parents will open for the first time. Here the kids will demonstrate their talents at the Gala concert of Samara kindergarten students.

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In 2019, Moscow celebrates its 872nd birthday. Not worth it once again to say that Moscow is a city with a rich and interesting history, dating back to 1147 - this date is considered the official date of the founding of Moscow.

History of the founding of the city of Moscow

IN Ipatiev Chronicle it is described how Yuri Dolgoruky met in Moscow with Prince Svyatoslav of Novgorod-Seversky. Of course, Moscow of the 12th century was not at all similar, even to Moscow of the 18th, and even less so of the 20th centuries. Now it’s hard to believe, but in those distant times the capital was nothing more than the far outskirts of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

In troubled times Tatar-Mongol invasion, it was in Moscow that the first detachments were formed to fight the yoke, after the capital was plundered by eastern barbarians in 1238. Having defeated the horde, Moscow turned into an independent principality, and later became the main city of Muscovite Rus'.

The richest princes chose Moscow as their residence. She remained in high regard even after the capital of Russia was moved to St. Petersburg. An interesting fact is that the coronations of emperors, at that time, took place in Moscow, and not in the official capital of the state.

History of the development and formation of Moscow

The city's significant growth occurred during beginning of the XIV century, when the first Kremlin was built. After another 200 years, the city of Moscow expands to the current Kitai-Gorod district, Yamskaya and Meshchanskaya streets (current Mira Avenue), as well as Nemetskaya Sloboda, in the Baumanskaya metro area. In the middle of the 18th century, Moscow University opened.

One of the most famous and at the same time sad facts in the biography of Moscow is the surrender of the city to Napoleon’s army and partial burning during the retreat. But even despite such a sacrifice, the war against the French was won and in honor great victory The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built in Moscow.

As is known, in Soviet time the temple was blown up and in its place they built the largest outdoor, artificial pool in the world. In 1997, in the year of celebrating the 850th anniversary of the capital, the temple was restored and is still located in its historical place.

History of the city of Moscow from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day

The October Revolution finally secured Moscow as the main city of Russia, and five years later of the entire Soviet Union. Despite hunger and civil war Moscow gradually developed and in 1935 the first metro line was launched in the capital, connecting Sokolniki and Krasnoselskaya.

During the Great Patriotic War It was near Moscow that, according to numerous military experts, one of the main battles took place, which significantly determined further progress events. In that confrontation fascist troops were broken. And in 1945, the main victory parade was held in Moscow, when the winning army, under the command of Marshal Rokossovsky, marched in triumph along Red Square. Interestingly, the next victory parade took place in Moscow only in 1965, and since then it has become an annual tradition.

In the recent past, another thing happened in Moscow historical event which subsequently led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. From August 19 to 21, 1991, it was on the streets of Moscow that a putsch took place, which led to the emergence of a separate state - the Russian Federation.

In 1995, near Arc de Triomphe In the area of ​​Kutuzovsky Prospekt, a memorial was opened - Poklonnaya Gora, and later the deepest station of the Moscow metro, Victory Park.

Red Square and other attractions of Moscow

Let's return to Red Square again and look at the main attraction of the capital - the Moscow Kremlin. Here you can also see the Spasskaya Tower with the famous clock, Lenin's Mausoleum, St. Basil's Cathedral, Intercession Cathedral and many other famous architectural structures.

The capital has an excellent cultural life - there are numerous art galleries, theaters and museums.
There are constant disputes regarding the origin of the city's name, but the majority is inclined to believe that "Moscow" with Old Russian language means viscous.

Moscow is the most populous city not only in Russia, but also in Europe. According to official data for 2016 alone, 12.33 million people live here. (Link to Rosstat)
The very first, official day of the city of Moscow was celebrated in the year of its 850th anniversary, and this was done not in the spring, as described in the chronicle, but in early September. Since then, the tradition has not been broken.

Moscow City Day: date, date when celebrated in 2019

According to tradition, the birthday of the city of Moscow is celebrated on the second Saturday of September. In 2019, this date falls on September 7. Happy Moscow Day, residents and guests of the city!

City Day is a time when everyone has the opportunity to confess their love to their native or newlywed metropolis, and once again look around in surprise and realize - I live in one of the most beautiful places planets! In 2017, the Russian capital will celebrate 870th anniversary. For the first time, City Day in Moscow was celebrated in the winter of 1847 - by order of Nicholas I, folk festivities and gift distribution took place. At Soviet power The celebration was moved to autumn, and in our time, Moscow’s birthday has finally turned into a citywide holiday with concerts, fairs, folk festivals and a final fireworks display.


What date is City Day in Moscow?

Traditionally, this holiday does not have a specific date - it is celebrated on the first or second Saturday of September. In 2017, Moscow City Day is officially set for 9th of September. But, as in previous years, the holiday festivities will last the whole week, and the organizers will leave the most interesting things for September 9 and 10. Every year this holiday becomes larger and larger, and the program of events becomes more extensive. Among the many concerts, fairs, exhibitions, competitions, parades and theatrical performances, everyone will find entertainment to suit their taste.

Where to go, what to see on City Day?

In the anniversary year 2017, the capital’s authorities promise an unprecedented scale of celebrations. Folk festivities will cover not only the center of Moscow - festive events will take place in all major parks of the capital. Everyone will have a great time at the bottom of the city in Moscow.


Celebrating City Day in city parks


Festival "Theater March". The largest open-air theatrical art festival in Russia.


General musical start of the City Day
The Moscow anthem will be played at all city venues, which will serve as a symbolic start to the City Day celebrations.

City concert venues



Festive fireworks
The final chord of the holiday is a one-time salvo of festive fireworks in all districts of Moscow.


Festival of theatrical art and creativity "Bright People"
The best world-famous theaters will stage a real theater marathon in Gorky Park.

Events dedicated to Moscow City Day in 2017



August 26 – September 3, 2017

International military music festival "Spasskaya Tower"
To know full program, list of participants and tickets can be purchased at the festival.

September 09 – September 10, 2017

Free museum admission
Exhibition halls and galleries under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Department of Culture can be visited absolutely free of charge. Detailed list.

Where to watch fireworks on Moscow Day

Moscow City Day in 2017 promises to be diverse - the program of entertainment events is very rich. But no matter how interesting and exciting the holiday events are, many still look forward to the fireworks that usually end the celebrations.

AT 22.00 will thunder throughout the capital holiday fireworks and fireworks. “Peonies”, “chrysanthemums”, “snakes”, “hearts”, flickering figures and other colorful designs will be launched into the sky. A total of 13,260 salvos will be fired over the city. Fireworks will be launched on Vorobyovy Gory, on Poklonnaya Hill, on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, in Izmailovo and Kuzminki parks, at the Kursky station, in South Butovo, Solntsevo, Nagatino, Otradnoye, Mitino, in Zelenograd and in Troitsk.

The festive extravaganza will last 10-15 minutes. Where to observe it depends on many factors. If you have not yet decided on this issue, when choosing a place from where you will admire the fantastic sky, keep in mind that the most stunning views of the festive fireworks open from Red Square, Sparrow Hills, the Moscow City observation deck and on the bridges across Moscow. river

Where to stay in Moscow during the holidays?

If you are planning for the holidays, then you should take care of booking a place to stay in advance, since cheap and advantageous rooms in mini-hotels quickly run out. We recommend that you do not delay choosing a hotel and use the services of Booking.com, which offers booking services. You can select a hotel using a variety of filters: star rating, type (hotel, apartment, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, location, ratings of people who visited the hotel, Wi-Fi availability and much more.